Salivary gland pressure on ears

Eustachian Tube Click

2014.05.08 21:23 souldust Eustachian Tube Click


2016.08.28 22:54 Locke_and_Keye The Way to the Heart is through the Soles of your Feet

**Reflexology** is a form of massage involving application of pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques with or without the use of oil or lotion. It is gentle manipulation or pressing on certain parts of the foot, hand, face, or ears to produce an effect elsewhere in the body. Even if you do not believe in its alternative healing philosophy, it is a fun and relaxing massage which can be pleasurable to learn about or receive.

2024.06.10 07:29 raminwolfskin Me now almost 2 weeks after d-day.

Me now almost 2 weeks after d-day.
Almost 2 weeks post op. Ears feel pressurized. Still a lot of pain here and there now and then, some headaches since i tried to withstand some of pain. Got some swellings that have yet to subside, not fully energized but somewhat. Got all my feelings on the leftside back, right side lower lip down is still numb to no sensation. The skin right under right nostril also feel nada. But i dont think thats a big deal. I had a little bit of down town in the middle of the process thinking about my old features but things are looking up now. Wishing strength and resilience everyone here who is about to go in or who are in recovery process. There will be light at the end of the tunnel!
submitted by raminwolfskin to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:56 maddith_ Doctor Won’t Take Me Seriously - Weird Episodic Symptoms for One Year and I’m Miserable

I have episodic symptoms that aren't being taken seriously by my doctor, but my body is telling me something is not right regardless of the "normal" MRI, CT, heart monitor and EEG. The episodes are scary, and I have no energy or feel like I once did.
Does anyone know what this could be related to? I first thought it was neurological related, but now I am not so sure. I am just a single mom, was young and healthy prior to all of this and the quality of my life has gone down hill ever since. I am terrified of dropping dead and leaving my son behind. The symptoms aren't getting better, but they come and go.
After a year of having a high white blood cell count, the doctor finally gave me antibiotics, but I haven't noticed any difference.
These are the things flagged "abnormal" in the results from my blood and urine screening:
submitted by maddith_ to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:47 Character-Cut7656 *Chronic head pressure for 6 months*

Hello im a 22 y/o W Male having chonic pressure/tension in left side of head and tinnitus along with ear pressure everyday for 6 months and im kinda curious as to what it is?
I was laying in bed one day (1/24) on my phone when i felt a creep of pressure in the left corner of my forehead. Got up to see if it had to do with my position of laying in bed i was in. nope. got up and it still persisted which put me into panic mode a took my shirt off and punched a hole in my wall (unlike me) and was calmed down by my fiance. i waited at home for a bit for it to fade and it kind of did. but i would still feel it every so often in that time period until i got sick with a cold. it became way more intense to the point i went to hospital and told them my symptoms and they ordered a CT scan of brain. They ran the scan and came back n said its clear with some nasal inflammation. so i delt with this until its got a bit more severe and went to see eye dr because ive been having pressure behind eye sorta too. that came back clear as well, so that led me to chiropractor. Ive had a sorta misaligned cervical spine area for couple years but never really did much about it and went back to chiropractor and will be going to ENT soon as well, just still scares me:(
submitted by Character-Cut7656 to Occipitalneuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:31 Jade-The-Tiefling Borrasca: Eye To Eye. (Part 1)

