A letter to a friend for birthday

NeedAFriend: Let's chat, vent, share, and feel better

2009.02.23 19:53 NeedAFriend: Let's chat, vent, share, and feel better

Are you looking for a new friend or a kind voice? This is a subreddit for people looking to make friends from all over the world. Come to post and talk, private message others, discuss and share in a supportive manner.

2008.08.26 18:54 A place for birders to be

Birding. bird watching. twitching. listing. Whatever you want to call it, if you are looking at or listening to birds, this is where you should be.

2014.09.04 21:10 Sol_Invictus A_Letter_to_My_Dog


2024.06.10 16:25 DrYangHF7 Little Houses helped my 2-year-old granddaughter speak (开口说话)

My name is Lucy and I am from the UK. My sincere gratitude goes out to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for creating a prestigious affinity with Buddha for us.
Time flies, and it has been more than six years since I took part in Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. On the way home through cultivating behavior, I have slowly transformed from an atheist to a layman monk at home. I have done this by practicing the four golden Buddhist practices of making vows, reciting Buddhist scriptures, releasing beings and reading the Buddhism in Plain Terms. In the past six years, I and my husband David have practiced together and have reaped joy, health, and success in life and work. We have practiced together as a couple, and we can't say enough about our spiritual experiences and deep insights.
In March 2019, for job reasons, our daughter, who lived in England, moved back to her hometown in Scotland. In order to let our granddaughter get acquainted with her relatives and friends here as soon as possible, we held a birthday party for her. On the day of her birthday party in June, nearly 20 relatives attended, most of whom our granddaughter met for the first time. I noticed that our granddaughter was very skilled at playing on the new trampoline. She was also getting along well with her cousins, and using her iPad to play games. Her fingers were dexterous and responsive, not like a child who just turned 2. However, she didn't talk much and occasionally spoke a word or two. I thought it might be because the child is still young and needs time to adjust to the new environment. David asked our daughter and son-in-law how our granddaughter's language skills were. They smiled and said they were looking forward to hearing the child speak a full sentence sooner rather than later.
When I was wondering, our daughter excitedly showed us photos of our granddaughter's growth, one of which was taken next to her great-grandmother's tombstone, which aroused my awareness and attention. Immediately, I was reminded of Master Lu's enlightenment that children should be at least 8 years old before participating in the tombsweeping ritual. Even children who are more than 8 years old, they should also be very cautious and recite the Great Compassion Mantra frequently. Maybe there really is karma or spirits preventing her from speaking.
On the way home, I talked to David about the idea of reciting the Little Houses* for the child (* A combination of 4 types of sutras and mantras. They are: the Great Compassion Mantra to be recited 27 times, the Heart Sutra to be recited 49 times, the Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra to be recited 84 times, and the Qi Fo Mie Zui Zhen Yan to be recited 87 times. After reciting those Buddhist scriptures, they are spotted on the Little House via a red marker pen. Once the karmic creditor's name is written in print on the right side of the yellow Little House, it is ready to repay the karmic creditor via burning it in front of the Buddhist altar). David told me not to worry, explaining that pediatricians generally agree that it is normal for babies to speak before the age of 3. He also said that late opening mouths do not mean intelligence is a problem. I said that prevention is the wise thing to do, so why don't we use Little Houses to help her eliminate her speech impediments? I myself wanted to verify the effectiveness of the Little Houses to help Western children ascend karmic creditors. My husband agreed.
When I returned home, I saw a rainbow appear in the window just as I entered the door. When I offered the evening incense at 8:00 p.m., I immediately made 2 vows: (1) to help our granddaughter's creditors with 49 Little Houses; (2) to help our granddaughter recite the Heart Sutra 7 times and the Gong De Bao Shan Shen Zhou 49 times every day from the day I made the vow until the child speaks. I prayed to Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Nanjing Bodhisattva to bless the child to eliminate the karmic obstacle of speaking and let her open her mouth to speak normally as soon as possible. Additionally, I hope she will learn Chinese one day and study Buddhism and recite Buddhist scriptures like her grandfather.
Based on Buddhist Q&A 114, "Questions about reciting Buddhist scriptures for small children," and Master Lu's relevant instructions in the Wenda, we can repay normal children under 5 with 3 Little Houses per week. I have been consistently repaying 3 Little Houses per week to her creditors since the second week of June.
In September 2019, when we visited the children at our daughter's house for the third time, she told us that just in late July or early August, our granddaughter spoke and was able to say some longer, more complete sentences. David and I looked at each other and smiled, knowing that this was the result of making vows and reciting Buddhist scriptures that worked. It is due to the blessing of the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva and the Nanjing Bodhisattva. I recalled that two years ago, by helping my daughter to recite the Great Compassion Mantra and the Gong De Bao Shan Shen Zhou, Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Nanjing Bodhisattva blessed the safe birth of our granddaughter, who likes vegetarian food and grows up healthy day by day. Two years later, more than 20 Little Houses helped her get rid of the language barrier and speak fluently. Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Nanjing Bodhisattva for answering all my prayers. This truly verifies what Master Lu enlightened: Bodhisattva has no discriminating mind, saves the Chinese and Western people the same, reads the totems the same, and transcends the spirits the same. Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is true and the Little House is unbelievably effective all over the world.
I am grateful to the Dharma! To the Bodhisattva! And to Master Lu! Through this experience, I have become more convinced of the effectiveness and excellence of Buddhism, more convinced of the boundless power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I have also fully verified that the dual practice of husband and wife can shelter a family for three generations. Westerners who study Buddhism and recite Buddhist scriptures can also be blessed and protected by Buddha and Bodhisattva.
Through my sharing today, I hope you will not doubt or hesitate anymore. I hope you will believe in Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, and Master Jun Hong Lu. Practicing Buddhism and reciting the sutras and mantras will definitely change your life and destiny, as well as your family's life and destiny. You will reap more blessings and merits!
Hence the saying:
Buddhism knows no borders, and compassion knows no distinction.
Buddhist scriptures are transmitted without hindrance, and can be learned in China and abroad.
Though different in color, the Buddha is the same in heart.
We couple can diligently practice together to achieve health and well-being.
My deepest gratitude to Namo Sakyamuni Buddha!
My deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
My deepest gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from ten directions and three periods of time!
My deepest gratitude to the Dharma protectors!
My deepest gratitude to the selfless and altruistic Master Jun Hong Lu!
If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the truth in the presentation, I'd like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors, and Master Jun Hong Lu. I'd also like to seek forgiveness from my fellow Buddhist practitioners. I would appreciate my fellow practitioners' critique and correction!
I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Presenter: Dharma Practitioner Lucy, Gratitude and Namaste!
Translator: Frank
2020-12-29 Received
2021-01-19 Posted (CN)
2023-05-16 Posted (EN)
The story was translated from Chinese into English by meaning, not word by word. If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the true meaning of the Chinese version, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors and Master Jun Hong Lu.
Please kindly forward this presentation to those who are under sufferance from illness, and all sentient beings, if possible. You will accumulate immeasurable merits and virtues. Saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda!
We will show you how to do the five golden Buddhist practices of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door: (1) making vows, (2) reciting Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras), (3) performing life liberation, (4) reading Buddhism in Plain Terms, and (5) repenting. You will personally witness how you and your family can achieve physical and mental stability, relief from illness and grievances, wisdom growth, academic progress, career advancement, and family happiness through Dharma.
For more information, please contact fellow practitioner: Lily
WeChat: HanJing20210820
我叫Lucy,来自英国, 感恩观世音菩萨成就我们如此殊胜的佛缘。
分享人:Lucy露西 感恩合十
2020-12-29 收到
2021-01-19 发布

