Sample cover letter changing from hr profit to non profit

Animal Sanctuaries and Rescues

2018.06.06 19:57 b12ftw Animal Sanctuaries and Rescues

A place for pics, videos and articles about farm or wild animals living in non-profit sanctuaries or rescues.

2012.06.02 19:11 Amicus_Conundrum Discussion by lawyers, for lawyers

A place for lawyers to talk about lawyer things with other lawyers. Firm culture, amusing anecdotes, and the legal world. If you are a future or prospective lawyer, a client, or staff, we kindly invite you to check out the other legal communities in our sidebar. Same if you need legal advice.

2010.11.16 01:46 NonNude Girls

Non-Nude images of beautiful women. Tags: Clothed, Non Nude, sexy, dressed, modest, girls, nonnude, covered, smiling, pretty.

2024.06.10 14:51 sexualsermon Former employer refuses to reissue check that was never cashed. What do I do? (CA)

I was cleaning out my desk three months ago and found a check from my former employer that I never cashed. The check was issued in 2023. I tried to cash it at the bank but they said the check was too old. I reached out to my former employer to ask that they reissue the check. It has been months, and they have lied to me multiple times saying that they were going to send the check and they’ve never sent it. At this point, what can I do? I just want the money that is rightfully owed to me. Sad to say this is a non profit org with a social justice focus LOL. They are based in California. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by sexualsermon to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:50 No_Coat1155 Invested Thousands, Ghosted by Friend

Alright... this is a difficult post to write. It has been weighing on me so heavily and I'm not sure where to turn.
I'm 33 and into cars. As part of that hobby/passion my friends and I would lean on our buddy George to help us with builds. George is a master mechanic for euro cars and owns a performance shop. There you can get your car modified, purchase parts, etc. The brand itself has existed for 20 years almost but it only came under George's ownership 7 years ago. The brand itself used to have an amazing reputation for high quality USA-made parts and is considered an "OG" in the space. It fell off when the business moved across the country. For a long time, we would always talk about bringing the brand back to its roots, focused on car culture and the love of the community. We had a special group of some amazing builds, some 100k+, and our individual social media pages were continuing to grow fast. Myself and the other people in this circle would tag our cars and always speak praise because we thought the brand represented a family.
In November 2022, George approached me and asked if I wanted to become a co-owner. Of course I was excited because this was my chance to really build something with my friends and escape the corporate rat race. Some background there, I work in the tech industry. I make a good living and have a great work life balance. We talked it over and the original "plan" was to give me a percentage of the company, have me run all socials / events / marketing / sales and George would strictly handle the mechanic projects.
We met over dinner and George didn't have an official document or anything. The agreement was he would figure out what the percentage of the company I was going to own. The initial investment was $8500 to catch up on back-rent for the performance shop. There was an unofficial agreement that I would cover events (registration fees, marketing costs) and we were off to the races. I think the excitement caught me up and in the beginning moment, I said take the time you need to figure out legally what we have to sign. Mistake #1 maybe?
Over the course of a year, we attended some of the biggest gatherings around our brand scene. Florida, Los Angeles, Las Vegas. As a group, we attended these events, build organic hype around our brand and even rented out a race circuit in NJ for the day. We created team gear, hats / shirts / jackets and quickly sold out / gave them away. Momentum was at an all time high in 2023 and we just keep pushing. These costs were roughly $10,000 throughout the year and includes everything from gas, hotels, car rentals, marketing costs, etc. Now I don't consider all of this investment money as I'm sure if George had the choice, he wouldn't have done it. I didn't include costs I incurred to ship the cars but basic items like registrations should be split responsibilities. At the least, the team reaped the benefits.
Last "investment" separate from the company was I let George borrow 20k to purchase the company SUV out of lease. It was a pre-covid deal so there was equity left on the table if he just returned the lease. This was simply a loan to be paid back in full and he could keep the equity difference. It didn't matter to me about whatever profit because I was just doing my friend a favor. George made an additional 5k from the lease after it sold. It took months for him to list it (he never did) but I eventually found a buyer and urged him to make the sale bc I started to sense he was not gonna pay me back.
Not for nothing, as part of our agreement - George would work on our shop cars with priority. This helped us have top notch projects to display at our events and with social media content. I considered this investment from him at full retail value for the jobs on my cars, totaling roughly 5k in 2023.
Arising Issues
First few months of our partnership were good. Lots of questions from my end. I manage software projects so from my perspective, there wasn't much confusion - just clarity needed on how things operate at a shop / automotive business. But as time went on, things began to get difficult.
Present State
We started 2024 basically saying we need to hit a reset and handle this stuff that has been pending. Ownership on paper, website build / email monitoring, inventory tracking - I have basically begged to help with any of this stuff as he simply wasn't doing it. And throughout 2024, the brand has essentially nuked itself out of existence bc we're simply not doing anything. We've done 1 event where he couldn't even go and I flew to FL and ran it myself. We have 1 or 2 more big things planned but any discussions about planning have paused.
Recently heard from a friend, George wants to maybe sell the company. He left is other side job and wants to get a professional corporate job and make his way out of the automotive space. Now none of this is confirmed and I haven't heard anything so not putting too much stock into it. This revelation led me to text him and ask what's going on? I laid out options like I'd take over just the parts business and he can have first right to jobs I bring in. I also said he can just give me my percentage and if the company sells, at least its not all for nothing.
As of today, completed ghosted. 1 text saying nothing over 1 month and I've nicely and politely reached out trying to talk with him a few times.
I just don't know how to feel or what to do. This is one of my greatest friends. Someone who has been through life the past 5-6 years and always someone I've relied on. Over the past like 8-9 months, shit is different. It's almost like he wanted me to invest but didn't realize I was serious? And now with him ghosted / ignoring me (I see him on his phone doing other shit, I'm not actively seeking it out - we're just in the same social circles sometimes).
I feel so disrespected. I put my life on hold for over a year because I believed so deeply in what we were doing. I mean I literally said stuff like I don't need any of your profit for the first year - just build it up together with me. I make a lot of money already; it was never about that. In total, I invested / brought in almost 40k worth of work / sales for him. Never asked for a cent.
I feel embarrassed for trusting someone so much. I feel angry because I don't deserve to be wronged when this whole time, I've stuck my neck out for him.
My wife, my parents, my friends - no one really understood it. They just saw boys playing with cars but we were actually building something. On the precipice of greatness. Our social medias were getting hundreds of thousands of impressions, our brand was seen as the cool guys in the scene, and we had made relationships with literally every single head of big companies in the space. I say we but honestly it was mostly my socials and my efforts. I am not diminishing his work but he was working on the cars (when available) and I was playing the politics and managing the image.
I'm honestly just really sad.
I feel like I have no options here.
So on one hand, I want to go nuclear. I'm so hurt I want to tell the world and make him feel what I feel. On the other, I don't want to look stupid and if that is at the expense of be it. He's also my friend, or I thought he was... so maybe he knows what he did and can't face it. As of right now, I haven't done anything. Continuing my online presence as if nothing has happened. I don't want to keep lying to myself. I hate who I am becoming when I get consumed with the stress of it all. Either way, I lose something and it is one of the hardest situations I've had to face. I've driven thousands of miles to and from, I've sweat, I've defended, I've cried... I've given everything to this idea and I'm watching it dissipate in real time. What do I do? Where do I even begin?
submitted by No_Coat1155 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:49 No_Coat1155 Invested Thousands, Ghosted by Friend/Partner

