Photo album names for son

Fake Album Covers

2013.03.21 05:49 thebenolivas Fake Album Covers

Where the covers are made up & the music doesn't matter

2012.04.22 04:34 iseewhatyoudidthere5 Frank Ocean

Endless, but not friendless.

2009.07.07 15:00 noroom I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

A subreddit about photography techniques and styles. Post your work here to ask for critique, or browse the submissions and learn how photography techniques are achieved.

2024.06.10 06:05 Available-Cost-531 An adult sexted my 13 year old son. I’m gonna report it. How long does it take for police to do these types of investigations?

The title is pretty much what the entire post is about. I caught an adult sexting my son, this 50 year old man sent him nude photos (with his face in it, what an idiot) and luckily my son never sent any. I’m going to report it, but how long would it take for the police to find out who this person is? I don’t know how sexting investigations work, especially when it comes to minors. Would it take a week? 2 weeks? Months? Years? Is it just random? I want justice to be brought and I’m not really sure how to go about this. The only info I have of him is his face and first name
(Sorry if this is a dumb post, I’m not very smart but I love my son and want him to be safe)
submitted by Available-Cost-531 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:03 No_Beautiful_959 Anyone gone through supplemental damage estimate request?

I was inexperienced when submitting my first claim to my insurance National General.
After a car crash the front part of my vehicle was damaged, and just with the engine lid opened I can only see the radiator was pierced through.
I called National General and directly submitted the claim report as instructed with a few photos I took from the surface, and received an estimation shortly after, which only covers the problems I described: bumper and radiator.
HOWEVER, it was after I actually went to the repair shop did I know that there're actually a lot more internal damages to the car, which are only visible after they disassembled the parts. (the fans next to the engine etc) Then I was told it's better to always go to a repair shop and let them do the claiming, otherwise the repair shop would need to ask for supplemental estimates which takes a much longer time to get it settled.
Now the repair shop had to request supplemental estimate, waiting for National General to send someone for additional inspection in person. It has been almost 1 month, no news. I called the National General adjuster for my case. She's extremely impatient, condescending, not willing to help at all. I was told that they're using local third-party companies for such damage inspection, which varies in different areas, and they have no right/access or whatsoever to help speed up when this third-party company can be available to send someone.
I asked for the name of this third-party company. She said it's called SCA. I googled which is a California company, but I'm in Seattle WA......
Now should I even try to call SCA? Anyone here have been through the similar process?🥲
submitted by No_Beautiful_959 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:01 AutoModerator Supreme Legit Check/Price Check/Identification

submitted by AutoModerator to Supreme [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 AITA for rejecting the worst name ever for our offspring?

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Beginning_Date1924
AITA for rejecting the worst name ever for our offspring?
Originally posted to AmItheAsshole
Original Post March 24, 2024
So, my husband (38M) and I (36F) are expecting our first child, a bouncing baby girl due in a few months. We were both over the moon when we found out the gender, but now things have gotten . . . complicated, to say the least.
See, when we first started talking about names, the “boy name” was immediately decided: Stuart Jr., after my husband. No problem there, it’s a classic name and carries family meaning. But, for a girl, things got murky.
My husband suggested Stuarta. No, you’re not having a stroke. Apparently, his logic is that since Stuart ends in “t,” we can just add an “a” to make it feminine. I tried explaining why that doesn’t quite work, how it sounds more like a furniture brand than a human name, how she’d be endlessly correcting people and explaining its origin. He’s adamant though, says it “honors” him while giving our daughter a unique name.
I’ve suggested alternatives: feminine names that maybe share a similar sound or meaning to Stuart, names he’s mentioned liking in the past, even just going back to the drawing board entirely. But he’s fixated on Stuarta.
Now, I love my husband dearly, and I understand wanting to honor family. But I can’t imagine subjecting our daughter to a lifetime of awkward stares and endless questions about her “unusual” name. I also worry about potential bullying and the impact it could have on her self-esteem.
So, Reddit, am I the jerk for refusing to budge on Stuarta? Is there any compromise I haven’t considered? Help a soon-to-be mama out!
TL;DR: Husband wants to name our daughter after himself; in a really, really bad way. I think it’s terrible and will set her up for a lifetime of awkwardness. AITA?
Looking forward to your thoughts and (hopefully) some sanity checks!
Edit: Please, no suggestions for other “-ta” names. The man clearly has a theme, and I need to gently steer him away from it, not fuel the fire!
NTA. Naming a child is a two yes and one no situation. Means you need two times yes for a name to be it and one no to make sure that name is not the name you choose. Works both ways if you’d ask me.
Also, I am not a fan of naming the first name of a child after a parent. Because then the child will always be compared to their parents and need to fight harder to be their own person. I have less problems with the middle name being connected to someone else (parents, grandparents) because that is only a formal name and not used in everyday business.
Why is he dead set on Stuarta? I mean, there are so many beautiful names but he only wants to name his daughter after him? Why not after the mother? Like junior. It is a bit misogynistic to only want to name the baby after the father. Whose last name will the baby get? His as well?
Maybe you could find a way, like name the baby with the same first letter as your husband (Stella, Sally, Sanne, etc). Make sure the baby has a middle name (if she shares the same last name as her father). Because it will be annoying for simple things like mail and stuff.
Tell him he only gets one kid named after him, so if he goes with Stuarta now, he'll never get a Stuart Jnr.
And how come it's so important that he be honoured, but not you? See how he feels about naming a future son a male version of your name.
Remind him that baby names need a yes from both parents or it's a no. You both need to be able to live with whatever you go with. Even if that means both of you missing out on the one you want most.
NTA. Stuarta sounds like a pharmaceutical product. (I can hear the commercials now. "In some cases, Stuarta can cause headaches, rashes and even death.") It doesn't have a decent nickname. And no, adding an "a" doesn't make it feminine in all cases; this is one of them. I'd go for Stuart as a middle name.
Update June 3, 2024
First, the good news: We have a beautiful, healthy baby girl! She weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz and already has the most incredible head of dark hair (seriously, where did that come from?). Labor was a marathon, not a sprint — 18 hours of “fun” — but the amazing nurses kept me fueled up on ice chips and cheesy encouragement.
Now, for the not-so-good news: The name situation. Buckle up, because this might take a minute.
Right before pushing started, things got a little heated between me and Stuart. Apparently, the stress of contractions made him even more attached to “Stuarta.” He was pacing the room, muttering about “family legacy” while I was doing some very impressive Lamaze breathing exercises.
Suddenly, my water broke with a rather impressive pop. Let’s just say it startled everyone in the room, including Stuart. The nurse, bless her heart, took advantage of the distraction and very calmly started prepping for delivery.
Everything after that was a blur of pushing, encouraging words, and the most amazing head of dark hair emerging into the world. The second our daughter was out, screaming her little lungs out, a wave of pure, primal love washed over me.
It was in that moment, staring at this tiny, perfect human being, that the name debate completely evaporated. There was no way I could call this beautiful little girl “Stuarta.”
So, what did we end up with?
In the haze of post-partum bliss, I blurted out the first name that popped into my head — the name of the incredible nurse who’d coached me through labor: Ella.
Yes, Ella. Not exactly the most adventurous choice, but in that moment, it felt perfect. Strong, steady, kind — just like the woman who’d helped bring our daughter into the world.
Stuart, bless his confused heart, just looked at me, then at our daughter, then back at me again. Finally, he let out a shaky laugh and said, “Ella it is.”
Thanks for all the support and hilarious “Stuarta” comparisons. Here’s to sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and the incredible journey of parenthood!
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:57 ilovecatsnkittens can’t remember title of this book set in 40s-60s

