Bunny ranch

Howard Stern

2008.10.29 06:56 Howard Stern

We discuss everything related to Howard Stern

2007.08.06 07:16 spez Politics

/Politics is for news and discussion about U.S. politics.

2012.04.23 14:46 Box-Monkey True Detective

Time takes everything but the truth.

2024.06.10 05:57 Ok-Accountant3961 Cowboy at the Bunny Ranch

Cowboy at the Bunny Ranch
I know this is going to be to small of a planter. Can I save this cactus and can anyone recommend another cactus or succulent that would do well in his pants? Thanks ya’ll!
submitted by Ok-Accountant3961 to cactus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:52 antonholden True Detective S1…

At the bunny ranch, Marty gives the young girl cash and says “do something else.” Rust asks “is that a down payment?” Rust was right.
submitted by antonholden to TrueDetective [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:29 No-Category1703 Are there any notorious, sleazy areas around Cork City?

What's the reputation/history of the place?
You know what I mean, LA has Skid Row, The Cecil Hotel, The Viper Room and all those muderes. Las Vegas has the Bunny Ranch. New Jersey has the gangs. Amsterdam has the Red Light District.
What does Cork have?
submitted by No-Category1703 to cork [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:34 mjoverjumps destination pack pls

the bistro doors in the new kit remind me of a fancy parisian ritz carlton and it makes me absolutely CRAVE a hotel feature in the romance pack. like make it a bougie destination pack where you fly out to france to meet your 90 day fiance and can check in to a hotel for however many days. the townies would be tourists that incorporate and represent different cultures from around the world, and you can learn recipes of their native dishes by talking to them and getting to know them. the gameplay could focus on the main world's tourism, with trip and tour guides that take you to the eiffel tower, museums, show you restaurants, and incorporate a lot of sims lore. the world could be sooo nice and expansive if they added a bunch of fancy french shopping quarters with bakeries and restaurant options and bars and clubs. travel center help desks, a "tourist" trait or new "travel the world" aspiration that is completed by visiting every existing pack in your game's worlds' hotels. it would open a whole new gameplay dynamic because you could have your sims travel through different worlds and be able to stay overnight for certain objectives and go on vacations so much more easily and really immerse them into the entire game/world, rather than feeling like the world your lot is on is more or less your sim's entire life.
and the pack could add in default hotel lots for every world that match the style and experience and main gameplay features of each world, so you really feel like you can play with the entire game all at once - a dude ranch in chestnut ridge, cozy bed and breakfast in henford, scary motel in strangerville, luxe cabana retreat in tartosa, vegas strip-style mandalay bay in del sol, etc. not all of them would have to have the tourism gameplay intricacy of the pack's main world, but it would just be a default lot in that world that has spawnable workers like the bars, lounges, and restaurants. the game would feel so much more cohesive, and like every pack is being used to generate an entire realistic world for your sims.
hotels could 1) either operate like for rent apartments (but actually functional and not completely broken yk) or 2) operate how bars, kiosks, and street vendors do where tenders/employees automatically clock in when you load the lot, but with front desk employees, maids, concierge, bellhops, and doormen. contintental breakfast or room service !! NPCS and townies from other worlds might randomly show up for vacation too. what if you could also own the hotel and manage employees the same way you can with dine out. or you could make really scary motels and have your sims check in to them to do sketchy things.
AND! THERE COULD BE AN AIRBNB FEATURE! with for rent you could technically rent out rooms of your own lot (i think?) but there could also be an airbnb app/interaction on your phone or on social bunny that says "search airbnb" and opens a menu like the pet adoption that has townies and other sims' randomly-generated ads with room rates. and you can pick your dates of stay and stay at their lot for however long you selected, the prices varying on the lot value. kind of like how the stay-over feature operates.
submitted by mjoverjumps to Sims4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:39 ButterscotchNo7877 Supersim challenge tips and tricks

After grinding for a long time I have finally finished the supersim challenge and I have somethings that I wish somebody told me before I started. This will be in no specific order but I do recommend starting as a baby as the abilities and milestones pile up and help tremendously. Please add what other tricks helped you
High school years
Discover University:
submitted by ButterscotchNo7877 to Sims4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:15 XanaStill Cozy Game I want (Mer-ranch)!

I was talking with a friend today and they introduced me to this animal called a sea bunny. Now they look so adorable. I even liked it more when i saw some cute graphics online, squishmallow seabunnies!
So immediately my brain invented a take on the farm sim genre. Here it goes. Basically, youre a mer-person and you find a lost seabunny. You need to take care of it and raise it, so the town teaches you how to plant the right corals for them. Before you know it, you're running a whole ranch with seabunnies, sea slugs and sea horses! All of course with the cutest, most adorable graphics ever. No danger, just cuteness overload and relaxing vibes, and beautiful colorfulness. You get to explore The Wilds too which are abandoned coral reefs, rescue trapped or malnourished animals from inthere, and build out a new Reserve just off some free land from your ranch - where the rehabilitated wild animals (that are too wild to live on your ranch) are being released again after recovery. You get to craft things to expand your ranch, sell animal products in the mer-people town, and decorate your home with useful furniture - like a bed to sleep in, cupboards for functional storage, pantry for ingredients to cook with that you gathered from the reefs, etc. I imagine merpeople would mostly eat seaweed based dishes, with some clams inthere and unhatched/abandoned fish eggs, maybe some coral fruits, seapickles, etc. Maybe dig a pit in their home that gives access to a hot water stream from volcanos below, then they can cook on that. I'd definitely also add some "realism" inthere, to give the merpeople a sensemaking way of life, rather than placing fridges and campfires in their homes.. Electricity underwater doesnt do well, and neither does fire, so alternatives would be way cuter!
If someone wants to actually work on this and make this real, i'd be happy to work out all the details and see whats possible! :)
submitted by XanaStill to CozyGamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 Remarkable-Race-3492 Bunny Ranch

Bunny Ranch
I wanna squad up with other players who have these character skins!
submitted by Remarkable-Race-3492 to MWZombies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:04 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/Emo roundup for the week of May 10 - May 16, 2024

Friday, May 10 - Thursday, May 16, 2024

Top Media

score comments title & link mirrors
37 12 comments [Discussion] you guys fuck with jejune??? ehat about endive
26 5 comments [Live Footage📸] My screamo band fingerswoventogether playing in the woods May 3rd 2024
24 8 comments Hey Mercedes - Stay Six [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
22 6 comments kerosene heights emoviolence side project
21 10 comments [(Emo Adjacent)] idialedyournumber - Bunny Goes 2 Business School [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr]
21 4 comments Title Fight - Numb, But I Still Feel It [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
17 7 comments [Emo Revival] Free Throw - Hey Ken, Someone Methodically Mushed the Donuts [Sp] [AM] [Dzr]

Top Remaining Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
712 96 comments It really is like this though.
150 88 comments I have definitive proof that 2003 was peak emo
137 25 comments [(Emo Adjacent)] Holy Moly
128 44 comments [/Emojerk] Give me your best songs for missing the crispy chicken ranch snackwrap from McDonalds
119 22 comments Just found out about Knapsack and this album is a banger
105 194 comments Just went through my first ever breakup, give me your most gut wrenching relationship/breakup songs
102 121 comments [Discussion] Slow screamo songs?

