Conversation starters for teenagers thro text

For when you don't know what to say.

2013.01.20 07:00 Kubaker1 For when you don't know what to say.

Dice Breakers (or conversation starters in general) are a great way to get to know people you're less familiar with, or to inspire a random thought-provoking conversation between old friends. Choose a category that appeals to you and see what comes up!

2019.07.07 01:22 For when r/teenagers is too straight

Is teenagers too straight for you, but you don't feel like lgbteens fits for what you want to talk about? This is the place to go! This sub is for teenager discussion among lgbt teens, rather than being lgbt taking the spotlight!

2024.06.10 12:02 aklu7a My gf (20f) has been texting and sending "work crush" memes to a co-worker. How should I act next?

Me (22M) and her (20F) have been together for 2 and a half years now. We met on a dating app, we have been the same college and uni (UK) and now that we both graduated we were looking to move out from our parents' homes.
Recently she told me about 2 new security guards at the supermarket she works in both seem to be in their 20s (for context one of them is stocky and the other one is skinny). She said the stocky one has been staring at her when she works on till and about 2 weeks ago when finishing their shift as the supermarket was about to be locked for the night he asked her to go into the back so he can show her something. Now as I usually try not to get jealous I said the staring is probs just because he's bored standing there all day and maybe he wanted to show her some sort of issue in the back of the shop or something. Nevertheless, she didn't go with him in the back she dropped her mate off home(30F) and went home herself.
She also mentioned some customer buying her flowers at the end of the shift and trying to flirt, saying she just took the flowers to be nice and put them back in the shop but didn't tell him she has a bf which I teased her about (because she usually says I should be saying I have a gf whenever any girl approaches me).
So recently we went out for the day to a different city and whilst I was trying to book tickets for something I saw her texting some guy who turns out was the skinny guard. Now we both never really go on our phones when we spend time together and recently she's been going on hers and texting a lot more and turns out she's texting this guard. Now as I looked over my shoulder the conversation seemed innocent but I got a glimpse of his name so I just checked who it was on Instagram and it was the skinny guard not the stocky one which she was telling me about. This raised some alarm bells as what reason would she have to lie about which guard it was that was talking to her.
The day after which was yesterday I was at hers and we spent the day napping and watching stuff. I didn't go on my phone all day but she was on hers constantly which once again she hasn't ever been doing since I've been with her. Claiming she's just on tik tok and messaging her mate the (30F). Later that night when she went for a shower I couldn't resist and I checked her Instagram convo with that skinny guard (I know I shouldn't have) and sure enough 2 weeks ago he messaged her saying he has something to show her and she said show me and there were 2 photos (kind you can only view once so I'm not sure what they were) and him saying don't share with anyone and check snap and her saying okay I won't share. Week after that he sent her a meme about clocking in to work when your work crush is clocking out and she sent him 2 after about wanting to come into work when your work crush is in and about looking at ur crush during work meetings. This made my heart sink and now I'm at home the next day thinking what I should do. She also recently started wearing make up to work which she never used to and has been seeing her work friend more than ever
I have no clue what to do from here. Do I confront her? Do I try and get more info on what's going on? And if so how?
TLDR: My gf of 2 and a half years has been getting attention from a co-worker, has been acting different and has been sending him memes about having a work crush.
submitted by aklu7a to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:59 Special-Barnacle77 Recover Image from Social Embarrassment?😬😬

Within a certain social group,
I come off as a very reserved and modest person, who’s calm and somewhat shy, and a man of few words you could say. And I believe that I wad quite admired within that group for being this way.
HOWEVER, I recently attended an event that quite frankly even shocked myself. Many people who I’m social with were in attendance, including members of that certain social group.
I had been moving around lots, being a conversation starter, hitting up the dancefloor and sometimes looking like a stiff first-timer which I think is pretty awkward but maybe not lol. And for a very good chunk of time, hanging out with a clique of you could say about 4 to 5 people, in which I kept talking I’d say.
So, while ALL this was happening, members of that certain social group were keeping a pretty close eye, unfortunately lol. But keep in mind they also only knew very few attendees thus were drawn to familiarity I guess, except none of my actions seemed familiar lol
At the end of the event, I managed to say goodbye to them which was kind of ok and maybe a bit off. But once get to one of them, a very outspoken one haha, they hesitantly said something along the lines of: Today you were somethinggg- . And then they stopped. As if they couldn’t complete the sentence or better say didn’t feel it was appropriate to. That’s when i realised I had messed up.
I have know these people for decades, a very integral part of my social circle. And they just witnessed a part of me that Id say is quite loud and embarrassing and kind of obnoxious. I assume there’s definitely gonna be a rehash of what happened and other members will be in on the “incident” oh no which is natural people will talk, but you never wanna be the butt of people’s criticism.
I will inevitably be seeing these people sooner or later but I have NO IDEA how I will present myself after they’ve seen THAT haha. Frankly, I don’t even know if i could redeem myself or not. Do I dissociate myself from that, do i address it, do i pretend it never happened, do I unveil a new persona so it basically seems like what they saw was a debut? Because the last thing I want them to think is that ive always been that way, but concealed this when with them.
Ah man. Pls give me any piece of advice on how to handle this and hopefully redeem myself from this monstrosity of an incident lol I seriously cannot stop thinking abt it and its getting in the way of everything I try to do
P.S I assume I behaved this way initially having had extreme sudden stress beforehand which in hand may have sparked a whole lot if adrenaline that no one’s ever truly seen haha
submitted by Special-Barnacle77 to entj [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:58 Decent-Olive-6365 I (20F) dated my now boyfriend (20M) when we were high school sophomores. We have been in a long-distance relationship for about 2 years now. What to do make my bf to talk to me?

Before the story, I wanted to apologize if my English is bad. English is my third language, and I am still learning and improving. Please bear with me as I try to convey my thoughts and ideas as clearly as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Our relationship has been extremely challenging for over a year, and despite our efforts to work through our issues, trust has been a significant point of contention. During our frequent arguments, he consistently accused me of being unfaithful, even though I painstakingly provided evidence to the contrary, including access to all my social media accounts.
Things came to a head yesterday when a mere misunderstanding led to a major fallout. He misinterpreted my expression, wrongly believing that I was disgusted and judgmental towards him. In reality, I was enjoying our conversation and had no idea that my expression was conveying the wrong message. This led to him abruptly ending the call and ignoring me. Although I apologized and he forgave me, communication remained strained.
Later that evening, we were on a call, but both of us muted ourselves while occasionally texting. Unfortunately, I must have dozed off and forgotten to unmute myself. When I woke up, he was furious, accusing me of being muted on purpose to talk to someone else. No amount of explanation seemed to help the situation, and he has been ignoring me since then, leaving me at a loss for what to do next to mend our relationship.
I need advice because I am alone without friends family to turn to. In addition, I feel overwhelmed anu uncertain about the current situation.
submitted by Decent-Olive-6365 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:57 talkiemateapp Discover the Ultimate Virtual Companions: 5 Exceptional Alternatives to Character AI

