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2024.06.10 04:50 SnowGames Merch for SUMMER JAM and Welcome to Winter Wonderland merch not actually going to be sold at the live event location

Merch for SUMMER JAM and Welcome to Winter Wonderland merch not actually going to be sold at the live event location submitted by SnowGames to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:49 Alternative-Rub9809 How can I (35M) deal with a partner (32F) that is unhappy on multiple levels due anxiety, stress, and being overwhelmed?

My wife and I have been together for a while and married for 7 years. Have two kids under 3.5 and they are great. One is gonna be 1 in a few months. Some things to deal with them here and there but nothing too drastic.
Overall, I think we work good as a team together. But as a whole, we have different approaches to how we deal with adversity, mental health, and general everyday issues. As we have gotten more responsibilities and as we face things that are more out of our control, it’s been really draining and I’m just very sad to be honest.
The main issue comes to how overwhelmed we feel mentally and physically from our responsibilities and what we prioritize. I will preface that we split everything 50/50 and at times, I would say there were situations where I take on a bigger load. I do all the grocery shopping,cooking and cleanup, deal with bills, handle activities for our oldest, etc. She does all the laundry, handles our youngest (although I have started to do more there), and order clothes and necessities.
On the chores front, she always seems overwhelmed and not happy. I try to ask if I can help with laundry and she says no. She also complains that the house is not where she likes it and there is some clutter, etc. Our house is tidy and yes it has clutter, but what house doesn’t. She says it really annoys her and it should be a priority. I get it but I get frustrated by how much she obsesses over it. I try to help but I don’t think it should be top priority.
She also gets annoyed that there are administrative stuff that have been lingering. I told her I plan to take care of it but I can only do so much and we should be ok that something is always not going to be done. Like I literally wake up with kids, work, hang out with kids, put them to bed, clean up after dinner, and then cook for next day. If I have time, I try to take care of stuff but there is only so much time in the day. And then she attacks me if I go to a lunch once in a blue moon with a friend and saying that it could have been used to take care of stuff. She also spends time during day worrying or researching stuff for home while I can’t do that. I have a demanding job that partially pays for our good life. I know her performance at her job has fallen due to this pattern.
I will add that overall, we have a great life. We have a full-time nanny, grandparents near by ( not the most involved but will always help if asked), and we have hybrid work schedule. We also make a good salary that affords us to buy conveniences. Even with that, she just always seems so overwhelmed. She also snaps at me for the most random things. I misplaced our sons sippy cup and she snapped at me how everyone always misplaces it. When she makes simple mistakes, I always give her benefit of the doubt and brush it off as nothing. Because I really don’t care. You make a tiny mistake, we move on. When I make a simple mistake, I don’t know what’s going to happen. In general, when something bad happens, my first thought is how she is going to react. When I got Covid a while ago, she was so miserable because I had to quarantine and she was stuck with our kid for 5 days ( we had one at that time).
Mentally, there are also some issues. She rarely looks happy and always thinks of the worst case scenario. Even though we try not to compare to others, and I really don’t, she always does and worries how our kids are doing. Our oldest is fantastic but has some sensory needs that we are working through. She frequently points that out when they go somewhere alone. She also always assumes the worst. If one of our kids has something, she thinks it could be the worst malady possible. She is also very impacted by politics and national events. I know she reads a lot of news and goes down the rabbit hole sometimes on world events that concern her.
Overall, I know she tries to be a great mom ( and she is) but I just want her to be at peace and have some gratitude. Our problems and responsibilities are so manageable in the grand scheme of things.
Lastly, I just feel sad as a husband. I just feel neglected a lot of times and alone. I really love her and love doing things for her. It makes me so happy and I really ask for nothing in return. I just like doing it. I make her breakfast ahead of time when she goes into office, drive her to bus stop for work, try to find nice things she likes at the store, plan date nights, etc. I love planning her birthday or Mother’s Day. On the other hand, I know she wants to be there for me but I just think she feels too overwhelmed to be there. I didn’t even get a birthday card last year. She said she tried to order one but couldn’t get one. She orders so many things online, I’m sure she could have gotten something. I even would have been fine if it was later. I can’t remember last time she proposed a date night. We haven’t had sex in 14 months and she makes me feel so guilty if I bring that up. I been very patient for most of it since she was pregnant but we had zero intimacy at all. I don’t need full blown sex but it would be nice to have some kind of connection there.
I guess I just don’t know how to approach this. I brought up that she should go to therapy. I confronted her and said that it seems she is unhappy all the time and overwhelmed. And she said she is because there are too many things to do and life is stressful. I push her to do stuff for herself, but it just seems like she so unhappy all the time. If I ask her how she is doing she usually just responds “ tired, stressed, or fine”.
For once, I would just love a random text in the middle of the day that says “ hey thinking about you, I’m grateful for you and what we have”. I just feel so inadequate and if someone would have told me that this would be our life 5 years ago, I would have been ecstatic.
TLDR: We have a lot of help with our busy life, but wife is always miserable with our life and only thinks about bad things that can happen. I feel neglected and sad. How do I even approach things?
submitted by Alternative-Rub9809 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:44 Blueditor222 New massive milestone has been achieved! Keep it going everyone!!!

New massive milestone has been achieved! Keep it going everyone!!! submitted by Blueditor222 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:43 dublecreturefeture Why do I value my friends more than they seem to value me? Have I just fallen in love with people who don’t reciprocate and I need to accept that and find someone who does?

