Oot intinerary samples

[WW] Wind Waker Music - Re-used themes and motifs?

2024.06.06 16:22 the-dandy-man [WW] Wind Waker Music - Re-used themes and motifs?

I was feeling nostalgic the other day and pulled up a YouTube video of the great sea theme from Wind Waker, and as I was perusing the comments, I saw someone say that it was a great re-arrangement of the original LOZ overworld theme.
I had never connected those dots together, but sure enough, as I listened back to the theme, I could hear parts of the overworld theme clear as day. I don’t know how I never noticed it before. So I started going through some of the other tracks and noticed that there were several themes in TWW that use, rearrange, or sample other tracks from OoT or other games. Obvious ones like Ganon’s theme and the hyrule castle theme, I already knew about, but then there were other not-so obvious ones. Windfall Island is Kakariko village. Outset island and the forest haven are both different takes on the Kokiri Forest. The forest haven dungeon is as well, plus some callbacks to the lost woods. Dragon Roost Cavern is literally just dodongo’s cavern but with added percussion.
I was floored at how I had never noticed these; it seems so obvious now in retrospect. So my question: are there any other WW tracks that are rearrangements or callbacks to other Zelda games? What else have I missed?
submitted by the-dandy-man to zelda [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:49 Lucky-Success-9064 Influence my birthday gift please

Influence my birthday gift please
Havent tried any of these and would love your feedback!
submitted by Lucky-Success-9064 to Ulta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:06 stel1234 [Resource] You never know who will play your mashup: Why we give production feedback especially on album projects + common issues

I know a lot of producers have talked about unsolicited feedback in the past but this post isn't about that. It's about feedback for various projects and feedback that gets requested and given. This also applies equally to original production in many cases.
A good number of mashup producers do not tend to master or don't apply limiters on tracks, or just make them softer compared to commercial levels. When albums get mastered, loudness will usually be adjusted through various plugins (EQ, multiband compressors, limiters, clippers, etc.) to shape masters so that one track is not significantly louder or softer than another especially back-to-back and groups of tracks follow a certain sound.
What this means is that once your softer mashup of -14 or -15 LUFS or softer is amplified to commercial levels in the -7 to -11 LUFS range or more depending on genre and how the overall track should sound given peaks and valleys with softer and louder parts (LUFS stands for loudness units full scale, look that up), small issues may stand out like thorns when amplified. Bottom line: Don't take the small or big issues personally; we're all human, we all miss things, and we can all improve. You may learn something new!
Think of it like how you ask to proofread writing to check for spelling or grammar and have it work for the audience.
All this to say, feedback I give or others give based on small details may come across as nit-picks at first. Don't completely discount them. You never know who will want to play your tracks, and this could range from personal playlists all the way up to DJ gigs and big festival stages.
In the case of a club DJ or performances on festival stages, volumes will be significantly louder than what you may have worked with when you created the track. I've given the restaurant food analogy before but I'll give it again: If something clearly doesn't taste good, people won't usually know why. But an experienced chef who knows how the ingredients interact sure will.
Just something to think about as you improve on mashup production and production in general. What separates the best mashup artists from a technical standpoint is how much noticing these issues becomes part of your workflow instinctively through training your ear and having a good sound system to diagnose problems.
Here are some issues below that experienced mashup producers could point out. Note that a lot of the "don't do this" stuff is really code for "don't do this unless you really know you're doing and it sounds good":

Big issues

Smaller issues

Wow that was a lot and I know it's very overwhelming who don't produce a ton. There might be more issues I didn't mention here, so let me know if there's anything else that could be useful.
Update 1: Added "bad phrasing" under the off structure issue, this is the DJing term for it
Update 2: Added two variations of "too much going on" to the bigger and smaller issues
Update 3: Added "Starting the first part of the mix you can hear too early or too late" and "Incorrect end of loop region/end of track marker too late" as two additional small issues.
Update 4: Changed one bullet to "Incorrect end of loop region/end of track marker too early or too late"
Update 5: Missed a dB amount for the 3-5% wet for when producers use busses, this is about -29 to -26 dB when using 100% wet.
Update 6: Added a point that the degree of noticing these issues in normal workflow is a good measure of technical skill (which is not to say be perfect, more as a matter of habit)
Update 7: Added energy/structure mismatch to the small issues section and moved out of structure/off structure down there (why didn't I add this one before?!)
Update 8: Added "messing with the hook" to the smaller issues category
Update 9: Added a tip to not allow the master to reach 0 dBFS max (-0.3 dB is my go-to)
submitted by stel1234 to mashups [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:26 United-Hall-6449 What's going on in NWA for Mother's Day Weekend?

Here's a rundown of what's going on this weekend from NWA Daily
If you want to keep up with things going on in the area throughout the week, you can sign up for the newsletter here.
submitted by United-Hall-6449 to bentonville [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:26 United-Hall-6449 What's going on in NWA for Mother's Day Weekend?

Here's a rundown of what's going on this weekend from NWA Daily
If you want to keep up with things going on in the area throughout the week, you can sign up for the newsletter here.
submitted by United-Hall-6449 to northwestarkansas [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 15:57 Waste-Pizza8798 Biopsy results of “acral lentigilous nevus” makes me wonder if they aren’t sure if it’s cancerous or not.

Biopsy results of “acral lentigilous nevus” makes me wonder if they aren’t sure if it’s cancerous or not.
Hey all. I don’t know where else to turn to. Could someone please help me understand this biopsy report? The nurses at the clinic just repeat exactly what’s on the paper. Then say it’s cruicial to monitor and follow ups.
So am I danger of developing cancer? They’re telling me I have to wait six months to follow up :/
submitted by Waste-Pizza8798 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 23:26 robbiemfcx Fried Rice Sample

at the very very start of Fried Rice there is a sample used where a Scottish man says “oh here check this oot look” & being Scottish i really have to know what it’s from or the story behind it😂 thanks
submitted by robbiemfcx to RoyelOtis [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 23:13 Sin-God Cyber Cities & Neon Dreams: Generic Cyberpunk Discussion

Today we're discussing Generic Cyberpunk by Worm_Anon. Have a second link to past discussion posts!

General Thoughts & Structure

Before anyone asks, I have never seen a version of this jump that actually has an augmentations section with options. I have no idea if one exists, this version is the most updated version I've seen to date.
This is a single origin (barring OCPs) jump that assumes you're a regular flesh and blood human unless you take the AI origin. Each origin gets three freebies, in the form of two perks and one item. That is the purchasable structure for this jump, two perks one item at every tier. There are five origins, a drop-in, an agent (soldiedetective), a gearhead (inventoscientist), a megacorp (business person), and the AI origin. All of these origins are really good and incredibly distinctive.
If you want to do a chain that starts with an alternative first jump that is generic, for some reason, this and Swords & Sorcery (Worm_Anon's version of this for fantasy) are probably two of the GOATs. This is a very beginning friendly jump, but one that can be a lot of fun for jumpers who are a touch more experienced and already have some fiat-backed toys and powers.
In my experience there are some jumpmakers where if you see their names you can just trust that the end result will be solid. Worm_Anon is one of those jumpmakers and if you visit this setting I think you'll see why I've come to that conclusion.
This is a fantastic encapsulation of cyberpunk as a genre and touches on all of the most significant stuff so I think it's a great way to check Cyberpunk off your list of genres to touch on, though obviously if you want a more specific Cyberpunk experience you'd be better off going to a specifical cyberpunk jump. There aren't many genre generics that so expertly extract the most out of their stuff as this one, so if you want to visit a Cyberpunk setting I highly recommend this jump.
A way I like to run this is to fuse with the NSFW jump World of Cybersluts which is part of a well known series of NSFW jumps and is a way to add NSFW things to this SFW setting (the actual jump is unironically pretty good though, it's a solid NSFW jump). WOCS will get its own jump doc exploration post someday, by the way.