Alright... this is a difficult post to write. It has been weighing on me so heavily and I'm not sure where to turn.
I'm 33 and into cars. As part of that hobby/passion my friends and I would lean on our buddy George to help us with builds. George is a master mechanic for euro cars and owns a performance shop. There you can get your car modified, purchase parts, etc. The brand itself has existed for 20 years almost but it only came under George's ownership 7 years ago. The brand itself used to have an amazing reputation for high quality USA-made parts and is considered an "OG" in the space. It fell off when the business moved across the country. For a long time, we would always talk about bringing the brand back to its roots, focused on car culture and the love of the community. We had a special group of some amazing builds, some 100k+, and our individual social media pages were continuing to grow fast. Myself and the other people in this circle would tag our cars and always speak praise because we thought the brand represented a family.
In November 2022, George approached me and asked if I wanted to become a co-owner. Of course I was excited because this was my chance to really build something with my friends and escape the corporate rat race. Some background there, I work in the tech industry. I make a good living and have a great work life balance. We talked it over and the original "plan" was to give me a percentage of the company, have me run all socials / events / marketing / sales and George would strictly handle the mechanic projects.
We met over dinner and George didn't have an official document or anything. The agreement was he would figure out what the percentage of the company I was going to own. The initial investment was $8500 to catch up on back-rent for the performance shop. There was an unofficial agreement that I would cover events (registration fees, marketing costs) and we were off to the races. I think the excitement caught me up and in the beginning moment, I said take the time you need to figure out legally what we have to sign. Mistake #1 maybe?
Over the course of a year, we attended some of the biggest gatherings around our brand scene. Florida, Los Angeles, Las Vegas. As a group, we attended these events, build organic hype around our brand and even rented out a race circuit in NJ for the day. We created team gear, hats / shirts / jackets and quickly sold out / gave them away. Momentum was at an all time high in 2023 and we just keep pushing. These costs were roughly $10,000 throughout the year and includes everything from gas, hotels, car rentals, marketing costs, etc. Now I don't consider all of this investment money as I'm sure if George had the choice, he wouldn't have done it. I didn't include costs I incurred to ship the cars but basic items like registrations should be split responsibilities. At the least, the team reaped the benefits.
Last "investment" separate from the company was I let George borrow 20k to purchase the company SUV out of lease. It was a pre-covid deal so there was equity left on the table if he just returned the lease. This was simply a loan to be paid back in full and he could keep the equity difference. It didn't matter to me about whatever profit because I was just doing my friend a favor. George made an additional 5k from the lease after it sold. It took months for him to list it (he never did) but I eventually found a buyer and urged him to make the sale bc I started to sense he was not gonna pay me back.
Not for nothing, as part of our agreement - George would work on our shop cars with priority. This helped us have top notch projects to display at our events and with social media content. I considered this investment from him at full retail value for the jobs on my cars, totaling roughly 5k in 2023.
Arising Issues
First few months of our partnership were good. Lots of questions from my end. I manage software projects so from my perspective, there wasn't much confusion - just clarity needed on how things operate at a shop / automotive business. But as time went on, things began to get difficult.
Present State
We started 2024 basically saying we need to hit a reset and handle this stuff that has been pending. Ownership on paper, website build / email monitoring, inventory tracking - I have basically begged to help with any of this stuff as he simply wasn't doing it. And throughout 2024, the brand has essentially nuked itself out of existence bc we're simply not doing anything. We've done 1 event where he couldn't even go and I flew to FL and ran it myself. We have 1 or 2 more big things planned but any discussions about planning have paused.
Recently heard from a friend, George wants to maybe sell the company. He left is other side job and wants to get a professional corporate job and make his way out of the automotive space. Now none of this is confirmed and I haven't heard anything so not putting too much stock into it. This revelation led me to text him and ask what's going on? I laid out options like I'd take over just the parts business and he can have first right to jobs I bring in. I also said he can just give me my percentage and if the company sells, at least its not all for nothing.
As of today, completed ghosted. 1 text saying nothing over 1 month and I've nicely and politely reached out trying to talk with him a few times.
I just don't know how to feel or what to do. This is one of my greatest friends. Someone who has been through life the past 5-6 years and always someone I've relied on. Over the past like 8-9 months, shit is different. It's almost like he wanted me to invest but didn't realize I was serious? And now with him ghosted / ignoring me (I see him on his phone doing other shit, I'm not actively seeking it out - we're just in the same social circles sometimes).
I feel so disrespected. I put my life on hold for over a year because I believed so deeply in what we were doing. I mean I literally said stuff like I don't need any of your profit for the first year - just build it up together with me. I make a lot of money already; it was never about that. In total, I invested / brought in almost 40k worth of work / sales for him. Never asked for a cent.
I feel embarrassed for trusting someone so much. I feel angry because I don't deserve to be wronged when this whole time, I've stuck my neck out for him.
My wife, my parents, my friends - no one really understood it. They just saw boys playing with cars but we were actually building something. On the precipice of greatness. Our social medias were getting hundreds of thousands of impressions, our brand was seen as the cool guys in the scene, and we had made relationships with literally every single head of big companies in the space. I say we but honestly it was mostly my socials and my efforts. I am not diminishing his work but he was working on the cars (when available) and I was playing the politics and managing the image.
I'm honestly just really sad.
I feel like I have no options here.
So on one hand, I want to go nuclear. I'm so hurt I want to tell the world and make him feel what I feel. On the other, I don't want to look stupid and if that is at the expense of be it. He's also my friend, or I thought he was... so maybe he knows what he did and can't face it. As of right now, I haven't done anything. Continuing my online presence as if nothing has happened. I don't want to keep lying to myself. I hate who I am becoming when I get consumed with the stress of it all. Either way, I lose something and it is one of the hardest situations I've had to face. I've driven thousands of miles to and from, I've sweat, I've defended, I've cried... I've given everything to this idea and I'm watching it dissipate in real time. What do I do? Where do I even begin?
submitted by No_Coat1155 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:48 pratap77777 How Can I Make $100 A Day on My Phone?

In today's digital age, the idea of earning money from the comfort of your phone is not only appealing but entirely feasible. Whether you're looking to supplement your income or replace it entirely, there are numerous opportunities available for those willing to put in the time and effort. In this article, we'll explore various methods and strategies to help you achieve the goal of making $100 a day using your phone.
Many people aspire to earn $100 a day on their phones for various reasons. Whether it's to achieve financial freedom, pay off debts, or simply enjoy a more flexible lifestyle, the allure of generating income remotely is undeniable. But is it really possible? And if so, how can you make it happen?
Understanding the Opportunities
Before diving into specific methods, it's essential to understand the range of opportunities available. From freelancing to affiliate marketing, content creation to e-commerce, there are countless ways to earn money online. However, each method requires different skills, resources, and levels of commitment.
One of the most accessible ways to earn money online is through freelancing. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients seeking various services, including writing, graphic design, programming, and virtual assistance. To succeed as a freelancer, it's crucial to identify your skills, build a strong profile, and deliver high-quality work consistently.

Content Creation
For those with a creative flair, content creation can be a lucrative avenue for earning money online. Platforms like YouTube, blogging, and social media offer opportunities to monetize content through advertising, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. However, success in content creation requires dedication, authenticity, and the ability to engage an audience effectively.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale or referral generated through your unique affiliate link. With the right niche and audience, affiliate marketing can be highly profitable. To succeed, it's essential to choose the right products, build trust with your audience, and implement effective marketing strategies.
Online Surveys and Tasks
While not the most lucrative option, participating in online surveys and tasks can provide a steady stream of income with minimal effort. Platforms like Swagbucks, InboxDollars, and Amazon Mechanical Turk offer opportunities to earn money by completing surveys, watching videos, and performing small tasks. While the earnings may be modest, they can add up over time with consistency.
E-commerce offers various opportunities for earning money online, from dropshipping and print on demand to selling digital products like ebooks and courses. Platforms like Shopify, Etsy, and Gumroad provide tools and resources to start and scale an online business. Success in e-commerce requires careful planning, market research, and effective marketing strategies.
Investment Apps
For those interested in passive income, investment apps offer opportunities to grow your wealth over time. Platforms like Robinhood, Acorns, and Stash allow users to invest in stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies with ease. While investing carries inherent risks, starting small and diversifying your portfolio can help mitigate potential losses and maximize returns.
App-Based Gigs
In addition to traditional freelancing, there are various app-based gigs that allow you to earn money on your phone. From completing tasks and surveys to providing ridesharing and delivery services, apps like TaskRabbit, Uber, and DoorDash offer flexible opportunities to earn money on your own schedule.
Time Management and Consistency
Regardless of the method you choose, success in earning $100 a day on your phone requires effective time management and consistency. Setting realistic goals, maintaining discipline, and avoiding distractions are essential for maximizing productivity and earnings.
Tracking Progress and Adjusting Strategies
As you embark on your journey to make $100 a day on your phone, it's crucial to track your progress and adjust your strategies accordingly. Monitoring your earnings, evaluating the effectiveness of your efforts, and being adaptable to changes are key to long-term success.
Tips for Success
Networking, continuous learning, and persistence are essential ingredients for success in the online world. Building relationships with clients and peers, staying updated on industry trends, and never giving up in the face of challenges can help you achieve your financial goals.
Avoiding Scams and Pitfalls
While there are legitimate opportunities to earn money online, it's essential to be wary of scams and pitfalls. Red flags such as promises of quick and easy money, upfront fees, and lack of transparency should be taken seriously. Researching opportunities thoroughly and trusting your instincts can help you avoid falling victim to scams.
Scaling Up
Once you've established a steady income stream, the next step is to scale up your efforts. Reinvesting your profits, diversifying your income streams, and setting higher targets can help you achieve financial independence and reach your full earning potential.
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Making $100 a day on your phone is not an unattainable goal; it's a realistic target with the right strategies and mindset. By leveraging the power of the internet and embracing opportunities for remote work, you can turn your phone into a valuable tool for generating income and achieving financial freedom.
submitted by pratap77777 to u/pratap77777 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:47 sarah_dory Phased return to work after being signed off

