Result lab action enzyme

Horror Comics

2012.02.16 09:17 GilbertrSmith Horror Comics

The creepy, the eerie, the spooky and the strange. If you want horror comic books and panels, this is the place to be!

2013.03.11 07:05 renovation101 /r/Renovations is your source for homeowners helping homeowners.

/Renovations strives to provide assistance to homeowners repairing or renovating their own properties. We are also a showcase for DIYers who have completed projects in and around their homes.

2012.07.15 02:34 Blizzxx The Sword Art Online Subreddit

The official subreddit to discuss the Sword Art Online series, as well as the other series (Accel World, The Isolator, Demons' Crest) written by Reki Kawahara.

2024.06.10 12:30 willikeit ATI RN PHARMACOLOGY 2023 SCREEN RECORD

Are you taking ATI RN pharmacology soon? Inquire for the screenrecord file . Mail me Or pm me
submitted by willikeit to toptiernursingexams [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:29 Khris777 Fishman really needs to hire a babysitter for Wemi

Fishman really needs to hire a babysitter for Wemi submitted by Khris777 to PhaseConnect [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:28 BubblyMedicine607 Mastering SEO for Your Blog: Tips from Industry Leaders

Mastering SEO for Your Blog: Tips from Industry Leaders
In today's digital age, having a blog is essential for establishing an online presence and engaging with your audience. However, simply having a blog isn't enough; you need to ensure that your content reaches the right audience. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play. SEO helps your blog rank higher on search engines, driving more organic traffic and improving your blog's visibility. In this guide, we'll delve into SEO strategies and insights from industry leaders to help you master blog SEO.

Understanding the Basics of Blog SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing your blog's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO is crucial for blogging as it directly impacts your blog's reach and readership.
High-quality content is the backbone of SEO. Content that provides value, engages readers, and solves their problems is more likely to rank higher. Additionally, user experience plays a vital role. A well-designed, easy-to-navigate blog keeps visitors on your site longer, reducing bounce rates and improving your SEO performance.
Keyword Research Strategies
Keyword research is the foundation of effective SEO. It involves identifying the terms and phrases your target audience uses to search for information related to your blog topics.
Importance of Keyword Research
Keywords are the bridge between what people are searching for and the content you provide. Proper keyword research helps you understand your audience's needs and tailor your content accordingly. By targeting relevant keywords, you increase the chances of your blog appearing in search results, thus driving more organic traffic.
Tools and Techniques for Effective Keyword Research
Several tools can help you find the best keywords for your blog. Some of the most effective tools include:
  • Google Keyword Planner: A free tool that provides keyword ideas and search volume data.
  • Ahrefs Keywords Explorer: Offers extensive data on keyword difficulty, search volume, and related keywords.
  • SEMrush: A comprehensive tool for keyword research, competitive analysis, and SEO tracking.
Identifying High-Volume and Relevant Keywords
When selecting keywords, focus on those with high search volume and low competition. Long-tail keywords—specific phrases that are less competitive but highly relevant to your niche—often have higher conversion rates as they target users with a clear intent.

On-Page SEO Techniques

On-page SEO refers to optimizing individual pages on your blog to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. Key elements include titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content structure.
Crafting SEO-Friendly Titles and Meta Descriptions
Your blog post titles and meta descriptions are the first things users see in search results. They should be compelling and include your target keywords. Here are some best practices:
  • Title Tags: Keep them under 60 characters and place the primary keyword near the beginning.
  • Meta Descriptions: Write concise, 155-160 character descriptions that accurately summarize the content and include a call to action.
Optimizing Headings and Subheadings
Headings (H1, H2, H3) help structure your content, making it easier for readers to scan and for search engines to understand. Use keywords naturally in your headings to signal relevance to search engines. Ensure your H1 tag is unique for each post, and use H2 and H3 tags to organize sections and subsections.

Creating High-Quality Content

Creating valuable, detailed content is essential for engaging readers and improving your SEO.
Writing Detailed and Valuable Posts
Long-form content tends to perform better in search rankings. Aim for at least 1,000 words per post. Cover topics thoroughly to increase dwell time and engagement. Detailed content answers readers' questions and keeps them on your site longer, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable.
Incorporating Keywords Naturally
Keyword stuffing can harm your SEO. Instead, integrate keywords naturally within the content. Use synonyms and related terms to make the text flow better. Tools like LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords help search engines understand the context of your content without overusing primary keywords.
Enhancing User Experience
A positive user experience is crucial for retaining visitors and improving SEO.

Improving Site Speed

Page load speed affects user experience and search rankings. You can optimize site speed by:
  • Compressing images and files.
  • Leveraging browser caching.
  • Using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to reduce server response time.

Ensuring Mobile-Friendliness

With mobile traffic surpassing desktop, having a mobile-friendly blog is essential. Ensure your blog uses responsive design, adjusts to different screen sizes, and addresses mobile-specific issues like font size and button placement. Test your blog on various devices to ensure a seamless user experience.

Leveraging Internal and External Links

Links are a critical aspect of SEO, helping search engines understand your content and enhancing user navigation.

Internal Linking Best Practices

Internal links connect related content within your blog, helping readers discover more of your posts and improving SEO. Use keyword-rich anchor text and link to relevant articles to pass link equity and improve page authority.
Building External Links
Backlinks from reputable sites boost your blog's credibility and search rankings. Here are some strategies:
  • Guest Blogging: Write high-quality posts for other blogs in your niche.
  • Outreach: Reach out to bloggers and websites for link opportunities.
  • Content Promotion: Share your posts on social media and online communities to attract links.

Measuring and Analyzing SEO Performance

Tracking your SEO performance helps you understand what's working and where to improve.
Tools for Tracking SEO Performance
Use tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs to monitor your blog's traffic, keyword rankings, and user behavior. These tools provide insights into how users interact with your content and highlight areas for optimization.

Key Metrics to Monitor

Some essential metrics to track include:
  • Organic Traffic: The number of visitors coming from search engines.
  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing one page.
  • Average Session Duration: How long visitors stay on your site.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action (e.g., signing up for a newsletter).


Mastering SEO for your blog involves a combination of keyword research, on-page optimization, high-quality content creation, and continuous performance monitoring. By implementing these strategies from industry leaders, you can improve your blog's visibility, drive more organic traffic, and achieve your blogging goals. Start optimizing your blog today and watch your search rankings soar!
submitted by BubblyMedicine607 to SEO_Digital_Marketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:55 ecb-neuro So many issues with my upcoming experiment. I feel so lost and alone.