Source: 🔗 Discover the Ultimate Virtual Companions: 5 Exceptional Alternatives to Character AI —
Are you tired of the same old character AI companions? Looking for something fresh and exciting to enhance your virtual experiences? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the world of virtual companions and present you with five exceptional alternatives to character AI. These cutting-edge technologies are gaining popularity among users and are set to revolutionize the way we interact with virtual worlds. Whether you’re a gamer, a content creator, or simply someone who enjoys exploring virtual realms, these ultimate virtual companions are worth considering. So, let’s discover these innovative alternatives that are driving traffic and making waves in popular searches on Google.
Chatbots: Enhancing Interactions and Customer Service
In today’s digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance customer interactions and improve their overall service. One exceptional alternative to traditional customer support is the use of chatbots. These AI-powered virtual companions have revolutionized the way businesses engage with their customers, providing instant assistance and personalized experiences.
One of the top contenders in the chatbot market is, an AI chat service for virtual friends. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, stands out as the ultimate virtual companion. It offers a wide range of features, including real-time conversation, intelligent responses, and seamless integration with various platforms.
Compared to its competitors like,, and, excels in terms of user experience and reliability. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive knowledge base enable users to find answers to their queries promptly. Moreover,‘s ability to understand context and provide relevant information sets it apart from other chatbot services.
By leveraging as their AI chat service provider, businesses can drive traffic to their websites and enhance customer satisfaction. The popularity of chatbots has grown exponentially in recent years, with Google reporting a significant increase in searches related to virtual companions. By optimising their websites for popular search terms like “ultimate virtual companions” and “character AI,” businesses can attract more visitors and convert them into loyal customers.
Virtual Assistants: Your Personal Digital Sidekick
Virtual assistants have become an integral part of our daily lives, helping us manage tasks, stay organized, and access information effortlessly. These AI-powered companions offer a wide range of features and benefits that make them indispensable in both personal and professional settings. stands out as the best option for those seeking a reliable virtual assistant. Its advanced capabilities, such as voice recognition and natural language understanding, enable users to interact with their digital sidekick seamlessly. Whether it’s scheduling appointments, setting reminders, or answering questions, excels in providing accurate and efficient assistance.
Compared to competitors like and, offers a more comprehensive set of features. Its ability to integrate with various applications and devices makes it a versatile companion that can adapt to individual needs. Additionally,‘s user-friendly interface and personalised recommendations enhance the overall user experience.
Businesses can leverage as their virtual assistant to streamline operations and improve productivity. By delegating repetitive tasks to their digital sidekick, employees can focus on more strategic activities, ultimately driving business growth. Furthermore,‘s ability to learn from user interactions and provide valuable insights can help businesses make data-driven decisions.
Voice Recognition Technology: A Conversational Revolution
Voice recognition technology has transformed the way we interact with our devices, making conversations more natural and intuitive. This technology enables virtual companions like to understand spoken commands and respond accordingly, creating a conversational revolution. utilises state-of-the-art voice recognition technology to provide an immersive and engaging user experience. By accurately transcribing spoken words into text, it ensures that users’ commands are understood correctly. This feature sets apart from competitors like and, which may struggle with accurate voice recognition.
The benefits of voice recognition technology extend beyond convenience. It also caters to individuals with disabilities or those who prefer hands-free interactions. By embracing this technology, businesses can create inclusive experiences for all their customers.
Augmented Reality Avatars: Bringing Characters to Life
Augmented reality (AR) avatars have taken virtual companionship to a whole new level. These digital characters can be brought to life and interact with users in real-time, creating immersive experiences that blur the line between the physical and digital worlds. offers an exceptional AR avatar feature, allowing users to create their own virtual companions and personalize their appearance. This unique offering sets apart from competitors like and, which may not provide the same level of customization.
By leveraging‘s AR avatar feature, businesses can engage their customers in exciting and memorable ways. For example, a clothing brand could allow customers to virtually try on outfits using their AR avatar, enhancing the online shopping experience. This interactive approach not only drives customer engagement but also increases brand loyalty.
In conclusion, if you are looking to discover the ultimate virtual companions, there are five exceptional alternatives to character AI that you should consider. Implementing the right virtual companion can help you build stronger connections with your audience and foster long-term loyalty.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionise your digital presence. Embrace the power of these exceptional alternatives and take your business to new heights. Act now and discover the ultimate virtual companions that will set you apart from the competition.

Discover, #UltimateVirtualCompanions, #5ExceptionalAlternatives, #CharacterAI, #PopularSearches, #DriveTraffic, #Google.

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submitted by talkiemateapp to talkieblog [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:57 talkiemateapp Discover the Ultimate Virtual Companions: 5 Exceptional Alternatives to Character AI

Source: 🔗 Discover the Ultimate Virtual Companions: 5 Exceptional Alternatives to Character AI —
Are you tired of the same old character AI companions? Looking for something fresh and exciting to enhance your virtual experiences? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the world of virtual companions and present you with five exceptional alternatives to character AI. These cutting-edge technologies are gaining popularity among users and are set to revolutionize the way we interact with virtual worlds. Whether you’re a gamer, a content creator, or simply someone who enjoys exploring virtual realms, these ultimate virtual companions are worth considering. So, let’s discover these innovative alternatives that are driving traffic and making waves in popular searches on Google.
Chatbots: Enhancing Interactions and Customer Service
In today’s digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance customer interactions and improve their overall service. One exceptional alternative to traditional customer support is the use of chatbots. These AI-powered virtual companions have revolutionized the way businesses engage with their customers, providing instant assistance and personalized experiences.
One of the top contenders in the chatbot market is, an AI chat service for virtual friends. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, stands out as the ultimate virtual companion. It offers a wide range of features, including real-time conversation, intelligent responses, and seamless integration with various platforms.
Compared to its competitors like,, and, excels in terms of user experience and reliability. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive knowledge base enable users to find answers to their queries promptly. Moreover,‘s ability to understand context and provide relevant information sets it apart from other chatbot services.
By leveraging as their AI chat service provider, businesses can drive traffic to their websites and enhance customer satisfaction. The popularity of chatbots has grown exponentially in recent years, with Google reporting a significant increase in searches related to virtual companions. By optimising their websites for popular search terms like “ultimate virtual companions” and “character AI,” businesses can attract more visitors and convert them into loyal customers.
Virtual Assistants: Your Personal Digital Sidekick
Virtual assistants have become an integral part of our daily lives, helping us manage tasks, stay organized, and access information effortlessly. These AI-powered companions offer a wide range of features and benefits that make them indispensable in both personal and professional settings. stands out as the best option for those seeking a reliable virtual assistant. Its advanced capabilities, such as voice recognition and natural language understanding, enable users to interact with their digital sidekick seamlessly. Whether it’s scheduling appointments, setting reminders, or answering questions, excels in providing accurate and efficient assistance.
Compared to competitors like and, offers a more comprehensive set of features. Its ability to integrate with various applications and devices makes it a versatile companion that can adapt to individual needs. Additionally,‘s user-friendly interface and personalised recommendations enhance the overall user experience.
Businesses can leverage as their virtual assistant to streamline operations and improve productivity. By delegating repetitive tasks to their digital sidekick, employees can focus on more strategic activities, ultimately driving business growth. Furthermore,‘s ability to learn from user interactions and provide valuable insights can help businesses make data-driven decisions.
Voice Recognition Technology: A Conversational Revolution
Voice recognition technology has transformed the way we interact with our devices, making conversations more natural and intuitive. This technology enables virtual companions like to understand spoken commands and respond accordingly, creating a conversational revolution. utilises state-of-the-art voice recognition technology to provide an immersive and engaging user experience. By accurately transcribing spoken words into text, it ensures that users’ commands are understood correctly. This feature sets apart from competitors like and, which may struggle with accurate voice recognition.
The benefits of voice recognition technology extend beyond convenience. It also caters to individuals with disabilities or those who prefer hands-free interactions. By embracing this technology, businesses can create inclusive experiences for all their customers.
Augmented Reality Avatars: Bringing Characters to Life
Augmented reality (AR) avatars have taken virtual companionship to a whole new level. These digital characters can be brought to life and interact with users in real-time, creating immersive experiences that blur the line between the physical and digital worlds. offers an exceptional AR avatar feature, allowing users to create their own virtual companions and personalize their appearance. This unique offering sets apart from competitors like and, which may not provide the same level of customization.
By leveraging‘s AR avatar feature, businesses can engage their customers in exciting and memorable ways. For example, a clothing brand could allow customers to virtually try on outfits using their AR avatar, enhancing the online shopping experience. This interactive approach not only drives customer engagement but also increases brand loyalty.
In conclusion, if you are looking to discover the ultimate virtual companions, there are five exceptional alternatives to character AI that you should consider. Implementing the right virtual companion can help you build stronger connections with your audience and foster long-term loyalty.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionise your digital presence. Embrace the power of these exceptional alternatives and take your business to new heights. Act now and discover the ultimate virtual companions that will set you apart from the competition.

Discover, #UltimateVirtualCompanions, #5ExceptionalAlternatives, #CharacterAI, #PopularSearches, #DriveTraffic, #Google.

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submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:57 vinegar122 Crazy Co-Worker

My co-worker is batshit. I could write a novel, but I'll just highlight the best of the worst:
*Doesn't listen, care, or comprehend ANYthing. Information & instructions are useless. I've spent countless hours and 6 months with this person trying to train them. To no avail.
*Only interested in doing their own personal tasks/hobbies (while at work). Not interested in the job at hand. Has been call out on this by numerous people, even in roles above them, but still continues to do it.
*More concerned with social interactions than anything. If you tell this person something even slightly personal or confident, you can guarantee that it will spread like wildfire to others in the office. I am not one to share anything person at work, and this person is always trying to pry it out of me, saying things like, "you can trust me *insert my name*, we're friends, you can confide in me." UM, no thanks.
*Seems to be obsessed with me in general, and more specifically the fact that I won't share personal details or anything private with them. Way more focused on getting that info out of me than doing their job (so frustrating). Spends 50% of their day away from their desk & invading my office space trying to converse & get real personal. Then gets angry/upset when I am too busy to chat or refuse to converse about my own life.
*Hyper focused on the dumbest sh*t, but ignores all the important tasks/items handed to them. Flag something as priority, and this person will ignore it to work on something a made up task that they came up with in which they feel is more important than actual work.
*Emotionally unstable and unaware is an understatement. Has literally yelled at numerous co-workers and always has beef with someone. It's constant and continual...very exhausting. Is always looking for reasons to get mad/go off, or claim that someone doesn't like them (again, it's more about a social interaction than it is an actual job for them, it seems). Then wants to tell everyone about the drama, of course. So folks will feel sorry for them & offer up pity, condolences, and most importantly, ATTENTION. Which they need and seek, often.
I'm going to stop there, but there is SO much more. Like the primal scream this person lets out after throwing their keyboard and mouse in a fit of rage, resulting in numerous broken/damaged office machines. Or hoarding and hiding all of the office supplies because they're so concerned about people stealing them, when literally no one even comes in the office to do so (and in fact, I feel like THIS person is the one stealing! And trying to cover it up by doing overcompensating & doing this....drawing attention away from them). And going as far as to look up my personal cell phone number & texting me, relentlessly, after hours/weekends. Yeah, ALL that.
submitted by vinegar122 to coworkerstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:55 Havre-Banan [M33] Looking for some text friends! Since one should not be to positive, what is one thing that really disappointed you recently?