Orginal Story by C.K. Walker
*Written By Ayden M.N. and u/Memisworld_23 *
One hundred thirty two. That is the amount of people that were rescued that day on the mountain. I would be lying if I said it didn’t take me by surprise to hear the news about the stables let alone the number of people that were there. It makes me think back to when I was a kid and all the strange and tragic things that happened to me then. It's funny how time changes, how everything wilts away. How life goes on without a wait or stop. Sometimes you'll forget what lurked underneath, and when you do remember, it's already too late. I couldn't say my childhood wasn't bad but it's basically not as cheery as most kids have it.
My father was definitely sucked into his job as a lawyer, while my mom was bustling her back at an old diner, drinking her sorrows away. None had any time to spare for me, as a child. It made me a pretty independent child, and when my mother decided to give birth to Lucy, I became that mother figure that I never had. Aside from Lucy, I had nobody else to talk to. School in Drisking was okay, but I would be lying if I said it was a good experience. I was pretty much alone from childhood to teens. Most kids already had their own friends, their designated trio. I would always refer to it that way. It was by sheer luck that I really did find a friend. Someone who I could share my emo playlist alongside with and in return she taught me a lot about DnD.
However like if the world knew I was meant to be alone, she was taken away from me. I never knew what happened to her, but I beat myself about. If only I didn't moved from Drisking, maybe I could had found her sooner.
The one thing that has remained consistent is my ritualistic daily breakfasts at the diner. From the start of my freshmen year, I never missed a day of going to the diner. It was my way of getting my head together and preparing for the day ahead. Even into my adulthood, I never stopped going. Imagine my surprise when I saw a face that I’d honestly thought I would never see again. It didn’t click at first. I just felt like I knew it.
She was about 5’8” with asymmetrical short dirty blond hair. Her clothes were mainly black and I can just see something protruding from her around her waist. She had a plain black shirt tucked into her pants with a well-kept belt. She wore a Nobel 6 zip up jacket -Clearly a Halo fan- and a small d20 pin on it. Where this seems normal to the untrained eye, I can’t help but feel deja vu from looking at this woman. She seemed like this distant dream that is so fuzzy that it’s just familiar enough to almost recognize.
She walked into the diner and was given a table next to mine. I racked my brain trying to figure out who this was. I examined every part of her, again, and again, and again, just trying to make sense of who was sitting right there in front of me. She was so close, yet she was so distant from me.
“May I help you?” She sighs, putting her coffee down on the table in a way that I can only describe as a contained irritation. “Or are you just going to stare at me like I’m an exhibit?”
I wasn’t even conscious I was staring. She turns to me and it all clicks together. The d20, the jacket, and, my new discovery, looking at her closer and can see her, the freckle on her upper lip.
“Kat? Is that really you?” Stunned, I blurted out. I was adamant that that familiar woman had to be her. No one had that exact same freckle like her.
“That depends on who is asking.” She rolls her eyes taking another sip of her coffee.
She doesn’t recognize me? It makes since she didn’t. It’s been so long. Looking down at my empty plate, as I really wanted her to recognize me. Should I introduce myself? I thought, maybe I'll make her remember me.
“So you don't know me? I can give a hint, I'm sure it might give you an idea on who I am.” I nervously laughed, as I dug into my black leather purse.
Quickly, I pulled it out, plopping down a custom made d20 dice on the table. I remember painting my own dice black, since I was super obsessed with the color black as a teen.
“Wait,” Kat puts down her coffee again, this time with more of a clang. “What is that? Where did you get this?”
Placing the dice right next to my plate, I felt my throat lumping already.
“Remember on my 16th birthday, when it was only you and me. I remember we almost burned the house down because we had the dumb idea to bake a cake.”
“Pauly…?” A slow recognition comes across Kat’s face. Replaced soon by unadulterated joy. “Well, I’ll be damned!”
Tears started to well up my eyes, I was so ecstatic to finally see her eyes flashed with recognition. I slowly got up to my chair, every step I took felt like I was stepping in a pile of needles. Getting a great look on Kat, she looked different from the nerdy shy girl I knew. But, I didn’t care how different Kat looked, I was happy to see my old friend alive.
“I just don't know what to say. I thought I've lost you.” I whispered, my voice already trembling as I spoke.
“Oh,” Kat's voice cracks a bit too, pulling me into a hug. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Kat seemed to be holding back tears. Just being with her now, I couldn’t even wrap my head around it. It seems so surreal. Even when I hugged her, it felt like it was a fabricated dream. But it wasn't, this was all flesh and blood.
“Just…how are you…I'm so sorry that I never found you. Everyone, even the cops told me that you were long gone. I had hoped you'd come back. Just didn't know it would take this long.” Wiping my tears with my sleeve, I hugged even tighter. She was much taller than me, so I couldn't really comprehend it.
“Hey, hey.” Kat chuckles a bit. Still holding back tears, I could tell. “It’s okay. You…There was no way you could have known. I have a lot of explaining to do, I’m sure but let’s forget about that for now.”
“Yeah…I'm just so happy to see you again.” I sat across from Kat's seat, picking up a napkin to wipe the rest of my tears. It rubbed off some of my mascara, making me think it was a horrible idea to try out some make up today. “So, um…what have you been doing over these years? I see you got a gun holster over there?”
“Well, I…” Kat cut herself off. “I was a SWAT operative. It’s, uh, a long story. How about you?”
“SWAT? No wonder you look so tough and badass!” I then continued enthusiastically. “Well, I'm actually a nurse practitioner. I'm very specialized in prenatal care. I know it's funny because I really didn't like babies back then.”
“Oh? That’s…nice.” Kat’s voice shudders. “And I wouldn’t call myself a badass for being SWAT. It…makes you question a lot of things about yourself for sure. It’s all in the interest of others though.”
My smile slowly fell, as I was scared if I might've made her upset. “I see, I understand. We both are doing jobs that help people, and probably had to endure some bad cases once in a while.”
“Did…did you ever find Kincade?”
Kincade. I haven't heard of that name since after moving Drisking.
I took a deep breath, as I responded. “I did manage to find Kincade after your disappearance. They never told me what happened, and I lost contact ever since. Last time I checked, Kincade moved to California.”
“Oh, thank god.” Kat sighs out of relief, as she takes a seat back down. “Knowing that girl, she’s living it up in LA. Well, I was actually in New York all this time. I thought it would be a good place to settle down. For what it was worth, the NYPD was good to me.”
“Oh I can tell she is. I followed her Instagram, and she's always posting pictures of parties and such.” I tucked a strand of hair in the back of my ear, while I pulled out my phone to show Kat Kincade’s page. “Even if they don't want to talk to me, I'm just super glad they're okay.”
I sometimes wonder why Kincade hasn't had contact with me yet, but deep inside I felt like they were somewhat upset with me. The strange thing was that once Kincade showed up, my mother just randomly disappeared. My father had always told me that she's just had it with us, and left to do her own life. However I never believed that story. Sure my mom was a raging drunk chain-smoker, but she always loved Lucy and I. Her just leaving out of the blue isn't in character, and I just know that something wrong might have occurred.
Kat inspects the page. I can tell it struck something in her. I knew from this point she was holding back a bit with her emotions but for some reason, this broke her. Suddenly I saw my childhood best friend break into a waterfall of sadness. She started to sob. As if she had a dam behind her eyes and they just burst.
“Kat.. Oh shit, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” I rushed towards Kat’s side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
It broke me to see Kat this way, yet I couldn’t help but wonder what made her let out her tears. My eyes suddenly landed at one of Kat’s wrist, a light brown scar was marred on her skin. It was half covered by her sleeve, its appearance was more like a stab wound than a slash. I could tell Kat noticed me staring at it, as she quickly covered it up. The sky was now in a vibrant orange and magenta hue, while the bright sun started to slowly settle down.
Kat finally regained her composure after a few minutes of apologizing profusely.
“I know.” Kat weakly pushes out from her lips through her tears. “I know you see them. I know I have a lot of explaining to do. I got that…from a mission that I’m not sure if you’re ready to hear.”
Leaning against her shoulder, I looked up at Kat with an understanding expression. “I think I’m ready to hear about this. Over these years, I wanted to know what happened in Drisking. I don’t want to stay ignorant anymore.”
“Let’s…” Kat wipes her eyes, only for more tears to take the others place. “Let’s go somewhere a little more private.”
“As you enter into the Church of the Overthrown Gods.” Kat dramatically pauses. “You feel as if multiple eyes are watching you. As you look closer to the rotting wood altar, you see a tiny eye just peeking out…and then another…and then another…and then another… as they rise up from the altar you see they are on tendeles attached to a large spherical mass. You see 10 tenderals rise all with snake-like eyes darting around the room before meeting yours. As the large mass comes into view you see one large eye on it staring at you and an unnerving smile as it laughs intimidatingly at you. As you realize what is staring back at you is…a beholder…and that’s where we will leave off tonight’s session!”
Several protests fill the room. It wasn’t out of character for Kat to leave off on a cliffhanger, but this is what we have been waiting for since the end of 2008. And even a year later, Kat always leaves the carrot dangling over our heads.
“Hey,” Kat shrugs “I gotta keep you hooked or else our three month streak of all of you attending won’t keep going.”
“Oh, fuck you, Kat!” Kami rolls her eyes lightheartedly “We come back every week regardless.”
“Yeah, but it's more fun torturing you.” Kat giggled while combing through her long hair with her fingers.
Shaking my head, I took a sip on my already luke-warm Snapple, “Typical Kat. Why do you always gotta tease us like that? I was literally witnessing my character finally healing from a poison arrow and just to end at that. I totally can't wait till the next!”
“Thank you,” Kat nods before getting up and starting to pack up and the group follows suit. “I cannot wait for next session. It’s a big battle so I recommend you all start doing some research on Beholders to be ready, because this monster is really tough. Remember, we are starting the next session at level 12, and I’ll see you all soon!”
After about 10 minutes, the rest of the group left except for me. I like staying after sessions with Kat. I don’t understand why the other two people in the group don’t stay. It’s not even 9pm by the time we finished and they are already out the door.
It’s sophomore skip day tomorrow and I sure as hell know everyone will be participating so what’s the rush? Well, everyone except for Kat. From all the time I’ve known Kat up until this point, she never skipped a day or cut any corners when it came to her education. It was admirable but also frustrating. I cannot tell you how many plans I had to cancel because she wanted to study. I never understood why she was so serious about it. It’s like her life depended on her making good grades and being a shining student. I have to admit, I am jealous of her dedication to it.
I would typically leave her to her own devices when it came to school but just by looking at her, she looked like she deserved a break. With the exams and the constant verbal battles between her mother and her father, I can tell just by looking at her, the pressure is on her. I could say the same for my home situation, but I'm already used to it, that it is practically normal for me. Kat, on the other hand, really deserved a break, just this one time.
While I was playing with one of the d20 dice, gathering up courage, I asked, “Hey Kat? Whatcha going do tomorrow?”
“Oh, um.” Kat says not looking up from her notebook, making some notes for the next session. “Just going to school, I should be able to go to take our usual walks tomorrow after.”
A smile crept on my lips, as I definitely predicted Kat's answers. Sure, I did hear that the Sheriff in town was going to give tickets to those that didn't go to school, but I didn't really care about that. I just wanted to have a chill day with my friends. After all, I busted my ass to at least have passable grades.
“Hmm. Hey Kat, why don't we…you know,” I nudged her with my elbow. “Skip school tomorrow?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Kat sighs.
“I know, I know. But I just feel like these days have been for us but we just have fun tomorrow.” I could tell that I was losing Kat already, her mind dead set on going to school. I tucked a strand on my blue hair behind my ear, as I followed Kat. “Kat, please. Sometimes I worry about you because you're working yourself out. Just this once, and I'll promise I'll try to raise my Geometry class to a B!”
“I suppose…” Kat thinks for a second. “It wouldn’t hurt to skip one day.”
“Hell yeah!” I tackled Kat, as I tried to spin her around in happiness. “I promise that you'll have the best day. That jackass Sheriff won't ruin our day. I'll make sure of it!”
“Alright! Alright!” Kat giggles “Fine. Just calm down.”
I feel a sense of relief coming from Kat like I somehow unlocked one shackle that she bore on her ankles. There’s still plenty, and this one is certainly not the heaviest but the littlest weight off of her is enough for her to appreciate.
I let her go as I dashed towards my Jack Skeleton backpack, fetching out my half torn notepad. “ I scribbled some of the plans I have for tomorrow. I was thinking we could dine on Prescott Artisan Sandwiches, and then maybe hike the trail over west of Crystal Lake. What do you think?”
“Yeah!” Kat exclaims. “I heard there’s going to be a few people there tomorrow. Probably could use the social interaction, or attempt to at least.”
“We'll have the lake to ourselves,” I chuckled, placing my notepad back to my back. I really did need a new notepad, however I remember my family was very tight on money at the time. “Oh I almost forgot that Kincade might be joining us too.”
“Sounds good to me.” Kat smiles. “Honestly, that girl needs to be a bit more interactive if you ask me.” Kat chuckles. “As if I’m one to talk.”
“That's why I invited her too. I feel like you girls could get along.” I then jokingly added, “Maybe you can indoctrinate her into playing DnD with us, eh?”
“I’m sure I can.” Kat giggles. “Alright, so are you staying the night tonight? I think I can take the car tomorrow so you can stay if you like.”
“I'll stay, but I should pick up Lucy. My mom said she left her by the Landys,” I rubbed my neck in frustration as I continued. “I hate how my mom just randomly abandons Lucy to strangers. Does she know there's creeps?”
My mother always had done this multiple times, even when I was Lucy's age. A seven year old like Lucy shouldn't be in conditions like this, and I knew damn well that my father won't be available till 7AM. I thought about maybe walking up to the Landys house, maybe it was like 3 blocks or so.
“I think I'll walk to get Lucy. You wouldn't mind my little sis joining in our sleepover, right?”
“I mean, I don't have a big problem with it. Honestly, prefer it to just be you and me but I won’t be kicking and screaming if she is here.”
“That's true,” I nervously laughed, “Either way, Lucy is pretty much a sweet kid, and she will probably be distracted playing with her ballet Barbie dolls.”
Peeping through the windows, the sky was pitch black, almost like a void swallowing the whole town. I took a deep breath, before heading out of the door. Before stepping a foot outside of the wooden porch, I called out. “I'll be back, Kat. If I don't come back, the Skinned Men might’ve caught me!”
“Oh, don’t say that!” Kat calls at me as I walk away. She didn’t seem offended more lighthearted but there was a little seriousness there.
Kat always believed in the supernatural. While all of us grew up and just accepted it was just an urban legend that wasn’t real, Kat believed it. Kat even dedicated an entire essay on the history of the Skinned Man, and where the legend originated from. Needless to say, there wasn’t much to go off of and because Kat is very committed to things, she decided to embellish the details a bit and even I knew that a lot of that stuff was all pulled out of thin air and had no actual weight to it. They were just urban legends that little kids would scare others with. Along those tales were the Triple Tree.
Everyone would carve their names in the Triple Tree, serving like a talisman to these Skinned Men. If you didn’t, then I guess you were fucked. I never really carved my name, for some damn reason, my dad never let me. The moon shined brightly, casting light to these liminal streets. I was already used to walking at night, but for some odd reason, something was off. Crossing the right side of the neighborhood, I caught some headlights shining through the bushes. It looked like it belonged to an old police cruiser, and that alone made me start running. I was not a fan of the officers here, plus I was definitely violating a curfew.
“C’mon, Pauly,” I uttered under my breath, jumping through some fences.
I landed on the backside of the Landy’s house, my knees landing on top of the pavement. Hissing in pain, I slowly wobbled towards the front side of the house. It was stupid of me to think that I would magically land on my feet, but then again I had the shitiest luck. Quickly, I knocked on the door three times, after the fourth knock, the white adorned door swung open. In front of me was a cinnamon brown haired 14 year old boy, who had that bored expression that every teenager had. I recognized that boy as Parker Landy, the youngest of the Landy family.
“Uh, can I help you?” Parker wrinkled his nose, while he adjusted his glasses.
I furrowed my brows, “I’m here for my sister. For Lucy.”
“Oh, okay. Um, I guess you can come in.”
Parker reluctantly ushered me inside, as I wasted no time to search for Lucy. There, located in the dinning, Lucy was drawing while Mrs. Landy was brushing her dark little locks of hair. She was wearing a baby pink ballet uniform, the one that my dad bought her for her birthday. Ecstatic, Lucy jumped up from the chair and darted to my direction. We bid farewell to Mrs. Landy, heading out into the night. However, I caught a glimpse of her face morphing into a sorrowful look. ‘She must have been worried for us,’ I thought, mainly because it was just two girls heading out, embracing the unforgiving night.
“Pauly, where’s mommy?” Lucy’s wide eyes looked at me, grabbing my hand ever so tightly.
I sighed, thinking how to word out an appropriate response, “She’s just working a lot in the diner. So we can afford your ballet classes,” I had lied, flashing an assurring smile. I didn’t want Lucy to know the truth, she was an innocent kid after all.
Crossing up that same street again, I could sense that we were almost close to safety. Or so I thought. A slow rumbling sound of an engine followed behind. It was pitch dark outside, so I couldn’t really tell what color the vehicle was, but I did recognize it. What my eyes could grapple from what little information it had at the time, it was just that damn old police cruiser. Just as I was about to run with Lucy, the dark tinted windows rolled down, revealing an old familiar face.
“Ah little Miss Rhoades. What brings you here past curfew, hmm?” Ex Sheriff Clery asked, while flashing a very wide smile. I remember him being the Sheriff since the 1950s, not before being replaced by Robocop Walker.
Lucy bounced up and down, as she exclaimed “Me and Pauly are going home! Mommy and Daddy are still at work!”
Clery’s gaze looked back at me, his grin growing ever so slightly larger. “Oh really? It’s quite dark out here, you girls might need a lift.”
“No thank-” “Yes please!” Lucy quickly cut me off as she threw the car door open.
She quickly slithered herself in the backseat, while I was too stunned to comprehend. It left me no choice but to take this impromptu ride. Trembling, I sat next to Lucy, shutting the car door behind me. A loud click followed, as both doors were locked.
The whole ride I was scared shitless. I didn’t know why, but I guess I scared myself alot reading Missing Persons cases. I mean, I just entered a car with a person I barely knew. Yes, I know he’s a cop and his entire job is to keep us safe, but I couldn’t help but feel this sense of unease creeping into my conscious mind. It might be from the hundreds of “Stranger Danger” PSAs I’ve been fed all my young life. Lucy probably noticed how tense I looked, latching herself onto my arm.
“It's okay Pauly, the Skinned Men won't catch us anymore. We're safe here!” Lucy nuzzled on my arm, clearly obvious about the situation.
Sheriff Clery let out a chuckle, adding on “Little Lucy's right. No need to worry about those monsters when you're the old sheriff, eh?”
I nervously laughed along, just wishing that we’ll be at our destination already. That just put me even more on edge. I decided to dare a glance at the interior back mirror and I saw a pair of eyes seemingly staring at me and my sister with a look that just sent a chill down my spine. I tried to rationalize that maybe I’m just imagining things but the way he was staring at us was undeniably unsettling.
It was not after a minute later we arrived. The whole minute felt like hours, rightfully so I bolted out of the cruiser with Lucy in my arms. Before reaching the front door, the older man called out, “Be careful next time. You won’t know what’s lurking around these parts.”
After that the police cruiser drove off into the dark void of the unknown. That sentence alone carried an unsettling meaning, yet I could never pinpoint why. Objectively, it was quite normal. It was just a man showing a kind gesture but my gut was screaming not to trust this person. I tried to just brush it off as a misunderstanding but it was so strange I couldn’t.
“So,” Kat began. “The place still has Prescott’s name written all over the place even after everything that happened?”
“I believe so,” I took a deep breath before continuing, “I really hope it’ll be over now. Sometimes, I wished I could live on with life. Like nothing happened, you know?”
The melody of the forest sung around us as we took in the fresh day’s air and the warm embrace of the midsummer’s sun. We’ve walked through this forest hundreds of times before but it’s like discovering uncharted territories every time we step foot in it. It feels different now. It seems bleaker than it was when we were children. Maybe it’s just an optical illusion or that every memory of my childhood feels like a dream.
“God,” Kat scoffs. “I’d scrub that name off the earth if I could.”
“I have to admit, everytime I see that name, something bad always happens. It's almost as if it was cursed.” My gaze shifted back to the abundance of trees, each of them being so eerily identical. “Thomas Prescott really did sell his soul, and everyone had to pay the price.”
“Don’t remind me.” Kat almost growls like a wolf to a degree that caught me off guard.
Shit, I definitely struck a nerve there. Why? Why did that set her off the way it did? I tried to change the subject into something else. I really didn’t want to upset Kat any further, I felt guilty just by saying that.
“It’s so silent here, I don’t know if I should be on edge or relaxed.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like that. I don’t know what came over me.”
Kat’s eyes dart around before she runs her fingers through her hair with a sigh. It didn’t occur to me until just now that she had been watching everywhere and everything all at once. Every little movement her eyes locked onto. Could be just a natural reaction. I’m sure her line of work requires her to be hyper-vigilant so maybe it carries into her normal day-to-day life.
“You don’t need to apologize, Kat. I was the one who was pushing too much.” The wind blew softly, remnants of leaves danced in the air. It reminded alot about how life is, always pushing you in unpredictable directions. “I was thinking after this, maybe we should help each other out. My therapist gave me the advice that some wounds can’t heal by themself.”
“I can help you. I don’t really need help myself. When I was on the field, I was given state mandated therapy. It was important to do so to not go actually insane from all the messed up things we see. Trust me, there’s a reason why a lot of us quit after a few years of service.”
“ I see,” I gave Kat a crooked smile, “You're resilient, that's what I admired about you.”
Even after all those years, Kat still had those strong traits of being smart and strong. I could help but feel proud of her, and I wished her the best. I got closer to Kat, as I leaned on one of the oak trees nearby.
With a playful tone, I asked. “So when are you gonna show me how to use one of those?” I pointed at her gun.
“You?” Kat laughs. “I thought you hated loud noises?”
I shrugged, raising one of my brows. “Still do. It's just in case anything goes south. Or maybe I wanna impress somebody.”
“I’ll teach you soon. No doubt about that. I don’t have any ear protection on me and this beauty can get pretty loud.”
As we took in the forest’s lush surroundings, I noticed something that I haven’t seen before despite being out here for god knows how many times. There was a perfectly healthy tree in front of us but it seemed as if the bark had been ripped and torn definitely unnaturally; it had to have been done by someone, not an animal.
Kat and I exchange confused looks as we walk closer to the tree. Then, it all came together. I didn’t want to think that someone would have done this again. Not after the original was burnt to the ground a long time back. On the tree there were signatures. It sent an ungodly chill through my whole body. I looked over to Kat to see her reaction and she looked like she was frozen in time. With a look of shock and fear instilled upon her very body.
“It can't be. There's a new one here, but how?” My mouth was agape as I reached to touch the bark of the tree. My fingers grazed against each little individual signature. Each of them being unique, much like their owners’ names.
I look back at Kat. I realized I was mistaken, or perhaps it just shifted. Her look, it wasn't out of fear, no, it was out of resentment and hate and a boiling rage that I could tell is about to spill through. I know that even if I were to manage to say anything in this situation, I couldn’t prevent it from all coming out. What could I say? This isn’t anything I’ve seen from Kat. She always had a way to relieve her own anger but this was an anger that even the cool-minded Kat could not keep under control. Like a wildfire that had found a negligent camper’s gasoline can.
“They think they can control me even in death but they can’t.” Kat whispers to herself quickly. I barely had time to process before the wildfire finally found the gas. “THEY FUCKING CAN’T!”
Kat lifts her shirt slightly, revealing her concealed gun. A Pit Viper. She draws it at a speed I barely had time to comprehend as she switches off the safety and takes a stance.
“Wait! Kat!”
That was all I could get out before I was overtaken by an ear splitting explosion. I barely had time to register the second one before the third went off. It was the same for the fourth and the fifth. My ears rang the loudest they have ever in my life as the pain in my ears set in and the agony of my head throbbing so hard that I thought my brain would burst from it alone. The sounds echoed through the forest. All the birds and the bugs and creatures stopped in unison as if Kat slain them herself.
And then.
submitted by Jade-The-Tiefling to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:50 Tough-Raspberry4389 Wanna know how to drive yourself crazy?! Have a toddler AND a puppy!