I'm just frustrated right now and needing to vent, and maybe someone here has been through similar things and has some words of wisdom.
I received a grant to carry out research for one of my dissertation chapters. It's a good chunk of money that will cover all the expenses of the experiments for this year, which is awesome. I have a year to perform the experiments and report back the results and such.
I've been planning to get the bulk of everything done this semester, it least for my behavioral experiments. I work with mice. Oh man, where to begin.
So, I found out maybe 3 weeks ago that our animals are being moved from the older facility to the newer nicer one on campus. Cool. I try to figure out when we need to be moved out so that I can complete everything by then in house before we have to move (which would make some of the things I need to do a little more difficult). Maybe like a week or two ago, I ask the other grad student in my lab if she knows or can find out when I need to move my animals out. September 1st. Cool. Can definitely do, was planning to have it done by mid August anyway.
Now on Friday I find out that the vet needs us moved out by August 1st. That's an entire month less than I was led to believe. Now, this could be doable. But then I have problem #2.
One of the procedures I need to do isn't approved on the IACUC. My advisor made me aware about a month ago that she hadn't added it. I submitted an amendment request that day. Honestly l don't know how fast the IACUC works here at my university. Problem is, I can't start using most of my animals until the IACUC approves the one procedure. Meanwhile they're telling me it needs to be done ASAP. Those two things definitely do not work together!
So I honestly don't know if I'll be able to get it all together in that time. I guess if we really needed to, should I put it off til after we can do the move? I wanted to be done by the start of the school year (therefore, teaching). If we have to move first that would put me back like 3 weeks at least. But I already submitted a request to get animals delivered for the 18th, and I have no idea what I should do with them.
My advisor has been on sabbatical and is a bit hard to reach, which furthers the stress and frustration. I mean, I guess she should help me figure it out right? That's her job. But this literally destroying me inside. The absolute anxiety is soul crushing. I'm on the verge of a mental break down, not exaggerating. And I'm doing this basically alone.
Is there anyone out there that could say something that could help me feel better? I just don't have anyone to talk to about this, not anyone that understands. I know I fucked up with the IACUC thing. Maybe I should have followed up on it, I don't know. This is the first time I've been involved in creating an IACUC protocol. I just feel so stupid, and have no idea what to do about when/how I should start this. Cancel the mice order? I don't know. Anyway, thanks for reading my rambling. I'm going to try to get some sleep right now so may not respond for a little while. Thanks for listening and if anyone has any kind words, I'd really appreciate it.
submitted by ecb-neuro to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:49 Cravinravenn Mystery dog illness - has anyone ever seen? - long but please read

Mystery dog illness - has anyone ever seen? - long but please read
Hi, this is my 85lb 5 year old neutered male pitbull terrier Mac!
Photos and lab result photos included.. just swipe to see labs at the end of photos!
Since July of last year we have been dealing with mystery swelling & a rash. The only thing that stops the swelling and rash is 5-20mg of prednisone depending on the severity.
Nearly every week of July of 2023. He has been swelling. At first it started out as a “normal” allergic reaction.. hives, itching, and swelling. We took him to the ER and he was fine for for a week. However, a week after the “normal” reaction.. he started having very strange reactions. Random body parts on him swell for about 24 hours then go down and it moves to a new body. It’s usually just one body part/area at a time.. just his paw(s)/legs.. then just his nose., then just his ears.. just his eyes etc.. very rarely will it be multiple parts /areas at once, but it does happen where his paws and ears will be swollen etc.
He has seen 4 different normal vets, been to the ER 3 times, seen a dermatologist, and an internal medicine vet. Not one doctor has seen this and knows what’s wrong/causing it.
They originally thought it was allergies, but after trying everything at the derm (2 different prescription food trials, Benadryl, Zyrtec, cyclosporine, apoquel, cytopint, and pentoxfyline) and with none of that working, she referred us to an internal medicine vet. The internal medicine vets best guess was an autoimmune disease like lupus, but after doing a test that came back negative, they really had no idea. They recommended about 5k worth of testing.. we did all of it except imaging (x rays & ultrasound) but plan on doing that soon once we have the $ to do so.. however they’re not really expecting to see anything from the imaging.. just want to do it to be sure. We haven’t been able to do the sedated skin allergy test because he can’t be off the steroid for longer than 2 weeks without his eyes swelling shut .. we also have ruled out that it’s anything specific in our home or area we live in because we have traveled out of state with him 2 times and he was still swelling out of state as well.
On top of the swelling.. a month ago he randomly started urinating a lot of blood and throwing up.. went to the ER.. no UTI & didn’t suspect stones because the blood in the urine stopped a few hours after the ER visit (and hasn’t came back since) and he also hasn’t had any other uti symptoms since (peeing in house, straining, sick etc.) Our derm thought it was due to him being on steroids nearly everyday since July of last year and he had just reached a breaking point.. upon doing his bloodwork, his kidneys/liver are fine (which is good), but doesn’t explain why he was peeing blood for a few hours.
The rash isn’t itchy/bothers him.. and the swelling doesn’t bother him/itchy either.. the only time it bothers him is if it’s his eyes because it’s uncomfortable I can only assume.
Regardless, she wanted us to stop using the steroid for everytime he’s swelling & having a rash (like we used to) and wanted to just see what would happen if we just let him keep swelling., he was fine for about 2 weeks (still swelling everyday) but not life threatening/bothering him .. until we woke up one day to his eyes basically completely swollen shut.. we had to give the 20mg of prednisone to him and it still took all day for his eyes to go back to normal. He was pawing and couldn’t see so we didn’t really have a choice,, thankfully he was okay being back on the steroid and no urinating blood!
He’s also had tests for valley fever and any tick born illnesses which all came back negative.
The rash comes and goes, and he’s usually swelling every single day (while not on the steroid) but will randomly stop for 1-3 days then start swelling again.
We are just not sure what do to/where to go next seeing as everything has come back good & no vet even specialists seem to know.. we also don’t want him to have to be on a higher dose steroid for the rest of his life .. we’ve tried even doing 5mg of steroids daily and he still swells on that so we need 10-20mg to fully stop swelling.
We are just trying to see if anyone else has ever experienced before and if so what was it/how did you treat it?
Also the second UA results were a free catch sample (first weren’t). The derm and IMED vet both agreed to not treat him for a UTI because he’s not having any symptoms of a uti and just think it was contaminated from the free catch method.
submitted by Cravinravenn to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:41 freakRC How to search advice on Google when you want to change

Go on incognito mode in browser or find any other way that does not use your past fingerprint(cookies, personal data and so on).
Unfortuntely your search result is influenced by your past actions, I have observed this myself, so please give it a try, see if it works for you as well.
submitted by freakRC to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:39 rusted_love I was tired of manually organising notes between folders so I've made a plugin for it.