Disclaimer of Liability:
The contents of the presentation and answers, including text, images, and other information obtained from Dharma practitioners, are provided strictly for reference purposes. Due to the unique nature of individual karma, results similar to those experienced by the authors may not be replicated. The experiences and advice shared should not be construed as medical advice or a diagnosis.
In the event of an emergency, it is crucial to promptly contact your doctor or emergency services by dialing 911. Relying on any information found in the answers is done solely at your own risk. The translator and answerer bear no responsibility for the consequences. By using or misusing the contents, you accept liability for any personal injury, including death. It is imperative to exercise caution and seek professional medical guidance for health-related concerns.
submitted by DrYangHF7 to CittaPureLand [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:24 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

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2024.06.10 16:24 Kelstar999 Will it ever get better??

I'm a teen, the past 5 years I have identified as male but because of the gender stereotypes and such that came with if I've just scrapped it all together and have been non binary for a good while now- it's drastically improved my mental health but there are bad days.
I struggle with being openly queer and loving of myself because of my parents - they aren't transphobic or anything they just don't seen to get it, granted when I was 11 I tried to explain I felt like a boy and they said "your too young to know" another time when I got upset over it they said "well you wear makeup. Men don't wear makeup well gay men wear makeup" and so on. This has damaged my mental health exponentially and while I'm glad I'm out of that at least they still can't grasp the concept of non binary. I had a friend that turned out to be very bad that was non binary so there's that, and when I tried to explain that person was my mam just cut me off with "boy or girl" I feel trapped in this house and while I know my parents do love me there's alot of tension with who I am and who they think i am due to the fact i was incredibly sick as a baby and that it's a miracle im alive and healthy today -
Combined with an awful school environment my only safe space is the Queers and ally's club at school (another thing I remember is when giving my mam a form to sign from it and it said LGBTQIA+ she muttered something along the lines of " they add new letters to it every year")
I have no reliable adults I can talk to- I have a lesbian cousin that's an adult but feel as if she has the same stance on gender.
I feel incredibly isolated and afraid trying to be how I am, I despise being referred to as a girl and honestly am just waiting until I'm old enough to properly confront my parents if I ever will because I honestly think all of this was just some incredibly foolish choice words in stressful situations.
If there's anyone with experience with the type of situation I'm in, or people who have clawed their way out one any advice or anything at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
submitted by Kelstar999 to Nonbinaryteens [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:23 NaiRad1000 Friend thinks his entire well being rests on getting his old job back

So prior to this I’ve already made a few posts in this subreddit about a specific friend. If you’d like more context about him I’d go and read my other posts as they would help you get a better feel for his mental state. So here’s the story; nearly six months ago my friend was fired from a job he really loved and had for nearly three years. He’s the kinda person that needs human interaction and energy. Now I will say up to this point he was in his “hermit” stage, even by his own admission. Pretty much his anxiety and depression has gotten so bad he almost never leave the house, he would say yes to anyone invite him out but not go or come up with an excuse at the last minute. This job was pretty much the only thing that got him out of the house. But even then it was exercise. He’s in a place where he can get easily distracted or triggered. He’ll spend three hours getting ready for work but leave the door when his shift started in 5mins. Other little things where his boss wasn’t treating him the nicest, he was sort of forced into a manager role,many times being left alone for hours on end. How he wasn’t fired for tardiness alone is beyond me. Anyway fast forward to this past December, he was kinda pressure sto participate in a Secret Santa and one a persons list they asked for a Twisted Tea. The lists went through management, nothing was said. My friend even asked their security if it was fine. They said it as long as it wasn’t opened or consumed on the premises. Fast forward after the fact the boss finds the Twisted Tea opened in their break room fridge. Never caught my friend drinking on the job, nor was he; but was fired because he brought it in. Now this was Christmas Week 2023. Almost 6 months. My friend has been trying to create some sort of letter to get his job back, laying out what’s been happening to him, making a plea. Personally I think he’s waited too long; so much so he could probably just reapply. I can’t see any HR company taking his letter legitimately justified or not. It’s just a greeting card store at the mall. But I think having that job was “keeping him together” and losing it destroyed everything. Since then his been home alone every single day with little to no interaction from anyway. Every time I come it like word vomit because I’m usually eh first person he interacts with. We have other roommates but they keep to themselves. So I think he’s attributing the job to the downfall of many things as his mental health has gotten steadily worse. He claims he’s been trying to get a new job but I question it cause he never leaves the house. Unless they’re all zoom interviews but again idk. I think it’s time for him to move on but he won’t see reason
submitted by NaiRad1000 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:22 OkTarget4813 Give her another chance?

My best friend, since 13 YO (29F) broke up our friendship roughly 2 years ago. It was an accumulation of events and frustration that led to her decision, the friendship on both sides wasn't as fruitful as it used to be. I dealt with a severely traumatic event and 'pushed' her away, she felt I wasn't there for her and giving enough money/time/effort, whatever you call it. Fast forward to mid-May this year - said 'ex' friend rocks up at my home to wish me a happy birthday in person. She's since had coffee here. It was quite awkward, but we've spoken about all the things that were issues in our friendship and apologized where needed, etc. I've since blocked her everywhere, as I realized that I've outgrown her. She pitched up at my house again asking why I blocked her, I was honest about why. We had a brief conversation about prospectively rekindling some type of friendship, she apologized again for the way she ended our friendship. I told her that I don't want to rekindle anything if there's a risk of it ending the way it did. We're not kids anymore. I'm considering giving it another go..Any opinions?
submitted by OkTarget4813 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:22 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

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2024.06.10 16:21 HugeReception6122 LF fics similar to where D/H attraction/feelings towards each other is obvious by everyone else

