Good crew names

Good names, Bad names, Funny names. Submit them all.

2009.12.01 02:26 satchman Good names, Bad names, Funny names. Submit them all.


2024.06.06 18:32 SkippyDrinksVodka GoodEmoBandNames

home of the best accidental emo band names found on reddit

2018.08.10 02:07 Give things good names

An image of something is posted, and creative names are given in the comments. They don't have to be the proper name.

2024.06.10 16:46 Sad-Bottle-4339 26 [M4F] - Ireland/UK/anywhere - An emo alt paul mescal type fella looking for the right someone

I’m a alternate looking Irish fella looking to talk to people and see where things go so here is a little bit about me, tagged it nsfw as who knows what will happen!
About me: well I’m a massive film nerd, i studied it at university and hoping at some point to get into that industry. I love my music, mainly rock, emo, alt, indie and stuff like that. Bands and artists such as twenty one pilots, my chemical romance, movements, Joji, enter shikari, bad omens, bring me the horizon, korn, Crywank and spiritbox just to name a few. Any bands like that I probably enjoy them. But always happy to get recommendations. Along with that I love concerts/gig, be it a comedy gig or live music I’ll be there. I love anime, mob psycho 100, fullmetal alchemist and JJK are some of my faves. Gaming is something I’m also into so I am a big nerd like that. Hades, god of war, the last of us, and hollow knight are some of my faves. I enjoy hiking, walks and nature in general and always make time for that. Lastly I love to travel and planning get aways.
Physical: I’m a tall (6’2) chubby white guy. I always say I’ve a dad bod without the kids. I’ve 20 tattoos all of my arms, a nose ring, brown hair and I wear glasses. Happy to share pictures of myself if you’d like that.
What I’m looking for is someone I can just connect with, someone kind and nice and all that type of stuff. Physical I tend to go for more alternative looking people thic people but that’s not a dealbreaker, as long as you’ve a personality I can connect with all good. It would help If you could share a picture of yourself!
So yeah that’s me. Send me a message telling me a random fact about yourself or something you love
submitted by Sad-Bottle-4339 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:45 DepressoEspresso989 Meeting new people makes my week!

Hello my name is Lili! I’ve been posting consistently here because Ive found that talking to new people and making new friends helps my mental health!
I love nerdy stuff and what not but no one wants to talk about that. Tell me about you! I want to hear about your life good and bad. Boring and insane. Tell me something no one knows (honestly this one because I keep secrets really well)
Looking forward to meeting people!
submitted by DepressoEspresso989 to u/DepressoEspresso989 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:45 Apophistry Favorite Eddie Vedder Guest Vocal

Vote for your favorite song that Eddie sang on with collaboration with another artist. Poll only allows six options so here's a list of others (probably not all-inclusive, so please add any others):
I've limited the choices to studio tracks but you can name any you want. There's an unofficial anthology called Innocent Bystander available on the Internet Archive. Note: the version of "Devil Dog" is different here than the Ten Club single version.
View Poll
submitted by Apophistry to pearljam [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:44 MysteriousMysteries_ i think youre maybe crazy, or think im just a real idiot.

you said once, youd post, changing names and small details, ages and genders but that it would be you. ive picked up your patterns. mostly. probably more than 75%. anyway. youre like GOD LEAVE ME ALONE then youre all GOD I WANTED IT TO BE YOU, then youre like i have to leave u behind, or like reach out just oe more time, or like lets just fuck. and so on. immediately adopting the opposite stance of whatever i say just to be like an extra fuck you to me. you post things we did and argued over you post things youe told me about losing attraction immediately feelings and i just was an asshole, all this and you think that i really expect you to be any different? you only want me to feel uncertainty, no calm no realness jus constant guessing of where youre gonna come at me from next. youre either insane and i believe that, just good at masking and kinda functioning, an online existence and weekends plastered at the bar returning with a rando chick or dude dont count as high functioning., youre too reclusive and unciomfrotabke in situations you cant control its why ur drunk when ur not home. you probably also believe im blindly running back and forth chasing ur attention in any form i can get. i abandoned the dea of us when u sent that pic of that guys dick to me. since then ive just been bored at night hoping you might do something that gave you away without question. youre careful. you have to be when you plot and connive like you do. cant have people seeing the you that we know you are. idk. i hope you get stuck chasing me out of spite but really cuz ur just a sad lonely lil chick that doesnt even feel people when they touch you anymore, i wont lite your skin up with my touch again, you gave that up., i know tho, this is just my delusion right, you're actually with someone happily living somewhere else doing something beautiful right? maybe wioth a kid or not but probably engaged or married but single still? youre hopeless. i do not think there is a real you, you just decide what lie to build on next every time you encounter another person like a middle schooler who doesnt know how to be a person still. youre uncomfortable being alive, being human, and you seek my comfort or at least the feeling of dangling something before someone because youre just kind of evil. evil, crazy, ambiguous friend group\ (chat) switching lil shrew. i dont want anything to do with your whatever it is. just dont for one second believe that i chase because your attention was just so sweet, its not. now i wish youd shift ot to someone else but no one was good so youre stuck on repeat. tell ur mom i said hi, she was ways cool in my book. ur brother is aight he just doesnt care about anything or even want to approach trying to do anything, if zelda is alive tell uggie head i said her name is zelda and she is a dog. dog is good. goood pup yes. i tihk i like zelda the most. she learned how to be a dog round the craziest humans. shes good. the only good one there probably, i dont want to be there i dont want you here. just stop using me as an excuse to be so you, fuck.
submitted by MysteriousMysteries_ to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:43 FaintestGem How do you feel about publicly naming/ calling out an artist?

So I saw a discussion on Threads the other day about some artists that do "artist support" posts as a way to just get attention . Basically just a gimmick to get likes/follows by promising support or follows in return,but never actually following through and being super gatekeepy when people ask them questions.
My question is: how do you guys feel about artists being called out by name? Is it good to "name and shame" someone for things like stealing art, being disingenuous, using AI art, ect...? Or is it just creating too much drama? Do people have a right to know when a creator is acting shitting, and is it your responsibility to be the one to say something?
I've also seen an increase in comments/posts where people name products the original poster is trying to keep secret? Like I saw an artist that posted a reel about their gacha machine they take to cons, but just kept saying "well it didn't work that well so I don't really want to link people to it" when asked about what they're using. Someone in the comments linked the website where it was for sale, it wasn't like a custom thing at all. Do you guys find this helpful? Or if an artist doesn't want to share something, do they have the right to keep that info to themselves?
Also I don't mean people saying "go harass this artist" because obviously that can be bad lol. But just stating the facts that "this artist does X", or "this is the product the artist used, here's the Amazon link". Threads was getting real heated with hating on some of these artists lol. So I thought I'd see if maybe people are more chill over here.
submitted by FaintestGem to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:41 Equal_Campaign_3602 Even do I have some issues with it ( most of them not new ), I actually had a lot of fun with Techno Terror

I actually had a lot of fun with this and I kinda reminded me why I liked this game. Not that it perfect oh God no but it was cool. I liked how weird and unique the fight selection was with the character choice feeling real chaotic. I liked how the matrix characters speed in Morse code. I really enjoyed the level gimmicks with the giant fist, the little bread guy who name I forgot, the raining fist, and the Lazarus pit was a nice surprise to see do I think the pit itself should be raised a lot higher. Felt like they actually got real creative with these. I did fell like the bosses ( the giant computer and Dexter robot ) were kinda underwhelming do that might be because I played on easy since there no experience difficulty at the moment and crushing is to much for a first run of a rift for me.
Also the level where we got to try the Warner water tower was a huge disappointment cause it is legitimately just another flat area with 2 platforms stage. I'm so sick and f*****g tired of flat surface and 2 platform stage. For the love of God make a stage with a unique layout for once it feels like there very little variety in stages.
Also I could complain about needing a specific outfit for a level or mission but I might make a separate post about that
Do over all I actually had a lot of fun with this and loved how wacky the dev got with when making this and hope the next rift is as good. Do the issues definitely stick out like a sore thumb.
submitted by Equal_Campaign_3602 to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:41 ToxicDragonzz The overall issue with Inside and the backlash