Here is the reason why I've made a Folder By Tags Distributor Plugin . My Obsidian vault has over 1000 notes. I have my own tagging system to make it easy to search through so many notes.
I have 3 different vaults with different types of "access": A, B and C. Each of them can have repetitive folders such as "thoughts", "idea", "todo" and so on. Often
My average note has at least 2 tags, for example, "access_b" and "thoughts".
I use the Tag Folder plugin, but I find it much more convenient to have all my notes organised by meaning between folders. It often helps me find the right note faster.
I used to place notes among folders manually, and it took a lot of time and often led to erroneous actions.
At one point, I realised that my tag and folder structure was somewhat similar, and that this process could be automated.
So, what I came to in the end. I created a plugin that converts the tag name to a specific folder name format and moves the note into it. I had to rework the tag and folder structure a bit, but it made my Vault much better organised. With one button, I organise all the notes between all the folders. Everyone chooses the folder structure they want. The plugin does not create new folders. In the documentation, I described in detail how the distribution process works step by step.
In fact, it's like a framework that forces me to follow certain rules, but as a result, it makes my note tree readable and saves me a lot of time on reallocating notes. All I spend time on now is putting 1, 2, 3, 5 tags, and the plugin decides where this note should go.
submitted by rusted_love to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:31 Echoingz Not moving at max speed when movement is relative to camera

I'm writing code to make my directional inputs move the character relative to where the camera is pointing. My camera has a static rotation and distance throughout a level, and only moves when the character moves. Right now, I've made the character move relative to the camera (pressing forward will move the character diagonally across the floor when the camera is diagonal), but a new problem is that because of the way I've written my code, my character's movement speed will sometimes not reach max speed depending on how the camera is placed.
I figured out that this is because my velocity is built off of speed * trans_dir, and trans_dir is modified by the transform.basis of the camera - which returns a value less than 1, resulting in slower speeds when the camera is angled. Is there a way to make it so that I can avoid this?
extends CharacterBody3D
@onready var world_1_cam = $World1Cam
@export var speed = 10.0
@export var jump_velocity = 4.5
var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity") # Sets gravity to project gravity
func _physics_process(delta): # Activates gravity
`movement_logic()` `if not is_on_floor():` `velocity.y -= gravity * delta` `if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") and is_on_floor(): #activates jump` `velocity.y = jump_velocity` 
func movement_logic():
`var input_dir = Vector3(Input.get_axis("left", "right"), 0, Input.get_axis("up", "down"))` `var direction = (Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.z))` `var tran_dir = (world_1_cam.transform.basis * direction).limit_length(1)` `if direction:` `velocity.x = tran_dir.x * speed` `velocity.z = tran_dir.z * speed` `else:` `velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, 2)` `velocity.z = move_toward(velocity.z, 0, 2)` `move_and_slide()` 
submitted by Echoingz to godot [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:30 lilnouzivert Low TIBC / High Iron Sat

Lab results indicate I have low TIBC but high iron saturation. No idea how to treat it bc doc didn't say much and said it's not concerning. But it sounds like they both contradict each other - the low TIBC is saying MORE IRON!!! whereas the high iron sat is saying LESS IRON!!!! What are some ways in treating this?
submitted by lilnouzivert to Anemic [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:26 black-mouflon Are humans simply stupid by nature?

I'm posting here in my turn to also express concern and disappointment with the results of yesterdays election. Thought I will differentiate position in saying that I don't think this phenomenon is new to the world, but rather the election of ELAM and Fidias is yet another episode in the process of our societies becoming less and less sane.
Recently (maybe since the turn of the millennia) we see a rising distrust in institutions and fields previously respected like science, democracy, the media, expertise and more. In my opinion not entirely undeserving but with net negative consequences.
We have seen people being distrustful of a vaccine (even to this late date) that has proven its efficacy in scientific studies and meta-analysis with tens of millions of participants as a sample while the same people blindly trust alternative treatments like ivermectine which studies showed no evidence for efficacy or evidence to not have efficacy.
We see people rejecting climate science because some person with the same political beliefs as them, who is serving the interest of the fossil fuel cartel has misinformed them and they drank the coollade uncritically. Not very unlikely, the public was misinformed about the dangers of smoking in the previous century.
We see people to vote based on vibes rather than the qualifications of the candidate, and just for the meme and lols rather than engage in substantive political discorce. And maybe worst of all voting on a whimsical reaction to the fearmongering of the far right that seemingly never leaves a crisis go to waste.
In our recent European elections, more specifically, there were a lot of relatively good options (a lot compared to the 6 seats that needed to be filled). People with Ph.D.s with both deep and broad knowledge and very well informed on the political issues that they took stance on. People against corruption that where genuine about their advocacy rather that repeat slogans against corruption just because it became politically convenient to do so. People with experience in the issues they want to see change to. People that come from regular working class families that worked regular jobs and understand the common person's problems not nepo babies that were born in a political family and worked no job in their lives other than being a political operative in a party. And who we got elected 1 neofasist, 1 influencer with no coherent plan and 3 partisan hacks.
Looking at all the above examples and more that happen worldwide I started to believe that humanity as a specie and it's individual members has a built in biological inability to process information and come to the right conclusions. Both in areas that involve the objective truths about the state of the world but also in other areal like politics there is no objective right or wrong but still the outcomes of our actions have impacts to the real world. Put that together with polarization and political isolation between groups of people with opposing political belief I wouldn't be surprised to see people arguing about what color is the sky and then have a fight about it.
As the lyric from the song "The idiots are taking over" by NOFX says "Majority rule, won't work in mental institutions" implies in democratic systems being able to be rational and come to conclusion using logic and facts is also important in conjunction with the ability for everyone to have an equal voice in decision making.
As a person, who's closest thing to having a religion is the deep belief in the scientific method and its use in as many areas of life as it is possible and applicable, I can say that I'm deeply disappointed by our species and concerned about the future.
submitted by black-mouflon to cyprus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:20 jirfin I Know That God Exist