I have previously asked advice on my situation (thank you for your help). I have a Zoom meeting tomorrow afternoon with HR from school and my union rep. I have been off school with burnout and anxiety disorder. I started experiencing acute panic attacks before Christmas (an ambulance was deployed) and it was deduced by my GP that I needed higher HRT which I started and returned to school in January and although still anxious it was manageable. At the end of February, and without my input, my timetable was changed beyond recognition: my established classes were fractured so that I would have the x4 Year 7 classes, split x2 Year 8, x2 Year 9 and my Year 10 class plus Functional Skills Tutor as well as being Year 11 Tutor and 2nd in English, KS3 Coordinator AND Whole School Literacy Coordinator.
I called meetings with and sent emails to Head, Dep Head, HoD, and HR raising my concerns for my health and for the teaching quality and consistency for my established students. As we are an English Teacher down in the Dept I was told, as KS3 Coordinator, it was my responsibility to appease Year 7 parents that their children had contact with an English specialist albeit for only 3 lessons each a fortnight. I was also told to "lower my standards" and see it "as cover until the end of the academic year". I argued it untenable for me due to ongoing health concerns but I was ignored by all of SLT and told to get on with it, basically.
So, I've had the OH phone call and report sent and this Zoom meeting is to discuss going forward. Has anybody else had a phased return to work after sickness? My mindset is, sadly, fixed on the lack of support and not having my voice heard at the beginning of this period. This is the first time I have been signed off in my working life so any advice for the meeting would be gratefully received.
Thanks so much.
submitted by sarah_dory to TeachingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:47 -Krypton-7887- Superman II The Movie (The Kryptonian Cuts)

Superman II The Movie (The Kryptonian Cuts)
One Movie - 5 Alternate Endings.
Faster Fights, Faster Flights..
Superman II The Movie (The Kryptonian Cuts) a project that lasted 2 and a half years which serves as a Final Cut in my interpretation. Taking the best from Lesters cut released in 1980 and the best of Donners Cut eventually released in 2006 and should have been the only cut originally. Using Lesters Cut as the template and taking out the parody and leaving in the humour from both cuts. Minor made up powers remain but invisibility and that cellophane S is gone! Fixing most if not all mistakes , continuity errors and updating fight and flight scenes too a speed that is more satisfying as a viewer.
These cuts serve as a sequel too Superman The Movie the released version and not the original script. So since Superman the Movie had time travel, none of these Cuts have time travel.
My Cuts are heavily influenced by Schizopolis23s Ultimate Cut and Leeonheart22s Intergrade Cuts and both editors Vfx feature in this cut.
All 5 Editions are in MP4 and have 2 different file sizes.
Large Files average 7GB 1080p Small Files average 3GB 720p
No deleted scenes were used.
Running times with Fanediting warning against piracy!
Blue Edition 2:09:40 Green Edition 2:04:28 Red Edition 2:06:19 Yellow Edition 2:04:24 Purple Edition 2:07:52
Alternate ending Editions changes are after Blue Edition changes.
Removal of Criminals been sentenced to the Phantom Zone again, we seen it in first movie and don’t need too see it again.
Green Crystal added at start of Credits from Lester Cut.
Lester Titles removed and recap of first movie.
Donner Titles added and brightened the Credits slightly.
Christopher Reeve moved to top Billing.
Visuals behind Creative Consultant Tom Mankiewicz sped up to match the John Williams Score.
A Krypton7887 Fan Edit Title added.
Additional Vfx Leeonheart22 and Schizopolis23 titles added.
Clark enters the Daily Planet and meets a workman at the office door and he helps him get through the door. Voice over dubbing removed. Natural voice only from workman.
Clark Enters the alley way to change into Superman with flying shot replaced with a flipped shot.
Shot of Superman flying too Eiffel Tower cut as we see him 3 times.
Shot of Superman coming up the Eiffel Tower cut ever so slightly before bad Vfx becomes clear.
When the criminals break free from the phantom zone , bad visuals removed and a flash of bright light added as featured in other fan edits but recut this from scratch myself.
Zod, Non and Ursa head for earth with a shot of Zod inserted from Donner Cut shouting free.
Bad voice dubbing cut just before “Artemis, Houston calling come in please”
Lex and Miss Tessmacher scenes with Lara all removed and replaced with Jor-El (Brando)
Jor-El educational Crystal about trees. Miss Tessmacher saying she likes trees. Then Lex saying So does your average Cocker Spaniel removed.
At Niagra falls Clark says too Lois “Golly isn’t it beautiful” and Lois replies “Yeah it’s gorgeous gorgeous” This features in all cuts. Second gorgeous removed.
When boy falls into Niagra falls we see him fall 3 times , cut it down to 2.
Shot of Miss Tessmacher walking away from Lex to find toilet added while Lex listens to Jorel. This scene always annoyed me as one minute she’s there next minute she’s not. Toilet joke not included!
Ursa bitten by a snake removed. Ursa using her laser beam from alternate angle added. Vfx added by Leeonheart22. Ursa should not be able to be bitten by a snake, she’s has superpowers.
Policeman’s chat in car about food removed.
When Zod points the gun at himself then fires it , his stunt double has been removed.
When Non lifts the police car. Voice over from policeman that clearly isn’t him removed.
When Superman flys to the tropical island scene. This has been edited so there’s no wait for Superman to fly into shot.
When Soldiers attack Zod with fire , Donner footage used as Lesters footage just never sat right with me.
Ursas blinking recut and edited out.
Laser beam of criminals destroying Monuments added. Vfx by Leeonheart22.
All Superman and Clark scenes with Lara removed.
All Clark scenes with Jor-El from Donner Cut added.
White House attack , Zod firing gun added. Non throwing man through wall added.
Lois and Clarks journey to Diner with no snow removed and driving on wrong side of the road basing the movie is set in America/Canada.
Lois and Clarks journey driving to Diner in snow added.
Lesters footage of Clark transitioning to Donners footage of Clark in the Fortress of Sollitude from dark to light Vfx by Schizopolis23.
Shot of Atlas in Daily Planet from Lester footage kept in before transitioning too mostly Donner footage in the Daily Planet attack by the criminals. Tried too keep the continuity of Lois and Jimmys hair as it looks totally different in the Lester footage.
When Non lifts Perry White up and bangs his head off the ceiling you can see a crew members arm supporting the lift. Crew members arm edited out.
Voice over of Zod saying to Non and Ursa “Wait here” removed. Clearly not Terence Stamp.
Roadworkers and general public looking up clearly wrong way around as you can tell by No Entry sign. Flipped round the right way.
Zod throws construction at Superman and instead of looking away scene edited too next frame so it looks like he didn’t look away and he shouldn’t he’s Superman.
BATTLE OF METROPOLIS (Faster Fights, Faster Flights)
My most time consuming part of this cut was speeding up the fight scenes, flight scenes and adding some flying sounds but not too the point of ridiculous but where it looks as if it was filmed this way.
Flying scenes along Hudson sped up with additional flying sounds.
Zod kicking Superman into Statue of Liberty sped up.
Superman kicking Non sped up.
Ursa hitting Non with pole sped up.
Tower falling too the public sped up as was too slow.
Superman’s flight down too catch tower sped up slightly.
Superman flying down too over heating tanker sped up and his landing.
Superman’s fight with Non sped up edited slightly shorter.
Ursa throws a manhole cover at Superman throwing him against a car at great pace. My favourite edit. Check out the original scene and how slow it was back in the day.
Non and Ursa throwing bus at Superman sped up slightly.
When members of the public shout “Superman is dead”, “Let’s go get them” followed by “I know some Kung Fu”. Kung Fu talk removed as it just didn’t sit with me going up against Superhumans.
When the criminals start blowing everyone away with there Super breath most of the parody has been removed.
A shot of Superman pulling back the wreckage too reveal the S on his chest has been inserted from the Donner Cut.
Lesters footage with the final fight at the fortress of Solitude removed. No invisibility and No cellophane S
Donners footage of final fight at Fortress of Solitude inserted.
When Zod says too Lex “Activate the machine” it sounds like a Smurf! Audio lifted from Lester footage and placed over Donner footage and it was Donner that shot the scene!
Alternate shot of Superman lifting Zod reinserted from a distance.
Superman score cut short in Donner Cut after Superman lifts Zod to some action music and it didn’t sit right with me.
So Ken Thorpe score lifted from Lester Cut placed over Donner Footage until after Lois punches Ursa. Sounds more Epic and fitting.
Superman destroying Fortresss of Solitude inserted from Donner Cut
Balcony break up speech inserted from Donner Cut
Daily planet Amnesia Kiss with new transition too Superman Flying American Flag.
Diner scene removed.
Superman Flyby over Earth.
Superman II Logo inserted.
Donner Titles inserted.
Removal of Superman III coming soon as this cut does not set up Superman III.
Post Credit - Diner scene added and recut for dramatic effect.
GREEN EDITION (Alternate Ending)
Balcony break up (Last time he sees Lois)
Daily Planet scene removed.
Superman Flys American Flag (New transition from Balcony scene)
Superman Flyby over Earth.
Superman II Logo inserted.
Donner Titles inserted.
Removal of Superman III Coming soon as this movie does not set that up.
Post Credit - Diner Scene added and recut for dramatic effect.
RED EDITION (Alternate Ending)
Balcony Break up.
Daily Planet Scene - On the understanding that they have broken up and she is willing to play along like the same old Clark and the same old Lois like she said on the balcony. With a subtle reminder she’s willing too keep his secret she says too Clark “You know your really Super” (This scene is the only change out of all 4 editions as I wasn’t happy with the quality).
Diner scene
Superman Flying the American Flag.
Superman Flyby over Earth.
Superman II Logo Inserted.
Donner Titles inserted.
Removal of Superman III Coming Soon as this movie does not set that up.
YELLOW EDITION (Alternate Ending)
Balcony break up (Last time he sees Lois)
Diner Scene
Superman flys American Flag
Superman flyby over earth
Superman II Logo Inserted
Donner Credits inserted
Removal of Superman III Coming soon as this movie does not set that up.
PURPLE EDITION (Alternate Ending)
Balcony break up
Daily Planet scene as featured in Malachi Parker’s Final Cut where Lois and Clark kiss but there is no Amnesia afterwards. Recut and re-edited with a different colour grading and alternate score by John Williams “The Terrace” giving Lois and Clark a happy ending to there love story.
Diner scene.
Superman flys American flag.
Superman flyby over earth.
Superman II Logo Inserted.
Donner Credits inserted.
Removal of Superman III Coming soon as this movie does not set that up.
Thanks again for your support , comments and ideas, if messaging me please have manners and don’t be abrupt or you’ll probably not get a response. I’m usually quite quick in answering.
Hopefully it won’t be another 2 and a half years for the next project!
Krypton7887 🙏
submitted by -Krypton-7887- to fanedits [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:44 upbstock prepper