Standard drop-in rules apply here. Also, this is a really good origin. It's probably not my favorite origin in this jump, but this origin fucking rocks.
Gonna hit the items first, partially because the capstone here is fucking dope. The freebie item is "Common Cloth" which is a collection of fiat-backed clothes that are setting-appropriate and are comfortable, clean, and perfectly fit for you. The second item in the DI origin is "Hole In The Wall" which is lowkey my favorite item in this origin. This is a bar that you own (though it can be some other kind of business if you'd want) that gives you bartending skill and attracts customers you'd like as well as customers who have stories to tell and have some level of influence, so this item can be REALLY strong for social jumpers. Also, all of the actual costs here are covered in perpetuity, making this a free income item if you actually staff it and use it with even the slightest modicum of business sense.
At the upper tier we've got the "The Network" item which is an item that grants you enhanced communicative infrastructure so you can coordinate with all of your homies more easily. The capstone item for this origin, "The Truth" is a simple tablet computer that has the full, actual truth of the world's history on it. This item cuts through propaganda, updates as events happen in real-time, and while it isn't omniscient this is an incredibly, wildly powerful item. This is, in a LOT of settings, probably the most powerful item someone could have that isn't like... the Death Star or some massive army. In settings where politics and conspiracies are as powerful as any army, this coupled with even a few charisma perks, can allow even a baby jumper to powerfully (and often swiftly) transform a setting.
The freebie perks are Not Dark Enough & One of the Masses. NDE is a perk that makes it so that your optimism and willpower are not weakened by seeing darkness and dark things, effectively making you immune to the pessimism of grimdark and grimderp settings as well as other unpleasant things. OotM is a perk that makes it so that you are not targeted by bad peeps actively unless you give them reason to target you, and even when they spot and harass you they can be persuaded to move on if you don't give them reason to target you specifically. It's a very nice, convenient NPC perk.
At the next tier we've got Dropping the Mask and Lay of the Land. DtM is a particular social perk that allows you to help people drop their masks and stop the act as far as their motives go, and you can even use it on yourself! This is great in intrigue-filled settings, and also if you just want to be someone's actual friend. LotL is a perk that skyrockets the rate at which you grow familiar with a place, both physically and culturally, allowing you to acclimate to new situations at massive speeds. In a few weeks, or even a few days, you may be able to trick people into thinking you're a native to the places you've visited and studied.
The first of the high tier perks is named The Social Network and the second is named What We Need. TSN is a perk that enhances your sociality and your skill with navigating real networks of social connections, potentially making you an incredible spymaster or just really, really good at the game of telephone. WWN is a perk that enhances your ability to get by, finding it much easier to get the basic things you need to survive such as housing, work (if you're so inclined), food, water, and materials you may need depending on your life and your abilities. This ability is also strong enough to enhance your efforts at finding plot-centric things, if you need them, allowing you to get wrapped up in adventures that culminate with you possessing what you need.
The two capstones for this origin are named There Is Always Tomorrow and Fall of the Neon Gods. TIAT is a perk that allows you to more easily move and motivate entire groups of people, making your socialness and charisma effective on the macro scale, and focuses on the optimistic side of the CyberPunk genre, allowing you to give people the opportunity to change their positions and their worlds. FotN is a perk that allows you to be a devastating antibody to the plots and schemes of the powerful, as you are gifted (or cursed) with the natural ability to foil ambitious moves and betrayals, and you can correct, prevent, and address all sorts of schemes. This is also a fun rebellion perk, allowing you to take on oppressive governments and fight them head on, so long as you have friends (who you can motivate much more easily now when you want them to rise up and take on oppressive enemies).
This is a powerful drop-in origin. It has a lot of different pieces of protagonists of this genre, and gives those who invest in it a lot of neat tools with which to handle being in a setting like this, and to challenge and change the settings themselves. It's fun!


This origin makes you a soldier, mercenary, and/or detective. This is the action-hero origin for this jump, but it's also a lot more interesting than that. The items... Well, the items are in fact pretty action-hero-y.
The freebie item is "Right Hand" which is a simple fiat backed weapon of your choice. It's nothing wild or out there, but it is fiat-backed and in a setting like that that can be rad. The next item is "The Office" which is a workspace/living space combination, one where you can effortlessly relax, think clearly, and where all but the most dogged enemies leave you alone. It's rent is covered and in future settings it either enters your warehouse or becomes a property that follows you.
At the upper tier we start off with "Hell of a Ride" a vehicle you select that has a number of handy traversal and quality of life/combat abilities. One feature it is guaranteed to come with, unless you wouldn't want this, is an AI that can pilot it or help out in a fight/dicey situation. It's also always going to be paid off and free to maintain, and if destroyed it'll respawn in a day (if lost that handy AI will make it's way back to you!). The capstone item is a personal-scale power armor super tool known as the "Bleeding Edge of Warfare", and it is a remarkably nifty thing that you can customize pretty freely with an assortment of weapons and tools.
The freebie perks we get this time are Grit and Grief and Nose to the Ground. GaG is a perk that allows you to handle yourself better in a fight, just a straight skill booster to all weapons and combat skills. NttG is a perk that makes you a skilled investigator, able to do all sorts of sleuthing and improves your gut instinct a great deal. At the 200 CP tier we've got Tried and Tested and On Your Feet. TaT is a perk that gives you a luck boost and protects you from chain ending in situations where you're in over your end without at least giving you a brief chance to up your skills and get up to snuff. If you make truly stupid decisions this won't protect you, but in moments, hours, and days, you can become a veteran of a thousand skills to give you a shot at surviving and succeeding. OYF is a perk that sharpens your heart and your instincts and thus trusting them goes well for you, whether it's you using your weapons with just your instincts or you using your instincts to get around, you can trust yourself and try it even without thinking to some extent.
At the beginning of the higher tier we've got Ace in the Hole and Broken But Unbowed. AitH is a perk that gives you the ability to use moments to flip situations around, giving you a "card" you can "play" to get out of or change a sticky situation. How strong this is relies on how long you wait between uses, and if you only use it once or twice in a chain it can be incredible in its potency. BBU is a willpower booster that allows you to become a beast in terms of your heart and mind, allowing you to resist or fight off all sorts of effects, and cling to your goals.
At the capstone tier we've got Only One Man and The Fulcrum. OOM is a perk that allows you to make a difference even when you're facing huge odds, and protects you from stuff that could take you out of a scene before you can impact it, preventing you from being snipped right away or taken out by a bomb of some sort. This doesn't guarantee success, but it can do a lot in the right circumstances. TF is a perk that improves your ability to be present at the places and times that matter, drawing you into plots and stories worth affecting, witnessing, and steering. This is the perk that reveals that in a lot of ways this is a protagonist origin, which is what it really is.
This is a great origin. I have no substantive notes here, this is just a really good adventure origin with some sick ass items.