To whom it may concern, what follows is the truth of reality.
I was a young graduate of MIT with a hopeful future in bell labs when I was recruited into the program. I was reclutant at first as MIT was a handful and I only got the job at Bell because of nepotism. Yet I decided to take a chance and strike it on my own. Main reason being, they told me out of many potential candidates they review I showed psychologal promise in handling the scope of the project. A very flattering comment for a young man hating the silver spoon in his mouth.
The program, as I call it, as officially it has no name, as ot has no governmental authority, yet it has a social authority of the greatest importance. That importance was the discovery of a numerous amount of crashed alien ships.
It was difficult at first. Going through technology so advanced and so different from each other. Fantasy has no concept on the difference to which life could develop. Yet with the sacrifice of time and of many minds we finally found our Rosetta Stone.
When this letter has been found it may have become common knowledge that Jimmy Carter cried when he was told the truth about aliens. While he did ask and did cry. The truth that was told was a moronic conclusion by self absorbed Christians who thought that aliens were a plot by the devil to make people stop believing in god. If we of the program told him the truth Walter Mondel would have become the 40th president while they’d still be cleaning pieces of brains from the Oval Office.
See what we found was that there are a number of alien crafts crashing on earth because they are all running away from something. Something that we call god.
The being we call God built the universe to create something beyond anything that even the most advanced species we found could conceive.
It would all start the same. Early in the species life there would be a diverse population of cultures and religions. Yet slowly, as if something was creeping into their consciousness, monotheism would take over. While this all would happen in an infinat number of diverse ways, the end result was always a technologically advanced, planet spanning, theocratic dictatorship.
As technology advanced it became clear that there was a flow to the universe and that the flow had an oscillation that corlatted to the believers of those monotheisms and the non believers. It was becoming clear that something had an influence on the people. That the influence even reached into that mysterious slight loss of mass that living beings have upon their death.
As I write this all down I feel like I’m being too technical. I feel that I’m going to lose you poor reader. That you need an anchor.
In recent years of Christianity hell has become a hot place, yet for much of the history of hell it was cold. It was the furthest point in the universe from God’s love. That interpretation couldn’t be more on point. What god does with souls is use them as building blocks in its efforts to shape the universe.
Those who have accepted God into their heart and have be a good follower by putting God above all else are taken and used as dark matter. As they are the malleable.
For those who rejected God, their souls are flung to the furthest reaches of the universe as dark energy. Cursed not just to face the frozen endless of oblivion but painfully expand the universe to said horizon for all eternity.
Death is not the end. Many have ran in the hope of escaping. Many have joined together to try and make a new home or even fight back. We have many records of those many. Heaven and hell are real and they are inescapable.
I write this confession while deep in my years, because after finding this all out the program was shuttered. The findings burned. Many either lived their lives in mental torment or ended them out right. Though there were a few of us who accepted the truth.
A few went and accepted god into their lives. Others who turned into nihilistic sin hounds. Some, like myself, just took it easy, accepting each day as it came, enjoying our years alive. Yet a handful of us, and yes even myself eventually, came up and executed a plan.
While we can’t stop God from having those of us it has already assigned, we can cut off God’s supply. I know the recent years have been terrorizingly chaotic, and I’m sorry for that and for what will come next. Yet, that eldrich fucker is going to know who humanity was and why it shouldn’t have fuck with us.
submitted by jirfin to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:16 AnemoneMeer Culture Concept: Imperial. (Order/Shadow).

Be the change you want to see in the world, or at least suggest it. And because I want OrdeShadow to get some proper content, I might as well keep throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks.
Imperial is a culture based around Vassals, Gold, and using numbers, particularly those acquired from Rally of the Lieges to gain the upper hand. As such, it is designed around making the most of tools such as Necromancy, Zeal, Rally, Whispering Stones, and Mines.
Imperial's visual aesthetics are meant to draw from High Fantasy Empires, such as The Archadian Empire from Final Fantasy 12, with their soldiers being fully armored so that their distinguishing features are not visible. The leadership of the Imperial Culture instead wear ostentatious armors and outfits, such as the armors worn by nobles and royalty in Imperial Spain or ball gowns and suits like those of 17th century France or Russia. Cities likewise have a central palace that is extremely decked out, surrounded by more utilitarian if not slum like cities, with a theme of oppressive order and inequality fitting of the OrdeShadow combination. The sort of city you can imagine thieves' guilds and such to be in and be the 'good guys' in.
The core mechanics of Imperial are centered around drawing resources to the imperial core and empowering their strongest units through sacrificing the well-being of others. For cities, their unique buildings replace the Store House and Granary with the Tax Office and Noble's Demense, generating less Food, but additional Gold. Additionally, they gain access to the unique Imperial Taxation Strategic Spell. Imperial Taxation causes a % of a cities Production, Draft, and Food to be siphoned off to the Throne City. This spell can be cast on owned and vassal cities besides the capital. Their final building, only buildable in the capital, is Sprawling Acropolis, creating an entire undercity to the city that significantly increases the cap on population in the Capital City, as well as granting Gold from population.
The Imperial Combat ability is Overwhelm. Whenever a unit attacks an enemy unit, one stack of Overwhelm is applied to the enemy unit after the attack concludes, up to a maximum of 5. This debuff ignores status resistance and is applied regardless of hit, increasing the damage of subsequent attacks on that unit by 10%, up to a maximum of 50%.
Imperial Rulers and Heroes gain access to unique Retinue perks, allowing them to enter battle with a summoned guard that is then upgraded by taking further Retinue perks from the Support tree.
Imperial's units are:
  • Spy (Scout), a non-combat, non mounted scout that possesses universal camo, increased movement speed, and most walk effects. It is utterly useless in combat.
  • Draft Infantry T1 (Skirmisher), a weak combat unit equip with slings and swords. Reduced stats compared to other T1 units, possessing an 8 damage melee attack and 12 damage single attack ranged attack. Draft Infantry create a second unit when fielded, the Serfs.
  • Serfs T1 (Fighter), a weak combat unit equip with clubs and knives. Possesses an 8 damage melee attack and reduced stats compared to other melee units. Cannot be built and are spawned from certain units. High model count.
  • Crossbowman T1 (Archer), an armored archer equip with a mechanical crossbow. Possesses the Vicious Bolts ability, allowing them to inflict Bleeding and one Overwhelm Stack from their bleed with their attack on a cooldown.
  • Imperial Soldier T2 (Shield), an armored soldier equip with swords and small shields. Possesses the Rushing Assault ability, allowing them to attack three times for one Action Point, on a cooldown.
  • Noble Officer T2 (Support), an officer in fancier apparel wielding a horn and staff. Possesses a single shot ranged attack dealing Spirit damage, as well as a single target heal. Creates Serfs when fielded. Optional Cavalry.
  • Honor Guard T2 (Varies), a variable role unit created from Heroes with the Imperial Retinue perk. Begins as a Fighter unit, but may be upgraded to Shield, Polearm, or Archer.
  • Executioner T3 (Shock), a heavily armored shock unit equip with a gigantic flanged mace. Possesses reduced movement distance in combat, but immense Defense and Resistance, as well as the Linebreaker ability, allowing it to hit three targets at once, knocking them back and cancelling their defense mode, with no cooldown. Creates Serfs when fielded.
The emphasis on this unit roster is expendable units who are exceptionally weak, but can be sacrificed without worry, alongside units that help to knock enemies out of position or capitalize on poor positioning with effective gapclosing. A lack of inherent Polearm units is an intentional weakness, as it denies them access to First Strike, encouraging a more offensively oriented playstyle based on sacrificing units for momentum. Likewise, their only cavalry option being on their Support creates a weakness in terms of mobility, helping to counter their numbers by making it easy for ranged units to eliminate Serfs without being locked down from more mobile melee units without the aid of Tome units or spells.
The Imperial Tome gives access to the following features
  • Assault Training (Unit Enchantment), giving units access to the Overwhelm ability
  • Staggering Burst (Combat Spell), dealing Spirit damage in a one-hex AoE. Does not damage friendly units and applies one stack of Overwhelm, but possesses only 10 damage.
  • Reinforce (Support Spell), restoring Temporary Hit Points to a single unit.
  • Imperial Barony (Special Province Improvement), A Mine Province Improvement that generates yields from adjacent Provinces for the Capital instead of the city it is built in.
  • Imperial Taxation (City Enchantment), which siphons a % of the Food, Production and Draft from an Owned or Vassal City to the Throne City.
Overall, I feel this would be an extremely fitting and healthy addition to the game with a unique playstyle that would fit in well alongside the other factions. Having an emphasis on T1 summoned units leads to Order abilities such as Mighty Meek becoming more effective, and having improved economy benefits from Vassals encourages use of the Vassal spells from Order. Likewise, expendable units is extremely helpful for Shadow's effects, such as Necromancers or necromancy spells, and Death Magic. As Serfs are weaker than Grimbeak crows due to lacking flying, blind, and possessing less HP (I'm thinking 40 HP to crows 60 and a higher model count), they should not be particularly prone to causing balance issues. Particularly as power ramps up, where 40 HP and no ability to gain medals makes them little more than speedbumps that gradually lose relevance as Tome units become more prevalent but are never completely removed from the equation.
Likewise, the emphasis on one giga city, with the other cities existing to feed resources to it is both a unique playstyle and thematically fitting. Owning a large amount of cities results in an incredibly powerful capital that produces the majority of your forces and resources, with mass vassalization being an effective way to further empower your capital.
submitted by AnemoneMeer to AOW4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:15 shapik96 Enhance Your Career with Kreativstorm’s Hands-On Training Programs

