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Free PlayStation Games

2022.10.10 18:45 freepsncodes5 Free PlayStation Games

PlayStation generosity is characterized by freely giving away PlayStation games. The sole aim of this PlayStation gaming community is to help needy gamers with PSN games, gift cards, PS5 accessories, etc in case they are running short of funds. Any news or views pertaining to PlayStation games are most welcome too. Let's help and get helped.

2020.01.23 08:08 ooglar VALORANT

VALORANT™ is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter by Riot Games.

2021.08.10 13:10 A_Lidless_Eye MultiVersus

Welcome to the Official MultiVersus Subreddit for the free-to-play crossover fighting game developed by Player First Games and published by Warner Bros. Games for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam, Epic Games, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. The game features characters from Warner Bros. Entertainment franchises.

2024.06.10 10:56 Inevitable_Pop4005 I need help playing USA, Sweden, Germany and Spain.

I know how to properly play this game so I don't need any too basic instructions but I've never got too much into those three factions. I also know I could wipe floor with most players even with these civilizations but I need professional advice.
I'd gladly thank you if someone could provide me how they play or know someone other plays those.
I mean treaty and normal deck. Build order as accurately you have motivation to write. Best units and best age up chooses for proper strategies.
I don't rush. I will not because it's boring af. Fastest i do is ff. I know I could rush with Germany but does it have other good strategies.
If you know what's the best micro with these factions tell me.
Also if you know a good guide I'd gladly use a link to access it.
I don't need you to write an essay about all of those. If you know even how to play well one of those I'm very glad to hear that.
Thank you.
submitted by Inevitable_Pop4005 to aoe3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:54 Impossible_Choice604 A month sober, but I'm feeling restless. Like time is too slow or I'm not doing enough with it?

I'm absolutely over the moon that I'm sober for a month. It's not my first attempt, but it's been the easiest because I had some epiphanies.
When I first stopped drinking this time it felt so different and good. I just remember finishing work and being like, well okay... I guess I'll play some games or watch something on netflix or something. It was slow, but I appreciated that because it was new. But now I'm getting really restless and I feel like I should be doing way more with my time, and even if I do something like read, exercise or anything productive, I still feel restless and all muddied in my brain and body. I'm wondering if this is normal and I just getting used to an actual slower, less self destructive lifestyle? What's your experience or have any tips?
TLDR - I feel so on edge about direction in life and everyday routines after now being sober for a month. I'm restless with the slower feeling of life.
submitted by Impossible_Choice604 to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:54 freyababy C4C need NEW 🌾

Looking for: NEW Farmland (will trade 2 existing or 1 new)
I have one NEW FISHLAND to trade.
THAT’S IT. I will update this list as I make trades.
If you are interested, respond below with what game you need in return. If I still have what you need, I will send my code. If your click goes through, I will click back on your game. I ALWAYS CLICK BACK. Check my history.
Spam posts will just be downvoted and ignored.
submitted by freyababy to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 ChunLiFunnily 26 [F4M] just giving this a shot I suppose

Well I’m at my limit with loneliness so might as well try this. I’m a 26 year old woman from the Philippines, im half Filipino half Chinese. I am trans, figure I should be transparent (no pun intended)
Interests and hobbies: going to the beach, I go a ton, I love to swim and just enjoy the sand and sun. Gaming is another interest of mine, so if you game maybe we could play something together some time. I like to sing and play the ukulele as well. And I enjoy fashion and photography (I’m a model so I kinda have to) I love Pokémon
I do have trust issues, it’s why I’ve been single for over 2 years. But I crave a romantic connection, so might as well throw something out into the universe. As far as preferences go I’d prefer you be loyal, kind, funny, and protective but not overly jealous. As for appearances, I tend to prefer guys from America or Europe who are tall and fit however it’s not a make or break kinda thing. People of all nationalities, ethnicity, shapes, and sizes are welcome :)
submitted by ChunLiFunnily to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 freyababy C4C need NEW 🌾

Looking for: NEW Farmland (will trade 2 existing or 1 new)
I have one NEW FISHLAND to trade.
THAT’S IT. I will update this list as I make trades.
If you are interested, respond below with what game you need in return. If I still have what you need, I will send my code. If your click goes through, I will click back on your game. I ALWAYS CLICK BACK. Check my history.
Spam posts will just be downvoted and ignored.
submitted by freyababy to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 zahrul3 What if killing the Ender Dragon ended your world?

