3 guys 1 hammer court video


2023.11.15 14:16 ConfusionMountain458 3Guys1Hammer


2019.10.05 21:05 byPaz Fall Guys

The community-run and developer-supported subreddit dedicated to Fall Guys – a video game developed by Mediatonic Games which flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains. Available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. – Subreddit icon designed by Thegr8Klink

2018.06.07 20:06 Just pet the damn cat

The cat version of petthedamndog

2024.06.10 08:43 Born_Illustrator6062 Fiberglass mortar tube plugs

Fiberglass mortar tube plugs
Hi all, I recently bought over 50 of the consumer 1 3/4 fiberglass mortar tubes to convert to a rack. However, everytime I remove the black base as I’ve seen countless videos instruct the concrete plug at the bottom of the tubes seems loose. To the point I can push the plugs up or pull them out easily.
Is this normal? How do I fix this or replug if necessary? This is happening on multiple different branded and manufacturers tubes.
submitted by Born_Illustrator6062 to fireworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:38 Thoughtful_Hotshot Did I(25 M) cheat on my ex(21F) of three years relationship and one year of complicated breakup?

I(25F) was in a relationship with girl(21F), let's call her A, since 3 yrs. She used to break up lots of times and I used to handle it. But every time it tore me. She broke up April 2023 and I told her I'll move on in no time because she's making a choice to not to be with me. And she was okay with it. She confessed two days later that she had started thinking about other guy from her college so she broke up. I was emotionally betrayed I feel. That time I didn't feel anything butbi just grew cold and distant to her while she was begging me to come back.
I started talking to this other girl, let's call her C, after a couple months, just to get to know her. But never got romantic feelings for her. I decided to give my girlfriend another chance and to be honest told her about me talking to this other girl. She felt betrayed. I tried my best to clarify things but it just didn't leave her mind. She again was unsure of us and broke it off 2023 December end because:1) she wanted to start new year on another note 2)she considered a guy who flirted with her on a family trip.
She told me about the guy too but still claimed to love me. I, now unsure still decided to let it go. Then one week later we had an argument and she broke it off. She says: "I don't want a relationship with you. I am going to move on. I am sad you didn't chose the other girl over me. I would be happy if you find someone. I think I need to meet other people." Yet still hanging out with me as a friend.
This time I didn't try to repair but stay a friend. Meanwhile, since Jan, I was talking to this other girl, let's call her B, and we really really vibed. But since still having feelings for A, I decided not to act on it. I tried mending things with A, but I only got told "move on" "you're hanging by a thread" "you you cheater(w.r.t C)" and downloaded bumble to tell me that she has far gone. Still I decided to be friends. I was asking her if wants to try again and I didn't get any clarity. But then one day we got into an argument and she disrespected me and accused and abused me till the point of no return.
I decided to move on from something that wasn't even a relationship, So I got romantically involved B. We made out shortly within a week after that argument with my ex. In my head, I came back after being emotionally betrayed, I can back after being treated as an option (twice) and I am asking for a surity, for a commitment after she breaks up, and I can't move on?
Me and A had decided to meetup on the weekend for work related purposes. And I was going to come clean to her that I was seeing someone else. But before I could talk she saw my hickey and broke down. She said she was committed in mind, and wanted to apologise on this meet, but I betrayed her and cheated on her.
I felt shattered to look at how hurt she was. But where was she when I was crying last April for her to stay. When I was the one who gave us a chance after getting treated as an option, twice. Where was she whole Jan 2024 when in that friend phase also she couldn't prioritise our relationship over her feelings. And when I decided to move on from something that isn't a relationship...Did I cheat? Need honest opinion so could improve myself.
TLDR: Me and my ex broke up in last April. She started considering other guy, but never got into relationship with him after breakup. I decided to give chance in November, after talking to another girl in that breakup. She felt betrayed and was unsure of the second chance. She broke up again in December end. I waited for a month(complete Jan) for her to rethink. She had made clear we weren't going to be anything but we kept hanging out as friends, as I was her only one. We had a big fight and it had gone beyond repair so I decided to move on with someone else who I had gotten familiar with since Jan. She felt betrayed and cheated. Did I cheat?
submitted by Thoughtful_Hotshot to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:33 BigSmasher20 Ok for real the definitive way to complete fourth encounter. Like trust me

Ok, so me and my friends just got closer and closer to perfection and we got it. The patterns here are recognizable and easy once you have it down and we found some seriously important stuff.
First of all let me make sure we're on the same page:
Triangle + triangle = Pyramid
Square + square = Cube
Circle + circle = Sphere
Triangle + square = Prism
Square + circle = Cylinder
Triangle + circle = Cone
Ok, now that we got that out of the way. the most important thing we learned was that the outside 3D shapes MATCH the starting 2 symbols each room has. What this means is the solution for the OUTSIDE is the SAME as the INSIDE. So how do you complete it?
You start with inside calling, for example, from left to right, on the INSIDE statues, Triangle (t), Square (s), and Circle (c), so t s c. It's best to type this in chat every time. Now after this call outside is going to call EVERYTHING to inside. So with t s c let's say left is cone OUTSIDE, that means on left INSIDE room the shapes flashing on the wall will be triangle and circle and those will be what the 2 knights drop INSIDE. That is where the mirror allegory we realized comes in.
Realize first that "sending square to triangle" on the inside means picking up a square and putting it in the statue with the triangle. So let's say the calls are t s c inside and from left to right we have cone cube cone outside. Outside will tell square holder to send a square to triangle holder and triangle holder will send a triangle to square holder and while outside says THAT CALL they can move the symbols at the SAME time, virtually calling out what you're ALREADY doing outside. Then outside will call for square holder to send a square to circle holder and circle holder will send a circle to square (mid) ofc while outside does the same thing with their statues.
Now realize that scenario is most common at 3/4 chance where 1 side has 2 of the same symbol and the other 2 sides have the same 3D shape/2 other 2D shapes. so ignoring left right and middle placement:
  1. Cube, cone, cone
  2. Pyramid, cylinder, cylinder
  3. Sphere, prism, prism
Those 3 have the same solution of the odd one out interacting twice on inside and being interacted with as a statue twice outside and the other 2 inside/outside statues are interacted with once. The one being interacted with twice is the double up (Cube, Pyramid, Sphere) The fourth possibility is;
  1. Cone, Prism, Cylinder
This one is a little harder to grasp, there's a lot of optimal solutions (2 swaps, same as last). Let's say inside statues are t s c and outside is cone, prism, cylinder. Have triangle holder send a triangle to square holder and square holder send a square to triangle, while outside does the same swap (mirror, remember). Now left/triangle is done and should be a cylinder outside. Now have square holder send a triangle (they have 2 right now) to circle holder and have circle holder send a circle to square holder which outside does at the same time.
The real gamer moment of this strat is that after the initial inside calls inside only has to listen to middle and because there is only 4 buffs being picked up and dumped inside (2 swaps) the witness will kill inside at the SAME TIME as they finish, when they respawn they only need to kill the 2 knight and walk out.
I really hope I explained thsi well and I bet some videos have explained it this way but I haven't seen any posts here realizing this much about the encounter. The previous method of matching your 2 inside symbols to your statue and then sends 1 to each side is fine and easier as the inside only has to worry about their symbols but having 1 person call out and only needing to kill 2 knights and it ending on the psedo-half-wipe is definitely how the encounter was intended to be played. This is the best encounter Bungie has ever created and I'm so happy I grasp it so well now
submitted by BigSmasher20 to raidsecrets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:33 inilashremot How did I ever find the most green flag guy?