Top 5 Most Commented

score comments title & link mirrors
88 270 comments [Discussion] What is an emo band that you consider to be emo that others don’t?
99 168 comments Let’s Argue: Michigan has the best emo scene by far.
39 115 comments What’s the best 3 album run in emo music?
70 104 comments [Discussion] Most heavy, edgy, over the top emo bands?
58 99 comments [Discussion] I’m turning 26, having a bit of an existential crisis, good band rec?
submitted by subredditsummarybot to Emo [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:23 PurpleAlcoholic If ETM was still alive and relatively healthy what would be be doing ?

“Check out my friend Brandy Talore at onlyfans.com/whatever. She’s the bustiest pornstar in the business”
submitted by PurpleAlcoholic to howardstern [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:57 Kikiloverkink Working at the Bunny Ranch has been empowering..

I’ve been working here for the past six years and I feel so in control with my anatomy and well being.. what’s your thoughts?
submitted by Kikiloverkink to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:54 Kikiloverkink Have you ever been to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada?

And how was your experience like?
submitted by Kikiloverkink to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:58 Kikiloverkink Have you ever been to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada and how was your experience?

submitted by Kikiloverkink to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:37 critical_courtney [Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Six

[Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Six
My Discord
Buy me a cup of coffee (if you want)
Previous Chapter
Chapter Six:
My house was quiet save for the occasional bleating of Billie outside. And he was only vocal for a little bit in the morning. The warm smell of coffee filled the kitchen as I fried up an egg sandwich courtesy of the Fates.
A soft clicking noise kicked on as the spout of my coffee maker whirred to life and granted me the caffeine I’d need to start my day.
“Thanks be to Kaldi,” I mumbled, pulling out a white mug with a black witch hat and boots painted on the side. Underneath the logo were the words, “Nice shoes. Wanna have hex?”
I grinned as I filled the mug with coffee and watched the steam float up to gently kiss my nose. I didn’t add any cream or sugar. They were mainly in my cabinet for guests. Guests like Frankie Dee, who definitely shouldn’t be on my mind right now. Because we were professional business partners. Not romantic partners who fell in love after a decidedly amusing one-night stand.
No need to remember how soft her lips were or how she squirmed under my touch. Because there was no way that was happening again.
Yup, I thought, sipping my coffee, picturing things I definitely shouldn’t be. No way.
I made quick work of my breakfast while scrolling through my social media feeds and replying to a few comments I’d gotten about yesterday’s podcast episode.
A few minutes later, I left my phone on my nightstand, donned a simple pair of ripped jeans and a purple tank top, and went into the backyard.
The air was still a bit nippy for a tank top, but I’d be fine once I got used to it. Billie ran up to me as soon as I stepped onto the lawn.
Picking the goat up, I kissed his head gently three times and giggled.
“Okay, my adorable little Billie. I need you to watch the Fates while I say hi to Mother. Can you do that?”
“Baa!” my furry little friend bleated.
“Thatta boy.”
I set him down and stepped over the ranch fence and chicken wire into the patch of woods behind my home. Maple and elm trees greeted me with open branches as my bare feet traced over the soil. Taking a deep breath of the cool morning wind, I made my way about 100 feet from my property line to a faerie ring of mushrooms.
Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a few pieces of candy, unwrapped them, and placed them in the circle.
“Gotta keep the fae happy,” I said, grinning. “I certainly don’t want them coming for a visit.”
A little further into the woods, I found my usual morning meditation spot between two tree stumps. I’d dug out a little hollow in the earth next to a bayberry bush.
Sitting cross-legged, I lowered myself into the little hollow and took a deep breath, closing my eyes. Clearing my mind usually took a few minutes as I typically pictured all the things I had waiting for me ahead in the day to come. But this morning most of my thoughts focussed on a certain newspaper editor. Squinting, I tried to chase them away. The most I managed was to push those thoughts out to the fringe of my subconscious. They were like a herd of ornery goats, and I didn’t have a border collie to properly lead them where they needed to go.
“That’ll have to do,” I mumbled, taking another deep breath, holding it for 10 seconds, and letting it go slowly, feeling my mind sink into the welcome embrace of Mother Gaia as I did every morning.
The feel of soil between my toes, the sound of a blue jay calling out above me, the taste of morning fog that rolled from Casco Bay and had yet to yield its grip on this cool morning to an eventual sunny day. In all of these things, there was magic, and I tapped into it, surrendered myself to this beautiful gift of life.
With my body held in place by the roots of this small patch of forest, I opened my spirit to Mother Gaia for a new day of life.
“Mother Gaia, I thank you for the many gifts you provide each day. I greet you by name this day as I do every morning with notes of gratitude on my lips. I sing the song of your beauty with each breath of air released from my lungs. You feed me. You clothe me. You put the very earth under my feet. I receive these blessings and bow my head to the grand start of another new day. May I honor you with it,” I prayed aloud to the goddess.
The wind picked up, and I sat there breathing, not in silence, but in the morning sounds of this tiny patch of forest on the west side of Portland. Someone in the next neighborhood over was walking an excited dog barking at something. In the distance, I heard Billie sound off again. Behind me, a fox darted over one of the stumps and between some tall grass.
My mind drifted to rest as I felt waves of energy from the Earth moving through the ground beneath me and up through the trees.
With a slower breath, I folded into the parcel of nature that held me and remained at peace for a while.
An hour later, I was showered and sitting in my recording studio down in the basement. Black absorbers hung on each wall around me.
The brown and white carpet muffled my footsteps as I walked over to my laptop and turned everything on. While my Adobe Audition booted up and started syncing my files, I walked over to a table behind me and lit some sandalwood incense, softly blowing on the embers to coax wafting smoke to life. It didn’t take long before the smell of incense filled my basement studio.
From one of my basement hopper windows, I saw all of the Fates rush by, chasing something. A snake maybe?
Giggling, I took a seat at the computer desk and swung the microphone and its protector around toward me. I cleared my throat and blew my nose.
“Testing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, testing. Testing,” I said, adjusting the levels of my recording.
I pulled a worn notebook with Wednesday Addams on the cover toward me and flipped to the notes I’d made for this episode.
I need to get a new one with Jenna Ortega on the cover, I thought, seeing I only had three or four pags left in this notebook.
Yawning and shaking my head from side to side, I hit the record button and spoke the opening lines of my podcast.
“You’re listening to Dawn’s Divinations, your #1 witchy podcast for everything from astrology to tarot. On today’s episode, I’ll be discussing tips for grounding yourself against chaotic energy, what’s up with Jupiter lately, and I have a recorded interview with Maria Gonzalez about her newest book on shadow work and what we all get wrong when trying to tackle it.”
Pausing for a moment, I took a breath away from my microphone and a quick sip of water.
“But before we get into all that, I want to take a minute to thank the sponsor for today’s episode, Bombo Socks. When I’m hiking in Acadia National Park and trying to connect with nature, it’s so much easier to get my head right when I’m wearing socks that keep my feet dry and cool no matter the weather. Bombo Socks have a variety of materials all ethically sourced and made by hand for any of your comfort needs, whether you’re hiking down a trail or recording a witchy podcast episode.”
I spent the rest of the morning recording, editing, and proofing the latest episode before submitting it to my distributor that would push it across to various platforms where my listeners were subscribed to me. When I’d finished adding a few bonus recordings for my Patreon subscribers, I got up and stretched.
“Oh goddess, I’m tired,” I said.
Right about that time, my stomach let me know that the egg sandwich I’d eaten a few hours ago was depleted. And it hungered for more.
“Easy, tum tum. You’re growling louder than I did reading the things Gretchen said to Imogen in the restaurant.”
As I tried to figure out what I could make for lunch with rice, flour, and breadcrumbs, I reminded myself to go grocery shopping tonight. Just like I’d reminded myself last night before playing two hours of “Little Kitty, Big City.”
My phone buzzed, and I found a text from ​​Keyla waiting for me as I unlocked the screen.
“Client canceled meeting. Lunch?” she wrote.
As I grinned and confirmed our lunch date, I practically ran into my room to throw on a purple v-neck shirt, a black broom skirt, and a long flowing jacket I left unbuttoned.
Keyla worked at a little accounting office in Knightville, so I made the 15-minute drive along the Fore River and over the Casco Bay Bridge. I always liked Knightville. It was quiet and had such pretty views of Portland’s harbor from Thomas Knight Park. You could walk up a little ramp to a platform halfway between the Casco Bay Bridge and the water, and the harbor would hide no secrets from you on a sunny day. Cruise ships that docked in town, sailboats, and cargo vessels having their shipping containers unloaded via crane, you could see it all. And a little further in the distance, you could spot some of the taller buildings in downtown Portland like the M&T Bank Building and the Time and Temperature Building flashing words like “Call Joe.”