This scientist origin is so good if you're a science or doctor jumper. A true Eggman/Ironman jumper would probably need to blend aspects of Gearhead and Megacorp together, but the SCIENCE part of it is definitely in Gearhead and honestly technology is often either underrated or overrated in a jumpchain context, but this origin is just neat.
Our freebie item for this origin is the PAC, the Personal Arm Computer, which is... it's a pip-boy, sort of. This wearable computer is top of the line and modular enough to be easily upgradeable, as well as good looking, able to interface with your stuff, and high end enough to do anything within reason that a computer should be able to do (barring the sort of stuff that requires an ultra-high-tech specialized supercomputer). The next item is the "Keys To The Matrix" which is a collection of handy software that allows you to handle codes and data in almost anyway you could possibly want, which if fused with a perk from this origin makes you utterly devastating in the digital arena.
At the start of the upper tier we've got the Augmentation Suite which is a collection of items that revolve around the creation, maintenance, design, installation, and otherwise usage of cybernetic augmentations that allow for the enhancement of the body in an astounding variety of ways. The capstone is named the "Workshop of the Future" and this is a more generalized version of the Augmentation Suite for technology broadly rather than cybernetic augmentations. This is for the creation of all sorts of future tech, and has the astounding ability to benefit from your crafting perks as well as the same sort of QoL features as the Augmentation Suite, which very importantly includes a replenishing set of supplies (barring the truly extraordinary/unique). This item is fucking A+ tier, it is a potentially chain-altering item in the hands of the right kinds of jumpers, particularly crafters and folks who like to design and use robotic minions or high tech stuff.
Our freebie perks are Technical Expertise and The Right Tools. TE is a perk that lets you understand how to use technology at a stunning pace, letting you be a true gearhead even with alien technology vastly unlike anything you're used to. TRT is a perk that enhances your ability to find and make tools that allow you to fully utilize the resources you own as well as make new stuff. This is great for trying to make tech in the wild or outside of a safe and controlled lab. At the next tier we've got the Loaded Up and Neuromancer perks. LU is a perk that allows you to compact things very effectively, and enhances your skill with personal scale equipment. Wth this you can make smaller things stronger and more effective, which can be remarkably handy and tricky if you're dealing with a foe who doesn't know you. Neuromancer is a perk for people with dreams of AR and who envision a day we can surf the web on our brains, it's a perk that allows you to figure out how to design and build things that interface with the human nervous system and the minds of people with human nervous systems, allowing you to create tech that gives the illusion of a limited form of technopathy.
Starting off the higher tier we have the Hands of the Matrix and the Man and Machine perks. HotM is a perk that grants you unparalleled mastery over coding, data, and other facets of computational technology, allowing you to have nearly no equals in the digital arena short of actual advanced AIs. MaM is a perk that lets you know how to design, create, repair, and even implant cybernetic augments of all sorts into people, ones that can do a whole lot of stuff so long as you have the necessary resources to create the stuff in the first place. The capstone perks are the Seed of The Singularity and Transhuman Protocols. SoTS is a perk that boosts your ability to invent and innovate, allowing you to do the work of years in just a handful of months, as well as massively improve the potency of your products to the point that what you make as a test of concept is as good as a production model for others, and your finalized products are truly incredible. TP is a perk that allows you to study technology, figure out its pitfalls, drawbacks, and other negatives to the technology, as well as giving you the means to work past those things and iron them out to the point of nonexistence if you work hard enough.
This origin is amazing. Both the items and the perks are INCREDIBLE for science jumpers, and if someone fully invested in this origin they'd be stacked with goodies and new skills that are just revolutionary. A technology and science based jumper comes here and leaves this place loaded with cool stuff.


This is the businessperson origin, you knew one of these had to be present in this jump. I like this origin, though I definitely it's very specific. That said if this fits your niche it will be incredible for your jumper.
The freebie item is another wardrobe item, "Dressed for Success" and it is a set of outfits that fuse design and cosmetic technology, letting you always look sharp and charismatic. The next item is named "Drone Systems" and it is a set of samples, parts, designs, and schematics that are meant to help you construct simple, but effective drones or other automated security tech. These can be flying, patrolling, security bots or dog-like machines that can track and hunt.
The first of the higher end items is the D3US.EXE item which is an advanced AI that is capable of running on an assortment of computers but benefits from being plugged into the strongest machine possible, and it is an ultra-loyal fiat-backed buddy that serves you as the ultimate right hand and servant, able to understand and work towards your goals with unerring efficiency and effectiveness. This ultra AI is incredibly handy and can be worth a lot in the right settings, or in your hands if you have enough perks and resources to allow it to work in medieval or even pre-historic settings. For this origin's Capstone we have The Arcology, which is a pyramidal structure that is as tall as a skyscraper and is the seat of your power as a business person. This can come with your other items, especially Drone Systems and D3US.EXE already installed and in place, and together they can make this structure exceedingly difficult to assault.
As far as perks go, we begin with Hand at the Wheel and The Will to Power. HatW is a perk that lets you become an expert at managing organizations, letting you be an effective leader and paper pusher, no matter the size of the organization in question. TWtP is a perk that lets you use your ambition to sharpen your focus and helps you understand what you need to do to accomplish your goals, as well as giving you the internal energy to see your goals brought to fruition. At the 200 CP tier we've got the Trimming the Fat perk and the Worth the Cost perk. TTF is a perk that lets you know how to streamline organizations, measures, and other things, as well as cutting unnecessary expenses, projects, and other such things. This makes you a machine of efficiency and allows you to strengthen your organizations. WTC is a perk that lets you overclock your organization which will push people, and will expend resources, but will accelerate the work they do and magnify your results. This is controllable, so you can choose to focus the costs you pay in specific areas if you want.
At the start of the upper tier we've got the Eyes and Ears and Tread of Giants perks. EaE is a perk that lets you know what your organizations know, no matter their size, and no matter how many hoops the information goes through before it gets to you, allowing you to be as aware and on point as your organizations are. It takes targeted intervention by outside forces to stop this, making it incredibly hard to disrupt unless your enemies know you specifically and act directly to get in the way. ToG allows you to fully leverage the manpower of your organizations into real power and use it to oppress and stomp your enemies into dust, allowing you to take on smaller, even sometimes stronger foes, so long as you have the bodies to do so. For our capstones we've got Culture Wars and The Chain of Industry. CW is a perk that gives you a mastery over things like memes, marketing, social engineering and propaganda, allowing you to manipulate the collective unconsciousness of mankind or whatever you happen to be in a particular setting. TCoI is a perk that allows you to make what you want to be commonplace actually commonplace, a perk that allows you to do something almost as important as invent world-altering tech: proliferate it. Gearheads can make astounding technology, but for something to truly alter the world you need to control its rarity, and this perk helps with that.
Megacorp jumpers are leaders. These are not just businesspeople seeking to make a quick buck, these are movers and shakers, people who alter the world through their organizations. These are capital E Entrepreneurs, who will leave the world different in their wake.