Firstly, I'll start off by saying, i enjoyed the show. It was goofy, kept me laughing throughout and unlike most things these days, kept me coming back day after day...
Not everyone liked inside, and also, certain people on it. Now... I can say I found certain characters irritating, however due to how the house is portrayed, you have to think, they're in the house for 24 hours. They just take whatever content was there, and compress it. Certain people maybe gave themselves backlash... for example the manrika comment saying "i bet someone is brusing her oesophagus right now" to joe, is not okay. Thats something i probably wouldn't even say to my best of mates personally... its just... not really funny.
However. The producers wanted that in. Wether they thought it was funny, wether they thought, "ah villain arc story" or whatever, they wanted that in, which is why it was in the edit. By doing so, this immediately makes manrikas character dislikable, rude, and overall just not a nice person. That's everyones major first impression of how she talks to people shes just met. The producers almost wanted her to be seen like she has been online. IMO, they can use their heads a little bit, they know what the internet is like. Unfortunately shes had alot of shit on her socials. With that immediate impression of "this is her disgusting character" you now have that imbeded so everything she does, as humans we'll naturally find something to dislike.
Personally for myself, she was just unlikable as a whole, but she also set herself up for that. Not just the producers. Very self centred, not someone who I'd joke with. Ect.
As for the scenes, they need to do better with the "next time on inside..." and then not show the people who have been eliminated. Ruined all the anticipation. People knew leah was out before hand. A shame really.
I think going forwards inside needs to work on the edits of how they portray people. If you dont want them to get hate, take it out. It reminds me of the drama from lockedin, where angry ginge and some girl (cant remember her name) got into some argument. It was serious at one point so they didn't show all of it on air. Throughout the series she then just became unlikable as a whole. And... I'd like to see a possible live voting system. The only thing with that, is it can be very tricky to actually set up with regards to getting the footage and then the edits out intime with the live voting. If pulled off, props to the production team.
I've seemed negative but genuinely it was a good show for the most part, and i cant wait to see how the sidemen try and improve season 2
submitted by ToxicDragonzz to Sidemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:41 yielle_25 Should I make a new account?

As the title suggests, i’m planning on creating a new account but i don’t have the guts to start over. For a brief story, i started growing my ig & tiktok account last 2019, and it grew to almost 20k and 40k, respectively. I am at my happiest when i went viral and reach millions of views. It became my creative outlet and a source of income. I post here my lifestyle, travel videos, study reels etc. However, as life gets busier as a post-grad student, i started to lose the momentum of creating good content. I noticed the gradual decline of my following; it is currently 18.1k (ig) and 38.5k (tiktok). I know that numbers should not matter, however i can’t help but think that i am slowly losing what i established for years. I also noticed that ig doesn’t reached that much anymore. Sometimes, i only get less than a hundred of views and this is not good considering that i want to bring back my sponsorship vids.
Now, i am planning on creating a new social media account — new name, new feed. But again, i don’t want to regret the decision of making a new one (with no apparent result) while leaving behind my current account.
If you were in my shoes, what would u do? Been contemplating on doing this for a while now.
submitted by yielle_25 to socialmedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:40 LYNXtheSPHINX Struggling with existentialism after being raised to think magic is real.

TLDR: I have a therapist but am looking for a community of people to commiserate with and get advice from. Struggling with the fear of death and feeling so small in a universe that is indifferent to my existence, knowing that anything bad could happen at any point.
For starters, I have a really great therapist who is helping work through all types of trauma. I am also taking a good amount of meds prescribed by my also very qualified psychiatrist. My therapist recommended I find a community of atheists who are going through the same thing since I’m in the bible belt, and am surround by christians. I identify myself on an antitheist.
As I have become more empowered through therapy I am feeling stagnant in my place in the universe. Like many of you, I was raised to think heaven and the christian god are real, and that if a negative feeling took over, its demons trying to take my soul so I just need you to command them in the name “Jesus Christ” and I will be saved. This has robbed me of the proper coping mechanisms to dealing with existential dread. As I learn about current events and the ways whole populations of people whose lives are ruined or lost by: war, extreme weather conditions, illnesses, greed, religion, etc.; I feel this sense of dread and powerlessness of that happening to me and no one even noticing. Its scary to not have a god constantly looking out for me or have a god willing to protect the people I love.
Another things is that I’m afraid of death for the first time ever. I grew up desperate to be a pawn in the “Lord’s army”. I had a death wish. I wanted to earn my place in heaven that way. I tried to join the military and everything (thats a long story). Now that I create my own meaning in life, I’m happier than ever, but increasingly more terrified it’ll be ripped away from me. I experienced the death of my parents during COVID (I was 19) and it really made me realize how the worst thing can happen to you in an instant.
I have so many goals. So many things I want to achieve. I want to be the first female President of the US. I want to affect REAL change but I’m so far away and am terrified I will die before I can make my dreams come true and genuinely help people.
So yea, and advice or comments are appreciated. I’m not going through a depressive episode or anything, I just really want to talk to some like minded people about this. Thank you for reading and commenting :)
submitted by LYNXtheSPHINX to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:40 lateantiquesourpatch Looking for a roommate ASAP for Hamilton Heights rent-stabilized apartment!

Looking for a roommate ASAP for Hamilton Heights rent-stabilized apartment!
Hello! My name is Anna and I am looking for a roommate to sign a 1 year lease with me for a two-bedroom rent-stabilized apartment. Timing is flexible, but July 1st or before then would be ideal. It is a second-floor walk up near the 1 and ACBD trains (30-40 minutes to get downtown), and is close to several great restaurants and coffee shops (Harlem Public and Chipped Cup are two of my favorites!). I love the neighborhood. No pets allowed, sadly. Rent for the large room (10x13 with two windows and a closet) is 1360 per month plus around 60-100 for electricity and internet combined, as heating and water are included.
I am a 34yo female PhD student studying history and gender. I am a tidy and quiet roommate. My hobbies include reading, getting a good beer with friends, and going on walks or hikes. I am searching for a person (preferably female but am open to whoever) who is queer-friendly, relatively clean, and kind. The room, which comfortably fits a king bed, is likely large enough for a small home office.
Photos are attached--the open room is in flux in the moment, but I have included a photo of the room when it was empty. Let me know if you have any questions!
submitted by lateantiquesourpatch to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:39 inanimatepower Does a Navigators Lethal Third Eye Have Any Effect on Tyranids or Blanks?

Just finished reading Watchers of the Throne, currently reading Leviathan and it had me thinking. Allegedly, when you look into a navigators third eye you see the warp reflected in its true form. This outright kills most things including space marines. That said the Null Maidens in Watchers describe daemons as only their physical manifestations, often lean strong beasts or nurgle. Would a null maiden see the warp reflected or simply another mutants genetic curse? I would like to see a martial navigator house who go to battle, escorted by null maidens, warp eye free killing with a glance all who stand in their way.
As far as I understand it, the physic wave of the Tyranid swarm forces back the warp but doesn’t enforce a complete power outage or provide any bonus protection to the swarm. Which may mean a navigator could still gaze into the warp and have it reflected in their eye. The next problem is if it effects them at all, Tyranids are odd by every standard we have, not even to mention that even if it does work on Tyranids it will only work on bioforms that rely on eyes to see and only until the hive mind adapts and starts making them all blind. So most genestealers as well as most higher forms of pure strain, Norn Emissaries, Broodlords, Hive Tyrants, basically anything you could imagine a named character almost dying from. Because of the scale they operate at, majority of battles with Tyranids are either void wars with hundreds or thousands of ships or defensive sieges with everybody in one or a handful of locations. These sieges are usually an all or nothing battle so imagine a gun line at the top of a high wall, they stand, fire and cover all except on person who stands tall, spot lights, drawing eyes and killing entire square miles of bioforms before returning to cover. Maybe give them a personal shield though I don’t know how good those are against Tyranid munitions. Keep doing this up and down the walls moving every time with a standing order for all soldiers to look away when the lights come on.
I know it’s all silly but I have a free morning so here we are.
submitted by inanimatepower to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:38 yielle_25 Should I make a new account?

