List of work development goals

A victory for one is a victory for all

2022.01.26 06:49 RIOP3L A victory for one is a victory for all

Join WorkReform! Fight for a good quality of life for everyone who sells their labor!

2014.04.23 07:10 Hoogs Megalophobia: Fear of Large Things

Fear of Large Things

2011.10.28 08:16 IndieDev

This is the place for indie devs and gamers to share anything, be it game development, their favorite games or just cool images, GIFs and music from an indie game in a casual community-run environment. If you're an indie gamer, this place welcomes you too! After all, every gamer is a potential indie developer!

2024.06.10 04:56 lightninja776 Where is the love?

Hey you guys, this is the operator of the ss Champion of Truth here.
I am a huge fan of this game and watch a lot of yt vids during my commute. This was a response I started writing to a recent one of my fav content creators that support the game and it became my soap box piece. Let me know your thoughts because I really love this game. Plus I'm thinking about becoming a writer for video game magazines/making my own videos since I hate to see great games get so much hate since it's easy to criticize.
Good video like usual, but you know i admire your work so i have to give my constructive criticism. You have to admit it's a good problem to have when you're asking for more paid dlc. To me it is a reminder that the developers are hard focused on getting new cool content out as often as possible in the most accessible way. By making the new stuff cool new missions for everybody, new stratagems that are earned and added for everyone to unlock in free game currency, the fact that the premium war bonds also can be grinded out. If this was a 60-$70 game then yeah i could feel fine about complaining there isn't more in the superstore. But remember this is a $40 game with this level of variety and support. I'm still blown away by how varied and different each mission in the game is. They nail the experience so well I've had endless hours of fun meeting new players, which almost all of them are awesome and totally great with the rest only being pretty great. I know it's easy to be critical, I'm doing it right now, but too much is bad. This game is like a new young sapling breaking through layers of concrete and toxic waste to sprout. So let's not forget where that toxic waste and concrete came from. It's from the rest of the gaming industry that's forced artists to cut down or change their ideas and make us as consumers put up with hot garbage. So don't try to expect this sapling to produce all the shade and wood you need immediately. Because let's be honest, if this was a AAA game it probably would be in beta right now.
So remember that you can take your time to criticize because it's not like there's a danger of everyone forgetting to completion about something. But you do need to remember to slow down and appreciate all that this game is and what it stands for. A return to a games primary function, to have fun. All the fancy systems and technology is only in service of that purpose so let's not destroy this beautiful new thing before it has a chance to really grow and show us how big it can get.
What i really want people to focus on is the crazy meta game that people rarely talk about. I'm referring to the ongoing d&d like element of this game where you actually feel like a soldier in a giant galactic war. But the real thing that sells me on it is the tiny details. Like how during the mission to destroy the supercolony we accidentally created, there was a "bug" that caused bug breaches to spawn right on the drill. Now sad people would complain and get angry. But for people like me and the devs this was just an opportunity for more fun. Not only did i experience the true chaos of trying to beat such a mission in helldive, but it made sense. People... It's called a SUPERcolomy. So the mistake of the spawns became a lore accurate problem. Of course while playing i had to bump the difficulty down to 5-6 to actually pull a dub but i loved the challenge. Plus my own personal headcannon is that lower difficulty missions are just ones where other divers failed on the helldive leaving partially complete missions that are easier. So to me it's just going right back to where I just died. Of course they released a hot fix for this and instead of just a soulless patch to fix a problem, the seaf engineering team added sonic emitters to the drills so breaches didnt spawn on them. Totally unnecessary but literally the coolest thing to keep it lore accurate and make it a joke. But the best part that sells the experience is that if you don't talk to the randoms you're missing half the game. Because only by doing that do you really feel what it's like to go to war. Taking to your fellow divers, sharing war stories of battles past, and the best part.... Learning from each other. If it wasn't for others i would never know gas strikes close bug holes and destroy fabricators for instance. But again in this recent mission on the supercolony, it wasn't until someone told me the dark fluid was a jetpack that i knew it was a jetpack. And if you're thinking you read that wrong I'm sorry to say you missed it. Because if you do know the maps on the supercolony had these giant holes and around them ramp like dunes the bugs formed. Also, pause for how almost no one gives love to the cool unique maps. But you could use the dark fluid after you run up a ramp to jump way farther than ever before. It felt like this was different from the jump pack as it went higher but less forward. It also has a few other quirks like how it recharges super fast and if you use it more than 5-7 times.... It explodes killing you instantly. And i heard nothing about this from ah. But I'm happy they didn't say anything. Because like a super earth military they won't always tell you everything especially if it's not recommended or safe. But the other grunts on the ground will tell you what really works even if it's risky. Plus how once you succeeded in the mission the supercolony flooded the area with shriekers!?! I never knew i could have so much fun in this game on my back shooting a fire shotgun in the air. Because with that many shriekers it was like fish in a barrel, or shriekers on a supercolony which I'm officially calling to change the addage to. The point is there is so much that is cool, different and refreshing about this game. And if we treat it like the same old simple and stupid garbage we are used to getting well that's what it'll become. Or worse it'll die prematurely because we didn't realize what we had. So am i alone? Do i solely have the ability to marvel and appreciate this? Or perhaps it's that the people who can't get enough of this game barely have any extra time to tell you about it so that only the negative Nancy's log off and spend their time telling you what to be angry about? All i know for sure is that Super Earth needs me. It needs all of us, because there is a war our there. And I for damn sure don't want to lose it. And I'm not talking about any official major order. I'm talking about the war for good games that give us what we really want.
submitted by lightninja776 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:56 Scorpion178 BO6 confirmed on current/MW engine (W)