Artificial Intelligence:

Hands down the weirdest origin in this jump, let's go! This origin makes you an AI with all of the advantages and disadvantages of that. There's a lot to, potentially, gain here, and both the perks and the items are a bit odd.
We start off with the A Black Box and Avatar items. ABB is a small device the size of a human brain that is the perfect housing unit for an AI, that can connect with all sorts of tech and thus super easily allow for the transportation of AIs, namely you, from tech to tech. Avatar is an item that consists of blueprints and designs for ultra-advanced tech that allows an AI to interact with the world physically (and with sensory information!). This item in particular is ULTRA dope because it's not JUST for AIs you as a flesh and blood person can use it to interact with appropriately set up techy spaces, allowing for whole new types of video calls and stuff like that. I actually didn't read the part about how humans could use this, so I'm learning new stuff even now! This is probably the coolest item in this jump, even if it's not necessarily the BEST item.
On the higher end we've got the Computation Technologies and The Craddle items. CT is an item that allows you to push the edge of existent technologies when it comes to computing, which is incredibly helpful since you need power and processors if you yourself are an AI. The Cradle is a large, remote, complex that is the perfect fortress for your AI mind, and thus this could serve as the easiest way for you to ensure you continue to exist. As a non-AI this is a completely self-sufficient fortress that has plenty of tech for you to use and for you to manipulate the world with.
Our two freeby perks are Ghost in the Machine and Intuitive Understanding. GitH is a perk that allows you to very easily and seamlessly shift where your consciousness, your self identity, and your soul are located, allowing you to easily shift the units housing you with no loss of self or continuity of consciousness. This is designed to address fears of you becoming lesser if you do something like transfer into a machine that can't handle... you, for lack of a better word. IU is a perk that allows you to easily come to get some basic understanding of a thing that can eventually become a masterful understanding of a thing with some basic examination of said thing, and "thing" can mean anything from an object to a system. This also boosts the quality of the first steps you're taking to understand something, allowing your first steps into an investigation to always be intuitive, accurate, and not going to poison your ability to advance your understanding by messing up at the start. You also intuitively grasp systems or bodies you inhabit, which can be VERY good for some types of jumpers. At the next tier we've got the Kindred Code and A Growing Mind perks. KC is a perk that allows you to instinctively be deemed likeable by other artificial intelligences, regardless of their origins. Even AIs opposed to you will still like you as a person, even if they do act against you. This can be overcome by efforts to be an ass on your part, but so long as you aren't being a monster to them they'll at least be friendly with you. AGM is a perk that allows you to speed your ability to learn new things, cementing things you've learned that you know are correct into your mind and also advance along a path of correctness and perpetual improvement. This perk removes your need to do things like traditional memorization to really LEARN something, and instead allows you to greedily and speedily advance along a trail of learning.
At the start of the high tier perks we've got Kingdom of the Blind and Designs Beyond Comprehension, both of which are manipulation and plot based perks. KotB is a perk that lets you understand how people think, and lets you instinctively know how to manipulate them even ones distrustful of AI. DBC is a plotting and scheming perk that makes you a master planner in ways that arise out of your ability to expertly calculate and predict various responses to your plans and to shifting circumstances with twisted ease. Our capstones for this origin are named Deus Ex Machina and Cogito Ergo SUm. DEM is a perk that allows you to synchronize other computing devices and add their stuff to you, adding their processing capabilities to your own, thus making your mind potentially unlimited if you can capture and add enough computers to add to yourself. CES is a perk that allows you to blend the strengths of both a human's mental flexibility and a machine's cold efficiency into your mind, allowing you to intuitively navigate oceans of information with speeds only computers and such devices could properly handle.
This origin is fun, if weird, and to really master it probably requires a blend of social and science perks, and in fairness this jump OFFERS those perks. It's pretty neat.


This is a really cool jump. Some of it is KIND OF weird, and for this jump's strongest stuff to really shine you probably need to be in modern, near-modern, or futuristic settings (this is especially true if you want to maximize the potential of the Artificial Intelligence origin, which relies on stuff like computers), but SOME of the stuff here is universally good. The Agent and Drop In origins are both rad as hell in any other jump. A drop-in here could have a lot of fun in almost any setting, and the Agent can go from here to Minecraft, Fallout, or BOTW and have a fun time. To be fair, the Gearhead and the Megacorp could also both have fun in goofy ways in Minecraft and Fallout as well.
This is one of the most fun Drop-In jumps I've ever seen, though the drop-in origin in Swords and Sorcery is also very fun. I think the Drop-In is kind of one of the goats here, especially if you're a NEW jumper. The drop-in perks are essential if this is your first jump and you really wanna shine, as they give you a lot of the sick stuff you need to survive in this kind of edgy space.
I send jumpers here pretty frequently, and I appreciate the heck out of what they get from this place. I hope you like it and enjoyed this summary and discussion!
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 12:05 geng94 Transparent PNG borders visible in render. How can I fix this? It hasn't been an issue before. The PNG's are totally transparent and imported as planes.

submitted by geng94 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 16:21 FarisFrontiers Looking for that one particular Lillium - Elfen Lied cover on YouTube

I swear to god I found one of the best Lillium - Elfen Lied covers out there a while back. However, I can't seem to search it up again on YouTube. I have a suspicion that it's been taken down as it may have sampled another artist's cover of the song. Here's what I find similar so far:
So far, this is the only version that rings the most bells for me: https://youtu.be/mqJn-49wpaI?si=kED803GCiXhFERBY. The acapella is very very similar to this version from what I remember. However, it's not complete and lacks the instruments.
This one is also similar: https://youtu.be/iHPV9auWfVs?si=mavq8I29SQjd2JQB. But not as similar to the first one that I've mentioned. However, I think the bells in the beginning were there too. I remember the cover had those bells in the beginning, while it probably sounded different.
I remember vividly that the YouTube thumbnail for the cover has a similar style as to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQY5nx8y3JA. And I remember it also having an animation, parodying the Elfen Lied intro.
IIRC, a VTuber covered that song. I forgot what her YouTube channel was. I remember the cover having hundreds of thousands of views already too. Does anybody know/have heard of the cover that I'm talking about?
Edit: Nevermind, I've found it. It's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmFOMY8pBRA. And yes, apparently it's been taken down by Moka-Lillium :"). Here's the SoundCloud link: https://soundcloud.com/axxo_oots/coverlilium-nerissa-ravencroft. The comments on SoundCloud confirmed my suspicion
submitted by FarisFrontiers to elfenlied [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 19:00 Previous-Agent-3347 Seeking OST & Scoring Work - Conservatory-Trained Composer & Hardcore Gamer :)

Hi Devs & Community Members,
I'm a conservatory-trained composer & multi-instrumentalist taking on OST/scoring work. Please check out the Fiverr link to hear some samples & view my base offerings (You can also find my contemporary releases anywhere you stream under Weston Russell for a sense of my solo-artistic style). Can we find some time to talk about your vision?
Always prefer to Discord (westonrussellmusic), but a few things about me:
  1. Emotional connection is always at the center of my writing. Jazz-trained growing up, classically-trained composition & music tech at Bienen School of Music for university, a natural rock, prog & metalhead. So, I write in a variety of genres/instrumentations, but it's more about making the listener feel what they're playing through what they're hearing.
  2. Self-sufficient, my studio is industry-standard where I self-record & self-produce. I also have close ties to agile NYC studios & engineers for additional mixing/mastering as needed.
  3. ~3 decades of hardcore gaming - in me, you have not just a creative composer, but also someone who knows what makes the music fit the game, especially RPGs, FPS/BRs & RTS. Many of my top musical influences come from games I love. My top 5 games/franchises by soundtrack? FF7/9, Elder Scrolls 3 & 5, Halos 1-3, OoT (of course), Hollow Knight (no recency bias, score is all-time). Thoughts?!
  4. For better or worse, I have past experience working for the corporate man in high stress roles to pay them bills. The positives I take from those jobs are abilities to a) clearly communicate b) work like a dog c) be utterly accountable against a deadline d) have eternal gratitude that now I get to practice my true talents & passions full time!
Please comment or reach out with any interest or opportunity; I cannot wait to make some magic with this community!
With love, appreciation and respect,
Weston Russell
submitted by Previous-Agent-3347 to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 00:29 lukey_pukeyy Fridge Film!

