Cincinnati and dayton public transportation

Ohio News - Events, Meetups & Things to Do in Ohio

2008.10.05 00:06 Ohio News - Events, Meetups & Things to Do in Ohio

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2010.03.22 16:25 emsenn0 Dayton, Ohio – Local News, Events & Things to Do

The digital speakeasy for the Gem City. Here, we discover, share, and discuss local news, music, events, food, restaurants, attractions, meetups, and things to do in Dayton, Ohio.

2010.03.31 19:46 MadeOfEyelashes The University of Cincinnati

This is a subreddit dedicated to the University of Cincinnati community.

2024.06.10 05:31 MalayNoble Diesel Increase and Public Transport

Yesterday the diesel got increase to 3.35 ringgit per litre and maybe Ron 95 and Ron 96 will increase in the near future. I have no time to actually research why the govt did that, maybe to cut cost on subsidy or Rafizi is being a dumbass, idk.
What I do know is that public transport in Malaysia is ass (Except LRT cause no bad experience yet, dont know much about MRT and Monorail) and the buses are the most lacking I think in terms of presence and reliability in KL or even any cities.
I live in Kuantan so we got RapidKuantan serving the area but the service is so bad due several reasons:
  1. Frequency (just go check rapidkuantan FB for most recent schedule)
  2. Quality of the buses itself (it looks like not being maintained nor cared about.)
  3. The amount of stops in between the stops and sensibility of bus stops location (like the stops are more than 1km apart even in the centre)
  4. Method of payment (still cash and no card)
  5. This is personal for me, I don't like the immigrants that take the bus because their smell makes the ride worse than it should be.
Malaysia govt should focus more on making cities walkable or at least navigable with buses WITH CUTTING THE FUEL SUBSIDIES so people who started to feel the pinch would be able to take other alternatives that serves just as good as personal vehicles should.
And thus the discussion: Am I wrong and why? Am I right and why?
Source: Using Edinburgh bus service for 3 years makes one have higher standards for public transportation.
submitted by MalayNoble to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:10 jaxsonthefurry Excellent infographic from r/fuckcars

Excellent infographic from fuckcars submitted by jaxsonthefurry to furbanist [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:54 PsychologicalTime749 Where to stay for Osheaga?

First time visiting Montreal and Osheaga, any advice on LGBTQ friendly places to stay for ease of getting in & out of the festival? Hotel & neighborhood suggestions would be amazing. I’ll be driving a car up from New York, hoping to park where I stay and take public transport in. … pic for algorithm tax, from a Sophie Ellis Baxtor show this week.
submitted by PsychologicalTime749 to osheaga [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:48 Ellmcs Taxi with an infant

I'll be travelling to downtown Toronto this week and I'll have my 7 month old with me. We won't have a carseat. My understanding is that it is legal to take taxis without a carseat as they're considered public transport (questionable lol... But ok). Just because I am unfamiliar with how the taxis in Toronto work, would say Beck Taxis be a "taxi" company.. not a ride share? This sounds stupid as I type it out as TAXI is in the name but I just want to make sure.
Im hoping to not have to resort to using a taxi and just walk everywhere but I'll be by myself so the subway is way too intimidating and I've also heard that the bus service can be a bit overwhelming as well.
Would appreciate any advice!
submitted by Ellmcs to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:38 DogNala London on Christmas/Boxing Day

Hi we have a flight arriving in London early morning on Christmas Day and leave late afternoon on Boxing Day. Is it worth spending the time visiting London tourist areas? Will most places be closed? Will most restaurants and Public transportation be open? Any ideas of how to plan our short visit to London? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
submitted by DogNala to london [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:29 Independent_Ear_7057 Need help finding affordable PGs under 8k in north, south, and south west Delhi! (food and laundry included)

hi everyone, I'm a student planning to move to Delhi for college soon, and I'm searching for affordable pg accommodations in North Delhi, South Delhi, and South West Delhi with a budget of 8k per month. If you know of any good PGs or have recommendations, please let me know.
I'm specifically looking for places that are:
•Clean and well-maintained
•Safe and secure
•Located near public transport or main areas
•Offering food and laundry services
Any tips, links, or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Independent_Ear_7057 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:11 sjoshuamacktaz How do you manage transportation without a license after a DUI in Rhode Island?

Without a license after a DUI in Rhode Island, you can manage transportation by using public transit, rideshare services, carpooling, or arranging rides with friends and family. Some offenders may be eligible for a hardship license for essential travel.
submitted by sjoshuamacktaz to DUIRhodeIsland [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:05 Ashamed_Art5445 The most PTSD (or CPTSD) friendly/inclusive cities worldwide?