BO6 confirmed on current/MW engine (W)
Whether it’s in the comments of other posts, or my own posts, I told you all about how BO6 is on the current , UNIFIED engine that all studios have to use now starting from MW2 2022;
It never made sense for treyarch to work on this game for 4 years and still use their terrible, 2015 engine they used with cold bore;
Now stop making posts asking about the engine, it’s UNIFIED and will be UNIFIED with all studios
submitted by Scorpion178 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:55 Disastrous_Pitch_937 Adult child, her boyfriend and their grievances

I need some opinions because my 22 year old daughter and boyfriend have expressed that they are unhappy. I am remarried for a year now. My daughter’s boyfriend lives with us. We all moved into my husband’s two family house. He kicked out his tenant to make space for me, my 18 yo son , 22 year old daughter and her boyfriend. Since we moved in, the my daughter and her boyfriend have several grievances. They do not pay rent, as I am trying to give them the opportunity to save money and get a good head start. They purchased a Tesla, their fourth car, and have a lot of complaints about street parking. We live across from a cemetery and there is ample street parking on both sides. They would like us to pack our three cars in the driveway, so that they can park right in front of the house. They purchased a motorcycle knowing that it gives me anxiety and parked it in the backyard. It was in the way when we had the patio and gazebo done. They are very angry that we moved it and put the cover on wrong. They were asked to move it and did not. They do not want my husband or I to touch any of their belongings. He asked each of them for a key on separate occasions to move their Tesla from the charger in the driveway (that my husband provided) and they became very angry insisting that they don’t want us to touch their stuff. They have no problem using our things. They do not knock (nor do we require them to) when they come down to do laundry or get dinner (bc I usually cook for e stone) every night. Even though I made it clear that this would be a family house and not two separate apartments, and that they would have bedrooms and shared spaces, they decided to put expensive electronics all over the upstairs and ban other from using the shared spaces to “protect their things”. They have cameras up there to monitor everything. They get angry if my husband goes up there. This is his home. He is literally the home owner. They were upset that his daughter (my stepdaughter) watching tv in their living room. They don’t want my son up there. We work so hard to provide. They share our stuff. Nothing is off limits. Her boyfriend sometimes drives the car that I gave her in my name and that I insure, but we can’t even back theirs out of the driveway when it is in the way without them getting angry. Our goal was to avoid nagging them because they do not always do things in a timely manner when asked. They use the washer dryer we provide. We redid their kitchen. They have no issues using the appliances there. We are taking them on all on vacation to celebrate my son’s graduation. As a gift to them all, we paid for the trip for everyone. We pay all of the bills in the house for both floors; gas, electric, my daughter’s car insurance as her car is in my name. No matter how much I give, they have complaints about me and my husband and even my son. Nothing makes them happy. They say that we do not respect their stuff or respect their boundaries when it comes to their possessions. My daughter became so fed up that she snapped at my husband in a very disrespectful way, not to touch their motorcycle that is in our backyard without permission. She said that she would move it. When I asked for it to be moved, it wasn’t. We haven’t spoken for almost two weeks. She left to go to our beach