While I already have a growing list of Dramione fics to read…. curious if there are more fics where everyone can sense their attraction/sexual tension or catching them having an intimate moment/snogging?
Currently reading MOAM (Chapter 34, almost to the end 🥲)
It’s been a nice change of pace to read H/D existing amongst a circle of friends together too. I like reading about everyone’s perspective on the subject(I’ve been reading a lot of heavy and dark Dramione so this has been a bit of a breather). I also have been enjoying moments where several people call out H being in denial of her feelings. Soo much denial. Lol to Pansy and Ginny straight up calling her out after Summer Solstice and then after Pansy’s birthday hahaha.
The intertwined relationships with everyone has also been endearing to read bc of its realistic nature of growing adult friendships. It’s precious 🥺 the part when everyone was at the greenhouse for P/B was sooo cute to me.
My only criteria is no alpha/omega or muggle AU. Would prefer for them to be older… past 21, but not a deal breaker! A little teen romance moment sounds cute too lol.
Long, short, or one shot is fine!
Added criteria suggestion but not required: writing style similar to DMATMOOBIL or LAOHA :)
submitted by HugeReception6122 to Dramione [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:20 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:18 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:16 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:14 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

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2024.06.10 16:12 Secret-Mulberry9545 Timebound Odyssey: Echoes of Eternity