Just to start off—I’m not sure if this post fits within this subreddit, so if it doesn’t let me know so I can take it down (and if anyone could suggest a better thread to put it on that would be greatly appreciated…).
So, I’m 18 and I’ve recently realized that I’ve always had a companion in my life. When I was growing up, my cousin and I were attached at the hip. Later on, I had a best friend from grade school who moved away. Then, I had a very long relationship with my ex-best friend. We spent all of our time together, we were each others’ number one. I was satisfied with the relationship and I loved her so much, it didn’t feel like I needed more. The sentiment I feel is always why would I look for someone else or look for more when this is already my person. I always thought it was crazy to balance a best friendship that was as close as we were with a romantic partner, because how do you divide up that time without someone being at a loss? Well, eventually she did get a boyfriend about a year or two before I cut contact. When they started dating, I was pushed to the side and he essentially replaced my role, because it felt like we had a partnership, or at least I was somewhat fulfilling some of her ‘partner needs’. Our friendship fell apart due to this and a lot of other factors as well, and I’ve always questioned whether or not I was in love with her. A (maybe) important detail to note is I am diagnosed as neurodivergent (I have ADHD and questioning auDHD), so my perspective on relationships in regards to social norms and what actually fits into platonic/romantic/etc. is really confusing and not what I think everyone else thinks, just based off my experience and what others have told me. Fast-forwarding to the present, I’ve met someone new and we’ve been very close for almost half a year now. We live together and have plans to move together in a year, we’ve met each others’ families, are always together, etc. etc. I am completely happy spending all my time with them and I once again feel like I’ve met my person and I’m satisfied, even if our relationship doesn’t change. They have been working through a really devastating heartbreak for over a year now, and haven’t been searching for anyone new or going on dates or anything like that, but we haven’t made any commitments to each other or anything either. I am extremely scared that all of this just means I’ve fallen in love with the wrong person again, my favorite person in the world who I always want to be with and I want to make happy. I just need to know from an outside perspective—does it sound like a lost cause for me? Should I just enjoy it while it lasts before they inevitably start a new life with a partner and we will just not be as close? I don’t mean to sound dramatic, and I know it’s not their fault or my fault, I just know that the level of closeness we have now would be unsustainable if either one of us were to introduce a romantic partner to the dynamic, and I have no intentions of doing so, but I know it’s a possibility for them. Every time they talk about being single or something related, I just wish I could say ‘be with me forever then, problem solved’ but I just don’t know what to do or what to feel, I love them so much but I guess I’m just anxious and a bit prematurely sad/disappointed thinking about what feels like an inevitable future heartbreak. If anyone has been through something similar or has any insight/advice based on everything I laid out, it would be extremely helpful.
submitted by dublecreturefeture to SingleAndHappy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:41 Fickle-optimism 39 [F4M/MF] #louisiana #online Looking for a pearl

I'm a single, polyamorous 39F and live outside Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I've been single (primary partner) for over a year, and I am ready to start exploring the possibility of finding a more permanent partner or partners. I'm open to many different dynamics, including a triad or otherwise, but I am most interested in seeking a primary partner who is also polyamorous. One of my most fulfilling relationships has been a long-distance relationship I found right here in this same Reddit forum two years ago. We are best friends but only visit twice a year due to the distance (Alaska to Louisiana). I am hopeful Reddit can do it for me again.
It takes me hours to write an ‘about me’ summary, but I always end up overthinking what I wrote and deleting it. I overshare and then cringe at the fact that I overshare. I’m somehow shy, even though I can be extroverted. Sometimes, I can’t pronounce words I’ve only ever read. My humor is dry, but I’m quirky and silly AF. I can be intense yet very playful, funny, and charming. I'm neurospicy and complicated as an AuDHD woman, and I get along well with other neurodivergents. I love deep and intelligent conversations as much as I like my quiet time.
I have a big heart and love hard. I have worked to develop a healthy attachment style and expect to find someone who also shares a healthy attachment style.
I love to cook and enjoy quiet evenings at home. I also enjoy excitement and adventure. One flex I can claim is my ability to set up a campsite alone, although it is too hot most of the year to camp in Louisiana. I am comfortable around nudists and have a favorite spot to hang out in the French Quarter in New Orleans. I live in the country, but one day, I want to live in a city with parks, sidewalks, and hopefully even mountains in the background. In fact, I want to move out of my small town in Louisiana within the next couple of years. My job is in employee benefits/insurance/human resources, and my career is in demand. However, I was accepted in school for my MSM and am heavily considering going back to college to become an LCSW. I'm passionate about mental health and self-improvement and have considered a career change.
I love live music and have an eclectic taste, including loving bands like Rainbow Kitten Surprise, The Beaches, Matt Maeson, Mt. Joy, and The Revivalists.
I'm very pretty and have a youthful face for a 39-year-old who will be 40 later this year. I've lost a lot of weight and am pretty average, but I don't like to make a big deal about losing weight. I mention it because you can tell from my body that I've lost weight. I'm confident in my skin and hope to be with someone who is also confident and comfortable. We don't have to meet societal standards to be confident or beautiful.
The type of person or people I want are kind and welcoming to all walks of life without unfair judgment. We are all growing and learning, and I hope whoever I let in my life is trying to be the best version of themselves. Being self-aware is sexy, especially positive self-awareness.
My sexuality tends to lean heterosexual, but I have had bisexual relationships with women and couples of various ages. What can I say? I enjoy group sex and threesomes, but dating couples can be challenging! I am comfortable with my sexuality and am open to those of various sexualities themselves.
I have two cats and one 13-yo boy. He's my most important person and pretty damn cool, if I say so myself. We're both tired of this town and want to move.
I have the world at my fingertips, and life is my oyster - will you be my pearl? (*insert eye-roll for corniness*)
Please say hello and start a conversation if this resonates with you.
submitted by Fickle-optimism to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:38 bismikaledo Resume Templates for Student

Resume Templates for Student
Creating an impressive resume as a student might seem like a daunting task, but with the right template, you can craft a document that highlights your strengths and makes you stand out. Let's dive into how you can create a compelling resume even if you're just starting out in your career journey.
1. Highlight Your Education
As a student, your education is your strongest asset. Make sure to place it at the top of your resume, detailing your school, degree, and expected graduation date. If you have a strong GPA or any academic honors, be sure to include those as well.
For example, instead of just listing "XYZ University, Bachelor of Science," you could write:
XYZ University Bachelor of Science in Biology, Expected Graduation: May 2025
  • GPA: 3.8
  • Dean's List (2022-2023)
2. Showcase Relevant Experience
Even if you haven't had a formal job yet, there are plenty of experiences that can demonstrate your skills and work ethic. Internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, and even significant class projects can all be relevant. Focus on what you achieved in each role and how it prepared you for the professional world.
For instance, if you volunteered at a local animal shelter, you might write:
Volunteer, Local Animal Shelter
  • Coordinated adoption events, increasing adoption rates by 20%
  • Managed social media accounts, boosting online engagement
  • Provided daily care for animals, ensuring a clean and safe environment
3. Emphasize Skills and Certifications
In today's job market, specific skills and certifications can set you apart from other candidates. Include a section in your resume dedicated to these. Think about the software you know, languages you speak, and any certifications you have earned, such as CPR or Microsoft Office proficiency.
Here's how you could format this section:
Skills and Certifications
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Photoshop
  • Fluent in Spanish and French
  • Certified in CPR and First Aid
4. Use a Clean and Professional Template
The layout of your resume should be clean, professional, and easy to read. Use free modern resume template that includes clear headings, bullet points, and plenty of white space. Avoid overly decorative fonts and colors that can distract from your content.
One popular approach is to use a two-column format. The left column can feature your contact information, skills, and certifications, while the right column can be used for your education and experience. This format is visually appealing and makes the best use of space.
5. Tailor Your Resume to Each Job
Finally, remember that one size does not fit all when it comes to resumes. Tailor your resume to match the specific job you are applying for. Highlight the experiences and skills that are most relevant to the job description. This shows potential employers that you have taken the time to understand their needs and are genuinely interested in the position.
Example: Tailored Resume for a Marketing Internship
John Doe Contact Information
Education ABC University Bachelor of Arts in Marketing, Expected Graduation: May 2025
  • GPA: 3.7
  • Marketing Club President
Experience Social Media Intern, XYZ Company
  • Developed and scheduled posts, increasing follower count by 30%
  • Analyzed engagement data to optimize content strategy
  • Collaborated with the marketing team on campaign planning
Volunteer, Campus Marketing Initiative
  • Created promotional materials for campus events
  • Managed event logistics and volunteer coordination
  • Boosted event attendance by 25% through targeted marketing efforts
Skills and Certifications
  • Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and Google Analytics
  • Certified in HubSpot Inbound Marketing
  • Strong public speaking and presentation skills
By following these tips and using a well-structured resume template, you'll be able to create a resume that showcases your strengths and sets you up for success in your job search. Remember, your resume is your first impression—make it count!
submitted by bismikaledo to u/bismikaledo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:36 ItsThatGoatBoy We've officially surpassed Nostalrius' signature amount!