The first Wall Street Breakfast edition of 2024 was called the Year Of The Election, and things are rapidly changing across the globe as investors edge closer to the middle of the year. Some recent political shake-ups have been seen in India, South Africa and Mexico, while things are starting to shift in Europe as well. U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election for July 4, while results are still being digested from the European Parliament elections over the weekend.
How it works: European parties are basically big tent movements, with national parties from the 27 EU member states teaming up to form seven major European political groups with representation based on population. It's a big deal as the 720 lawmakers in the European Parliament approve the union's budget, negotiate EU laws, and approve the President of the European Commission in a vote that will take place on July 8 (after all, it is the year of the election). The remaining 27 commissioners are chosen by their respective countries under the European Council, which sets the bloc's political agenda, and will be approved by yet another vote in parliament on Dec. 19.
The biggest gainers from the last election were the EPP, which will be the largest party in the parliament with a projected 189 seats, as well as the Identity and Democracy group, which are known for their nationalism and euroskepticism (and would've seen even bigger gains if Germany's AfD wasn't kicked out of the party several weeks ago). The biggest losers were the Greens, which champion environmental and climate protections, as well as Renew Europe, which is known for its pro-European and liberal stance. Looking at things on the political spectrum, the EU as a whole shifted more to the center-right, conservatives, and even the far-right, which can bring a major shift to the bloc.
Already happening? Immediately after the election, French President Emmanuel Macron called for a snap parliamentary election, while Belgian Prime Minister De Croo resigned following a heavy loss (there were also big gains for the right in Germany and Austria). At the EU level, centrist parties like the EPP, S&D and Renew Europe will still have the majority of seats in the European Parliament, so the current coalition will likely continue, but priorities could change due to growing influences elsewhere. Energy and agricultural policies have already come under pressure amid a cost-of-living crisis and weak economic growth, national defense spending will be notable due to migration fears and border security, while industrial policy is also in focus due to rising competitive measures in the United States and China. Take the WSB survey.
The AI game Apple (AAPL) will kick off its annual Worldwide Developers Conference today with a keynote address that is perhaps the tech giant's most widely anticipated speech since the iPhone was introduced nearly 17 years ago. While the event isn't usually a catalyst for the stock, the fact that the conference is likely to focus on Apple's generative artificial intelligence plans could prove significant for investors. An AI-based Siri upgrade, Apple's OpenAI partnership and new features that will allow users to run generative AI commands on the iPhone itself are anticipated to take the spotlight. Notably, Apple is not expected to unveil any new hardware at the event. (12 comments)
Activist Airlines Elliott Management has reportedly accumulated an almost $2B stake in Southwest Airlines (LUV) and plans to push for changes, although the exact details aren't known. The activist, who is expected to engage with top brass at Southwest, is one of the carrier's largest investors. The news sent shares of Southwest soaring 6% in premarket trading, but the stock has underperformed its rivals YTD, falling nearly 4%, compared to Delta's (DAL) 25% gain and a 28% rise by United (UAL). Southwest, once considered the most profitable American airline, suffered a wider-than-expected loss last quarter as operating expenses weighed on profitability. (12 comments)
Safety scandal Five Japanese automakers have been accused of falsifying safety test data when applying to certify certain models, in a scandal reminiscent of Volkswagen's (OTCPK:VWAGY) 2015 Dieselgate. Toyota (TM), Honda (HMC), Mazda (OTCPK:MZDAY), Suzuki (OTCPK:SZKMY) and Yamaha (OTCPK:YAMHF) were directed to suspend shipments of the models, sending their shares tumbling last week. Japan also raided Toyota's headquarters, dealing another blow to the automaker that is facing governance concerns as well as safety testing issues at its unit Daihatsu. While Dieselgate, which violated U.S. clean air laws, eventually led to $30B in fines and damages worldwide, the current scandal has fueled calls for a review of overly stringent rules.
Today's Markets
In Asia, Japan +0.9%. Hong Kong closed. China closed. India -0.3%. In Europe, at midday, London -0.3%. Paris -1.8%. Frankfurt -0.7%. Futures at 7:00, Dow -0.2%. S&P -0.1%. Nasdaq -0.1%. Crude +0.1% to $75.61. Gold -0.4% to $2,315.30. Bitcoin +0.1% to $69,402. Ten-year Treasury Yield +1 bp to 4.46%.
Today's Economic Calendar
1:00 PM Results of $58B, 3-Year Note Auction
Companies reporting earnings today »
What else is happening...
Merger Monday: Oil driller Noble (NE) to buy Diamond Offshore (DO).
Responding to user protests, Adobe (ADBE) clarifies new AI terms.
Major push to stop new private sector coal financing ahead of COP29.
Virgin Galactic (SPCE) completes final spaceflight before Delta debut.
Tesla (TSLA) will not launch a refreshed Model Y this year - Musk.
... $56B pay package irks world's largest sovereign wealth fund.
'Bad Boys: Ride or Die' (SONY) tops the weekend box office.
Walmart (WMT) opposes store panic buttons due to false alarm risk.
Looking to reverse fortunes, Teladoc Health (TDOC) names new CEO.
Still volatile: GameStop (GME) on watch following Roaring Kitty's return.
submitted by upbstock to Optionmillionaires [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:37 Prosopopoeia1 On the Alleged Distinction Between κόλασις and τιμωρία