Figured that Minecraft after you kill the ender dragon (in Modern Minecraft) at least, is pretty unchallenging;
  1. you have an XP farm (Enderman farm) that is not only safe, but you can get boatloads of XP in a short amount of time
  2. the Elytra. I am not going to elaborate on this!
  3. Shulker boxes, which let you make massive builds very fast
  4. End city loot will give you enough diamond stuff from day 100 to day 500
  5. you instantly get to level 60, you can use that to enchant 20 pieces of stuff and be pretty immortal
I just started playing minecraft again (last time it was 1.5.2 at school!) and back then the Ender Dragon fight not only ended my save but also made me stop playing Minecraft (back then) as back then there was nothing left to do after that (besides grinding wither skeletons, lighting up every cave a la u/MasterCaver or build huge bases)
Nowadays, it seems that the Ender Dragon fight itself is the "early game" that lets you do middle-end game stuff like endermen and shulker farms, blaze and wither skeleton farms. Would be quite a challenge if you could achieve middle-end game objectives without the benefit of an ender dragon fight! Like, genuinely beating a raid without the help of an elytra or raid farms, you are forced to build less efficient, smaller (and more dangerous) farms, etc.
I think most complaints about "modern minecraft" stem from this idea. Been playing like this in 1.16.5 and feels great, challenging and way more fun than just flying an elytra between farms
submitted by zahrul3 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 IruminatiTV Foot pain for months..

Hi, there,
I started hockey last year with med-quality skates (Baeur Supreme elite) and my feet really hurt for a long time. I play hockey very often (between 3 and 6 times a week), and even though I didn't hurt as much as before, I still had pain at every games.
Last week i had enough and i decided to change skates, thinking that the problem was with the skates, which must be too big or not wide enough. I specifically went to a shop that has a Bauer Fit Lab so that I could be sure that my next skates would be perfect.
The results are quite deceptive: my skates ALREADY fit perfectly (size 8 EE). I still decided to change skates, to take a range above because there were promotions.
So I now have a pair of Vapor X4, with Superfeet soles.
AND IT'S STILL HURT and i dont know what to do anymore
The pain isn't dazzling but rather annoying (like a discomfort). It's located on the underside of the foot at arch level, but a little outwards. Even if i have pain in both of my feets, i feel like it's more intense on my left one. Since the pain doesn't seem to be coming from the skate, there's still the option of lacing.
And here I've had lots of different opinions:
So I did a few tests -
I tested tightening the skates quite a bit = it hurts I tested loosening the skates = it hurts less but I can't skate properly anymore. I tested tightening them hard at the top, lightly at the bottom = it hurts.
All that's left to test tightening the skates really hard, but I can't see how that would work.
If someone already have a similar experience and fixed it, or if you have any ideas how to fix my problem please tell me because i love hockey and this issue is currently ruining my game experience :(
Thanks guys ;)
submitted by IruminatiTV to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 MKBurfield Overwatchs' mmr system for new players is actually good

This may be somewhat of a hot take, but the game assumes this isnt your first fps game so it places you into the average ranked mmr off rip.
Yeah, you will likely lose quite a few games because of the knowledge disadvantage, but with how accessible knowledge is nowadays, you should be able to catch up to the average within 2 months of playing. If you already have experience with fps games, then the only thing you will be lacking is game sense, which will fix itself over time.
submitted by MKBurfield to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 panopticonisreal Australian Players - Where are You?!

If you live in Australia, which Region/Server do you play on?
It certainly doesn’t seem to be Materia/OCE!!
Today, holiday in Sydney, no dice on any queue that wasn’t a 4 man this afternoon.
No alliance raid, no PvP, 5 min queues for regular dungeons as a HEALER.
I hear Tonberry in Japan is the unofficial Australian Server for the Japan servers. What about the USA region?
2 ping to OCE or 140 to Japan or 150 to USA. I love my low ping but FFXIV the single player game is suboptimal.
submitted by panopticonisreal to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 DesTroPowea New player - how do I search for specific games to watch?

So I've been enjoying this amazing game for last couple of days (firstly started playing against hardest AI bots, after couple AI games, went to 2v2, won like 5 and started playing 1v1 normals)
Before starting ranked games I'd like to watch some high elo games as Malians (my favorite civ so far)
I know there's a 'observe' thing built in the game, but these featured games (i'd say most of them?) are low elo.
So my question is, how do i search and watch pro level gameplay as malians?
submitted by DesTroPowea to aoe4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 GiannisXr Don't blindly accept vote kicks when 1 is happening