We've officially surpassed Nostalrius' signature amount! submitted by ItsThatGoatBoy to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:35 Purple-Guidance5058 Ex situationship (21F) lied to her current girlfriend about me (20F) "taking advantage" of her while she was drunk. What do I do?

I (20F) had a situationship with this girl (21F) who was a coworker. We can call her T. At the start of the relationship, she basically lovebombed me with expensive dates and spending time with me for days in a row. She was overly affectionate and articulated her words in a very poetic manner.
She ghosted me 3 times. The first time, it was because I deserved someone "who could give me the world". The second time, was because of "self-sabotage" (she felt llike she didn't deserve someone good in her life). The third time, I began trying to see other people to get over her since I really wanted to be her friend without making it complicated with the romantic aspects of it. She didn't make it clear if she wanted a relationship but then would overstep boundaries continuously even when we were just friends. For example, she would invite me over to her house for sleepovers and then cuddle me in the middle of the night while she was fully awake and I was sleeping. Anyway, once she found out I was seeing other people (I was open about this) she got very passive aggressive. In short, she didn't want to be official but she also didn't want me seeing other people. I even stopped seeing these people for her but every time I'd cut them off, she would get cold and distant. Eventually, she stopped talking to me altogether and blocked me on everything. This was the same week that she didn't want to stop seeing each other and even held my hand and kissed my forehead a bunch of times. Even said she loved me and how she'll always be there for me.
A week flies by and she gets with a coworker of ours (Let's call her K). They've been together for about 2 months and T would only ever talk to me at work if K wasn't around. Toward the beginning of their relationship, there was one time T came in and kept staring at me, smiling, and getting near me on purpose WHILE she was with K. She told K about how we've never done anything and K explicitly told her, "If I find out you and her ever did anything together, it's over between us". T, to cover her tracks, says "We've made out one time but it's because she took advantage of me while I was drunk." She not only told her new girlfriend this, but also coworkers who were our mutual friends.
Ever since they started dating, she painted me to be this "obsessive" ex even though 1) we were never official and 2) I only ever reciprocated the energy she would give me. It's one thing to call be obsessive, and you could even regret being with someone. However, it's another to accuse me of sexually assaulting her while she was drunk. Especially because she was the one who initiated the kissing, the hugging, and even the sex. I would have told K the truth about everything that happened between me and T, but K basically hates for "assaulting" her girlfriend and sees me as that type of person. I have photos, videos, and messages to prove that neither of us did anything that one of us didn't consent to.
TLDR: An ex situationship, also a coworker, started seeing this girl and told her how we've never done anything and how I took advantage of her while she was drunk even though it's not true. I have photos and videos to prove everything was consensual between us and Im thinking of talking to the girl to prove myself innocent.
What do I do? I really want to tell the new girlfriend the truth, because that is not within my character to do something like that. That could also easily reach management.
submitted by Purple-Guidance5058 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:35 GamingHearts1 Perfect Dark Getting a Reboot

Perfect Dark Getting a Reboot
There is no question that this year’s Xbox Showcase has been pleasantly surprising opposed to Sony’s State of Play 2024 stream. Not only did we get to see trailers for games like Fable and DOOM: The Dark Ages but we also learned that Xbox Game Studios will be rebooting Perfect Dark also. Everyone knows that Perfect Dark was one of the most popular first-person shooter games on the N64 more than two decades ago along with Goldeneye 007. The trailer for the Perfect Dark reboot that we got at the Xbox Showcase exceeded many people’s expectations in relation to quality. The futuristic gadgets and cyberpunk look in the Perfect Dark reboot are among the few things that really stood out in the reveal trailer. Also, the parkour gameplay mechanic was a bonus because it reminds people of games like Mirror’s Edge and Dying Light 2. The new Perfect Dark reboot almost looks like a Deus Ex game from the 2010’s and the voice acting for Joanna Dark is top notch. The trailer saw the mention of the Carrington Institute but there was nothing concerning DataDyne which was a bit strange.
The first-person shooter gameplay for Perfect Dark looked sick and theme surrounding the “discovery” about the truth concerning the world we live in felt intriguing. The Perfect Dark Reboot is almost two decades in the making and its a shock especially since the project was considered to be dead several years ago. While the Perfect Dark reboot is clearly going to be on the Xbox Series X and possibly Steam the official release date for the game is still unclear. Xbox’s decision to revive the beloved IP has been one of the best decisions the company has made in the past several years and many people have high expectations for the Perfect Dark reboot once it comes out.
submitted by GamingHearts1 to u/GamingHearts1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:32 mastahpotato Which HR book or FMC/character would you like to become?