Half of Knightville seemed like a little residential cluster just across the water from Maine’s biggest city, and half of it seemed like a little downtown section for SoPo.
Sitting right smack dab in the middle of the little neighborhood was a Mexican restaurant called Taco Duo.
I walked inside to the smell of salsa and cooked beef, instantly reminding me how hungry I was. Working while hungry. Who did that remind me of? A certain newspaper editor I definitely wasn’t still thinking about now that my podcast was finished and uploaded.
Sitting at an orange table surrounded by blue and yellow chairs, I spotted perhaps the only real friend I’d made since moving to Maine. She was munching on chips and salsa frowning at her phone when I walked over.
“Hey girl!” she said, standing up and throwing her arms around me. I smiled and returned Keyla’s crushing hug.
“Well, that’s a much happier look than the one you had five seconds ago. Did another coworker ask why you spelled your name ‘weird’ again?” I asked as we both sat down.
Neither of us needed a menu. We’d both eaten here enough to have the damn thing memorized in English and Spanish.
Keyla rolled her eyes.
“Not quite. Thankfully, I have nothing new to report from the accounting firm of Snow and Cream. But I did make my boss squirm last week by asking what the office’s plans for celebrating Juneteenth this year were. That man set a land speed record for sweat. His shirt was soaked in about 20 seconds,” she said, giggling.
I snickered.
Sitting across from me was a tall, gorgeous Black woman wearing a nice blouse and slacks. She looked every part the role of an accountant. But seeing as Maine was literally the whitest state in the U.S., Keyla didn’t exactly look like a carbon copy of her coworkers, most of whom were middle-aged white men who drove nice trucks or SUVs to the office and all looked like they would repeatedly hire a new guy by the name of Ben Wyatt, only to have him quit minutes later.
If Keyla didn’t draw the occasional glance for her skin color, she might be stared at for her shaved head. It was the typical bullshit people of color dealt with existing in a society we’d constructed primarily for people who looked like me.
We both met on the Merrill Theatre fundraising committee, a group of five people who help plan how best to take money from people to keep a beautiful and underfunded fine arts location from being shuttered and bulldozed for luxury condos or some bullshit.
“No, I was scowling because I haven’t been able to find any resources for dating, uh, trans men,” Keyla said, putting her phone in her purse.
I flashed her a wicked grin.
“Oh? Got yourself a new boyfriend, Keyla? And why haven’t I seen any pictures or even heard this man’s name? You’ve been holding out on me!”
My best friend in the entire world rolled her eyes for a second time, and we got up to order our food. Before long, she had a chorizo burrito, and I had a plate of mole enchiladas with beans and rice.
Between mouthfuls of delicious food, I poked at Keyla’s dating life again.
“So. . . his name?”
She looked up and finished a bite before answering.
“His name is Lalo. We go to the same gym. He’s been helping me with weightlifting and eventually asked for my number.”
My smile only grew.
“Yeah. . . and?”
She sneered.
“Bitch, shut up. I ain’t like that. . . not yet, anyway.”
“There it is!” I almost whooped.
She jabbed a finger in my face.
“You shut that mouth, or I’ll turn you over to the Church and tell them you’re secretly a witch. They’ll give you the rack or something.”
“Keyla, I already have a perfectly functional rack.”
She raised an eyebrow but couldn’t keep from snickering.
“And tell me. . . has anybody made good use of it lately? I mean — it’s been two months since Jessica dumped you, right? How do you know your tits are still perfectly functional?”
I stared down at the table and found myself at a loss for words. I was thinking about Frankie Dee again and the feeling of her breasts pressed against mine. The way they — fuck! The goal was to keep things professional. And I couldn’t do that if I kept wishing she’d get under me again (and stay awake this time).
“Oh my god, you’re picturing someone right now, aren’t you? Who is she? Tell me her name.”
“Oh no no, my friend. You first. Tell me about Lalo,” I said, taking another bite of my enchilada.
Keyla scratched her cheek and then looked at her plate, not eating.
“He’s really cute, got a body that looks like it was chiseled by a Renaissance sculptor.”
I cocked my head to the side as a husband and wife got up from the table beside us to leave and head home.
“Then what’s the issue? It sounds like you’re attracted to him.”
“I am! He’s great. And he makes me laugh. The other day we were passing a truck that had a license plate with the letters F-O-O-F-O-O on it. He said, ‘Huh. Must belong to a bunny.””
I just stared at my bestie and started to reevaluate my friend options. It only took me three years to make a real friend up here in Maine. I bet I could shorten the next friend search to two years.
“That’s not funny, Keyla. That’s just sad.”
She smiled.
“Okay, so his jokes aren’t funny. But Lalo THINKS he’s funny. And I find that shit hilarious. I just. . . I’ve never dated a trans man before, and I want to make sure I don’t accidentally say something insensitive, ya know? I fully accept he’s a man. He’s a man’s man. And bonus, Lalo was raised without any macho bullshit or toxic masculinity.”
I just ate quietly while I listened.
“I like him plenty. And him trusting me with that secret before we even went on an official date took guts. I just want to make sure I’m being respectful and returning that courtesy,” she said.
Reaching across the table, I took her hand. She looked up, and I smiled.
“I think you’re going to be perfectly fine, Keyla. Just treat him like any other guy you’ve dated. Minus Robert, because that poor dude is probably still in therapy after what you did to him.”
She scowled.
“That fucker knows what he did and absolutely had it coming.”
I threw up my hands in surrender.
One of the cashiers stared at us and shook his head before walking back into the kitchen. My eyes wandered around to the painted yellow walls of the restaurant, walls lined with double lights, painted flowers, and framed art.
Keyla’s burrito had officially broken into pieces, so she’d transitioned to finishing the insides with a spoon. I watched as she scooped up pork and potatoes.
“So, tell me about this girl,” Keyla said, narrowing her eyes.
I sighed.
“What’s to tell? She’s managing editor of the Portland Lighthouse-Journal, the same paper I just signed a contract with to become their astrology editor,” I said. “Frankie told me she wants to keep things professional.”
Keyla drooped a little, almost like she was feeling sorry for me. Hell, with how badly I wanted to do things to Frankie Dee and have her do them to me, I felt sorry for me.
“Of course, this was after I took Frankie home semi-drunk from a book club meeting, and we fooled around,” I mumbled, taking a drink of my tea.
My bestie’s eyes widened, and she pointed a finger in my face.
“I think you should have started your story there, Dawn. Jesus. I believe your new coworker would call that ‘burying the lede.’ You took your future coworker home from a bar, and she asked to keep things professional afterward?”
A little boy with a skateboard came in and picked up his to-go order, only to be scolded by an employee for trying to skate between tables on the way out.
“There’s nuance! Context! Geez. Neither of us knew who we were. It was her first time at the book club meeting, and we’d only previously communicated over email,” I said, finishing my enchiladas.
“So. . . you didn’t know. Damn, Dawn. You sure do like your complicated romances,” Keyla said, rubbing the back of her neck. “So what are you doing to do?”
I shrugged.
“What can I do?” I said, with my elbows on the table. “There are times when she looks at me where I can practically hear her begging me to hold her. It’s like. . . she’s being crushed by this boulder, and I’m the first person to walk by in days. And the way she takes me seriously and asks serious questions about my craft, it just. . .,” I trailed off.
My heart quivered hearing her ask me questions about Artemis and The Morrigan again. I wanted her to see more of me. Gods! I wanted her to know every inch of me, body and soul. Midnight and magic.
Looking up at Keyla, I sighed.
“She sees me, Keyla. And I know she doesn’t want to keep things professional. I think she’s secretly hoping I’ll push at the door until she’s left with no choice but to open it and press our lips together. But until she says that. . . I can’t know for sure.”
The accountant across from me raised an eyebrow and shook her head.
“Damn, bitch. You are down bad.”
My phone vibrated.
Looking at the screen, my heart started racing for an entirely different reason. And for a moment, all I could hear was a man shouting from the pulpit and smell the odor of old carpet. I could taste the wafers and grape juice. Somewhere in the back of my head, Mom’s voice said, “I was wrong. Run.”
“So what are you going to do?” Keyla asked.
I just shook my head staring at the name “Ex-Father (Shitbag)” on my phone’s screen. My heart thumped even harder in my chest as I declined the call and fought to keep from screaming, “Leave me alone!”
Amid all the panic, I felt Keyla’s hand on my arm.
“Dawn? Are you okay?”
I put my phone back in my purse and wiped my forehead.
“Yeah! Yeah. . . sorry. Just kind of zoned out there for a moment. What were we talking about again?”
The restaurant’s phone rang behind me as a customer called in an order.
“I asked what you were going to do about this Frankie girl, and you got really pale really fast. And it takes a lot to make you look pale,” she said.
Shrugging, all I could do was say, “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
What was I going to do?
submitted by critical_courtney to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 14:15 Am_spritecranberry46 I’m gonna guess what game you play, based of your avatar.