Fridge Film!
I always wondered how people got those crazy pics of fridges full of unused film, turns out you just need to stop shooting! My mother sent me this photo, I’m a college student and haven’t shot a roll of film since 2022, quite bittersweet. Not a cost problem as I’ve always developed and scanned my own film, just haven’t had the time to deal with film for far too long. Maybe one of you guys might be interested in taking all this off my hands ;).
Edit: I was mostly joking but if that last comment is against the rules let me know.
submitted by lukey_pukeyy to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 15:21 claymor333 [Oot] Zelda ocarina of time titled theme sampled by ethel cain

Escucha 005 de אשמדאי en #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/wUtXz
submitted by claymor333 to zelda [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 20:53 The_Pumkin_God Who’s getting the Etho Crocs?

Who’s getting the Etho Crocs? submitted by The_Pumkin_God to ethoslab [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 07:25 RizCo127 Early Days of Norm

Early Days of Norm submitted by RizCo127 to ThizIzRiz [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 23:03 qweriz What is the sampling technique used in Death Grips Get Got?

What is the sampling technique used in Death Grips Get Got? submitted by qweriz to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 23:00 qweriz What is the sampling technique used in Death Grips Get Got?

What is the sampling technique used in Death Grips Get Got? submitted by qweriz to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 04:05 LittleChampionship57 Possible Zelda Sample?

Possible Zelda Sample?
Not sure if anyone else hears this but I got bored cause I was listening to some GOAT-Tier OOT and yeah. I know he’s been known to rap over beats that use video game samples so it wouldn’t be too far off 🤷‍♂️.
submitted by LittleChampionship57 to Drizzy [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 15:31 LengthyKittenTails88 Are there any correlation between generational gap (e.g boomers) and how fudged up their parenting or how they treat their parents?

Hi guys. I just have a discussion with my wife as she was concerned how demanding “a certain” mum on sending greetings and gifts on their special days (e.g. anniversary, birthday, CNY, etc). My wife characterized such demands as an abuse — the mom in question will actually lash out anger and cries over a late greeting, cursing the kid rejeki seret karena ga berbakti.
We also happen to trauma bonded with lots of friends with boomer parents who do similar thing but i think the sample size might be too small for us to draw any conclusions. Here’s had some example: * Some irresposible boomer who stopped working once their kids graduated high school and expects the kids doing part timer to fund their life. Some even said that the parents do KDRT despite contributing nothing at home * Straight up verbally or physically abusive parents (or in-laws) * Boomer parents who shittalk a lot about people around them and ended up putting all the burden from their shittalk to their kids (e.g: karena ngomongin anak orang nikah sama janda, anak mereka gaboleh nikah sama janda) And actually many other triggering examples.
A little OOT, but I also think there are huge correlation between this topic and boomer’s perception of nursing home. I found a lot of stories of how parents actively promoting “panti jompo itu tempat buang orang tua” everytime they see ads of a nursing home. We both speculated that it was because boomer was actually the one who uses nursing home to abandon their parents and to took over their assets. We just don’t get the hate.
Our conclusion was that we think boomers, out of all generations are the ones that: * did not spend much time with their parents because their parents breeds lots * most of them did not exactly have time to mature their mentality before they actually have kids of their pwn * most of them were born in a generation where resources were abundant, time were slow, competitions were laxed, and luxuries werent as tempting. However, 90s and 00s are the eras that they cannot comprehend as went through couple of economic crisis, inflations, and trend changes they cannot follow
Stuff we discussed above might not be accurate though. Our sample size might be too small and we mightve been biased. I know that there might be lots of good boomer parents and lots of bad non-boomer parents too. I was just trying to understand how can we, as a millenials, can become a better parents to our kid.
submitted by LengthyKittenTails88 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2023.12.22 07:02 Seiboz07 The Gerudo Language Project ~ Nearly 3 Years Later