Chapter 1: The Unfolding of Lost Whispers

In the vast, unfathomable expanse of the universe, where galaxies swirl in a delicate cosmic dance and stars glimmer like tiny beacons in the dark, the infinite complexities of the cosmos stretch beyond comprehension. Amid these wonders, on a small, blue planet orbiting a modest star, unfolds a story both small and significant. A tale of a young boy named Jack, whose world, though minute in the grand scheme of things, carries the weight of the universe in his tender heart.
As the focus narrows from the cosmos, past the swirling arms of the Milky Way, and through the atmospheric layers of Earth, it zooms in on a bustling city on the North American continent, a city of great winds and even greater ambitions. The streets hum with the upbeat rhythms of soul music, and advertisements for new episodes of “Happy Days” and “The Six Million Dollar Man” flicker from television screens in shop windows. The scent of hot dogs and fresh popcorn wafts from vendors stationed along the sidewalks, mixing with the brisk, cold air. Overhead, the roar of an elevated train briefly disrupts the calm, a reminder of the intricate network of steel that defines the city's skyline.
Snow blankets the ground, a pristine layer that muffles the usual city sounds and reflects the twinkling lights strung across the streets and buildings. The sidewalks are bustling with people bundled up in thick coats and scarves, their breath visible in the frosty air. A towering figure of a beloved fictional character, the "Man with a Yellow Hat," adorns the window of a famous department store on State Street, while the majestic lions in front of the Art Institute wear festive wreaths around their necks.
Zooming in further, the focus shifts to a neighborhood of classic brick houses and narrow alleyways, where homes stand adorned with glowing Christmas decorations. Each house boasts its own unique charm, with wreaths on doors and flickering lights outlining rooftops, casting a warm, inviting glow into the frigid night.
One house, in particular, stands out, its red-brick facade adorned with a simple string of colored lights that flicker cheerfully in the cold. The house exudes warmth, a sense of comfort amidst the snow-covered streets. The scene moves closer, peering through the frosted window of a small room where a young boy’s life unfolds.
Jack’s room is a vivid sanctuary, painted in shades of deep blue and adorned with stars and planets that glow softly in the dark. Model airplanes hang from the ceiling, suspended in mid-flight among a fleet of handmade paper rockets. His shelves are a testament to his love of science fiction, crammed with books like "The Adventures of Tintin" and "A Wrinkle in Time," alongside colorful action figures of astronauts and aliens.
Jack’s bed, a twin with a wooden frame, is covered with a blanket featuring a rocket ship blasting off into the cosmos, stars trailing behind it. At the foot of the bed sits his favorite plush toy, a well-worn astronaut bear, its once-bright suit now faded from countless adventures. The nightstand beside his bed holds a lava lamp that casts an eerie, mesmerizing glow across the room, next to a stack of comics and a small flashlight for late-night reading.
The floor is scattered with the remnants of recent play—an open box of Lincoln Logs, a sprawling collection of Hot Wheels cars, and a nearly completed jigsaw puzzle of the solar system. A colorful mobile of the planets hangs above his head, swaying gently, and his walls are adorned with posters of spaceships and far-off galaxies.
Despite the warmth and security of his room, Jack feels a weight in his chest as he is called to join the family at the dinner table. The dining room is a cozy haven, bathed in the warm glow of a chandelier. The table is adorned with a red and gold cloth, glistening under the light. A Christmas tree stands proudly in the corner, its branches heavy with ornaments and lights that cast a festive glow across the room.
Grandma, her hair neatly curled and wearing a stylish plaid dress, sits at the head of the table, her eyes sparkling behind her cat-eye glasses. Grandpa, sporting a red sweater and a neatly combed mustache, carves the turkey with practiced ease, his face a picture of contentment. Both retired scientists, they bring a wealth of knowledge and curiosity into the home. Grandma, a former theoretical physicist specializing in string theory, and Grandpa, an astrophysicist, now use their pensions to support Jack and his mom.
Jack’s mom, in a floral dress that flares at the knees, passes around the mashed potatoes and green beans, her laughter bright and infectious. The conversation flows easily, a mixture of laughter and stories, seasoned with the distinctive Chicago accent that gives their words a familiar warmth.
Despite the house’s modest size, the family makes the most of their space. The table is snugly surrounded by chairs, each one occupied by a loved one, making the room feel full and alive. The smallness of the house only enhances the sense of togetherness, each person contributing to the warm, festive atmosphere.
Before dinner, they all bow their heads in prayer, a moment of quiet reflection and gratitude amidst the bustling celebration. The silence is broken only by the gentle flicker of candlelight and the soft hum of the old radio in the corner, playing a news bulletin about the latest political events—a hostage crisis, debates over energy policy, and the ongoing discussions about a potential peace treaty.
“Can we turn that off?” Grandpa asks, his voice cutting through the room. “I’ve heard enough about politics for one day.”
Mom reaches over and flicks the switch, silencing the news and returning the room to its warm, festive atmosphere.
Jack sits at the table, feeling small and out of place. He fidgets with his napkin, his mind wandering to far-off worlds and epic adventures. He thinks of Tintin, the brave boy reporter, and how he would face this dinner table with courage, even if he felt as nervous as Jack does now. His thoughts drift to the latest Tintin book he read, imagining himself alongside Tintin and his faithful dog, Snowy, exploring ancient ruins and uncovering hidden treasures. In his mind’s eye, the room fades away, replaced by the vast, alien landscapes of “A Wrinkle in Time,” where Jack, Tintin, and his imaginary astronaut sidekick, Astro, race through time and space, battling dark forces and saving the universe from impending doom.
“Jack, how did you like the play at the community center?” Grandma’s voice cuts through his daydreams.
He hesitates, thinking of what Tintin might say in a moment of uncertainty. “It was… an adventure, just like in my books,” he says, his voice a bit shaky but full of a quiet resolve. In his mind, he imagines Tintin nodding approvingly, while Astro gives him a thumbs-up from the cockpit of their spaceship.
“Good to hear,” Grandpa says with a smile. “You know, your mom and I used to watch plays there too, back when we were younger. But that was a long time ago.”
Jack forces a smile, his eyes drifting to the family photos that adorn the walls. One photo, in particular, captures his attention—a picture of his dad, Dan, holding him as a baby, their smiles frozen in time. The mention of his dad, however, seems to hang in the air, unacknowledged by everyone but him. It’s as if a shadow passes over the room, a ghost of a memory that everyone but Jack seems to have forgotten.
“How’s school, Jack?” Mom asks, her voice bright and cheerful. “Are you still working on that science project about the planets?”
Jack nods, a lump forming in his throat. “Yes, Mom. I finished it yesterday. I think Dad would have liked it.” He thinks of Astro, his ever-loyal sidekick, who would understand the importance of such a project, their spaceship hurtling through the vast unknown, mapping distant stars and planets.
Mom’s smile falters for a moment, a flicker of discomfort crossing her face. “That’s wonderful, sweetheart,” she says, quickly moving the conversation forward. “Grandma made your favorite dessert tonight, apple pie. You’ll love it!”
Jack looks down at his plate, his small hands trembling slightly. It feels as if the memory of his dad has been wiped from everyone’s minds, leaving Jack to bear the weight of it alone. He thinks of Tintin again, how he would bravely face even the most difficult challenges. “Dad always liked apple pie,” Jack says quietly, hoping to keep his father’s memory alive, even in this small way. A deep ache settles in his chest, a hollow feeling that no amount of food or laughter seems able to fill.
“Do you remember when Dan used to carve the turkey?” Grandma says suddenly, her eyes lighting up. “He had such a steady hand.”
Grandpa nods, though there’s a distant look in his eyes. “You know, it’s strange,” he says slowly, as if searching his memory. “Sometimes, I can’t quite recall what he was like. It’s almost like those memories are slipping away.”
Mom shifts uncomfortably in her chair. “I know what you mean. It’s so odd, isn’t it? I barely remember his laugh, or the way he used to smile. It’s like the memories of him are fading, almost as if they’re being erased.”
Jack feels a surge of frustration and sadness. How could they forget? How could they talk about his dad as if he were a shadow, a fleeting whisper in their minds? “But Dad loved Christmas,” Jack says, his voice trembling
“He always made it so special.” A tear slips down his cheek, and he quickly wipes it away, hoping no one notices.
“I’m sorry, Jack,” Mom says softly. “It’s not that we want to forget. It’s just… it’s been so hard, and sometimes it feels like the memories are slipping away.”
Jack looks around the table, frustrated and sad that they all seem to want to forget, to move on without acknowledging the loss that still haunts him. It’s as if he’s the only one holding onto the precious fragments of his dad, the only one who remembers the way he used to carve the turkey, the way he would laugh and make everyone feel warm and loved. His heart feels heavy, weighed down by the loneliness of remembering when no one else seems to.
Sensing Jack's distress, Grandpa tries to change the topic, leaning in with a familiar, enthusiastic glint in his eye. “Jack, you remember our last talk about black holes? Did you know that they can warp time itself? Imagine traveling through one and ending up in a different part of the universe!”
Jack’s eyes light up slightly at this, his mind instantly transported to the fantastical worlds of his books. “Really, Grandpa? Just like in ‘A Wrinkle in Time’?” he asks, his voice filled with awe.
“Yes, indeed,” Grandpa replies, his tone rich with the joy of sharing knowledge. “Just like in your book. The real universe is full of such mysteries.”
“And Grandma,” Jack turns to her, a spark of curiosity reignited, “tell me more about those… what did you call them… strings?”
“String theory,” Grandma smiles, glad to see Jack’s interest. “Imagine everything in the universe, from the tiniest particle to the largest galaxy, is made up of tiny, vibrating strings. It’s like a cosmic symphony, each string playing its own note.”
Jack nods, fascinated. For a moment, the room seems brighter, the weight of his grief lifting slightly as he immerses himself in the wonders of the universe. “I want to be an astronaut one day,” he says quietly, his gaze distant as if looking at stars only he can see. “Just like Astro.”
“I’m sure you will, Jack,” Grandma says, her voice gentle. “You’ve got the curiosity and the spirit for it.”
But as the conversation turns back to more mundane matters, the reality of his father’s absence presses down on him again, and he feels the tears welling up, hot and insistent. “I’m sorry,” Jack whispers, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. He pushes his chair back and stands, his legs unsteady.
Mom looks up, her eyes filled with concern. “Jack, are you okay?”
Jack shakes his head, unable to hold back the tears any longer. “I’m sorry,” he repeats, his voice breaking. He turns and runs from the room, his footsteps echoing through the house, the weight of his sorrow too much to bear. In his mind, he’s running through a portal into another dimension, where Tintin and Astro are waiting to embark on another great adventure, away from the pain and confusion of the present.