I’m gonna guess what game you play, based of your avatar. submitted by Am_spritecranberry46 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 15:51 Charity00 The Amazing Race 23 - Review

I’ve decided to rewatch every Amazing Race and rank them all.
SEASON 23 gets a 6/10
This season had some good aspects but felt underwhelming overall so is ranked near the bottom. The cast was average besides 3 teams (Leo/Jamal, Tim/Marie, Nicole/Travis who were all pretty dynamic), the route was average (no new countries or anything unique), challenges were okay but few standouts, winners were very forgettable and drama was okay but nothing special. It was an enjoyable season (so gets a 6) but not much stands out as ‘fantastic’.
General Thoughts
Cast Ranking
1.Leo/Jamal - the Afganimals were the obvious fan favorites! They aren’t for everyone - they do ham it up for the cameras A LOT (Yelling LALALALA, dancing, imitating the elephants and being LOUD) but I still liked their enthusiasm and fun commentary like joking that Ally/Ashley were their race wives (“My wife is flying off with another man” when paragliding). They were also sneaky (such as “My wife is pregnant”) and lied just for the fun of it (lying about not U-Turning Brandon/Adam, lying about the challenge taking hours, lying about Tim/Marie being ahead). But I appreciate teams that cause friction and some drama…while also managing to be likeable and providing some laughs. Also somewhat became a “final boss” at the end where every other team wanted them out and worked together to do so.
  1. Tim/Marie - were the next big characters! Their banter and roasting each other was hilarious (“I didn’t know they made voices as shrill as yours” - “Well I didn’t know they made people as dumb as you” haha) and Marie was such a ballsy and wacky individual who claims she’s “always right” and demanded a 60-40 split of the winnings haha It’s fascinating having 2 individuals who hate eachother (the Japanese host saying “American love story” but Marie calling them “American horror story” haha) but I sort of picture them being fun friends in a way. Besides their bickering, Marie was also pushy at the start trying to leverage the Express Pass at every chance (“Remember we have an Express Pass”) and not afraid to steal a taxi (and blame Leo/Jamal). She was petty and bitchy but also aware of it “I’m mad because they did something I would have done”. Sometimes their fights came off as playing up for the camera but still witty and entertaining! And a pretty strong team too!
  2. Nicole/Travis - had one of the most unique storylines in that they started off as these likeable and dominant “power parents” but the second half they were a disaster - Nicole freaked out at multiple challenges and Travis was impatient and tough on her. Possibly the biggest editing nosedive of a team ever - and I found it fascinating! They weren’t necessarily likeable but I liked Nicole mentioning “Express Pass” EVERY episode, hilariously blackmailing Tim/Marie for it, plus some sassy looks! They got a hypocritical edit where they wanted to be role models for their kids…but were then shown not being that honourable (Nicole trying to cheat off Leo and begging for help is one of my favorite moments) and were carried to the end by their allies Jason/Amy. Also Travis previously mentioned about staying unflustered and wanting their children to see them working together well haha I much prefer a messy team like this than the actual inspirational ones.
  3. Nicky/Kim - had everything needed to be a ‘likeable underdog team’ but I found them hard to root for because they were “baseball wives” rather than “regular people”. But I still liked them. They weren’t huge characters but were very sweet, endearing, and actually quite independent and strategic, like plotting with Tim/Marie and then getting in front of the counter. They weren’t pampered divas AT ALL like many expected. They also felt down to earth with some witty comments such as “she's like Cameron Diaz in my best friend's wedding” at the opera challenge and getting excited “Our cab has pink on it” haha. Some cute moments like “We’re not bunnies anymore…we are ninjas” but after struggling at that wave pool “I think we’ll just go back to being bunnies” haha Enjoyed seeing them scrape through each week.
  4. Jason/Amy - I’m not a fan of the “generic couple” archetype and Jason/Amy were basically just that, and they weren’t that interesting or memorable. However I ranked them higher because of their role in a few dramas like their fight when Tim/Marie stole their taxi, as well as their alliance with Nicole/Travis. Helping other teams at the final 4 created some interesting discussions, especially when Nicole/Travis were a bigger threat than Ally/Ashley. I remember Jason randomly asking if Indonesians were like Asians or Indians haha But forgettable as characters.
  5. Tim/Danny - had the “needs the money” backstory and a very sad elimination with Tim struggling at the choir challenge (arguably unfair because Tim was just a terrible singer so not sure if he could have done much better). Team Oklahoma had some good banter dressing up as the couple (“wanting rock scissors paper” to determine who was the woman, humorously arguing and suggesting things like 1 was smaller or more attractive as a woman) and helped Ally/Ashley with their truck..but nothing special. Not overly memorable but still a likeable team!
  6. Brandon/Adam - another fun likeable male team who always seemed to be enjoying the race…and lived in the woods. A few fun confessionals and making their own fishing rods to fish on the boat in Norway. Started out strong (including a 1st place before their elimination) but had 1 bad leg with a bad Detour choice and a U-Turn. In a way I liked these shock eliminations. Similar to Tim/Danny in that they were likeable but not that memorable.
  7. Rowan/Shane - had some fun moments like “Phil don’t fall asleep” when they finally arrived at the pit stop, “My name is not Rowan for nothing” when rowing and telling Shane to stop talking on the bikes because they are wasting “air” haha. We don’t see “2 older goofy men” often and I like older, unfit teams who are a bit of a disaster. Team Bingo were wacky and funny like a modern Steve/Dave. They had a disaster of a leg - wrong bus, hilariously taking a local shoe shiner’s cart (one of the best moments of the season) and calling Marie “el diablo” haha One of the more memorable early boots and would have been unique characters if they somehow lasted longer.
  8. Ally/Ashley - they were the “dumb blondes” but pretty forgettable and just didn’t have any charisma like Caroline/Jennifer or Liz/Marie. One of them wanted to find love…but was then reminded that she had a boyfriend haha plus calling Abu Dhabi “Abu Dubai” and were edited as just riding Leo/Jamal’s coattails. I actually would have liked them more if they had more dumb moments - they weren’t great racers, but not in a funny way. And Nicky/Kim were definitely the more endearing underdog team. They had a big fight in their elimination episode and would have been more entertaining if they were like this more often.