So I've been a longtime fan and reader of both OI and HR reads. HR is essentially what births OI with added Japanese dating Sim gameplay. Though Villainess tropes are the most popular trope subversion at the moment, it was originally focused on the Heroine/OGFL and her pursuit of monogamous love route or reverse harem end. It's somewhat meta because it's also a sort of (Y/N) story in which the reader of a book enters said book and "becomes" the Heroine. There's other variations which includes and not limited to regression, time travel, possession, reincarnation etc. Methods of entering the book also varies. Death by Truck (affectionately known as Truck-kun) is by far the most popular method. If you're lucky you die in your sleep and awaken as a rich and pampered Heroine (unless you possess a Villainess so tough luck there).
Most if not all FMCs in HR are that Heroine. The HR books ARE the romance books which is the base of all the meta storytelling.
So since there's the concept of HR book boyfriends, if you're given the chance to become the FMC of your favourite HR book, who would you possess?
More interesting questions to ponder:
I'm super interested in what you all would think! If given the chance, I'd possess a rich spinster side character so I get to live the high life and watch my favourite couple getting the romance on because I'm nosy and ace 😂
What is Otome Isekai?
Short and long explanation here.
P.s your original body in our world is 99% dead, so probably no Outlander-style travel going on. Hopefully you pick a good book worth living in!
submitted by mastahpotato to HistoricalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:28 mamichafashion Who Should Wear Culottes? A Guide by Mamicha

Who Should Wear Culottes? A Guide by Mamicha
Culottes have made a significant comeback in the fashion world, offering a unique blend of comfort, style, and versatility. This wide-legged, cropped pant style is a favorite among fashion-forward individuals, but many wonder if they can pull off this trend. Mamicha, known for its innovative and inclusive designs, brings you this guide to help you understand who should wear culottes and how to style them effortlessly.
Understanding Culottes
Culottes are characterized by their wide-leg cut and cropped length, typically ending mid-calf. They strike a perfect balance between skirts and trousers, providing the freedom of movement and elegance of skirts with the practicality of pants. This versatile garment can be dressed up or down, making it suitable for various occasions and settings.
Cotton culottes
Who Can Wear Culottes?
  1. All Body Types: Culottes are incredibly versatile and can be flattering on all body types when styled correctly. Whether you have an hourglass, pear, apple, or rectangular body shape, there is a way to make culottes work for you.
  2. Petite Frames: Petite individuals often shy away from culottes, fearing they might overwhelm their frame. However, high-waisted culottes that create the illusion of longer legs paired with heels or wedges can be incredibly flattering.
  3. Tall and Lean: Tall individuals can easily pull off culottes without worrying about them cutting off their height. Pairing them with flats or low heels can create a chic, effortless look.
  4. Curvy Figures: Curvy individuals can embrace culottes by choosing styles that cinch at the waist and flow away from the hips, creating a balanced and flattering silhouette.
Styling Tips for Culottes
  1. Balance the Proportions: Since culottes have a wide leg, it's essential to balance the proportions by wearing a fitted or tucked-in top. This helps define the waist and creates a more polished look.
  2. Choose the Right Length: The most flattering length for culottes is mid-calf. However, experimenting with slightly longer or shorter styles can also work, depending on your height and personal preference.
  3. Accessorize Wisely: Belts can be a great addition to culottes, accentuating the waist and adding a touch of style. Additionally, statement jewelry or a chic handbag can elevate the overall look.
  4. Footwear Choices: The right footwear can make or break your culottes outfit. For a formal look, pair them with heels or ankle boots. For a casual vibe, sneakers or sandals work perfectly.
  5. Layer Smartly: Layering can add depth to your culottes outfit. A tailored blazer, denim jacket, or lightweight cardigan can complement the look while providing an extra layer for cooler weather.
Occasions to Wear Culottes
  1. Office Wear: Culottes can be a great alternative to traditional trousers for the office. Pair them with a crisp button-down shirt and pumps for a professional look.
  2. Casual Outings: For a casual day out, opt for a relaxed top and sneakers. This combination is comfortable yet stylish, perfect for running errands or meeting friends.
  3. Evening Events: Dress up your culottes with a sleek blouse, statement accessories, and high heels for an evening out. This look is sophisticated and modern, ideal for dinner dates or parties.
  4. Travel and Leisure: Culottes are comfortable and easy to move in, making them a great choice for travel. Pair them with a simple tee and comfortable shoes for a chic travel outfit.
Conclusion: Embrace the Versatility of Culottes with Mamicha
In conclusion, culottes are a versatile and stylish addition to any wardrobe, suitable for various body types and occasions. Mamicha's collection of culottes embraces this timeless trend, offering designs that cater to different preferences and styles. Whether you're petite, tall, curvy, or lean, there's a way to make culottes work for you. Embrace this fashion-forward piece with confidence and let Mamicha guide you in creating effortlessly chic outfits that celebrate your unique style.
submitted by mamichafashion to MamichaFashion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:24 throwaway224448 I am exhausted. Help needed

23.5 /M Canada if that matters. So i hve been a pretty much nerdy all my life and yesterday i vent to a club. I do not drink or smoke and i do not intend on doing so in future. Recently got my permanent residence so just wanted to put myself out there. So basically i went there. I did not enjoy at all. It was a diffeent world for me. I was so surprised as well as disappointed at same time.i asked a girl and she denied . I respected that and went on my way.
I am not sure if this was for me. But i really want to put myself out there and try on dating and all. I would say i am little below average in terms of looks. I have joined gym recently so i am working on my body. Dating seems like a pretty hard thing to do actually. I have also joined a group where people meet up but i have not gone to any meetup yet , i cannot just gather the courage to go to so many people.
I do not have any friends all i have is few very nice big brothers who have taken care of me like a father figures . They are older than me.
This is my process of talking to someone strange. I start by imagining every possibility i can then i start formulating the talks i can do and then like a computer feed the words into my mind and then start speaking them if an unfamiliar situation comes up.. i get confused and i lose all my confidence. Help me out.. i am lost..
submitted by throwaway224448 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:23 Lost_In_Space08 Ex GF (33F) destroyed me (42M). What to do? Story time…