Don't blindly accept vote kicks when 1 is happening
The story: we enter deadmines HC. i am the mage. fresh 85, with enough gear just to be able to queue for HCs, obviously my dps sucks. 2 pulls in the dungeon and we reached the boss. before we pull, i got kicked.
even if i have all the gear of the world, and i am just a terrible player, being bad and doing low dps is not a reason to kick a player, when you see he is actively playing and trying.
some one initiated a vote kick apparently due to my "bad dps" i got kicked. Given that to get votekicked, the majority has to accept, it means at least 3 of them did so ( the initiator and 2 others )
i proceed to /w every single one of them as you can see in the image, to find out why i got kicked. healer and the first rogue ignored me. tank and the other rogue replied back. When i asked them if they accepted the vote kick against me, they both acted friendly and disappointed that i got kicked. Obviously though, 1 of the is bullshitting.
i really dont care about being kicked, nor about the reason of the kicked being something ridiculous. what bothers me and really grinds my gear, are:
  1. the ppl who actually blindly accept the vote kicks and even worse 2) them pretending that they didn't do so.
if u r that kind of person, i want you to know u r a douche, and that u r part with whats wrong with the game's community. thats all. cya.
submitted by GiannisXr to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 Striking-Put-1565 Code for code

Will do any of ur codes after as well just comment the code and username Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below! 265890838 Username: littlefoot Game free gifts
submitted by Striking-Put-1565 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 Skyotomi Why are maps that require lurkers to get first kill all happen to be some of the worst maps in the game? Valorant Devs please take a look into these design flaws.

I'm not saying you can't lurk on any map, but there are specific maps where lurking plays a huge role to getting any activity going in Valorant. Major examples include, Breeze, Sunset, Fracture. However the trend I see this to be the most common is when the maps that are very lurky are also the bigger maps where rotation times take longer between each side (mostly the defenders when attackers are lurking across the map, happening a lot in sunset). The design flaw is so obvious that at this point I don't think calling it a "mechanic" or "strategy" is the right term to use it. If there are any maps that need those fixes or changes I lowkey think it is those types of maps. Adds nothing to the game besides paranoia for a situation that happens only because the map forces this strategy so often more than it should (i.e. Ascent where lurking is viable but it is not always necessary for a round win, compared to Sunset where because map is so defender-sided the attackers are resorted to a spread default with one lurker taking on the anchor who often times is not even the initiator nor the sentinel player).
submitted by Skyotomi to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 Dense_Food_6740 41 M4F #online geek gamer friend

Looking for a geeky gamer female friendship
Hi looking to chat about various topics: TV shows, music, games, food, flim, books, learning, etc. I have tried things like bumble before and didn't like it's gamified attention grabber mechanic, have since deleted my profile. I have noticed an increase of these type of posts in my local sub and it got me thinking it's tough out there meeting people with common interests. I have tried local gaming stores but unfortunately I'm a big guy and that doesn't in my experience transfer well into, " is someone I would like to get to know."
Games I'm currently playing: Tunic, Indika, animal well and a new game I picked up today, nine sols
Multiplayer I'm interested to play: portal 2, team fortress, Minecraft, it takes two, among us, Naruto, sf2, mk11, c&c red alert 2,etc
Rerun shows currently watching: Battlestar galactica The office(US) Naruto Clone wars
Current shows watching: Eric Dark matter The curse
Things I'm currently attempting to learn: Baking(I bought flour, baking soda and eggs but I think the flour has wevels now :(
Coding, arduino, unreal engine, blender, etc.
If you are interested to chat/play, you are most welcome to pm.
Have a lovely day/night and wishing you the best for the week ahead.
submitted by Dense_Food_6740 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 Agreeable-Train-9096 PC upgrade for minecraft

Yo. So I was thinking about upgrading my pc because for some reason I have like 80 fps at best while playing the game. Currently I have: R7 2700 Rtx 2060 (6GB version I think) 16GB ram 2444mhz The main question is what "part" of pc is most important for this game
submitted by Agreeable-Train-9096 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:52 SiGMA_world Our affiliates had a blast on the second leg of the Island Adventure in El Nido. 🇵🇭

Our affiliates had a blast on the second leg of the Island Adventure in El Nido. 🇵🇭 submitted by SiGMA_world to SiGMAAffiliates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:52 dvsxcrow [COD] Help. Falsely Banned!