ok so i had read this book in middle school and it was one of my favorite books. i went looking for it recently to re-read it and i discovered that i lost it ! i wanted to purchase a new one but the problem is that i can’t seem to remember either the title or the name of the book. i have been trying for months to figure it out and i need some help. it was a Christian inspirational fiction book. the front cover pictures a woman with aurburn hair and a man in the background by an suv. the storyline is as follows: the young woman takes her newborn nephew under her wing as her brother and sister in law died in a car accident and had made her the godmother, telling her that if anything happened to them they wanted her to take care of their baby. problem is, this woman’s sister in law comes from a wealthy family who she is no longer in contact with due to her unloving upbringing - being raised by nannie’s instead of family. so obviously before they died they didn’t want this for their baby. as the book goes on, the sister in law’s father sends out his son (the sister in laws brother) to take the baby and raise him. (sorry ik this is hard to follow) throughout the book this man (the sister in laws brother) is tracking this woman and the baby down and eventually he begins to fall in love with this woman and turn his life to God. Towards the end of the book, this woman gets trapped in a cave with one of the grandfathers henchmen. by the end of the book the couple (sister in laws brother and main woman) buy a home together and raise the baby together. i remember the woman had fiery auburn hair. it was dated in maybe the sixties ? but don’t count me on that. either the 60’s or 30’s. please help ! i know it’s vague 🤣🤣🤣

christianbook #whatisthatbook #christianauthor

submitted by ilovecatsnkittens to ChristianBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:57 HeadOfSpectre Soldiers Keep Moving (Part 4)

Part 3

I needed a drink.

God, did I ever need a drink.

The incident by River Ridge was nothing short of a disaster, to say the least. When he’d made it to the scene, Sheriff Smith had asked me for every detail I could give him on what had happened, and I’d told him most of the truth.

Most of it.

I left out the part where Clementine Di Cesare had drank a man's blood and caused the earth to move. Biggs probably would’ve believed all of it if I had told him, but the Sheriff? He’d probably send me to get my head checked, and I wouldn’t blame him one bit for that. Even if there was a chance he’d believe me, I couldn’t really bring myself to include those particular elements of the story. I barely believed them, even though I’d seen it all with my own two eyes. None of this seemed to make sense anymore. I felt like I was looking at the shifting gears of some great machine without any context for what any of them did. I only knew that they did in fact do something.

I knew that Apostle was killing monsters.

I knew that Di Cesare probably wasn’t actually with the State Police.

I knew that apparently there’d been a bunch of fish women living down by River Ridge, and I may or may not have just saved them all from being ambushed. These were things I knew… and yet they didn’t make sense to me.

Christ, and here I thought small towns like this were supposed to be simple?


I was at The Honey Pot and Spaniel, having a beer when Dr. Miller found me. The moment I saw him walk in, I gave him a nod and wasn’t in the least bit surprised when he slid into the booth across from me.
“Deputy Sawyer… sounds like you’ve had a hell of a day, huh?”
“I’ve had a hell of a week,” I replied. “I didn’t think you drank, Doc.”
“From time to time,” He said. The bartender, Dixon came by and he ordered a beer.
“You look like you’ve barely slept,” He said, once he was gone.

“Yeah? Go figure?” I asked. “I’ve got coffee keeping me going for the time being.”
“Caffeine doesn’t really make up for a good night's sleep.”
“Maybe not, but I’ve kinda had a lot going on lately. That doesn’t really give a man much time for sleep.”
“No, I guess it doesn’t,” Dr. Miller admitted.
“So what brings you to my little watering hole?” I asked, “It’s not 5 o’clock yet, so I can’t imagine this is a social call.”
“Yes and no,” He admitted. “Thought you might be interested in the autopsy results from last night's victim.”

I raised an eyebrow and took a sip of my beer.
“Yeah, I am actually,” I said. “I take it she had gills?”
“Noticed those, did you?” Dr. Miller asked.
“I saw them on the other girl. The one that got shot.”

He nodded.
"Guess I don't need to tell you that I've never seen this before, do I?"
"I'd be shocked if you had, Doc."
He laughed humorlessly.
"Yeah… gotta say, there wasn't a hell of a lot to find on the victim. Her name was Melissa Sinclair. Address was listed as River Ridge. Far as I can tell she owned an RV there."
"Sounds about right," I said, taking a sip of my drink. "You find anything else?"
"A lot, actually. But I'll spare you the autopsy details and cut to the really interesting bit."

He reached into his pocket and set a black card down in front of me. It looked a little bit like a student card. On it, I could see a picture of Melissa, along with her name in white text and a bar code. In the top right hand corner was a red four pointed star that looked a little bit like a cross.
"What's this?" I asked.
"Found it in her purse. There was a similar one in Hector Russells wallet too. Ever seen anything like this before?"

I took a closer look at the card. Aside from the red star, there wasn't much to ID it as belonging to any particular group, and the red star logo didn't look familiar to me either.
"No, never," I admitted.
"Me neither. Two victims with cards like this though? I'm no cop but something tells me it's connected."

I nodded, looking the cards over carefully.
"Yeah… Vickers and the Russell's… you ever met them while they were still alive?" I asked.
"You know, I actually did. My wife and I signed up for couples dance lessons for our fifteen anniversary… Hank and Patricia were in the same class as us. Can't say we were close, but I'd spoken to them a few times."
"You ever notice anything off about them?"
"Not in the slightest. I sure as hell didn't imagine they'd be… well…"
"Yeah…" I finished, nodding thoughtfully. "Melissa and Kayley… the girl that got shot… they passed as human too. So did Vickers. It's weird… no one seemed to suspect a damn thing about any of these people, but our gunmen seem to know exactly who they are, where they are and what they are…"

I looked down at the card and turned it over in my hands.
"Almost as if they've got a list of them…"
Dr. Miller's brow furrowed.
"You think that's possible?"
I nodded.

"Makes sense, doesn't it? Vickers worked in IT, right? Could be that he had access to this list… that's why he was the first target. Could also be why they burned his house. To try and get rid of any evidence of the list existing."
Dr. Miller grimaced.
"Why target the Russells and Melissa next though?"
"I'm not sure. Melissa… I may have some idea on what was going on there. The Russell's, not so much… but…"

I pocketed the card.
"I've still got time to find out."
Dr. Miller nodded.
"Keep me posted if you do," He said as Dixon brought him his beer.
We shared a drink together, and went our separate ways.


It was late in the afternoon when I finally made it back home. Since Di Cesare still had my car, I needed to take a cab, which I may have used as an excuse to drink more than usual. After the whirlwind of chaos that had defined the past 24… hell, the past 72 hours… I was more than ready to collapse and finally get some rest. Dr. Miller was right. I did need some sleep.

I unclipped my gun from my belt and left it in the living room along with my wallet before I dragged myself to the bedroom. I didn’t even bother to get changed before sinking down into the bed. Christ, I was getting too old for this… the drinking, the shooting. Ten years ago, maybe I wouldn’t have felt so rough, but I wasn’t in my body from ten years ago, now was I?

I rested my head back on my pillow, half ready to doze off completely. Unfortunately, that was around the time I noticed I wasn’t alone in my room.

There was a man with a red beard and a military crew cut, standing silently in my doorway. He fixed me in an intense stare, and I stared right back at him as an exasperated pit formed in my stomach.
“Well…” I said, “Hello there.”
“Deputy Rick Sawyer,” Red Beard said, his voice was low and rough with a distinct southern drawl to it. “You’ve been quite the pain in our ass, haven’t you?”
“Just today, or have I been an ongoing pain in the ass?” I asked, sitting up. I noticed two figures waiting in the hall behind Red Beard. One of them was a very disgruntled looking bald man with his arm in a sling. I waved to him. His eyes just narrowed at me.