  9. Naina/Hoskote - felt less mactorish and had a storyline of Hoskote wanting an arranged marriage for his daughter and being old fashioned. If they lasted longer, they could have had a Ron/Christina type storyline with Hoskote showing signs of being “real truth flavour” haha, and there was some very mild bickering in leg 1. However they didn’t really stand out in their 1 leg and didn’t have much of an interesting storyline or a memorable elimination.
  10. ChesteEphraim - seemed fun and likeable in their short stay with “We’re heavy, it’s gonna take a mountain of salt to make us float”, “You were easy to spot - you looked like a military jeep under the parachute” and comparing themselves to the Beekman Boys when struggling at the airport. They came in 1st in leg 2 and were a shock elimination in leg 3 with their bad luck with their flight connections and delays. Were eliminated at the airport after falling a day behind! Usually find it hard to root for alpha male teams (especially former athletes) so that’s the main thing that separates them from the teams ranked just above them (2 blondes and a fathedaughter team).
Leg Rankings
1.Leg 9 - Indonesia (F5 - Ally/Ashley eliminated) - a fantastic leg that sets up the final 5 so well with a chaotic location in Bandung, trains, cultural animal tasks (ram fighting, making birds sing, feeding elephants), drama (Leo/Jamal vs Nicole/Travis over the U-Turn), great detour (Ally/Ashley not going to the market first, teams hilariously trying to fit sugarcane into taxis…the poor taxi drivers), Ally/Ashley arguing and pleading for help, and some placement shifts at both the Detour and Road Block. The best part was the storyline of Nicole/Travis being like “we want to be a beacon for God’s light” and continually critiquing Leo/Jamal for playing unethically….and then ending with Nicole’s hilarious meltdown at the anklung Road Block (hypocritically trying to look at Leo’s, getting frustrated with the children “Don’t laugh, you have to help the lady” haha, Travis groaning in disappointment “She doesn’t know an octave is 8”). Tense ending with Nicole begging Amy to help her with Ally/Ashley getting closer!
  1. Leg 5 - Poland (F8 - Brandon/Adam eliminated) - navigation dramas, great tasks, U-Turn drama, great location in Gdansk, banter between teams, Express Pass used and lots of action. The Express Pass cliffhanger is resolved haha The polish dance was fun with Tim/Danny bantering about being the woman and struggling “I’m a white body with 2 left feet…and I have 3 left feet” haha and the judge “don’t fight with each other” and Tim ripping his pants. The huge apartment building Road Block was basic but had some fun moments between teams - Some teams working together, Tim and Jason randomly dancing, Travis pressing the elevator on every floor for Kim haha and Tim having to warn Marie that you can get a penalty for “bad manners”. Plus some nice interactions with locals. Some navigational issues and Brandon/Adam get tricked by Jason/Amy’s taxi driver haha Brandon/Adam had a disastrous leg after finishing 1st at the “Keep on Racing” (shock elimination). Great episode but misses #1 because it had bigger moments.
  2. Leg 11 - Japan (F4 - Leo/Jamal eliminated) - a very exciting final 4 elimination with some great inter-team drama! A few too many wacky Japanese tasks though rather than cultural tasks - walking vending machines, crazy game shows, jump into a telephone box filled with water, cat temple, capturing a rhino in a suit, and a robot greeter. Detour was too easy for a final 4 (especially answering the phone underwater - awful) and the rhino Speed Bump was embarrassing…but I loved the robot Road Block - placement shifts, Amy and Nicole working together, Amy staying behind to help Nicole who was freaking out again, and Travis ridiculing Nicole afterwards (and Jason frustrated that Amy wasted time helping). It was sad seeing Nicole so sad and disappointed when Travis should have been relieved a team was behind. Great storylines for the final 4 with everyone vs Leo/Jamal (plus losing Tim/Marie while searching the park) and memorable elimination. Unfortunately the weak challenges let it down a bit though.
  3. Leg 2 - Chile (F10 - Rowan/Shane eliminated) - Some drama at the start with Tim/Marie trying to dictate lines at the hours of operation with Afganimals calling them “Pinky and No Brain” haha with teams annoyed by them for the whole leg, Ally/Ashley call her miserable (love this trashy drama). Reading the newspaper on saltwater was one of those “silly” challenges but had Nicky/Kim having a minor meltdown and Nicole “What a lovely way to start my birthday, a salt bath with my husband”. Some Detour switching and Nicole crashing her bike. Some interesting bus scrambles with Rowan/Shane getting confused and picking a later bus. The shoe shining Road Block was fun and tense at the end - Rowan taking a random person’s shoe shining equipment haha (and calling Marie the devil haha), Kim forgetting equipment with Marie not giving her the Express Pass (earlier had an alliance because Tim knows Kim’s husband), Leo/Jamal missing out on 1st because they didn’t pay their driver, and just felt so much more exciting than leg 1.
  4. Leg 10 - Indonesia (F4 - Non elimination) - a fun leg despite being an obvious non-elimination. Challenges weren’t great but the teams made them better than they should have been. Eating the cobras was a lame eating challenge…but Marie being a picky eater had fun moments. Boiling the eggs in the volcanic crater was also a dull challenge…but had teams having to redo it plus Marie freaking out again because she’s never boiled an egg and wasn’t even putting the eggs into the water haha (but surprisingly got it on her 1st try). Painting their partnesearching the fields also had fun moments especially painting the men with Nicole “My husband looks like the sexiest drag queen ever” (and Phil calling him an angry showgirl) and Marie “You’re so metro, you’ll be fine”. Leo/Jamal also lie again and then have to confess (about Tim/Marie being ahead). Felt like a tense ending with Leo/Jamal struggling to find the shears, switching, immediately leaving at “shave your beards” haha but still felt close. More drama in the ones above it though.
  5. Leg 6 - Austria (F7 - Tim/Danny eliminated) - just an “okay” leg but the taxi drama raises it up higher plus the singing challenge at the end. Assembling the chandelier looked interesting but all teams chose matching the masks which wasn’t that difficult or interesting (which Marie said “We did it in like 3 minutes”). Some drama with Jason/Amy trying the bungy jump Fast Forward but choosing to leave due to weather (tense deciding whether to wait or leave with the wind). But the German opera song was a nice tough task with lots of teams together (Tim really struggling and the judge being like “That was terrible” haha). It felt a little bit long and drawn out though. Also a random scene where clowns appear “When you said clowns, I got scared because I thought you meant the Afganimals were here” haha Leo/Jamal also lie about the U-Turn. Tim/Marie stealing Jason/Amy’s taxi and arguing on the mat was the highlight. Would rank higher if the leg was more interesting overall.