I have not had a non-violent father-daughter bond while growing up. Mom was also pretty absent due to her schizophrenia. Nevertheless, I love them both and they made their own great journey to becoming better people over time!
But fast forward to four years ago, I hadn't had a single male role model who had shown me what to look for in my future partner. I have always had my head in the clouds and I like to question everything in the universe to the extent that whoever approached me to date I even questioned my own self over it. "how ca i reject someone without knowing them?" "what if i know nothing of the world?" and I had dated all kinds of people regardless of their looks, height, economic background and political views. I haven't changed much still.
But then came heartbreak and after 30 songs down that I wrote for someone who was leaving me, I decided to take the pinch of salt and be weary of whom I let into my life from then.
And lo behold, the greatest green flag walked right into my life. So girls, as a woman who hasn't really known what green flags are characterised by, I am gonna list some of my favs:
  1. From the very first week, he made his intentions clear. He wanted to date me. No beating around the bush, no guessing games nothing.
  2. His calm and accepting demeanour towards me when I said "I am not sure. I need a month" showed not only his confidence but his care for my comfort.
  3. Since we met in a zoom class from our college and covid delayed our campus opening, we had 2-3 months of an online scene. During this period he put in an active and daily effort to do things together, talk, and study with me too.
  4. He was always honest. When I was wrong, he didnt sugar coat it because he genuinely wanted me to grow as a person too.
  5. Fast forward to meeting in person, he was very respectful and showed up on time. this has nothing to do with green flags but I have never seen a more handsome guy :")
  6. THIS IS THE BIGGEST GREEN FLAG POINT NOW. I am very easy go lucky. go with the flow is my middle name.And I WAS ALSO AN ABSOLUTE VIRGIN. when I visited his place for the first time, it was beautiful. He decorated the place and made it so comfy. He asked me if i would like to stay over and my no boundaries ass said sure i would love to cause i was just having such a great time. At night, things got a lil sec-c and he was making moves and I was in lala land, but then he stopped suddenly, put the blanket back on me and kissed my forehead and said good night and cuddled girls I kid you not he is an angel how can someone be like this. HE THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT IS GOOD FOR ME EVEN WHEN I WASNT THINKING ABOUT IT
  7. cooks with me, cleans with me, takes care of our beautiful cats with me. never gives up no matter how ugly our fights get and has always tried.
  8. WIthing 2 months, we adopted two beautiful baby kittens from an NGO and he is so gentle and caring with them, he didnt slack on anything, he helped clean poop, piss, and was always present for them. they also love him so much.
truly a man of substance i swear maybe this is my period talking but this guy is so so wonderful.
now it has been about four years and our cat babies are so beautiful and healthy, our flat always smells great and we do have our occassional fights but he is a blessing in my life.
And because of him I have become such a better person too. I have my own toxic traits and I have worked on them actively. When I was giving up on myself he was the one who held my hand and said that he will never let me do such a thing. I can see so clearly that in his heart he always wants the best for me.
And girls! do not settle for less like I was doing when I had no idea. Look out for the signs, you'll know who is right for you!
Edited point no. 6.
submitted by inilashremot to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:33 Trappedtrea PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS FUNNY VIDEO

I think it was called like “POV your brother takes you and your friends shopping” or something like that. It might have been on YouTube shorts, and the guy was Asian.
PLEASE find this video it is so funny, the guy is so awkward and funny the entire time
submitted by Trappedtrea to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:32 PhantomAgent-1984 No challenge is showing up?

No challenge is showing up? submitted by PhantomAgent-1984 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:32 HighwayOne3012 My experience at Bangla Sahib

I know it is a little long but bear with me.
I 20(F) went to Bangla Sahib at the end of February this year along with my 2 other college friends so we were a group of 3 girls. This was the first time for me and my other two friends let's call them S and Y . We were sitting in the hall which is carpeted in the main complex. After that we decided to go near the pond . But there were a lot of workers or people it was very obvious that we were not allowed to click any pictures and they were constantly taking rounds and telling people to not take pictures. We understood the drill and we did not click any pictures we walked around the pond and sat on the opposite side of the pond which over looks the gurdwara as it was still February there was still a little bit of fog it was around 12 noon Sun was slightly coming up the rays were golden in all it looked very glorious. So my friend S is a very good artist. She was seeing this for the very first time and she wanted to draw that. We said out of the path near where there are pillars and a shed where generally a lot of people sit. The uncles who were constantly taking rounds around that area were looking at if we were trying to click pictures but we were sitting there and she was drawing we were just enjoying the view. And then this one old uncle comes he has a stick in his hand and he starts talking to us in a friendly way. For someone like me who is not used to people being this friendly random people who I don't know talking to me or to all of us being this friendly I thought this was the vibe here like it is very common and I have never been there so I don't know but I was fine with that uncle was nice. Then comes this other guy he is wearing a yellow kurta a black jacket over it and he had a black turban so typical sardar I want say. I am sorry I am wrong. He was also serving there taking rounds of the bond and then he started chatting with us he said 'school se bhag ke aaye ho kya' 'parents ko pata hai na yahan aaye Ho' then I replied han sabko pata hai. He noticed that my friend S was trying to sketch the look and he said 'isko mujhe dikha kar Jana main check karunga' my friend is very socially awkward does not like to talk to people so after around 30 minutes she says let's go and we are joking ki unko check to kara le and everything and then we are going the other way nearby entrance of the main complex and he saw him walking by the pond and he is looking at us smiling and you know just as being friends were teasing 'ki check kara le'. Then he did this facial expression about 'kya hua check karao' my friend Y said she is self conscious. We were leaving at around 1:30 and we saw this same guy was also leaving he walking to the metro station we were laughing still joking about it and first he was walking behind us then he was walking in front of us and he was constantly looking over his back as if he thought we were following him and when we were about to cross the road he met someone he might he also he was shaking his hand and we walked past him as soon as he crossed him he left his hand and started walking behind us so I thought that he is also going to the metro station then we reached metro station and we let this man move past us and he was at the place where you put in your bags for checking in the machine cor whatever and he was looking behind him like waiting for us. S has to take samay Pur badali and we take millennium City centre. This man was near samaypur side my friend S got scared and she left 2 metros then she gathered courage and said I am going to take the next metro she took it but that man didn't. We were still waiting for our metro I think we left about 5 to 6 metros. And that guy was there till we left the station. This whole experience was very scary.
submitted by HighwayOne3012 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:31 Fearadhach [OC] Meet the New Boss (PRVerse B2 C3.1)