“Jack!” Mom calls after him, but he’s already gone, disappearing up the stairs to his room, leaving the warmth and light of the dinner behind.
The room falls silent, the joyful atmosphere shattered. Grandma and Grandpa exchange worried glances, and Mom sighs, her heart aching for her little boy. She rises and follows Jack, leaving the festive scene behind, the weight of his sadness casting a long shadow over the night.
In the quiet dining room, the clinking of silverware is the only sound as the family continues their meal, their hearts heavy with the burden of loss and the hope of healing. The story of Jack, though small in the grand scheme of the universe, is one of love, loss, and the enduring strength of family.
The next morning, a brilliant winter sun shone through Jack’s bedroom window, casting a golden glow across the room and highlighting the remnants of yesterday’s snowfall. The rays bounced off the shimmering strands of tinsel draped over the Christmas tree and reflected in the polished surface of his mother’s pearl necklace, each bead gleaming like a drop of dew caught in the first light of dawn. The air was filled with the mingling scents of pine and cinnamon, a fragrant symphony that spoke of warmth and family.
Jack’s mother, Shelly, stood beside the tree, her figure framed by the light streaming through the window. She wore a cozy, cream-colored sweater adorned with delicate snowflake patterns, her soft blue jeans hugging her figure in a comfortable embrace. Around her neck hung the pearl necklace, a gift from years gone by, each bead a memory strung together in an unbroken line.
Jack's eyes wandered to the necklace, and he was momentarily lost in a memory. It was summer in Chicago, and the world was alive with color and warmth. They were in the backyard, celebrating his mother's 36th birthday. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass, a soft breeze rustling the leaves of the old oak tree that stood sentinel at the edge of the yard.
His father, Dan, had looked so proud that day. He stood under the canopy, a wide grin on his face as he handed Shelly a small, velvet box. His eyes sparkled with mischief and love. "Happy Birthday, my love," he had said, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand promises. Shelly had opened the box to find the pearl necklace, its lustrous orbs glowing in the sunlight. She had gasped in delight, tears springing to her eyes as she threw her arms around Dan’s neck, their laughter mingling with the cheerful chatter of Grandma and Grandpa who watched with smiles of approval.
The memory faded, and Jack was jolted back to the present by the sound of his mother’s voice. "Jack, are you okay?" she asked, her tone gentle yet tinged with concern. Her hand rested on his shoulder, a soft weight that grounded him in the moment. "It's time you have this. It was from your dad. I don’t remember the details, but I think you should have it."
She handed him a box, its shiny red paper reflecting the light in a kaleidoscope of colors. Jack’s fingers trembled as he accepted the gift, the weight of the moment pressing down on him. He tore away the wrapping, each rip of the paper revealing glimpses of the treasure within. Inside, lying in perfect repose, was a sleek robot. Its surface gleamed with an otherworldly sheen, and its design was a labyrinth of intricate details that spoke of far-off lands and ancient wisdom. This was Sparks.
Sparks was a marvel of robotics, a fusion of sleek modernity and charming retro aesthetics. His body was predominantly white, adorned with accents of vibrant blues and yellows. His exterior was polished to a gleaming finish, reflecting light in a way that made him look almost ethereal, as if he had stepped straight out of a sci-fi dream.
Sparks stood about two feet tall, his frame compact yet robust. His head was large compared to his body, featuring a smooth, domed surface with rounded edges that gave him a friendly and approachable demeanor. His eyes were large, glowing orbs of blue that emitted a soft, inviting light. They were set within a black visor-like faceplate, giving him an expression that could shift from curious to serious with a simple change in illumination.
His torso was a blend of sleek armor plating and intricate circuitry, with small compartments and panels that hinted at the advanced technology contained within. He had a chest plate with a glowing emblem that pulsed with a rhythmic light, possibly indicating his energy levels or some other mysterious function.
Sparks' arms were articulated with multiple joints, allowing for a wide range of movement. They ended in hands that could grasp, manipulate, and interact with the environment in a surprisingly delicate manner. Each hand had a set of fingers that were both functional and expressive, capable of performing intricate tasks or conveying emotions through subtle gestures.
His legs were sturdy yet agile, designed for both stability and speed. They were segmented with flexible joints that allowed him to move with a surprising grace, whether he was navigating through a busy marketplace or sprinting across open terrain. His feet were broad and equipped with a set of small, glowing pads that provided traction and stability, lighting up with each step he took.
On his back, Sparks had a small compartment where he could store essential tools and gadgets. It was a testament to his role as both a helper and an adventurer, always prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead. His overall appearance was an endearing blend of the futuristic and the familiar, evoking a sense of nostalgia while also hinting at the incredible capabilities that lay beneath his shiny exterior.
"Wow, Mom! This is amazing!" Jack's voice echoed with awe, his eyes wide and sparkling with the pure wonder of discovery.
His mother knelt beside him, her presence a comforting cocoon of warmth and familiarity in the midst of the unknown. "There are some instructions here," she said, her fingers brushing lightly over a small booklet nestled in the box. "Let's see how this little guy works."
But as they began to decipher the cryptic symbols and arcane phrases, the phone rang, shattering the moment with its insistent clamour. Jack’s mom sighed, a sound that seemed to carry the weight of worlds. She rose reluctantly, her hand lingering on Jack’s shoulder. "Hold on, Jack. I'll be right back. Keep looking at those instructions, okay?"
As her footsteps faded into the distance, Jack's gaze fell upon the booklet. The margins were filled with strange markings, symbols that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. They were familiar, whispers from the past, from the secret games and hidden worlds he had once shared with his father. Little keys, phrases, and symbols that only he would understand.
"Yeah, this is Shelly speaking" his mom’s voice drifted back to him, carrying the cadence of a bygone era, a hint of Windy City charm that was as comforting as it was enigmatic.
Jack's heart raced as he pieced together the clues. Memories of adventures with his dad surged forward, a mosaic of secret messages and hidden quests. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, he followed the trail of hints, pressing buttons and speaking phrases that held the magic of their shared past.
Suddenly, Sparks sprang to life, his eyes blazing with a luminous glow. Jack's breath hitched, a shiver of anticipation and wonder running down his spine. The robot projected a hologram into the air, and there, bathed in an ethereal light, was his dad. His expression was urgent, his message cloaked in the mystery of a thousand secrets, played backwards to heighten the enigma.
"Come find me, Jack," the hologram intoned, the words echoing in the silence, wrapping around Jack like a spectral embrace.
Jack’s heart pounded in his chest, a wild symphony of fear and excitement. His dad was out there, somewhere, and now he had Sparks, his guide and companion on a journey that promised to be as perilous as it was extraordinary.
"We have 30 minutes! I hope you can run!" Sparks chirped, his voice crackling with urgency.
Jack's eyes widened in confusion. "What? Why?"
"We've got to catch a train, or else we’ll have to wait 10 human years to catch the next one!" Sparks' tone was serious, but a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes.
Sparks' Holographic eyes twinkled mischievously as he added, "You want to find your dad, right? Well, strap on your superhero cape and get ready to explore, my trusty sidekick! We're about to dive into an adventure so epic, even the masked vigilantes would be impressed!"
With a resolute nod, Jack sprang into action, his mind racing with the urgency of the task ahead. He packed his backpack with essentials, each item a link to his life and the journey that lay before him. Scribbling a hasty note to his mom, he slid it under her bedroom door, the words a promise and a farewell: "Be right back, Mom! Going to find Dad! Love, Jack."
Without a backward glance, Jack climbed out of the window, Sparks at his side, the cool night air rushing past them as they raced into the unknown. The town, aglow with festive lights and the scent of pine and cinnamon, seemed to watch them with silent approval. In the distance, his mom's voice called out, a worried echo that faded into the night: "Jack! Where did you go?!"
But Jack didn't stop. His path was clear, his resolve unshakable. With Sparks guiding him, he plunged into the heart of the mystery, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
The town square was a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds, a carnival of holiday cheer. Market stalls overflowed with trinkets and treats, their bright colors a stark contrast to the white of the snow. Street performers spun and twirled, their laughter mingling with the strains of music that filled the air. Jack's heart beat a wild rhythm as he and Sparks weaved through the crowd, their destination a beacon on the horizon.
They arrived at the train station just as the locomotive began to pull away, its wheels churning through the snow, smoke billowing from its chimney like a dragon’s breath. With a burst of desperate energy, they leaped onto the train, their fingers grasping the cold metal of the railing as they hoisted themselves aboard.
Panting and exhilarated, Jack collapsed onto the floor of the train car, his cheeks flushed from the cold and the thrill of the chase. Sparks whirred beside him, his eyes reflecting the excitement and the promise of adventure that lay ahead.
But their triumph was short-lived. The train hurtled through the night, its path veering towards a cliff's edge buried beneath the snow. Jack and Sparks screamed, their voices lost in the wind, convinced they were speeding towards their doom.
Sparks, ever the optimist, quipped, "Well, that was quite the downhill ride, Jack! Remind me to avoid ski trips with you in the future."
Jack, despite the terror of the moment, managed a laugh. "You mean 'Ahhhhhhhhh,' that screaming? You mean it's not scary to you?"
Sparks responded with a mechanical laugh. "Oh, Jack, you know me. I'm as cool as a cucumber, even when we're hurtling towards a snowy abyss. But hey, I figured I'd join in on the fun, keep the vibe light!"
Jack grinned, grateful for Sparks' humor in the face of danger.
Then, just as they braced for impact, the world shimmered and faded, the train dissolving into a spray of sparkling particles. They were enveloped in a vortex of light and sound, a tunnel through time and space that carried them towards the unknown. As they clung to each other, Jack and Sparks exchanged a bewildered glance, their hearts pounding with the thrill and fear of the journey. They had no idea what awaited them, but they knew it would be an adventure unlike any they had ever known.
The train car they found themselves in was a bustling, fantastical wonderland, packed to the brim with passengers of every imaginable kind. Humanoid androids with bodies of polished chrome sat beside towering aliens with scales that shimmered like the night sky. Mysterious witches in flowing robes murmured incantations, their eyes flickering with hidden fires. Men in black suits, their faces obscured by shadows and wide-brimmed hats, exchanged glances and adjusted devices that blinked with foreboding red lights. The air was thick with the scent of exotic spices and the hum of a hundred foreign tongues, each whispering a story of its own.