house (where my mom and I pay bills), returned to pick a fight with her brother. She stopped sharing her location with me on the cell that I purchased and pay for service monthly. When she returns home, she picked a fight with brother. I went up and in a direct way told her how it was going to be. She wound up putting her hands on me trying to choke and hit me. My son had to pry her off of me. She went for my right side where I just had two surgeries and my back was turned. My son witnessed the whole thing. Full transparency, I did call her a raggedy bitch after she attacked physically attacked me. They think that my husband “wants their things”. For reference, we have a brand new Tesla and my husband earns twice as much as the rest of us combined. We have over a million dollars in real estate assets, non liquid, of course. We are NOT rich. I honestly don’t know where this is coming from. I raised my daughter and bio son as a single mom and made lots of sacrifices so that my kids had everything they needed and wanted. She was not raised like this - to be covetous of things and stingy. She says that she’s afraid things will break and she can’t afford to replace them. Meanwhile, nothing has been broken. I don’t know where these grievances are coming from, her or her boyfriend, or both, but I feel like no matter how much I bend myself into a pretzel, they are not satisfied. My husband is such a blessing. He works 6 days a week to provide for us. Are my husband and I the assholes in this equation? Have we violated their boundaries when it comes to their things? Are we wrong for entering shared spaces on the floor with their bedroom in our home as needed? Any honest feedback would be much appreciated.
submitted by Disastrous_Pitch_937 to AdultChildren [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:54 Wepoozelator Do I stay in wine retail, or move to restaurants?

For a little more context, I am the manager at a fine wine, beer, and spirits shop, with a focus on premium wine. I really enjoy retail, and my favourite part of my job is curating our portfolio. Filling our shelves with an eclectic array of interesting wines, from regions all around the world, is my favourite part of my job. I recently interviewed for a sommelier position at a restaurant. Apparently sommelier table service is not often requested at this particular establishment, but a big part of this new position would still be ordering, and curating their wine list. I have lots of contacts in the industry, and I'm certain I would really enjoy putting a wine list together for them. My main concern is that, in retail, our catalogue is much larger than a restaurant wine list. Easily by 300 or more products. I might miss having that diversity. My question is for people in the industry, particularly who have worked in both of these sides of the industry. Is it worth it to try out the restaurant side if the business? Should I stay in retail? The money is about the same for either position, so that's not much of an issue. Let me know your thoughts!
submitted by Wepoozelator to wine [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:54 mintclovervenus Grad schools in larger cities?

I'm currently working on my application for grad school right now and recent life circumstances has made me decide I really want to attend an OT masters program in a larger city. Just curious which ones people recommend or advice (such as are they harder to get into), as I'm starting to narrow down my list and am curious of what opportunities there are I might have yet to look into!
submitted by mintclovervenus to OccupationalTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:54 Warm_Sugar8888 Get yourself a life coach 🤣

Get yourself a life coach 🤣 submitted by Warm_Sugar8888 to Tess_beauty_Milwaukee [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:54 Klockwurkz How to prevent tangles?!