Originally in response to this
To be perfectly clear, the italicized paragraph that was posted isn't a direct quote of Ramelli herself, but comes from Steven Nemes' review of Ramelli’s monograph The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis: A Critical Assessment from the New Testament to Eriugena, in the Journal of Analytic Theology. The numbers in parentheses are references to pages in the monograph.
Ramelli is a bit of a scholarly free-spirit on this issue and others. Although the monograph in question is published by Brill, she herself rarely engages with any Biblical lexicography or any of the standard reference works related to this. From a PDF search of it, I note no references whatsoever to Bauer, Gingrich, Arndt, and Danker's NT Greek lexicon, nor to things like the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, either in their English or German titles and versions. The significance of this omission will become clearer in a second.
In the first cited reference from Nemes' review of The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis, Ramelli had originally written
In the NT, punishment in the world to come not only is described exclusively as αἰώνιος and never as ἀΐδιος, but it is invariably indicated by κόλασις, and never by τιμωρία. . . . In the NT the punishment of sinners in the world to come is therefore understood to be inflicted in their interest, which implies that it is purifying rather than retributive. (32)
However, if "punishment in the world to come" is a concept that denotes eschatological or afterlife punishment in general, the claim that this is "invariably indicated by κόλασις, and never by τιμωρία" in the New Testament is simply incorrect. For example, Hebrews 10 develops an a fortiori argument that if, according to the Torah, the death penalty was meted out "without pity" or mercy, χωρὶς οἰκτιρμῶν — this is language rooted in the original laws themselves (e.g. Deut. 13:8) — then how much worse τιμωρία will be merited (πόσῳ δοκεῖτε χείρονος ἀξιωθήσεται τιμωρίας) by the one who apostasizes and/or rejects Christ (10:28). Lines in Antiphon can be similarly compared with these:
ἐγὼ μέν γε τῷ τεθνεῶτι ὑμᾶς κελεύω καὶ τῷ ἠδικημένῳ τὸν ἀΐδιον χρόνον τιμωροὺς γενέσθαι
. . .
πῶς οὖν ταύτην ἐλεεῖν ἄξιόν ἐστιν ἢ αἰδοῦς τυγχάνειν παρ᾽ ὑμῶν ἢ ἄλλου του; ἥτις αὐτὴ οὐκ ἠξίωσεν ἐλεῆσαι τὸν ἑαυτῆς ἄνδρα, ἀλλ᾽ ἀνοσίως καὶ αἰσχρῶς ἀπώλεσεν? (Against the Stepmother for Poisoning 21, 26)
In any case, contextually, it can hardly be clearer that Hebrews has eschatological punishment in mind, with the "day" in 10:25 and terminology of μέλλων and other language in 10:27 (Harold Attridge, A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, 293). It's not certain exactly what sort of punishment it has in mind that's worse than the death penalty; but of course it's exceedingly difficult if not impossible to interpret this organically as "purifying rather than retributive.” This is especially true when Hebrews also describes this explicitly as God's vengeance, ἐκδίκησις (cf. zanillamilla’s brief mention of that term in their comment).
But there's an even more serious problem with Ramelli's characterization. As suggested by Nemes' summary, Ramelli had appealed to Aristotle and Plato for the alleged distinction between κόλασις and τιμωρία. However, as noted in the entry for the verb κολάζω in Bauer, Gingrich, Arndt, and Danker's aforementioned seminal NT lexicon, "Aristotle’s limitation of the term κόλασις to disciplinary action [Rhet. 1, 10, 17] is not reflected in gener. usage" (my digital edition doesn't have the original page numbers listed). Technically, BDAG doesn't elaborate on how exactly it understands the "disciplinary action" to which the term is limited in Aristotle but not limited elsewhere. However, it can hardly be clearer that in its general usage, it doesn’t serve a compassionate or positive corrective function; nor is there any discernible semantic distinction between it and τιμωρία at all.
Ironically, this is clear even in a passage from Plato himself, in Protagoras:
οὐδεὶς γὰρ κολάζει τοὺς ἀδικοῦντας πρὸς τούτῳ τὸν νοῦν ἔχων καὶ τούτου ἕνεκα, ὅτι ἠδίκησεν, ὅστις μὴ ὥσπερ θηρίον ἀλογίστως τιμωρεῖται: ὁ δὲ μετὰ λόγου ἐπιχειρῶν κολάζειν οὐ τοῦ παρεληλυθότος ἕνεκα ἀδικήματος τιμωρεῖται—οὐ γὰρ ἂν τό γε πραχθὲν ἀγένητον θείη—ἀλλὰ τοῦ μέλλοντος χάριν, ἵνα μὴ αὖθις ἀδικήσῃ μήτε αὐτὸς οὗτος μήτε ἄλλος ὁ τοῦτον ἰδὼν κολασθέντα
As translated in Robert C. Bartlett's edition, this reads
For no one punishes [κολάζει] those who are unjust with his mind focused on the fact that they committed injustice and for that reason—unless somebody seeks retribution in an irrational way [ὅστις μὴ ἀλογίστως τιμωρεῖται], like a wild beast [ὥσπερ θηρίον]. But one who attempts to punish in accord with reason [ὁ μετὰ λόγου ἐπιχειρῶν κολάζειν] seeks retribution [τιμωρεῖται] not for the sake of the past act of injustice—that would not undo what has already been done—but for the sake of the future one, so that neither the criminal himself nor anyone else who sees him punished may commit injustice again. (Protagoras and Meno, 20-21)
Funny enough, the first line here has sometimes been (mis)quoted to try to prove the distinction between the two. But when we look at the full passage, and see that “…for the sake of the future one” adverbially modifies τιμωρεῖται, it's absolutely clear that they're used synonymously.
The same use of these two verbs together to describe a single act of punishment is also attested in the later Jewish world, too. For example, in De vita Mosis 2.57, after Philo of Alexandria outlines the various divine punishments that Sodom and surrounding areas were afflicted with in their destruction, he continues τούς τε ἀσεβεῖς ταῖς εἰρημέναις τιμωρίαις κολάζεσθαι: "the impious were chastised with the said punishments" (translation by Colson). Similarly, Josephus, purporting to describe the Pharisees' view of afterlife punishment for the wicked in Jewish War 2.163, writes that according to them the wicked ἀιδίῳ τιμωρίᾳ κολάζεσθαι, "are punished by eternal retribution" — as an added bonus, using the adjective ἀΐδιος for "eternal," as Ramelli has also made so much of. Similarly, in 4 Maccabees 8:9, Antiochus threatens to execute the seven brothers by κολάσεις with βάσανοι: "if by disobedience you rouse my anger, you will compel me to destroy each and every one of you with dreadful, torturous punishments [lit. dreadful punishments through tortures, διὰ τῶν βασάνων]”; and Wisdom of Solomon 19:4, "in order that they might fill up the punishment that their torments still lacked," ἵνα τὴν λείπουσαν ταῖς βασάνοις προαναπληρώσωσι κόλασιν. Richard Bauckham, "Apocalypse of Peter," 225, compares the similar use of οἱ κολάζοντες ἄγγελοι and βασανισταί ἄγγελοι. Finally, see 4 Maccabees 18:5: καὶ ὁ τύραννος Ἀντίοχος καὶ ἐπὶ γῆς τετιμώρηται καὶ ἀποθανὼν κολάζεται, "the tyrant Antiochus was both punished on earth and is being chastised after his death.”
Also: strangely, despite the popularity of appealing to it in this regard, the aforementioned passage in Aristotle has also entirely escaped actual exegetical analysis. I have a very lengthy, nearly complete article I've written on it, and it turns out there are several things about the passage that should give people serious pause when appealing to it, too.
It'd honestly be exhausting to cover all the passages in which κόλασις or the verb κολάζω denotes people being killed or tortured. This covers everything from the absolutely gruesome description of ὁ κολαζόμενος — the one being tortured by scaphism — by Ctesias (per Plutarch's Artaxerxes), to the “brazen bull” torture in Diodorus Siculus. It also includes Jewish literature which is part of various Biblical canons (e.g. 2 Maccabees 4:38; 3 Maccabees 1:3; 4 Maccabees 8:9; 18:5), too, and including elsewhere in the Septuagint.
Charles Frederic Hudson noted already in 1862 that
the phrase κολάζειν θάνατῳ, “to punish by death,” is not rare in the classic writers, though they illustrate the usus loquendi of the New Testament less directly than does the Septuagint. We find instanced Euripides (Helene, 1171; Orestes, 762–3; Electra, 1028); Appian (Bell. Pun. 15; Bell. Civ. 2, 90); Xenophon (Cyrop. 3, 1, 13); Plato (Repub. 492 D.; Laws, b. ix. 863 A.) (Human Destiny, 33)
(Cf. also Josephus in BJ 16.369, re: Volumnius.)
And here’s a later passage graphically illustrating its sense of torture, from Lucian's Dialogues of the Dead:
Ἀποστάντες δὲ ὅμως τοῦ δικαστηρίου πρὸς τὸ κολαστήριον ἀφικνούμεθα. ἔνθα δή, ὦ φιλότης, πολλὰ καὶ ἐλεεινὰ ἦν καὶ ἀκοῦσαι καὶ ἰδεῖν· μαστίγων τε γὰρ ὁμοῦ ψόφος ἠκούετο καὶ οἰμωγὴ τῶν ἐπὶ τοῦ πυρὸς ὀπτωμένων καὶ στρέβλαι καὶ κύφωνες καὶ τροχοί, καὶ ἡ Χίμαιρα ἐσπάραττεν καὶ ὁ Κέρβερος ἐδάρδαπτεν. ἐκολάζοντό τε ἅμα πάντες, βασιλεῖς, δοῦλοι, σατράπαι, πένητες, πλούσιοι, πτωχοί, καὶ μετέμελε πᾶσι τῶν τετολμημένων.
Leaving the court reluctantly, we came to the place of punishment [τὸ κολαστήριον], where in all truth, my friend, there were many pitiful things to hear and to see. The sound of scourges could be heard, and therewithal the wails of those roasting on the fire; there were racks and pillories and wheels; Chimera tore and Cerberus ravened. They were being punished [ἐκολάζοντό] all together, kings, slaves, satraps, poor, rich, and beggars, and all were sorry for their excesses.
To end on one final note of irony: although, again, those like Ramelli make so much about τιμωρία as the "vindictive" or retributive punishment and κόλασις as the constructive and purifying one, elsewhere in Plato, τιμωρία actually does double duty for both! In the underworld penology in Gorgias 525b-e, it explicitly has a twofold purpose either for the betterment and profit of one being punished; or for those whose wickedness is incurable, their everlasting (τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον) punishment in Hades serves as a deterring example for others:
It is fitting for everyone who is subject to retribution [ἐν τιμωρίᾳ] and is correctly visited with retribution [τιμωρουμένῳ] by another either to become better and be profited [βελτίονι γίγνεσθαι καὶ ὀνίνασθαι] or to become an example to others, so that others, seeing him suffer whatever he suffers, may be afraid and become better... (Translation by James Nichols, Gorgias, 126)
[Add context in Clement]
submitted by Prosopopoeia1 to u/Prosopopoeia1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:31 No_Coat1155 Invested thousands, ghosted by friend