  6. Leg 7 - United Arab Emirates (F6 - Non elimination) - another “okay” leg. Some airport banter with Marie complaining about Nicky/Kim chatting on and on with their airport staff, and also Tim getting over the Jason/Amy drama because we’re dudes and then calls Marie a “dude” haha Then visited mosques in Abu Dhabi with a nice scene of Nicky/Kim reflecting on Arab culture and not to judge a group of people by one’s actions. Ally/Ashley also hope Leo/Jamal help them there because “it’s a man’s world” and also “Abu Dubai”. Sorting dates/assembling fishing net were both challenging detours, Tim/Marie hilariously bicker (Nicky/Kim being like “As an American, it’s embarrassing”) and Nicky/Kim keeping one of the locations a secret from the other teams and Nicole/Travis struggle putting together the net (the start of their downfall). The repel and racecar Road Block weren’t that interesting at the end (Kim was scared of heights…and cars). Also the ferries before the Road Block made it obvious that Nicky/Kim weren’t catching up.
  7. Leg 3 - Portugal (F9 - ChesteEphraim eliminated) - a modern season with a classic flight scramble! This took up half the episode…and I don’t mind because I love flights and travel - they’re the heart and soul of the race more than challenges. Aggressively trying to get on standby, a team books the wrong date, a clash between Nicky/Kim and Tim/Marie, a few teams work together (and Tim/Danny don’t trust the Afganimals’ alliance), Marie tries to get information from Tim/Danny, and ChesteEphraim’s bad luck becoming “Beekman Boys part 2” haha Such classic feels! The Lisbon section was pretty dull though with ChesteEphraim as obvious boots and dull tasks (Detour may have been better with teams together), but I also like when teams are far apart from flights and can keep their leads. Ashley is inspired by her Portuguese grandfather with Leo “My race wife is Portuguese” haha Leo/Jamal lying about the tiles challenge taking a long time and Tim/Marie not using the Express Pass were the only notable things though. Average overall!
  8. Leg 12 - USA (F3 - Finale) - a dull finale but not necessarily terrible. Alaska has been done many times before and no challenges stood out as memorable plus boring winners. And there wasn’t any drama between these teams like there usually is, and Marie had no crazy moments. Nicole being a hot mess was the only highlight - failed the supply drop Road Block, dropped her pick on the ice climb haha, Travis told her to stop rowing because she was that bad, and then at the final puzzle Travis just groaned at how useless she was “I’m basically doing the whole thing myself” haha A fitting ending for them! Unfortunately Jason/Amy left the Road Block first and just never lost their lead. That’s also why TAR16, TAR17, TAR19 and TAR22 were also underwhelming finales - the team that leaves the first challenge first never loses their lead. It looked like all teams were together at the final puzzle (remembering the currencies wasn’t a bad idea) but it just didn’t feel tense enough. The last 3 are also boring, but at least this had the excitement of the finish line.
  9. Leg 4 - Norway (F8 - TBC) - had the gimmick of “daytime at 1:00am” but nothing much happened besides Nicole aggressively asking for the Express Pass in return for helping Tim/Marie (who missed their clue). Nicole “I want that Express Pass, I want that Express Pass” with a hilariously sassy look to the camera…and To Be Continued haha. One of the best moments of the season…however the rest of the leg was dull. Both Detours were just “doing boring things with fish” plus hanging up the fish heads was so much quicker that it seemed unfair. The Detour really only had Nicky/Kim “The Cod Queens” struggling to carry the fish and freak out that they’ve lost their clue (but it’s in her mouth haha). Tim/Marie also place the fish on the wrong pole and try leveraging the Express Pass with Brandon/Adam ignoring and mocking her (they may actually need this the next day haha). Jumping into the cold ocean and moving the boulder with your car “Ford product placement” were also boring besides Ally/Ashley almost driving their car over a cliff haha
  10. Leg 8 - United Arab Emirates (F6 - Nicky/Kim eliminated) - didn’t have much happen despite another U-Turn. It had desert scenery but teams were mostly in the same order with no equalisers and Nicky/Kim never caught up. In fact Nicky/Kim’s buggy got stuck in the sand and then got U-Turned and a Speed Bump…so just fell further behind. Preparing the wedding dish/grooming a camel weren’t great. Preparing a camel for a beauty contest was a funny concept I guess, with the camels kicking and teams laughing about their hot camels. The rafting Road Block was boring and easy…even Nicole did it with no problems haha The wave pool Speed Bump was a bit silly but worked well with Nicky/Kim being scared. Some of the U-Turn drama was okay but nothing special - Nicole/Travis strategically using the Express Pass to get to the board first, Tim/Marie U-Turned Nicky/Kim because of a petty rivalry, and Leo/Jamal lying about how easy the cooking challenge was (they switched). But dull overall!
  11. Leg 1 - Chile (F11 - Naina/Hoskote eliminated) - a very boring premiere and very similar to TAR20’s very boring premiere (ep2 is also similar to TAR20’s ep2). A dull heights challenge where the person NOT doing the Road Block is completing the paraglide (same twist as TAR20’s skydive except paragliding is less scary). Following the paragliders (the actual task) wasn’t that hard with the only interesting thing being Marie taking Jamal’s taxi and him saying “Bitch”. The paragliding only had Kim being slightly scared, and doing it for her children…named Spidey and Baboo haha. Then a 2nd dull challenge just like TAR20 (rowing a boat and collecting fish) where the only difficulty was 2 team members accidental doing both Road Blocks. Ally/Ashley tipped off Leo/Jamal about their Road Block mistake. And just like TAR20, not many teams stood out, no drama and it was a dull looking South American city. The only highlights were Nicole/Travis taking a taxi instead of walking and Tim/Danny having a language barrier in the US haha
So the best way of describing this season is - not terrible but not much stands out as “fantastic”. This season needed some more dynamic characters (and less gimmicky/mactorish/camera aware), a more likeable final 3, more interesting winners, and some more memorable moments. Around half the episodes I’d regard as average or dull. It did have some interesting parts due to some drama (mostly due to the polarising characters of Tim/Marie, Nicole/Travis and Leo/Jamal) and some top episodes. I found it similar to TAR4 and TAR15 in that they had a dull feel overall but some fun characters here and there. Enjoyable enough so still scrapes through with a 6/10 which is still “good”.
So after each season I will place it on a ranking:
1.TAR5 - 10/10
  1. TAR3 - 10/10
  2. TAR12 - 9/10
  3. TAR17 - 9/10
  4. TAR18 - 9/10
  5. TAR2 - 8/10
  6. TAR7 - 8/10
  7. TAR20 - 8/10
  8. TAR11 - 8/10
  9. TAR13 - 8/10
  10. TAR6 - 8/10
  11. TAR10 - 7/10
  12. TAR22 - 7/10
  13. TAR14 - 7/10
  14. TAR1 - 7/10
  15. TAR9 - 7/10
  16. TAR21 - 6/10
  17. TAR15 - 6/10
  18. TAR23 - 6/10
  19. TAR4 - 6/10
  20. TAR8 - 6/10
  21. TAR19 - 5/10
  22. TAR16 - 5/10
submitted by Charity00 to TheAmazingRace [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:29 Kikiloverkink What was your experience like at the Bunny Ranch in Nevada?