I have been described as loyal, creative, sympathetic and sometimes funny (humor is so subjective). I value learning and improvement, but also proper lazy time. I usually prefer to mix in some daily silliness with some more... 'contemplative' laden topics. Such as meta topics of different chatting behaviors.
For me, a great friend is more than just having someone to talk to. Great friends help each other out and facilitate positive growth. Although it takes a long time to build up a friendship to those levels (probably longer online). I am fine with just chatting/texting and see where that goes (i dont like voice catting right off the bat). There seems to be a loss of communication 'coherence' the younger the person is, so I would prefer people around my age.
I thought I would list some of the topics that routinely grabs my attention (i.e. hobbies and interests)
A brief disclaimer, namely that I don't really think sharing interests and hobbies is super important when it comes to friendship bonding. It does, however, serve as a good starting point from where to branch out to other, ideally, more interesting directions. You also get to know a little bit more about me from the start.
Psychology. Why people (myself included) think and act the way they do. Meta-discussion on why the social norms appears to be different online than IRL. Mental illness, their causes and how to cope with them in a counter intuitive world. The value of introspection when it comes to knowing yourself.
Games. Ever since I learned that games existed I have been playing them. I haven't really followed the industry trends that much since I mostly prefer single-player story driven games. Such as Fallout, God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Metal Gear. I would love to find someone that i can play my collection of coop games with at some point. I got a soft spot for retro coop games. Even though i dont usually like multiplayer games, i did get invested in street fighter 6 during the summer.
Neurology. How our mind creates reality in ways that are surprising and not intuitive at all (we see and process a lot less than we think we do). False memories that can be crates more easily than you think. The surprising effects of brain damage (e.g. believing yourself to be dead or believing that your family has been replaced by impostors).
Podcasts. I listen to a bunch of podcast. Great to learn new things and be entertained whilst you are doing something else. Hearing a smart physicists interviewing experts in their given fields or MMA podcasts.
Science in general. Physics never ceases to be fascinating! Although I have to relearn the concepts from time to time, especially those related to the uncertainty principle. Biology, particularly on a cellular level with the DNA machinery. AI, speed at which it is developing and what consequences that might bring (both good and bad).
Strength training. Ever since if found out the effect exercising have on wellbeing it has been a stable and quite big part of my life. I like to experiment with new things and see how I adapt to them. Getting stronger is a nice reward as well.
Music and movies. I have really neglected both of these mediums so now I am looking to expand my music horizons and discover new hidden gem movies. So if you got any recommendations that would be appreciated! Right now I am listening to mostly Sabaton and Disturbed. I love silly cartoons as well.
Philosophy. Consciousness (you got a favorite consciousness theory?) Morality, same, which theory do you prescribe to? Pontificating about the meaning of life and the human condition. Is meaning something you find or something you create for yourself?
My interest in space comes and goes, probably due to how slowly space technology and technology is developing. I find the prospects of vising mars one day the most alluring and exciting, especially the scientific endeavor of it (surviving in such a hostile environment). The Apollo missions from the 60s and 70s are still fascinating to go back and read about.
I have been learning programming for quite some time now. First on my free time and when i realized i needed to specialize in some way i decided on enrolling in an AI developer program (i.e. machine learning). You know, now that ChatGPT has exploded in popularity, AI is a much bigger topic than it was when i made my first post on reddit đŸ€”.
There are more things that spark my interest but they can arise naturally through conversations and discussions. And I assume that you got your own interests as well which I will gladly explore. Here is a surprise test to see if you read my post. Please try to work in the word "conceptualize" in your first response, though i can understand just skimming it since its so common that you dont get a response when you send someone a message :) .
ps. I tend to answer pretty sporadically lately (not really sure why), so if that is very important to you (i.e. fast response times) then i would recommend not responding to my post. And of course i don't expect you to answer at a moment's notice to my messages either.
Hope to see you on the other side 😊
submitted by Havre-Banan to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:54 Havre-Banan [Chat] 33M Looking for some text friends! Since one should not be to positive, what is one thing that really disappointed you recently?

I have been described as loyal, creative, sympathetic and sometimes funny (humor is so subjective). I value learning and improvement, but also proper lazy time. I usually prefer to mix in some daily silliness with some more... 'contemplative' laden topics. Such as meta topics of different chatting behaviors.
For me, a great friend is more than just having someone to talk to. Great friends help each other out and facilitate positive growth. Although it takes a long time to build up a friendship to those levels (probably longer online). I am fine with just chatting/texting and see where that goes (i dont like voice catting right off the bat). There seems to be a loss of communication 'coherence' the younger the person is, so I would prefer people around my age.
I thought I would list some of the topics that routinely grabs my attention (i.e. hobbies and interests)
A brief disclaimer, namely that I don't really think sharing interests and hobbies is super important when it comes to friendship bonding. It does, however, serve as a good starting point from where to branch out to other, ideally, more interesting directions. You also get to know a little bit more about me from the start.
Psychology. Why people (myself included) think and act the way they do. Meta-discussion on why the social norms appears to be different online than IRL. Mental illness, their causes and how to cope with them in a counter intuitive world. The value of introspection when it comes to knowing yourself.
Games. Ever since I learned that games existed I have been playing them. I haven't really followed the industry trends that much since I mostly prefer single-player story driven games. Such as Fallout, God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Metal Gear. I would love to find someone that i can play my collection of coop games with at some point. I got a soft spot for retro coop games. Even though i dont usually like multiplayer games, i did get invested in street fighter 6 during the summer.
Neurology. How our mind creates reality in ways that are surprising and not intuitive at all (we see and process a lot less than we think we do). False memories that can be crates more easily than you think. The surprising effects of brain damage (e.g. believing yourself to be dead or believing that your family has been replaced by impostors).
Podcasts. I listen to a bunch of podcast. Great to learn new things and be entertained whilst you are doing something else. Hearing a smart physicists interviewing experts in their given fields or MMA podcasts.
Science in general. Physics never ceases to be fascinating! Although I have to relearn the concepts from time to time, especially those related to the uncertainty principle. Biology, particularly on a cellular level with the DNA machinery. AI, speed at which it is developing and what consequences that might bring (both good and bad).
Strength training. Ever since if found out the effect exercising have on wellbeing it has been a stable and quite big part of my life. I like to experiment with new things and see how I adapt to them. Getting stronger is a nice reward as well.
Music and movies. I have really neglected both of these mediums so now I am looking to expand my music horizons and discover new hidden gem movies. So if you got any recommendations that would be appreciated! Right now I am listening to mostly Sabaton and Disturbed. I love silly cartoons as well.
Philosophy. Consciousness (you got a favorite consciousness theory?) Morality, same, which theory do you prescribe to? Pontificating about the meaning of life and the human condition. Is meaning something you find or something you create for yourself?
My interest in space comes and goes, probably due to how slowly space technology and technology is developing. I find the prospects of vising mars one day the most alluring and exciting, especially the scientific endeavor of it (surviving in such a hostile environment). The Apollo missions from the 60s and 70s are still fascinating to go back and read about.
I have been learning programming for quite some time now. First on my free time and when i realized i needed to specialize in some way i decided on enrolling in an AI developer program (i.e. machine learning). You know, now that ChatGPT has exploded in popularity, AI is a much bigger topic than it was when i made my first post on reddit đŸ€”.
There are more things that spark my interest but they can arise naturally through conversations and discussions. And I assume that you got your own interests as well which I will gladly explore. Here is a surprise test to see if you read my post. Please try to work in the word "conceptualize" in your first response, though i can understand just skimming it since its so common that you dont get a response when you send someone a message :) .
ps. I tend to answer pretty sporadically lately (not really sure why), so if that is very important to you (i.e. fast response times) then i would recommend not responding to my post. And of course i don't expect you to answer at a moment's notice to my messages either.
Hope to see you on the other side 😊
submitted by Havre-Banan to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:52 abitofbitterhoney Don't Be Stupid: 2 Years of a Situationship Ended Because Really He Didn't Want Accountability