Enhance Your Career with Kreativstorm’s Hands-On Training Programs
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, continuous learning and skill enhancement are crucial for career success. Kreativstorm, a renowned management consulting firm based in Berlin, Germany, offers a suite of hands-on training programs designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and practical experience needed to excel in their respective fields.
Why Choose Kreativstorm’s Training Programs?
Customized Learning Experience Kreativstorm’s training programs are meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of each participant, ensuring maximum impact on their professional development. By focusing on real-world challenges and practical solutions, these programs provide actionable knowledge that can be immediately applied in the workplace, enhancing performance and productivity.
Expert Instruction and Practical Insights With a team of seasoned professionals from diverse backgrounds—including business, finance, technology, and engineering—Kreativstorm’s programs offer industry-leading insights and practical experience. Participants gain valuable skills that prepare them to tackle real-world challenges with confidence and efficiency.
Engaging and Collaborative Environment The programs are designed to foster an engaging and collaborative learning environment. Through interactive sessions, group discussions, and team-based exercises, participants develop essential soft skills such as problem-solving, communication, and leadership, which are critical for career growth and success.
Networking Opportunities Kreativstorm’s training programs provide unparalleled networking opportunities. Participants become part of a diverse community of learners, professionals, and industry experts, creating connections that can open doors to new career prospects and ongoing professional growth.
Empowerment for Innovation and Change Kreativstorm is dedicated to empowering professionals to become industry leaders and drive positive change. Their hands-on training programs equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to foster innovation and make a meaningful impact within their organizations and beyond.
Key Training Programs at Kreativstorm
Cybersecurity Training Program Kreativstorm’s cybersecurity program covers essential topics such as ethical hacking, malware analysis, and online privacy best practices. Participants set up personal hacking labs and gain hands-on experience identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities. The program also emphasizes developing skills in using tools like GitHub for version control and collaboration.
Data Analysis Training Program This program blends theoretical and practical components to cover data collection, cleaning, interpretation, and visualization. Participants engage in practical sessions that apply their newly acquired skills to real-world scenarios, solidifying their understanding and boosting their confidence in data analysis.
Project Management Training Program Focusing on project planning, risk management, quality control, and stakeholder management, this program equips participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to manage projects effectively. Training includes the use of Gantt charts and project management software, preparing participants to handle various project management challenges.
Frontend Development Training Program Participants in the frontend development program learn key technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The program also covers the use of development tools like Adobe Dreamweaver and Microsoft Visual Studio, ensuring that participants can build robust and responsive frontend applications.
Kreativstorm’s hands-on training programs stand out due to their comprehensive approach, expert instruction, and commitment to practical, real-world application. These programs not only enhance technical skills but also foster the development of crucial soft skills, empowering participants to become leaders and innovators in their fields. Whether you are looking to start a new career or advance in your current role, Kreativstorm’s training programs provide the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve your professional goals.
For more information on Kreativstorm’s training programs and to enroll, you can visit their website or contact them directly. Take the first step towards a brighter future and unlock your potential with Kreativstorm.

submitted by shapik96 to u/shapik96 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:14 ComfortableBag4362 The Role of Geo-Tracking in Smart City Initiatives

Geo-tracking technology, when merged with electric vehicle (EV) scooters, is the major driver of change in advanced city schemes. These machines are environment-friendly and have geo tracking devices that offer useful information about urban mobility patterns hence enabling smart cities to make their towns greener and smarter in response to this data. Scooters in motion within the cities monitor their locations at each moment and follow their tracks. This data can be applied by the city planners to identify areas where traffic congestion is a constant problem thereby allowing them to take specific actions. For example, changing timings for traffic lights or creating separate lanes for scooters or even reconfiguring problematic intersections might remove huge amounts of congestion resulting in more fluid roads with reduced emissions. Besides, geo-tracking data highlights movement of populations around towns by showing popularly used roads as well as those that are less developed. This kind of knowledge is important for appropriate infrastructure growth. Consequently, it is necessary for cities to create new bicycle paths, footways and scooter friendly zones based on actual usage rather than assumptions being considered as a valid reason behind all these projects therefore such planning helps in efficient utilization of resources so as to satisfy residents’ requirements.
Geo-tracking technology, when merged with electric vehicle (EV) scooters is the major driver of change in advanced city schemes. These machines are environment-friendly and have geo tracking devices that offer useful information about urban mobility patterns hence enabling smart cities to make their towns greener and smarter in response to this data. Scooters in motion within the cities monitor their locations at each moment and follow their tracks. This data can be applied by the city planners to identify areas where traffic congestion is a constant problem thereby allowing them to take specific actions. For example, changing timings for traffic lights or creating separate lanes for scooters or even reconfiguring problematic intersections might remove huge amounts of congestion resulting in more fluid roads with reduced emissions. Besides, geo-tracking data highlights movement of populations around towns by showing popularly used roads as well as those that are less developed. This kind of knowledge is important for appropriate infrastructure growth. Consequently, it is necessary for cities to create new bicycle paths, footways and scooter friendly zones based on actual usage rather than assumptions being considered as a valid reason behind all these projects therefore such
submitted by ComfortableBag4362 to ElectricScooters [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:13 lyc17 It's up for wishlist on Steam