As the title suggests, i’m planning on creating a new account but i don’t have the guts to start over again. For a brief story, i started growing my ig & tiktok account last 2019, and it grew to almost 20k and 40k, respectively. I am at my happiest when i went viral and reach millions of views. It became my creative outlet and a source of income. I post here my lifestyle, travel videos, study reels etc. However, as life gets busier as a post-grad student, i started to lose the momentum of creating good content. I noticed the gradual decline of my following; it is currently 18.1k (ig) and 38.5k (tiktok). I know that numbers should not matter, however i can’t help but think that i am slowly losing what i established for years. I also noticed that ig doesn’t reached that much anymore. Sometimes, i only get less than a hundred of views and this is not good considering that i want to bring back my sponsorship vids.
Now, i am planning on creating a new social media account — new name, new feed. But again, i don’t want to regret the decision of making a new one (with no apparent result) while leaving behind my current account.
If you were in my shoes, what would u do? Been contemplating on doing this for a while now.
submitted by yielle_25 to SocialMediaMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:37 Humble-Dot-7985 London Windsor

Please note that this was originally written in Swedish, and has been translated using ChatGPT. For this reason some parts of the story might not make sense.
I push my way through the dense crowd and cast a quick glance at the timetable. "London Windsor 10:35" is displayed in yellow text on the black digital board. I glance at my phone again, "10:34" shows on the display. A wave of stress hits me, taking control of my body. Now, I'm no longer walking. I start running, plowing through the dense crowd like a tractor plowing through grain. I hear comments and names being called after me, but I keep pushing through, normally I wouldn’t let it go, but I don’t have time to argue. "10:35" the clock strikes just as I breathlessly step onto the train. Shortly after, the train is on its way to Windsor. I find a perfect seat in an almost empty carriage. I sit down with my pulse still racing and look around. In the carriage, there’s an older lady, a middle-aged man, and a mother with her daughter who looks like she was born just a few weeks ago. I hear the door to the carriage slide open behind me and see the ticket inspector step in. I take out my phone from my pocket and bring up my digital ticket, the inspector scans it and continues down the carriage. It doesn’t take long before I fall asleep.
I wake up to a monotone voice. “Next station Windsor,” the voice repeats twice before falling silent. I look around the carriage sleepily, the lady from earlier is still there but the others seem to have gotten off. I decide to take a quick bathroom break before the train arrives. I get up and wobble through the carriage on my half-asleep legs. Just as I'm about to turn the handle to the bathroom door, I catch a glimpse of the lady. Her empty stare meets mine. Never in my 68 years on this earth have I seen anything like it, not even during my 39 years as a criminal investigator. In front of me, just a few meters away, sits the now dead lady staring at me. It’s not the first time I’ve seen a dead body considering my former job, but this one is different. There’s not much of a face left on the poor lady, she looks like she’s been beaten several times.
I feel my stomach turn, burst through the bathroom door, and lock it behind me. I turn on the cold water and splash my face several times before gathering the courage to unlock the door, give it a gentle push, and let it slide open. I slowly peek out, eyes closed, hoping she’s gone and that it was all just a dream. I open my eyes. Sure enough, she’s still there, but something is different. Her face is no longer battered, and now she’s smiling. It’s a kind smile, the kind your grandmother used to give you. Yet it makes me feel uneasy, it’s almost “creepy,” a word my grandchild used to say but fits this situation perfectly. Now it’s no longer a kind smile, the corners of her mouth are tensely stretched, reaching all the way up to her ears.
I close my eyes again, count to three, and open them. In front of me sits the now familiar lady, but back to her previous state, the same battered face. Now that the situation has sunk in, I can think more clearly and my experience as a criminal investigator kicks in. I pull out my phone and shakily dial 911. Just as my finger is a few millimeters from calling, everything becomes blurry. It feels like I’m being sucked into a portal and the carriage fades further and further away. I wake up with a jolt.
“Good morning, Roger!” says the young nurse.
submitted by Humble-Dot-7985 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:36 MJ_Moonwalk Patient scam?

I manage a Google portal regarding a 100 bedded hospital in a good city in Gujarat. Yesterday I Received a message from a man claiming to be from Fiji island and asked for a quotation on package for a certain surgery. I told him that price might vary depending on the situation but he insisted on giving an estimate. I became a little suspicious when he asked for bank details to transfer money in advance of the procedure. The man has not even reached India from Fiji. So as per rules I told him that you need to pay on the day of your discharge from the hospital, not before that. But then he argued that his “Financial institute” will pay on behalf of him and them he will reimburse them once he returns back. I again reminded that it won’t be possible but he was still insisting on providing bank details. Sensing some problem here, I asked him first to mention about the patients’ complete details( he has only given me a name and I couldn’t find any info of the name on social media and a Fiji number which seems legit), An ultrasound since he is directly demanding a surgery which happens only in case you are prescribed earlier by a doctor and any previous files and consultation notes of the patient. Since them he hasn’t responded.
Does this seem like a fraud?
submitted by MJ_Moonwalk to IsThisAScamIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:35 meapling_ Ember Flower - Chapter 9: Past Stories

Prev - Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Quirn, Gojid Exterminator

[2 week] after the disappearance of 8 Exterminators in Orange Grove, including it's Chief Exterminator 'Vraken', the authorities still cannot find a lead to the investigation. The authorities was lead to believe that the culprit must have been the group called 'Humanity First' due to the background of the victims. However, no proof has lead to that conclusion. The disappeance of the Exterminators have lead to an increase in human activity in the city, due to this the Magister is planning to seek help with the UN to help with the investigation. The residents' reaction were mixed with the decision.

"It's those humans that did it! I have no proof but they did it!"

"The Exterminators are responsible for bombing Earth, maybe they want to take revenge on them?"

"Maybe he ran away. I've read so many stories about a krakotl falling in love with a human."

"I've meet his daughter before, she was sweet, I wonder what happened to her."

"They're just clearing out the Exterminators to put their humans in position. This is all Trava's fault! Veln would never do this atrocity."

"I don't really care, I'm making huge money by serving those humans water downed booze!"


Watching the news in our office television, while waiting for 'something' to happen. After receiving personnels and tools from the UN, the rooms were arranged in order make space for such. None of them wanted to share room with a human, so they were given their own place to work. Land and Erik were given their own room, while me and Hlumi is to share room with Reyes.

"I'm telling you, it's gotta be the humans, they're the only ones who have a reason to attack." I said to Reyes and Hlumi.

"You hate them much, huh? Aren't you dating a female human?" Hlumi joked while Reyes laughed.

"How did you- my personal life is none of your business sir!" I retorted. "Besides, she's different, she's nice, she's not siding with those 'humanity first' weirdos."

The guild adjusted with the humans pretty well when they came. Reyes became friends with Hlumi fast due to shared room, Erik was added in Brono's group, and Land was most of the time alone. Despite the humans saying they are a social creatures, Land liked being to himself more.

"Does she even know you're an exterminator? I heard they don't like that title." Hlumi asked.

"I'm..." I diverted my gazed to somewhere else. "Working on in. I don't want her to think I'm a bad person. The stigma of what the exterminators are knows for is hard to work around with."

"That's rough." Reyes replied. "Are you planning to get a new job? Or are you going to play pretend longer?"

"I guess I'm going to play pretend longer. At least until my job here is done, I never liked this work to begin with."

"Hmm?" He seems to be interested with the topic change. "Is there a reason why you stayed?"

Why... Why am I chasing her...

Silence took over the room, while I try to think how to answer what Reyes said. We already know who Reyes is looking for. The UN gave a list of who to watch out from, and one of them is an undocumented man that goes by multiple names. Reyes was sent here, to find and arrest him, the same guy who killed his lover.

"I'm... looking for someone... Trymn, an Ex-Exterminator."

"[13 years] ago, she killed 5 exterminators during an operation, including the previous Chief Exterminator. One of her victims was my brother, Gruin. Gruin and Trymn were close, but one day, she just, snapped, and killed everyone."