I could feel my heart beating faster. But I did everything I could to keep a stoic face. These pricks didn’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing they’d spooked me.
“The boss wants to have a little chat with you,” Red Beard said. “Get up.”
“If you’re gonna shoot me, do me a solid and do it in my own bed. I’d like to at least die comfortable,” I said.
Red Beard just grunted.
“Lawrence, Oswald. Get him on his feet.”

The bald man and the other guy who I didn’t recognize both pushed past him, storming into my room to force me up. The bald man hung back, letting his friend do most of the work in forcing me to my feet. He only grabbed me with his good arm when I was already standing. Red Beard turned without a further word, leading us down the hall and through the door where a black Audi waited for us. I was forced into the back seat with my bald friend, while Red Beard got into the passenger seat.
“Oswald, keep a gun on him. Make sure he don’t do anything stupid,” Red Beard said.

The bald man… I guess he was Oswald, nodded. I figured that meant that the man who got in the driver's seat must’ve been Lawrence.
The car rolled away from my house, heading away from town.
“Taking me back to that abandoned auto garage?” I asked.
“Nah,” Red Beard replied. “Had to burn that one because of the mess you made… but we’ve got other places to stay.”

“On the run, huh?” I asked. “That’s gotta suck.”
“If you wanna stay alive, Deputy, that attitude ain’t gonna do you any favors.” Red Beard hissed.
“I wasn’t aware staying alive was on the table,” I replied.
“You’ve seen the way we work, Deputy. If we wanted you dead, we wouldn’t be having a conversation right now.”
I guess he had a point there.

Trees and farmland drifted past through the window before the car pulled into an overgrown parking lot with a single run down building in it. Once upon a time, that building had been a restaurant, although it looked like it’d been defunct for over a decade.

The car stopped and Oswald gestured with his gun for me to get out. I did.

Red Beard stepped out of the car as well, and without so much as a word to me, headed in through the broken door of the old restaurant. Oswald pushed me to follow. The old restaurant was baking in the summer heat and the dining room was completely empty. The tables and chairs that had probably once been here were long gone and the carpet where they’d once stood was dirty and covered in debris. The ceiling fans that had once hung over the dining room were stained and dirty. One of them had collapsed entirely.

Oswald ushered me past all of this, coaxing me toward an office where I could hear the roar of indoor fans. At his insistence, I stepped through the door and was greeted by a massive man behind a desk.

This man, I almost recognized… almost.

Joseph Cray. There’d been a photo of him on Apostle’s website, identifying him as the man who’d gotten the whole operation started. But the man in front of me only barely resembled the man in that photo. In fact, if it hadn’t been his employees who’d kidnapped me, I probably wouldn’t have recognized him at all. Cray looked to be somewhere in his mid fifties to early sixties, and he was big. I could see this man topping 600 or 700 pounds easily. He was bald and covered in liver spots, with an unkempt, wiry beard and coke bottle glasses. He was dressed in a khaki shirt with matching pants and wheezed with every breath.

He looked at Red Beard and I when we came in, and gave Red Beard a curt nod.
“Thank you, Klaus.”
Red Beard… Klaus, I guess, nodded in response and turned to leave. As soon as he was gone, Crays attention shifted to me.
“Deputy Sawyer…” He rasped, “So good to meet you face to face. I’m Joseph Cray.”
“Figured as much… so, to what exactly do I owe the pleasure?” I asked, getting straight to the point. Cray just gave me a twisted smile.

“You can relax, Deputy. I guess you probably think this is some sort of punishment, for that trouble you caused us today… but I assure you, it’s no such thing. I’m a reasonable man, Deputy. I understand you were doing your job and my men were doing theirs. Situations such as the one that occurred today are inevitable in our line of work. We don’t hold it against you… actually, you’re here because I’m inclined to offer you an olive branch. You’re a diligent, hardworking man. I respect that. Diligence in particular is a virtue I cherish.”
“Dragging me out of my home and bringing me here… hell of an olive branch,” I noted.

He laughed sheepishly.
“Sorry about the theatrics. But we both know you probably wouldn’t have accepted a formal request for a sit down and this location, while not ideal, does offer us an ideal amount of privacy.”
“I’m sure. Nobody would hear the gunshots, if things didn’t go the way you wanted.” I said.

Cray’s smile didn’t fade. He didn’t deny it.
“With all that’s been going on these past few days… I’m certain you must have questions.” He continued, “You’ve seen the bodies. Seen that they’re not human. I’m sure that might give you some ideas as to why the work we’re undertaking is so important.”

I didn’t answer that. I didn’t need to.
“This little town of yours… it’s dying, isn’t it?” Cray asked. “Or at least it was. You’ve had quite the shift in fortunes, over the past few years. Small warehouses, new businesses. Exciting, no? New life creeping into an old husk… like a hermit crab taking a new shell. Although that new life… it’s not what it seems, is it? Tell me… is it fair to the people who’ve lived their lives in this town for their entire lives, who’ve built it from the ground up to wake up and find that they’re not the ones in control anymore? Is it fair for something to come in, creep into the abandoned husks of dead buildings and bring them back as something else?”

“Better than letting the town die off,” I said.
“Is it? Perhaps it might be, if it weren’t for the ones behind it,” Cray said. “Make no mistake, these friendly new faces are anything but. This isn’t reinvigoration, it’s an invasion. Slow and insidious. Creeping into your communities, armed with lemon squares and potato salad, smiling just like people but hiding their teeth behind closed lips. Demons with human faces and a need for blood, calling themselves your friends, your neighbors… turning your home into theirs. You’ve seen most of them by now. Vampires, werewolves, sirens… others. Yours is not the first town they’ve co-opted. It will not be the last either.”
“And so what exactly is your mission, then?” I asked. “Kill them before they can… what? Form a homeowners association?”
“Before they can kill you,” Cray said gravely. “Our business is pest control. Parasites come in… and we exterminate them. We’ve done it before. It’s bloody, thankless work. But we have done it.”

I shifted uneasily. The way Cray spoke so proudly about having done this before disturbed me. That twisted smile on his lips told me that he wasn’t bluffing.
“I recognize that what we do may seem needlessly violent. I recognize that you may have reservations about our work. But you’ve seen the things we’ve killed. Deep in your gut, I think you know that this is necessary. These creatures look human. They act human. They seem so human. But they aren’t. I have fought them long enough to know for certain how monstrous they truly are… when they sink their claws into a place like this, there is no choice. You fight or you die. I am giving you the opportunity to fight.”

Cray leaned in toward me, and my eyes locked with his.
“We’re not enemies, you and I. You can help save this town, Deputy. You are obligated to save this town.”

I looked Cray in the eye, knowing what he was asking me. I didn’t even need to think about my answer.
“Save this town from what, exactly?” I asked, “Monsters? You want to know how many people in this town have been killed by vampires, Mr. Cray? Not a single goddamn one. You wanna talk about how many folks have been mauled by werewolves? None! But let’s take a look at the number of folks who you’ve shot in the past week. Five. And it would’ve been a whole hell of a lot more if I hadn’t stumbled into your ambush for those RV’s! Y’know, I may not have the firmest grasp on exactly what the hell is going on here right now, but from where I’m sitting, the only thing I have to save this town from is you!”

Cray’s eyes narrowed.
“I’d be watching my words if I were you,” He warned.
“If you’re gonna have your lap dogs shoot me, then just shoot me and get it over with.” I snapped. “You want me to sit here and grovel, because your boys have some guns? You want me to kiss your ass? See your side of things? No. That ain’t gonna happen, so take your olive branch, and shove it up your ugly ass.”