My (42M) ex gf (33F) broke my heart again 3 weeks ago. We started dating soon after our previous relationships had ended which was a mistake. She told me that she was separated from her ex husband for about 8-9 months. In reality, it was more like 3-4 months. They soon divorced about 4 months into our relationship. In my case, I told her that me and my previous ex broke up awhile ago and that I was over it. It had been 5 months and was probably not completely over it.
She fell in love just after a couple of weeks and so did I about a month or 2 into the relationship. We would always want to be together or texting calling all day and night. For years we would pretty much fall asleep over the phone every night when we weren’t together.
A couple of months into our relationship I started to realize that she had a very bad eating disorder that caused her to be very depressed & would always complain about her body & call herself fat even though she’s a thin woman. She used to be a big girl and lost weight after her family in the Philippines would call her names when she visited. So naturally, I would take her out on dinner dates a lot and we would drink to enhance the fun. Well I started to gain weight and her eating disorder got worse. She would workout for hours every morning and talk about killing herself. I became an alcoholic because of the stress from her ED/depression & I was having too much fun drinking & not eating right. I kept wanting to eat out so I gained more and more weight and she kept going along with it for awhile because it was just something we did although she knew her disorder was getting the best of her. Since I was gaining weight I started to put off meeting her family & friends and eventually not go on trips with her or her family. This caused arguments and her thinking of breaking things off. Mind u, I never yelled at her, I never called her names, I was always there for her otherwise and I would usually give her flowers and gifts which no man had done before.
Fast forward to a year or 2 into the relationship and I’ve met her friends and family but I’m still gaining weight by drinking & eating. I’m still treating her well otherwise but I know I’m letting us both down because of my drinking and weight problem. She wanted to be more active and do more things like traveling, going on walks ect but because I was so overweight, I couldn’t do those things. We went to the movies often, took a trip to Vegas, LA, Reno and Napa valley but it wasn’t enough for her. Soon our bedroom started to suffer. She was still attracted to me but since i had gained so much weight, i couldn’t give her what she wanted in the bedroom.
Around the 2 year mark, i found out she was flirting with an old classmate on Instagram. I didn’t see anything in regards to sex talk but they would complement each other and talk about random things like what type of alcoholic drinks they liked. She denied everything of course and gaslit me. By this time I had no self esteem and no confidence so I let it go because she ended up unfollowing him. Soon after I found messages from her ex husband. They were conversing about their failed relationship behind my back. I let that go as well since nothing came of it and they stopped talking.
Covid came around the 3 year mark and for the most part we were loving & I started to go to more and more family gatherings and took her out to different events more often. Her eating disorder wasn’t nearly as bad since she was in therapy but was still an issue. Bedroom was still decent at best but still suffering because of my weight. I also lost my job because of my weight gain and depression.
Year 4 was an awful year for our relationship. I was still depressed because of my weight gain, no job & not being able to give her everything she wanted by traveling, being better in the bedroom & not being able to move in with her. She still loved me very much but her needs weren’t being met.
During year 4, she was feeling better about her ED but she would still complain about her body & I would always have to make sure to ask her what she wanted to eat because if she ate like crap, I’d hear about it later that night and especially the next morning which gave me anxiety. She received a promotion at her job which added to her stress since it was more work. Combine the work stress, being the only sibling that helped her parents out, our relationship issues & her eating disorder, she started to act out.
1 day, she told me she was going to have lunch with her former supervisor. This man decided to leave the company for a better position elsewhere. She told me she wanted to pick his brain since she now had his job which made perfect sense. I trusted her & had no issue with it. Long story short, after some drinks he decided to try & hold her hand. This led to her to start having feelings for him. I would catch her sending him a kiss emoji which I asked her about & she gaslit me & said it was nothing at all. I honestly forgot the excuse she gave me.
Soon after she took a trip to Europe alone since I didn’t have the funds & my weight gain would make it difficult to be comfortable on the plane & walk all around. Everything was fine until she started to get distant so I went on her iPad & found out that she had texted her ex supervisor. She said she missed him & called him handsome. Mind you, he never flirted back with her this whole time. He just wanted to obviously hook up. Anyway, I also noticed she texted her friend thanking her for picking up her phone and listening to her sob story. I figured it was about us & combined with texting her ex supervisor, I decided to call her out on things. She told me that she hasn’t been happy & that we should probably break up. Of course I begged & pleaded with her not to end our relationship and she eventually caved. This was probably the 2nd or 3rd time I had to beg & plead for her not to end the relationship.
She came back from Europe and things were fine. Relationship still had issues but we kept on going. 1 day she asked me if I would be ok with her going out to dinner with her ex supervisor and ex manager who was married. I asked if I could trust her & she said yes. The day comes and we’re texting back & 4th until she arrives at the restaurant. Hours go by and she’s not texting much at all. I was getting ready to meet her at her apartment that night & I was getting worried. Since we both tracked each order on our phones I decided to see where she was & I saw that she had gone from the restaurant to the nearby lake. I had the worst feeling in the world. I took off for her apartment & I thought about going to the lake but I chose not to. She eventually texted me around 10pm saying she was coming home. She came home drunk, took her usual shower & passed out. The next morning she confessed that she had cheated on me. She cried her eyes out & told me she regretted it. She told me that he tried to feel her up but she pulled away but they made out for awhile. Who knows if she did more than that but her story never changed. We both cried & went from breaking up to wanting to making things work so we did.
Soon after, she told me how he used her, how much she loves me and how awful she feels. She even took me on a trip to Texas to show her renewed love for me. She told her family, friends & co workers all the time even before she cheated but even more now how I was the best thing to happen to her, I was her life’s prize & that I was the only man she wanted.
5th year comes along and things are better. I started to lose weight, I didn’t drink nearly as much & got a new job. I even moved into the apartment & started going to the gym with her! Bedroom was still decent at best because of my self esteem and weight gain but I trying. We planned a trip to Mexico but soon I hurt my leg, started to drink around the holidays and gained the weight back. I then lost my job because of the contract ending so I had to cancel the Mexico trip which crushed her. I was still paying rent & she was still loving & said she had my back. About a month later I stopped drinking again and in pursuit of a new job which I eventually landed about 2 months after my last. We were doing well & I was going to the gym with her again & we also shopped around for engagement rings.
Soon after, she told me that since we didn’t go to Mexico, she needed to use up some PTO. I suggested that she go to the Philippines since her parents were there on a business trip. She purchased her ticket and a few days later she asked me if it was ok if she were to hang out with her 3 guy friends from when she was little. Keep in mind that 1 of them is single but she tells me that she’s not interested & they are all just good friends. I trusted her yet again. The day comes & I drop her off @ the airport. We’re still very loving & she’s texting me saying she loves and misses me. All up until the day her friends pick her up to hang out in the Philippines. She ends up not texting me for 12 hours, gets distant, changes her Facebook profile picture from our pic to a selfie and makes her relationship status private. We get into an argument about it & she tells me it’s nothing & not to worry. From then on she’s distant & 2 days later she tells me that she’s going with her friends to 1 of their houses for dinner. That 1 friend is the only 1 that’s single. She ends up not texting much at all and eventually tells me she’s going to sleep over. At this point I’m pissed off because she’s been distant, & not texting much at all. She ends up texting me the next morning but is still distant throughout the day. Here comes the end of our relationship.
I go through her iPad since I’m worried & I see that she called another 1 of her friends in regards to our relationship. She also saved a screenshot of a convo with her single friend. She had sent him a pic of herself on a cruise with her parents. At this point i decided to confront her about her friend and she tells me that she understands why she’s upset because she hasn’t been talking to me much the past couple of days and she swears there’s nothing going on between her & her friend. She tells me that she’s once again thinking about our relationship & how her life can be different so I tell her that maybe we should break up since she’s done this before. She half-heartedly agrees & I start to spiral out of control soon after by constantly texting her. I from being loving & begging her not to go to hating her & telling her off by possibly cheating on me again. She asks me to give her space because I’m stressing her out & overwhelming her so I do.
She comes back to the states & asks me not to pick her up. She texts me when she arrives at the apartment but not much communication otherwise. A day later I go over to the apartment & off the bat she’s very cold to me & gives me nothing but attitude. I find out that she decided to buy land in the Philippines & is looking into possibly purchasing a condo as well. She might even want to eventually retire in the Philippines. She never mentioned any of this on her trip because we were arguing. That hurt. She also tells me that she got the idea from her single friend because he owns a condo and & his sister is a broker who also owns property. This isn’t like her to make this big decisions so quickly & without a lot of research beforehand. She eventually passes out & then wakes up to shower. I go through her phone & of course she’s still texting her friend & they’re talking about their days. Within that convo she asks him if he remembers how she said she wanted to love him & that she also wants to sleep with him. I start to get loud & tell her how I knew she was cheating. She gets startled & tells me that google translate is wrong & that she was only quoting a song they sang from karaoke… of course I believe her since I’m pathetic with no self worth & I don’t want to lose her. After talking for awhile we decide to end the relationship even though i was very reluctant. I grab all my stuff & move out.
After not talking much the next couple of days she calls me at 4 am asking if i had messaged her friends from the Philippines because they were no longer talking to her. I’m guessing she meant her single friend but she didn’t want to outright say it. I tell her no & that i was upset because that’s all she from me at 4 am. We go back & forth and she won’t admit to cheating on me. She did say that she basically ruined her work relationship with her ex supervisor because of her actions & possibly ruined her relationship with her long time friend/s in the Philippines. She also told that she probably would have came back to me if I just given her space.
It’s now been 2 weeks & although we had a very nice long talk since, she’s been ignoring my calls & texts because I can’t let go. I went no contact for a week & she eventually calls me twice & asks me where I am but soon gets upset since I’m not available (I’m in training at my new job) & tells me that she’ll just block me again. That was last Thursday.
I was her very best friend. She only had me to talk to about life & everything that was on her mind. I was there for years to help with her depression & ED. Now she’s alone in the apartment & her best friend is gone. When we were good we were very best friends. Always talked, showed each other love, did a lot for each her, had a blast whenever we went out. She always showed me affection in public no matter who was looking. I miss that so much. I wasn’t perfect because my weight gain caused me to miss out on trips & hurt our bedroom but I was otherwise a great man according to her & her mom who loved me. I gave her all the love & attention any woman could want.
My question is, what might be the reason for her calling me twice on Thursday? Does she miss me? Possibly wanted to get back together only to regain her senses since I didn’t answer? Why do I miss her so damn much even after what’s happened in the relationship? I’m completely broken & I miss my best friend. I’ve since lost 20 pounds, been working out, doing great at work but I feel so damn empty. I feel lost & depressed. I have family & 2 great friends who have been there for me but I still want her back & I’m miserable.
submitted by Lost_In_Space08 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:22 ThrowRAfmfan46 How can I (46f) encourage my husband (49m) “show up” in our marriage?