I continued. "There was one survivor when she went on her rampage, and he was yelling how there was 'a predator on the lose' and caused a stampede. Out of fear of the High Guild ruining their reputation to the public, they covered up the incident, saying it was a shadestalker that caused a stampede. I found out after I joined the Exterminators after [6 years]. That's when I've meet Hlumi, who replaced the previous Chief."

"Before my brother left the house that day, he left a note, saying that 'If he doesn't come back, tell my family I love them'. For years I kept wondering why, that if he knew he was dying that day, what didn't he stopped her. So now, I'm looking for answers, and she's the only one that has it. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be seen after the incident, all that was known about her was her resume, and her burn scar on her left arm."

Reyes eyes were filled with sympathy, he knew what it's like losing someone from the paw of another. "When you found her, what will you do?" He asked.

"I don't know... All I know is that I must find her, so my brother could rest."
Memory Transcription Subject: Kobni, Venlil Civilian, Alias: "Jitter"

Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down. It's just a game, he won't hurt you.


You can do this, Kobni. You can do this!


You'll win a staring competition against a human!


I opened my eyes after the countdown ended, and the first thing I see is the human's face, eyes wide opened, staring at me like tearing my soul with his mind. 'Smiling' while showing all of his teeth out.

AAAAAAAAAHHH! I screamed, while falling backwards off the chair. Snarl and Eyes were laughing for what they did.

"You guys are jerks!" I said while laying on my front, covering my eyes.

"Hey it worked though! You didn't stutter!" Snarl replied while laughing.

"Sh- shut up!"

After seeing the new human member for the first time, and fainting on the first sight. I keep pushing myself further to stop my 'fear' of everything. Snarl and Eyes swore they'll help me, but every interaction with them just leads to a prank.

Me and Wheel are on the bar, along with the rest of the crew, except for Pocket. Deliveries in and out of the bar became more occurrent after Pocket agreed to be in partnership with the 'Humanity First'. Having to go here for about once per [5 days], sometimes twice. On some trips, we're escorted by a human from 'Humanity First'.

Root signed, looking at our mess. "You guys are scaring Jitter again? Give the poor girl a break."

"Eyes calls it 'Exposure Therapy', the more we scare her the less she'll be scared the next time!" Snarl replied.

"It's working at least, she's not fainting at every scare anymore." Wheel added.

Gathering my strength, I try to stand up. "Just a little more, and I can finally say goodbye to this place. I hope to stars I never see you ugly predator face again!" I said while pointing at him.

Everyone's eyes was shocked after I said that. "Woah, Jitter." Snarl replied.

Oh stars, did I said something wrong!? Why did you say that out loud, Kobni!? Oh my stars they're gonna kill me aren't they? Please I'm too young to die!

"Wa- wa- wait! I- I- didn't mean it. It- it was ju-."

"That's the first full sentence you've said to Eyes without stuttering!"

Wait- what?

The two celebrated, while the rest were laughing on what just happened, except for Claw.

"See I told you it will work." Eyes said.

"Oh stars- I really did! Thank you so much! I'm- getting better!"

"Well, we do have a s saying, it goes- OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" I screamed, falling back again. "YOU'RE A PRICK!"

The two was laughing at me again. While laughing, Eyes put his hand on Snarl's back unconsciously. This made Snarl snap back.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Snarl said, with all his fur raising. This made the bar laughter stop.

"S- sorry." Eyes apologized, raising both his arms.

Snarl suddenly realizing what he did, he replied "No no, it's not your fault, I over reacted. Haha, don't worry about it."

The awkwardness continued to linger after Snarl's outburst.

Snarl faked a yawn. "It's getting late, I'm gonna go sleep, you guys enjoy without me." He left, and when to the back.

After a while, making sure he's out of the earshot. Eyes tried to break the ice. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh yeah we forgot to tell you, Snarl don't like physical contact." Glove replied, not bothered by what just happened. "If you want to pet someone, you can pet Claw. Don't worry he don't mind."

"Why did he act like that?"

"We don't know." Root replied. "He just doesn't like being touched, he was like that since Pocket found him."

"How did Pocket find him?"

"Pocket found Snarl covered in blood, while laughing at an exterminator's corpse. Before that, according to Snarl, he was a stampede victim, with both his mother and sister dying, and only him surviving. After the stampede he prefered to be alone. His aunt took him after that."

"A month later, his aunt sent him to a PD facility, to 'help' his fear of the herd. After a year, It just made it worse, so he escaped. That's when Pocket found him. For all I've remembered, Pocket was the only person he ever hugged.

"What the fuck do you people do on PD facility!?" Eyes replied in anger, he seems to be angry for Snarl's behalf.

"Torture." Glove answered. "They force you to 'be a part of the herd'. Compress you with fellow PD patient, electrocute those who walk past line, force you to watch Arxur eating preys. Your survival will depend on your luck on who's your handler, because in some cases, they just disappear."

Long silence remained after Glove's last sentence.

"...What will you do if the Exterminators came?" Eyes asked.

"I don't know... But when the time comes, this place is rigged to explode... Destroying the evidence that we've been here..."
Prev - Next
submitted by meapling_ to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:35 CapableBookkeeper122 Is Home warranty a scam?

I’m starting to wonder if home warranties are just a big scam and I could really use some insights from those who have dealt with them. My sister bought a charming house about two years ago. Everything seemed perfect at first but as time went on things started breaking down – her airconditioned system struggled during the summer heat the refrigerator started making strange noises and she had a few plumbing issues that required attention. Wanting some peace of mind, she decided to invest in a home warranty. She went with one of the big names paying around $600 annually with a $75 service fee per call.
The trouble started almost immediately. When her airconditioned system failed during a heatwave she called the warranty company expecting a quick fix. They sent out a technician, who took days to show up and then declared the issue as “pre-existing,” thus not coveredShe ended up having to pay out of pocket for a repair that cost over $1,200. Then when her refrigerator finally gave up, the warranty company sent another technician who claimed the problem was due to "improper maintenance," another excuse to deny the claim.
We are frustrated really and she tried to get some of her money back, but customer service was a nightmare – long hold times, unhelpful representatives, and ultimately, no refund. Now she’s out hundreds of dollars for the warrantyplus the costs of repairs she thought would be covered…Seeing her go through this has made me really skeptical about whether these warranties are worth it or just a scam.
Has anyone here had similar experiences, or is my sister’s case just an unlucky one? Are there any home warranty companies that actually honor their commitments, or is it better to just save up for repairs instead? I’d love to hear your stories and advice on this – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
submitted by CapableBookkeeper122 to CentralFinanceGroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:35 Budget_Heron_3908 [SF] [MS] The Corporation - Part One