How to prevent tangles?!
Left photo is my hair a day after wash day. Second pic is what it looks like washed and brushed fresh. I have very fine, thin hair strands and I have a LOT of hair. I love having long hair but find that every time it's to a pretty length, It starts to get totally ruined because it gets soooo painfully tangled. If I'm precise about not just pulling knots out with a brush and I actually try to avoid breakage, it can take me 45 minutes to an hour of conditioning and working out the tangles. My hair takes gets like this like a day after wash day. Help?! How do I prevent this from happening?! I've tried coconut oil mixed with my conditioner. I brush oil into my hair fairly regularly and it helps a bit. But this summer has been so beutal. Any advice will be appreciated. If I don't brush it out, I develop curls, but the knots are so bad that I don't bother trying to stop brushing it.
submitted by Klockwurkz to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:52 cookie_eater_41 My thoughts on the gun leveling system

Before I get into this I want to preface that this is ignoring all the net code stuff going on.
As someone who has played COD (obviously), I feel like one main edge cos has is the leveling system. Now when I say the "leveling system" I guess I mean more the gun skin progression. Currently in xDefiant, the ONLY way to get skins is through mastery. In my opinion, this is quite stale and lacks a meaningful sense of completion
Now compare this to COD, you complete various challenges which unlock different categories of skins. When you unlock all skins for a gun, you get gold (comparable to bronze in xDefiant), getting gold on all guns in a category gets you platinum (comparable to silver), and getting all plats gets you the mastery camo. In my opinion, this not only provides a constant goal to work towards, but also gives you a reason to switch your playstyle.
I know this is obviously very subjective, but I feel like the current levelling system is quite stale at the moment. I feel like it could be greatly improved by adding some more complexity, similar to what there is in COD. I'm kind of just curious what others think of this, maybe it's just a me thing
submitted by cookie_eater_41 to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:52 thundersal Starting a US Master's program

I have been wanting to get back into swimming but I am becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of swim team style practices for adults in my area. It seems that all of the clubs listed on the US Master's swimming club finder are either no longer running or have a terrible digital presence and it is impossible to find information. The clubs that I can find information about are all 45+ minutes away from me.
I know I could just go down to my local gym and swim laps but I am missing that team element that made me love swimming in the first place.
I am now seriously leaning towards starting one. I work in aquatic recreation already so I already have some knowledge in the industry. Does anyone have any experience starting a Master's swim club?
submitted by thundersal to Swimming [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:52 Low-Paramedic-3957 I'm an anxious mess and I do not know why. Does anyone have any tips to get through this

Hello everyone, over the past two years I have developed some pretty bad anxiety and panic attacks and I do not know what is causing them. I am 23 years old and I am just looking for some advice on how to handle this.
So basically with these panic attacks they seem to happen when I go out with my friends and that can be to a bar, a club, a sports game, while on the train, in the uber, just in large crowds. When these events occur I have to pee every 20 minutes, my stomach is in shambles, and no matter how much I ate I poop like twice while out (sorry for the tmi). Once I return home I instantly feel better and there are no more stomach aches or anxiety attacks. Now, I do smoke weed and probably too much. I have been starting to cut back on it but it really helps when I am having these panic attacks and I really want to find another solution.
One thing that I think may be getting to me is the current state of America (I know this will sound soft). I want to be clear before I get into this part I do not identify with republicans or democrats, they are both liars that do not give a shit about any of their voters or what they are advocating for. Our politicians are all bought and paid for by lobbyists and we as the people need to realize again that we have the power and not these NGOs. But back to what I think may be causing this. Social media has videos of people dying on it every day, I am all for free speech but we do not need to have live updates of people getting shot, stabbed, or anything else here in America or anywhere else. Variety of opinion is needed for this country to stay as amazing as it is so I am against the censorship of any political views but filming a 13 year old girl just 10 minutes after her arm was blown off has no reason to be on social media.
The reason why I do know how to handle this or even why this started is because last February I started dating the most amazing girl in the world, shes everything I ever wanted in a woman and more, I have a very loving family, and really strong friend groups at home and from college. I have never been at a public event where there was an attack or something really scarring happened and i witnessed it. In fact, I have quite literally been the opposite of everything I have listed above for 21 years of my life. I get really scared when these attacks randomly come on I feel like I am about to pass out but my mind is fighting it and then I begin to get very light headed.
If anyone has gone through something like this please let me know how you have dealt with it. This very well could be an addiction to weed which is why I want to stop smoking as well so if anyone has any tips about that too it would be greatly appreciated. I just feel so isolated even when I know I am not and it scares me because i dont know where the problem is stemming from.
submitted by Low-Paramedic-3957 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:51 TheGDC33 Metrics that matter- KENDU growth