Married 17 years, 4 kids (16, 14, 12) how many opportunities do I need to give him to “show up”— we have had very difficult times over the past few years and are currently in couples therapy (and I am seeing a therapist on my own) but husband does not recognize his place in our issues. Has said he’s “stuck in a sh*tty marriage” and I’ve been a horrible wife, but he “still loves me.” He adamently refused individual therapy at the suggestion of our marriage counselor. An example of the most impactful “disconnect” resulted in a two-month separation in November following the sudden death of my brother in which husband was extremely distant from me and our children during the services. The day of the wake, he decided to take a nap and I ended up driving my parents and children to the funeral home. His excuse was “he works nights and was tired” —quite literally, he had been off for two nights but chose to play World of Warcraft for 8+ hours a day and watch college football instead of being concerned with my family tragedy.
Two weeks ago, I found a lump in my breast and went for diagnostic imaging. To be certain, they scheduled a biopsy and so I discussed with him, he offered to come with me, I told him the date and time 10 days in advance and added it to our shared online calendar app (which he refuses to utilize). There have been a couple of disagreements in the meantime. I told him I was really nervous about the biopsy (2nd reminder), my brother’s birthday was coming up in a few days and I really needed my husband, really needed his support. There was no check-in on my brother’s birthday, he hasn’t asked how I’m feeling/dealing with all of this while I’m also trying to be supportive to my sister in law, nephews and my parents. Well, he scheduled himself to work (7a-7p) the night before my 7:45am procedure (he obviously forgot, or simple didnt GAF). But he has reminded me twice already about Father’s Day lunch with his Dad. He easily remembers and makes time for others (his friends/family). When it comes to me, he’s extremely indifferent. Current situation: Procedure is tomorrow and so before he left for work I asked if he was going to be able to be with me or if I should ask someone else to come? I can tell by his reaction he had forgotten. All weekend I was tempted to not even say a thing at all and just go alone. Unfortunately, this is not a new scenario…but it felt like I was setting him up for failure if I didn’t “remind” him. Did I owe him another reminder? I feel if the tables were turned, there’s no way I would have forgotten his appt esp knowing it was something he was concerned about. So many other things just lead me to think this marriage is not going to show any progress….any advice appreciated.
Tl;dr: Did I owe him another reminder? I feel if the tables were turned, there’s no way I would have forgotten his appt esp knowing it was something he was concerned about.
submitted by ThrowRAfmfan46 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:21 softwaretraining1234 Java Training in Hyderabad

RS Trainings: The Premier Path for Java Training in Hyderabad
If you're looking to master Java, one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world, RS Trainings in Hyderabad stands out as the premier destination for high-quality education. Renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and expert instructors, RS Trainings offers an unparalleled learning experience for both beginners and experienced developers looking to enhance their skills.
Why Choose RS Trainings for Java?
  1. Industry-Experienced Instructors: At RS Trainings, courses are taught by seasoned IT professionals with extensive industry experience. These experts bring real-world insights into the classroom, ensuring that students not only learn theoretical concepts but also understand their practical applications.
  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: The Java training program at RS Trainings is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of Java programming. Starting with the basics, the curriculum delves into advanced topics such as multithreading, collections, frameworks like Spring and Hibernate, and web development. This structured approach ensures that students develop a strong foundation and progressively build their expertise.
  3. Hands-On Learning: RS Trainings emphasizes hands-on practice, which is crucial for mastering Java. Through numerous coding exercises, projects, and real-life case studies, students gain practical experience that prepares them for the challenges of the IT industry.
  4. Personalized Attention: With small class sizes, RS Trainings ensures that each student receives personalized attention. Instructors are readily available to answer questions, provide feedback, and offer guidance, fostering a supportive learning environment.
  5. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Located in Hyderabad, RS Trainings boasts modern facilities equipped with the latest technology. This provides an optimal setting for learning and practicing Java programming.
  6. Placement Assistance: One of the key benefits of enrolling in RS Trainings is the robust placement assistance provided to students. The institute has a strong network of industry connections and a dedicated placement cell that helps students secure jobs in top IT companies.
  7. Flexible Learning Options: Understanding the diverse needs of students, RS Trainings offers flexible learning options, including classroom training, online courses, and weekend batches. This flexibility ensures that even working professionals can find a suitable schedule to upgrade their skills.
Course Highlights
Many students have benefited from the comprehensive Java training at RS Trainings. Here's what some of them have to say:
RS Trainings in Hyderabad is undoubtedly the best path for anyone looking to learn Java. With its expert instructors, comprehensive curriculum, hands-on approach, and excellent placement support, RS Trainings ensures that students are well-equipped to thrive in the competitive IT industry. Whether you are a novice or an experienced programmer, RS Trainings can help you achieve your career goals in Java programming.

submitted by softwaretraining1234 to u/softwaretraining1234 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:21 Electrical_Slice2521 26 [M4F] Bangalore/India - I’m looking for my other-half to stop making these posts, where are you?