Chapter One
Title unsure
Sam pulled his phone out of his pocket and hurriedly went to check his email inbox.
“Come one, come on.”
He thought as he waited for it to load.
“Yes! There it is!” He murmured to himself.
He quickly opened what he had been waiting for. It was a job interview for a forklift operator. Sure, the wage was low but Sam whether he realized it or not really needed this. He’d just gotten out of rehab and the halfway house he was staying in required that he have some form of legal employment. Sam knew that if he could just get an interview, he could get the job and be back on his way to proving to everyone that he was finally a changed man.
He put his phone back into his pocket, grabbed his keys and left his room. The halfway house was an old brownstone in downtown Portland. Sam had been told that he had found a “good one” though the state of the home made him never want to find out what a “bad one” looked like. The old worn floorboards creaked with every step. As he made his way down the narrow and steep steps he was hit with the damp rotting smell of the street coming through the now open front door.
It was Mr. Hawthorne the home caretaker. He had just come in with a handful of mail. Mr. Hawthorne was a kindly old man of about 70. He had thick grey hair that he always kept trimmed neatly. He was a person that you couldn’t imagine being younger as if he had somehow always looked this way. Stuck in his old age, as if he were meant to be there.
“Nothing for you today Samuel.” He said plainly. “Where are ya off to?” He asked.
“A job interview!” Sam said excitedly and with an air of pride.
“Excellent, excellent Samuel.” Said Mr. Hawthorne pleasantly. “Let me know how it goes! And best of luck!”
Sam padded Mr. Hawthorne in his shoulder as he passed him in the entryway “Thanks, Mr. Hawthorne and I will!” He said happily.
Sam stepped out into the street. It had just finished raining and the damp smell of a decaying city filled his lungs. This reminded Sam of where he was from. Not because of the smell of the city but because every time he stepped outside he was reminded that he didn’t belong there. Sam was raised on a small farm in Montana. How he ended up here brought him great shame. But, he was heading to a place to hopefully help him right all of his wrongs.
He walked down the block and turned the corner. There sat his 1999 Honda Civic. For starters no one had smashed the window so he was already in the positive. He unlocked the door and hopped inside.
“Alright you old son of a bitch, come on now.” He thought as he pushed in the clutch and turned the ignition. The cars engine sputtered, spat and rolled its way to life.
Sam smiled a sense that this was all going o work out suddenly washed over him. The old Honda rarely started on the first try! He put it into gear and started down the road. A road he hoped would lead him out of this city and perhaps back home.
Sam was relieved that the warehouse was far from the city proper and out in the suburbs of Portland. Anytime he was able to escape the city he felt a weight lifted off of his shoulders. He pulled into the massive parking lot of the warehouse and headed for the door on its southern corner where the e-mail had told him his interview would be at. The parking lot seemed eerily empty but it was a Sunday. The woman who wrote the email explained to him that she was only able to schedule his interview for that time because of some logistical issues.
He found a spot near the doorway that read “new hires” above it. Sam grabbed his phone and wallet and headed inside. As he entered the lobby he saw rows of empty chairs and a front desk that was currently empty. Sam walked up to the desk tentatively. The lobby looked like any large doctors office waiting room. The harsh artificial lights, the smell of cheap carpet slightly put him on edge. He stood at the desk for a moment before he finally uttered a tentative “Hello?” His voice seemed to echo around the great space and down the long hallway behind the desk.
Just before he was about to toss out another meek “hello?” A kindly woman appeared through a cracked door behind the reception area.
“Coming!” She said anxiously!
“Sorry, sorry, I wasn’t supposed to be here this morning! My name is Christine! I had to cover for a colleague who called in sick! I’m a bit behind! You must be Samuel! You’re the only one scheduled for an interview today! Here, take this packet and fill it out. When you’re finished bring it back up and I’ll let Mr. McMaster know you’re here!” She said with much haste.
She handed Sam the packet on a clip board with a pen and directed him to take a seat at any of the empty chairs behind him. Sam sat down and started filling the packet out. It was all normal job interview stuff. But this presented a problem for Sam as he had just left rehab. Sam didn’t have any references aside from Mr. Hawthorn. Sure, he could put down some old friends from the service but he didn’t know their numbers anymore. So, he just put down Mr. Hawthorne for now. If they had any questions about it he figured he could answer them during the actual interview. Sam figured that the less they knew about him the better his chances would be of getting the job. After all this wasn’t NASA they just wanted someone to drive a forklift around a warehouse.
He handed the packet back to Christine who was ostensibly busy answering emails on her computer. She smiled and said “let me get this to the supervisor! He’ll have you back in just a moment!”
“Thank you!” Sam said and he went back and sat down waiting anxiously. “What if they ask about my past? They surely will.” He thought. “What should I tell them? The truth? No, that’s not gonna work. Maybe a half truth.” Before he could finish his thought Christine stood up and said “Sam! He’ll see you now!”
Chapter Three
Rabbit hole
Sam was led into a back room in the middle of a hallway that had to of been 100 yards long. Christine opened the door to a small bland grey office that Mr. McMasters was sitting in. He appeared to be fast at work typing. Sam took in the room. Small, grey, bland and very cookie cutter. Not a distinguishing feature in it. No personal pictures, nothing. Very utilitarian. Very impersonal. The only thing that caught Sam’s eye was a fancy machine in the corner that appeared to be some type of water dispenser. Complete with glass cups and napkins on a table near it.
“Please please Sit.” Said Mr. McMaster his voice booming and commanding. As he stood he stretched his hand out toward Sam. Mr. McMaster was a commandingly large man. At least six foot four and 250 pounds. Despite his size and deep voice he appeared very friendly and almost child-like.
Sam shook his hand and was immediately intimidated by Mr. McMasters massive hands and grip strength. Sam squeezed his hand firmly but could tell that McMaster was holding back considerably. They both sat.
“Samuel, nice to meet you! I’m Gregory McMaster, please just call me Greg. I’m so glad you could make it in today. We really need someone in that spot and I think you’re gonna work out.”
Sam was already feeling relieved. Oddly before he could get a word out Greg said “hey, saw ya looking at the water machine we have there in the corner. Pretty cool looking right?” He said with a smile on his face.
“This is one of our CEO’s inventions believe it or not. See, this thing makes its own ‘spring water’ fresh as the Rockies man! You won’t believe it! Here let me grab you a glass!”
“I’m alright” Sam said calmly
“No, no I insist I have my manager hell to get me one of these in my office!”
“Okay, sure sure” said Sam with his hand outreached taking the now full glass from Greg’s massive hand.
Sam took a tentative sip. He was almost taken back, it really did taste like spring water! “Hey! You weren’t kidding!” He said surprisingly!
“I love this thing man” Greg said as he leaned against the machine analyzing it. “She’s something else huh?”
“Sure is..” Said Sam but the words coming out of his mouth felt funny. Must be his nerves he thought. Sam looked up quickly trying to calm himself down but the room seemed to roll and shift. “Hey, uhh what did you’d say was in this?” He murmured to the spinning room. Then, total blackness.
Chapter Four
Waking up at the bottom.
The first thing Sam realized as he floated back into consciousness was the acute feeling of his head throbbing. Then, as his sense slowly began to warm up from there cold slumber he realized he was laying down and that he was comfortable. For a moment he just laid there before a sudden and quick blast of consciousness asked him “hey, where are we?” His eyes shot open only to be closed reflexively by a blinding light above his head. He raised his hands to cover his eyes and slowly sat up. As his vision adjusted to the brightness of the room he looked around. He was laying on a hospital bed. The room appeared to be solid concrete with a sloping drain in the middle. One large door was directly in the center of the far wall. It was heavy and metallic with a small slit at the top. Sam’s confusion began to give way to abject panic as he peered around the room.
He jumped out of the bed, and ran over to the large door. He banged loudly and yelled “Hey! Hello!” Suddenly the room light switched from a harsh white to a dark and powerful red. A voice echoed around the concrete walls.
“Please step away from the door.” It said robotically. “Assistance is on the way.”
submitted by Budget_Heron_3908 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:35 yamstomas Eric Andre Show live show at Miami Beach Bandshell Opening Acts

Hi did anyone go to the eric and show in miami on 6/9 and knows the name of the opening acts djs. I know one of them wore a mask and changed his voice so he might be anonymous but the one before him was really good and i couldnt understand his name. jd love to see more of his work if anyone knows his name. thanks !
submitted by yamstomas to TheEricAndreShow [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:34 NoBase7100 Which issues do you personally have while entering the queues?

I want to make a big discussion about all of our problem via entering the drop's queue. For me personally, it is a bit different each time. I have tried for knit boots, there I got specific credit card issue, it was declined like 5 time. And also really long load wait time to open "enter drop", "enter the queue". At this slide drop I was blessed with address(while selecting prefilled one, usual) being "invalid" for some reasons for a good 3 times, usually after each of them canceling all progress and putting me back to initial screen once more. Therefore entering drop at around after 10min at best time... Which issues can you name that was specific for some drops and how long it was to overcome then for you?
submitted by NoBase7100 to yeezys [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:34 BattleReadyZim Misadventure Near Fire Island