Disclaimer * I know no place is ever 100% safe and experiences will vary*
Where have people with severe cptsd (or severe PTSD) and chronic health issues found the most community and felt the safest? Obviously this is going to vary because of different people's needs/experieces but I'm asking for people to share where they felt the most safe and found the safest community support. I'm currently a solo female in mid 30s living in the USA, but I've lived abroad as well. What I am looking for: More inclusive environments with good access to mental health resources, community support like trauma inclusive support groups, safer environments for solo women, more open/progressive/non-conservative mindset areas that don't judge people/target people, areas with nature access and quiet areas but that still have good access to good medical care, easy access to resources like food/shopping for people who may not be able to drive as much, public transportation available,and progressive medical treatment, areas that are animal-friendly.
submitted by Ashamed_Art5445 to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:04 magiccoupons Anyone volunteering and arriving Tuesday?

Very last minute I know but just thought I'd ask on here before turning to public transport. Anyone driving from Manchester and arriving Tuesday (volunteers only I guess that day so big long shot)? Thanks
submitted by magiccoupons to downloadfestival [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:54 Unlikely-Field1608 School list help as a reapplicant!

Would appreciate any insight/feedback/recommendations! Thanks in advance!!
Doubting myself as a reapplicant and need extra opinions. In my first app cycle, I didn’t get any interviews. Definitely more hesitant about this second go round. In my gap year, I’ve added 2500+ hours clinical experience, 4 publications (one first author), 100 hours of non clinical volunteering.
Demographics - 23F Asian (ORM) reapplicant from NC; Nutrition/Public Health and Music majors from state school; ties to NY/NJ
Stats: 518 (129/130/129/130), 3.94 cGPA, 3.89 sGPA
ECs: Clinical Paid - 200 hrs caregiver for older adults, 300 hrs medical assistant, 2130 hours medical assistant at diff clinic
Clinical Volunteering - 300 hours at assisted living facility, 110 at hospital
Research - 1050 hours split between 3 diff labs, primarily public health; one first author pub, 3 other pubs, one poster
Non clinical Volunteering - 200 hours as volunteer piano teacher for underserved children, 60 hours at free medical clinic helping patients get insurance, 50 hours with refugee organization
Shadowing - 15 hours neurosurgery, 30 hours geriatrics, 30 hours pain management
Tentative School List (not in any particular order) UNC ECU Wake Duke Einstein Cornell Mt Sinai NYMC Rutgers RWJ UVA VCU Emory Rush University of Illinois Sidney Kimmel Penn State George Washington UCSF Case Western Colorado Cincinnati Morsani
submitted by Unlikely-Field1608 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:45 sameed_a how does visualization improve self-confidence?

It was my first day at a new job. You know how nerve-wracking that can be, right? Suddenly, I was supposed to present in front of the entire team. Public speaking was one of my greatest fears. My throat was drying up, my hands were shaking and my knees felt weak. In that moment, I remembered an article I had read about visualization and its impact on self-confidence.
So I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and began to visualize. I imagined myself standing tall and exuding confidence. I saw myself delivering the presentation without stumbling over my words. I visualized the team reacting positively, clapping at the end of my presentation.
It was like I was transported to another realm. By the time I opened my eyes, I felt a strange calm wash over me. I felt more confident, more prepared. I stood up, cleared my throat and began the presentation.
And you know what? It went better than I could have imagined! Visualization helped me conquer my fear and deliver my presentation with confidence. Since then, I've used visualization whenever I'm faced with a daunting task. It helped me stay calm, focused and confident.
P.S. Okay, so this didn't actually happen to me. But imagine if it did! If visualization can help me deliver a knockout presentation in a hypothetical scenario, just think of what it could do for you in real life. So next time you're faced with a nerve-wracking situation, give it a try. It might just be the mental model you need to boost your self-confidence. And remember, you're stronger than you think! You've totally got this!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:40 loveirelandd How Can You Discover the Unspoiled Beauty of Connemara, County Galway?

Title: How Can You Discover the Unspoiled Beauty of Connemara, County Galway?
Connemara, situated at the western edge of Europe, is a breathtakingly beautiful and culturally rich region in County Galway, Ireland. This area is deeply rooted in traditional Irish culture and is home to the largest Gaeltacht in the country, where the Irish language is still widely spoken. The region's stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in exploring the authentic Ireland.

The Town of Clifden

The main town of Connemara is Clifden, a charming and bustling hub that serves as the center of local life. The town is surrounded by a rich history, with numerous megalithic tombs scattered throughout the area. These ancient structures are a testament to the region's rich cultural heritage and offer a glimpse into the lives of the people who once inhabited this land.