Being an introvert (well.. ambivert but more leaning towards introvert) in a city like Bangalore is tough. It is true that Bangalore is a very “happening city”, but I’ll be honest I’m not one of those people who’d just approach strangers and make friends just like that. I’m a serial overthinker so I overthink my way away from people haha. So though I’m in this amazing city I never got to make much connections aside from the ones from work. So you’d think why not use dating app? But I don’t know I never felt like using one because before you get to know someone you’d judge someone, that’s dating app and it never felt like it’s the right thing for me. So hence I’m resorting to Reddit because I know there are so many amazing people here and I just want that one person to be committed to and just disconnect from the reality and make our own world with.
So I’m over 6ft, brown, black hair, black eyes, a southie, who’s not a Bangalore native but moved to Bangalore because of work. I work in business-operations, and I pretty much have the sat - sun week offs. I do workout often, I enjoy yoga and meditation as well, more than that I just enjoy walking at new places. I like drawing (not good at it but I like it) and I enjoy art of all kinds (dancers would steal my heart).
I’m a simple guy, for me a date can be as simple as a walk in the park or binge shows on Netflix together or finger paint and make an art together or even just meet up in Starbucks during wfh days and work together talking all sorts of randomsies. I enjoy going to cinema to watch all the cool new movies, I don’t have a particular genre that I like, I guess I like every well made movies haha. I enjoy going for events, cafe hopping, road trips, and some resort getaways. Okay okay I guess I’m talking a lot about myself here and if I say a lot our conversation wouldn’t have much and it wouldn’t feel organic haha, so I’ll tell you everything once we talk.
Now what am I looking for? This time I’m here to find the right person, now I don’t know if Reddit is the right place for that but hey if I don’t try I’ll never find out. I’m looking for that person I’ll like so much that I’d tie the knot one day, that’s why I’ve mentioned that I’m looking for someone so that I won’t make another post ever again.
So it would be awesome if you’re from Bangalore, because it would be easy for us to meet and go on for dates but I know that the right person could be anywhere on earth so I’m open to all locations, for the right person I’m willing to make the effort to meet. Ideally I’m looking for someone from the age group 23- 28, but again that’s only my preference so if you’re above 20 I’m happy. I am looking for someone who values commitment, who’s kind, who’s respectful, and loyal, I know these are bare minimum but what I’m saying here is that I’m here to find my one and only.
In a world where there are 8 billion people, I’m looking for that one special person who’d make me believe in true love again. Haha!
If this post resonates with you please feel free to drop a “Hi” and give me a small intro. A wise man probably once said that all good things starts with a simple “Hi” :)
Maybe you can start the chat by answering these:
  1. What’s your expectations from us? (Setting the expectations are very important so that we don’t have any false expectations)
  2. Whats that movie/show that you’d watch over and over again?
  3. If you could visit any place in the world where would you go?
  4. What’s your go-to comfort food?
  5. What’s your fav thing to do on a lazy Sunday?
submitted by Electrical_Slice2521 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:20 Electrical_Slice2521 26 [M4F] Bangalore/India - I’m looking for my other-half to stop making these posts, where are you?

Being an introvert (well.. ambivert but more leaning towards introvert) in a city like Bangalore is tough. It is true that Bangalore is a very “happening city”, but I’ll be honest I’m not one of those people who’d just approach strangers and make friends just like that. I’m a serial overthinker so I overthink my way away from people haha. So though I’m in this amazing city I never got to make much connections aside from the ones from work. So you’d think why not use dating app? But I don’t know I never felt like using one because before you get to know someone you’d judge someone, that’s dating app and it never felt like it’s the right thing for me. So hence I’m resorting to Reddit because I know there are so many amazing people here and I just want that one person to be committed to and just disconnect from the reality and make our own world with.
So I’m over 6ft, brown, black hair, black eyes, a southie, who’s not a Bangalore native but moved to Bangalore because of work. I work in business-operations, and I pretty much have the sat - sun week offs. I do workout often, I enjoy yoga and meditation as well, more than that I just enjoy walking at new places. I like drawing (not good at it but I like it) and I enjoy art of all kinds (dancers would steal my heart).
I’m a simple guy, for me a date can be as simple as a walk in the park or binge shows on Netflix together or finger paint and make an art together or even just meet up in Starbucks during wfh days and work together talking all sorts of randomsies. I enjoy going to cinema to watch all the cool new movies, I don’t have a particular genre that I like, I guess I like every well made movies haha. I enjoy going for events, cafe hopping, road trips, and some resort getaways. Okay okay I guess I’m talking a lot about myself here and if I say a lot our conversation wouldn’t have much and it wouldn’t feel organic haha, so I’ll tell you everything once we talk.
Now what am I looking for? This time I’m here to find the right person, now I don’t know if Reddit is the right place for that but hey if I don’t try I’ll never find out. I’m looking for that person I’ll like so much that I’d tie the knot one day, that’s why I’ve mentioned that I’m looking for someone so that I won’t make another post ever again.
So it would be awesome if you’re from Bangalore, because it would be easy for us to meet and go on for dates but I know that the right person could be anywhere on earth so I’m open to all locations, for the right person I’m willing to make the effort to meet. Ideally I’m looking for someone from the age group 23- 28, but again that’s only my preference so if you’re above 20 I’m happy. I am looking for someone who values commitment, who’s kind, who’s respectful, and loyal, I know these are bare minimum but what I’m saying here is that I’m here to find my one and only.
In a world where there are 8 billion people, I’m looking for that one special person who’d make me believe in true love again. Haha!
If this post resonates with you please feel free to drop a “Hi” and give me a small intro. A wise man probably once said that all good things starts with a simple “Hi” :)
Maybe you can start the chat by answering these:
  1. What’s your expectations from us? (Setting the expectations are very important so that we don’t have any false expectations)
  2. Whats that movie/show that you’d watch over and over again?
  3. If you could visit any place in the world where would you go?
  4. What’s your go-to comfort food?
  5. What’s your fav thing to do on a lazy Sunday?
submitted by Electrical_Slice2521 to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:18 cannibalpacifist i think my boyfriend would be happier if i didnt exist