My toddler will be 4 in August and he's in his "threenager" phase really bad right now! Saying no, not listening, being too loud, etc. He is being the biggest pain in my ass lately and it's driving me insane! As for the puppy, my husband and I were on the fence about it. We already have a cat so I was concerned how she would feel. Other considerations were shots, buying more pet food, harder to travel, you get the idea. The main factor for saying yes, our son would have someone to play with because I have no intentions on having another baby. I love him so much but I didn't expect having a child to wreck me so emotionally. My patience level is very low so I cannot handle another child. Another bonus is having a guard dog since it's my son and I alone at home these days until he's ready for school.
We've had the puppy for about two weeks, now onto the problems: our child does not leave the poor puppy alone. Gets in his face giggling, constantly following him around everywhere, trying to put pillows on top of him (playfully), the poor dog hides behind my legs to get away but our child just won't listen. On top of all that, when the dog is annoyed with him he bites me! I have scratches and bite marks on my arms and legs. I'm trying my damn hardest to train this dog while also taking care of our son. It's exhausting! My husband is at work from 5am - 3:30pm so they're long days of telling the dog and child to stop this, stop that. Once he's home, he typically has a snack and goes straight to his "office" to play video games. I'm once again taking care of a child and dog because he doesn't bother to spend any damn time with us or give me a break. In his mind, the puppy is a "dog" and doesn't need supervision. He thinks telling the dog "no" or "stop" will magically work. I'm putting in all the effort to train him but it's difficult when our son wants attention at the same time.
I'm just so frustrated. The other day my husband was spanking our son but sometimes he hits about three or four times. I just said "that's enough, you don't need to spank him so much!". He got annoyed with me and said "since you're the perfect parent you discipline him then" and went to his office. I just broke down crying while cleaning our son's room because when I'm upset, I clean. I just have all this pressure on me all day to raise a good child and make sure our puppy learns good behavior while my husband just gets to relax and be on his phone or PC. It's so damn hard to do it alone! When my husband re-appears he just said "now do you see you need my help, that you can't do everything alone". He takes everything and pins it on me instead of taking accountability! He has also blamed ME for our son's bad behavior, that I don't discipline enough. I'm trying my f****ing hardest damn it!
It doesn't matter if I say anything, he usually doesn't listen (goes in one ear, out the other). I shouldn't have to ask for help either, he lives in this house too.
Thank you for reading and sticking around for this long rant.
submitted by Tough-Raspberry4389 to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:40 CNIS-Azerbaijan-Baku Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”

Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”
“Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them…”
(Lack of) Human Rights and Freedoms
Interrogations of Journalists in the “Smuggling Case” Continue. Journalist Alya Yagublu has been summoned to the Baku City Main Police Department (BCMPD). She informed “Abzas Media” about this herself. Alya Yagublu stated that she was called to the department in relation to the “Toplum TV case.” “They have summoned me for June 6 at 11:00 AM. The person who called identified himself as chief investigator Alibala Hajiyev. This will be my first time being questioned as a witness in this case,” said Alya Yagublu.
Previously, journalists such as Khadija Ismayil, Javid Ramazanov, and others were also questioned as witnesses in this case.
On March 6, the police conducted an operation in Baku related to the independent online television “Toplum TV” and the III Republic Platform. A criminal case was opened under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling committed by a group of persons with prior agreement), and a total of nine people were charged. Seven individuals were placed in pre-trial detention, while two were put under police supervision.
The “Toplum TV” team issued a statement asserting that the events were connected to the media outlet’s professional activities and described them as pressure on independent media. The III Republic Platform also declared that the arrests were politically motivated.
Many local and international organizations have recognized those arrested in this case as political prisoners and have called on the authorities to release them immediately.
The Court of Appeals rejected Tofig Yagublu‘s complaint regarding his house arrest and the extension of his detention. During the court session, Tofig Yagublu harshly criticized both the judge and the Aliyev government. Judges Zaur Huseynov and Murad Mammadov presided over the session. Both judges were recently appointed to the Court of Appeals. Tofig Yagublu remarked, “Do you think you are a judge? Putting a BMW badge on a ‘Zapi’ (Zaporozhets) doesn’t make it a BMW. Just because you are wearing a robe, do you think you are a judge? You are slaves to one family. You only carry out their orders! Since 1993 my rights have been violated. How many times can I be falsely accused and imprisoned? I have yet to see a judge make a fair decision in my case because you are all dishonorable slaves!”
Journalist Nargiz Absalamova‘s appeal has been denied. The appeal against the second extension of detention for the journalist, who was arrested in connection with the “Abzas Media case,” has not been upheld.
Political prisoner and disabled person Famil Khalilov, whose body is deteriorating in prison, is being denied visits with his family. According to his family, Khalilov’s ears and surrounding areas are decaying. Previously, they reported that his hands were also deteriorating. His family is not being allowed to visit him. Khalilov’s wife, Kichikkhanim Khalilova, expressed, “This marks our third attempt to visit him in Kurdekhani (detention facility), yet we are consistently being denied the opportunity to see him.”
On June 4, the “III Republic Platform” issued a statement regarding the pressures faced by their imprisoned spokesperson, Akif Gurbanov. The statement highlights that Akif Gurbanov is under severe threats. It states: “A high-ranking state official visited Baku Detention Center and harshly threatened Akif Gurbanov. He was demanded to refrain from making self-defense statements and to avoid mentioning the name of the head of state in his speeches. He was warned that failure to comply would result in mistreatment, including torture. Furthermore, the head of Baku Detention Center, Elnur Ismayilov, personally threatened other illegally detained individuals connected to the ‘Toplum TV‘ and ‘Democratic Initiatives Institute’ cases, stating that their situation would worsen if Akif Gurbanov continued his court speeches. They were warned of harsh consequences if he persisted.”
In his recent court appearance, Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD (The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs). Gurbanov said: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”
The Defense Line Human Rights Organization noted that the investigative authorities investigating the fabricated criminal case against Akif Gurbanov do not adhere to the requirements of criminal and criminal procedural codes, and objectivity, impartiality, and fairness of criminal proceedings are not ensured due to political instructions; on the contrary, additional pressure and threats are exerted in the investigative detention center.
Moreover, The Defense Line” stated that Akif Gurbanov, speaking in the appellate instance, provided detailed answers to the smear campaign taking his source from official circles, provided detailed information about his personal property and wealth to the public, presenting his activity in the Central Election Commission, civil society activities, and reports on his family and spouse’s financial activities, while also criticizing the repressive policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev, comparing the current political climate and legal system to Stalin and “NKVD” practices. “The Defense Line” expresses deep concern that after the aforementioned speech, additional pressures began at Baku Investigative Detention Center No. 1 on Akif Gurbanov, family members were not allowed to visit him, phone calls were restricted, books sent to him were returned, and he was subjected to repeated and very harsh treatement.
Former MP Huseyn Abdullayev, who has been imprisoned for over six years, is reportedly on a hunger strike in detention. His lawyer, Javad Javadov, stated that Abdullayev initiated the hunger strike to protest against a new charge brought against him and the extension of his detention period, despite his initial sentence nearing completion. Abdullayev is currently held at the Baku Investigation Detention Center in Kurdekhani, and the detention center’s management has been informed about his hunger strike. Abdullayev was sentenced to six years in prison by the Baku Military Court in April 2018. Although this sentence has now expired, he has not been released. In early March, a new criminal case was filed against him, charging him under Article 193-1.3.2 of the Criminal Code (legalization of property obtained by criminal means), which carries a potential sentence of 7 to 12 years imprisonment.
Human rights defender Rufat Safarov has reported that the mother of political prisoner Huseyn Abdullayev, 74-year-old Zeyneb Abdullayeva, has begun a hunger strike. Huseyn Abdullayev is also continuing his hunger strike. Both mother and son are protesting against what they claim to be unlawful charges.
The Defense Line Human Rights Organization expresses deep concern that a new repressive phase denying fundamental human and citizen rights and freedoms is unfolding in Azerbaijan, with increasing political persecution, psychological and physical violence in the regime’s operations, torture, inhuman treatment, and deteriorating conduct becoming widespread.
In its statement, The Defense Line regrets that there is no guarantee of a democratic structure within the framework of the Constitution, and there is a refusal to adhere to the legal state model that ensures the independence of laws as an expression of public will, hindering fundamental freedoms, including speech and opinion, press and information, freedom of assembly, and participation in public and the state’s political life.
“The Defense Line” calls on Azerbaijani society, local and international human rights organizations, representatives of civil society, leaders of political organizations, independent media centers, and Western and European countries’ embassies in Baku to take serious actions to stop illegal actions against III Republic Platform speaker Akif Gurbanov and other prisoners of conscience, and to take urgent, effective, and practical measures to restore the freedom rights of public and political activists.
“The Defense Line” strongly condemns the repressive actions of the judicial authorities and urges the government to pursue a policy of respect for the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution and Convention, demanding the immediate release of Akif Gurbanov and nearly 300 other political and conscience prisoners.
During his speech on Tuesday, President Ilham Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan is actively collaborating with the development of small island states, remarking, “We are also actively working with developing small island states and plan to establish a special fund to support them.” However, the President’s comments sparked outrage in Azerbaijan, given the dire state of the country’s economy.
Jamil Hasanli, Chairperson of the National Council of Democratic Forces, reacted to the president’s statement by underlining the urgency of addressing the country’s severe economic situation. Hasanli: “It is necessary to create a special fund to provide child support for the vulnerable children of Azerbaijan who are struggling, for the veterans of Karabakh who have set themselves on fire out of desperation and committed suicide, and to create it for the poor nation whose average monthly wage is even lower than that of Armenia.”
In New Caledonia, the minimum wage is 1645 euros (approximately 2975 manats), while in Azerbaijan, it is 345 manats. New Caledonia ranks 33rd in the world with a GDP per capita of 38,000 dollars, whereas Azerbaijan, with a GDP per capita of 7,000 dollars, ranks much lower.
Amid wider geopolitical tensions, France has leveled accusations against Azerbaijan, alleging interference in its Pacific territory of New Caledonia. The accusations include supporting independence movements and disseminating disinformation. An investigation by RFE/RL has revealed that several individuals associated with Azerbaijan’s ruling party were engaged in what appears to be a coordinated social media campaign aimed at France regarding the recent turmoil in New Caledonia, a French-governed Pacific island. Numerous accounts on X, formerly known as Twitter, were shut down for disseminating disinformation, including misleading photos and videos, according to findings by RFE/RL. This action followed similar allegations made by French authorities. By tracing the digital footprint of some of these suspended accounts, RFE/RL uncovered information about individuals linked to them, including their affiliations or roles within the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), which is headed by President Ilham Aliyev.
submitted by CNIS-Azerbaijan-Baku to CNIS_Baku [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 hjalbertiii Weird Ear Popping Question