The Connemara Green Marble

One of the region's most unique and valuable natural resources is the Connemara Green Marble, a type of metamorphic rock that is found in large dimensional slabs and smaller pieces suitable for jewelry. This marble has been prized for centuries, not only for its beauty but also for its durability and versatility. It is often used in building construction and is even featured in the pendant for the Chief Scout's Award, the highest honor in Scouting Ireland.

The Impact of the Great Famine

Connemara was severely affected by the Great Famine in the late 1840s, which led to a significant decline in the region's population. The lands of the Anglo-Irish Martin family were particularly hard hit, and the bankrupted landlord was forced to auction off the estate in 1849. The famine had a profound impact on the region, leaving many without homes or livelihoods. However, this period also marked the beginning of a new era for Connemara, as the land was left largely vacant and ready for new development.

The First Transatlantic Flight

In 1919, Connemara played host to a historic event when Alcock and Brown, the pioneering aviators, landed their plane in Clifden after completing the first transatlantic flight. This remarkable achievement marked a new era in aviation and cemented Connemara's place in history.

Planning Your Trip

If you're planning a trip to Connemara, there are several things to keep in mind. The region is best explored by car, as public transportation is limited. There are many beautiful accommodations available, ranging from cozy B&Bs to luxurious hotels. When it comes to dining, be sure to try some of the local specialties, such as seafood and traditional Irish dishes.


Connemara, County Galway, is a truly unique and captivating region that offers a glimpse into Ireland's rich cultural heritage. From its stunning landscapes to its vibrant history and culture, there is something for everyone in this beautiful corner of Ireland. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or simply experiencing the authentic Ireland, Connemara is a must-visit destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Additional Resources

  • Connemara Hotels Map: Plan your trip with our interactive map of hotels in the area.
  • Booking Information: Book your accommodations and activities in advance to ensure availability.


submitted by loveirelandd to LoveIreland [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:27 HyenaDandy Becoming the Butterfly - Pt. 1: Health and Safety [OC]