Metrics that matter- KENDU growth
-volume up to 14.48M from 4.15M about three days ago - holders gaming by over 500 a day now three days running -#42 on coinmarketcap's most viewed crypto list
Still everyone is working nonstop!
10 billion by end of year according to our Dev and CEO-Kendu Miazaki-50x from here and you don't have to babysit and wait for a rug or live in fear..grab your helmet get to work and take your future into your own hands!
submitted by TheGDC33 to CryptoMarsShots [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:51 nancylyn Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse

We moved my dad into memory care in February and after a really rocky time settling in he was finally seeming to be chilling out. He started acting disoriented this week on Thursday and was complaining of pain in his left leg. So we took him to the ER to get checked out…..they did bloodwork and urinalysis and imaging of his abdomen. All normal they said and released him back to the memory care. So Friday I’m at work and in the afternoon I ask my brother to go check on him…..he calls me and says dad is completely “not there” mentally….can’t recognize my brother and can’t really talk, and stayed in bed all day (which the memory care is NOT supposed to allow….they are supposed to get him up and feed him and get his meds into him)….anyway my brother calls for an ambulance and takes him to a different ER. I got there as the ambulance was loading him up so got to the ER all together. This ER did find some evidence of a UTI and possibly a strangulated bowel (my dad has groin hernias). The surgeon looked at him and said they did NOT think it was a bowel entrapment (so great we didn’t have to decide about surgery). The ER started him on antibiotics and gave him a dose of Haldol to settle him down as he was a little agitated. I went home at 2am because he was sleeping peacefully.
Go back in at 9am and he’s much improved……he recognized me and wanted to know why he was there and what was going on…..great….I’m happy. I’m there all day and about 4pm he gets finally transferred upstairs to a room. However….this is when everything went to shit……he abruptly became incredibly agitated…..couldn’t stay still….kept trying to take his clothes off….wouldn’t keep a blanket on…..kept trying to get out of the bed…raving about having to re-enlist in the navy, also at this time he had developed a pronounced wheeze when breathing. I kept alerting the nurse….they did his vitals (ok-ish) and put him on a nasal oxygen cannula and he got a dose of lasix (a diuretic).
I asked multiple times for the same dose of Haldol since he was so much more agitated and delirious than the previous night….and they just kept putting me off. I was with him for 4 hours struggling to keep him in the bed and his hospital gown and blankets on him. Finally my brother came and I had one more talk with the nurses about sedation and I said…..I’m going home….you guys are in charge of keeping him safe and warm. My brother stayed about 20 min and left and then had a bad feeling and went back and found him naked and uncovered and shivering and nobody watching him. He pitched a fit and demanded to speak to a supervisor (who had the nerve to threaten him with security) but they finally agreed to give him the Haldol. I told my brother to stay until it kicks in and make sure he was snugged up before leaving.
So now I’m here at home wondering if he’s ok. I thought the overnight in the ER was kinda sucky but at least they kept a really good eye on him.
So who has had experience with hospital induced delerium and please tell me he is going to get over it. We had such a peaceful day up til 4pm when he just went nuts. I never want to deal with that again.
Thanks for reading
submitted by nancylyn to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:51 EducatedParasite106 First build, need some help setting up!