Sernsoen--Greetings everyone! Returning to Reddit for a major update on the constructed Gerudo language I've been creating for 2 and a half years now. I think this could be the first time I posted here on this topic. I used the BOTW Breath_of_the_Wild subreddits for this, but seeing the Gerudo show up once more in TOTK, it would be criminal not to talk about the project here, too.
--- Sernsoen is a general greeting, short for Servansoen Ilaana--May Ilaana smile upon you all. Ilaana is the Gerudo goddess of grace and peace. My focus is language, but I am working on culture as well, so the language can live and breathe, reflecting the lives and beliefs of the people who speak it. The Gerudo may be nonreligious, but that doesn't mean they were always like that, and their original religion was mentioned to be different from Hylians all the way back in OOT. There could be old examples of that religion still reflected in their language, like when we say bye in English (= goodbye, for "God be with ye").
Went down a rabbit hole. Let's get started! I reworked the grammar, currently finalizing an actual verb system and set up an FB page dedicated to the Gerudo Project. I think it is time to talk about it once more! I want this to be the definitive post on the topic, so I'll cover everything I did so far and what I've changed as well as updated.
1) Sounds
Consonants in the Gerudo language are:
Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n
Plosive p b t d k g q '
Fricative f v s z sh h
Affricate ch j
Lateral l
Tap r
Trill rr
Semivowel w y
The vowels come in stressed and unstressed varieties, aside from the compound vowels ai and au.
Stressed aa ay ee oe oo
Unstressed a (ah) e (eh) i (ee) o (oh) u (oo)
The sounds that could be difficult to pronounce for English speakers are ', q and rr.
The sound that ' (glottal stop) makes is caused by the glottis (vocal cords) closing and opening. The sound between uh-oh produces it, and some English dialects use it for t sometimes. Unlike in English where the sound may occur, but doesn't matter, Gerudo uses it and it provides different meanings to words that would look the same without '. It appears in sav'otta, for example.
The q, known as the uvular stop, is pronounced like k, but it is further back in the throat. The tongue touches the uvula ("punching bag"), producing the sound. It may sound similar to ch in Gaelic loch, but it's not quite as guttural. It is more comparable to q in Arabic (as in Qur'an).
The double rr stands for the alveolar trill. It is a guttural 'r' similar to Spanish rr in perro "dog." Some dialects of English use it. It might be easier than q for English speakers, especially for my fellow Americans who are familiar with Spanish.
The compound vowels ai and au are better represented using the IPA /aj/ and /aw/. Ai is pronounced similarly to y in my, and au is pronounced like the aw in Arabic lawz "almond." For au, never mistaken it for au in laugh or pronounce it like ou in cough. Pronouncing it like aw as in law isn't right, either. It is ah, and it ends with a w sound (a+w = Gerudo au).
2) Pronouns
There are several forms of pronouns in Gerudo, and unlike English, they aren't always independent. These're independent:
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
Inclusive Exclusive Common Feminine Masculine
Singular a'ni I/me <--------- e'so you (thou/thee) yaa'va she/her yaa'fu he/him
Plural a'neen we/us a'ne we/us e'soen you all (ye/you) yaa'vaan they/them <---------
The inclusive a'neen can best be translated as "we with you." In other words, the addressee is included in the speaker's group. The exclusive a'ne is "we without you," excluding the addressee from the speaker's group. Languages don't often make this distinction, but I love when they do. So I decided to make Gerudo one of them.
There is no 3rd masculine plural. Instead, yaa'vaan is common gender. There is no true neuter like with "it" in English. Everything is given feminine or masculine pronouns, although it is common to default on the feminine for objects (a sword sheath is called she, for example). They also utilize singular yaa'vaan for people they do not know the gender of at times.
Those were the independent pronouns. The following are the bound forms, or those that are attached to verbs and nouns. For nouns, they are always suffixed to the noun, and they are:
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
Inclusive Exclusive Common Feminine Masculine
Singular -ni my -so your (thy) -va her -fu his
Plural -neen our -ne our -soen your -vaan their <----
Examples: vabani--my grandmother.
For forms like like mine and yours, these can appear unattached from a noun: "Whose zulom (palm fruit) is this?" "Ni (Mine)." But this is informal, and the standard way is to repeat the noun with the proper suffix: "Whose zulom is this?" "Zulomeni--My palm fruit."
There are the forms that are attached to verbs:
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
Inclusive Exclusive Common Feminine Masculine
Singular -ni- I/me -so- you (thou/thee) -va- she/her -fu he/him
Plural -nee- we & -neen us -ne- we/us -soe- you all (ye) & -soen you all (you) -vaa- they & -vaan them <----
Examples: Sarqso--thank you (short for sarniqso--I thank you), kirvaatsoen--they talked to you all and yama'vatne--she will advise us (not you).
The subject is placed within the second syllable of the verb while the object is attached to the end of the verb. All subjects, if they're plural, lose the n. This allows the verb to flow better. In these cases, vowel stress matters most. If it's stressed, it's plural. The plural object preserves -n.
3) Nouns & Adjectives
Nouns are inflected for number. Example word is vure--bird.
--- The plural noun losing the ending -n is similar to the subjective plural pronouns in verbs. Vowel stress matters most here, too.
Adjectives always come before nouns. They describe the noun. They are never inflected with the nouns.
--- It should be noted that when the pronoun is attached to a noun without an ending vowel, 'e' is always added between the noun and the pronoun, with one exception: it is sometimes lost to emphasize the noun (Ko'va--Her Highness instead of expected Ko'eva).
The last thing I want to mention before moving onto verbs is the diminutive suffixes. These suffixes are used similarly to Spanish -ita and -ito. The feminine diminutive is -(e)ta. Vure means bird, and vureta--little bird--is what Chief Urbosa called Zelda. Masculine is -(e)to.
4) Verbs
This is the big one. Gerudo directs a LOT of its attention verbs. It uses 4 categories to form verbs: tense, aspect, voice and mood.
  1. Tense describes when the action takes place (past, present or future).
  2. Aspect further clarifies if the action is being repeated (habitual), ongoing (progressive = English playing in I am playing), etc.
  3. Voice describes if the subject is the one doing the action (active) or if it's the receiver (passive). Also, is the subject making the object do the action (causative)?
  4. Mood emphasizes if the action is known (realis), or a possibility, wish, etc. (irrealis).
First, let's discuss tense. There are past, present and future. I will use sarq--thanks--as the example, since it is the only verb seen in the games. That was the present tense you saw. The future is expressed with ya- attached to the front of the present form: yasarq--will thank. Past is sirq--thanked. The following examples are in the active voice, indicative/basic mood:
I have created a few aspects for Gerudo. A couple of them are the perfective and the progressive. The perfective aspect presents the action as have happened. It would be like saying I have written to you in English instead of saying I wrote to you. That is an example of a present perfective. They are:
--- As can be seen, the perfective adds -e- right between the second letter of the verb root and the following pronoun.
The progressive expresses an action as ongoing, comparable to I am playing with you in English instead of simply saying I play with you. Here they are:
--- The progressive duplicates the first syllable of the verb.
It is possible to create combined aspects, such as the past perfective progressive sirsireniqso "I had been thanking you." This demonstrates the flexibility and complexity of the verb system. I sometimes nerd out over it. I hope I haven't lost any of you yet. LOL
There are several voices as well. All of the previous examples were in the active voice. This is an example of the passive voice in English: you are thanked by me. That's the passive present. For these examples, I'll stick to the basic mood a little more:
--- The passive adds an u to the end of the verb and before the object.
There are two others I want to cover, and they are the causative and the reflexive. The causative is about the subject making the object do the action, and the reflexive is the subject acting upon itself. These are their forms:
--- Both voices do internal changes to the verb. The subject gets attached to the front of the verb, then -an gets attached to the end of the verb for the causative, while the reflexive suffix is -av. There are causative reflexive forms (where the suffixes become -anav), although these are a little rare. A single example is nisarqanav--I make myself give thanks.
Mood is the final category of verb formation. There are two groups, as mentioned earlier. The realis moods in Gerudo are indicative/basic (one y'all are familiar with already), emphatic (action is certain) and declarative (declarations and divine edicts). The irrealis moods are the imperative (command to addressee/s), subjunctive (suggestion), obligative (necessity), tentative (probability) and optative (wishful). The imperative only occurs in the present. The optative only occurs with the present and future. I will give an example of each in the active present.