TLDR: "How many of you can intentionally suck your eardrums in to make things quiet?"
If I inhale quickly through my nose I can "reverse pop" my ears and they stay that way until I "pop" them intentionally. It makes everything quieter. I do it quite often, in my truck, on my motorcycle, loud places, etc. Until recently I thought everyone could do this, but two people I talked to about it say they can not, and had no idea what I was talking about until I explained it. It's the same thing that happens when you swim in deeper water and the pressure pushes your eardrums in, only it's on command. Anyone else use this as natural ear plugs? I don't know how to do a poll, but chip in either way. Thanks!
submitted by hjalbertiii to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:08 wakeupalone Did previous owner put insulation around pipes to stop water hammer issue?

Did previous owner put insulation around pipes to stop water hammer issue?
So, this first time homebuyer bought a house last month. Noticing new things every day.
I’ve realized that if I shut off my faucets (primarily just happening on the two new faucets my contractor installed recently) I’m hearing the “hammer” noise. I went down into my creepy water shut off room to look and see if there’s a way to lower my pressure. Doesn’t appear so.
I then noticed these pipes are covered in a type of insulation, and I’m wondering if this was put around them by the previous owner to prevent damage from a water hammer issue?
Admittedly I know nothing about plumbing but am trying to learn with google and reddit’s help. If anyone has an idea here on this or a potential solution for the hammer, I’m all ears. Thanks!
submitted by wakeupalone to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:57 candy_candy_candy4 Nodules?

First two pics is how it started, last four is how it’s going. For those that have been diagnosed with rheumatoid nodules, do these look the part? Or is it something else, perhaps? Have been dealing with joint pain for many years, but the swelling has gotten out of hand (no pun intended lol) and these nodule-esque lumps have appeared on both hands. Hands are painful af and affects dexterity. I’m on Plaquenil for Sjogrens, which Dr. thinks is secondary to another connective tissue disease. Suspected RA, Lupus, or scleroderma but I have so much overlap it’s been really tough to fit in the criteria. Any advice appreciated, thank you!
Other dx’es: autonomic neuropathy, POTS, occipital neuralgia, trigeminal neuropathy, GERD, migraine
latest labs: continued highly positive ANA-homogeneous, low complement 3, slightly elevated A/G ratio
Other symptoms: joint pain and swelling in both hips, toes/feet, knees, ankles, joint subluxations in shoulder and hip/SI joint, mouth ulcers, sun rashes, and then all your classic Sjogrens symptoms like swollen salivary glands and dry eye/mouth
submitted by candy_candy_candy4 to rheumatoid [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:42 LoopDLoop6398 Does anyone have a little one like mine? lol

This is going to be a lengthy one. just looking for thoughts, opinions and suggestions. My little girl was born January 24th by emergency c-section, basically the epidural didn’t take and she was facing the wrong way trying to exit through my spine and I felt everything. My blood pressure was increasing and developed a fever so an emergency c-section had to happen. She came out crying and perfect, almost 8lbs. she is a very happy and healthy 4 month old at 16lbs and 70cm. I’m 4”11 and it’s been a struggle to hold her lately lol
Sleep: she has never slept well since day one. She use to do these long stretches without sleep, 12 hours once and we even went to emergency and they said she’s happy and healthy she’s just being a baby. To this day she has had three days where she went down at 8:30pm and would wake 2.5-3hours to feed. (EBF) after those days, each day she will have false starts all night until she hits after 12am she finally has deep sleep. It’s been four months and she now does half an hour false starts right until 3am and that’s when her deep sleep hits. I have played with wake windows and she seems to be on 75 mins maybe 1.5 (rare) I use the Huckleberry app and follow sweet spots but also her cues (which she rarely has any) but when the night start it’s always a fight. As soon as I walk into her room (white noise machine that glows red, large mattress on the floor as I sleep with her to actually get some sleep) she fights as if she’s overtired but no matter what wake window I go with it’s always a fight.(moans, pulls ears, pulls clothes, hits, scratches and screams no matter the position i put her in) I thought things would change by now a bit. She doesn’t take a bottle or a pacifier, I usually boob to sleep but now she wants to be bounced but the transfer to the bed has been the worst, she wakes no matter how long I wait. We are also on 4 naps and those are very hit or miss too. First nap is usually the longest maybe over an hour. The rest are shorter and I contact nap and so the same thing each time but the later in the day the harder she fights.
I’m on around 3 to 4 hours a day of sleep since she’s been born. Any advice, tips, suggestions would be so appreciated.
Lastly: she doesn’t nap on the go, not the stroller or car seat for drives. She also screams when we tried to put her in a carrier or wrap. :(
submitted by LoopDLoop6398 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:21 diplomatic-duck Weird Pressure Sensation Around My Head.