Hello all! I thought I'd share my weekend excitement.
I have a little Thistle, The Pretty Princess, and I have a perverse desire to do very non-Thistle-like things with her. Sail camping is top of the list, so I reserved a back country camping permit on Fire Island on the south side of Long Island, and my friend and I were going to sail from Cap Tree Park to our campsite, beach the boat, camp, and sail back the next day. We failed at this quite spectacularly.
Neither of us are experienced sailors. I'm self taught on this Thistle that was gifted to me, and she's just learned from coming out with me. It's a very blind leading the blind situation. Well, wind was 10-13 knots, which I thought I was ready to try. I wasn't. We were having a terrible time getting the Princess to behave herself and go where we wanted, especially tacking into the wind. At one point, to get past a particularly troublesome stretch, I took her close to shore, pulled the centerboard and rudder, and just got out and walked her along. I named her for my dog that passed about a year ago, and she pulls on her leash just like my dog did.
I tow the boat and my companion along as far as I can, and then hop back in and we prepare to sail again. Finally, we are making some progress; it feels like we're just starting to get a hang of things. I'm cutting a little too close to straight into the wind, so we keep losing it, and I'm getting frustrated again. I've got the mainsheet pretty tight so I can catch some forward motion when I hit the right angle. I'd done this a couple times already and lost it because, again, I am a rank amateur. This time, though, it caught and we went straight over. Capsize!
Now, I don't know much, but I have been doing research. Thistles capsize. I wanted to be ready, and I daresay I was. I adjusted the lines I needed to adjust so we wouldn't just blow over again, and then I showed my friend how we were going to right her. And we did! I started bailing and she started swimming around gathering stuff that was trying to float away. The anchor was out from the spill, so I didn't have to set that.
Camping was now cancelled. All our gear was soaked, we were tired and not doing well at the whole sailing thing. It was time to go home. I have no doubt that we could have bailed a bit more, caught the downwind, and sailed back under our own power. But when a good Samaritan came along and offered us a tow, we were too spent to refuse.
And then when the Coast Guard came along and offered to take over the tow, I'm not sure if we were allowed to refuse?? Now, good and bad of my Coast Guard interactions: Everyone on the boat that came to get us were super kind and polite. The local police boat was also super nice and professional. It was almost worth capsizing to receive such great customer service! I do think that the sequence of events led them to believe this was more of a catastrophe than it was. Thistles are racing boats. They fall over sometimes. We were being towed out of laziness rather than need. The Coast Guard boat wouldn't see that until we were already on board answering their questions. I'm trying to say that they did not make any mistakes from their perspective, but the situation did get blown out of proportion. In any case, my poor little Thistle did suffer a bit being strapped to their big boat, but we were grateful for the ride back.
I may try to put some money aside for lessons before I head out in winds like that again :)
submitted by BattleReadyZim to sailing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:33 AdamLuyan My Experiences of Meditation