Cray went silent for a moment. His brow furrowing into a look of rage that admittedly gave me pause. After a moment, he sank back into his chair. From the corner of my eye, I saw Oswald raise the gun to my head again, but Cray raised a hand, making him stop. His eyes were still on me.
“We don’t make a habit of killing our own kind without good reason,” Cray said coldly. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or Oswald. “Misguided as you may be, Deputy Sawyer… you’re still human. But they aren’t. Please, Deputy… reconsider who you’re thinking of standing up for, here. These creatures may fool you, but you need to understand they’re not what they claim to be! Even that witch who saved you today… Perhaps she did preserve your life, but you saw what she was capable of. With power like that, she’d be more than capable of leveling this county on a whim! Think of the bigger picture here! Do you really want to throw your lot in with the likes of that?”

“As opposed to throwing it in with you?” I snapped. "You murder people, claiming they're monsters! And maybe they are? Maybe! I don't really know how else to explain the things I've seen these past few days! But even if they're not human… they're still part of this goddamn town!"
“They’re an infestation!” Cray said. “Make no mistake, Deputy. This is war and you must choose a side. Are you going to look me in the eye and choose the bloodsucking, feral monsters over your own kind?”
“Considering what ‘my own kind’ looks like right now… yeah… I think I’ve made my choice,” I replied bitterly.

Cray stared at me, before finally huffing through his nose.
“Why is it that the stupidest people have the strongest convictions?” He said under his breath, “I’ve done everything in my power to talk some sense into you… you’ve chosen not to listen. I’m disappointed, but I won’t argue with a man unwilling to accept reality. Mr. Oswald, kindly take the Deputy out back and dispose of him. Then, you and Mr. Lawrence can find a suitable spot to dispose of the body.”
“Bout damn time…” Oswald huffed, pointing the gun at me. “On your feet.”

I didn’t move. I just stared down Joseph Cray.
“Come on, Cray. If you’re not gonna kill me yourself, at least look me in the eye like a man.”
The corner of his mouth shifted into a half smile as a single dry laugh escaped him.
“If you insist,” He said, before giving Oswald a half nod.

Oswald pressed the gun into the back of my head, and I looked Cray dead in the eye as I waited for everything to end. But when I inevitably heard the pop of gunshots, they were from somewhere else. Somewhere outside the restaurant.

Cray looked out through the open door, but I couldn’t read his expression. I heard the screams of men over the gunshots, but couldn’t tell exactly what the hell was going on out there. Not until Oswald was suddenly launched across the room by absolutely nothing. He was sent flying across the office and hit the far wall hard enough to leave a dent in the drywall.

I didn’t even need to see her to know she was there… Just that told me who it was.

I seized my opportunity, racing toward Oswald and lunging for him. He still held the gun tightly in his grasp, but he was disoriented. I slammed my boot into his face and heard his nose crunch under my heel before diving down to rip the gun from his hands. He didn’t let it go without a fight. But he only had one functional arm, and I had two. Mathematically speaking, he got his ass kicked.

I slammed his head hard into the ground, knocking him out cold before pulling the gun from his hand and raising it to Cray. He was holding his own .45 in one meaty hand. I could see markings along the barrel of the gun. Runes of some kind, but I couldn’t figure out what they meant. His teeth were gritted in rage, although his attention quickly shifted away from me and back toward the door of his office as the cause of all the current commotion strolled in through his door.

Clementine Di Cesare.

Her posture was casual and relaxed, as if she’d been on an afternoon stroll and just happened upon us by chance.
“In trouble again already, deputy?” She asked, calmly.
“Same trouble, actually…” I said.

She hummed in acknowledgement, looking at Cray from behind her sunglasses.
“So… you’ve saved me the trouble of hunting you down, Witch,” He snarled. He held the gun tightly in his hand. Di Cesare stared down the barrel, unflinching and calm.
“Joseph Cray… not what I’d been expecting,” She noted. “I’d thought a man of your reputation might be… different.”

“Mark my words, Di Cesare. I am no less a man than any soldier under my command!” He hissed.
“And yet no greater a man than any who’s tried to kill me in the past,” Di Cesare said calmly. She studied the runes on his gun, before huffing. “Well… at least you have an appropriate weapon, unlike most. I recognize those runes… you’ve found a way around my attribution spell… clever, but on the whole meaningless.”
“I knew they’d send you…” Cray said. “Clementine Di Cesare… they say you’re among the strongest of the Di Cesare Sisters. Still, you impress me… I presume you found us through the Deputy, didn’t you?”

She gave a half nod.
“Very astute. Even more impressive is how you’ve even managed to manipulate one of the local deputies over to your side… I’ve barely seen you in action, but I already know you more than live up to your legend, don’t you? Ironic… since you’ll be the first Di Cesare to die in two hundred years.”
“Fire that gun at me, and I’ll manipulate that bullet into your skull,” Di Cesare said. Her tone was calm, as if she was simply stating a fact, not making a threat.
“I know you would,” Cray said. “But the funny thing about the runes on this gun is… they ain’t unique.”

Di Cesare’s eyes widened and I heard a sudden gunshot. She moved, diving into cover behind the door frame, but not in time. I saw her blood spatter against Cray’s face as someone shot her from behind. A bullet hole appeared in Di Cesare’s shoulder. Cray’s gun followed her, I took aim at him and fired twice, aiming for his outstretched arms. I saw his wrist twist at an unnatural angle as my bullet tore through his hand, robbing him of a few fingers. Cray’s gun discharged but the bullet went through the wall behind Di Cesare, missing her entirely. He clutched at his ruined hand, screaming in pain before shooting me a death glare. A moment later, all 700 pounds of him came barreling toward me.

I fired twice, hitting him in the chest before he slammed into me, slamming me into the far wall of his office. The two of us tripped over Oswald’s unconscious body before crashing through the drywall and landing in what used to be the kitchen. My gun slid out of my hand as I tumbled to the ground and I didn’t see where it went.

My ears were ringing, but I looked up to see Cray forcing his way through the splintered wall joists. The buttons on his shirt had popped off and I could see kevlar underneath. Of course he was wearing kevlar.

In the office behind him, I could see Red Beard… Klaus coming in through the door, handgun drawn as he rounded the corner to finish off Di Cesare. The moment he took aim at her though, the ceiling of the office collapsed down on him, burying them both underneath it.

Cray still stumbled toward me, drenched in blood and sweat as he picked up speed again. I only barely got out of his way in time, and scrambled behind one of the kitchen counters before picking myself up. The counters were bare, not a weapon in sight, but I still needed to put up a fight.

With an almost animal scream of rage Cray continued after me. He moved with surprising speed, closing the distance between us and grabbing me by the throat. My fists pounded at his face, breaking his nose and knocking his glasses off, but he refused to let up. His hands wrapped around my neck and started to squeeze as he dragged me around, rasping and wheezing with every step. My legs kicked frantically and I desperately dug my fingers into the bullet wound on his hand. I felt his flesh squish beneath my fingers and he let out a cry of pain before pulling back. I kicked him in his generous stomach, but that didn’t really do much to stop him. He barely even flinched and instead caught me across the face with a backhand.

I found myself back on the ground, scrambling across the floor to put some distance between us before kicking back at him. My shoe connected with his groin, earning a pained rumble from him as I quickly picked myself up. I threw a haymaker, right in his face, sending him back just a single step. My fist connected with his face again, again and again before Cray finally collapsed backward onto the ground.