A guy I was in an online situationship with for over 2 years just deleted/deactivated the new fake account he was using to stay connected to me.
Lol I just wanted him to acknowledge that he really knew me and I knew him and just stop the gaslighting. It was my 3rd attempt to make him come clean within the span of a week. Our past convos have been short with things feeling tense because when I said confronting messages he would deflect and steer the conversation to something completely nonsense or he would try to call me instead. I didn't answer because I didn't know who or what will be on the other line or if it would be just another way for him to reel me in emotionally on a purely voice call 'relationship' where there's no way to say that we knew each other since IDK if Instagram allows for voice record during calls. I wanted him to send texts first, that he was in fact pretending, using the fake account but I guess there would be accountability then, and he obviously hates accountability. Idk, maybe he was scared I would screenshot his DMs.
After 3 days of me being left on seen after my last message, this morning I literally just said, "So what can you say for yourself? I'm willing to listen.", he left it on seen and then his account just disappeared. Just like that.
It hurt a lot but I know he's been emotionally 'cheating' on me with his ex ever since I cut him off last year for using me as a substitute for his alcoholism - which is still unclear to me whether it was true - and as someone that makes him feel better about himself. I also know he will always have options because he is conventionally attractive and seems outgoing and charming, although it's all farcical because really, under the surface, he's an absolute insecure jerk. To him, simply stating your objections to his problematic behavior is inciting an argument. Well, he is bad at forming proper arguments anyway. So all that softened the discard so much, but still, what the heck...
I acknowledge how stupid it was for me to allow him to keep on being 'in touch' with me using fake accounts. And I admit how naive I was with human behavior especially with probably narcissistic people (I'm only 22 and for most of my life I lived in a big town). I should have been more stern with myself and not holding out hope or not trying to figure if I could make things work. And I should have done what I did a long time ago.
Lesson learned: Confront people if they're making you feel crazy/stressed/uncertain. If the truth can vaporize their ego, let them dissipate.
Please don't be too hard on me in the comments please.
TLDR: Situationship ex(?) ghosted because didn't want accountability in his use of fake accounts to stay connected.
submitted by abitofbitterhoney to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:52 SectionCool1118 I was emotionally, verbally and mentally abused in my past relationship

Me (19F) dated recently a guy for 7 months (22M) that is undoubtedly the worst. It took me a lot of time to notice his true colours as he was wearing a mask the whole time. Here are a few of the most alarming things he has done, as well as some odd things he’s done to get a better understanding
Extremely focused on his physical appearance. He always needs to look neat in an obsessive way and overthinks that everyone will constantly look at him.
Very stubborn and hateful of others. Usually expresses openly his dislike for others and gets frustrated when his friends don’t agree with him
Extremely judgmental about everyone but himself. Does a lot of problematic things and justifies it by saying “it’s wrong only if you get caught”
He went through my phone without letting me know. Then he saw a text of a male friend that he considered too friendly and stared a huge argument. When I told him that him looking through my phone was bad, he said “it’s not my fault you have such an easy password I saw one time and could memorise it, anyone could have access to your phone with a password like that”. When I asked him to look through this phone he literally hide it and change password
When we were planning to go on a trip, I suggested telling 2 female friends of mine to come and stay on different rooms or even hotels. He got mad and said that I don’t care about him and I just want to go on vacations and have fun, that this is a special moment of only the two of us and that if I love my friends that much I could go only with them and have a threesome.
He had a childhood female best friend. They used to fight a lot and they went no contact and got back together like 3 times. This girl has a very problematic mother, they have an unstable relationship. Her mother gets along with him, they continue to hang around until now. The final time they had an argument and went no contact, he started criticising her a lot to her mother and telling things about her that he knew her mother wouldn’t like. He ruined their relationship even more. At some point he told me “I have a strong urge to tell her that even her own mother loves me more than her”.
When we were arguing he used to call me terrible names (like the c word, wh**e ect). When he calmed down and I talked to him about it he said “I didn’t call you like that, a called your particular behaviour. That this is a behaviour of someone like that. If I thought of you like this, I wouldn’t even bother telling you what you did wrong. You should be lucky that you have such an intimate bond with me, we can argue like that and then forget it and move on”
In every job he gets, at first he makes a great impression, he is happy with it and after a while he starts to hate the job and everyone there until he quits. In one of him summer jobs, a colleague had an attitude with him and he got mad and criticised him heavily to one of the highest managers (with is a friend of his uncle). Then he got him on a lot of trouble and damaged his reputation.
In another job, the manager didn’t like him and used to criticise him instead of always praising him as he expected. At some point he got so triggered That he took off his apron and threw it at him in the middle of the shift and demanded to give him the paper for quitting right then (it was a very busy time).
In another job, he used to steal from the cash desk and re print old checks.
Everytime he spends his money, he visit his family members, complaining about his life in order to make them feel pity for him to give him money. Then he disappears until he turns broke again
He used to have a fake profile in order to stalk his old group of friends and go to the places they visited to bully them.
When meeting new people, he literally puts on a mask and over tries to appear like the best person, until time passes and his true self comes out
He was trying to convince me that my parents and brother have a controlling attitude towards me and that I have to be more independent to not minimise myself and act like I’m still a teenager by submitting to them
submitted by SectionCool1118 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:52 ForPOTUS What is wrong with us?

I really thought about this today: as a person from the UK who is of Jamaican origin and spent a few years living in Africa as well as Asia too, I'd like to think that I have a lot of comparisons to work from.
I have come to notice a few things about us as blacks overall and Africans:
1) It is very difficult to bring us together and collaborate at scale. Unless it's relating to the church, some kind of grievance politics or pushing for some kind of handout from external actors, then we do not have the time of day for each other. Coming together for business and networking beyond photo-ops and free food, got no time, science and tech, got no time, money and financial management, got no time, the study and reading of African history and culture, got no time.
It's actually sad, almost everything Africa-related or broader that I have managed to get done or off the ground has been with non-Africans and non-blacks. It's a shame to say, but when you involve black people in something, nothing will get done without the presence of strict supervision.
I say this as someone who has extensively worked with other blacks, whites and Asians in collaborative and professional settings. The kind of hassle I experience while working with most of our people (90 percent of them) are things I barely have to consider when working with the other groups.
Of course, conflict and tension has arisen within my partnerships with people of other ethnicities and races, but it's usually the positive kind. The tension and antagonism that may come from people with opposing views and approaches when they come together to figure out solutions. Even in the struggle and adversarialism, we still move forward and progress as a whole, while making certain compromises on both ends. Kind of like how marriages work, or coalition governments, or governing and opposition parties work in politics.
Things tend to get regressive and self-destructive very quickly when trying to work with a large number of us from my experiences;
2) We are unable to think independently and cannot assess our situation and positioning within a wider context of other groups and cultures. I have noticed that we don't really question matters relating to our own cultures and customs all that much. In part because we exert most of our valuable energy scrutinizing those of other, external groups. We're always pocket watching and gossiping about others, but it's all just a deflection away from what little we actually have of our own, or more specifically - how little we genuinely care about our own.
Also, the way that we expect so much from others (specifically whites), and the behaviour which accompanies this is honestly pathetic. I don't think we realize how bad it makes us look, which speaks to how little self-awareness we collectively possess. I think that most of us are probably quite high on the narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) spectrum. Indeed, there is actually psychological research out there on this, on top of the countless testimonials we can all give to some of the more toxic elements of our own families and parenting styles;
3) We lack a culture of self-agency and so are forever trapped in the victim mindset. Perhaps this explains why a lot of us are still quite superstitious as a peoples and take so feverishly to religion. Whether it's conversations surrounding slavery, the slave trade or colonialism, we seem to spend more time complaining about external actors than ourselves. It's as if we just see ourselves as passive actors in our own stories, forever victims to our external circumstances. External change is centered within our stories and narratives, and so, we therefore act with a view to affecting change and not effecting change.
Looking back at the human story and journey, as Africans and African descendant peoples, we were the ones who stayed behind in Africa when different groups of African Homo sapiens left the continent for the rest of the world. By moving beyond the continent, perhaps other ethnic groups were forced to consider the concepts of free will and personal responsibility for the sake of their own survival and posterity in ways that we're still yet to.
It's high time that we grow mentally from boys to men. Collectively speaking, we kind of carry ourselves like a teenage girl or an entitled single woman, and it needs to stop.
submitted by ForPOTUS to AfricaVoice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:47 flexy__330 6 months away from our decade anniversary but I (24F) feel like it might be over with my 28M significant other— should I keep trying?