submitted by Kikiloverkink to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 21:51 Sea_Slice2934 I accidentally made a really cute little bed and I really like it.

It's a ranch bed with the bunny tee and a white frame.
submitted by Sea_Slice2934 to AnimalCrossingNewLeaf [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 09:16 NorajKent Sims 4 Mac Download Free all DLC LEGIT & FAST v1.106.148.1030

Sims 4 Mac Download Free all DLC LEGIT & FAST v1.106.148.1030


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  • Native
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  • Only Update:
  • It’s only update for people with the previous Wineskin version (1.105.345.1020).
How to download Full Game from Turbobit Servers
Full Game Selectable:
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  2. check_sum.command.zip
  3. DLCs
  5. Base_Game.dmg
  7. WineSkin.zip
  8. Video Tutorials
  9. The first thing you need to do is >> create an empty folder on your Desktop or any place you want and name it “ The Sims 4 Sims 4“.
  10. Now inside “ The Sims 4 Sims 4” folder that you create on the step 2 >> create two new folders “DLCs” & “Video Tutorials“.
  11. You are ready now to download the files, so completely download ( HOW TO INSTALL THE GAME.rtf, check_sum.command.zip, Base_Game.dmg, PLAY IN ONLINE MODE.rtf ) then move those file to “The Sims 4” folder that you create on the step 2.
  12. Form the Turbobit download link >> click on “Video Tutorials” icon and you will get the video tutorials, pick the videos that you want and download them, after you finish move those video files to “Video Tutorials” folder that you create on step 3.
  13. Again form the Turbobit download link >> click on “DLCs” icon and you will see all the DLCs files, download what you want and after you finish move those files to “DLCs” folder that you create on step 3.
  14. Now you have all the installation files you need, following the video tutorials to install the game.
  15. In case you have a problem with WineSkin itself, we already include it with the download files under “WineSkin.zip
Note: You need a paid membership on Turbobit (Turbo access) to get high download speed, parallel downloads … etc so it is useless to download those files as free user otherwise use the torrent server.
  • Intel, Apple Silicon, 64-bit processor
  • macOS 10.13 or later
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submitted by NorajKent to TheSims4DownloadMac [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 03:16 mikesrandomthoughts Mikes Random Thoughts