It's up for wishlist on Steam
Hopefully this means the release date is soon maybe the end of the year🙏
submitted by lyc17 to StateofDecay3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:11 AlexisTheArgentinian Trench, The Trench Kobold

Name: "Trench" [LV1] [0/4]
Race: Kobold
Class: Rogue
Age: 18
Appearance: [Describe your character’s physical appearances or link an image]
a 2'7ft tall Kobold ~
Personality: [Your character’s behaviour and temperament]
Head: Helmet & Gas Mask
Arms: N/A
Torso: Trench-coat
Legs: Militar Pants
Feet: Militar Boots
Gear Clarifications:
A Helmet: Protect his head agaist Piercing attacks, giving him a -10% Reduction damage.
Gas Mask: He can use it to avoid being affected by the effects of Dangerous Gases in the enviroment.
Militar Boots: Allow him to move through Rough Terrain without being affected by it
Description: [Other information that does not fall into any other category]
##[Abilities (14/14) [LV1]]##
HP: 100 (+5 Regen per Round)
DEXTERITY: +4 (+1)
Proficiencies (Optional)
[What your character is good at]


Small Physique: +1 in DEX.
Nocture Eyes: Darkvision
Pack-a-bite: Kobolds possess a extremely powerful maw. Biting deals [12+STDEX] Piercing Dmg.


Agile Crawler: He has Advantage in Acrobatics & Dodge.
[ 3 SLOTS]
Sneaky Bastard: He has Advantage in Stealth Rolls.
Sniper: He has ADVANTAGE in Ranged Attacks.
Enhanced Healing: +5 HP per Round.
[1 SLOT]


Improvisation - Trench is master at utilizing the environment around him to his advantage. Trench can make attacks or have bonuses to certain checks / rolls if the DM finds the action cool or funny. Damage is also determined by the DM, and by the objects or environment used by Trench.
(Originally made by StoryTimeWithCrimson (Tim) for Steve the wendigo - Slotted by Mizz)
Trapmaster - Trench excels at making Traps and leaving them in the battlefield. He can set traps in the battlefield, for the Enemy to step on. The Enemy has to roll a Perception Check against Trench's Stealth Check to see if they fall on the trap or not.


Permian-Triassic Extinction Event: He suffer from x2 Damage when hit by Radiant and Acid Damage.


Character Inventory:
Mars Automatic Pistol: An vintage model used in WW1, discarted due its powerful recoil. Deals [15+DEX] Piercing Dmg with the con of Deal -[5] HP to the user when using it. It has a Range of 20ft. It leaves the Target [Deep Bleeding].
Deep Bleeding (Status) - Inflicts -[5] Damage on an enemy every round, the more hits (from any Physical Attack) it recieves the more damage the bleeding does (Add an Extra -[5]), and can stack up to 10 Times. Every stack can be cured by any Healing, being reduced by one per every healing.
Trench Gun: Yet another classic invention of the First World War, trench guns are pump-action shotguns designed for military use before the invention of modern automatic shotguns, particularly within the war's distinctive trenches. Meant for close quarters, they make up for their lack of range with raw damage output due to how fluidly their actions can be cycled by a skilled user. Deals [20+DEX] but only in a 10ft Range.
x2 Stielhandgranate - Arcaic grenades similar to the ones used in WW1, they deal [15] Explosion Damage in an area of 10ft radius.
Portable Shovel - A two-part shovel that can be easily assamble and dissamble.
x3 Bear Traps: Can be hidden and used to make an target stuck in place, when hit by it the target will become unable to move and deal [10] Piercing Damage; The Target has to use an action to be escape the trap, but doing so will result in being given the [DEEP BLEEDING] Status effect.


Multiple Beartraps
More Stielhandgranate
[A shitton of spaces.. Cannot store large items or living beings.]


"Trench" was born in a Kobold Settlement, until a bunch of Humans and other Technologically Advanced Races tried to take down his people's land as their own. Trench had to fight for his land, and take down the enemy using guerilla tactics and adapting at using the enemy's weapons, even taking one of them for himself. Once the war was finally over, the two folks signed a peace treaty, something that left a bad taste in his mouth. Unable to go back to civilian life, he took the adventuring career in order to make a living out of his skills.


500 Gold.
submitted by AlexisTheArgentinian to TheOakShack [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:08 maria_12_23 Best BTech Colleges in Lucknow: Admissions Guide

Best BTech Colleges in Lucknow: Admissions Guide

Best BTech Colleges in Lucknow: Introduction

Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. Over the past few decades, it has also emerged as a significant educational hub, attracting students from all over the country. Among the various streams of education, a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) is highly seek after by students aspiring to make a career in engineering and technology. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the best BTech colleges in Lucknow, focusing on their admissions process, eligibility criteria, and the unique aspects that make these institutions stand out.

1. R.R. Group of Institutions (RRGI), Lucknow


The R.R. Group of Institutions (RRGI) Lucknow is one of the best BTech colleges in Lucknow. Established in 2008, it is affiliated with Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), previously known as Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU). RR Group of Institutions Lucknow is known for its high academic standards, experienced faculty, and excellent infrastructure.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions to the BTech program at R.R. Group of Institutions Lucknow are primarily based on the results of the UPSEE (Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination), which is now conducted as UPCET (Uttar Pradesh Combined Entrance Test).
  • Counseling: After the entrance exam, students need to participate in the counseling process organized by AKTU. Seats are allotted based on the rank obtained in the entrance exam.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as cumpulsory subjects.

Special Features

  • State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: RR Group of Institutions Lucknow boasts modern laboratories, a well-stocked library, and advanced research facilities.
  • Experienced Faculty: The college has a team of highly qualified and experienced professors and lecturers.
  • Placement Opportunities: RR Group of Institutions Lucknow has an impressive placement record, with top companies visiting the campus for recruitment.

2. Babu Banarasi Das University (BBDU)


Babu Banarasi Das University (BBDU) is a private university in Lucknow, established in 2010. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including BTech. BBDU is known for its industry-oriented curriculum and strong emphasis on research and development.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions to the BTech program are based on JEE Main scores. The university also accepts scores from state-level entrance exams like UPCET.
  • Direct Admission: BBDU also offers direct admissions based on merit in the qualifying examination (10+2).
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have completed 10+2 with a minimum of 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Special Features

  • Industry Collaborations: BBDU has collaborations with various industries, providing students with opportunities for internships and live projects.
  • Innovative Curriculum: The university offers a curriculum that is regularly updated to meet industry standards.
  • Campus Life: BBDU provides a vibrant campus life with numerous extracurricular activities and clubs.