First build, need some help setting up!
I'm confused as this is my first build, a couple of questions concerning fans,RGB & motherboard controls. MSI Carbon x670e motherboard ,RTX 4090 & Ryzen 78003xd. 10 EK RGB fans, two RGB water blocks and 3 or four other parts with RGB.
Being new to pc building I was under the impression that I could connect all fans and RGB to the motherboard headers. Upon doing some digging it seems it may be best to use a fan & rbg controller. The motherboard has one CPU FAN and five SYS FAN headers. One temp sensor header and single ARGB and RGB headers.
I'll try and list my questions to make it easier.
1. Would I be able to use splitters and connect everything to the headers or would it be best to use a splitter?
  1. Basically same question but for the RGB controls.
  2. I'm pretty much done with everything but the tubing here. I was wanting to setup two temperature sensors to control fan & pump speeds. But with only one temp header I seem to be limited.
    In this situation would one use a controller like the aquacomputer?
  3. Final question. I am going to be running the Hyte touch screen front panel, I am concerned it may not function optimally together.
    Do controller softwares/bios (sorry idk what the proper term is) work well together or will I have to use one type of system to control it all.
I know it's a lot, I'm mostly concerned I'm going to screw something up here. Spent a ton of time and money researching and starting from zero here.
Any help or suggestions are highly appreciated.
submitted by EducatedParasite106 to watercooling [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:50 sun-wu-kong81 Suggestions on next role.

I'm currently a Field Service Tech. We do work on assisting support and noc on trouble shooting. break / fix jobs. pm's for printer ect. New to the position, but definitely don't want to stay in this role for any longer than I need to. Big con is having to be on-call a week or 2 out of the month. End goal is to work in the cloud. Like the title say's any suggestions on what roles are typical from a field tech? New to IT. Only have education and this role as experience. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by sun-wu-kong81 to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:50 sameed_a how does reframing improve time management?

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself completely swamped at work, with deadlines looming and a gnawing feeling of anxiety that I simply didn’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done. I felt overwhelmed, like I was on a sinking ship and the water just kept pouring in faster than I could bail it out.
That's when I stumbled upon the concept of reframing. Reframing is all about changing your perspective. It’s about looking at the same situation from a different angle, or through a different lens, and seeing something new. I decided to give it a try.
Instead of seeing my constantly crowded inbox as an unscalable mountain, I reframed it as an opportunity. An opportunity to handle diverse projects, engage with different people and learn new things.
Suddenly, my mental model was clear. Managing time wasn’t about handling multiple tasks at once or working at a frantic pace. It was about choosing which task was important and giving it my full focus.
I started to organize my tasks in terms of importance and urgency. Instead of trying to do a bit of everything and ending up achieving nothing, I would tackle one task at a time, complete it and then move on. This meant that some things would have to wait, but that was okay because I was on top of what truly mattered.
This shift in perspective worked wonders. I still had the same amount of work, the same deadlines, but now I had a strategy. I was in control and not at the mercy of my inbox. I found that I could work less hectically and yet get more done.
I started to enjoy the feeling of ticking tasks off my list and seeing the progress I was making. My stress levels dropped dramatically, and I had more time for leisure and recharging. Who knew that a simple shift in perspective could have such powerful effects?
So, my friends, if anyone is struggling with time management, perhaps it’s time to try reframing. Look at your task, not as a burden, but as an opportunity. And remember, it's not just about doing things right, but doing the right things.
P.S. Just to be clear, this story is a mix of fact and fiction, designed to illustrate how mental models can change the game. But believe me, the reframing part – that’s as real as it gets! I may or may not have exaggerated about being totally at peace with my inbox, but hey, a guy can dream, right?
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:50 ThinkPath1999 Can someone help me change the order of the items in the left menu bar on PC?