My boyfriend (28M) and I (24F) have been together for the past 9 years. The relationship was not easy in the first half due to a strict family, the age gap and because he was my older brother’s good friend. With that in mind we kept our relationship private for 7 years. From 2021 till now we have been public and my family is accepting of our relationship. I thought that this would allow for more exciting things to take place like trips, going out more, etc.
Officially we have been semi long distance (legit 2hrs away from each other) for two years since transferring to a 4 year university. He never really made any efforts to come out to me until recently because I was practically begging/nagging him— but I had always made the commute to go back and see him in town. I don’t even drive so it would be a 4hr bus commute.
These past two months have been particularly difficult as I’ve taken up a new hobby since last year going out salsa dancing with friends. I always keep it respectful and even refuse to do bachata dancing because it can get too sensual. Legit I wear rings as a way to deter unwanted attention, give fake names, and never give out any personal contacts. The primary issue was that things started to develop between me and a guy within my friend group circle— granted he was also in a long term (3 year) relationship but it was also long distance with his gf being in Oregon. We’ll just label him salsa guy (26M). Initially it was very plutonic cordial dancing, we were in the same friend group and I didn’t think much of him, we only saw each other in group settings. But then at some point the social dancing aspect just became gradually intense, it was just a lot of chemistry. Keep in mind my BF doesn’t dance, nor has he really tried to. As a matter of fact, he’s really in the opposite end of the spectrum of me in terms of energy level, sociability and willingness to do things ( at least in my perspective). The best way to put it is that he’s a home-body.
In the past I’ve brought it up to to him that I would like to do new activities or find something we could do together. He would always try to rationalize that it is because we’re apart and since he is finishing school that he just doesn’t have the time in addition to his work. I tried being very patient but since being away and finding new hobbies it just made me realize just how much we aren’t really on the same page in terms of what we would like to do with our personal time. I understand that we don’t have to do everything together but it would be nice to have him in my space or doing activities together once in a while. With the long distance I have played video games more frequently to ensure ‘bf time’— when prefacing it like that it sounds like more of a chore or clocking in for work. At the same time that is honestly how it feels on some level. It makes me feel guilty especially when I’m using my new found hobbies as a way to avoid dealing and voicing out with these feelings.
Since dancing, there were some developments between me and Salsa guy. At parties or friends gatherings he would somehow be near me and try to maintain some physical contact (there was a jacuzzi hangout and it was just not good). It felt like the lines were getting way too blurry and I tried to make a boundary (very loosely). Questioning his motives and what has been going on with this touching and flirting— dancing was always good but at some point I just started feeling waaay too hot (this was also probably because it was nearing a month since I last seen my bodies and I just was craving for physical touch ). Overall a bad combination. While setting the boundary he was initially down for it, saying that “yea you’re right this is bad for both our relationships” and we shook on it. Fast forward a week later at a goodbye party for a mutual friend. He kept giving me crazy compliments on my order and we danced, had a few drinks. I tried to have accountability buddies within the friend group and told 2-3 or of the dozen and they were definitely helpful. But that night things just went south. He called me the next morning trying to sort out what had happened and I just told him we just shouldn’t be in contact anymore and blocked him.
I vaguely told my boyfriend of the situation and even confessed that I was sort of admiration towards him. Mind you, I am not a confrontational person— nor am I one to bring things up so this was a really big step for me. My boyfriend brought up a conversation we had 2 years prior when we found ourselves in a similar situation— saying that if this were to occur again he wanted to call it quits. I recognized and candidly admitted that this was a pattern— how some if not most of my male friendships filled aspects that he was not willing to do or that were out of his comfort level. Whether it was dancing, hiking, hanging with friends— it felt like those ‘friendships’ were just patchwork to make up for whatever was missing in my relationship and I told him that and expressed that it is a disservice to him and how guilty I felt about it upon recognizing it. He told me he just wanted to sleep on it and we hung up for the evening. The following day he didn’t reach out until 6pm— I left him a good morning text and said I would give him space. Once we got on the phone call he just said he wanted to drop the entire thing. No conversation, no room for clarity just proceeded to ask if I ate and what my plans were for the day.
I was sort of dumbfounded. Didn’t know what to say besides go along with it. Did I want the conversation to continue? Was I hoping for a break up. I mean I wanted to try and figure things out really but we were set to see each other that very week, I had already blocked salsa guy— could we really just sweep this under the rug? We did. We meet up that weekend, got a hotel, watched a live comedy set, had a wonderful breakfast and acted as if nothing happened. The following day I sort of ambushed him over breakfast in a restaurant (we were in a private area at least) asking him about the state of our relationship and what it will look like in the future. I expressed that I wanted to see him more and was hoping that that would help just keep me sane basically. I’m a very affectionate person who really needs physical contact— on the other hand he legit just says I could be on the phone and my presence is enough. He said that hopefully after graduating next year things will get better. But waiting another year banking and investing in a relationship that has yet to happen? I’m not sure if I have it in me. Realistically the next step is moving in together— will a 6 month lease determine our relationship. We’re both from immigrant families so this idea of moving in together before marriage is foreign but rent in CA is way too high.
In recent developments within the past two weeks, I’ve found myself going out almost constantly. The level of conversations between my boyfriend and I seem to be dwindling. I don’t know if it is just the ‘Spark’ that has diminished over the 10 years really coming to an end or if it just the distance that is making it difficult— I really was hoping it would make the heart grow fonder. I’m at a loss in terms of whether to stick it out or just work on myself and act ‘selfishly’. I have been really grappling with the idea of love and obligation— I was under the impression that if you are actively choosing to stay with this person it is because you love them and it is within that very act that defines the relationship. You are always welcome to leave especially when you’re not married but because you’re in this state of limbo by staying by their side you’re conveying your dedication and devotion to this person. I’m stumped.
submitted by flexy__330 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:47 Havre-Banan 33M Looking for some text friends! Since one should not be to positive, what is one thing that really disappointed you recently?

I have been described as loyal, creative, sympathetic and sometimes funny (humor is so subjective). I value learning and improvement, but also proper lazy time. I usually prefer to mix in some daily silliness with some more... 'contemplative' laden topics. Such as meta topics of different chatting behaviors.
For me, a great friend is more than just having someone to talk to. Great friends help each other out and facilitate positive growth. Although it takes a long time to build up a friendship to those levels (probably longer online). I am fine with just chatting/texting and see where that goes (i dont like voice catting right off the bat). There seems to be a loss of communication 'coherence' the younger the person is, so I would prefer people around my age.
I thought I would list some of the topics that routinely grabs my attention (i.e. hobbies and interests)
A brief disclaimer, namely that I don't really think sharing interests and hobbies is super important when it comes to friendship bonding. It does, however, serve as a good starting point from where to branch out to other, ideally, more interesting directions. You also get to know a little bit more about me from the start.
Psychology. Why people (myself included) think and act the way they do. Meta-discussion on why the social norms appears to be different online than IRL. Mental illness, their causes and how to cope with them in a counter intuitive world. The value of introspection when it comes to knowing yourself.
Games. Ever since I learned that games existed I have been playing them. I haven't really followed the industry trends that much since I mostly prefer single-player story driven games. Such as Fallout, God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Metal Gear. I would love to find someone that i can play my collection of coop games with at some point. I got a soft spot for retro coop games. Even though i dont usually like multiplayer games, i did get invested in street fighter 6 during the summer.
Neurology. How our mind creates reality in ways that are surprising and not intuitive at all (we see and process a lot less than we think we do). False memories that can be crates more easily than you think. The surprising effects of brain damage (e.g. believing yourself to be dead or believing that your family has been replaced by impostors).
Podcasts. I listen to a bunch of podcast. Great to learn new things and be entertained whilst you are doing something else. Hearing a smart physicists interviewing experts in their given fields or MMA podcasts.
Science in general. Physics never ceases to be fascinating! Although I have to relearn the concepts from time to time, especially those related to the uncertainty principle. Biology, particularly on a cellular level with the DNA machinery. AI, speed at which it is developing and what consequences that might bring (both good and bad).
Strength training. Ever since if found out the effect exercising have on wellbeing it has been a stable and quite big part of my life. I like to experiment with new things and see how I adapt to them. Getting stronger is a nice reward as well.
Music and movies. I have really neglected both of these mediums so now I am looking to expand my music horizons and discover new hidden gem movies. So if you got any recommendations that would be appreciated! Right now I am listening to mostly Sabaton and Disturbed. I love silly cartoons as well.
Philosophy. Consciousness (you got a favorite consciousness theory?) Morality, same, which theory do you prescribe to? Pontificating about the meaning of life and the human condition. Is meaning something you find or something you create for yourself?
My interest in space comes and goes, probably due to how slowly space technology and technology is developing. I find the prospects of vising mars one day the most alluring and exciting, especially the scientific endeavor of it (surviving in such a hostile environment). The Apollo missions from the 60s and 70s are still fascinating to go back and read about.
I have been learning programming for quite some time now. First on my free time and when i realized i needed to specialize in some way i decided on enrolling in an AI developer program (i.e. machine learning). You know, now that ChatGPT has exploded in popularity, AI is a much bigger topic than it was when i made my first post on reddit đŸ€”.
There are more things that spark my interest but they can arise naturally through conversations and discussions. And I assume that you got your own interests as well which I will gladly explore. Here is a surprise test to see if you read my post. Please try to work in the word "conceptualize" in your first response, though i can understand just skimming it since its so common that you dont get a response when you send someone a message :) .
ps. I tend to answer pretty sporadically lately (not really sure why), so if that is very important to you (i.e. fast response times) then i would recommend not responding to my post. And of course i don't expect you to answer at a moment's notice to my messages either.
Hope to see you on the other side 😊
submitted by Havre-Banan to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:47 No_Brain_5735 The 12+ Best Charity Ad Campaigns

The 12+ Best Charity Ad Campaigns
In the competitive landscape of digital advertising, standing out is a challenge even for charities. A compelling charity ad can not only capture attention but also drive action, whether that means donations, volunteer sign-ups, or raising awareness for a cause. In this article, we'll explore the best charity ad

What Makes a Charity Ad Effective?