I am an 18 year old male and about a week ago I tried going to sleep and started hallucinating. I started panicking and my head felt a weird pressure-like sensation. I calmed myself down and went to sleep and the entire next day I felt the pressure in my head plus a lack of appetite. After hallucinating again the second night I went to the ER and they wrote it off quickly as anxiety/panic attacks and prescribed buspar. After dealing with lack of appetite for the next 24 hours and feeling somewhat nauseous off the buspar, I managed to sleep the following night with no issues, but the pressure was still there. I saw my regular doctor the day after and he told me to stay on the buspar and they took blood and urine tests and everything was fine for the most part. The rest of that week I started having panic attacks at least once a day and the buspar would help, but the pressure was still there. I would feel it all around my head, along with ear popping. The pressure would be localized to one area at a time, either the right side of my head, the back of my head, or the front of my head. Also experience some numbness in the head too, along with occasional twitches in the head and neck area. The panic attacks haven't popped up for the past 36 hours but I am still feeling this pressure, and I am concerned it might be a brain tumor. I want the doctor to just give me a CT scan to ease my anxiety, but I feel like my anxiety might be causing this pressure. I am scared and am fearing the worst as I usually do. If a doctor on here could help me out and maybe help ease my anxiety that would be great because I am so scared its a brain tumor.
submitted by diplomatic-duck to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:47 One_Tension_6212 Ear Infection Hell - please help

Had ear pain starting Tuesday. Went to PCP Thursday and said inner ear looked fine, just mild outer ear infection. Gave me Neomycin drops. Pain raged in the night and woke up. Friday went to urgent care. They said one ear was inner infection, one ear was outer. Gave me Cipro drops and amox for oral. Pain continued Saturday and work up with swollen part of cheek near ear. Pain the same and so my mom, an ICU nurse, said go to ER. I have never had this much constant pain around the clock and it's really taking a toll on my mental health. I'm a mom to three kids and I can barely function. ER put wicks in both ears as they are nearly complete closed and upgraded oral drugs to Cefdinir.
This morning, now Sunday, I thought I was a little better (could bit down)but feel like as I'm going to bed I'm getting worse again. Ears have so much pressure and pain. I don't know what else to do. I have to work this week and I'm so overwhelmed. My hearing is about 50%. Today my two year old screamed and I didn't hear her until my husband said she's screaming and then I heard it. That is scary to me.
Do I need to wait longer for these drugs to kick in? Is this normal for ears to close more, and be more painful, after starting my first drops on three days ago?
Any advice would be so appreciated!!
submitted by One_Tension_6212 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:09 Kingslime4 Bad ear pain after higher jumps

I haven’t seen much on the internet regarding after cliff jumping I get a pressure in my ear that quickly(1 or 2 hours out) turns into pain, like really bad ear pain. I don’t think any infections onset this early. The cliffs I get the pain from are 30/35 feet and I’ve gotten bad pain from as low as 26 ft. I really loved this hobby but I might stop because every time I’ve went it can hurt for weeks. Any tips?
submitted by Kingslime4 to cliffjumping [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:55 Impressive-Rub-4882 [Echoes of Fate] - Chapter 04

(First Chapter)
Chapter 04
Mystery Number 1 and Number 2!
As Finn pushed open the creaking door and stepped into the dimly lit archway of the shabby wooden shack bearing the label of the renowned Magyo Magic Academy Library, an inexplicable sensation washed over him. It was as though he had plunged into a current of raw mana, the very essence of mana itself. Before he could even take another step, he was engulfed by a sudden surge of disorientation. His vision wavered, flickering like a candle in the wind, before being swallowed whole by an inky blackness.
In the silent black void that he suddenly found himself in, time seemed to lose all meaning. Finn drifted, adrift in a sea of nothingness, his senses dulled to mere whispers in the void. It was as if he had been stripped bare, reduced to nothing more than a consciousness adrift in the emptiness of space.
Then, just as suddenly as the void had overtaken his vision, the darkness receded, replaced by the familiar sights and sounds of the academy. But something was different. Finn was no longer stepping into the dimly lit archway of the academy, nor could he see the shabby old shack that he could have sworn wasn’t the real library. Instead, he found himself standing on an unfamiliar balcony, high above the academy grounds, with the moon casting its silvery light over the tranquil garden below.
Confusion clouded Finn’s thoughts as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. How, and why was he here? And why did everything feel so… off? The air was colder than he remembered, the cold moonlight a stark difference from the warm summer sunlight he had been under only a few moments ago, It was as if he had been transported to another time, another place entirely.
Before he could ponder these thoughts and questions any further, his body began to move of its own accord, turning back toward the glass door that led into the room behind him. With a sense of inevitability, his hand reached forward and pulled down on the cold metal handle, the glass door sliding open with a soft hiss.
But as he was about to step through into the bare room, a sudden vibration on his wrists interrupted his movement. Startled, Finn looked down at the source of the disturbance on his wrist, his eyes widening in surprise as he realized what it was. Someone was calling him.
Without hesitation, his other hand reached down and tapped on the watch strapped to his wrist, answering the call with a hint of urgency. Instantly, a familiar voice echoed in his ears, the sound of it both comforting and unsettling all at once.
“Finn!” she exclaimed, her voice urgent with concern. “Something’s wrong, I can feel it… I think they are-”
Before she could finish her sentence, the call abruptly cut off with a faint static, leaving Finn alone once more in the disturbing silence of the night. Panic gripped him anew as he stared down at the silent watch resting on his wrist, his mind racing with questions that had no answers. What had she been trying to tell him? And more importantly, what was happening to him?
Finn’s heart raced as panic continued to grip him tightly. He felt a surge of distress coursing through his veins, a primal fear clawing at his already alerted senses. It was as if the very air around him had turned heavy with foreboding, pressing down on him relentlessly.
In those harrowing moments, every second felt like an eternity. Then, just when it seemed the tension couldn’t escalate any further, a deafening explosion shattered the stillness, jolting Finn out of his reverie. The shockwaves sliced through him like a sharp knife, cutting short the eerie sensation that had enveloped him and bursting into his ears, leaving only but a constant ringing echoing in his mind.
Abruptly, Finn found himself snapped back into reality, back within the confines of his own body. He blinked, disorientated, as he struggled to comprehend what had just transpired. His mind reeled with confusion, grasping at half-formed fragments of memory that slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.
He involuntarily fell forward and knelt on one knee, his heart still racing with unease. He racked his brain continuously, trying to comprehend the phenomenon that he had just experienced. What? What… was that? He thought to himself amidst deep breaths. Almost instinctively, he lifted his arm and looked at the watch resting on his wrist with intent. Tapping on the screen a couple of times, he sorted through the logs of his recent calls. Not there, he confirmed to himself with both relief and lingering discomfort.
Was it a dream? A nightmare? A memory? He was almost certain that it wasn’t the latter at least. It could have been a dream, but it felt so surreal. It was almost like he was actually there like he remembered being there. No. I’ve never been there. I don’t even recognize that room! He thought to himself. Finn’s mind stirred with a mixture of confusion and worry, his thoughts swirling like a raging tempest inside his head. He wanted answers, he wanted clarity.
With determined resolve, Finn began pushing himself to his feet, his taut muscles straining as his back straightened fully. Shaking off his limbs and taking deep breaths, Finn finally looked up, taking in his surroundings. He expected to see the outside of a shabby wooden shack, with a small sign labelling it as the famous library, but to his astonishment, the sight that lay before his eyes was simply impossible.
With what had been but a humble wooden shack from the outside, now revealed itself as a monumental structure, akin to something of a higher realm. The ceiling soared hundreds of meters overhead, forming a majestic dome reminiscent of classic architecture. The walls, if they even existed, were lost in the vastness of space. Everywhere he looked, countless shelves stretched in the distance, laden with millions upon millions of books. Cyan-blue pulsed through the air, trailing the tomes as they floated about at an impossible speed. Hovering platforms ferried students, professors, and librarians across the library’s expansive chambers while eager scholars navigated the labyrinthine levels with towering stacks of books.
Finn couldn’t help but stand frozen in awe–rooted to the spot near the arching entrance he had presumably just entered, overwhelmed by the overwhelming sight of the spectacle before him.
“Ha…” he murmured, his gaze darting around in bewilderment.
With what he had just experienced in addition to the spectacle now unfolding before him, Finn's mind was now on the verge of imploding. Finn’s complexion quickly drained seconds later as an irresistible sensation began rising from the bottom of his stomach. His abominable muscles tightened as the unstoppable force continued quickly surging its way through his body and up toward his mouth.
Finn’s stomach churned violently, a relentless storm brewing within him as the sickening feeling grew stronger. With each passing second, the pressure mounted, threatening to overwhelm him entirely. His throat constricted, a strangled gasp escaping his lips as he fruitlessly tried to suppress the rising tide of nausea.
With a sudden, gut-wrenching lurch, Finn doubled over, a primal instinct driving him to expel the contents of his stomach. A guttural retch tore through him like a raging bull as he began to empty his stomach onto the pristine, wooden floor of the library. Unexpectedly, before the vile, acrid vomit could reach and stain the library floor, a small, grey bucket suddenly appeared from seemingly thin air, catching every ounce of the putrid vomit effortlessly and effectively.
Several moments passed as Finn continued to empty the remains of his breakfast into the small grey bucket until finally, the last remnants of his ordeal passed and he couldn’t help but stumbled backwards and use the nearby bookshelf to support his now drained, energyless body. Taking several deep breaths and struggling to hold his head up, Finn’s body wanted nothing more than to fall to the ground unconscious.
No… not here. How embarrassing and humiliating would it be if I was found by someone else, asleep on the floor? He said to himself over and over, trying his best to stay standing. Amidst his almost futile attempt at keeping his dignity, he suddenly heard a faint chuckle echoing from the side. With effort, Finn managed to turn his head to the side, catching a glance at the person chuckling.
The chuckle emanated from a figure positioned a few paces away, stationed behind a grand desk adorned with layers of books, likely serving as the circulation desk. The librarian, a middle-aged man with short, brunette hair and a meticulously groomed goatee decorating his chin was draped in elegant cream-white robes, intricately embroidered with golden runes. He exuded an air of authority, wisdom and knowledge akin to that of a great mage who had lived many decades, despite his seemingly young age.
“Apologies,” he muttered, trying to stifle his amusement. “It’s just… amusing, you know? The sight of fresh students arriving and promptly losing their lunches and breakfast,” he clarified.
Observing Finn’s bewildered expression, the librarian nodded empathetically. “Ah, I see. When one traverses a spacial barrier for the first time, it can… induce disorientation and nausea. It’s quite common for newcomers to have a sudden upheaval upon encountering the library grounds. Nearly every student undergoes the same… initiation, per se.”
“After the many… accidents, I've learnt that a bucket is the simplest tool to effectively combat the student's putrid attack on the precious library floor,” he explained as he clicked his fingers together, causing the bucket holding Finn’s vomit to vanish in to thin air.
Finn stared at the librarian, completely dumbfounded by his casual approach to potentially the worst moment of his life. Finn’s eyes stayed locked onto the middle-aged librarian for several moments before the librarian nodded to himself and turned around.
In the ensuing awkward silence, the rather annoying librarian appeared to disregard Finn entirely, returning to his previous tasks. Realizing he now had ample time and space to compose himself, with a loud exhale Finn eased his body down from the unforgiving bookshelves and onto the library’s chilly wooden floor.
“He could at least have explained it in a little less harsh way,” Finn muttered under his breath. “I… I feel like I've just been hit by a three-story bus,” he audibly complained, lowering his head into his hands.
Finn let his mind wander as he felt his body ease up and relax, the previous events had taken a large toll on his body, and now was a great time to rest. He leaned against the cool wooden floor, the solid texture grounding him as his thoughts slowly settled.
Minutes passed in relative silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of pages or soft footfalls of other students or librarians in the distance. Finn’s breathing steadied, his heart rate gradually returning to a steady rate. Just as he was beginning to feel somewhat restored, a shadow fell across him. He looked up to see the annoying librarian standing over him, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
“I see that you’ve taken a liking to the floor, “ the librarian remarked, his tone lighter this time. “But… perhaps a seat would be more comfortable?”
Finn’s eyebrow raised at the suggestion. Huh, guess he’s not as bad as he seemed, he thought to himself with curiosity.
Finn sighed, pushing himself up with some effort. “Sure, I guess you're right.”
The librarian offered a hand, helping Finn to his feet. “Come, I know of a quiet corner where you will be able to rest up properly.”
Finn followed the librarian through the vast, labyrinthine librarian, the towering shelves and floating books seeming less overwhelming now, though they still filled him with an inspiring sense of awe. It won't be too long until he would be capable of creating such things, and potentially something even greater!
Along their journey through the library, they passed by many students and professors alike, engrossed in their studies. Some were working alone, others collaborating in hushed voices. Seeing the students passionately studying with friends, Finn began to feel a tinge of jealousy. He really wanted to spend time with a small group of friends just like them, but unfortunately, he didn’t have many friends back at home—or really any at all.
They eventually reached a secluded nook, a small corner of the library surrounded by shelves that formed a small, cosy enclosed area. Inside the nook, a lime-colored plush armchair awaited Finn. Seeing the librarian’s gesture for him to take a seat, he gratefully sank into the chair, the soft cushions a stark contrast to the hard wooden floor. The librarian followed suit, settling into a grey armchair opposite him with an air of practised ease. After they both took a moment to catch their breath and take in the sight of the enclosed nook, the relaxing silence was finally broken by the voice of the librarian.
“Nice to meet you, Finn. I’m Aldric,” he said, a pleasant smile at the edges of his lips.
“Huh? I didn’t tell you my-”
The librarian let out a small chuckle at Finn’s confusion. “When someone enters through the spacial barrier, I basically receive the equivalent of a full body scan of them. And you…” he paused, pointing his bony finger at Finn’s pocket, “Happen to be carrying something with all of your details on it.”
“Ah,” Finn exhaled with a small nod.
Of course, he would know my name, if he got a full scan of my body and saw my identification card he already knows everything he needs to about me! Finn thought to himself upon the realization.
“Well, nice to meet you too then, Aldric,” Finn said, showing the top row of his teeth as he smiled.
submitted by Impressive-Rub-4882 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:36 Affectionate_Emu_576 Has anyone tried White Peony Extract supplements and found them helpful?