So, on the left menu bar on the Facebook main page on my desktop, there is a list of tabs that I suppose people frequently use, like FRIENDS, MEMORIES, SAVED, GROUPS, etc, etc. Well, the MESSENGER link was the 4th or 5th item from the top and I could see it from the main page, but a few days ago, maybe a week ago, I noticed that the Messenger link had moved down many places to where I had to click the SEE MORE link and then scroll down some more. This is one of the functions that I used most frequently, and I don't understand if I did something to bring it down, or it was automatic.
I know there is another link for messenger on the top right hand side of the screen, but that only brings out the small window for messenger, and I prefer to work on the messenger in the entire screen.
Can someone help?
submitted by ThinkPath1999 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:49 MySunsetHood Difficult applications I should leverage my consultant for?

I have been fortunate enough to land a consultant at a significant discount who’s helped a couple of my friends get into HSW, she’s very well regarded and I’ve enjoyed my help with her thus far (ex adcom for HSW). She’ll be helping me end-to-end with two of my target schools and I’m debating where to have her help me out.
I’m wondering which school applications I should really leverage her help with. Looking for opinions on - Are they even worth using my consultants time on if it’s too out of reach? Or one where I’d maximize scholarship odds? - Are there any particularly difficult applications that you wish you could have extra help on? I’ve noticed some are particularly straightforward and some have more ‘complex’ prompts.
Here’s my profile in brief - Virtually 100% acceptance state school - 3.82 gpa in Business Administration (minor marketing) on a 6 semester track. Full scholarship and participated in a variety of on-campus projects and extra curricular - GMAT 685, but confident my retake will at least get me to 695 or 705 - Experience - founding product manager at a startup for 3 years (pre-series A, but profitable and over $1m ARR), Fintech product manager the last year (was acquired by a F500, just before I joined) - Have a side gig business I own ~$60k revenue each month - Lots of volunteer experience in social work for a very marginalized community (niche enough I don’t want to get super specific) - ORM (East Asian and white)
Goals - Break into big-tech or an Edtech Unicorn. Ideally Bay Area. Still as a Product Manager.
Schools Im strongly targeting considering - Dream: Stanford - Reach?: Haas, Kellogg - In-range?: Fuqua, Anderson
Others I’m considering - Sloan, Yale, Darden, USC, Foster
I’m debating between doing a reach school and one like Anderson to maximize my chances for a scholarship since that would be a heavy deciding factor if I don’t get into an M7.
Any help here would be great or an honest profile review is greatly appreciated - thanks!
submitted by MySunsetHood to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:49 SeaJellyfish Good schools but not based on rating

We are currently in a 10/10 school district (10/10 elementary, 9/10 middle school, 10/10 high school) but I don't like it. The schools have good ratings because ratings are largely based on standardized test results. The parents here are high achievers who hire their kids tutoring services, the teachers themselves are ok but there's nothing exceptional about their teaching. Not enough individualized instruction. In addition, the after school program is completely run by the PTO; everything is a fundraiser, there's no district or state subsidy, some years they can't find enough third party vendors (like painting teachers / music teachers etc, they have to hire them individually) to come to the school, so the program is very inconsistent and the quality is also not guaranteed. I feel like the ratings of school districts are so misleading nowadays. I'm paying $$$$$ property tax for schools that aren't really bringing much to the table.
One big advantage though: the kids here are much less likely to get into drugs / alcohol / other troubling behavior than other places when they are in middle and high school. Our family had addiction issues in the past and we'd rather not have them be constantly around such influences before they are emotionally mature enough to know better. For that, I'm grateful.
Anyway, it's hard to find good school districts without simply filtering by ratings. I don't personally know enough people in different places whom I can interview for their opinions on their schools... what's a good way to go about this? There's a popular education philosophy called Project Based Learning and I found a list of school districts that use that, but it's not a lot of schools.
My husband and I both work remotely, location is not a concern in terms of employment.
submitted by SeaJellyfish to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:48 calmsea11 Bad Grades in college exams. NEED HELP/ADVICE😭😭