Alright... this is a difficult post to write. It has been weighing on me so heavily and I'm not sure where to turn.
I'm 33 and into cars. As part of that hobby/passion my friends and I would lean on our buddy George to help us with builds. George is a master mechanic for euro cars and owns a performance shop. There you can get your car modified, purchase parts, etc. The brand itself has existed for 20 years almost but it only came under George's ownership 7 years ago. The brand itself used to have an amazing reputation for high quality USA-made parts and is considered an "OG" in the space. It fell off when the business moved across the country. For a long time, we would always talk about bringing the brand back to its roots, focused on car culture and the love of the community. We had a special group of some amazing builds, some 100k+, and our individual social media pages were continuing to grow fast. Myself and the other people in this circle would tag our cars and always speak praise because we thought the brand represented a family.
In November 2022, George approached me and asked if I wanted to become a co-owner. Of course I was excited because this was my chance to really build something with my friends and escape the corporate rat race. Some background there, I work in the tech industry. I make a good living and have a great work life balance. We talked it over and the original "plan" was to give me a percentage of the company, have me run all socials / events / marketing / sales and George would strictly handle the mechanic projects.
We met over dinner and George didn't have an official document or anything. The agreement was he would figure out what the percentage of the company I was going to own. The initial investment was $8500 to catch up on back-rent for the performance shop. There was an unofficial agreement that I would cover events (registration fees, marketing costs) and we were off to the races. I think the excitement caught me up and in the beginning moment, I said take the time you need to figure out legally what we have to sign. Mistake #1 maybe?
Over the course of a year, we attended some of the biggest gatherings around our brand scene. Florida, Los Angeles, Las Vegas. As a group, we attended these events, build organic hype around our brand and even rented out a race circuit in NJ for the day. We created team gear, hats / shirts / jackets and quickly sold out / gave them away. Momentum was at an all time high in 2023 and we just keep pushing. These costs were roughly $10,000 throughout the year and includes everything from gas, hotels, car rentals, marketing costs, etc. Now I don't consider all of this investment money as I'm sure if George had the choice, he wouldn't have done it. I didn't include costs I incurred to ship the cars but basic items like registrations should be split responsibilities. At the least, the team reaped the benefits.
Last "investment" separate from the company was I let George borrow 20k to purchase the company SUV out of lease. It was a pre-covid deal so there was equity left on the table if he just returned the lease. This was simply a loan to be paid back in full and he could keep the equity difference. It didn't matter to me about whatever profit because I was just doing my friend a favor. George made an additional 5k from the lease after it sold. It took months for him to list it (he never did) but I eventually found a buyer and urged him to make the sale bc I started to sense he was not gonna pay me back.
Not for nothing, as part of our agreement - George would work on our shop cars with priority. This helped us have top notch projects to display at our events and with social media content. I considered this investment from him at full retail value for the jobs on my cars, totaling roughly 5k in 2023.
Arising Issues
First few months of our partnership were good. Lots of questions from my end. I manage software projects so from my perspective, there wasn't much confusion - just clarity needed on how things operate at a shop / automotive business. But as time went on, things began to get difficult.
Present State
We started 2024 basically saying we need to hit a reset and handle this stuff that has been pending. Ownership on paper, website build / email monitoring, inventory tracking - I have basically begged to help with any of this stuff as he simply wasn't doing it. And throughout 2024, the brand has essentially nuked itself out of existence bc we're simply not doing anything. We've done 1 event where he couldn't even go and I flew to FL and ran it myself. We have 1 or 2 more big things planned but any discussions about planning have paused.
Recently heard from a friend, George wants to maybe sell the company. He left is other side job and wants to get a professional corporate job and make his way out of the automotive space. Now none of this is confirmed and I haven't heard anything so not putting too much stock into it. This revelation led me to text him and ask what's going on? I laid out options like I'd take over just the parts business and he can have first right to jobs I bring in. I also said he can just give me my percentage and if the company sells, at least its not all for nothing.
As of today, completed ghosted. 1 text saying nothing over 1 month and I've nicely and politely reached out trying to talk with him a few times.
I just don't know how to feel or what to do. This is one of my greatest friends. Someone who has been through life the past 5-6 years and always someone I've relied on. Over the past like 8-9 months, shit is different. It's almost like he wanted me to invest but didn't realize I was serious? And now with him ghosted / ignoring me (I see him on his phone doing other shit, I'm not actively seeking it out - we're just in the same social circles sometimes).
I feel so disrespected. I put my life on hold for over a year because I believed so deeply in what we were doing. I mean I literally said stuff like I don't need any of your profit for the first year - just build it up together with me. I make a lot of money already; it was never about that. In total, I invested / brought in almost 40k worth of work / sales for him. Never asked for a cent.
I feel embarrassed for trusting someone so much. I feel angry because I don't deserve to be wronged when this whole time, I've stuck my neck out for him.
My wife, my parents, my friends - no one really understood it. They just saw boys playing with cars but we were actually building something. On the precipice of greatness. Our social medias were getting hundreds of thousands of impressions, our brand was seen as the cool guys in the scene, and we had made relationships with literally every single head of big companies in the space. I say we but honestly it was mostly my socials and my efforts. I am not diminishing his work but he was working on the cars (when available) and I was playing the politics and managing the image.
I'm honestly just really sad.
I feel like I have no options here.
So on one hand, I want to go nuclear. I'm so hurt I want to tell the world and make him feel what I feel. On the other, I don't want to look stupid and if that is at the expense of be it. He's also my friend, or I thought he was... so maybe he knows what he did and can't face it. As of right now, I haven't done anything. Continuing my online presence as if nothing has happened. I don't want to keep lying to myself. I hate who I am becoming when I get consumed with the stress of it all. Either way, I lose something and it is one of the hardest situations I've had to face. I've driven thousands of miles to and from, I've sweat, I've defended, I've cried... I've given everything to this idea and I'm watching it dissipate in real time. What do I do? Where do I even begin?
submitted by No_Coat1155 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:24 dontbesuspiciou5 Epistolary romances - letter writing, texts, emails, writing galore!