(This is from the Life Extension page about Sjogren's so of course it will be biased towards the use of it but they do provide reference on the page.)

White Peony Extract

Peony glucosides are biologically active constituents from white peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root, a traditional Chinese medicinal herb. Studies indicate peony glucosides have anti-inflammatory, immune-regulating, and pain-relieving properties (Feng 2016; He 2011; Wang 2014). Peony glucosides have been used extensively for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, including Sjögren syndrome (Zhou 2016; He 2011; Feng 2016; Jiang 2020).
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, total glucosides of peony (600 mg three times daily for 24 weeks) improved salivary gland function and decreased blood concentrations of inflammatory cell-signaling molecules in primary Sjögren patients (Zhou 2016). Another placebo-controlled trial in 320 primary Sjögren patients using the same dosage for 24 weeks found that total glucosides of peony improved patient-reported Sjögren's syndrome index more than placebo, as well as improving erythrocyte sedimentation rate, dryness, fatigue, and mental discomfort (Liu 2019). A retrospective study compared peony glucosides with hydroxychloroquine sulfate for treatment of Sjögren syndrome. Peony extract increased salivary flow, improved tear production, and decreased levels of an inflammatory marker as effectively as hydroxychloroquine, but was associated with fewer severe adverse effects (Zhang 2007).
Animal studies suggest the anti-inflammatory effects of peony glucosides play a prominent role in its clinical benefits. In a mouse model of Sjögren syndrome, paeoniflorin, an active peony glucoside, was shown to alleviate inflammation in salivary gland epithelial cells (Li, Sun 2016). In another study in a mouse model of Sjögren syndrome, peony glucosides decreased the production of certain inflammatory cytokines (Wu 2016).
submitted by Affectionate_Emu_576 to Sjogrens [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:39 TillAdventurous9038 Another tip from a dv advocate/ survivor

Hey guys,
It’s me again with some more helpful info that many dv survivors/ victims may not know or be aware of (this time concerning strangulation/hands to the throat):
*Most people use being “choked” and “strangled” interchangeably but there is in fact a difference: Choking: an accidental internal obstruction of the airway Strangulation: a tactic of control and abuse
*The chances of a male strangling their partner is significantly higher than the chances of a female strangling their partner (Women are more prone to strangling a child or someone smaller in size than them)
*If your partner strangles you they are considered a “Strangler” and “Stranglers” lead to becoming killers in almost every situation (Could take more than one instance). It is scientifically proven that if they strangle you and you stay they WILL eventually kill you or make a very strong attempt
*If you feel pain in your neck, behind your ears, or in your throat, there is blood vessels burst in your eye(s), small red or purple dots on your face, scalp, eyes, ears, or nose (this is called petechiae), loss of voice or any noticeable change after being strangled PLEASE GO TO A DR!
Again please feel free to reach out if there are any questions or concerns
As always stay safe❤️
submitted by TillAdventurous9038 to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:10 Original_Budget_5862 Chronic tension headaches i guess?