Content of the Article: 1 Basics of Meditation; 2 Meditation Entrance; 3 Tactile Hallucinations; 4 Merits and Virtues of Meditation; 5 Clairaudience; 6 Clairvoyance; 7 Teleportation; 8 Clairsentience.
What is Meditation? The Compendium of Buddhism defines meditation as mind cultivation. Mundane people do not have enough hallucinational experiences to understand the phenomena of ghosts Buddhas and gods; the practice of meditation can make up such insufficiencies. Through these experiences of many different states of mind and body, the practitioner can grow celestial eye (which is a metaphor for meditation experiences) and testify “intellectual testament of birth and death”.
1 Basics of Meditation
The practice of meditation is concerned with three adjustments, the adjustment of posture, the adjustment of breath, and the adjustment of heart (i.e., mind). I) A cross-legged sitting posture is best, the straighter the spine the better. The eyes are closed, and the gaze is directed inward toward the area of concentration, as in the so-called Eye watches Nose, Nose watches Mouth, and Mouth watches heart. The tongue is rolled upwards with the tip of the tongue at the root of the front upper teeth.
II) Breathing should be as deep, long, thin, and even as possible. Author me adopts abdominal breathing, i.e., when inhaling, I imagine breathing into my chest (i.e., right under center line of breastplate) or Lower Dantian (i.e., 3 inches under navel), with my lower abdomen bulging out. When exhaling, the lower abdomen is deflated and the chest is lifted, breathing like animals such as cats and dogs.
III) In the sense that both the body and the external world are projections of the heart: my heart is the universe; the universe is my heart. Interests and intentions control the direction of the heart, which means where the intention dwells, where the heart is formed, so turning the heart is talking about where the intention dwells, or where it is directed to. First coarse tuning, the author, when I was a teenager practicing meditation commonly used this spell to harmonize the internal and external environment of the body and heart (i.e., mind). The passing gods and spirits above sky, the lord of this land, the lonely souls in the wilderness, and the devils underground bear witness to me. I now swear that when I, Luyan, practice meditation today, I am not doing it just for myself, nor just for my family and friends, but for countless and boundless sentient beings. If I learn to be successful, I will return the favor to countless and boundless all living beings.
2 Meditation Entrance
Beginners have this transition phase. Close your eyes and look inward at the Middle Dantian (i.e., right under center line of breastplate). On inhalation, one's intention (think this way, think like this) is that the true air (i.e., warm feelings) slowly tends to the chest along with the inhalation; one feels (one's intention is all in the sensation) that the true air is sucked up to the chest. Exhale naturally without any intentional action. After a few times of practice, the true air will be gathered in the Middle Dantian.
In the beginning, Meditator uses the Middle Dantian, and after the true air has gathered in the chest, pushes the true air towards the Dantian (i.e., Lower Dantian, 3 inches under navel) with suction force; this is called Transporting Air. After the true air has established a base in the Dantian, Meditator always uses the Dantian as the home base and the other acupoints practiced as the line camps. When the true air reaches a certain acupoint (all technical words refer to Chinese Acupoints Chart), it triggers corresponding hallucinations of touching, hearing, and so on.
After practicing for some time, beginners may feel a steady flow of true air to the Dantian as inhaling; at this point, the Ren Mai has been opened. The Ren Mai is the middle line on the surface of the body from the lower jaw to the Dantian. Subsequently, Meditator can practice opening the whole circle of meridians, etc., according to the diagrams of acupuncture. Or Meditator just guards the Dantian to accumulate more and more true air. That true air is tactile hallucinations, so accumulating more and more of it, eventually will trigger the phenomena described later.
3 Tactile Hallucinations
The phenomena of the true air transportation described above is called tactile hallucinations in modern psychology. As the meditator continues to progress, more hallucinations will appear. Where the true air cannot pass through, it will stagnate, manifesting phenomena such as distension, pain, and so on. Meditator may also encounter many more, such as moving touch (the throbbing of localized flesh on a limb), itching, coolness, warmth, lightness, heaviness (localized heaviness of the body), astringency, smoothness, ripples (such as a finger or droplet of water touching the skin or limb), joy, anger, sadness, happiness, crying, and so on.
Meditator may also encounter phenomena such as the body wobbling, getting bigger, smaller, or floating; a flow of air under the skin; someone or something tapping you; and a bug or a small mouse running under or on the skin. When there is something running under the skin, if the Meditator is practicing with his eyes open, he can even see that the skin bulges where that thing is running. When something runs on the skin, the Meditator can even see that a concave place (the footprint of that thing) appears. In ancient times, there were many names for the above phenomena, such as naughty ghosts, tickling ghosts, and so on.
How do you remove tactile hallucinations? The usual approach is to reprimand, e.g., Go! Go away! Leave me alone. After a few times or weeks, when unconsciousness receives the message, the hallucination will be restrained. In addition, stroking or tapping the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head is helpful in absorbing the hallucinating air into the meridians. You can also remove hallucinations by touching the place of hallucination with your hands, other things such as bathing.
The reader may wonder why it is necessary to utter or say aloud, go away, I don't like you. A: The unconscious (i.e., God-sense) only accepts the present quantity. Generally, direct physical and verbal behavior can be received by the unconscious; while information about thoughts and intentional behaviors (i.e., intents, plans) are poorly received or not received.
4 Merits and Virtues of Meditation
When Meditator has already mastered and become accustomed to the basic techniques mentioned above, and prefers to study supernormal capabilities, the following periods of time are better, with a strong sense of air, and are prone to triggering hallucinations. Around 12:00 noon, around 6:00 p.m., and from around 12:00 midnight to around 6:00 a.m.; these are what the ancients called Zi Wu Mao You. Some people say that these time periods attract demons, and they especially avoid these time periods. Many of the hallucinatory phenomena are what people call devils, but we meditators call those states as Stillness, and we call those ghosts, gods, devils, and other hallucinatory experiences in them as merits and virtues. Why do we call those merits and virtues?
When I was a child, once Uncle Dragon told me, for example, that a little girl felt a little mouse running around in her body, so she was very scared and got sick. The parents went to the temple and asked the Great Virtue Master. Upon hearing this, the Great Virtue Master said, "Ah! It's nothing! I had that phenomenon when I was a child, and it was nothing harmful; ignore it, or drive it away, hit it a little, and speak out and say to it, 'Go away! I don't like you!' Maybe two or three times, after a month or two, that stopped happening." As a result, the little girl was cured. The other monks in this temple looked and listened, and wondered: why, when Master Great Virtue said a few words, did that person get well? Through observation, they realized that Master Great Virtue had virtue (i.e., that kind of experience) in him. Because he had virtue in him, he said a few words, and when the patient heard them, she was cured.
Uncle Dragon also told me. The virtue in the Great Virtue Master is not easy to come by, not only the insights he gained from his hard work in practicing meditation, but also the fact that he was probably engaged in many kinds of industries and knew the secrets of many kinds of industries, and those experiences are also merits and virtues.
5 Clairaudience
As Meditator’s capability rises, the senses of touch and hearing and sight become acute. Before falling asleep, the Meditator may hear his or her own heartbeat. According to modern psychological analysis, the sound of hearing one's own heartbeat before going to sleep is caused by the contraction and dilatation of blood vessels near the small bones of the ear. Meditators may experience auditory hallucinations such as whistling, hissing, ticking, whimpering, birds chirping, water running, frogs chirping, wind blowing in a cave, rain, thunder, etc.; or someone discussing a problem as if they were in a meeting, or someone greeting them, or someone telling them something.
As Meditator continues to study and understand, understands that the objectives are projected and held by internal considerations, and thus proves the Celestial Ear through, Celestial Leg Through, and the Others Heart through, etc. intelligences and gnosis. Later in this article, we will explain these kinds of godly powers in terms of visual hallucinations, which are the same as this Celestial Ear through. How do you remove auditory hallucinations? The usual approach is to scold, such as, "Go away! Do not bother me! Leave me alone." After a few times, when the unconscious receives the message, the hallucination is suppressed.
6 Clairvoyance
Visual hallucinations are what the celestial eye sees, and the following are examples of several phenomena in the world of visual hallucinations.
(1. Function Flies to Have)
One day, when I was a child, I was meditating when I suddenly saw a book flying in front of my head. I thought to myself, "What is that? It's too far away to see clearly, but it would be nice to see it closer! The book flew closer. I thought, "Oh! You're still alive, you have intelligence! The book wiggled as if it knew what I meant and bounced with joy. I then said (thinking): are you really an intelligent living thing? And the book wiggled again. I'm like, "Then where did you come from? What do you want from me? The book wiggled a lot, like it was in a terrible hurry.
At this time, the hallucinational environment was a little unstable, so I hurriedly concentrated, adjusting to maintain the hallucination, while thinking: you can't talk, so I won't ask; the front of this book is like this, then what is the back like? Immediately, the picture of that book presented its back. At this point I was happy again and had nothing to do. After reading it for a while, I got bored of it. The book flew away. When the hallucination ended, I also ended my meditation. I felt relief all over my body, and there was a sensation of subtle electric currents on the surface of my body.
(2. Demon Phenomena)
One morning when I was in junior high school, I woke up especially early, about three o'clock in the morning, in order to prepare for an exam. After reading a book for a while, I was sleepy and fell asleep, so I lay on my back on the bed, with my head against the south wall, and habitually did the breathing of practicing meditation several times. As a result of practicing for a long time, the tip of my tongue was always at the root of my front upper teeth.
Suddenly, I felt that the upper right side of my head was empty, (it was a wall), and there were a couple of faces that looked like children's drawings, glittering. I thought, "What's that? I can draw with my feet better than you guys!” I was in trouble! The glowing faces came at me in a line and hit me on the right side of my forehead.
At that time, due to my habit of practicing meditation, I did not react easily to changing my posture. I was still feeling the state of my whole body, and I felt that the skin and flesh of my face, abdomen, and legs were all deformed and moving in a wave-like manner toward the part of my right forehead where I had been hit. The deformation of the skin of my face was so strong that I hurriedly pushed the skin of my face back with my hands. Feeling that it worked well, I followed it up by pressing and pushing the skin and flesh on my abdomen to reset. Then I quickly stood up and reset the skin and flesh of my legs and whole body. By the time I was done, I was sweating. The good thing is that I didn't notice any soft tissue strains and my whole body quickly returned to normal.
It makes no difference whether the phenomena mentioned earlier are called hallucinations or demons; the key is to understand the truth. In the world of hallucination, all animals, plants, and inanimate mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas are equal. From then on, I began to pay attention to politeness, keep the precepts, and try to respect anything, living or inanimate. This is because of practicing meditation, so that I conscientiously obey the precepts. The precepts emanate from within my own body, are Path Fruits.
Remove the visual hallucination in the same way as above: whatever it is, either communicate politely as if you were treating a six- or seven-year-old child or shoo it away. Visual hallucinations respond directly to reprimands, for example, if you tell it to leave, it leaves. Whereas auditory hallucinations are slower to respond, usually taking a few days; tactile hallucinations are even slower to respond and can take weeks.
7 Teleportation
Stepping into a painting is when, in meditation, staring at something in the hallucination may be mindful of curiosity, fascination, and then, as above, an instantaneous change of objective target. What gives rise to Celestial Leg, i.e., instant translocation, teleportation, is that such objective targets change so much that even the whole environment changes within an instant, as if coming to another place in an instant, see the cases in Section 15.1, and the cases below.
In hallucination, the environment usually changes to match the mind, and the objective is based on the thinks, or saying that the objective environment is think brought there. The omnipresent heartland law Think is by fetch image as nature. For example, on a very hot evening, I was meditating and the hallucination I just entered was of an evening hillside. I feel very cool. When I saw the grass fluctuating, as if a wind was blowing, I thought: a little wind is good, it's cooler. In this world, the wind became stronger. I thought: this wind is getting stronger, as if it is going to rain. In this world, it was raining. I thought rain is good, because the crops are dry now; it's good that it's raining more! And the rain became heavier. I thought: No good! Where am I? It's raining so hard; if there's a flood, where can I run to? The flood came.
8 Clairsentience
Once in meditation I saw a beautiful woman. Looking, looking I thought, "It seems like her cheekbones are a little high." This beautiful woman suddenly turned into a skeleton. I was scared out of my vision and realized that I was sweating all over. I was still thinking: "It's just to look at you, why are you scaring me!" Then I thought: yes, of course, people don't want to when I stare at them that much. I still have to keep the precepts properly, don't look at if it is not polite!
In conjunction with the above example, use a few lines from Master Sangchan's Inscription on Faith to explain what happened above: 1. return to get the purpose, 2. lose the sect with the illumination, 3. the illumination returns simultaneously, 4. more victorious than the former emptiness, 5. the former emptiness is transformed, 6. it is all due to the illusion of (It seems like her CHEEKBONES are a little high) the mind. The reader can bring these six sentences into the previous paragraph to interpret Clairsentience or Reading Others Mind.
The end.
submitted by AdamLuyan to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:33 DisciplineNo1000 The Role of IPTV in Cutting the Cord: Is It Worth It?

The Role of IPTV in Cutting the Cord: Is It Worth It?
IPTV Trends


Cutting the cord has become a significant trend as people move away from traditional cable TV in favor of more flexible and cost-effective options. One of the leading alternatives is IPTV (Internet Protocol Television), and IPTV Trends is at the forefront of this revolution. But what exactly is IPTV, and is it a worthwhile choice for those looking to cut the cord?

Understanding IPTV

Definition and Explanation
IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. It delivers television content over the internet rather than through traditional satellite or cable formats. This allows for streaming live TV and on-demand content through your internet connection. IPTV Trends provides the best IPTV experience, ensuring high-quality streaming and a vast array of channels.
How IPTV Works
IPTV works by transmitting video and audio data over the internet. This data is then decoded by a set-top box or a compatible device, allowing users to watch TV programs on their screens. IPTV Trends uses advanced technology to ensure a seamless and high-definition viewing experience.