me and my bf have been together for almost a year. we have lived together most of the time weve been together and at first everything was great and i felt better, better than i had felt in years. i got in better shape both mentally and physically, quit hurting myself, gained confidence and my social anxiety eased a lot.
at the start of our relationship we went out a lot more and he helped me out of my shell. doing new things i hadnt done before, talking to new people and going on dates.
its probably worth to mention, but i dont have many friends. my social circle mostly consist of my bfs friends, my few friends and family live in another city. ( remember this later )
in the winter i noticed my depression coming back. i felt tired and irritable. i thought its probably just seasonal depression, and that i would get better when summer comes. so i just waited, and got worse. i started getting annoyed and stressed over little things, much like i did when i was younger. if something didnt go how i expected it to go i would just start freaking out. i remember trying to help my bf build a shelf and just crying because it felt so overwhelming because i did everything wrong.
now i barely have the energy to do anything, i either feel completely empty or i cry uncontrollably. i just rot in our bed all day and he does most of the housework, but i still cook for him and help with the chores when i can get out of bed.
i find myself complaining about this and that. little things that can be fixed in 5 minutes, or things i cant affect in any way. and i hate being like that. i raise my voice if he doesnt listen to me at first, then he asks me to calm down and i always start crying. i feel like a narcissistic and manipulating person.
when i was a kid my parents ex used to do the same. it felt like she was purposely finding things to nag about, like a dirty cup that hadnt been rinsed properly before putting it in the dishwasher. she would yell at us, and then blame me for making my little sibling cry when i believe it was her yelling that caused it. im scared im like her. shes the last thing i want to be.
we no longer go out as much, and when we do its not as nice. he gets tired and wants to go home and i get overwhelmed and overstimulated by things not going how i expected them to.
as i previously mentioned, i dont have anyone to hang out with. sure, im good friends with my bfs friends too but theyre not the type of friends id hang out with without my bf, and to them im just his gf. i suck at making new friends irl and i dont want any more online friends, but i feel so lonely that i dont know what to do.
my bf has started acting like me. hes tired, annoyed. usually when im upset he also gets upset, but whilst i get over my episode in 30 minutes or so, he will still feel upset and tell me i ruined his good mood.
he tells me to be happy, its summer! but what the hell do i have to be happy about? the weather? i dont even go outside. nothing magically changed just because its summer, its still the same day after day just.. at home, doing nothing.
today i had a nice day until he said something and i got sad, cried a lot and now hes sleeping in the living room because he needs space. i promised him i would try to be more positive, calm and patient, and that i would try going on walks to be more active again. ( which would be good, because ive gained some weight back )
( side note here : ive struggled with an eating disorder most of my life and i havent ever really recovered, but it has never been serious. might be another reason why im so tired and cranky all the time )
i dont know what to do to make myself feel better, so he would feel better as well. im terrified of losing him, hes my whole world and i love him so much. i feel like a little kid lost in an amusement park.
TLDR : my depression got worse again and its making my boyfriend depressed too, and i feel like the worst girlfriend ever because i cant just magically be happy.
submitted by cannibalpacifist to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:11 Digital_Idealist Famous Artworks Retitled By The World Economic Forum

Famous Artworks Retitled By The World Economic Forum
As part of its global ‘Art Reset’ program, the World Economic Forum has renamed some of history’s most iconic paintings and sculptures! What are your favorite masterpieces called now? Get up-to-date with the latest changes.
Read More:
submitted by Digital_Idealist to satire [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:10 queencuntpunt Advice Wanted: Swapping Games After A LONG Break From Streaming

Hey all just fishing for opinions.
I used to stream semi-regularly, about 3 nights a week, but always in the horror category, on Twitch I ended up with over 1,000 followers and an average 18 views from july-aug 2021, when I stopped streaming.
I later moved to playing Rust, and streaming that on Tiktok where I have accumulated over 12k followers, although my stream viewership varied wildly from 3 - 900 depending on the algorithm.
Problem is, I have 100% fallen out of love with Rust, and pretty much all similar games, I've been regularly playing World of Warcraft instead. I would like to get back into the content creation sphere, I'm just not sure if its worth trying to use the same audiences I had, and streaming to both, or if I would be better off just making new accounts. The overlap between MMOs and Horror and Shooters aren't exactly huge, and although I consider myself fun, I am forced to assume more people watched me for the game then they did for ME.
Would you create new accounts? Or just revamp and announce with some sort of "Did You Miss Me? I'm Coming Back!"
submitted by queencuntpunt to Twitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:07 ThrowRA20240609 31M...27F. Was dating always this bad or am I just unlucky?

Currently dating a 27F as a 31M. I am getting in the age zone for serious relationship and kids (not immediate but it is starting to get on my mind). I have worked since adulthood to get set up for this, (not less that 60hrs a week for a decade), not taken holidays, studied full time whilst working multiple jobs, saved all my money to buy a house to raise a family...etc knowing how tough it will be to achieve this goal.
The current girl I have been dating says she has no desire for marriage or kids until she is in her mid-30s. It isn't even a thought in her mind, just a "oh that will happen later". At the same time she constantly saying she loves me, wants to have my kids, be with me etc but how she needs to be set up in her career (and is constantly wanting to change careers). Wants to travel the world. Wants to do all the nice instagram stuff...etc before having kids.
The reason for my question is that the last 3 or 4 women of similar ages (and different careers from hospo to accountant to lawyer) have all had similar sentiments towards life. They want the good times, don't save money, loaded up with credit card debt for a lifestyle they can't afford and everything will just "fall into place" when it is meant to happen and think there is unlimited time.
I have also been contacted a few times by women from my past who are now in their 30s and "wanting to check in given they were thinking about me" despite not talking for the last 5 years and not giving me the time of day back then (all of whom lived the same lifestyle above).
Am I doing something wrong or is this just how it is today? I have tried dating apps and social circle, all the same. I meet all the "criteria" to be "a catch", yet no serious interest outside of flings or the stable guy to fix her financial woes from a decade of travelling.
Further, I like the current 27F more than usual, should I just suck it up if it is how it is and do things on her timeline or are there women who want the same as me?
submitted by ThrowRA20240609 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:06 YouKnowMyBrother [WTS] Graded Pan-Pac Gold, Lots of Shiny Silver, Lots of Vintage World Silver

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