As Jack looked around, he noticed floppy disk flies buzzing around the train's cabinets, their wings whirring with a mechanical hum. He leaned over to Sparks and whispered, "Hey, do you see those floppy disk flies? What are they doing here?"
Sparks, with a hint of amusement, responded, "Ah, those ancient relics. They must have hitched a ride from a bygone era. Maybe they're here to remind us of the good old days when saving data meant something more tangible than cloud storage!"
The train conductor, a blob-like alien wearing an AI helmet and a uniform that sparkled with intricate designs, loomed over them. "Where is your pass?" it asked, its voice a bubbling gurgle that sent shivers down Jack's spine.
Jack stammered, "I… I don’t have one."
A tiny hovering bot emerged from the conductor's body, emitting a red beam that scanned them both before declaring, "Clear."
Looking around for a place to sit, Jack saw that the train was far from ordinary. It was a vast, cavernous space, far larger than it appeared from the outside. Though the train’s exterior was a sleek, steam-punk marvel of brass and rivets, the interior seemed to defy the laws of physics, expanding into a seemingly infinite space to accommodate its extraordinary occupants.
The environment inside was a chaotic symphony of sights and sounds. Enormous trees grew straight out of the floor, their branches stretching high above into a canopy that rustled with the movement of fantastical creatures. Small, winged beings darted among the leaves, their tiny, luminescent bodies flickering like fireflies. Down below, creatures resembling miniature dragons scampered around the tree trunks, nibbling at the bark and chirping excitedly. In one corner, waterfalls cascaded into lakes teeming with fantastical creatures like hydras and leviathans, their scales glistening under the shimmering lights. The sound of rushing water mixed with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant roar of a hydra, creating a mesmerizing soundscape.
Jack marveled at the sprawling environments within the train. There were sections with lush, sprawling forests where magical creatures roamed freely among the trees, their soft footfalls and the chirping of unseen birds creating a serene, natural ambiance. Next to that, vast deserts stretched out, their golden sands shimmering under an artificial sun, the air heavy with the scent of warm earth and dry winds whispering through the dunes. Beyond that, snow-capped mountains rose majestically, their peaks disappearing into the clouds, the crisp, cold air tinged with the sharp scent of pine and the distant calls of snow griffins echoing through the valleys. There were even dark caves, their interiors glowing with the light of bioluminescent fungi, the air cool and damp, and the sound of dripping water mixing with the eerie whispers of cave-dwelling creatures.
In another corner, a colony of giant spiders had spun intricate webs among the trees, their small, red eyes glinting ominously as they scuttled about. The largest spider, its body the size of a small car, had a single, enormous red eye that seemed to follow Jack as he moved. He shuddered at the sight but couldn't help but be fascinated by the eerie beauty of their silken webs glistening like diamonds in the dim light.
In the center of the car, a towering tree grew, its trunk massive and gnarled with age. From its branches hung delicate lanterns that glowed with a soft, warm light, illuminating the faces of the creatures gathered below. Jack noticed a group of elfin children playing a game near the base of the tree, their laughter ringing like silver bells in the air.
To the left, a bustling marketplace had been set up, with vendors selling everything from magical trinkets to interstellar snacks. The air was filled with the rich aromas of exotic spices and freshly cooked delicacies. Jack could hear the cheerful chatter of traders haggling over prices and the clinking of gold coins as customers made their purchases.
Overhead, the ceiling arched high into a dome, shimmering with a kaleidoscope of colors that danced and changed with the shifting light. Platforms suspended in mid-air held small gardens, each one a miniature ecosystem teeming with life. Plants of every conceivable shape and color twisted and spiraled, their tendrils reaching out to the passengers who passed by.
Further down, there were lakes where fantastical creatures like hydras and leviathans swam, their scales reflecting the shimmering light. The lakes were surrounded by lush vegetation, and the air was filled with the sound of rushing water and the soft rustling of leaves. In the center of the lake, a group of merfolk played instruments, their haunting melodies adding a mystical ambiance to the surroundings.
Jack's eyes widened in alarm as he saw a cluster of giant fire-breathing dragons resting by a pool of molten lava, their scales shimmering like hot embers. Nearby, a group of electric dragons basked under a storm cloud that rumbled with flashes of lightning, their bodies crackling with energy. And in a shadowy corner, a pair of acid dragons slumbered in a pit of bubbling green ooze, their scales dripping with a corrosive substance that hissed as it touched the ground.
Suddenly, Jack's attention was drawn to a flock of hideous, scary-looking flying creatures that seemed to combine the worst features of bats and reptiles. Their leathery wings beat the air with an eerie rustle, and their eyes glowed a malevolent red as they circled overhead. Jack’s heart pounded in his chest, a surge of fear gripping him. "Sparks, what are those?" he asked, his voice trembling.
Sparks, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, replied, "Those, my dear Jack, are tooth fairies."
Jack's eyes widened in disbelief. "Tooth fairies? But they look so hideous and scary!"
Sparks chuckled. "Yes, well, that's because human teeth are a crucial part of their diet. They've developed quite a taste for them over the centuries. Don’t worry, though. They’re just here for the scenery."
Jack noticed the tooth fairies eyeing him hungrily, their sharp teeth glinting ominously. They began to circle closer, their eyes locked onto Jack as if he were a delicious meal. Just as they started to make a move towards him, the train's intercom crackled to life. "Attention, passengers: Please remember that any form of attack or hostility towards fellow passengers will result in immediate disintegration. Thank you for your cooperation."
The tooth fairies hesitated, their eyes darting nervously. Jack watched in horror as they decided to test the rule, lunging towards him with a predatory gleam in their eyes. But before they could get close, a bright light enveloped them, and they disintegrated into a shower of sparkling dust.
Sparks grinned. "Well, looks like they bit off more than they could chew! Who knew being a tooth fairy could be so… disintegrating?"
Jack couldn't help but laugh at Sparks' joke, the tension easing as he realized they were safe.
As the train sped through a section that appeared to have no ceiling, Jack looked up and saw a breathtaking sight. The sky above was a vibrant blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds. Flying overhead were magnificent phoenixes with fiery wings, their radiant plumes casting a warm glow. A few dragons soared among them, their scales glinting in the sunlight. Jack could see witches riding on broomsticks, cackling with glee as they zoomed through the air.
The train itself seemed to stretch infinitely into the distance, its vast interior filled with creatures of every imaginable kind. Towering kaiju-like beings stood next to mobile suit robots that gleamed with polished metal, their movements surprisingly graceful for their immense size. Despite their differences, all the passengers coexisted harmoniously, each waiting patiently for their stop.
In one corner, Jack spotted a group of talking unicorns with shimmering coats, their horns spiraled with an otherworldly light. They chatted animatedly with a pair of centaurs, their voices a melodic harmony that added to the surreal atmosphere. Nearby, futuristic vehicles like flying cars and hovercrafts were parked in designated areas, their sleek designs a stark contrast to the more traditional creatures around them.
Jack's eyes widened in awe as he spotted a goat king, adorned with a golden crown, sitting majestically on a throne carried by a troop of goat soldiers. The goat king's regal demeanor was matched by the imposing presence of his soldiers, each one equipped with a gleaming spear and clad in ornate armor. They stood proudly beside him, their eyes scanning the surroundings with a watchful gaze.
All around, the air was filled with the mingling scents of exotic flowers, freshly baked pastries, and the faint, tangy aroma of ozone from the electric dragons. The sounds of laughter, chatter, and the occasional roar of a dragon or the hum of a futuristic vehicle created a symphony of life that filled the train with a sense of wonder and excitement.
Jack exchanged a puzzled look with Sparks, his mind racing with questions as the train sped through the vortex of time.
Sparks, sensing Jack's anxiety, began to sing, "You and I must make a pact. We must bring salvation back. Where there is love, I'll be there." Jack joined in, their voices a harmonious echo that seemed to soothe the tension in the air.
A moment later, a creature that seemed a blend of wolf and elephant, clad in a uniform as elaborate as the conductor's, approached them. "Do you want any refreshments? I am running a sale here, kid."
Jack declined, and Sparks added with a cheeky grin, "Yeah, we're watching our calorie intake. Got to maintain these sleek robot curves!"
As Jack stared out the window, watching the swirling vortex, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the life he was leaving behind. Memories of winters past filled his mind: the crisp air, the laughter of friends, the twinkling lights that adorned his home. He whispered softly, "Goodbye, home."
Just then, he noticed a figure in a black hat watching them from a few seats away. Jack's curiosity piqued, he leaned over to Sparks and whispered, "Hey, do you see that furry guy with the black hat staring at us?"
Sparks, with mock seriousness, replied, "Hmm, that's strange. I'm not in the market for romantic partners at the moment. Maybe I should let him know gently before he starts knitting us matching sweaters!" Jack burst out laughing, the tension easing as they journeyed deeper into the unknown.
Jack's curiosity piqued, and he looked at Sparks, wondering about the train's destination. Sparks, sensing Jack's question, smiled and said, "Want to know where we're headed?"
Jack nodded eagerly. Sparks' chest plate began to shift and morph, the smooth metal rippling like water. It transformed into a futuristic display, the intricate circuitry and panels aligning to form a high-resolution screen. The display lit up with a detailed map, showcasing their current location in a swirling vortex of time and space. Pulsing lines and blinking icons showed the train's path, destination, and estimated arrival time.
Jack watched in awe as the map zoomed in, revealing their destination: Tokyo, year 1604. The screen showed the cityscape of ancient Tokyo, with winding streets, traditional wooden houses, and towering temples. The arrival time flickered on the screen, counting down the minutes and seconds until they reached their destination.
Sparks' voice, calm and reassuring, broke the silence. "Next stop: Year 1604, Tokyo. Arrival in approximately 10 minutes. Prepare for an extraordinary journey through time and history."
Jack's excitement surged as he stared at the display, his mind racing with thoughts of the adventures that awaited them. Sparks' chest continued to display the map, the detailed graphics and vibrant colors illuminating the path ahead, guiding them through the mysteries of time and space.
submitted by Secret-Mulberry9545 to u/Secret-Mulberry9545 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:12 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:12 revelling_ Why are people so awful? Who can you trust?