(stay tuned after the show for an important announcement!)
(Prev) wiki
Chapter 3 : Meet the New Boss
The next morning Julia slept in. She hadn’t intended to, had even set an alarm and woke up to it. However, she hadn’t even managed to sit up before her comms beeped and Jake’s ID popped up. She thumbed the blasted thing on, but set it to no video. Jake’s face appeared, and amused look on his face. “This is an automated message with an official order from the First Ambassador, set to send at whatever unholy hour you decided to set your alarm for: Go Back To Sleep. And, before you start complaining about me monkeying with the system, it is a standard function of the Council Messaging system to set alerts for things like ‘after morning alarms’ or ‘at first daily login.’ If you know where to find the settings.”
He flashed a large grin which suggested to her that those particular settings were the sort of thing that the Council had tried to get purged from the system, but had been built in far too deeply by the Xaltans, so they’d been left in place but hidden.
“Also, using these semi-defunct settings is not what I wanted to do, which was just hack into your alarm and set it to something reasonable for when our ship arrives. The new Ambassador promised to hand me my ears if I tried that, though… something about having read your profile and leaving whatever was left of me to you after she skinned my ears.” He rolled his eyes. “Still, I guess it would be considered rude, so fine. I’ll let you do it. There is a button at the bottom of this video, it will reset your alarm to give you two hours before we arrive. You are under orders to hit that button and go back to sleep. You’ve earned it.”
The hologram winked out. She considered ignoring it and getting up anyway, but her vision blurred and she decided following orders might just be a good idea for once. So, she hit the button and was asleep again before her hand hit the mattress.
As promised, the alarm woke her at the same time she got the warning of the new Ambassador’s arrival. She got herself ready for the occasion in record time, and stepped out of her suite into complete bedlam. People were running… running… every which way with intense looks on their faces. She walked at a sedate pace through the insanity, paid attention to the words, tone, and manner of the people around her, and tried to project a sense of calm. It didn’t take her long to decide that she wasn’t the only one to get the warning about the arrival late. In fact, based on the snippets I’m hearing, that message I got from Jake probably gave me better warning than anyone else.
She got to the offices section of the Embassy and finally snagged a soldier. Literally, snagged. She tried to speak to two of them and they simply rushed by her, so she grabbed the third by the arm.
Once the young man bothered to process who he was talking to, sending him off to find ‘Sarge,’ the highest ranking military person she’d been left with after the arrests, was easy enough. She then had to repeat the process with several secretaries, re-directing them to find her people with enough authority to start delegating when she gave orders.
She got to her office at the same time as Sarge; a middle-aged, unimaginative man who had weathered the Salish period by a strict adherence to the fabled ‘book’ all non-coms seemed to memorize, but could never quote from nor produce, and a complete lack of any sort of ambition at all.
These two qualities made him excellent at passing down orders and organizing his men, until something unexpected happened. One glance at his face confirmed Julia’s worst fears: the man had been trying to get his people ready ‘by the book,’ a process which would probably take days.
Jorgenson walked in moments later, looked at Sarge visibly dismissed him from her thoughts, and turned to her. “I tried Julia, I really did. However, no one wants to listen to the disgraced consultant. We got strict orders not to wake you, and…”
Julia waved a hand. “No time for recrimination, and – in my opinion, from the little bit you have let slip and what I can deduce – you have been through bloody well more than enough for anyone to expect you to do more than curl up in a corner and whimper. The fact that you have provided not just intelligible, but intelligent, information and options the last few days is more than anyone had a right to ask of you.” Good God, I’m starting to sound like Uncle Kaz and his speeches about how Humanity has a serious ‘over-using-people’ problem.
She shook her head to banish the thought and signal a change of track. “Also, we just don’t have the time. There is barely an hour and a half to get this staff ready to receive the new Ambassador, and a whole host of other replacements. I know some of who I can count on, and who will be best for certain tasks, but I don’t know all of it, nor do I have the time to even delegate everything that needs to be done.”
Jorgenson gave a curt nod, a small smile on her face.
Julia nodded back, and felt a pang of regret that the woman would be stepping down in a few hours. I can see why she got the job, there is still something in there. I do hope she is able to get back on her feet soon. She suppressed a sigh.
Sarge, how many of my stewards do you need to get your people polished and in full dress for an honor guard on time?
The haggard man looked at her with hard eyes. “All of them, ma’am, and at least two days. I will also need at least an hour to get myself into proper form.”
How to… a cool feeling of relief washed through her as Gunny, the man who stood just below Sarge, walked up escorted by one of her secretaries.
She turned to the newcomer, who had kept his job by being the opposite of Sarge while by being just low enough in the chain of command to – with care and creativity – keep his success attributed to Sarge and keep himself off the proverbial radar.
“Gunny, do you think you have a way to get your fellows mustered, polished, and on the field in time?”
The man stood at attention, but gave her a small half smile. “Yes Ma’am.”
“Good. Sarge, you said you believe it will take you most of the time remaining to get yourself ready. Very well. Your orders are to delegate, in no more than one sentence, to Gunny here the task of preparing the rest of the troops, then you are to go and prepare yourself.”
Sarge’s face was a study, but he clearly didn’t like his orders. She watched the man’s eyes dart back and forth, as if reading that ‘book’ of in his head and seeking a way out. He finally blinked several times and looked at her. “Ma’am, with all due…”
She cut him off. “That is an order, Sargent. You may, if you feel the order is in some way improper our out-of-line I will be happy to provide you the order in writing and you can file a grievance. Later. For now, I have given you your orders, and expect them to be followed.” I hate doing that sort of thing, but... no, no buts. I just wish I could duck out for an extra shower.
The man’s face took on a rebellious cast for a moment, then slid back into that mask that military types seemed to be taught. He snapped to attention, managed to give off a very aggressive-seeming salute, turned, gestured toward his subordinate, and walked away. As they walked she could hear Sarge giving Gunny the exact orders she’d given, as if the man hadn’t been standing right there.
She shook her head with a small smile and looked back over at Jorgenson, who shared her rueful expression as the woman spoke. “One of these days I’m going to find that mythical book that his type seems to have memorized and beat one of them with it.”
She chuckled. “Never work. They are required to eat it once they have it memorized.”
They both laughed, but the mirth felt forced. The moment broke, and they turned to the task at hand.
Now, back to over-using someone who should be convalescing. “So, here is my basic plan for the non-military staff: tell me which parts you can take charge of, what you can delegate, and whether I have the right people chosen for the rest of it…”
A few minutes later Jorgenson left at just shy of a jog. Project calm, and those taking orders will feel calm. Now, to that task list.
The next thing Julia knew she stood on the tarmac of the space port watching the new Ambassador’s shuttle touch down. She tried to make a mental account of what she had done between handing Sarge his orders and standing here, but had trouble pinning the memories down. A few blinks, the only movement she felt she could allow herself at this point, banished that line of thought, and she looked out across the assembled staff.
She’d managed to get the majority of the Embassy staff turned out for the occasion: After all it wasn’t every day that not just two New Ambassadors, but replacements for nearly half of the Embassy staff, arrived at once.
The ramp extended from the shuttle and two MPs, with perfect timing and placement, kicked the red carpet so that it rolled across the tarmac and kissed the edge of the ramp at the exact moment the metal hit the ground.
She stood a little straighter and lifted her chin, then turned to Sarge and nodded.
The man slapped the butt of his rifle against the ground, started his march, and called his fellow soldiers to order just as the New Ambassador appeared at the top of the ramp. The soldiers advanced as the Ambassador did, keeping perfect time with her and their steps in such exact unison that it seemed only one very loud foot hit the pavement with each step.
Her part of the duty completed, she turned her attention to a study of the Ambassador and her micro-tells. The woman stood tall, taller than most Human men in fact, and carried herself well. I have known too many women with her height who stoop or otherwise try to hide their tallness: Some to appease the men around them, others to try and avoid the jeers of their fellow women… or both. This woman doesn’t however. Julia allowed a bit of the smile she felt come out. Her eyes catch every detail as they dart around, her appearance is impeccable, but she refuses more than the most bare hints of make-up. Not even lipstick.
I still can’t figure out what she makes of our little display, of everyone being turned out at their best. There is no haughtiness there, no hint that she seems to think it is her due, but… there it is, she is pleased, but why? The woman’s eyes darted to the Sargent, barely even noticed the MPs marching to greet her, and did another sweep of the staff. A small tightness went out of the lines around the woman’s mouth, and her eyes seemed to relax a touch. Ah, there it is. The lack of notice was, indeed, a test… and it seems like we passed. Or, at the least, didn’t fail.
As promised, Announcement!
Book 1 electronic version is available for pre-order!
Since we have a number of international readers here, instead of posting a link I will say:
Go to Amazon as you normally do, and search 'Fearadach Proportional Response' This should get you to the pre-order for the electronic (Kindle) version. It is due to release Tuesday, June 18th. Currently the physical version is due to release a few days after that, due to some mis-clicks in trying to set everything up with Amazon. With luck, I will have updates about that next week.
If you wonder about the vast difference in price between electronic and print versions: That is because print-on-demand is expensive, particularly when the book is within 2 pages of the max size they will allow. (finagling the settings to get it within that page limit was part of what took so long in getting it released)
Sadly, I can not offer the book on Kindle Unlimited, because it has been posted here.... so I tried to make it as cheap as I could. I do, however, have another book on Kindle Unlimited, if you haven't read it yet... that one is a more 'normal' sized Science-Fiction book.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to have more updates next week!
submitted by Fearadhach to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:30 CatStriking7561 COSTABILE: ONE JONAS BROTHERS SONG FOR THE BC LIONS - Written by Kristina Costabile

If you’re wondering if I’m a fan of the Jonas Brothers, who were just announced as the Twisted Tea Grey Cup Halftime Show at the 111th Grey Cup, why don’t you ask my “Team Jonas” Jonas Brothers Fan Club card from 2009 or the ticket stubs from the two concerts I’ve gone to see them live at.
So, am I a fan?
You bet I am and I’m so excited to see them play at BC Place later this year.
I was thinking of ways to connect Nick, Joe and Kevin to football and the BC Lions (other than with their song Pom Poms and the accompanying video for it where they perform in what appears to be an empty football field) and what better way than naming a Jonas Brothers song for the BC Lions?
Keep in mind I’m Only Human, and When You Look Me In The Eyes, please don’t tell me these aren’t Cool. Hold On, this is going to be fun.

(Listen to the song here)
This technically isn’t a Jonas Brothers original song, but it was the most iconic song from the hit Disney movie Camp Rock (I had to watch Camp Rock 1 and 2 the night before this announcement went live just to get prepared. It’s called research, duh.).
“I just wanna play my music,” the guys sing.
You know who else wants to just play their music? The BC Lions.
In the last three years, the Lions have had the most epic kickoff performers: One Republic, LL Cool J and, this year, 50 Cent. And the year they’re hosting the 111th Grey Cup, they’ve gotten Jonas Brothers. They do like to play their music.

Full Story Here: https://www.cfl.ca/2024/06/03/costabile-one-jonas-brothers-song-for-every-cfl-team/
submitted by CatStriking7561 to BC_Lions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:27 oguzhannnx [APP] Media Hive - Easily Download Media from Social Platforms!

Hey everyone,
I'm excited to introduce my new app, Media Hive. Media Hive is a tool that makes it super easy to download audio and video content from various social media platforms. Now you can effortlessly save your favorite videos and audio files offline!