Mikes Random Thoughts
Full first part of a two part series, will be available in 24 hours on YouTube.
The first part will take you into the twisted sick and depraved world of human trafficking. Where life is literally only means a dollar sign. This goes for all age groups and both male and females.
You will hear and see footage from the border. Both sides of people Americans and Mexicans. Border patrol and migrants. Even interviews with coyotes themselves. What they say will floor you.
You will see undercover bust of underage human trafficking ring bust in Asia.
You will see the infamous Rape Trees. You will hear both sides of the border viewpoints on them. So yes they are true and real. You will see them for yourselves
You will see human smuggling trails, hotels, even hear about how they get across the border. One Coyote shows you the way. You will see how they keep people on the American side. Once they cross the border.
You will see how human trafficking is growing to the number one spot on global crime as well as all the ways it is.
You will even see how human trafficking is tied into the American sex industry. From the streets all way to the infamous Bunny Ranch in Nevada. You will even see street sex workers.
This series of you watch podcast episode and the bonus features segments. You will see what separates fact from fiction. You will hear it with your own ears. You will see it with your own two eyes.
Part two of the Human Trafficking series will be focused on a much more darker side of the criminal underground business.
Mikes Random Thoughts
submitted by mikesrandomthoughts to MRT_Show_Artwork [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 18:26 twiichii Upper Las Virgenes Open Space Preserve

Upper Las Virgenes Open Space Preserve
Hiked 20 miles from Victory Trailhead through Open Space Preserve and out of Bell Canyon and Creek in 7 hours! I originally wanted to do the Cheeseboro Loop but I couldn't find the northern connection point after the lookout point with artwork (though if it's the one I think it was, it was extremely narrow cracked earth with overgrown parts that looked unsafe). You can take the bus straight up Victory to get to it. :)
Victory Trailhead to Bell Canyon Fire Road (pics 1-4) 8 43A Walk all the way down the hill and turn right until you reach it! I saw bunnies, coyotes, tadpoles, and all sorts of stuff here. Very easy walk until you get to the road.
Bell Canyon Fire Road (pics 5-8) 11A I was going uphill for several hours and it was worth it! So many chia, black and white sage, hummingbird sage, fiddlenecks, sticky monkey flowers... so many native plants (unfortunately surrounded by lots of black mustard though) are here. :)
Lookout Point (Pics 9-14) 12P It was great to see Simi and San Fernando Valley, the views extend even further than this as well! There was interesting art along the way like old cars and gardening sections.
Bell Canyon Creek (Pics 15-16) 2 40P This "hike" is a little walk in the park yet it's beautiful and well maintained. It is in/near a gated community though so please be respectful.
Lazy J Ranch Park (Pics 17-19) 3 45P This is where I stopped to stretch and relax. Once you're on the main roads, you can catch a bus home like I did, haha.
submitted by twiichii to socalhiking [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 19:58 TheFanshionista Spin! That! WHEEEeeeeeeeeel!!

I wanted to throw out a bunch of ideas for a future spinner wheel! I feel like the more options James starts with, the more likely the wheel lands on something that actually sounds fun. Here is a HUGE list that has one action inspired by each pack that included gameplay. I tried to keep the suggestions low skill and free of the need to be a certain age stage or occult status so that they could be completed without much of a headache. Hopefully this inspires
Expansion Packs
Game Pack
Stuff Pack
BONUS KIT SUGGESTION: Feed a Dust Bunny (Bust the Dust)
submitted by TheFanshionista to JamesTurnerYT [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 18:08 SmackBarmPeyWet1 Deuteranomoly, and why the season’s depiction of women is Like That

EDIT: Whoa mama, this got a lot of hate. Let me be clear: I love this season, and I think that the characters are multifaceted and compelling. I furthermore think that the women absolutely have agency. In no way am I saying you can't enjoy it. But my way of enjoying media is analyzing it. I love meta, I love thinking about unreliable narrators like Marty and Rust. Personally, I walked out of this season thinking, Damn. Pizzolatto really didn't pull any punches in his criticism of machismo. Maybe I should reflect on that in my life. So this is my fun :)
The Interview format tips us off from minute one, episode one—this is the story of two men, and everything we are about to see is how these men see the world. No more, no less. We are about to see the world with dulled reds and greens because these two men are colorblind. The depiction of women is Marty’s deuteranomaly. Here I go:
Marty isn’t 100% irredeemably rotten, but he has got a genuine pathological need to be in control that is exceedingly common in cops. Like, he’s not obsessive about the case like Rust is, so why is he so adamant against the task force taking it over? It’s not because he doesn’t want it swept under the rug by a corrupt institution; it’s because it’s his now.
He reflects the sort of known principle in criminal psychology that certain personalities (majority of them being men) directly associate Sex with Control, not so much desire. Example being, rapists don’t rape because they’re horny; they want to conquer someone, something.
To him, the women and girls in his life are the same as his lawn—they’re his god-given damn personal property that are under his control to mow and maintain or neglect as he damn well pleases. Especially their sexuality.
Moment they try otherwise, he flies off the handle, steaming, raging. Remember how when Maggie leaves him and he reads the note, his first reaction is to snarl and curl his lip in anger?
And yeah, that includes his daughter. I’m not saying that he’s sexually attracted to his daughter, hell no. I’m also not trying to #girlboss away statutory rape. But when she’s caught sleeping with two guys, his emotional reaction is just the same as when Lisa has a one night stand with someone else. She and her sexuality are HIS property. No one else is allowed to mow his lawn.
And, tbh, that’s why he starts an affair with Beth (girl from the bunny ranch). By his (probably subconscious) thinking, when he gave her money to get out of there, he was really buying her. So why shouldn’t he?
This kind of personality is overwhelmingly attracted to police work, and other positions which provide control with less consequences. So when he busts down Lisa’s door, she can’t say “I’ll call the cops” because he IS the cops. He’s immune to consequence and answers only to himself.
In conclusion, “The world needs bad men” isn’t a deep truth, actually. It’s the way that two bad men who suck in different ways think about the world to dodge the noose. When someone says, “True Detective season 1 is about masculinity”, they’re right—it’s inviting people to unpack this worldview, to recognize it in the people around them and in themselves.
submitted by SmackBarmPeyWet1 to TrueDetective [link] [comments]