I am second year BTech CSE student in a government college with good packages. I have 7.5 cgpa in my first year which is low compared to my peers as I was focused more on skill development than college.I made lots of efforts still cant get good grades .The people who are getting better marks than me had lower ranks. Now I am starting to feel as if everyone is doing better than me.Somehow I was surviving till now thinking that maybe things will get better, I should just keep trying and thought college is not a competition but an individual road to growth. But now I have lost it after my parents scolded me with why can't you get good Grades,people even have 10 Grades, what is the issue with you. I told them that I was working on skills and am trying my best.They asked me to only focus on college because according to them, Grades will get me a job and not skills,they think this is some form of fun activity I am doing. I am living in hostel so they suspect that I don't study. They want me to get 10 Grades. How do I deal with this now. Also, I have been a topper since birth so that doesn't help.
Any advice is appreciated.
Qualifications: BTech student 2nd year
[This is my first post on reddit. So I apologize for any mistakes I made.]
submitted by calmsea11 to Indian_Academia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:47 ww123456789 Do Breath Weapons Count as a Supernatural attack?

I had an interaction that I would think would not work because of the way breath weapons work, and yet I'm not sure totally how it should of went.
The spell mental block says: "You lock access to the target’s procedural memories, preventing it from drawing upon its experience and expertise.
The target loses all skill ranks, spells known, spells prepared, and activated feats, as well as its extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities. Each round at the end of the target’s turn, the target can attempt another Will save to end this effect."
On page 90 of the 1st Edition Pathfinder bestiary, dragons are listed as having breath weapons and breath weapons being listed as supernatural effects. HOWEVER, the problem I'm running into is that the monster block doesn't list breath attacks as super natural abilities. This wouldn't be a problem in my opinions cause dragons in fantasy in general seem to have a natural ability to breathe an element of their chosen type via a "Sack", however it gets annoying when you apply this to other beings.
Winter Wolves (Worgs) have a breath attack, but on their monster sheet it is also not listed as supernatural. In addition, some other creatures are listed as their breath attack BEING a supernatural ability on their monster blocks. (I assume due to this issue in later editions.) Fafnir, a level 26 colossal dragon has its breath weapon listed as a Supernatural ability, further adding to the confusion. Do Dragon's Breath weapons count as supernatural abilities or not?
3.5 also lists breath weapons as an SU effect. The Universal monster rules list breath weapons as an SU. If Any of these are a natural ability on the creature, shouldn't it be listed as such? And lastly, is mental block a balanced spell for 2nd level? my main concern is that depending on the dm, the spell is useless on literally anything not humanoid. Pretty much everything under Special Attacks seem to be SU or EX anyways, but if a gm thinks of them as natural, the spell is so much less powerful.
submitted by ww123456789 to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:47 ShowMasterFlex Things I’ve Done Since the Last NCAA Game Released

From around the time of NCAA Football 2005, this series was the only game I played year-round growing up. Like many of you, I was devastated when we lost it. Was just sitting here thinking about how much life has changed since the last game and made a list. Roast me if you want for being a nerd, but CFB is life.
-Doesn’t really count, but went to back-to-back National Championships as a member of the band at Alabama in 2012 and 2013, the last two years of EA’s NCAA football -Entered the transfer portal and graduated from MTSU in 2016 -Got my first big boy job out of college and am still working for the same company 8 years later -Went to a few more NCG’s with my pops over the years -Met a girl at the end of 2020, married her in 2021 -Had my daughter in the summer of 2022 -Have lived in 2 apartments and 3 different houses since the last game -As mentioned above, had a child, so I have little memory of anything outside of that since
What have you all been up to the last 10 years?
submitted by ShowMasterFlex to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:47 Money-Accountant-989 Small Roguelike inspired FPS

Hello I have been working on a small fps project with some roguelike elements.
The player must explore the land collecting new guns and attachments while fighting waves of enemies, the goal is to fight the Mage who brought you to this land. The player can go to the Mage at any time but the longer you take the higher the enemy density and frequency.
It is still rough in some parts but I am pretty happy with most of it. Please let me know what you think.
submitted by Money-Accountant-989 to playmygame [link] [comments]