Before diving into specific examples, let's consider the elements that contribute to the effectiveness of a charity ad:
  1. Emotional Appeal: Ads that evoke strong emotions, whether they be empathy, hope, or urgency, tend to resonate more deeply with audiences.
  2. Clear Call to Action (CTA): A well-defined CTA guides the audience on what action to take next, whether it's donating, sharing the message, or signing up as a volunteer.
  3. Compelling Visuals: Striking images or videos can capture attention and convey a message more powerfully than words alone.
  4. Authentic Storytelling: Sharing real stories of those impacted by the charity's work helps to build trust and connection with the audience.
  5. Data and Facts: Providing concrete data can underscore the importance of the cause and the impact of the charity's work.

The 12+ Best Charity Ad Campaigns

1. Save the Children: Most Shocking Second a Day

Save the Children created a hard-hitting video campaign depicting a young girl’s life in the UK being turned upside down by conflict, mirroring the experiences of children in war-torn countries. The powerful narrative and high production values made this ad widely shared and discussed.

2. Charity: Water – The Spring

Charity: Water's ad for their monthly giving community, The Spring, uses emotional storytelling to show the direct impact of donations on providing clean water. The combination of hopeful imagery and testimonials makes it compelling.

3. WWF: Stop Wildlife Crime

WWF’s campaign against wildlife crime utilized stark, impactful images of animals being transformed into products, highlighting the brutality of wildlife poaching. The powerful visuals and urgent messaging effectively raised awareness.

4. UNICEF: Tap Project

UNICEF’s Tap Project encouraged people to donate a small amount for the tap water they usually take for granted, which would provide clean water for children in need. The simplicity and relatability of the campaign made it highly effective.

5. Amnesty International: Bulletproof Kids

This campaign featured children wearing bulletproof vests to highlight the dangers they face in conflict zones. The shocking visuals and poignant message made it a memorable and impactful ad.

6. Red Cross: Missing Type

To address the global blood shortage, the Red Cross launched the Missing Type campaign, removing the letters A, B, and O (representing blood types) from brand logos and social media profiles. This clever approach effectively communicated the message and engaged a wide audience.

7. PETA: Face Your Food

PETA’s graphic video ad exposes the harsh realities of animal farming. While controversial, the campaign raised awareness and spurred conversations about animal rights and veganism.

8. WaterAid: If Men Had Periods

WaterAid used humor and role reversal in this ad to highlight women's challenges with menstrual hygiene in developing countries. The unique approach helped bring attention to an often overlooked issue.

9. Make-A-Wish: The Power of a Wish

This campaign showcased the transformational impact of granting wishes to children with critical illnesses. The heartwarming stories and positive outcomes highlighted the charity’s work effectively.

10. World Food Programme: 805 Million Names

WFP teamed up with footballer Zlatan Ibrahimović, who displayed temporary tattoos of 50 names of people suffering from hunger during a match. This bold and innovative campaign drew significant media attention and awareness.

11. Oxfam: Secondhand September

Oxfam’s campaign encouraged people to buy only secondhand items for September to reduce waste and support sustainable fashion. The campaign’s relevance to current environmental concerns and clear action plan made it successful.

12. Greenpeace: There’s a Rang-tan in My Bedroom

This animated short film for Greenpeace highlighted the impact of palm oil production on orangutans. The engaging storytelling and strong environmental message resonated with a broad audience, particularly younger viewers.

How 7Search PPC Can Amplify Your Charity Ad Campaigns

Leveraging digital advertising platforms like 7Search PPC can significantly enhance the reach and impact of your charity’s ad campaigns. Here’s how:

Targeted Reach

7Search PPC allows you to target specific demographics, interests, and geographic locations, ensuring your ads reach the most relevant audience. This precision targeting helps maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Cost-Effective Solutions

With 7Search PPC, you can set your budget and only pay for actual clicks on your ads, making it a cost-effective solution for charities with limited marketing funds. This pay-per-click model ensures you get the most out of your advertising budget.

Detailed Analytics

7Search PPC provides comprehensive analytics that helps you track the performance of your ads in real time. This data is crucial for optimizing your campaigns, allowing you to adjust strategies based on what works best.

Enhanced Visibility

By appearing on a network of high-traffic websites, your charity ads gain greater visibility, increasing the likelihood of attracting donations, volunteers, and support for your cause.

Flexible Ad Formats

Whether you prefer text, image, or video ads, 7Search PPC offers various formats to suit your campaign needs. This flexibility allows you to create more engaging and diverse ad content.


Creating the best charity ad campaigns requires a blend of emotional storytelling, compelling visuals, and a clear call to action. The examples highlighted demonstrate the power of innovative and impactful advertising in driving awareness and action for important causes. By leveraging platforms like 7Search PPC, charities can amplify their reach and effectiveness, ensuring their messages are seen by the right people at the right time.


What is the key to a successful charity ad?

Ans. A successful charity ad combines emotional appeal, compelling visuals, authentic storytelling, and a clear call to action to engage and motivate the audience.

How can 7Search PPC benefit my charity's ad campaign?

Ans. 7Search PPC offers targeted reach, cost-effective advertising, detailed analytics, enhanced visibility, and flexible ad formats, helping your charity achieve greater impact with its ad campaigns.

What are some examples of impactful charity ad campaigns?

Ans. Notable examples include Save the Children's "Most Shocking Second a Day," Charity: Water’s "The Spring," and WWF’s "Stop Wildlife Crime" campaign. Each of these ads uses emotional storytelling and compelling visuals to drive awareness and action.
submitted by No_Brain_5735 to u/No_Brain_5735 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:44 SectionCool1118 I keep thinking about things me nex did and I get frustrated with those flashbacks

Me (19F) dated recently a guy for 7 months (22M) that is undoubtedly a narcissist. It took me a lot of time to notice his true colours as he was wearing a mask the whole time. Here are a few of the most alarming things he has done, as well as some odd things he’s done to get a better understanding
Extremely focused on his physical appearance. He always needs to look neat in an obsessive way and overthinks that everyone will constantly look at him.
Very stubborn and hateful of others. Usually expresses openly his dislike for others and gets frustrated when his friends don’t agree with him
Extremely judgmental about everyone but himself. Does a lot of problematic things and justifies it by saying “it’s wrong only if you get caught”
He went through my phone without letting me know. Then he saw a text of a male friend that he considered too friendly and stared a huge argument. When I told him that him looking through my phone was bad, he said “it’s not my fault you have such an easy password I saw one time and could memorise it, anyone could have access to your phone with a password like that”. When I asked him to look through this phone he literally hide it and change password
When we were planning to go on a trip, I suggested telling 2 female friends of mine to come and stay on different rooms or even hotels. He got mad and said that I don’t care about him and I just want to go on vacations and have fun, that this is a special moment of only the two of us and that if I love my friends that much I could go only with them and have a threesome.
He had a childhood female best friend. They used to fight a lot and they went no contact and got back together like 3 times. This girl has a very problematic mother, they have an unstable relationship. Her mother gets along with him, they continue to hang around until now. The final time they had an argument and went no contact, he started criticising her a lot to her mother and telling things about her that he knew her mother wouldn’t like. He ruined their relationship even more. At some point he told me “I have a strong urge to tell her that even her own mother loves me more than her”.
When we were arguing he used to call me terrible names (like the c word, wh**e ect). When he calmed down and I talked to him about it he said “I didn’t call you like that, a called your particular behaviour. That this is a behaviour of someone like that. If I thought of you like this, I wouldn’t even bother telling you what you did wrong. You should be lucky that you have such an intimate bond with me, we can argue like that and then forget it and move on”
In every job he gets, at first he makes a great impression, he is happy with it and after a while he starts to hate the job and everyone there until he quits. In one of him summer jobs, a colleague had an attitude with him and he got mad and criticised him heavily to one of the highest managers (with is a friend of his uncle). Then he got him on a lot of trouble and damaged his reputation.
In another job, the manager didn’t like him and used to criticise him instead of always praising him as he expected. At some point he got so triggered That he took off his apron and threw it at him in the middle of the shift and demanded to give him the paper for quitting right then (it was a very busy time).
In another job, he used to steal from the cash desk and re print old checks.
Everytime he spends his money, he visit his family members, complaining about his life in order to make them feel pity for him to give him money. Then he disappears until he turns broke again
He used to have a fake profile in order to stalk his old group of friends and go to the places they visited to bully them.
When meeting new people, he literally puts on a mask and over tries to appear like the best person, until time passes and his true self comes out
He was trying to convince me that my parents and brother have a controlling attitude towards me and that I have to be more independent to not minimise myself and act like I’m still a teenager by submitting to them
submitted by SectionCool1118 to LifeAfterNarcissism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:40 SweetLoli_0505 How do I stop resent my parents?