Features of Media Hive:

How to Use:

  1. Download the Media Hive app here.
  2. Open the app and paste the link of the content you want to download.
  3. Select your desired format and click 'Download'.
  4. Enjoy your offline content!
I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Please share your thoughts and ideas here. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve the app.
Give Media Hive a try and let me know what you think. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Application Link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.media.hive
submitted by oguzhannnx to apps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:27 JustNathan1_0 Interested in Macbook m3 air 16gb ram 512gb ssd

Hello, to start off I am interested in the Macbook Air M3 13" with 16GB Ram and 512GB SSD. But have a few questions.
Everything looks really nice about this laptop except the issue im a little worried about is that the display is 60hz. I have been using a 165hz display on my desktop for years now and a 144hz display on my acer nitro 5 gaming laptop. I am a little worried that the 60hz is going to drive me insane and if I'm spending this much money on a laptop I wanna be happy with it you know? Does anybody share a similar situation to me? If so, did it bother you? Did you get used to the hz? It's to my understanding the macbook pro has higher refresh rate screens but I prefer to stick with the Air and also am already stretching my budget with the Air. I mostly will just be using it for general use such as web browsing, youtube, emails, school work, etc but on a rare occasion I may play easier to run games on it such as Minecraft or Roblox with my 5 year old sibling or do 4k video editing for my drone footage (Is just recreational I like doing for fun so nothing serious and I don't need super fast export times or anything. I always have a RX 7800XT/Ryzen 7 3700x Desktop I can use if needed)
The reason I am looking to pick this up instead of just using my acer nitro 5 is theres quite a few issues I have come across with having a gaming laptop in general.
1: Battery life lasts at max like 2 hours on full power saver mode while web browsing.
2: Plastic body scratches really easily and just feels low quality and I don't trust it as much in my bag on the go. Everything is just cheap plastic that breaks easily. Infact some of the screws have broken on the bottom.
3: It's huge. I wan't a 13" M3 because I have a 15" acer nitro 5 but it's so bulky and I just want something small to be able to take with me places easily and not worry about it. Not too mention how much attention it draws in public being a gaming laptop.
4: The screen is not that amazing. Theres a dead pixel on the screen that appeared one day (only really visible on a black screen but still). Brightness sucks especially outdoors. If your in the sun at all the screen is basically not visible which can get annoying if I'm sitting outdoors. In the end its also only a 1080p screen which at 15" doesn't look terrific by any means and would be nice to have a higher resolution for when I'm watching movies/youtube.
5: Last but not least, Constant overheating. Like I mean I will get both fans at 3-4k rpm and have my CPU sitting at 90 degrees celcius while simply web browsing and watching youtube and the entire laptop will literally burn your legs if on your lap. This alone makes the experience of sitting and watching youtube in bed unbearable since regardless the fans are spinning so loud or your legs are burning or both.
I'm also going to college in a little over a year so I need a laptop that will be reliable and I figured it's probably easier to spend the money on it now vs when I'm in college and have dozens of other debts and expenses to worry about while right now I have a job and my only real financial responsibility is my car.
Anyways I kinda got off topic. The main questions I have are if the 60hz display is going to drive me insane coming from 165hz on my desktop and 144hz on my laptop and secondly will this laptop be worth the I don't wanna say upgrade but more sidegrade since it's for a different purpose and my acer nitro 5 would be more just used if I wanna do gaming when I'm not home (On vacation or bringing to a friends house).
submitted by JustNathan1_0 to macbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:26 Megistrus Full Card Announced for New Japan Soul Night 1

This show is set for June 16, one day after the All Together Sapporo show. Full card:
  1. Young Lion Debut Match- Masatora Yasuda vs Daiki Nagai. Yasuda was born in Mexico and is Mexican/Japanese. He's apparently the son of the luchador Zumbido.
  2. Katsuya Murashima, Shoma Kato, Tomoaki Honma, Tomohiro Ishii & Satoshi Kojima vs United Empire (Callum Newman, Francesco Akira, Great-O-Khan, Jeff Cobb & TJP)
  3. Just Five Guys (DOUKI & Taichi) vs HOUSE OF TORTURE (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Ren Narita)
  4. YOSHI-HASHI, Hirooki Goto & Shota Umino vs HOUSE OF TORTURE (Dick Togo, Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL)
  5. Los Ingobernables De Japon (Titan & Tetsuya Naito) vs Just Five Guys (TAKA Michinoku & Yuya Uemura)
  6. NEVER Openweight 6 man Tag Team Championships: Boltin Oleg, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Toru Yano vs Los Ingobernables De Japon (Yota Tsuji, BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi)
  7. IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships- TMDK (Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita) vs BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Drilla Moloney & Clark Connors)
  8. NEVER Openweight Championship- HENARE vs Shingo Takagi
  9. IWGP Global Championship- SANADA vs David Finlay
  10. IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Steel Cage Match- SHO vs El Desperado
This is unironically a much better card on paper than Dominion.
submitted by Megistrus to njpw [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:25 Fun-Association6420 Please roast my resume, been two months have got only 5 interviews and everyday +10 job applications (probable total +300) via online and offline.

submitted by Fun-Association6420 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:25 Express_Tea6056 POV: from Broke to Boss - Hilarious Tips You Need To Know

Hey, Money Squad! It's Money Psyche here, and I'm thrilled to have you back for another exciting episode. TODAY! we're diving deep into a topic that often gets a bad rap for being a bit... well, yawn-inducing: ‘’BUDGETING’’ But fear not! because we're about to turn budgeting into the most entertaining party you've ever attended!!!
Now, I know what you're thinking - budgeting and fun don't usually go hand in hand, but we're about to change that perception. Why? Because managing money should be as enjoyable as finding money in your pocket you didn't know you had!
So, grab your favorite snack, get comfy, and let's embark on this laughter-filled journey through the basics of budgeting. But first, if you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell so you never miss out on our financial adventures. Alright, let's kick things off with the fundamental question: Why budget at all? Well, it's like having a roadmap for your financial journey. It helps you stay on track, avoid detours, and reach your money goals with a smile on your face.
Now, let me share a personal story of a budgeting blunder that turned into a comedy of errors. Trust me, we've all been there, and I'm here to prove that budgeting mishaps can be hilarious in hindsight.
Picture this: it's a typical Saturday morning, you're feeling like a financial superhero armed with your budgeting spreadsheet, ready to conquer the month. But then, life throws you a curveball. You decide to treat yourself to a fancy coffee at the trendiest café in town – a small indulgence, right? Well, turns out, they were having a 'buy one, get one free' special, and who can resist a free coffee? So, naturally, you end up with two artisanal lattes instead of one.
As you sip your overpriced concoction, you glance at your budget app and realize you've blown a hole in your 'caffeine fix' category for the month. Panic sets in, but fear not – our hero, you, decides to reallocate funds from the 'entertainment' category because, let's face it, sipping on this coffee is pure entertainment. Fast forward to the end of the month, and you're left wondering why you couldn't afford that movie night you had planned. Little did you know, your budgeting superhero alter ego had sacrificed cinema for an unexpected caffeine fiesta.
The moral of the story? Budgeting is like navigating a comedy of errors – unexpected plot twists, a few laughs, and the occasional sacrifice for the greater good of financial stability.
Now, let's learn from my caffeinated caper and dive into some practical tips on how to avoid budgeting pitfalls and make the process more enjoyable. Trust me, after today, you'll be able to face any budgeting blunder with a smile and a plan.
So, grab your cape, or coffee mug in this case, and let's continue our laughter-filled journey through the basics of budgeting! ☕💸"Isn't it liberating to know we can laugh about our money missteps? It's all part of the journey, and today, we're going to explore some practical tips and tricks to make budgeting stress-free and, dare I say it, enjoyable.
Stay tuned as we break down the budgeting process into bite-sized, digestible nuggets that even your grandma would find amusing. From categorizing expenses to setting realistic goals, we're going to cover it all. Before we dive in, let me know in the comments your biggest budgeting challenge. Are you team 'I can't stick to a budget' or team 'What's a budget?' We're here to help, and who knows, your comment might just be featured in our next video.
Alright, grab your notepads, get ready to jot down some budgeting wisdom, and let's laugh our way through the basics of budgeting together. It's going to be a wild ride, so let's get started!
Now that we've had a good laugh at my caffeinated caper, let's break down the budgeting process step-by-step, making sure it's as enjoyable and stress-free as possible.