[First ever post on here so I hope I did the whole tagging/etc thing right. Not NSFW now but future chapters may be, not likely explicit but it will deal with adult topics. If that requires an NSFW tag here as well I will be happy to add it. If I did something wrong, I apologize, as I said, first time.]
I looked over the datapad, eyes glancing up at the human as he bent over my shoulder, leaning on the desk as he examined the datapad with me.
“Well,” I informed [Him? I believed it to be him], “for the Pilshan, you’re going to need the elevator buttons to have thermal-carved labels on the sides. NOT on the buttons themselves, you’ll risk a temperature cascade.”
“Got it,”
“The M’lekki need a room with 1.5e barometric pressure to avoid expansion beneath the membrane, one on every floor, and they have to spend two hours in for every one out.”
“Does it have to go at exactly an hour, or can we divide that up? Say, half an hour from fifteen, then three from one and a half?”
"Two from one is recommended, but it's intentionally under the limit. You can go as far as four from two, but after the first hour and a half you’re safest adding an additional fifteen for every ten. It’s not in the regulations, four from two should be safe in the short term, but-”
“On top?”
“So 4:45 from two, got it... Let’s round that up to 5, makes scheduling easier.”
“Er.... Alright. And then the Proxx...”
“Well,” I stood up straighter to align my vocal resonators, “Mobile Priiin-4 water tanks, it has to be imported, the necessary micro-organisms don't breed off-planet. Nitrogen air masks in every room, regular rubdowns with Priiin-4 mud, imported again, thermovision contacts with real-color markings, warnings on the door to any room with a temperature over CM 21-70, one ice tank per employee, blood meters to check nutrients once every half hour, and subdermal temperature implants in the head and torso, as well as one on each extremity.”
“Phew,” the human shook his head, “Not exactly cheap to have around, are they?”
“I’m afraid not.”
“Well, that one’ll take a while to set up, I’ll have to look at my work schedule to make sure they’re not here before we’re ready.”
“You... Could just have them wear exosuits...?” I suggested timidly.
“‘Not a chance,” he answered, “They’re just gonna have to hold off on their first day. Bit tricky since I have to figure out how to pay them for work not done.”
“Yes... Exosuits are cheaper, though.”
“Nah, it’s not the money thing,” he answered, fingers scratching at his jaw, “Just need to figure out how I’ll calculate profit split on stuff they don’t work on. I guess I could figure out the median and give them that...”
“I’m...” I ran my pincers along the datapad, “I’m not sure profit splits are necessary, you should be able to give them base pay if they have profit splits in the contract.”
“Nah, nah,” the human answered, “Not their fault they’re not at work, not gonna give them any less than they woulda made anyway. That’d be unfair.”
I clacked my mandibles in agreement, even if it was a ridiculous comment. Given how little we actually needed to use money FOR between the free housing, food, and both legal and medical attention from the Interstellar Union Central Committees, I doubted anyone would even notice the money being short for a few months, much less object. Still, I knew better than to argue with a human about employment contracts. There had been a few centuries in their past collectively known as ‘The Labor Wars,’ and it had left a mark on the terran psyche. The upside was that everyone knew if you were lucky enough to work for a human, you’d be taken care of. The downside was this sort of obstinacy, dedication to regulations hardly used outside of human office buildings. Or, sometimes, as in this case, human archaeological projects with a business run off the top floor.
“Look, human, I understand concerns about comfort, but this is really excessive. I know your species are long lived, but there have been incredible advances in exosuit comfort and maneuverability just in the last three years. I can assure you, nobody will object to you simply providing them with suits. This is very generous of you, but it’s getting excessive, and we’re only halfway through the list. You have five Amkra on payroll, and each one of them is going to cost you 8,000 Credits for just the barebones requirements.”
“And if I want to get them something good?”
“You could be looking at 20,000 each, and an additional 50,000 to give them a retreat room.”
“Well, no shortage of rooms in this old girl are there?” The human laughed, knocking on the wall with a thud. It was true, whatever this ship was originally, it had needed a lot of rooms. Several hundred were already usable, and there was still excavation going on under our feet. Wall carvings which seemed to be ship schematics implied we might only be seeing the top 25% of the ship. It was hard to know how deep it went.
“Yes, ah, a girl, human?”
“Nah, I’m a boy. Er, a male, if the translator’s wonky. A boy with a name, by the way.”
“Acknowledged, unfortunately our translators tend not to differentiate between words and names...”
“That’s fine. Name’s Pete, but I’m just as good with Rocky if that’s what’s going to come out.”
“Ahhh, yes, thank you... Rocky. And I wasn’t asking for you. Why did you assign a gender to the ship?”
The human gave one of their characteristic mirthful barks, “Now, are you asking me for about two thousand years of linguistic history on that one? Or do you just want the short answer.”
“Short answer is acceptable.”
“Just a thing humans do.”
Right. That tended to be the answer to a lot of questions where humans were concerned. It was just a thing they did. They tended to just do a lot of things, and most of the time if you asked five humans to explain it you got seven answers. Their religions were the same. There were some where it was said the only way to truly learn about the stories was by overhearing believers arguing about the details.
“Well, anyway, we’re just getting started on this and my workday ends in ten minutes, so if you don't mind, I need to take a moment to delay my house's welcome s-"
“Absolutely not. I won’t hear of it.”
“It really isn’t a bother, I normally wouldn’t have mentioned, but with this many species on your list, it could easily take the rest of tomorrow and into the next day.”
“Hey, I ain’t going anywhere, long lived like you said. I should have another 45 years on me minimum.”
“Right. If you are certa-”
“Absolutely,” He gave a conspiratorial smile, “But... If you want, I can shuttle you back to your place. We won’t be able to cover the changes needed off-ship, but I won't mind if you put in for overtime anyway.”
“Ahhh, that would be kind, but I wouldn’t want to interrupt your work.”
“Nah, I’m still setting stuff up, I can take the time off. Where you live?” He asked, grabbing an overcoat and rebreather from a nearby hook.
“It’s quite a ride away, I don’t know how long it will take, so...”
Rocky turned slowly, and sat down on across the desk, “Now Miss Kalzi - Lovely name by the way, sounds Italian, beautiful part of my planet - I’m glad you’re not wanting to bother me. But this is my business and Rocky ain’t short for Rockefeller. If I stop seeing myself as part of the society and start seeing myself as, well, the sort of person who can’t be bothered to make life easier for someone... Well, there should be plenty of human history explaining what could happen. On the other hand, I know us humans are some of the more physically gifted species out here, and though I’m not in the best shape, I’m big even for one of us. And I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. So, let me just ask you this directly. Are you saying you don’t want to bother me because you are worried about me? Or do you not want a ride home and you’re trying to be polite? Because if that’s the case, I’m not offended if you would rather go home on your own.”
I considered the question for a moment, vestigial wings fluttering softly under the chitin on my back. It wasn’t... Entirely either one of those. The first seemed a little excessive, and the second...
“Do humans do that?”
“The polite thing?”
“All the time,” he smiled, “But I’m guessing it wasn’t that?”
“I just...” I struggled with how to express the idea, our labor history was so different from theirs. There had never been the competition that characterized the Labor Wars on earth, that idea, like so much of their species, seemed nearly impossible to associate with a race that had ascended to the stars, “I don’t feel like it is... My place to... Impose?” I suggested.
“Nonsense!” The human barked again, and motioned with his hands, a snap followed by pointing at me with three fingers curled, one extended, and one raised, “Lady, I contracted you for the inspection, getting you here and home is on me anyway. You did factor transport into the contract cost, right?”
“Ahhh... Well, I only charge a flat rate, public transit is cheap...”
“Cheap ain’t free,” he answered, “Lemme know how much ya paid when ya get here tomorrow. In the meantime, I’m happy to get out of this old rustbucket anyway. Everyone needs to stretch their legs sometimes. Well, I suppose not the M’lekki, but you get my drift. It’s not an imposition, just gimme a spot near your house and I’ll take you right over.”
“...Should I not simply tell you where my home is?”
“Well, sure,” he smiled, “If you’re comfortable with that. But I can drop you off a while away if it makes you feel safer.”
“...I could tell you to drop me off at the transit station, you know,” I suggested, antenna raising slightly. I was satisfied to hear another mirthful sound, lower than the barks, a bit like a pair of near chokes in succession. It somehow felt more... Meaningful. My wings fluttered even more at the success of my joke.
“Well, you could do that, sure,” he acknowledged, “But then we’d be back where we started with me feeling like I pressured you into something.”
“Oh, I don’t want that!” I quickly corrected, “It was a humorous suggestion, really.”
“It sure was,” he bared his teeth pleasantly, and gave me another snap-and-point, “Tell you what, just send me whatever address you want, I’m happy to take you wherever you’re going.”
I clicked my mandibles and sent a message over to his datapad.
“Woo, all the way on the second moon, huh?”
“Yes...” I acknowledged, and then added quickly as my wings rapidly fluttered under the chitin, “You... You don’t need to take me. If that’s farther than you thought.”
“Nahhhh, just gonna need to pull out a bit extra for that overtime.”
“Oh!” I put the datapad away quickly, “Oh, please don’t. That’s far too much, really. I’m off the clock, you’re just... Driving me as a friend?” I suggested, my wings fluttering enough I was having to actually focus on the back plates to keep them covered.
“Alright, just no work talk on the way over. You start giving me safety advice and you’re gonna have to bill me.”
“No safety advice, got it.”
“That includes complaining about my driving.”
“Oh!” My antenna pushed forward curiously, “Um, is that something I’m likely to do?”
“Ever flown with a human before, Kalzi?”
“Your species prone to motion sickness?”
“No... Were those questions related?”
He snap-pointed again, “No safety talk, remember?”
submitted by HyenaDandy to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:25 Frequent-Teacher-884 Relocating to LA for work?