The Evolution of Television Consumption

Traditional TV vs. IPTV
Traditional TV relies on broadcasting signals through cables or satellites. This method often involves long-term contracts, limited flexibility, and higher costs. In contrast, IPTV, particularly with IPTV Trends, uses internet protocols to deliver content, providing more flexibility and often lower costs.
Why People Are Cutting the Cord
The main reasons for cord-cutting include the desire for lower costs, greater flexibility, and access to a broader range of content. IPTV Trends meets these needs by offering customizable packages, on-demand viewing, and the ability to watch content on multiple devices.

Benefits of IPTV

Cost Savings
One of the most appealing aspects of IPTV Trends is its cost-effectiveness. Without the need for expensive cable subscriptions, users can save a significant amount of money. IPTV Trends offers competitive pricing and no long-term contracts, making it the best IPTV option available.
Flexibility and Convenience
IPTV Trends allows users to watch their favorite shows and movies anytime, anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. This flexibility is a huge advantage over traditional TV, which is often limited to specific times and places. The IPTVTrends login process is simple, making it easy to access your content.
Variety of Content
IPTV Trends provides a wider range of content than traditional TV, including international channels, niche genres, and on-demand options. This diversity ensures there is something for everyone, catering to varied tastes and preferences.

Challenges of IPTV

Internet Dependency
Since IPTV relies on the internet, a stable and fast connection is essential. Poor internet quality can lead to buffering, interruptions, and a subpar viewing experience. However, with IPTV Trends, the best IPTV service, the platform is optimized to handle various internet speeds efficiently.
Legal and Licensing Issues
IPTV services must navigate complex legal and licensing landscapes. Some providers may not have the necessary rights to broadcast certain content, leading to potential legal issues for users. It's crucial to choose a reputable IPTV provider like IPTV Trends to avoid these problems.
Quality and Reliability Concerns
While many IPTV services offer high-quality streams, some may suffer from poor reliability. Issues like buffering, lag, and service outages can detract from the viewing experience. Evaluating the reliability of an IPTV service before committing is essential. IPTV Trends ensures top-notch quality and minimal disruptions, making it the best IPTV choice.

IPTV vs. Other Streaming Services

Comparison with Services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime
IPTV differs from other popular streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime in several ways. While these platforms offer a library of on-demand content, IPTV provides access to live TV channels as well. IPTV Trends excels in this area, offering both live TV and on-demand content, setting it apart as the best IPTV option.
Unique Features of IPTV
IPTV's ability to offer both live TV and on-demand content is a standout feature. Additionally, many IPTV services provide features like catch-up TV, where users can watch programs that aired up to several days ago, and the ability to pause, rewind, and fast-forward live TV. IPTV Trends, with its IPTV smarters expert interface, makes these features easily accessible.

Setting Up IPTV

Equipment Needed
To set up IPTV, you'll need a few key pieces of equipment: a stable internet connection, a compatible device (such as a smart TV, smartphone, tablet, or computer), and an IPTV set-top box or app. IPTV Trends provides clear instructions and support to make the setup process straightforward.
Steps to Get Started
  1. Choose IPTV Trends as your IPTV service provider.
  2. Purchase a compatible device or set-top box if needed.
  3. Install the IPTV Trends app on your device.
  4. Subscribe to the service and follow the provider's instructions for activation.
  5. Start streaming your favorite content using the IPTVTrends login.

Choosing the Right IPTV Service

Factors to Consider
When selecting an IPTV service, consider factors such as content variety, pricing, customer reviews, and reliability. Ensure the provider is legally compliant and offers good customer support. IPTV Trends stands out in all these aspects, offering the best IPTV service available.
Popular IPTV Providers
Among the numerous IPTV providers, IPTV Trends is a leading name. It offers extensive content options, excellent customer support, and an easy-to-use interface, making it the best IPTV choice for many users.

Cost Analysis: IPTV vs. Cable TV

Monthly Subscription Costs
IPTV services generally offer more affordable monthly subscriptions compared to traditional cable TV. IPTV Trends provides cost-effective packages that are significantly cheaper than cable, making it the best IPTV option for budget-conscious viewers.
Additional Expenses (Equipment, Internet)
While IPTV can save money on subscription fees, there may be additional costs for equipment and a robust internet connection. It's important to factor in these expenses when evaluating the overall cost-effectiveness of IPTV. IPTV Trends offers competitive pricing and minimal additional costs.

Content Availability on IPTV

Types of Channels and Shows
IPTV Trends offers a wide range of channels, including sports, news, entertainment, and international options. The on-demand library provides access to movies, TV shows, and other content, ensuring there's always something to watch.
On-Demand Content
The on-demand feature of IPTV Trends is one of its biggest draws. Users can watch what they want, when they want, without being tied to a broadcast schedule. This flexibility is a major advantage over traditional TV.

User Experience with IPTV

Interface and User-Friendliness
A good IPTV service should have an intuitive interface that's easy to navigate. IPTV Trends, with its IPTV smarters expert design, offers a user-friendly interface with features like search functions, categorized content, and personalized recommendations.
Customer Support
Reliable customer support is crucial for resolving any issues that arise with your IPTV service. IPTV Trends offers multiple support channels, such as phone, email, and live chat, and has a reputation for responsive and helpful service.

Legal Considerations with IPTV

Copyright Issues
Not all IPTV services are created equal, and some may operate without proper licensing. Using such services can lead to legal troubles. It's essential to choose a legitimate provider like IPTV Trends that complies with copyright laws.
Avoiding Illegal Services
To avoid illegal IPTV services, research providers thoroughly, read customer reviews, and check for proper licensing. IPTV Trends is a trusted provider with the necessary licenses to broadcast content legally.

Future of IPTV

Technological Advancements
The future of IPTV looks promising with ongoing technological advancements. Improved streaming quality, faster internet speeds, and enhanced features like virtual reality and interactive TV are on the horizon. IPTV Trends is at the cutting edge of these innovations, ensuring users always get the best IPTV experience.
Market Trends
As more people cut the cord, the demand for IPTV is expected to grow. Providers like IPTV Trends are likely to expand their offerings and improve service quality to attract and retain customers, making them the best IPTV option for the future.

Is IPTV Worth It?

Weighing Pros and Cons
When deciding whether IPTV is worth it, consider the pros (cost savings, flexibility, variety) against the cons (internet dependency, potential legal issues, reliability concerns). IPTV Trends addresses many of these concerns, offering a reliable and legal service that is widely regarded as the best IPTV option.
Personal Suitability
IPTV might be a perfect fit if you value flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and a wide range of content. However, if you live in an area with poor internet connectivity or prefer the traditional TV experience, it might not be the best option for you. For most users, IPTV Trends provides a superior alternative to traditional TV.


In summary, IPTV Trends offers a compelling alternative to traditional cable TV with its cost savings, flexibility, and diverse content options. While it has its challenges, such as internet dependency and potential legal issues, many find it a worthwhile choice for cutting the cord. By carefully considering your needs and researching providers, you can determine if IPTV Trends is the right solution for you.


What is IPTV and how does it work?
IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television and works by streaming TV content over the internet rather than through traditional cable or satellite formats. IPTV Trends provides a seamless experience with high-quality streams.
Is IPTV legal?
IPTV is legal when the service provider has the proper licenses to broadcast content. IPTV Trends is a reputable and licensed provider, ensuring a legal and secure service.
Can IPTV replace traditional cable TV?
For many people, yes. IPTV Trends offers a similar range of live TV channels and on-demand content, often at a lower cost and with greater flexibility, making it the best IPTV option available.
What equipment do I need for IPTV?
You'll need a stable internet connection, a compatible device (such as a smart TV, smartphone, or tablet), and possibly an IPTV set-top box or app. IPTV Trends provides detailed guidance and support to ensure a smooth setup.
Are there any risks associated with using IPTV?
The main risks include potential legal issues with unlicensed providers and reliability concerns related to internet connectivity. IPTV Trends mitigates these risks by offering a licensed, reliable, and high-quality service.
submitted by DisciplineNo1000 to u/DisciplineNo1000 [link] [comments]