Step 1: Set Clear Financial Goals
First things first, we need to set some clear financial goals. Think of these as your destination on the financial roadmap. Whether it's saving for a vacation, paying off debt, or building an emergency fund, having a goal makes the budgeting process more exciting. Write down your goals and keep them somewhere visible to stay motivated.
Step 2: Track Your Income and Expenses
Next, let's track your income and expenses. I know, I know – this part sounds about as fun as watching paint dry. But here’s where we spice things up. Use colorful charts, fun apps, or even gamify the process. There are fantastic budgeting apps out there that turn expense tracking into a game, making it much more engaging.
Step 3: Categorize Your Spending
Now, let’s categorize your spending. Create categories that fit your lifestyle – essentials like rent and groceries, and fun stuff like dining out and entertainment. Remember to include a ‘fun money’ category. This is your guilt-free spending zone where you can enjoy those lattes without blowing your budget.
Step 4: Set Spending Limits
With your categories in place, it’s time to set spending limits. Here’s a fun tip: think of this as creating a reality TV show challenge. Each category is a contestant, and your goal is to make sure no contestant goes over their allotted budget. If they do, they get ‘voted off’ the island for the month. Keeping it competitive makes it more fun!
Step 5: Monitor and Adjust
As the month progresses, keep an eye on your spending. This is where our earlier coffee shop story comes in handy. If you notice you’re overspending in one category, adjust your budget accordingly. It’s all about flexibility and making sure your budget reflects real life – with all its unexpected plot twists.
Step 6: Celebrate Your Wins
Finally, and most importantly, celebrate your wins! Did you stick to your budget this month? Treat yourself to something small and enjoyable. Achieving your financial goals deserves recognition, so don’t skip this step. Celebrating keeps you motivated and makes budgeting a positive experience.
Alright, Money Squad, that’s a wrap on our laughter-filled journey through budgeting basics. Remember, budgeting doesn’t have to be boring. With the right mindset and a few fun twists, you can make managing your money an engaging and rewarding experience. Before we go, let me know in the comments what your biggest budgeting win has been so far. And if you enjoyed today’s video, don’t forget to hit that like button, share it with your friends, and subscribe for more entertaining financial tips.
Stay tuned for more fun and insightful content right here. Until next time, keep laughing, keep learning, and keep thriving financially. See you soon, Money Squad!
submitted by Express_Tea6056 to u/Express_Tea6056 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:24 TheLotStore The Best Kept Secrets: Dirt Cheap Land for Sale Listings Revealed

The Best Kept Secrets: Dirt Cheap Land for Sale Listings Revealed
The Best Kept Secrets: Dirt Cheap Land for Sale Listings Revealed
The Greatest Confidential Information: Dirt Inexpensive Land for Sale Listings ExposedAre you looking to buy land but encountering soaring prices? It can be aggravating trying to find a cost-effective plot of land to construct your ideal residence, begin a farm, or invest in for the future. Nonetheless, there are still undisclosed treasures out there that are not widely publicized and can be bought for a fraction of the cost of more preferred locations. In this write-up, we will reveal some of the greatest confidential information for locating dirt cheap land for sale listings, aiding you to ultimately realize your dream.Understanding the MarketplacePrior to delving into the realm of dirt cheap land for sale listings, it's crucial to comprehend the current land market and why certain properties may be priced lower than others. There are various elements that can contribute to a piece of land being sold at a lower price, including location, accessibility, development potential, and market demand.Location plays a considerable role in land pricing. Urban and suburban areas typically possess higher land prices due to their proximity to facilities, services, and job opportunities. In contrast, rural and distant areas frequently have lower land prices, as they may lack access to services and infrastructure. Nevertheless, these rural areas can offer unique opportunities for individuals looking to reside off the grid, start a homestead, or simply relish the peace and tranquility of nature.Accessibility is another critical factor in land pricing. Land that is readily accessible via roads, utilities, and nearby facilities tends to be more expensive than land that is challenging to access. Properties with restricted access may necessitate additional investment in infrastructure, which can decrease their initial sale price.Development potential also influences land pricing. Land that is zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial development typically commands higher prices owing to its potential for future use. Conversely, land that is restricted by zoning regulations may be priced lower as it has limited development potential.Market demand is the final factor that impacts land pricing. Popular areas with high demand for land may have inflated prices, while less sought-after areas may offer more affordable options. Understanding these market dynamics can help you identify opportunities for finding dirt cheap land for sale listings.Where to Discover Dirt Low-Cost Land for Sale ListingsGiven that we have a better understanding of the land market, let's explore some of the best sources for discovering dirt cheap land for sale listings.1. Government Land SalesOne of the top secret methods for discovering dirt cheap land for sale listings is through government land sales. Federal, state, and local governments often sell off surplus land, foreclosed properties, or unclaimed land parcels at public auctions or through online listings.These government land sales can be an outstanding source for finding inexpensive land, as they usually offer properties at below-market prices to expedite their sale. Additionally, government-owned land may come with fewer restrictions and regulations, making it easier to purchase and develop.To access government land sales, visit the websites of federal and state land management agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or state land departments. These agencies regularly list land for sale, including remote, rural, and undeveloped properties that can be purchased at a fraction of the cost of privately owned land.2. Real Estate AuctionsAnother concealed source for dirt cheap land for sale listings is real estate auctions. Auctions can be a remarkable way to secure a property at a reduced price, as they often attract motivated sellers and investors looking to unload properties quickly.There are several types of real estate auctions to consider, including live auctions, online auctions, and sheriff's sales. Live auctions are held in person and allow bidders to compete for properties in a public setting. Alternatively, online auctions provide a digital platform for bidding on properties from the comfort of your own home. Sheriff's sales are auctions of foreclosed properties initiated by court orders, which can offer steep discounts compared to traditional sales.To locate real estate auctions in your area, search online auction websites, local auction houses, or contact real estate agents who specialize in auction sales. Keep in mind that auction properties may require additional due diligence, as they are often sold "as-is" and may have liens or issues that need to be addressed.3. Land for Sale by OwnerFor those seeking dirt cheap land for sale listings, exploring properties sold directly by owners can offer unique opportunities. When land is sold by owner, it can bypass the traditional real estate market and associated fees, allowing for more flexible pricing and negotiation.You can find for sale by owner listings through online classified websites, social media platforms, and local advertising. By reaching out directly to landowners, you may be able to negotiate a deal that works for both parties, potentially securing a great deal on a piece of land that meets your needs and budget.4. Rural Land CompaniesRural Land Companies specialize in selling undeveloped, rural, or remote properties and can be a valuable resource for finding dirt cheap land for sale listings. These companies often acquire large tracts of land and subdivide them into smaller parcels, offering affordable options for buyers looking to invest in rural land.In addition to traditional real estate companies, there are specialized rural land companies that focus exclusively on rural and recreational properties. These companies typically have extensive knowledge of rural land markets and can help you find affordable land options that meet your specific criteria.To find rural land companies, search online for companies that specialize in rural land sales or contact local real estate agents who have experience in rural and remote property transactions.Key Considerations for Purchasing Dirt Low-Cost LandWhile discovering dirt cheap land for sale listings can be an exhilarating opportunity, it's important to approach the purchasing process with caution and due diligence. Before making a purchase, consider the following key factors to ensure that the land meets your needs and expectations:1. Location and AccessibilityEvaluate the location and accessibility of the land to determine if it aligns with your intended use. Consider factors such as proximity to amenities, access to roads, availability of utilities, and any potential challenges related to location and accessibility.2. Zoning and Land Use RegulationsResearch the zoning and land use regulations for the property to understand its development potential. Determine if the land is zoned for your intended use, such as residential, agricultural, recreational, or commercialpurposes, and be mindful of any limitations or regulations that may impact your intentions.3. Environmental and Physical ConsiderationsUndertake a comprehensive evaluation of the land's environmental and physical attributes, encompassing soil quality, topography, natural characteristics, and potential environmental risks. Consider enlisting the services of a professional land surveyor or environmental advisor to furnish an impartial assessment of the property.4. Title and OwnershipValidate the property's title and ownership to guarantee that it is devoid of liens, burdens, or legal complications. Acquire a title report from a reputable title company or attorney to authenticate the property's ownership and legal standing.5. Cost Analysis and Investment PotentialCompute the total expenses associated with acquiring the land, incorporating the purchase price, closing costs, taxes, insurance, and potential development outlays. Evaluate the investment potential of the property and ascertain if it aligns with your financial objectives and long-term plans.By thoughtfully pondering over these fundamental considerations, you can make a well-informed decision when procuring inexpensively priced land and circumvent potential obstacles that might result from impulsive or ill-informed choices.ConclusionDiscovering listings for affordably priced land for sale may appear daunting, but with the right strategy and resources, it is conceivable to unveil concealed opportunities that present cost-effective alternatives for land acquisition. By exploring government land sales, real estate auctions, listings by owners, and rural land companies, you can gain access to a wide array of affordable land options that may not be readily accessible through conventional real estate channels.When contemplating listings for inexpensively priced land for sale, it is crucial to conduct thorough due diligence and account for pivotal elements such as location, zoning, environmental considerations, title and ownership, and investment potential. By approaching the purchasing process prudently and making well-informed decisions, you can secure a favorable deal on a piece of land that aligns with your requirements and budget.With the covert revelations of listings for affordably priced land for sale disclosed, you now possess the knowledge and tools to embark on your land acquisition journey with confidence and success. Whether you aspire to construct your dream residence, initiate a farm, or invest in rural land, there are affordable opportunities waiting to be unearthed, transforming your aspirations of land ownership into a tangible reality.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information: https://thelotstore.com/the-best-kept-secrets-dirt-cheap-land-for-sale-listings-revealed/?feed_id=14025
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:23 jatermif [15MtF] a younger person looking to make some friends on the internet and make some cool connections