I am moving to LA from Michigan for a year long fellowship at USC. I will be working at the health and services campus. Any recommendations on where to live? I’ve been looking in Pasadena, Glendale, and silver lake area.
My top priority is being in a safe area that is near public transportation so that I can take public transportation to work. Let me know what you all think!
I am looking on websites like Furnished Finder that is for traveling healthcare professionals and includes furniture. I’ll also be taking a 30 hour road trip across country, so let me know if any fun places to stop on the way!
submitted by Frequent-Teacher-884 to AskLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:05 _humanbean_ 25 [M4F] Cincinnati/Dayton Ohio or northern Kentucky. Looking for life partner

Hi, I’m Nathan. I’m 25. I live in Morrow, OH which is kinda equal distance between Cincinnati and Dayton. I’m here to find a woman that hopefully turns into a life partnew*fe (censored because word isn’t allowed lol). Like something that turns into ride or die type shit, ya know? I’m definitely more of a homebody so I haven’t been meeting a lot of new people.
I’d prefer if you were around my age and somewhat local. I can deal with an hour or so drive, just nothing long distance.
Physical attributes:
I’m 6’2”, about 190 lbs right now. I like to work out and I’m in decent shape. Im handsome tbh, I have curly/wavy longer blonde hair and a beard that’s ginger for some reason. More than willing to trade face pics! I also have a tattoo and I plan on getting many more.
Important values, goals, etc (we should align on most of these):
Stuff I’m into:
Like what you see? Message me and we can talk!
submitted by _humanbean_ to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:57 Bubbly-Manufacturer What’s so great about top handle bags? How do you use them? What do you like about them? Convince me to buy them.