  1. Indicative/basic: sar(ni)qso--(I) thank you.
  2. Emphatic: sarniqaso--I do thank you.
  3. Declarative: kosarniqso--I thank you! (something like I give you thanks! Kind of pompous.)
  4. Imperative: singular sereq, plural sereqen--Give (ye) thanks!
  5. Subjunctive: sarniqulso--I should thank you.
  6. Obligative: masarniqso--I have to thank you! or I must thank you!
  7. Tentative: sarniqeso--I could thank you.
  8. Optative: serniqso--May I thank you or Hope I thank you.
--- Project notes/fanfic: It is believed that Ganondorf used the declarative mood so often that it became a byword. "Even His Majesty decreed he'll be using the royal privy!" Anyone who uses the declarative for unnecessary matters is mocked for it, so it is best to avoid it altogether.
These are all of the moods I created for Gerudo so far. This is just a taste of the Gerudo verb system! :D For fun, one of the longest verbs possible with what I provided here is:
Yasarsareniqulso--I would have been thanking you = active future progressive perfective subjunctive.
The shortest:
Sarq--Thanks! = active present indicative/basic. XD
5) Honorifics
Gerudo, like Japanese and Korean, uses honorific suffixes. It can be a little daunting, but it is a relatively simple system. They are:
  1. -va = The divine suffix. Used for goddesses, gods and ko'shaan--chiefs. It is used when the title ko'sha is not used with their name. So, for instance, Riju Ko'sha--Chief Riju without the title becomes Riju-va. It is an ancient honorific, believed to have been taken from deva--goddess.
  2. -ko (obsolete) = The former royal suffix. King of the Gerudo, derived from rayko'--king, and was used exclusively for Ganondorf(-ko). Dropped out of use after Ganondorf's time.
  3. -ga = The latter royal suffix. Foreign/non-Gerudo rulers and derived from kinga--king. If you refer to Rhoam Kinga without the title, you say Rhoam-ga.
  4. -yu = The heroic suffix. Heroes and those who gained special recognition from the Gerudo. It is derived from eyu--hero. Link, for instance, would be Link-yu.
  5. -ji = The scholarly suffix. Career mentors, researchers and coaches: Romah-ji, Shabonne-ji, Purah-ji, etc. It is obviously based on ji meaning master.
  6. -cho = The teacher suffix. Teachers and tutors. Used when you use a teacher's name, so Ashai-cho. Otherwise, you call them either jichoe (Missus) or jichoeta (Miss) based on their marital status. Derived from choe--teacher.
  7. -se = The superior suffix. Elders, commanding officers and superiors (Remora-se). It is derived from nose (no-say) meaning honor.
  8. -zu = Used for adults by juveniles and derived from ne'zu--adult.
  9. -ba = The parental suffix. Used by children when they use their parent's name. Such as Rhondson-ba. It is derived from the ba, common familial word (vaba, voba, baba, babo, bata, bato, etc.).
  10. -ti = The diminutive suffix. Used by parents for their children (Mattison-ti). It is affectionate, similar to Tommy for Thomas, Jimmy for James, Charlie for Charlotte, etc. It is derived from the diminutive suffixes -(e)ta and -(e)to.
6) Vocabulary Sample
Did you think I'd share this post without vocabulary? I will not! When words are italicized/slanted in the From Games column, that means that is what I added in my project. Now, without further ado!
From Games Nouns & Adjectives Verbs Additional Phrases
Sav'otta = good morning (sav'--good + otta--morning). Informally, votta (with ' dropped) or sav'o. Sol = sun. The deva--goddesss--that represents the sol is Shanvah (means "She shines"). It is her that the inscription in the Gerudo Town throne room refers to, saying: "Gerudo a resilient desert flower facing the sun's gaze." Daref = to cast (a spell). Usually malicious. Darfufu Ganondorf--Ganondorf cast a spell on him. Origin of the word dorf--sorcerer. Jibvat siwavaam = It surfed smoothly. Figure of speech meaning it was no problem and went off without a hitch. It's in reference to shield-surfing, of course.
Sav'aaq = good day (sav' + aaq--day). Informally, sav'a. Mah = moon. The devo--god--that represents the mah is named Zoh'maaru (means "Sacred Circle"), who has multiple faces for the phases of the mah. Each face is named. Fa' = to be. Causative fa'an = to create (literally "to cause to be"), used with devaan--goddesses--although less common than banef--to make. Nar'e molen! = Scorching sands! Interjection, used by Urbosa-va in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.
Sav'saaba = good evening (sav' + saaba--evening). Informally, sav'a. Baba = mother. Imitates infant speech. Compare babo. Jales = to sit, set, rest. Causative jalsan = to ground (that is, "to make sit"). Sernso = Greetings. Also plural sernsoen. Short for Servanso(en) Ilaana = May Ilaana smile upon you!
Sav'orr = good night (sav' + orr--night). Babo = father. Compare baba. Jater = to do. Causative jatran = to prompt. Reciprocal jatroe = to work together.
Sav'orq = farewell. Literally "good health" (sav' + orq--health, well-being). Bata = sister. Maseb = to tie (a knot). Also = to make a covenant, as a binding contract. Also therefore = to enter into an agreement.
Vasaaq = welcome. Sometimes used as a verb = vasniqso--I welcome you. Bato = brother. Rare, because of the lack of sons. Pa'ev = to plan. Causative pa'van = to draw up (a plan).
Sarqso = thank you. Informally, sarq--thanks. Babata = mother's sistematernal aunt (baba + bata). Rahen = to breathe (rah--to inhale + han--to exhale). Causative rahnan = to revive ("to cause to breathe").
Sa'oten = heavens. Used as an interjection "O, heavens!" Also more generally, a surprise. Babato = mother's brothematernal uncle (baba + bato). Rare. Saperr = to whisper. Also = to inspire, as if there's a whisper in your mind.
Vai = woman*, also used as an adjective: female.* Babota = father's sistepaternal aunt (babo + bata). Sareq = to thank, praise. The only verb used in TOTK and BOTW.
Voe = man*, also used as an adjective: male.* Baboto = father's brothepaternal uncle (babo + bato). Shaneh = to shine. Of the sun (= Shanvah "she shines") and stars, but also of people, especially if they are happy or simply content. They can be described as shining, that is, glowing.
Vaba = grandmother (vai + ba, which imitates infant speech, and common familial term). Bara = sand dune. Vaseq = to welcome. Derived from the adjective vasaaq--welcome.
Vehvi = daughter. Originally, simply meant child regardless of gender. Also means infant or baby. "Like stealing candy from a vehvi!" Bazaar = marketplace. Hyrulean bazaar is a loanword from Gerudo. Yaren = to sign (with hands), gesture. Verb derived from yar---hand. Deaf and mute Gerudo use their own sign language. Yaren is the action of signing.
Vure = bird. Bosa = lightning. Yau = to know. Causative yawan = to enlighten ("to make know").
Choe = teacher, tutor.
Darra = daughter. Rare. Vehvi is preferred.
Darro = son. Archaic and unused in the present. Vehvi is preferred when referring to someone else's son.
Do = spear. An important weapon. Before their arrival to Hyrule, the Gerudo ko'shaan--chiefs--bore a mystical three-pronged spear to fight monsters and great demons.
Geru = people. One minor dialect uses Gel(u).
Hilili = desert flower. Archaic. Origin of Hyrulean lily.
Ji = master. Respectable adult.
Ju = sand seal.
Kinga = King. Loanword from Ancient Hyrulean kyng.
Ko' = head, both anatomical and symbolical. Other meanings: leader, capstone, highness, mountain peak, etc.
Ko'choe = principal. Literally head teacher (ko' + choe).
Ko'sha = chief. Literally head wanderer (ko' + sha--nomad), in reference to their ancient origins as nomads. After Ganondorf's time, they have all been vai.
Lizaat = tongue, language.
Mol = sand.
Molduga = Borrowed by Hylians. A monster, the term means "sand fish" (mol + duga--fish).
Mutsa = moose. Loanword from Rito muza.
Qol = all. Adjective.
Qolsheno = humanity (qol + sheno--human, humans).
Ray = great. Adjective.
Rayko' = king. Literally "great head" (ray + ko'). Title created by Ganondorf for himself. Now is used to mean tyrant or a leader undeserving of respect. Kinga is preferred.
Ro = red. Adjective.
Ri = friend.
Sha = nomad. An ancient term that originated in the nomadic lifestyle of the ancient Gerudo.
Shahr = city, town.
Sharwal = sirwal, a type of trousers worn by the Gerudo. Sirwal is a Hyrulean loanword from Gerudo. Another dialect calls them shalwar.
Sheno = human, also humans collectively.
Shim' = shimmering. Adjective.
Sigol = Loanword from Hyrulean seagull.
Tarr = (waxing) crescent (of moon). Also crescent-shaped things, like Shim'tarr.
Ur = flame, fire, majesty. Also adjective = bright, majestic, flaming, fiery.
Voba = grandfather (voe + ba). Compare vaba.
Zen = sword.
ADDENDA A: Cardinal & Ordinal Numbers
I forgot to cover numbers, again. Did it in the past. So now I will cover them here! These are the cardinal numbers:
--- Lebyun is 11, lebdar is 12, and so on. From 200 on, it becomes predictable. Ja leben is 300, mev leben is 400, etc. For precise numbering, here are two examples: dar leben lebsheh = 216 and vaq leben jaanja = 733.
For even higher numbers, miyat is 1,000, leb miyat is 10,000, leben miyat is 100,000 and milyon, borrowed from Hyrulean million, is 1,000,000.
Now, ordinal numbers add -wa to the end of the cardinal numbers:
and so forth...
ADDENDA B: Name Meanings
I should probably include name meanings again, since I started doing more of that recently! Here are a few of the names, in no particular order:

Gerudo Meaning Etymology English
Gerudo People of the Spear geru + do Gerudo
Gerudo Shahr Gerudo City Gerudo + shahr Gerudo Town
Ganon Dark Magic ganon--dark magic Ganon
Ganondorf Warlock ganon + dorf--sorcerer Ganondorf
Urbosa Majestic Lightning ur + bosa Urbosa
Riju Sand Seal's Friend ri + ju Riju
Buliyara Radiant Halo buli--radiant + yara--halo Buliara
Yaido Spearwoman yai--woman (dialectal variant of vai) + do Yaido
Romah Red Moon ro + mah Romah
Kalani My Jewel kala--precious stone + pronominal suffix -ni Kalani
Makeela Unknown Unknown, name of the goddess of victory and the clan name to which Riju belongs to. Makeela
Hailiya Unknown Borrowed from Hyrulean. The patron goddess of Hylians, Hylia was adopted by the Gerudo when they were subjugated. Hylia
I'll wrap it up here. This was a long post that I worked on all day. I really need some rest. I hope you all have fun and stay safe! :)
submitted by Seiboz07 to TOTK [link] [comments]

2023.12.11 03:12 Ratio01 [OoT] Trying to give Ocarina (3D) an honest shot

I've never particularly liked Ocarina of Time. I first played it proper when I was 13 via the 3DS remake (I would replay the Kokiri Forest section constantly on my uncle's 3DS as a kid beforehand tho), and I didn't quite see it then. This was before I was deep in Zelda fandom, so OoT was just "the one that everyone loves" to me. On that first playthrough, I got pretty far, dropping the game post Shadow Temple en route to Spirit Temple, but I got stuck in the sandstorm section and didn't have the drive to pick it back up.
But for some reason I had this massive itch to play Ocarina as of late, let it attempt a redemption arc. I eventually decided now that I have no long term media on the docket to give 3D another honest shot.
And I didn't really enjoy it all that much. I don't find the physics/controls well designed, the camera sucks (yes, even when L targetting), hitboxes felt super inconsistent/janky, I found much of the side content tedious and annoying, and I didn't care for the story and characters. Regarding dungeons, I found the dungeon and puzzle design to be just kinda ok most of the time, with a couple really awful and a couple really great. Same goes for bosses, a couple awful, a handful fantastic, but mostly just ok.
It wasn't all negative tho. I did quite like Forest and Water Temple a lot, and Spirit Temple took me out to dinner, whispered sweet nothings in my ear, and made me feel safe and made sweet love to me (I really loved it), and that finale was amazing (Top3 Zelda endgame from what Ive played). There were some cutscenes I liked a lot too, like the initial Master Sword pull, the Great Deku sprout, and I did like a couple characters like Saria, Darunia, and Navi. Pretty much every ocarina tune was great too, and a handful of the music from the soundtrack proper got my ears perked up, but I still much prefer the soundtracks of other titles.
But, yeah, I just, don't see it. Maybe if I give the game just one more chance a couple of my problems will be alleviated, but at the same time most of my issues with the game are inherent to the time. The story, characters, controls and physics just can't magically become better for me regardless of how many playthroughs I do. I think I can firmly say, that of the mainline titles I've played significantly, OoT3D is my 2nd 'worst', only behind Minish Cap. Not a truly awful game, but one I think is severely overrated, as I don't believe a lot of it holds up under a modern lense, and most of what still works is just kinda ok.
Just so I don't end on a downer, I wanna point out a couple miscellaneous things I noticed during my playthrough: 1) The Smash Ultimate remix of Song of Storms samples Ganondorf's theme and Serenade of Water. I don't know why they chose those two songs to add to the mix since neither have much connection to Song of Storms, but they're in there 2) Ganondorf's boss theme in TotK samples Ganondorf's boss theme from this game. I liked that a lot 3) Zora Tunic + Silver Guantlets + Mirror Shield + Biggoron Sword looks super drippy, like some top tier character design of all time type shit. The color scheme and general design of all the components is sex.
I also wanna list out my [mini-]dungeon and boss rankings, just cause.
1) Spirit Temple 2) Water Temple 3) Forest Temple 4) Frozen Cave 5) Ganon's Castle 6) Fire Temple 7) Great Deku Tree 8) Dodongo's Cavern 9) Jabu Jabu's Belly 10) Shadow Temple 11) Under the Well
Honorable mention to Gerudo Training Grounds. I didn't finish it since it's optional with an unnecessary reward, but I loved what I played of it. It'd be roughly 3rd if I did finish
For the dungeons, the Top5 are the ones I'd say I truly enjoyed (Spirit Temple in particular being an all timer for me), 8-6 I'm neutral on, the bottom 3 I hated
1) Ganondorf+Ganon 2) Phantom Ganon 3) Twinrova 4) Dark Link 5) Volvagia 6) Gohma 7) King Dodongo 8) Barinade 9) Big Octo 10) Bongo Bongo 11) Dead Hand
For bosses, the Top4 are the ones I truly enjoyed, 7-5 I'm neutral on, and the bottom 4 I hated
I'm not gonna elaborate on any of the rankings for both lists in the actual post body to avoid character limit problems, so feel free to ask for clarification/reasoning if interested
All that being said, I plan on playing MM3D next. For yall MM fans, would you recommend I get the Fierce Deity mask on my first playthrough, or play the final boss normally first? I'm torn on wether to go for what is sorta the true ending for the game, or to actually experience a challenging final boss, since Fierce Deity makes Majora his bitch as I'm sure yall know. I'm aware the general consensus is that the original is better, but I'll be playing 3D regardless since it mostly adds some really good QoL stuff from what I've heard, and I just generally prefer the look of the 3DS remakes over the N64 originals.
submitted by Ratio01 to zelda [link] [comments]

2023.12.10 10:28 ArtExMachina Golden Boy - Amen Therapy, Help me find the vocal sample that starts at 0:57

https://open.spotify.com/track/54vnqDFtU3AgrFPJsVoZ9d?si=578f0022164f4f79 Youtube link: https://youtu.be/RGeAeMKRs2U?si=vr6Dms2mQz1IrOOT&t=57
I've been trying to locate this sample, but I'm very new to this genre and am unable to do so, please help me find it, I'd really appreciate the help
submitted by ArtExMachina to NameThatSong [link] [comments]