3. Amity University, Lucknow Campus


Amity University, Lucknow, is part of the Amity Education Group, known for its world-class educational standards. The Lucknow campus offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including BTech. Amity University is famous for its holistic approach to education, focusing on both academic excellence and personal development.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions are based on the Amity JEE or JEE Main scores. The university also conducts its own entrance test for some courses.
  • Personal Interview: Shortlisted candidates are called for a personal interview and a group discussion round.
  • Eligibility: Candidates should have completed 10+2 with a minimum of 60% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Special Features

  • Global Exposure: Amity University provides opportunities for students to participate in exchange programs and internships abroad.
  • Holistic Development: The university focuses on overall personality development through various programs and workshops.
  • Strong Alumni Network: Amity has a robust alumni network, providing mentorship and networking opportunities for current students.

4. SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Lucknow Campus


SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST) is a prestigious institution with a campus in Lucknow. Known for its high academic standards and research facilities, SRMIST offers a variety of engineering programs, including BTech.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions are based on SRMJEEE (SRM Joint Engineering Entrance Exam) scores. The institute also accepts JEE Main and SAT scores.
  • Counseling: Successful candidates are invited for a counseling session where they can choose their preferred branch of engineering.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have passed 10+2 with at least 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Special Features

  • Cutting-Edge Research: SRMIST is known for its focus on research and development, with numerous research projects funded by national and international agencies.
  • Modern Infrastructure: The campus is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced labs and research centers.
  • International Collaborations: SRMIST has collaborations with various international universities, providing students with global exposure.

5. Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University (SRMU)


Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University (SRMU) is a private university in Lucknow, established in 2012. The university offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including BTech. SRMU is known for its focus on quality education and skill development.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions are based on JEE Main scores or SRMU's own entrance test.
  • Direct Admission: The university also provides direct admission based on merit in the qualifying examination.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, securing at least 45% marks.

Special Features

  • Skill Development: SRMU emphasizes skill development through various workshops, seminars, and training programs.
  • Innovative Teaching Methods: The university employs innovative teaching methods, including project-based learning and flipped classrooms.
  • Placement Support: SRMU has a dedicated placement cell that assists students in securing jobs in top companies.

6. Integral University


Integral University, established in 2004, is a private university in Lucknow. It offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including BTech. The university is known for its commitment to providing quality education and fostering research and innovation.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions are based on IUET (Integral University Entrance Test) or JEE Main scores.
  • Counseling: Successful candidates are called for a counseling session to finalize their admission.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have passed 10+2 with at least 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Special Features

  • Research Opportunities: Integral University encourages research and innovation, providing students with opportunities to work on various projects.
  • Community Engagement: The university focuses on community service and social responsibility through various programs.
  • Modern Facilities: The campus is equipped with modern facilities, including advanced laboratories and a well-stocked library.

7. Hind Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS) College of Engineering


Hind Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS) College of Engineering, located in Lucknow, offers a variety of engineering programs, including BTech. The college is known for its emphasis on practical learning and industry-oriented education.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions are based on JEE Main or UPCET scores.
  • Direct Admission: The college also offers direct admissions based on merit in the qualifying examination.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, securing at least 50% marks.

Special Features

  • Practical Learning: HIMS focuses on practical learning through hands-on training and workshops.
  • Industry Collaboration: The college has collaborations with various industries, providing students with real-world experience.
  • Placement Assistance: HIMS has a dedicated placement cell that helps students secure jobs in reputed companies.

8. Azad Institute of Engineering and Technology (AIET)


Azad Institute of Engineering and Technology (AIET) is a prominent engineering college in Lucknow. Established in 1998, AIET offers a range of engineering programs, including BTech. The institute is known for its focus on academic excellence and research.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions are based on UPCET or JEE Main scores.
  • Direct Admission: AIET also provides direct admission based on merit in the qualifying examination.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, securing at least 45% marks.

Special Features

  • Academic Excellence: AIET is known for its high academic standards and experienced faculty.
  • Research Facilities: The institute offers excellent research facilities, encouraging students to engage in innovative projects.
  • Campus Life: AIET provides a vibrant campus life with various extracurricular activities and clubs.

9. Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT)


Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) is a private university in Lucknow, offering a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including BTech. MUIT is known for its focus on information technology and modern education techniques.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions are based on JEE Main or MUIT's own entrance test.
  • Direct Admission: The university also offers direct admission based on merit in the qualifying examination.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, securing at least 45% marks.

Special Features

  • Focus on IT: MUIT specializes in information technology education, offering cutting-edge programs and courses.
  • Modern Teaching Methods: The university employs modern teaching methods, including online learning and interactive sessions.
  • Placement Support: MUIT has a dedicated placement cell that assists students in securing jobs in the IT industry.

10. Lucknow Institute of Technology (LIT)


Lucknow Institute of Technology (LIT) is a reputed engineering college in Lucknow, offering a variety of engineering programs, including BTech. Established in 2008, LIT is known for its focus on quality education and skill development.

Admissions Process

  • Entrance Exam: Admissions are based on UPCET or JEE Main scores.
  • Direct Admission: LIT also offers direct admission based on merit in the qualifying examination.
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, securing at least 45% marks.

Special Features

  • Skill Development: LIT emphasizes skill development through various training programs and workshops.
  • Experienced Faculty: The institute has a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members.
  • Placement Opportunities: LIT has a dedicated placement cell that assists students in securing jobs in reputed companies.


Choosing the right college for pursuing a BTech degree is a crucial decision that can shape your future career. Lucknow, with its array of esteemed engineering colleges, offers numerous options for aspiring engineers. Each of these colleges has its unique strengths, be it academic excellence, research opportunities, industry collaborations, or campus life. By understanding the admissions process, eligibility criteria, and special features of these institutions, you can make an informed decision and embark on a successful engineering career.
submitted by maria_12_23 to engineering_lko [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:57 Ok-Mathematician2247 Is this a real evection notice

Is this a real evection notice
First time ever seeing a evection notice so idk if it’s real or not but it doesn’t seem like something that came from “the advice of a lawyer”
submitted by Ok-Mathematician2247 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:56 AccordingZombie8671 The Benefits of CAK Anti-Aging Treatments