Through the hole in the wall behind him, I could see that both Di Cesare and Klaus had recovered from the collapse of the roof. Klaus still seemed a little disoriented, but Di Cesare was already coming for him. She gestured violently with her hand, and Klaus’s body was jerked violently to the side. I heard the crunch of drywall as she borrowed a move from Cray’s playbook and hurled him through the office wall, although Klaus was sent into the dining room, not the kitchen. Di Cesare glared at him, making sure he was down for the count before gritting her teeth and stepping through the hole in the wall that led to the kitchen.

Cray looked over at her, blood dribbling from his split lip and broken nose. His breath came in heavy pants and I could see a look of utter disgust on his face.
“No…” He rasped, “No… no… no…”

He tried to stand, but I forced him down onto his stomach. I took a pair of handcuffs from my belt, and closed them around his wrists.
“Joseph Cray…” I panted, “You’re under arrest for the murders of Geoffery Vickers, Hank Russell and Melissa Sinclair… you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law…”

As I read him his rights, Di Cesare just stared down at him. Her expression was completely neutral. No anger. No contempt… nothing. Finally, she simply turned away to deal with the others. Klaus, Oswald and Lawrence… wherever the hell Lawrence had ended up.
submitted by HeadOfSpectre to HeadOfSpectre [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:56 ilovecatsnkittens christian fiction book set in 40s-60. can’t remember title or author.

ok so i had read this book in middle school and it was one of my favorite books. i went looking for it recently to re-read it and i discovered that i lost it ! i wanted to purchase a new one but the problem is that i can’t seem to remember either the title or the name of the book. i have been trying for months to figure it out and i need some help. it was a Christian inspirational fiction book. the front cover pictures a woman with aurburn hair and a man in the background by an suv. the storyline is as follows: the young woman takes her newborn nephew under her wing as her brother and sister in law died in a car accident and had made her the godmother, telling her that if anything happened to them they wanted her to take care of their baby. problem is, this woman’s sister in law comes from a wealthy family who she is no longer in contact with due to her unloving upbringing - being raised by nannie’s instead of family. so obviously before they died they didn’t want this for their baby. as the book goes on, the sister in law’s father sends out his son (the sister in laws brother) to take the baby and raise him. (sorry ik this is hard to follow) throughout the book this man (the sister in laws brother) is tracking this woman and the baby down and eventually he begins to fall in love with this woman and turn his life to God. Towards the end of the book, this woman gets trapped in a cave with one of the grandfathers henchmen. by the end of the book the couple (sister in laws brother and main woman) buy a home together and raise the baby together. i remember the woman had fiery auburn hair. it was dated in maybe the sixties ? but don’t count me on that. either the 60’s or 30’s. please help ! i know it’s vague 🤣🤣🤣

christianbook #whatisthatbook #christianauthor

submitted by ilovecatsnkittens to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:52 Available-Cost-531 An adult sexted my 13 year old son. I’m going to report it. How long does it take for the police to do these types of investigations?

I don’t know if this post fits here, but it’s worth a shot I guess.
The title is pretty much what the entire post is about. I caught an adult sexting my son, this 50 year old man sent him nude photos (with his face in it, what an idiot) and luckily my son never sent any. I’m going to report it, but how long would it take for the police to find out who this person is? I don’t know how sexting investigations work, especially when it comes to minors. Would it take a week? 2 weeks? Months? Years? Is it just random? I want justice to be brought and I’m not really sure how to go about this. The only info I have of him is his face and first name
(Sorry if this is a dumb post, I’m not very smart but I love my son and want him to be safe)
submitted by Available-Cost-531 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:50 tew1501 PSA from Juniper Books re: Imposter Websites and Scams


Juniper Books has become aware of multiple fraudulent sites pretending to be Juniper Books, sell products at deep discounts, and/or have some association with the company. Other special edition book companies such as Illumicrate are shown in the social media ads and websites, either by name or with the unauthorized use of their photos, in an effort to lure customers to websites that exist solely to steal customer payment information.
The only official Juniper Books websites operated by the company are and
There are only four websites authorized to sell a selection of Juniper Books products, they are: Amazon, Maisonette, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Uncrate. On Amazon, only products sold by "Juniper Books LLC" are authentic brand new editions.
If you have purchased from sites with names that include,,,,, or, it is recommended that you cancel your order and contact your bank to request a new credit card.
If you used paypal to pay for the books, we recommend that you dispute the charge and report the merchant listed on your transaction as fraudulent.
If you clicked on a Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok ad that brought you to an imposter website, it is recommended that you report the ad to that platform (click on the 3 dots on the upper right of the ad to start the process.)
We also recommend reporting the Facebook page that runs the ad if possible.
This type of imposter website scam is on the rise. Whether it is for books, or any product or service, be on the lookout for social media ads promising products that you are interested in at an impossibly low price. The way cookies and social media ads work, you are more likely to receive an ad for something you really want, than something random. Most recently, customers interested in musical instruments were inundated with a proliferation of ads for guitars, drums, keyboards and more when Sam Ash announced their own closeout sale. All of the sites that ran the ads with impossibly low prices were scams, but their websites were designed to appeal to shoppers who were in the market for instruments and were convincing enough that they could be the official closeout website. Thousands of customers gave over their payment information.
Always check that the URL matches the brand name of the company you think you are doing business with. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.
If you have become a victim of this scam, please report the imposter website to the Federal Trade Commission. You can also report them to the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
For more information on how this type of scam works, there is a thorough article on the legitimate scam reporting site
You can also also read the public service announcement from Julia Quinn, the author of the Bridgerton series, on her Facebook group.
submitted by tew1501 to JuniperBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:48 Window_Elegant Get You The Moon - Kina

This is a song that always made me think about my mom. I got to see her for the first time ever when I was 10 years old, and she was a healthy, clean person, and she had just got into Wilmington University studying agricultural science. She was the smartest lady I knew. She cared so much about her children, but when I was 13 she started doing drugs with a guy that she was dating at the time. That summer, I stayed with her and one morning I woke up to her lifeless in the bed, with a needle in her arm, and her skin green. That was the most traumatic experience of my life. After that, I never saw my mom again. I’m 17 now and the other day I saw my mothers Facebook page and decided to shoot her a message saying
“I would just like to say that I miss the 2021 (moms name)... getting my feelings out is what I believe is best. Mom, you were an amazing parent when I first got to see you again after years of being adopted, but since you overdosed you caused a hole in my heart that can't be fixed. I thought you were a good mom but you ruined those thoughts and now I have a everlasting memory of you lifeless on a bed, green-skinned, with a needle in your arm. I hope one day the demons inside of you, leave your body and go back to their creator so that one day you are able to be baptized and cleansed of your sins. To this day I pray you change and I hope one day to get in contact with you when you are alive and healthy.
Best Regards,
Your son, (my name)”
I just recently found out that she died, y’know, this is heartbreaking to hear, but atleast she saw the message the day before she died. She’s in a better place now though.
submitted by Window_Elegant to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:48 2bluebugs [TOMT] [Book] I’m looking for the title of a children’s book.