[COD] Help. Falsely Banned!
So I've had to stew on this for a bit. Wrap my head around this bogus bull$***.
So let's start with general information. I am US Military, Stationed in Japan and Call Of Duty has been my daily grinding game for the past couple years after work. I've sunken in several $100s of dollars like most of you in support of this game. It replaced Siege as despite getting a 120 average ping every game (I think I was playing with mostly Aussies and NZ dudes recently which was kind of weird). My skill level is meh; good enough to be fair and bad enough to never get about a 5 kill streak consistently. I don't have a VPN on my Main Gaming computer but I do for my Gaming Laptop when I travel (Currently in my storage bag. I am also not stupid to play COD with it turned on).
Flash forward to about June 5, I came home after work to log in and find out I had been marked as temporarily banned. I was like "WTF??" Maybe the policies will help out line what I did. After reading it, I figured it was for a possibly spamming report due to the heavy amount of suspicious activity I had the night before. I thought it would be a 48 hr temp and then done. NOPE! After about 2 days, I still got the temporary banned when I logged in so I tried to appeal the ban. DURING the process, it was revealed to be a permanent ban which threw me into full panic. Hundreds of hours and dollars just got flushed because this was the response I got after the rough 8 hrs of nail-biting. One false claim resulted in ALL my heavy grinding gone. Like How? what unauthorized software? The closest thing to cheats I have on my PC is Vortex Mod manager for my Bethesda games!
Any help looking into this or advice on ways to try to fix this, I'd appreciate it. This just sucks. Just as I am waiting to pre-order BO6, this happens. Thanks, ya'll
submitted by dvsxcrow to CallOfDuty [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:52 Emotional_Bee_1202 FM console vs PC

Hi all.
I’ve never played FM before in my life, and I’m not sure about which game to get. I have game pass so I can download both for free, but is the PC version too ‘difficult’ for a beginner to get into? From what I can see, the console version is less in depth, but also probably more easy to get a hang of and understand. Just wondering what other people’s thoughts/recommendations are. Cheers
submitted by Emotional_Bee_1202 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:52 Cap_America_AC In desperate need of Xbox Party help please!

This may be a little lengthy in describing what the issue is, but me and my friend are beyond stressing out and ready to pull our hair out with this issue.
For years now we have had the following issues that appear on different days
The weird thing is that we can be in a party with anyone else and it works absolutely fine. Also, both of our NAT's are open.
I then switched providers (not due to that) to get faster speeds, and everything worked for a while. Then, out of nowhere, the same issues arose and we were losing our minds as to what the hell the issue could be. It stopped us from playing games together for a while as we were just wasting our time each night trying to sort out the party.
Then I moved house, with a whole new provider, and everything worked for 3 months, and now suddenly, the same goddamn issues have come back to haunt us. I am so perplexed as to how this has happened even after I've swapped providers, moved house and our NATs are open. If anyone has any ideas, please help me!
submitted by Cap_America_AC to XboxSeriesSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:51 Tiredcat98 26 [M4F] Anywhere/Online - Looking for a long-term girlfriend

Hi there
I have never been in a relationship ever, and I want to try and fix that. Dating apps are not a good solution since I have been using them for years, but I received very little luck from them so I am on here to to find someone from anywhere in the world who can make a long distance relationship work, and maybe someone who also was never in a relationship before, but anyone is welcome to message.
So here is some info about me. My name is Brian, I am a 26 year old dude, and I am from Newfoundland located on the far east coast of Canada. I have high-functioning autism so I do struggle with communication sometimes, and I consider myself a introverted, reserved, and kind person. My hobbies and interests includes gaming on my PC alone or with friends, playing with my black cat Rudy, I listen to any genre of music as long as the song sounds nice to me, I like cooking, I like walking, jogging or hiking, and I like meeting new people online.
My physical characteristics are that I am 5'10, 170 pounds, brown hair and hazel eyes. I consider myself compassionate, understanding, sweet, and caring. I would like someone who is also sweet and caring as well.
So what am I looking for on here? Well I am looking for mainly a long-term girlfriend online from anywhere in the world or where I am located which is Newfoundland (Anyone from St. John's or farther than that receives bonus points) who does not live with their parents still, be ages 18 to 28, and be interested in also doing voice calls since texting all the time gets boring, and makes me feel like you are not real so I definitely prefer voice calls more. I prefer to swap pictures sooner than later since there has to be some physical attraction as well.
I hope to hear from you soon :)
submitted by Tiredcat98 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:51 SiGMA_world What a memorable evening to conclude this affiliates' retreat. ✨ Two exceptional days ended with a Bohemian pool party, giving everyone one last chance to enjoy time together. 🌊

What a memorable evening to conclude this affiliates' retreat. ✨ Two exceptional days ended with a Bohemian pool party, giving everyone one last chance to enjoy time together. 🌊 submitted by SiGMA_world to SiGMAWorld [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:51 Jimizizi Is my squad good. I started during Serie A tots. Any improvement ideas?

Is my squad good. I started during Serie A tots. Any improvement ideas?
My squad right now. Div 6 and havent tried champs yet. In game 4-2-3-1 Lahm plays cdm with cama. Theo Lb. Llorente Ram, Correa Cam, Barcola Lam Lookman St
submitted by Jimizizi to fut [link] [comments]