My ex had a full blown affair for many months, essentially already living with her whilst I still thought we were very much (living) together and reasonably happy. Finding out was an unbelievable shock I still don't know how to recover from. He immediately moved in with her and has blocked and ghosted me since. But today, I am not writing about my own story. I spent the weekend at a tiny little birthday festival with about 80 people, camping, dancing, generally lots of fun. However: Not only would one of my (married) friends keep on pestering me, wanting to have sex with me in his car (ew!), telling me his wife and him are trying ethical non monogamy (yeah right buddy, you better bring me a note from your wife in writing that this is true), but another friend who was there with his long term girlfriend literally slept with another girl in some tent while his girlfriend was asleep in their caravan. And now everybody knows. It's so humiliating, my heart goes out to his girlfriend.
I mean what the fuck is with people. I am so tired of this shit
submitted by revelling_ to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:10 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:10 Anxious_Abrocoma_655 A new acquaintance has latched on to me and keeps pressuring me to meet up with her

I recently met a new teammate from my soccer team to get a coffee. It had been my birthday two weeks before and she suggested the meet. There's a 12 year age gap and we'd only ever met up once before to go to the cinema. So in my mind it was purely platonic. But when I got to the cafe, she had a bunch of roses (white, at least!) for me and I was so surprised and a bit embarrassed. She's a non-national do I put it down to cultural differences.
We spent a couple of hours walking around but I really wanted to leave after an hour, it's just that she's very intense so it was hard to wrap it up. When we did go our separate ways, she was eager to set up our next meeting. The next time I saw her, which was out for drinks with a couple of others, she was very obviously complimenting me and getting very close. I was uncomfortable and tried to make sure she knew I wasn't interested.
Whenever I was leaving I'd have to keep repeating that I had to go and be practically backing away so she'd get it! But then she'd ask when I was free to meet again and fire out a load of options. I was caught off guard so I agreed to meet up for coffee again. This time, she seemed to get visibly upset when I mentioned a crush I have at soccer. She suggested we take a trip together to another part of the country and even talked about staying overnight and getting wine etc. I really tried to keep it light-hearted and not commit to anything despite the pressure I was feeling.
To make matters more complicated, she's here as a refugee and as far as I know, only has one other friend she hangs out with. Part of the reason I wanted to establish some kind of friendship was because I wanted her to have some connections and to feel less lonely, as I've experienced terrible loneliness and isolation while living abroad.
It came to a head when she asked me to meet up two days after our previous meeting. I reluctantly agreed because I was late for a game and just wanted to end the conversation. But then I texted to tell her I was sick and when I checked my phone again, she was saying she could come over and keep me company and that she would be in my area (she doesn't know my house but knows the street) in 30 mins and that she'd bought me a pastry so I "couldn't refuse the offer". It was then that I started to feel a bit weirded out by her intensity. I made it clear I didn't want to see anyone and she backed down but I feel like things are a bit out of control now. It's all just happened so fast. I haven't seen her since. She had organised a dinner and invited me but I got out of that by saying I was still sick.
We're on the same team and now I feel uncomfortable going to training and socials in case she keeps up that behaviour. I just feel a possible friendship has been ruined by her behaviour. It's kind of difficult to explain but it makes me really uncomfortable. I think she might be infatuated and has taken my willingness to meet up for a coffee now and again as something very different. We're both queer women and that makes it a bit trickier. I don't want to say it to the person who runs our team because I think that should be a last resort.
I just really don't know how to get out of this now. I didn't reply to her last message (just talking about her day) and I really hope she gets the hint.
Any advice would be really appreciated! This whole thing is making me feel anxious.
submitted by Anxious_Abrocoma_655 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:08 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:08 Hefty-Pumpkin-1626 My Chicana Sunflower