Just as title - I came here for advice, and I'd love to be recommended some books or YouTube channels to watch to help myself. This is my first time posting, and I don't know where else to post this, but I seriously need help. Thank you in advance.
A bit of context first: I'm not currently living with my parents, but I'm still financially dependent to them. I'm a student.
I grew up always remembering how much I hated my parents, sometimes to the point I even scared myself. My father never shows affection towards me and my siblings, and he used beating & yelling & lecturing to teach us to be good children. Talking back is a huge taboo in my house because there will be serious consequences. One time when I was five years old, I talked back to my parents once and was beaten & threatened to the point where I was terrified. I remembered everything vividly - what I said, how my father wielded his "weapon" yelling at me, how my mother sat there and did nothing, and how I felt. My father demands everyone to listen to his commands and do not talk back, even my mother included. One time, they had an argument and he beaten my mother in front of us - as we were having dinner, to the point where she passed out bleeding - and I remember myself ugly weeping begging for him to stop. My neighbors heard us so they came and called an ambulance for my mother - I didn't have any memories after that, but I was so scared.
My father was terrifying. I was so scared of him as a child. There was this time I overheard my father talking to my mother about how he will never show affection to me again (I was six at the time), and I still remembered it, because it broke my heart.
I was threatened a lot and was yelled at a lot too. My father would use beating to scare me to submission or to punish me for getting bad grades. My mother did nothing all those time and I understand why. It worked and I listened because I was scared. However, the older I grew, the less my father used beating to scare me, instead he used yelling & lecturing and sometimes berating. It's very hard to have a normal conversation with my father. I can't even look him in his eyes. I turned from being scared of him to resent him when I hit puberty. I wasn't as scared of him, instead I hated him so much. When I was younger my mother taught me to not talk back when my father is being mad, but I hit puberty and I yelled back at him because I was so angry - and he just berated me more and we fight a lot. It's hard to describe it, but the feelings he made me feel was frustration and hatred. I can't tell anybody without being an absolute disgusting daughter, because how could I hate my own father? We never talk about feelings, and that's why I was so scared to admit this, especially to my parents. How could I? And I don't dare being emotionally vulnerable to them, because I did that and it had caused me even more pain. I don't even trust my family anymore, and I was so sad because of it.
Sometimes I wish I was aborted instead of my second sibling. But anyways-
My hatred towards my father only got worse over time. I had been hating him so much since when I was 14 and it scares me now. I can't even have a normal conversation with my father, my blood boils whenever I see him. Everything my father does nowadays makes me so frustrated and infuriated. I'm scared of these thoughts, and I'm ashamed whenever I wish my father died an unhappy death.
And, my mother was struggling with my father a lot. When I was 18, I used to ask why she didn't divorce my father and she said she did it for us, so I knew she was struggling with him and tried her best to keep our family together. It was very hard but I saw them change - both my father and my mother. My father is now... less intolerable. He's softer and he... well I must say he changed a lot. He loves us all and I know both of them love us so much. I just don't love them, and I hate myself for it.
I hate my mother for always siding with my father. She'd always say "oh he's like that because he loves you" or "oh he's like that but he loves us a lot" (I know that, I just can't stand the way he treats everyone mom). Time and time again I learned that I should never bring this topic up (topic: how my parents mistreated us to some point), even to my mother, no use at all because my father would explode & make me feel bad about it and my mother would side with him. One time I complained to her about my bad feelings and she had berated me the way my father did. I cried myself to sleep that day.
That's why I've been avoiding them since I moved out. I'm in University now, but things aren't really good on my side. I suspect I have depression & anxiety but that's for another post. Right now I just struggle with this feeling - this hatred - towards my parents. I hated them both, so much, that I'm ashamed of it. I just want it to stop. I've been avoiding all their calls and text messages since last call (which was two weeks ago - I cried for two hours after they hung up, it was so stressful every time). I feel guilty for being like this. My parents have worked so hard for me to get into this University - we're not financially stable & don't have a lot of money.
I don't want to feel like this. I want to be able to communicate with them. I want to love them, or be able to fake that love - so that I don't feel guilty every time I ignore their calls. I hate myself and I struggle with this so much, but I don't know how to get out. My friends have been suggesting me some things to try out and are willing to give me their ears, but I figure I just can't go to them every time. I must do something myself though.
I'm open to all advice. Please help me wake myself up. Thank you all for reading. Wish you the best.
Edit: Bonus point here: Nowadays whenever they say they love me or do something affectionate/loving, I just cringe. I cringed so hard. I hate that too and I want to understand why...
TL;DR: I hate my parents so much because of some things that happened in the past and now I want to get over it (or be able to fake loving my parents back). Any advice would be helpful.
submitted by SweetLoli_0505 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:34 Sadsaddnessknife334 I think my gf F19 is cheating on me.. can someone help me M23?

I was working out while talking to my gf, then I noticed she posted a story on whatssapp about feeling lonely, she claims I make her super happy and make her feel full and comfortable .. I confronted her and she immediately deleted it, then she got a text from a number that wasn’t in her contacts saying (hi 👋) I also asked her what happened and she told me it was an Uber driver a friend gave her number to in case she needed a ride. I asked her to show me the chat but she told me she deleted the conversation because it was irrelevant. I asked for a screenshot and she took forever to do it. Maybe I acted wrong but this is a long distance relationship and my ex gf cheated on me with a similar situation so I just want peace of mind and be sure. Can someone look up this number ? I’m just very insecure and I feel terrible but thinking she’s cheating on me +52 341 217 7195 That’s the number. Maybe I’m wrong for doing this but I feel terrible.
submitted by Sadsaddnessknife334 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:32 p8tgames 20m looking for longterm friends c:

hi there!
my friends call me p8t, i am from germany and i am working fulltime as a developer. im looking for new friends to play games with, hang out, text, listen to - all the works!
i love to hang out with friends and I am definitely not a dry texter - if ure ok with getting a lot of texts throughout the day if we click then make sure to dm me to prove it :D
some of the games I play include
id love to hear from you :) i think im pretty open and respectful, so dont be scared. please do introduce yourself tho! so i know what to talk about, i can lead conversations if you dont have much energy :)
hope you all have a wonderful day!!
submitted by p8tgames to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:30 SnooRadishes8448 What are the main benefits of using a Vodafone mobile signal booster?

A Vodafone mobile signal booster can significantly enhance your mobile communication experience by addressing weak signal issues. Here are the main benefits of using a Vodafone mobile signal booster:
  1. Improved Signal Strength
A signal booster amplifies weak Vodafone signals, providing stronger and more reliable connectivity. This improvement ensures that you have a stable connection for making calls, sending texts, and using data services.
  1. Enhanced Call Quality
By boosting signal strength, the booster reduces dropped calls and enhances voice clarity. This ensures that your conversations are clear and uninterrupted, whether you are at home, in the office, or on the go.
  1. Faster Data Speeds
A Vodafone mobile signal booster can enhance data speeds, allowing for quicker downloads, smoother streaming, and better overall internet performance. This is particularly beneficial in areas with weak signals where internet speeds can be frustratingly slow.
  1. Extended Coverage Area
Signal boosters can extend the coverage area of your Vodafone signal, ensuring that you have strong reception in every corner of your home or office. This is especially useful in larger buildings or areas with thick walls that typically block signals.
  1. Support for Multiple Devices
Most Vodafone mobile signal boosters are designed to support multiple devices simultaneously. This means that everyone in your household or office can enjoy improved signal strength and better connectivity without any performance degradation.
  1. Easy Installation
Vodafone mobile signal boosters are typically easy to install and require minimal technical knowledge. With clear instructions and user-friendly components, you can set up your booster quickly and start enjoying better signal strength right away.
  1. Cost-Effective Solution
Investing in a signal booster can be more cost-effective than switching mobile service providers or paying for expensive data plans to overcome signal issues. It provides a one-time solution to ongoing signal problems.
  1. Increased Battery Life
When your mobile phone has a stronger signal, it uses less power to search for a connection. This can result in longer battery life for your devices, reducing the frequency of charging.
  1. Portable Options
Some Vodafone mobile signal boosters are portable and can be used in vehicles or taken with you when traveling. This ensures that you have strong signal coverage no matter where you are.
By addressing weak signal issues, a Vodafone mobile signal booster enhances your mobile communication experience, providing stronger, clearer, and more reliable connectivity.
submitted by SnooRadishes8448 to u/SnooRadishes8448 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:30 Difficult_Ad2252 AITAH for staying friends with a girl after her and one of my close friends broke up if I was friends with her and had a crush on her before they started dating?