Basically I’m bored, and struggle with making friends, in the wise words of a guy “something something financial support” I’ve been trying to find some people to talk to because my irl friend group is kinda just like my ex gf, her gf and her sister, so I was thinking maybe it might be time to branch out my social interaction.
I’m neuro divergent, queer in many ways, 5’10, and chronically online, if you share any of these things than feel free to message me, otherwise I may or may not come across as insane.
I like archeology, mythology, I’m super into video games and internet culture, I’m not super big into anime but I’ve seen a bit, I’m an artist, indigenous to Canada, and even university educated (partially true) I like all sorts of things, from pokemon, to niche hipster Minecraft game (don’t starve) I’m a trans woman, I like forests and pineapples, not eating pineapples but I do like pineapples.
I have 3 dogs, I’ve had many other pets, and I generally like alt and rock music, and rocks because they funny
Also Canada is my favourite flavour of country
submitted by jatermif to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:23 Strong_Quote Andrew Yu - A-Z Shopify Dropshipping Course (Download)

Andrew Yu - A-Z Shopify Dropshipping Course (Download)
Andrew Yu - A-Z Shopify Dropshipping Course

Andrew Yu - A-Z Shopify Dropshipping Course Reviews: Is it worth it?

So, you’re itching to dive into the world of dropshipping, huh? Well, hold onto your hats because I've got the inside scoop on Andrew Yu’s A-Z Shopify Dropshipping Course. Buckle up, because we’re about to take a deep dive into what makes this course stand out from the crowded dropshipping scene.

Unleash Your Inner Dropshipping Guru

Let’s cut to the chase: Andrew Yu’s course isn’t your run-of-the-mill dropshipping tutorial. Nope, it’s like a turbocharged rocket blasting you straight to dropshipping success. Forget about wading through endless hours of fluff – this course is all about results, and it delivers them fast. With over 80 videos packed to the brim with actionable insights, you’ll be launching your own dropshipping empire quicker than you can say “cha-ching!”

Phase 1: Blast Off

Ever dreamed of launching your own online store in just one day? Well, dream no more, because Andrew’s got you covered. The first phase of the course is all about efficient launching. From nailing down your product research to setting up your Facebook ads like a pro, you’ll be guided through every step of the process with laser-focused precision.

Phase 2: Optimize Like a Boss

Once your store is up and running, it’s time to kick things into high gear. Phase 2 is all about optimization, baby! From scaling past that sweet $1k mark to implementing sneaky tactics like the Abandonment Cart Flow and SMS Bump, you’ll learn how to squeeze every last drop of profit from your dropshipping venture.

Phase 3: Mastering Facebook Ads

Ah, Facebook ads – the holy grail of dropshipping success. In Phase 3, Andrew spills the beans on his top-secret Facebook ad strategies. From scaling your ads to mind-boggling figures like $50k-100k a day (yes, you read that right!), to troubleshooting when things inevitably go haywire, consider this your crash course in Facebook ad domination.

Why Choose Andrew Yu’s Course?

So, what sets Andrew’s course apart from the sea of dropshipping tutorials out there? Simple: it’s all about cutting out the fluff and getting straight to the good stuff. No useless information here – just actionable insights that you can implement right away to start seeing results.

Final Verdict

In a word: heck yeah! If you’re serious about diving headfirst into the world of dropshipping and want to skip the trial-and-error phase, then Andrew Yu’s A-Z Shopify Dropshipping Course is an absolute no-brainer. With its laser-focused approach and actionable insights, you’ll be well on your way to dropshipping success in no time. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to turn those dropshipping dreams into reality!
submitted by Strong_Quote to DioStudying [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:21 ilovenapes 240610 Current Status of Voting Polls

Hi fellow EverAfters!
Wanna vote but don't have time to grind and watch ads?
Not a problem!👌
Just participate in our Donation Drive (PayPal/GCash/BPI) and let the voting team handle the rest! 😎
However, if you do have time to spare, kindly help us with a few taps on your phone and vote! 😁
Here is a list of on-going voting polls and their current status:

❗️Top Priority Voting Polls ❗️

- Grind on these first before anywhere else.

KGMA Trend of June: Kpop Group (Monthly Voting - June):

Deadline: June 16, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
Fancast 1st - 18,970 votes 2nd - 14,618 votes
We are currently on the lead.
However, a big 10k+ drop from the opponent, just like the other day, is highly expected. They, too, have a dedicated voting team on their side. We cannot underestimate them❗️
Let's widen the gap even more!! 🔥
Feel free to share this post everywhere. We have to gather more people and encourage them to download Fancast and participate in the voting! 📢
Don't mind anyone who says we can't, because we will! Vote now and get our girls their very first trophy! 😡 🤳
Also, please collect rubies in Idol Champ app as well since they can be converted into gold hearts. ❤️ -> 💛

UPICK (Rookie Artist of June):

Deadline: June 20, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
UPICK 3rd - 2,054,120 votes 1st - 2,194,892 votes
Collect voting points, but DON'T use them yet until later today❗️
There will be a Time Attack event today from 9pm to 10pm KST. Any amount of voting points used during that time will be paid back 100% the next day. Set an alarm if needed so you won't miss out! ⏰️
We are currently on a 4-month winning streak for this award. 🔥
The first 4 months were Elisia, Gehlee, Yunha, and Seowon (in order). It's Nana's turn this month.

✌️ Other Voting Polls ✌️

- Vote here after grinding on priority polls.

idoki Female Idol (June Ranking):

Deadline: June 30, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
idoki 1st - 401,222 votes 2nd - 321,658 votes
Gehlee is still leading.
However, it's only because our opponent's votes are currently halved.
The 2nd and 3rd places are from the same group. Combining both their votes, they have actually voted more than us! 😨
They have the capability to take over once they learn how to unite! Take advantage of their mistake! Download idoki app and vote now!! 🔥
The Birthday Cafe event for Gehlee's birthday on August will only proceed if she has the highest votes among all birthday celebrants, both male and female❗️
The deadline for this reward is only until June 20. Make sure you vote consistently until then!
Let's help make Gehlee's birthday this year a very special one because she deserves it! Vote and widen the gap!! 😡🤳

Stardom Rookie Idol (Female):

Deadline: June 9, 2024 (yesterday)
In case you missed it, we won!
Because of that, we will be getting the below rewards: - A special video greeting from UNIS - An article (a big help for brand reputation) - Twitter congratulatory post - Fan event (Q&A) with UNIS 😲
Just to let you everyone know, Korean EverAfters were the ones who informed us of this voting poll. We wouldn't have won all these rewards nor even known of this app if not for them. You may have seen them in the YT comments, so make sure to thank them when you see one next time. 😊
Aside from Korean EverAfter, we have also received a request for help from the Chinese EverAfters. See the next poll below for more info.👍

小红书 (Little Red Book):

Deadline: June 10, 2024 (today? 🤔)
App Name Current Target
小红书 289 likes 300 likes?
I heard we won yesterday, and now we can win more? If there's anyone who has more knowledge on this, kindly comment and give us the details so I can include it next time. 👍
Anyways, let's get familiar with this app and help our Chinese EverAfters! 😁
This one isn't a voting poll. However, our power as voters is needed! 🤳
The reward for this one is a big screen ad for Gehlee's birthday! 😲
*To get started, follow the instructions here, and like the post. 👍
Let's make UNIS known all over the world! 🔥

My1pick Chart (May) - TREND (Female):

Deadline: June 10, 2024 (today 😲)
App Name Current Place Opponent
my1pick 1st - 45% (1,753 votes) 2nd - 36% (1,415 votes)
Today is the deadline! Make sure you use all your votes and keep our lead! 💪🏻
The reward for this one is an ad in Gangnam station for 3 days! 😲
Let's win this and help UNIS get more recognition from the locals! 🔥

June Rookie Stardom:

Deadline: June 14, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
PODOAL 2nd - 92,240 votes 1st - 105,660 votes
To be honest, the rewards for this one don't really have that much worth.
We have to be smart on where we should put our time and effort into.
I would advise utilizing your energy and dedication on the above polls instead.
However, if you have extra voting points you haven't used yet, then you can just vote here before they expire. 👍

THEKKING July Anniversary Ranking:

Deadline: June 19, 2024
App Name Current Place Opponent
THEKKING 5th - 650 votes 1st - 6,714 votes
The reward for this is a 15-day subway ad! 😲
I think we have a chance here since the deadline is still far. So, vote here after grinding on UPICK and Fancast! 💪🏻
I made a quick guide on how to collect voting points in this app for those who are interested. 😁
Did I miss something?
If yes, please mention them in the comments so I can include them on my next update 👍. Thanks!
submitted by ilovenapes to unis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:20 mitey2 Marshil Külen-German OC

Marshil Külen is living in 2017
Marshil Külen 'The Slaughterer' 'The Star of Germany'
Age: 25
Description: 6 foot 2 inches (188cm), broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Long gold hair and heterochromic eyes (aiku eyes) with one yellow eye and one green eye.
Club Career: FC Berlin (2005-2006) FC Munich (2006-2009)
Berserk Dortmund (2009-2011) Manshine City (2011-2014) Ubers (2014-2015) Bastard Munchen (2015-N/A)
International U17 Germany U20 Germany Germany - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -
Position: Right Wing Considered one of the best right-wingers in the whole world.
Aura: Marshil Külen's aura is a fiery golden, that sways and smokes. He is followed by a golden tiger that is like his spirit animal.
Stats: 97 (S) Dribbling: 97 (S) Pace: 99 (S) Passing: 96 (S) Offense: 98 (S) Defense: 97 (S) Shooting: 98 (S) Accuracy: 99 (S)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FC Berlin to FC Munich: 70.000.000 Euros
FC Munich to Berserk Dortmund: 162.000.000 Euros
Berserk Dortmund to Manshine City: 188.000.000 Euros
Manshine City to Ubers: 213.000.000 Euros
Ubers to Bastard Munchen: 222.000.000 Euros
FC Berlin: 700.000 Euros per year
FC Munich: 20.000.000 Euros per year
Berserk Dortmund: 90.000.000 Euros per year
Manshine City: 150,000.000 Euros per year
Ubers: 250.000.000 Euros per year
Bastard Munchen: 303.000.000 Euros per year.
- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -


Marshil Külen was born on Feburary 14th 1992. He got into Football at the age of 6, as he watched a young 11 year old play in a match. This 11 year old boy's name was Noel Noa. Marshil Külen wanted to become better than this 11 year old. So he trained incredibly hard, to the best of his abilities and joined the local team.
Passau City FC, not as a professional team. He adopted the position of Central-Attacking-Midfielder and played it amazingly. He was dubbed the best youth CAM in Germany at the age of 12. However then he played a match that would change his live. Passau City FC vs Dresden Town.
In the match he was constantly matched up against a person that kept putting him down. This person humbled him. Before the match, Passau had been undefeated due to Marshil continuing to score tons of goals, with an average of 3 goals per match. But this match, the final score was 9-0 to Dresden. Marshil gave up the CAM position and became a Right-Wing, the position the 11 year old was playing when Külen was 6.
Külen signed his first contract at the age 13 for FC Berlin. Külen competed in the DFB Pokal Cup and won with an astounding, final goal counter of 19 goals, which is a goal average of 3.1 goals per game. Külen competed in the next DFB Pokal Cup and place second to FC Munich with a full-time score of 1-0. (Now it's time for the dates and specific times)
March 2nd 2006-Külen was selected to play for the Under 17s Germany team for the upcoming world cup. Külen trained intensely, a lot happened in the time between March 2 and the beginning of the world cup. Like for example, just before the world cup, May 29 2006, Külen left FC Berlin.
June 2nd 2006-Külen competed in the Under 17s World Cup. (My World Cups that I created don't have group stages, so just like, deal. Or I don't have the group stages written down, they happened)

U17 World Cup

After performing well in the group stages as a substitute, Külen was put as a starter for the team in the first match against Belgium and Külen shocked the world with his hattrick against Belgium (3-0). But another was opposing him, Gaan Winter, a player for Netherlands also scored a hattrick against France (3-2)
In the Quarter-Finals, Germany was playing against Italy and won, but Külen didn't play as well as he did last game, only scoring a goal and getting an assist. (2-1) In the Semi-Finals, Germany was versing England, who had been playing mediocre as of the moment. And unsatisfied with his previous performance. Külen scored the first goal, then an assist and scored 2 goals to follow that up. Külen was about to score a hattrick but the whistle was blown before he could do so. In short, Germany thrashed England (4-1)
He had arrived at the finals, against the Netherlands. Winter v Gaan. At half-time the score was 1-0 to Netherlands. However then a guy named Meyer, a left-wing scored the equalizer at 50 minutes. The clock was running down and in injury time, on the 99th minute, the final minute of the game, Külen scored the winning goal. Bringing the score to 2-1.
Germany had the won the world cup. MVP: Marshil Külen: 8 Goals. Runner-Up: Gaan Winter: 7 Goals
After the world cup, Külen joined Munich FC, wherer he won the DFB Pokal Cup for the 2nd time, this time however for Munich FC. The only two things he disliked about the team, where that he was required to play as an SS (Second Striker) instead of a RW (Right-Wing). And that the coach was incredibly obnoxious and annoying.
In November 2008, Külen received an offer from Germany's second best team, Berserk Dortmund. In the January of 2009, Külen joined for the price of 162 Million Euros. He won the Deustch Cup for the first time (I just came up with smth random) And was then chosen to play in the Under 20's world cup.

U20 World Cup

Round of 16: Brazil vs England (3-1) Portugal vs Colombia (0-1) Italy vs Argentina (0-2) Denmark vs Argentina (1-3) South Korea vs Spain (0-4) France vs Sweden (3-1) Netherlands vs Belgium (2-4) Germany vs Mexico The match began with Mexico scoring the first goal however, at this moment, Külen was playing as a Midfielder. He swapped to Right Wing and went on a rampage scoring a double hattrick, six goals in a row. Crowning Külen MVP of the match.
In the Quarter finals, Germany matched up against Argentina, where Külen just barely slithered a goal at the end of the first half, ending the match 2-1. In the semi-finals, Germany vs France was big talk, two of the best teams in the world, facing off against each other. But it was light work for Külen, scoring a hattrick and getting an assist, (4-2) Finals time, Brazil has been competing incredibly well recently, winning (3-1), (2-0), (2-0) and now (?-?) However the match ended as expected, with Külen scoring a hattrick, ending the game (2-3) In total, Külen racked up 13 goals in 4 games.
After that, Külen met Noel Noa, best player in the world, Külen revealed his motivation was seeing Noa play when he was younger. Noa suggested that Külen play for the best english team at that moment, Manshine City.
So Külen transfered there for 188 Million Euros. He won a premier league in 2011, won another in 2012 and then you guessed it, won again in 2013.
On Februrary 14th 2014, Külen's 22nd birthday, he was announced the best European player. However, just a few days later, Noel Noa began the best player in Europe and then the world.
Külen then competed in his first WORLD CUP

World Cup

I actually lost the papers for the World Cup. But I do remember that Külen wasn't performing well because he was on the same team as Noa. But then Noa tore his ligament and couldn't play. That was against Argentina. So Külen started to shine but was crushed by Italy 9-0 by a guy named Carlos da Silva, the forward on their team. Külen did background research and discovered that Da Silva played for an italian team called Ubers. So he transfered there for 213 million euros.
Külen scored his 500th goal on September 11th 2014, just after the world cup, in an opening game of Serie A. Külen won Serie A with a total of 102 points. But then Külen got bored and joined Bastard Munchen for 222 million Euros. UEFA Began and 2 days later, he scored his 750th goal. Külen won UEFA alongside his distant cousin, Michael Kaiser. Germany is then chosen to host the 2018 world cup and Külen begins training for the upcoming 2018 German WC.
Best Years with Each Team FC Berlin: 2006 FC Munich: 2007 Berserk Dortmund: 2010 Manshine City: 2014 Ubers: 2015 Bastard Munchen: 2016
Jersey Numbers FC Berlin: No. 11 Fc Munich: No. 13 Berserk Dortmund: No. 7 Manshine City: No. 12 Ubers: No. 19 Bastard Munchen: No. 2
I based Külen on myself, (The Name, Appearance, I'm really fast and pretty decent at football, not all 90 stats tho. I'm probably mid 60s. Im also a right-winger)
submitted by mitey2 to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:18 ElectricalRole5662 How To Move On Completely From The Person I Dreamed About Spending My Life With Since I Was A Kid?