Hi Everyone!
I love when folks create a half request + half list of their recommendations that meet the prompt, and thought I'd make one for my current enjoyment: epistolary romances. There is just something about a story told through letters/emails/texts/etc that is so fun to watch play out!
Looking for your favorite stories that are either entirely told through letters/emails/texts/notes/etc (my favorite) or your favorite stories that have some epistolary moments where the MC's communicate via these methods. No preferences or no's. Any pairings, tropes, and subgenres are welcome :)
Here's my recommendations!
Entirely epistolary (whole book is via letters/texts/emails/etc)
Has some epistolary moments
Still on my TBR:
Thanks in advance for sharing any of your favorites! :)
submitted by dontbesuspiciou5 to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:15 Honest_Rate_6544 Grey Rock or Continue Waiting

Long term relationship, Me (34) and my Ex GF (32) were wanting to reconcile post Dday in December but I said lets wait until she finished her masters because she couldnt 'trust' herself anymore. now I find out she was being romantic with someone for weeks but has no intention of dating him. Do I just leave forever? or go greyrock to make her realise how life is without me? Is it OK that we are single and she is 'exploring' while I cannot even think of or touch another woman?
Her parents have told her she really needs to be with me, I'm the only one that loves her truly ( i really do and can forgive ). I've lost family and friends over this issue but I dont care. I know her mental traumas and I know this version of her isnt her, she needs therapy. Would another man with better boundaries be better for her? maybe? i dont know... but I know all the men offering her marriage and sex dont know the 'dark side' of her.
She has never left home. never lived outside, and only now living the life of a 18yr old at 32.
Here is the timeline of issues...
my ex partner has been diagnosed with P.TSD, and seems to both love me (for the man I am today) and hate me (for allowing her to cheat, for the accident, and for the shitty masters she didnt need to do).. Now she doenst know what she wants and is confused all over. Did I just propogate this situation by not instituting boundaries? I want to reconcile but how can I make her realise I cannot just sit around while she "tries" enough people to realise again she wants to be with me
submitted by Honest_Rate_6544 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:04 Lily_Emily Adapting My Ergonomic Workspace for Remote Work: Lessons Learned ✍🏻

Hey everyone! 🌟
I wanted to share my journey of creating an ergonomic workspace for remote work. When I first started working from home, I just slapped my laptop on the kitchen table or even laid it on my lap while sitting on the bed, thinking it'd be fine. Big mistake! After a few weeks of backaches and feeling sluggish, I knew I needed a serious setup upgrade.
This post will cover (almost) everything I learned about building a comfortable and efficient remote work environment.

My Initial “Setup" 🤦‍♂️

My initial setup was basically non-existent 😖 My "desk" was wherever I landed (kitchen table, bed, you name it), my chair was a hand-me-down from the dining room gods, and my monitor was...well, just the laptop screen. After a few weeks, I started experiencing serious discomfort and inefficiency: my back was constantly achy, my neck felt like it was gonna break, and I found myself getting tired way faster than usual. I didn't think much about ergonomics at first, but the constant pain made me reconsider.

Furniture and Equipment: Investing in my Comfort 💺🖥️

Choosing the Right Chair: One of the first changes I made was getting a proper chair. Debated between a gaming chair or an ergonomic one, and after tons of research, I went for the ergonomic chair. During my research, I found out what features to look for in an ergonomic chair, like good lumbar support and adjustable armrests. My budget was a bit tight, so I bought a reused Herman Miller Aeron Chair from one of my friends. It was a good deal, and my back must have thanked me for the decision!
Desk Option: Next up was the desk. I was considering between a standing desk and a traditional one. I finally settled on an adjustable desk so I could switch between sitting and standing throughout the day. I decided to go with an Autonomous SmartDesk Core, and it's been a total game-changer. It's super sturdy and seems built to last. It shakes a bit at the highest setting, but it doesn't affect much since I don't use the highest setting often. Bonus points for fitting my dual monitors perfectly and being easy to clean (White top, for the ✨ aesthetic ✨)
Monitor Setup: For my monitor setup, I snagged an Amazon monitor stand to ensure my screen was at my eye level. This little tweak saved my neck from major strain and made multitasking so much easier.
Keyboard and Mouse: I switched to a mechanical keyboard and a Logitech Lift Vertical Ergonomic mouse. By positioning them correctly, at elbow height and close to my body, the strain on my wrists and shoulders has been reduced.
Additional Accessories: I also added a footrest to support my feet and a document holder to keep papers at eye level, reducing the need to look down frequently

Daily Routine Adjustments: Staying Active and Focused 🏃‍♂️

Incorporating Breaks and Movement:
I started using the Pomodoro Technique to ensure I took regular breaks. Every 25 minutes, I get up, adjust the desk height, stretch, or take a walk around the block. This helped me stay focused and reduced stiffness.
My beloved Posture Pal
Maintaining good posture was key. I use a Posture Pal (shoutout to my BF for this lovely gift 🙌) to remind myself to sit up straight and adjust my chair and desk regularly to stay comfy throughout the day.
Regular Reassessment and Adjustment of the Workspace:
I regularly reassessed my workspace setup. Sometimes all it takes is a small adjustment, like changing the chair height or moving my monitors a smidge, to make a big difference.

Lesson Learned: Sharing from my Experience 📝

Key takeaways
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
Tips for setting up an ergonomic space
I hope my experience helps some of you in creating a more ergonomic and comfortable workspace. Feel free to share your own tips or ask any questions!
Stay comfortable and productive, everyone. Love! 😊 💞
submitted by Lily_Emily to WFH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:59 legendwolfA My thoughts on BCS first look: what I hope for, balance suggestions, card ideas and more.