The book I’m looking for is one I read to my son in the late 80s. I think the cover was blue (hardback) and it was a little blonde girl and her parents. The plot was about their family life and the addition of a baby brother named Thaddeus. The illustration reminded me of “precious moments” style drawings.
submitted by 2bluebugs to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:44 Becauseshrek Hot take: Nav is a better artist than Ye

Hot take: Nav is a better artist than Ye
It was a rainy night while I was hanging out with my friends when a question is asked, “Yo have you heard the new Nav album?” Upon hearing this my interest is piqued, the name Nav had so much aura so i responded “nah, put it on tho im tryna hear it” as my friend puts on the album I feel elevated as i hear the intro, I only have two thoughts in my head “Is this what it felt like when the bible was revealed?” and “Kanye could never drop a masterpiece of this magnitude.” For some background, prior to this moment Kanye was my favourite artist, I would do anything for my glorious pookie bear, but that all changed in that moment. For the next coming weeks i would fantasize about Nav everyday, dreaming about my glorious king, the first brown boy to get it popping. To be frank, it’s not possible to express my love for Nav in words as no one has ever loved something as i love Nav. For all the above reasons I believe Nav is a way better artist than Kanye, and that nobody will ever surpass my delicious unfathomably glorious king Navraj Singh Goraya.
submitted by Becauseshrek to Kanye [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:44 over18forreal four

5250 5500 5750 6000 6250 6500 6750 7000 7250 7500 7750
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:41 scamparsons FL resident scammed trying to find an apartment in PA. Would it be worthwhile to file a police report, and if so, how does that work between different states?

I'm currently in Florida and have (or had) been planning to relocate to Pittsburgh, PA, this summer. Last Monday, due to not being able to view places in person yet needing to move pretty soon, I managed to forego any and all common sense, along with gut instinct, and fell for a Craigslist rental scam. Aside from the amount I lost being far less than it could have/would have been before I realized what was happening, I did quite literally everything wrong. In the interest of brevity and not wanting to relive my own idiocy for the thousandth time this week, I'll spare the play-by-play, but I ended up sending $800 via Venmo to the supposed wife (long story) of the "landlord" only to discover shortly after that the ad used pictures and a walkthrough video from an entirely different property than the one the "landlord" claimed to be renting.
It was my understanding that trying to have my bank reverse the charge would only result in Venmo charging me for the money anyway, so I contacted Venmo directly and sent a slew of screenshots of texts, the original Craigslist ad and the listing the photos were actually of, and a "holding agreement" that I signed via DocuSign. After two days, they sent me a message agreeing that I'd been scammed, but there was nothing they could do except cooperate with police if I decided to file a police report. They also suggested I contact the scammer directly to ask for a refund, which I found to be kind of odd. Once I realized I'd 100% been scammed, I stopped engaging with the landlord entirely, and have not heard from them since.
I've made peace with never seeing that money again, but being poor and spiteful, I'd still like to do whatever I can. My questions are:
  1. Do I contact police in Allegheny County (PA) instead of my home county, since that's where the property was located? I've seen conflicting answers to similar questions and have thankfully never had to do anything like this before. Both the landlord and his wife had phone numbers with Pittsburgh area codes, and while I can't find anything about him online (I did speak to him on the phone), his wife is definitely a real person, with a public instagram account and all.
  2. As I mentioned, Venmo support's suggestion that I contact the wife directly struck me as odd, but then again, I don't really trust my own judgment after all this. If I do contact him or her, what would be the best way to go about it, and is there any way that could possibly backfire (such as them claiming harassment, etc.)?
  3. Does the holding agreement I signed have any weight on either side? It lists the scammer's name, his partner's name, an LLC that I found no information on, and a short paragraph explaining that I'd sent him a certain amount (I only sent a fraction of this amount, thankfully) to hold the property, and that if, upon my arrival, I found it had been misrepresented or did not suit my needs, I'd be on a month to month lease and the applicable amount would be refunded while I tried to secure other housing. I figure it probably isn't good for much, but since it was most definitely misrepresented, I thought I'd ask. He also sent me some weird screenshot of a document that I guess he thought would prove he owned the property, after I questioned him about the photos and video being lifted.
I really can't emphasize what a dumb-dumb I am so any and all help or guidance is massively appreciated!
submitted by scamparsons to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:41 Imper1ousPrefect I'm getting a divorce because of a pillow

I mean, it's the last straw.
When I had a miscarriage back in October, my whole body hurt. I had to have a D&C and was put under, I honestly wished I would die when they put the anesthesia mask thing on but I didn't and I am glad now. I have two living children, one with my STBX and the other from a one night stand basically, no contact with the guy just child support.
When I am laying in bed at night after the D&C he asks if I'm using "his" pillow and I grunt yeah or mumble something. Next thing I know it's ripped from under me. My neck hurt a lot, I needed it. Sometimes I use his pillow to breastfeed then give it back but I don't want it, and we literally have extra of every kind. Previously he'd complained and I bought extra, then he complained I bought too many. But that was a whole different level.
I've felt kinda numb since the miscarriage, I've gained weight struggled to do normal stuff like talking to other moms etc. Getting better though. But my relationship with my husband has just gotten worse and worse. He works 6 days a week minimum. Gets back late, it's a physical job. I'm stay at Home with no help besides him. He has been helping more to do chores (my main complaint) but I think he resents me for it.
He has unmanaged ADHD and doesn't remember basic stuff sometimes. Doesn't care about my projects or interests although I listen to him ramble. Well, did. I haven't bothered in a while because hearing him blather on makes me angry. How can he talk to me and vent about work but not care to hear my poem that was featured at our local library?
And tonight I changed the sheets before bed. I gave my son his pillow instead, by mistake.. I got confused when the cases were off and there are 3 similar ones I count as "his". My son's is a 4th that is similar. And so he asks me about it and I admit Im not fully sure which was which but obviously by his reaction it was wrong. I say it was an accident and he should put a little x or his name on the tag next time. I'm not mad yet talking normally but we have fought today already about other stuff.
Then he gets mad and we're fighting and something just goes cold and dead inside me. Hearing him rant and be genuinely upset about this pillow. After everything. Nope. Can't do it.
I'm getting our paperwork together tomorrow and i'll do everything to have a fair and legit divorce, I want him to see the kids, too. I want it to be fair. But I can't be happy like this. I don't respect him as a person anymore. Still love him and he'll always be in my life to a degree but . I deserve to not be talked down to or attacked emotionally or suffer because of a pillow. A 5$ Walmart pillow.
I just never thought this would be my life. Fuck
submitted by Imper1ousPrefect to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:40 This-Freedom9795 Does this count as "acknowledgment of paternity under oath"

My partner gave birth to our son abroad and I signed the birth registration form. So I am on the birth certificate. We are not married.
Before I left, I had signed a DS-3053 with a local notary. But I forgot to sign the acknowledgment of paternity form for CRBA in front of the local notary.
I am wondering if my signature on the birth registration form is a acknowledgment of paternity under oath within the meaning of INA 309.
The language at the end of the birth registration form was
"I declare that the information entered on this form is true and correct"
So this meant I declared that I am the father because on the birth registration form, we have written my name as the father.
I should also mention that the jurisdiction in which our baby was born obligates parents to support their children financially. Also since it was an official government form, the directions made it clear that falsification of information is a crime.
submitted by This-Freedom9795 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:40 CNIS-Azerbaijan-Baku Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”

Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”
“Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them…”
(Lack of) Human Rights and Freedoms
Interrogations of Journalists in the “Smuggling Case” Continue. Journalist Alya Yagublu has been summoned to the Baku City Main Police Department (BCMPD). She informed “Abzas Media” about this herself. Alya Yagublu stated that she was called to the department in relation to the “Toplum TV case.” “They have summoned me for June 6 at 11:00 AM. The person who called identified himself as chief investigator Alibala Hajiyev. This will be my first time being questioned as a witness in this case,” said Alya Yagublu.
Previously, journalists such as Khadija Ismayil, Javid Ramazanov, and others were also questioned as witnesses in this case.
On March 6, the police conducted an operation in Baku related to the independent online television “Toplum TV” and the III Republic Platform. A criminal case was opened under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling committed by a group of persons with prior agreement), and a total of nine people were charged. Seven individuals were placed in pre-trial detention, while two were put under police supervision.
The “Toplum TV” team issued a statement asserting that the events were connected to the media outlet’s professional activities and described them as pressure on independent media. The III Republic Platform also declared that the arrests were politically motivated.
Many local and international organizations have recognized those arrested in this case as political prisoners and have called on the authorities to release them immediately.
The Court of Appeals rejected Tofig Yagublu‘s complaint regarding his house arrest and the extension of his detention. During the court session, Tofig Yagublu harshly criticized both the judge and the Aliyev government. Judges Zaur Huseynov and Murad Mammadov presided over the session. Both judges were recently appointed to the Court of Appeals. Tofig Yagublu remarked, “Do you think you are a judge? Putting a BMW badge on a ‘Zapi’ (Zaporozhets) doesn’t make it a BMW. Just because you are wearing a robe, do you think you are a judge? You are slaves to one family. You only carry out their orders! Since 1993 my rights have been violated. How many times can I be falsely accused and imprisoned? I have yet to see a judge make a fair decision in my case because you are all dishonorable slaves!”
Journalist Nargiz Absalamova‘s appeal has been denied. The appeal against the second extension of detention for the journalist, who was arrested in connection with the “Abzas Media case,” has not been upheld.
Political prisoner and disabled person Famil Khalilov, whose body is deteriorating in prison, is being denied visits with his family. According to his family, Khalilov’s ears and surrounding areas are decaying. Previously, they reported that his hands were also deteriorating. His family is not being allowed to visit him. Khalilov’s wife, Kichikkhanim Khalilova, expressed, “This marks our third attempt to visit him in Kurdekhani (detention facility), yet we are consistently being denied the opportunity to see him.”
On June 4, the “III Republic Platform” issued a statement regarding the pressures faced by their imprisoned spokesperson, Akif Gurbanov. The statement highlights that Akif Gurbanov is under severe threats. It states: “A high-ranking state official visited Baku Detention Center and harshly threatened Akif Gurbanov. He was demanded to refrain from making self-defense statements and to avoid mentioning the name of the head of state in his speeches. He was warned that failure to comply would result in mistreatment, including torture. Furthermore, the head of Baku Detention Center, Elnur Ismayilov, personally threatened other illegally detained individuals connected to the ‘Toplum TV‘ and ‘Democratic Initiatives Institute’ cases, stating that their situation would worsen if Akif Gurbanov continued his court speeches. They were warned of harsh consequences if he persisted.”
In his recent court appearance, Akif Gurbanov compared the current administration in Azerbaijan to the Soviet NKVD (The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs). Gurbanov said: “Today, Azerbaijan is governed by Stalin and his NKVD methods. Just as Stalin sent directives demanding ‘beat them until they confess,’ the NKVD executed them.”
The Defense Line Human Rights Organization noted that the investigative authorities investigating the fabricated criminal case against Akif Gurbanov do not adhere to the requirements of criminal and criminal procedural codes, and objectivity, impartiality, and fairness of criminal proceedings are not ensured due to political instructions; on the contrary, additional pressure and threats are exerted in the investigative detention center.
Moreover, The Defense Line” stated that Akif Gurbanov, speaking in the appellate instance, provided detailed answers to the smear campaign taking his source from official circles, provided detailed information about his personal property and wealth to the public, presenting his activity in the Central Election Commission, civil society activities, and reports on his family and spouse’s financial activities, while also criticizing the repressive policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev, comparing the current political climate and legal system to Stalin and “NKVD” practices. “The Defense Line” expresses deep concern that after the aforementioned speech, additional pressures began at Baku Investigative Detention Center No. 1 on Akif Gurbanov, family members were not allowed to visit him, phone calls were restricted, books sent to him were returned, and he was subjected to repeated and very harsh treatement.
Former MP Huseyn Abdullayev, who has been imprisoned for over six years, is reportedly on a hunger strike in detention. His lawyer, Javad Javadov, stated that Abdullayev initiated the hunger strike to protest against a new charge brought against him and the extension of his detention period, despite his initial sentence nearing completion. Abdullayev is currently held at the Baku Investigation Detention Center in Kurdekhani, and the detention center’s management has been informed about his hunger strike. Abdullayev was sentenced to six years in prison by the Baku Military Court in April 2018. Although this sentence has now expired, he has not been released. In early March, a new criminal case was filed against him, charging him under Article 193-1.3.2 of the Criminal Code (legalization of property obtained by criminal means), which carries a potential sentence of 7 to 12 years imprisonment.
Human rights defender Rufat Safarov has reported that the mother of political prisoner Huseyn Abdullayev, 74-year-old Zeyneb Abdullayeva, has begun a hunger strike. Huseyn Abdullayev is also continuing his hunger strike. Both mother and son are protesting against what they claim to be unlawful charges.
The Defense Line Human Rights Organization expresses deep concern that a new repressive phase denying fundamental human and citizen rights and freedoms is unfolding in Azerbaijan, with increasing political persecution, psychological and physical violence in the regime’s operations, torture, inhuman treatment, and deteriorating conduct becoming widespread.
In its statement, The Defense Line regrets that there is no guarantee of a democratic structure within the framework of the Constitution, and there is a refusal to adhere to the legal state model that ensures the independence of laws as an expression of public will, hindering fundamental freedoms, including speech and opinion, press and information, freedom of assembly, and participation in public and the state’s political life.
“The Defense Line” calls on Azerbaijani society, local and international human rights organizations, representatives of civil society, leaders of political organizations, independent media centers, and Western and European countries’ embassies in Baku to take serious actions to stop illegal actions against III Republic Platform speaker Akif Gurbanov and other prisoners of conscience, and to take urgent, effective, and practical measures to restore the freedom rights of public and political activists.
“The Defense Line” strongly condemns the repressive actions of the judicial authorities and urges the government to pursue a policy of respect for the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution and Convention, demanding the immediate release of Akif Gurbanov and nearly 300 other political and conscience prisoners.
During his speech on Tuesday, President Ilham Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan is actively collaborating with the development of small island states, remarking, “We are also actively working with developing small island states and plan to establish a special fund to support them.” However, the President’s comments sparked outrage in Azerbaijan, given the dire state of the country’s economy.
Jamil Hasanli, Chairperson of the National Council of Democratic Forces, reacted to the president’s statement by underlining the urgency of addressing the country’s severe economic situation. Hasanli: “It is necessary to create a special fund to provide child support for the vulnerable children of Azerbaijan who are struggling, for the veterans of Karabakh who have set themselves on fire out of desperation and committed suicide, and to create it for the poor nation whose average monthly wage is even lower than that of Armenia.”
In New Caledonia, the minimum wage is 1645 euros (approximately 2975 manats), while in Azerbaijan, it is 345 manats. New Caledonia ranks 33rd in the world with a GDP per capita of 38,000 dollars, whereas Azerbaijan, with a GDP per capita of 7,000 dollars, ranks much lower.
Amid wider geopolitical tensions, France has leveled accusations against Azerbaijan, alleging interference in its Pacific territory of New Caledonia. The accusations include supporting independence movements and disseminating disinformation. An investigation by RFE/RL has revealed that several individuals associated with Azerbaijan’s ruling party were engaged in what appears to be a coordinated social media campaign aimed at France regarding the recent turmoil in New Caledonia, a French-governed Pacific island. Numerous accounts on X, formerly known as Twitter, were shut down for disseminating disinformation, including misleading photos and videos, according to findings by RFE/RL. This action followed similar allegations made by French authorities. By tracing the digital footprint of some of these suspended accounts, RFE/RL uncovered information about individuals linked to them, including their affiliations or roles within the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), which is headed by President Ilham Aliyev.
submitted by CNIS-Azerbaijan-Baku to CNIS_Baku [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:39 Ecstatic_Comb_1592 WIBTA for ruining someone’s image of their father?