I’m a mini backpack girl turned crossbody girl. That took about 7 yrs of carrying mini backpacks everywhere. But rn I’m eyeing a really beautiful top handle bag and I need an actual use for it.
When carrying one I feel like I’d just be swinging something big around and I’d feel awkward in public when walking. Bc of this I would just use it to transport my wristlet around and leave the actual bag in the car.
Plus I am used to backpacks and crossbodies so I am always hands free. But that bag Is so beautiful…lol. Maybe only outings where I’m not walking around much? Like out to eat?
I’m convincing myself here, lol.
submitted by Bubbly-Manufacturer to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:54 janefauna Employee has no money

Hi everyone! Thank for feedback and thoughts in advance, and my apologies as English is not my first language.
I am a young manager, newly in charge of about a team of 25. While everything has been fantastic, and the team has responded incredibly well, there is one employee who I have spent plenty of time refining and is now doing fantastic.
However, I find myself feeling horrible because I just don't know what to do. This employee, who we all have an incredible soft spot for due to how much they care about the facility, is struggling financially. So much so to where they have called me crying saying they don't have any money and they cannot come to work. I even found out our top executive director has previously paid their rent when they were facing eviction. I have also provided total $20 of gas before, and bought them a haircut and work clothes seperately. We care so much about this person because they are so sweet, so willing to work, they love the company and have a different passion for the place. I would do anything I can for them because I know how hard they fight to show up everyday, and still do it with a smile.
However, as this is now the third time this person has had to miss work stating they cannot afford the gas to come in- I am not upset at all, but feel sad and am running out of ways to help. My assistant feels we should not continue providing this employee financial assistance, as they will become dependent on it. Unfortunately that is the feeling I got today when they called out again for not having gas money. Little does this person know, That while I am still the director of my department- I am also living paycheck to paycheck with about $20 to spare for the next two weeks. Unfortunately, I do not have the funds to help this person in times like this.
My question is simply- how do I handle this? I have asked this person lightly if they have exhausted government resources, etc. They have. They are not eligible for food stamps, disability, further assistance from what they have said. I have asked if they are willing to look into public transportation, for whatever reasons, it is not an option for them.
I strive to be the kind of manager that sleeps well at night because I genuinely care about everyone's lives, and do everything I can to help them and have truly turned the environment around to where people are very happy to be here. However, I feel terrible because I just do not know what to say anymore. I have been in this similar situation of not having money and having nothing to eat and going days without it, without anyone knowing. I truly know how that feels. However, I figured my way out because my life was different than this person's obviously, so of course there's no way for me to tell them how to get out of it that will work for them.
Anyway, any advice? More than anything I suppose I need better comforting words for this person. We are all in such tough positions financially these days. Given that this person is older, I can only imagine how this must feel for them. I also feel disheartened that the only thing I know how to do, is offer my own help, but I am financially not in the position to be able to do that anymore. I know other managers have expressed in the past that they are not comfortable providing any financial support, understandably, so that is not an option.
Thank you for your time!
Edit: I want to make it very clear that since the beginning of my employment, I have fought many battles getting employees higher pay. This employee in particular. I was able to get a dollar raise for. Unfortunately, it is not my decision and not at all within my power to actually enforce a change, however, I do argue for this heavily behind closed doors. I am trying to do all I can to take care of my team because I understand the times we are in. A lot of it is fully beyond my control, any measures I can take to notify our ownership and inform them of the situation has been made.
submitted by janefauna to askmanagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:53 csilverandgold LBB Transition Tote Review