Chronic throbbing head and heart palpitations
Hello everyone who is dealing with health anxiety.I have had this problem and it’s been like this 5 months.It started one night when I went to sleep my whole head started throbbing so fast with pressure and I felt my heart beating like crazy like my whole body was shaking.It was a nightmare for me cause I thought I was about to get a stroke.When I woke up tomorrow I thought it would have been gone but its been constant now without any day or moment off.I even feel really sensitive to my ears.Did a MRI scan T1 T2 flair (only a disc degeneration in my cervical zone)and blood tests everything’s fine.The neurologist said just stress,went to a physiotherapist he only once did me a session just massaged my face cause he said my whole face and neck muscles were really tense even he said you have stress and need to try some activities
This guys is really draining cause it has reduced my sleep quality which tomorrow may make me feel tired and sometimes unfocused.I just want to feel again relaxed.Even the fact that I dont know where it comes from and how to prevent it makes me really sad.Everyone says its managable but they dont know how my head beats like its about to explode and my heart shaking my whole body.These are even day when Im on the verge of sleep and my body wakes me up with a twitch of my body mainly my right leg.Idk how to deal with this.I can deal with it when I move during my uni days but when I am home and now mostly for my final exams I am so uncomfortable everyday.Sleeping at 2 am and waking up at 8 30 am.
I hope someone can relate and I hope nobody experiences a feeling like this🙏
submitted by Original_Budget_5862 to headache [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:08 Original_Budget_5862 Chronic tension headaches i guess??

Chronic throbbing head and heart palpitations
Hello everyone who is dealing with health anxiety.I have had this problem and it’s been like this 5 months.It started one night when I went to sleep my whole head started throbbing so fast with pressure and I felt my heart beating like crazy like my whole body was shaking.It was a nightmare for me cause I thought I was about to get a stroke.When I woke up tomorrow I thought it would have been gone but its been constant now without any day or moment off.I even feel really sensitive to my ears.Did a MRI scan T1 T2 flair (only a disc degeneration in my cervical zone)and blood tests everything’s fine.The neurologist said just stress,went to a physiotherapist he only once did me a session just massaged my face cause he said my whole face and neck muscles were really tense even he said you have stress and need to try some activities
This guys is really draining cause it has reduced my sleep quality which tomorrow may make me feel tired and sometimes unfocused.I just want to feel again relaxed.Even the fact that I dont know where it comes from and how to prevent it makes me really sad.Everyone says its managable but they dont know how my head beats like its about to explode and my heart shaking my whole body.These are even day when Im on the verge of sleep and my body wakes me up with a twitch of my body mainly my right leg.Idk how to deal with this.I can deal with it when I move during my uni days but when I am home and now mostly for my final exams I am so uncomfortable everyday.Sleeping at 2 am and waking up at 8 30 am.
I hope someone can relate and I hope nobody experiences a feeling like this🙏
submitted by Original_Budget_5862 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:06 Original_Budget_5862 Chronic tension headaches i guess

Chronic throbbing head and heart palpitations
Hello everyone who is dealing with health anxiety.I have had this problem and it’s been like this 5 months.It started one night when I went to sleep my whole head started throbbing so fast with pressure and I felt my heart beating like crazy like my whole body was shaking.It was a nightmare for me cause I thought I was about to get a stroke.When I woke up tomorrow I thought it would have been gone but its been constant now without any day or moment off.I even feel really sensitive to my ears.Did a MRI scan T1 T2 flair (only a disc degeneration in my cervical zone)and blood tests everything’s fine.The neurologist said just stress,went to a physiotherapist he only once did me a session just massaged my face cause he said my whole face and neck muscles were really tense even he said you have stress and need to try some activities
This guys is really draining cause it has reduced my sleep quality which tomorrow may make me feel tired and sometimes unfocused.I just want to feel again relaxed.Even the fact that I dont know where it comes from and how to prevent it makes me really sad.Everyone says its managable but they dont know how my head beats like its about to explode and my heart shaking my whole body.These are even day when Im on the verge of sleep and my body wakes me up with a twitch of my body mainly my right leg.Idk how to deal with this.I can deal with it when I move during my uni days but when I am home and now mostly for my final exams I am so uncomfortable everyday.Sleeping at 2 am and waking up at 8 30 am.
I hope someone can relate and I hope nobody experiences a feeling like this🙏
submitted by Original_Budget_5862 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 Original_Budget_5862 Chronic head tension

Chronic throbbing head and heart palpitations
Hello everyone who is dealing with health anxiety.I have had this problem and it’s been like this 5 months.It started one night when I went to sleep my whole head started throbbing so fast with pressure and I felt my heart beating like crazy like my whole body was shaking.It was a nightmare for me cause I thought I was about to get a stroke.When I woke up tomorrow I thought it would have been gone but its been constant now without any day or moment off.I even feel really sensitive to my ears.Did a MRI scan T1 T2 flair (only a disc degeneration in my cervical zone)and blood tests everything’s fine.The neurologist said just stress,went to a physiotherapist he only once did me a session just massaged my face cause he said my whole face and neck muscles were really tense even he said you have stress and need to try some activities
This guys is really draining cause it has reduced my sleep quality which tomorrow may make me feel tired and sometimes unfocused.I just want to feel again relaxed.Even the fact that I dont know where it comes from and how to prevent it makes me really sad.Everyone says its managable but they dont know how my head beats like its about to explode and my heart shaking my whole body.These are even day when Im on the verge of sleep and my body wakes me up with a twitch of my body mainly my right leg.Idk how to deal with this.I can deal with it when I move during my uni days but when I am home and now mostly for my final exams I am so uncomfortable everyday.Sleeping at 2 am and waking up at 8 30 am.
I hope someone can relate and I hope nobody experiences a feeling like this🙏
submitted by Original_Budget_5862 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:56 Original_Budget_5862 Chronic throbbing head and heart palpitations

Hello everyone who is dealing with health anxiety.I have had this problem and it’s been like this 5 months.It started one night when I went to sleep my whole head started throbbing so fast with pressure and I felt my heart beating like crazy like my whole body was shaking.It was a nightmare for me cause I thought I was about to get a stroke.When I woke up tomorrow I thought it would have been gone but its been constant now without any day or moment off.I even feel really sensitive to my ears.Did a MRI scan T1 T2 flair (only a disc degeneration in my cervical zone)and blood tests everything’s fine.The neurologist said just stress,went to a physiotherapist he only once did me a session just massaged my face cause he said my whole face and neck muscles were really tense even he said you have stress and need to try some activities
This guys is really draining cause it has reduced my sleep quality which tomorrow may make me feel tired and sometimes unfocused.I just want to feel again relaxed.Even the fact that I dont know where it comes from and how to prevent it makes me really sad.Everyone says its managable but they dont know how my head beats like its about to explode and my heart shaking my whole body.These are even day when Im on the verge of sleep and my body wakes me up with a twitch of my body mainly my right leg.Idk how to deal with this.I can deal with it when I move during my uni days but when I am home and now mostly for my final exams I am so uncomfortable everyday.Sleeping at 2 am and waking up at 8 30 am.
I hope someone can relate and I hope nobody experiences a feeling like this🙏
submitted by Original_Budget_5862 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:21 RelativeWalrus1519 The top of my head has been tingling since Monday last week

The top of my head has been tingling since Monday, it mostly goes away when I lie flat or press on it
21F white 105lbs 162cm Canada
Medications: 150mg Sunosi, 10mg Dexedrine, 12.5mg x2 Metoprolol, 9mg Entocort, Dienogest, Restasis eye drops
Supplements (Prescribed): 1g Carnitine, 100mg CoQ10, I usually drink a Liquid IV or Normalyte every day as well
Diagnoses: POTS, hEDS, collagenous colitis, suspected mitochondrial/metabolic disorder (working w geneticist), hypersomnolence (don’t qualify for a more specific sleep disorder dx at this point)
Duration: 7 days
June 7: This randomly started on Monday with the feeling that I was wearing a hat or my hair was standing up, kind of like when you take out a tight ponytail except not sore to the touch at all. Since then it’s been tingling constantly, not as intense as pins and needles when your leg falls asleep but definitely tingly. It’s not painful, just really uncomfortable and annoying and distracting enough that it is hard to focus on talking or reading. It’s a circle right on top of my head, I’ll put a drawing in the comments. It almost disappears - enough for me to forget about it temporarily- if I press on the area with my hands or wear a headband or over ear headphones, but feels a bit worse after I eventually take those off. Same for lying down completely flat, it’s way more noticeable when I am sitting up or standing. There is a little bit of a pressure feeling with the circle but it doesn’t feel like a headache at all, or like tight muscles. It feels worse now than it did earlier in the week, but not a lot worse.
Update June 9: it feels a little more headache-y with pressure now in a small area within the circle, but it’s still mostly just the tingling.
I’ve tried ice, heat, massaging it, washing my hair a ton, wearing a hat and then taking it off, Tylenol, getting extra sleep. Ice helps a little, but it feels worse as soon as the ice is off.
My blood pressure and heart rate have been the same as usual.
Any ideas? 😬
submitted by RelativeWalrus1519 to AskDocs [link] [comments]