I’m writing this letter here cause I know if I text or call in real life it will lead to nothing but pain for me. My heart and my soul still belong to you in every which way. Not a day goes by where you don’t pop into my head. I tried to act strong the last time we meet but I couldn’t hold back the tears as I plead for your heart and a for a chance to work things out. But I knew where your heart was and how it couldn’t recover from all the pain that I caused but I really want you to know that I’ve changed and meant every word I said. I hope you’re doing great and I wish you the best in life. I will always be cheering for you and hoping you achieve all the dreams you talked about our long talks through the night. I’ll even shed tears wishing I could be by your side instead of hearing them from friends. I hope one day I’ll allow my self to be released from all this stress but till then I still love you and hope you reach out even though I know that will never come.
submitted by Hefty-Pumpkin-1626 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:06 Longjumping-Ad-6775 Tadaima, Okeari Episode 10 🧸Anime🍼

Where to Watch »»-----------► Crunchyroll

\I will note this has been uploaded on youtube I think unofficially by serval people if you want to do a quick search on youtube you will find it*
This is supposed to be released sometime today but I'm not sure when. I think in a couple of hours. When I have the links I will update the post.
Tadaima Okaeri is a new omegaverse anime brought to us by Studio Deen. Studio Deen has given us alot of BL such as Junjou Romantica, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Sasaki to Miyano , Super Lovers , Gravitation, Hybrid Child, and Princess Princess.

🧸 Story 🍼

Tadaima, Okaeri by ICHIKAWA Ichi is an ongoing 5-volume manga serialized by Omegaverse Project. Volume 5 will be out on 4-24. It was licensed in English but has been pulled. You can still find it on the 🏴‍☠ sites with a google search
Masaki Fujiyoshi is a stay-at-home spouse and parent. He has fought long and hard with feelings of being a burden to his loving husband, Hiromu, due to his status as an omega—a secondary gender, allowing one to give birth regardless of if they are male or female— and the difficulty they faced to achieve this domesticity. When their son, Hikari, was born, the family moved to an area better suited for raising children.Hikari is now nearing his second birthday, and he and his parents are forging meaningful bonds with those around them. These include the beta college student living next door, Yuuki, to whom Hikari has become rather attached; Hiromu's friend from work Matsuo; and the mysterious single dad seen wandering around the park.Despite their newfound domestic bliss, the family's ties to their past are in tatters. There are people they left behind to pursue the creation of their happy family, and when they begin to return, Masaki and Hiromu aren't quite sure they have good intentions. (Source: MAL\*******)*
Subbed Trailer30sec teaserTrailer with the opening theme

🧸Cast & Crew🍼





Opening ふたつのことば (Two Phrases ) by MADKID Youtube MV🎧 Spotify🎧 Apple
Ending つなぎあい( Tsunagi Ai) by 谷本貴義 (Takayoshi Tanimoto) 🎧 Youtube music🎧 Spotify🎧 Apple

🧸General Info🍼


Since this is an omegaverse here are some links for people to better understand what omegaverse is in general. Keep in mind this one is a more family-oriented anime with children so some of the more sexy aspects of knotting and rutting probably won't be focused on. I look for it to be more of the social aspects that get dealt with. If you have some good guides comment and I will add it to the post.
They are mostly geared towards the western ABO where the genre originated in but they are the same basics whether Eastern or Western.
Just for fun here are some quizzes on if you are an Alpha,Omega, or Beta from this video
submitted by Longjumping-Ad-6775 to BLJapan [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:06 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:04 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:04 yakumea Best LOTR vinyl to get as a gift?

I know the complete recordings are a fortune, but is there a LOTR vinyl that’s considered good quality to get as a gift for my friend who loves vinyl records? I don’t know anything about vinyl but our friend group all loves LOTR and her birthday is coming up.
submitted by yakumea to lordoftherings [link] [comments]