With the multitude of products on the market today promising to make you look younger, you may be wondering about the specific benefits of using CAK Anti-Aging treatments from MAC Innovations. Especially if you’ve been disappointed by over-the-counter remedies, understanding the advantages of these professional treatments can be illuminating. The reality is, there are benefits of these treatments that simply cannot be achieved by other measures.
Addressing Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Fine lines and wrinkles are significant contributors to an aged appearance. Reducing or minimizing these signs of aging can dramatically enhance a youthful look. CAK Anti-Aging treatments offer several non-invasive options to rejuvenate your skin, restoring the complexion you once enjoyed.
Popular Non-Invasive Treatments
MAC Innovations offers a range of advanced CAK Anti-Aging treatments designed to address various skin concerns. These include:
- NANO PRO MAX: This treatment restores skin elasticity, brightens skin tone, reduces depigmentation, and minimizes pore sizes.
- Anti-Wrinkle Serum: This serum stimulates collagen production, repairs skin tissues, and restores skin elasticity, resulting in a softer, smoother, and more youthful appearance.
- MESO GLOW: A treatment designed to restore the functionality of damaged tissue, brightening and smoothing the face to give it a healthy and youthful look.
- LIFTING SERUM: This serum is used to lift eyebrows and the full face, reduce skin laxity, and deliver a face contour effect.
- HA MATRIX: Targets nasolabial folds and marionette lines, promotes collagen and elastin synthesis, and reduces eyebags and folds.
Most of these treatments involve minimal to no downtime, making them extremely convenient for people with busy schedules.
Enhanced Self-Confidence
One of the greatest benefits of CAK Anti-Aging treatments is the boost in self-confidence they can provide. When you look good, you feel good. Maintaining a refreshed, attractive appearance can help you live life to the fullest. Instead of being preoccupied with facial wrinkles or a double chin, you can spend more time enjoying life and exploring new, exciting opportunities.
Non-Invasive and Convenient
CAK Anti-Aging treatments are non-invasive, meaning they do not require general anesthesia or lengthy recovery periods. Many of these treatments are so convenient that you can receive them at MAC Innovations and then return to your daily activities immediately afterward. This is a significant advantage over surgical procedures like facelifts, which often involve considerable downtime.
Personalized Treatment Plans
If you are curious about the benefits of CAK Anti-Aging treatments and want more details on how they can help you, it’s beneficial to consult with our team at MAC Innovations. We can review your specific condition and advise you on the best course of action tailored to your needs.
For your convenience, MAC Innovations has offices in Ampang. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our CAK Anti-Aging treatments.
MAC Innovations is dedicated to helping you achieve a youthful, vibrant appearance with the latest non-invasive treatments. Let us help you look and feel your best.
submitted by AccordingZombie8671 to u/AccordingZombie8671 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:53 IruminatiTV Foot pain for months..

Hi, there,
I started hockey last year with med-quality skates (Baeur Supreme elite) and my feet really hurt for a long time. I play hockey very often (between 3 and 6 times a week), and even though I didn't hurt as much as before, I still had pain at every games.
Last week i had enough and i decided to change skates, thinking that the problem was with the skates, which must be too big or not wide enough. I specifically went to a shop that has a Bauer Fit Lab so that I could be sure that my next skates would be perfect.
The results are quite deceptive: my skates ALREADY fit perfectly (size 8 EE). I still decided to change skates, to take a range above because there were promotions.
So I now have a pair of Vapor X4, with Superfeet soles.
AND IT'S STILL HURT and i dont know what to do anymore
The pain isn't dazzling but rather annoying (like a discomfort). It's located on the underside of the foot at arch level, but a little outwards. Even if i have pain in both of my feets, i feel like it's more intense on my left one. Since the pain doesn't seem to be coming from the skate, there's still the option of lacing.
And here I've had lots of different opinions:
So I did a few tests -
I tested tightening the skates quite a bit = it hurts I tested loosening the skates = it hurts less but I can't skate properly anymore. I tested tightening them hard at the top, lightly at the bottom = it hurts.
All that's left to test tightening the skates really hard, but I can't see how that would work.
If someone already have a similar experience and fixed it, or if you have any ideas how to fix my problem please tell me because i love hockey and this issue is currently ruining my game experience :(
Thanks guys ;)
submitted by IruminatiTV to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:51 fauxprotea Not enjoying being in committees and organizations

I've recently joined a student organization in college. This was the result of me ruminating that I've stagnated for almost two years of being in uni, when peers my age have achieved more things with ease. To compare myself further, my sibling, who's only been in secondary school for a while, have participated and won in various competitions, joined several school activites, and to my surprise became the vice representative of an interschool student forum.
I was in a school organization back in my high school days but I can't deny that I didn't like every second being there and only sticked until the end because I was too afraid to submit resignation. Flash forward to now, I failed 2 lab assisstant recruitments, and couldn't even meet the deadline for a national competition to represent my uni. I realized that one factor at play is me not having any sense of committment and not finding any joy in these kinds of activities. I talked to a psychologist and was assured that these things take time, and that I shouldn't compare nor be too hard on myself. From there I promised them that I'll try to take things a step at a time. So when the time this student organization started recruiting, I decided to give it a try.
Me being in this student org feels just like the way I felt in high school. There are many meetings and program deadlines to meet, and I still feel like not wanting to be a part of this. I really, really want to break out of this shell, but it feels like there's something within me that's greatly hindering my attempt at unraveling my potential. I'm also thinking of getting myself professionally assessed for ADHD, as by day I've grown to notice that there's something wrong with me, and this is just one aspect of it. So I'd like to ask, does this count as having poor organizational skills?
submitted by fauxprotea to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:49 Screen_Savor_Studios Possible bug? Hide action causes animation to play again half the time.

I'm using the Dissolve transition with Hide on some image buttons which play a simple atl animation when they enter the screen. Half the time the animation plays again when the dissolve happens, and half the time it doesn't.
I don't want the animation to play again, but I can't understand why it's happening in the first place. It isn't effected by the code, it just seems to be random on restart or load as to if it plays the animation again or not. I
This feels like a bug in Renpy more than my own code, but is there some way to fix it? Code included below.
transform deal_photos: ypos -2.0 xpos renpy.random.random() linear renpy.random.random() ypos 0.0 xpos 0.0 screen Polaroid_menu_2: # two choices add "#000000" at screen_fade_in_background hbox: style "Polaroid_hbox_Style" vbox: at deal_photos imagebutton: idle "images/Choices/Choice_2_A.png" action [Hide(transition=Dissolve(1.0)), Jump ("Chapter_1_Bad_ending")] fixed: style "Polaroid_label_fixed_style" text "TAKE IT" style "Polaroid_label_style" yalign 0.5 xalign 0.5 vbox: at deal_photos imagebutton: idle "images/Choices/Choice_2_B.png" action [Hide(transition=Dissolve(1.0)), Jump ("Chapter_1_choice_result")] fixed: style "Polaroid_label_fixed_style" text "NO" style "Polaroid_label_style" yalign 0.5 xalign 0.5 fixed: #text box add "#000000" alpha 0.75 at screen_fade_in_text #xpadding 10 #ypadding 10 xalign 0.5 ypos 0.80 ysize 50 xsize 500 text "Give the demon the book?" yalign 0.5 xalign 0.5 at screen_fade_in_text 
submitted by Screen_Savor_Studios to RenPy [link] [comments]