How do I move on? My girlfriend(17) broke up with me(18) 2 months ago, and it was both her and my first ever relationship. I'm not so good at explaining things but bear with me. So this girl is always on my mind, since we were in elementary school, even after my parents changed my school I used to dream about meeting her someday and telling her the way I feel, and maybe even spend my life with her. So I continued to dream about her untill we met on instagram 2 years back, which about 7-8 years after I left that school. So you know, I have been waiting for this moment all my life and it actually happened, I talked to her for a week, we decided to meet, on the meeting day she hold my hand, I saw the opportunity grabbed it, proposed to her, she said yes, and we were happy, for sometime... she constantly broke up with me every 3-4 months, and came back to me every 2-3 months after we broke up, this continued for 2 years of our relationship, so now I kinda have a habit of it, since she broke up with me so many times. So when she broke up with me 2 months ago, I felt bad for a few days but I was back to normal, I was just fine doing the things I do, and maybe if she didn't texted me back I would have been completely normal now, but it wasn't the case, she texted me about 1 month ago saying she can't block me and stuff, that she misses me, I was kinda happy knowing she's coming back like she always does, but then she told me she did something very bad and doesn't know I'd feel about her after hearing, if I'd ever forgive her, she told me not even a month after she broke up with me, she went to a guy and kissed him, I was devasted, not only with the fact that she kissed a guy but also from the fact that she went to meet him about 15-20 mins far by road, because she had strict parents, she even barely came to meet me, last year we met for about only 3-4 times, in an entire year, but for that guy only 2 weeks after we broke up, she managed to go there and even stay whole day till the sun went down, and kissed him. I didn't knew what to say, she told me that the guy was manipulating her etc etc, even after that I told her that it didn't really matter to me, and that it was onlly a mistake, girls was emotional being, she recently broke up, the guy took the chance manipulated her etc etc, I told her I loved her, and I forgive her, and I'd like to patch up with her, but she told me that she doesn't want to patch up as she's not sure about us till now, after 2 years! I forgot to mention but every single time she broke up with me, she told me she didn't really loved me, and it was all out of feeling pity for me, that it was nothing but empathy. So yeah, she still isn't sure how she really feels about me, she said since she's not sure and her entrance exams are coming up next year, she don't want to patch up, I said okay I'll wait for you till your exams are over, then we can be together again, but she said don't keep hopes as she's not sure, and that it's a 50/50 chance that either she'll patch up things or not, I still told her that if there's a chance of us being together I'll take it, I asked her to atleast stay away from that guy and any other guys, or my wait for her will be in vain. She agreed to that and promised to stay away from other guys and focus on her studies, and told me not to text her untill next year. Since that night of our chat we didn't talked, only her to text me yesterday night, that one of her friends told her that last year while we were in a relationship I was dating another girl and was cheating on her, which is a complete lie, idk why but all of her friends hate me for some reason, and I have never met or talked to any of her friends, before also multiple times her friends told her things about me, which was a complete bullshit, yet she believed her friends. I couldn't tolerate anymore, first she always breaks up with me only to come back to me when I'm almost done with moving on from her, then whenever she breaks up with me she tells me that she did all that because she felt pity for me, she even forgot our anniversary this year, when I sent her a reel related to our anniversary she wished me happy anniversary while it still had 2 weeks to come, she made excuses and didn't came for our anniversary, she broke up with me the day after our anniversary this year, then she told me she kissed a guy, i don't know why she thought I needed to hear that, she told me to wait for a year, but also said if her feelings changed she'll leave me, then this, believing the bullshit she was told to by her friends, when she knows that her friends did it before too and that tyhey hated me. I was done with this bullshit, my mind broke and idk what awful things I told her, I never raised my voice on her, but that time I called her so many things, I kinda feel bad for that, but I was in so much anger. I just want to move on from her and start fresh, but it hurts even more now, knowing the last time we talked I called her so many things. It's not like before that she just left me, she left me, and told me she kissed a guy, then told me to wait while saying don't keep hopes, and accusing me of cheating on her last year, I called her names. What do I do?
submitted by ElectricalRole5662 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:17 ElectricalRole5662 How To Move On Completely From The Person I Dreamed About Spending My Life With Since I Was A Kid?

How do I move on? My girlfriend(17) broke up with me(18) 2 months ago, and it was both her and my first ever relationship. I'm not so good at explaining things but bear with me. So this girl is always on my mind, since we were in elementary school, even after my parents changed my school I used to dream about meeting her someday and telling her the way I feel, and maybe even spend my life with her. So I continued to dream about her untill we met on instagram 2 years back, which about 7-8 years after I left that school. So you know, I have been waiting for this moment all my life and it actually happened, I talked to her for a week, we decided to meet, on the meeting day she hold my hand, I saw the opportunity grabbed it, proposed to her, she said yes, and we were happy, for sometime... she constantly broke up with me every 3-4 months, and came back to me every 2-3 months after we broke up, this continued for 2 years of our relationship, so now I kinda have a habit of it, since she broke up with me so many times. So when she broke up with me 2 months ago, I felt bad for a few days but I was back to normal, I was just fine doing the things I do, and maybe if she didn't texted me back I would have been completely normal now, but it wasn't the case, she texted me about 1 month ago saying she can't block me and stuff, that she misses me, I was kinda happy knowing she's coming back like she always does, but then she told me she did something very bad and doesn't know I'd feel about her after hearing, if I'd ever forgive her, she told me not even a month after she broke up with me, she went to a guy and kissed him, I was devasted, not only with the fact that she kissed a guy but also from the fact that she went to meet him about 15-20 mins far by road, because she had strict parents, she even barely came to meet me, last year we met for about only 3-4 times, in an entire year, but for that guy only 2 weeks after we broke up, she managed to go there and even stay whole day till the sun went down, and kissed him. I didn't knew what to say, she told me that the guy was manipulating her etc etc, even after that I told her that it didn't really matter to me, and that it was onlly a mistake, girls was emotional being, she recently broke up, the guy took the chance manipulated her etc etc, I told her I loved her, and I forgive her, and I'd like to patch up with her, but she told me that she doesn't want to patch up as she's not sure about us till now, after 2 years! I forgot to mention but every single time she broke up with me, she told me she didn't really loved me, and it was all out of feeling pity for me, that it was nothing but empathy. So yeah, she still isn't sure how she really feels about me, she said since she's not sure and her entrance exams are coming up next year, she don't want to patch up, I said okay I'll wait for you till your exams are over, then we can be together again, but she said don't keep hopes as she's not sure, and that it's a 50/50 chance that either she'll patch up things or not, I still told her that if there's a chance of us being together I'll take it, I asked her to atleast stay away from that guy and any other guys, or my wait for her will be in vain. She agreed to that and promised to stay away from other guys and focus on her studies, and told me not to text her untill next year. Since that night of our chat we didn't talked, only her to text me yesterday night, that one of her friends told her that last year while we were in a relationship I was dating another girl and was cheating on her, which is a complete lie, idk why but all of her friends hate me for some reason, and I have never met or talked to any of her friends, before also multiple times her friends told her things about me, which was a complete bullshit, yet she believed her friends. I couldn't tolerate anymore, first she always breaks up with me only to come back to me when I'm almost done with moving on from her, then whenever she breaks up with me she tells me that she did all that because she felt pity for me, she even forgot our anniversary this year, when I sent her a reel related to our anniversary she wished me happy anniversary while it still had 2 weeks to come, she made excuses and didn't came for our anniversary, she broke up with me the day after our anniversary this year, then she told me she kissed a guy, i don't know why she thought I needed to hear that, she told me to wait for a year, but also said if her feelings changed she'll leave me, then this, believing the bullshit she was told to by her friends, when she knows that her friends did it before too and that tyhey hated me. I was done with this bullshit, my mind broke and idk what awful things I told her, I never raised my voice on her, but that time I called her so many things, I kinda feel bad for that, but I was in so much anger. I just want to move on from her and start fresh, but it hurts even more now, knowing the last time we talked I called her so many things. It's not like before that she just left me, she left me, and told me she kissed a guy, then told me to wait while saying don't keep hopes, and accusing me of cheating on her last year, I called her names. What do I do?
submitted by ElectricalRole5662 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:17 Optimal_Dish9419 PLEASE HELP, MESSINA OR CASSINO

Hi, I applied for both of these universities and got accepted. When it comes to choosing between the two I like Messina more, but the economy seems like a big problem to me. Can you guys answer some of my questions.
  1. When I see it on the map Cassino is financially better than Messina. How is the difference between the two salary wise? (I heard that it is difficult to find a job when you don't speak Italian, I'm planning to study Italian)
  2. I am coming there to study with my girlfriend, and we are looking for an apartment (3-4km from the university) a small but relatively newer or cleaner one. What should we worry about when it comes to the fees/rent?
  3. How do people feel about Asians? (racial discrimination etc.)
  4. How much would it cost monthly?
I appreciate the help :))
submitted by Optimal_Dish9419 to Universitaly [link] [comments]