My family family moved to Canada from Italy after WWII for a better life. My mother grew up and was raised in a small town by two loving, but lived-through-the-war, and all it’s atrocities, parents. As a war torn immigrant family, life was mainly about survival and rebuilding for a better future (hence the move to Canada). I can’t even imagine what they went through and I’m forever grateful for my life here, cause of them.
My mother grew up fairly sheltered, anxious, didn’t have many friends, and was quite introverted. She is a loving and giving person who will always put the needs of others, above her own. In hindsight, her childhood needs for love and affection were likely not met, and so now, she doesn’t handle criticism or conflict well, as it feels like a personal attack and brings out deep rooted insecurities. In her early 30s, she decided to go through with IVF. Her parents supported her and she was successful with the process - as I write this here today. So I’ve always known I was a sperm baby.
As a single mom, she raised me all on her own. I might not have had the coolest toys or newest clothes growing up, but I had a roof over my head, food on the table, and place to go home, in that same small town. For my mother to do all this, by herself, and still make it, is incredible.
Fast forward about 25 years, I decide that I’d like to know some info about my bio dad. I ask my mom if she knows and she says no, she opted not to receive that information. Now I should mention, that I am one hard-headed and stubborn girl… not one of my best attributes. So naturally, when she said no, I became inquisitive. I stated that whether she wanted to or not, the facility/organization ethically, has to keep SOME documentation. She quickly responded ‘no, it was a different time back then, etc etc, and because she requested to not know any information, that information would be destroyed’. Being as stubborn as I am, I took matters into my own hands and told her I’d call the hospital myself and ask for the records. She laughed in a defensive tone, and said “fine”.
The hospital had nothing. There was never any name given as my father on my birth certificate. I knew this, as it was IVF, but they had no documentation. When I called my mother again to tell her the news and that I felt a bit off and disjointed, as I didn’t understand how there could be nothing, she was quickly defensive and irritated by my will to know. Things like “well why does it matter anyway? “ or “I’m your mother, haven’t I done a good enough job?” Or “oh so I’m a bad mom, that’s why you want to know”. We had a huge fight, an absolutely massive blow up.
I went home a few days later and asked her why she was defensive. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t ask any questions and why it was causing such a response from her. We ended up in a yelling match, with me on the driveway asking “tell me the truth”, and her yelling back “I am telling you the truth! How could you believe that your mother would lie about such a thing!” Her responses somehow morphed into, get off the driveway and come inside so we can talk about this.
I came inside and she let me read a letter without saying anything. It was written by a man, one I did not know, professing his love to my mother. This man was my father. It turns out that my mother had an affair with a married man and got pregnant. He wanted to marry her after he found out she was pregnant, but feeling embarrassed for falling into such a predicament in a small town from a VERY traditional, hardcore morals, type of family, she declined and decided it was better to tell everyone she got pregnant via IVF. She didn’t want him apart of my life and refused his presence.
In that moment, my entire world shattered. For my entire life I’ve thought that I was a sperm baby, only to find out 25 years later that she did in fact, know my father. They actually kept in touch all these years and she would send him photos of me. Immediately after revealing the truth to me, she made me vow to never contact him or tell anyone. She didn’t want to make a big deal of the matter, and I don’t blame her. She carries a lot of hurt and pain within her and she only did what she thought was best for me, as a child.
I felt numb through the shock for a while, but eventually I worked up the courage one night to google his name and try to find some info about him. The first google hit that came up with my search, was his obituary, from 3 weeks prior.
  1. Weeks. Prior.
Can you grieve someone you never met? Someone you never knew you even had? Maybe it was the fact that the opportunity I didn’t even know I had earlier in the year, was now gone. I called my mom the next day and asked if she knew. She already knew. She found out the next day but thought it was best not to tell me as it would upset me. Turns out it was his daughter that sent out a notice to her father’s friends, coworkers, etc. A daughter from his marriage.
I have a half sister?
Now, I don’t want to draw a bad light on my mother - with the resources she had and the life she was given, she did the very best she could. I whole heartedly believe and know that she loves me. But now I’m sitting here, writing to you, asking for advice:
WIBTA for contacting my half sister and explaining that her deceased father had an affair on their mother, had a secret child with my mom, and that we’re half sisters? I want to try to know her, but I also don’t want to shatter her image of her father. If she doesnt want/believe me, that’s fine, I can accept it and I’ll leave it at that.
Thank you for listening and TIA for the input.
submitted by Ecstatic_Comb_1592 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:38 over18forreal tree

250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:38 Turtlebot5000 What are SAHP doing for their partners this Father's Day?

What are the SAHP doing for their partners on Father's Day? I am a FTM and SAHM. I plan to let my husband sleep in and make him a delicious meal as I love cooking. Since I am new at this staying home thing, I am wondering how other SAHP get gifts for their partners? I used to have a good job and could buy him semi- pricey gifts. Now that I rely on him financially, I wonder how to go about getting him something. While it is limited, I do have some of my own money. My idea is to get him a framed photo of our son for his office.
My husband is wonderful to me and our baby. While I am the one doing most of the childcare while he works to supports us, my son most definitely sees us as equal and loves his father just as much as he loves me. My husband takes care of the baby in the morning so I can sleep in and also as soon as he gets home and does it with zero complaints. He is always letting me know he couldn't have this beautiful family without me and I feel the same about him. For Mother's Day he got me a complete spa package and that's something I just couldn't swing for him. What are you SAHP doing for your amazing, supportive partners?
submitted by Turtlebot5000 to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:38 friendly_matrix Clerical error in no contact order

Hello! Looking for advice on what to do. I’ll try to be brief, my sibling was attacked by their ex in public. Police were called and the ex was arrested for assault and my sibling was called the next morning and told they were granted a no contact order against the ex. Ex was released the next morning with a court date coming up in 2 days from today.
This morning my sibling got an iMessage from an email address and it was the ex - it was a photo of the no contact order the ex was given and instead of my siblings name it was the name of their friend who was a witness. Tonight we called the non emergency line to inform them about the message (as well as other messages and non stop calls from various numbers and accounts). The watch captain informed my sibling that it was in fact a clerical error and it should be my siblings name, but because the ex’s court date is in two days my sibling will have to wait until then and hope the calls stop.
I am just wondering if there is anything else we or I can do. The ex has also been calling me and my family / home phone from blocked numbers, other numbers. The watch captain informed my sibling they would call the ex and ask them to stop, I assume this was done because no more calls were received in the past hour.
I am just worried for my siblings safety as the ex also hangs out with some people who are not the best and knows where my sibling lives, and the ex has attacked my sibling before. I am probably over reacting but I just don’t understand why they can’t fix the no contact order since it should have been issued and violating this should have consequences.
The officer did say that this has been documented and will be used in court and for my sibling to call 911 if the ex shows up but he didn’t sound very concerned about it. Also want to note my sibling lives in an unincorporated area thus making the police response time longer if anything happened because of the distance from the town.
Is this a normal thing - is it hard to fix the order to put it in the right name? I know it’s only two days until the ex is in court but I do worry.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by friendly_matrix to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:35 pinkrocker85 HEAT. Aus HC.

Are you finding yourself offended and on Reddit complaining about flutes and shoes and bands with the same name as Keanu Reeves movies? Well here's something just for you. HEAT from Melbourne. Good HC, no footwear ads or wind instruments.
submitted by pinkrocker85 to Hardcore [link] [comments]