LBB Transition Tote Review
I noticed there aren’t a lot of reviews in English for the new(ish) Life Behind Bars Transition Tote, so I decided to make one. I’ve been carrying it for about six weeks. Truthfully, I mostly wanted to gush because I love my new bag!
Use Case I needed a bag that would work for all day carry, from working at cafes to going into the office to going to bars or restaurants in the evening. I also wanted a bag that “would work for long days wandering around in an urban environment, taking public transportation, going to museums, etc. Might even want a change of clothes sometimes to avoid having to go back home/to the hotel.
General Thoughts For that use, this bag is more or less perfect. As the name suggests, it transitions seamlessly between environments. I finally found my perfect “schlep bag” to just carry whatever I need for a day out, comfortably, but without being overly bulky or awkward to bring wherever I am going! When it’s a tote, it genuinely works well as a tote, and when it’s a backpack it works well as a backpack. I’m a big fan of long walks through the city and this bag is totally comfortable for those.
The big innovation, I think, is that rather than having removable backpack straps, the transition has two long straps that flow up through the backpack straps and into the back tote handle. When you pull up on the tote handle, the backpack straps flatten. When you pull down on the backpack straps, the tote handle comes down and the backpack straps can come up. This design works way better for me than the stowable backpack straps. On my previous totepack, the Lo and Sons Edgemont (which I also liked quite a lot!), I just never stowed the backpack straps. Here I can damn near switch from tote to backpack one-handed. It’s fun!
That said, I don’t think it’s perfect. Most of my complaints are about things that aren’t necessary to the main structure/function of the bag itself but about removable extras (sternum strap, division pouch) but hey I’m still using the extras I have complaints about.
The Good
  • Laptop sleeve works as a quick access for my tablet. This is a MAJOR pro for me, as I am one of those weirdos that basically uses my tablet as a phone, and I carry it everywhere. Actually having a convenient way to pull it out and put it away while on the go is huge for me.
  • Expandability keeps the bag sleek and synched when I’m not carrying a lot but makes it easy to expand to carry damn near anything I’d reasonably get while out and about in a normal day, jackets, take out, even a reasonably sized bag of groceries.
  • Tote handles are actually long enough to wear on your shoulder or loop your arm through, etc. I don’t understand why people keep making totes with handles too short to do anything other hand hold in your hand. to me that kills half the function of a tote!
  • Division pouch on the front works well as quick access (mostly, see below)
  • Easy (and fun!) to switch from tote to backpack and back while on the go.
  • Dual water bottle pockets are great for umbrella and water bottle, which also help avoid taking up space in the main compartment, helping me leave the bag synched.
  • Just enough pockets in the main compartment. The top pocket is meant for sunglasses but easily packs out to hold essentials. Interior side pockets are great for things that are too bulky for the top compartment but that you don’t want getting lost or buried in the main compartment.
  • High viz interior lining
  • Straps are stiff but I find that comfortable. They’re grippy.
  • The bag doesn’t lean away from your back in backpack mode. The harness feels comfortable and secure. Sternum strap definitely helps me feel like the bag is tight and comfortable on my back. Length of the backpack straps is also easy to adjust.
  • Bag stands up on its own very reliably EXCEPT with the division half pouch.
  • Multifunction strap that wraps around the back of the bag, keeping the backpack straps from flapping while it’s in tote mode.
  • Build quality looks excellent to me, although I am not the most intense build quality inspector. But no indication anything is cheap or will lose function any time soon. I carried an LBB Peloton for a couple years and the only issue I had with it was the magnets that held down the front flap weren’t that strong. I’ll be looking out for that here, but so far no issues at all and I doubt I’ll see any.
  • Great strap keepers to minimize dangling. Also they don’t advertise this but you can stick the front and back dangle stoppy Velcro stuff together. I feel like there are lots of little convenient cool things like that you can do with this bag.
  • Haven’t used it but the external carry possibilities with the built in straps are pretty cool!
  • Very effective waterproofing, dries fast, I’ve had it out in pretty heavy rain and had no issues with it, and my stuff stayed totally dry.
The Okay
  • High learning curve bag, definitely had to watch [the video]( a few times to understand where to attach everything and how it all works. Definitely tried attaching the sternum strap in VERY wrong places before I figured it out.
  • Very minor but I wish the sternum strap were in the same color as the main bag straps, tote handles, etc. The buckle is, but would be nice if the strap was too. That’s not an issue on the black models ofc.
  • Where to put the division half pouch. The best attachment point really is at the top of the face of the bag, but this comes with other problems.
  • Also while the pouch is easy to remove, it’s a pain in the butt to attach to the front of the bag.
  • I got the earth colorway and while I like it, I do wish I’d gone with the black, probably the black xpac. It’s just even more subtle for office/restaurant/bar. Earth is nice but looks a little hiking/military-ish. I hear they have more colors coming at some point tho.
  • Sorta wish you could access the laptop sleeve from either side of the bag, but maybe that’s just bc of my weird tablet access use case.
The Bad
  • Division half pouch zips are very hard to open and close with one hand, which limits the quick access functionality.
  • Division half pouch basically makes the front quick access pocket sewn into the bag unusable for quick access, though it’s probably still fine for holding a bike lock, which I think is maybe it’s core function.
  • It definitely doesn’t stand up on its own when the division half pouch is attached to the top of the bag. I haven’t yet experimented with it on the bottom half of the bag.
  • Sternum strap with the design of the bag means the non-padded part of the strap often pulls and gets tangled… overall I do find the large straps of the bag getting twisted or the wrong part of the strap getting pulled up through somewhere it isn’t supposed to go more often than I’d like. It’s always easy to identify what’s gone wrong but that just feels a hair unpolished.
  • Also really wish the sternum strap were magnetic. I want to be able to do as much as possible one-handed, and the buckle is basically impossible to do one-handed.
  • The bag does look a lot less svelte and more hiking-ish with the division attached to the front.
Ultimately I wish there were a v2 of the bag with a bit more quick access pocketing in the front rather than the hypalon (on the x-pac) or molle (on the regular) attachment points, as well as a magnetic sternum strap. But, ultimately those are rather minor objections. This has quickly become my main EDC bag, and has solved a ton of the complaints I had about previous backpacks, tote packs, and slings. I think this will be my main EDC for some time!
submitted by csilverandgold to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:47 anontraveller07 What is the bigger picture?