I graduated college last month but this story starts almost three years ago. Sophomore year, six of my close friends and I lived on a co-ed floor. At the beginning of the school year we all met this girl (I'll refer to her as R) and I was head over heels for her right off the bat. I continued to talk to her and within a month or two we were pretty good friends. One Friday afternoon, my friends and I (plus two girls) were going to a local lake to go cliff jumping so I asked her on a whim if she wanted to come too. She said yes and we had a great time and she eventually started hanging out in our friend group (of 7 guys) often (including getting lunch with us). Pretty much every weeknight she would come sit in my room and we'd talk for hours; we weren't more than friends but some of our conversations were very flirty. In the spring, we had class together so we spent even more time together walking to and from class, studying, etc. By this point (and honestly way before that) everyone knew how much I liked her (her friends, my friends, our whole floor). Then, the week before spring break she came back from a party one night and told her friends and a couple of my friends that she was into me (I didn't know at the time). She then came over to my room and invited me over to hers. I went over there and when we were talking she said that it was really cute that I had woken up early in the morning just to say bye to her when she was catching an early flight a few weeks before. In my head, one part of me was thinking if this could possibly mean that she was into me; but the other part of me was like this is too good to be true. After a few moments, I worked up the courage to ask her what she meant by that and stuff and she just giggled. I kissed her and we ended up hooking up. We hooked up a couple more times that week and then went on spring break (she didn't come with my friends and I btw). When we got back, she told me she thought it over and actually just wanted to be friends. I was devastated but I accepted that and we went back to being friends after about a week.
Fast forward to the summer when I get a text from my closest friend in the friend group in July saying that he had something to tell me. He proceeds to send me audio messages saying that he's now dating R and they starting hooking up right before the end of the school year without telling anybody. I was honestly pretty over her romantically at this point and had other stuff going on so I didn't make a big deal out of it, even though it did feel a little bit scummy. Him, R, and I were very good friends before Spring Break (he talked to her the second most out of our friends) and I did notice them seeming to get closer towards the end of the school year. There was also one time that we went to his room at the end of the year and he wouldn't let us come inside. He made up a lot of crazy-sounding excuses when he poked his head through the crack, which was suspicious at the time, but it all makes sense now. Anyways, him and R's two best friends hated each other due to some drama from the fall, so when they found out she was dating him they were pissed. Some stuff went down and R told one of her best friends that she didn't care about her feelings in the matter at all. R's two best friends and other friends (other girls from the floor, many of whom I wasn't super friendly with) all thought that was shitty of her because of breaking girl code and because of how that would make me feel. They all abandoned her as a friend, and her and my friend dated all of junior year. The relationship was very toxic and abusive (details of which I learned about this year), probably because they each had their own deep-rooted issues and her losing her friends over it all. He was also worried she would go get with other guys since she's very flirtatious, so he wouldn't leave her side at all. They were together 24/7. I tried to be friends with both of them despite everything, because she did say that she wasn't interested in a relationship with me before they started dating, even if they went about things seemed a little scummy (I feel like he could've talked to me about it up front and been honest when he wanted to start dating her). However, he was a terrible friend that year. He was inconsiderate of everyone's time. An example is when I went to get lunch with them one day at the dining hall. They came late (probably because they were stuck in an argument beforehand) so I was there with my food eating by myself. They come in and he's already talking about needing to leave because his class is in 20 minutes across campus, so he wants to get the food to-go. She tells him to go and she'll eat with me. He can't stand that idea so he argues and argues and argues with her until she finally says she'll go with him to class. So I just get stuck there eating alone. All my friends (including him and R) studied abroad together in the spring and I stayed on campus, so I didn't have to deal with them that semester. They end up breaking up that summer.
Senior year comes around and he tells my friends and I the details about the relationship that he never told us while it was ongoing. We knew it was super unhealthy but we didn't know how abusive it was. He asks me to choose between being friends with him and her, and I'm like why do I have to choose, I tried being friends with you guys last year so I'll do the same this year. He doesn't take it super well and I'm kind of weirded out but whatever. I ended up getting lunch with R twice that semester and talking to her on FaceTime once in a while, so it's not like I was spending all my time around her like I had Sophomore year. Around January she got in a fight with her roommate and called me asking if she could sleep over since she didn't feel comfortable sleeping in her apartment that night. I said sure and she did; we cuddled but didn't kiss or hookup. When my friends and I would go out on Thursday nights we would see her at the bar pretty much every time. She would come up and hug me and we would talk. Then around spring break I had a falling out with my friends. I could feel us growing a little distant before that but they cited two reasons for not wanting me around anymore. 1) Me being friends with R made them uncomfortable (all/most of them, not just the ex) and 2) me and a different kid having problems (not relevant to this story).
When I talked to them, I told them if anything I feel like I had been wronged in the whole thing since I didn't hold it over either one of their (R and the ex) heads and I was close friends with both of them before they started dating and I tried to be both their friends afterwards. Their argument was that even though he didn't show it like I did, he also liked her before they started dating and that "she was never my girl." He's also the glue of the group; he's the closest with everyone and is kind of like the leader, which I think influenced their opinions a good amount. AITAH for trying to stay friends with both of them after they broke up?
submitted by Difficult_Ad2252 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:26 Bobbly_1010257 Over confident, Zero intelligence

Shortly before Christmas last year, I took my mother to Tesco (UK Supermarket) to do the ‘big’ Christmas shop to make sure she had all she needed for the festive period.
We were walking down the frozen seafood isle when a loud, obnoxious gentleman patted me on the shoulder and said ‘can I request your advice!?’ This man was in his late 60’s and was accompanied by his timid, shrinking violet of a wife.
I of course politely agreed and said ‘certainly, how can I help?’ When he proceeds to tell me how he can pretty much turn his hand to anything in life and it’ll be a guaranteed success and that this year he was inviting the entire family to come for Christmas dinner that he was going to cook and his grand plan was to make a prawn cocktail starter. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž Now, I’m not sure how global this is, but a prawn cocktail starter is the most 70’s, dated, old hat excuse for a ‘starter’ you can think of. But this guy, oh! he thought it was going to send people’s heads spinning in awe of his overwhelming sophistication.
Anyway, once he was finished monologuing about his expertise, all of which was accompanied by his wife’s frantic wide-eyed nodding (I doubt this woman was conditioned to anything in life other than listening to and believing every word that fell out of her husbands mouth)
 he reached into a chest freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen king prawns. The big-ish kind with the shell on but no head. He asks ‘will these be enough?’ So, naturally I asked ‘well, how many people are coming to dinner?’ And he looked at me as if I was hard of hearing and repeats ‘well, the entire family!’ (For clarity, I do not know this man or any of his family). My mum (who is equally confused and done with this conversation as I am) interjected and asks specifically how many people this means, to which he turns to his wife who looks like she going to pass out from the pressure of having to provide some information and eventually she spits out ‘SIXTEEN’
 to this day I’m convinced this was just a guess.
So, I then asked
 ‘how many prawns are you planning on putting in a serving? How are you going to present your starter? The traditional way in a martini glass? The presentation will determine how many prawns you can probably fit’ And my god! If I did!!!
He turns literally purple. His wife starts gripping the strap of her handbag and blinking furiously, eyes darting everywhere like she knew I’d just gone one step too far
 he starts babbling, making incoherent noises and saying disjointed words like ‘Urrrgh
. Well
 um.. err.. hmphfff
’ he throws the prawns back into the freezer, slams it shut and said to me ‘I knew I shouldn’t have bloody asked you! I wanted advice not to have some kid over complicate things. (I’m 33f) Bloody women! Forever bloody over complicating. Got to make a mountain out of a mole hill!’
 he then turns to my mum and says ‘good luck with your Christmas if she’s this bad in your house’ and he leans into her, raises his eyes as if he’s going to pass on some sage advice and says ‘you’ve got your work cut out with this one!’ And storms off to the checkout. Lunatic! I wonder how many family members showed up and what they ended up with for a starter. 😂
submitted by Bobbly_1010257 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:25 cute_turtle_ Seeking honest feedback. Is this message appropriate and genuine?

After 10 days of not texting him after he dumped me and 9 after our last conversation in a park where we talked “calmly” and I said I’d respect his decision, I feel the urge to tell him some things.
I wrote this message to send to him. It’s a mix of apology and reflection and I tried to be as sincere as possible. Are there any parts that seem off or that could be better communicated? Please feel free to share your thoughts wherther positive or critical. Thanks so much
(please note it’s an automatic translation)
Hi, how are you? I wanted to tell you the other day not to feel like you're not enough. I don't know why you felt that way, because I always gave you all my love and valued you greatly. It's because of that same love that I'm respecting your decision and not writing to you. But I wanted to apologize for suggesting we open the relationship at the wrong time, when you'd been feeling anxious for months. It saddens me to feel that you seemed determined and eager to try an open relationship when in reality, it wasn't what you wanted or needed. I believed you when, after analyzing past relationships, you said you thought the decision was fine. I always believed you when, despite how difficult the process was, you told me you thought we were on the right path. I constantly asked you how you felt and always tried to talk about it to be on the same page. I understand that we might have made mistakes. I want to make it clear to you that I always loved you with all my being and that you were much more than "enough." It makes me sad that I always felt like I was a safe place for you, but you couldn't express your discomforts to me, whether out of fear that I would leave you or for some other reason. I hope this helps both of us and that you can reflect on how important it is to communicate what we feel. In a relationship, there shouldn't be a fear of being left. The person you had by your side loved you and was very willing to listen to you. I hope you can see in me the woman I was by your side, supporting you in everything and making you happy in the little things. That's all I wanted to say. I care about you a lot and I say goodbye again. đŸ«‚
submitted by cute_turtle_ to ExNoContact [link] [comments]