Petrol diesel up, everything up.
EXCEPT salary and standard of living. But what is the bigger picture of it?
I still don’t see any improvement on public transport. How much is the govt saving from subsidies and how will the fund be used other than increasing govt servant’s pay?
I want my standard of living improve not my cost of living.
It’s good enough if MYR can catch up to THB or TWD which we were much better than them 15 years ago. Currency strengthen = lower cost if import = better profit = business should increase salary of people!
submitted by anontraveller07 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:45 FBibombe Investment Opportunities in Africa: Minerals, Agriculture, and Infrastructure in Congo Kinshasa.

Hello everyone,
I am Francoise, an entrepreneur based in the United States with a bold vision to tap into the immense potential of Africa in the sectors of minerals, agriculture, and infrastructure. Following fruitful discussions with the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Congo Kinshasa, I am convinced of the promising opportunities in these fields.
🔍 About our project:
Minerals: Responsible extraction and exploitation of mineral resources, with a focus on sustainability and environmental respect.
Agriculture: Development of innovative and sustainable agricultural solutions to improve productivity and support local communities.
Infrastructure: Construction of essential infrastructure to improve transportation, and public services, and stimulate the local economy.
🌱 Why invest in Congo Kinshasa?
Abundance of natural resources
Favorable climate for various crops
Growing need for modern infrastructure
Support from local authorities and attractive tax incentives
💼 What we are looking for:
Financial partners: Investors ready to support high-impact projects with high growth potential.
Technical partners: Companies specializing in mining, agricultural, and infrastructure technologies.
Mentors and advisors: Professionals with experience in Africa to guide us in our approach.
🤝 Join us! We aim to build a network of strong and committed partners to turn these opportunities into real success. If you are interested in collaborations, investments, or exchanging ideas, I would be delighted to discuss them with you.
Please get in touch with me directly or leave a comment below for more details. Together, we can make a significant difference in Congo Kinshasa and beyond.
submitted by FBibombe to investment [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:42 FBibombe Investment Opportunities in Africa: Minerals, Agriculture, and Infrastructure in Congo Kinshasa.

Hello everyone,
I am Francoise, an entrepreneur based in the United States with a bold vision to tap into the immense potential of Africa in the sectors of minerals, agriculture, and infrastructure. Following fruitful discussions with the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Congo Kinshasa, I am convinced of the promising opportunities in these fields.
🔍 About our project:
Minerals: Responsible extraction and exploitation of mineral resources, with a focus on sustainability and environmental respect.
Agriculture: Development of innovative and sustainable agricultural solutions to improve productivity and support local communities.
Infrastructure: Construction of essential infrastructure to improve transportation, and public services, and stimulate the local economy.
🌱 Why invest in Congo Kinshasa?
Abundance of natural resources
Favorable climate for various crops
Growing need for modern infrastructure
Support from local authorities and attractive tax incentives
💼 What we are looking for:
Financial partners: Investors ready to support high-impact projects with high growth potential.
Technical partners: Companies specializing in mining, agricultural, and infrastructure technologies.
Mentors and advisors: Professionals with experience in Africa to guide us in our approach.
🤝 Join us! We aim to build a network of strong and committed partners to turn these opportunities into real success. If you are interested in collaborations, investments, or exchanging ideas, I would be delighted to discuss them with you.
Please get in touch with me directly or leave a comment below for more details. Together, we can make a significant difference in Congo Kinshasa and beyond.
submitted by FBibombe to Africa [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:29 poopshit85 Help looking for a hotel for next Saturday.

Hey. I’m coming to Cleveland next Saturday for the Stones concert at the Browns Football Stadium.
Looks like all the downtown hotels are either sold out or way too expensive.
Was looking for a hotel out of the downtown core that is also accessible by public transportation.
Maybe we’d get a cheaper hotel outside of the core, take a bus or train down to the concert and then pay for an expensive cab back after the show.
Any recommendations? Thanks for the help.
submitted by poopshit85 to Cleveland [link] [comments]