Hello everyone, you may know me as Thesquarecat, I lurk around in the BCS channels often. First of all, I cannot wait for the game to fully release. Can I just say the team absolutely cooked here? The animations, the music, everything is just so good. Despite the test having only 35 cards and most of them being vanilla cards, this game looks to have a bright future. Looking forward to what the team have next.
Now, onto my feedback. I won't comment too much on game play/balance, as I am not really good at these things, and I get that this is a very early test, so I do think many things are subject to change. With that being said, let's get right in.
Having played many games myself I thought I would let you know what I like/dislike.
**What I liked:**
  1. The character model and animation. They looks SO CUTE! Especially when they react to your heroes getting hurt. I do hope to see a Quincy animation sometimes in the future.
  2. Simplicity: I'm mad for card games that doesn't use too many complicated mechanics, like Yu-gi-oh, which I have tried to pick up many times but it's just too difficult to learn for me. It's also why I loved Snap and PVZ Heroes, both of them manages to do away with the complexity while still remaining fun and balanced. Props to the team.
  3. Mechanics: bloontonium and storm. The idea of playing offensive to power up your heroes, as well as the storm spawning in cards to prevent bottlenecking is also great.
  4. Timing, pace: the game have a fair timing system, with 90 secs for each turn (some players have been saying it should be 60, but I don't really know. Maybe 60 early 90 late?).
  5. Heroes variety. Funny that I say this when there's only 2 heroes in the early build but I like their unique mechanics. The way you use Quincy passive is totally different than when you use Gwen's, for instance. I hope to see more cool heroes coming! Maybe even a few exclusive ones.
**What I think can be improved:**
  1. Tutorial: there are many things missing from the tutorial, I will list them here
  1. Text on cards, some should be clearer. For example, Tack Shooter doesn't mention how it becomes stronger when on defense mode, or the inconsistency on Gold's and Black's text, one said on popped and the other said on destroyed, which is kinda weird. I believe that in a card game, things should be as clear as possible to avoid confusion. I think that the passive abilities on heroes can be better explained on the tutorial as well. Some abilities, like Gwen 20 one, doesn't say whether it's all bloons on both sides or just your enemy. I believe it should clarify this as well, also to prevent any tech debt when the team want to play around with the idea of damaging your own bloons (psst... I have a few card ideas I will share down below as well).
  2. Animations can sometimes be very annoying. The animations aren't crazy long which I am glad, and they add fun to the game. However, I believe they should be sped up a bit, even just a speed increase or removal of some unnecessary ones.
  3. RNG factor. I am glad that the test version doesn't introduce anything too RNG-y, but I do believe that cards like Storm Of Arrows should be refrained from. I do think a few RNG cards is fine but too much of it screws the game over. This is a card game so I do get that it has some RNG, and would even argue that it can make the game fun if done correctly. That being said, I do hope the team don't make too many cards that relies on dumb luck.
  4. Map's influence. I don't like that maps like Dark Castle can have an effect so massive it can determine the outcome before the game even starts. I do hope that effects like that isn't overdone in the actual game. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of maps, but I always veto DC unless if I play aggro (which the map favors). I think the effect should have a minimal effect. Here's an idea to rework DC: the two leftmost cards on your starting hand costs 1 more.
**What I wish to see as the game improves:**
  1. Boss bloons as heroes, even just in campaign modes. It would make singleplayer more interesting if we have boss fights where we faces off against boss bloons. Bloonarius can have an active that spews bloons for example.
  2. On that same note, I do hope there is a well-developed single player mode. While I understand that the game's gimmick is multi-player, I think some sort of campaign mode would be super fun as well! And I do hope we have the option to re-do completed levels. PVZ Heroes's campaign mode is fun, but it's kind of sad that we cannot replay it once we have done every level. Also, campaign-only rewards can make it even more fun to play so I do hope the team considers it.
  3. Alternate game modes. There are many ideas that the team can toy around and have them be added similarly to Battles 2 special events. Here are a few ideas:
  1. Special towers, like monkeys that assists offense. In the AMA the team did leak a card: Prince Of Darkness which I love, and I like to see more cards that have a bit of an edge to them. It introduces a twist to the game and makes it a lot more fun to play. I do trust the team to cook.
  2. Fair, healthy progression system. The team have stated that they understand the frustration other cards games have. I think a fair one is one where you acquire cards in a medium manner, not too slow to the point of boredom, but not too fast either. I do hope there is a fair mix between randomness of it while also having the ability to choose which cards you want. What I absolutely despite about Marvel Snap is how there is no authority, what cards you get is entirely up to the RNG to decide. This means months if not years to acquire the cards you want. If you have played it I'm sure you know what Spotlight Caches are. I do hope such system never make it to BCS.
**What I hope to not see:**
  1. Engagement bait. Examples of this includes Clans in Clash Of Clans, which the game is tremendously harder to play/progress without, daily challenges in Marvel Snap which happens to be the only way to obtain credits which is the game's main currency. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the idea of a clan or daily quests, in fact I love them. Contested Territory in BTD6 is mad fun, and I don't have to participate if I don't like it. It's what I would call a well made clan system, where players are incentivized to join but does not feel forced in any way. Dailies in both BTD6 and BTDB2 are also well made, considering how they either only give bling or isn't the only way to progress. I trust NK to not make anything like this, as they have had a history of making fair games without being too profit-driven. I am ok with ads and would even be happy to fork over a few dollars if the game is really really good.
I want to play games to de-stress, not to have a second job. A little joke I often make is that "if I want to be stressed playing games I might as well get a job or join the Army". I believe you understand this. Don't add things that makes the game too much of a chore. COC is this problem cranked to the max - daily grinding, years to max out, clan system, annoying timer between attacks, FOMO, if you can name it, the game have got it covered. I know BCS isn't made by Supercell, but I do hope you do not learn from them.
  1. Pay-to-progress. I would say a bit is fine, assuming the paying player don't get a giant advantage, and that progression is made fair for even free to play players. As a future game designer I understand the need for monetization, but I would like to see the game not over-doing it.
  2. Too much RNG in cards. Mentioned this above, but basically yeah, I do hope that RNG-based cards are not overdone. While I understand that part of what makes card games fun is the RNG factors, it does not feel nice to lose to dumb luck. Winning to dumb luck doesn't feel satisfying either.
  3. Frustrating mechanics/floodgates. One of the cards that I absolutely hated in Marvel Snap is Alioth. It has since been changed, but back then, it's a finisher card that has the ability to terminate your entire final turn play even when they are not flipped up, and I have had so many times where I just wanna throw my phone out of the window because of it. Another is Galactus, while it aims to creates an interesting gameplay of only 1 location, it often leaves the other player frustrated. I do hope such mechanics are made balanced and again, not overdone. I stopped playing marvel Snap, despite it being a great game with constant updates, because of this. It is not fun to lose to either of these cards. Or junk decks. Or mill decks.
  4. Too many forced ads. Let's just say it for what it is - ads are super annoying, and while I take them over the monetization model many "freemium" games these days uses, I do not want to see a Rise Of Kingdom ad after every match. While I understand that monetization is definitely important, and I am happy to watch an ad here and there, having too many would simply ruin the playing experience. I do hope the team knows this, and again, I am happy to pay a few bucks to have it removed.
  5. Any form of subscription, whether it be a paid battle pass that you have to fork over some $ every month, or anything else. One time club memberships like that in BTDB2 is great! $10 for permanent benefit is a good bargain, with the bonus of the ads being taken away. I have club membership in BTDB2 because the fact that it is lifetime makes it a bargain not to miss.
**Balancing.** I won't comment too much on this as I am not by any means a pro at card games, however I definitely feel like some cards need fine-tuning
  1. Banana farm. It's a tough card to balance, so I don't have any ideas. But right now it is an early-game menace. Pops down 2 farms and your opponent is as good as gone.
  2. Super monkey. 4 reloads is way too much and enable cheap rushes to bypass it. I would like to see either a damage buff to make it worth it, an extra ammo, or decreased reload time.
  3. Sniper monkey. It's a worse tack shooter and doesn't see much play. Maybe if there is a card that rewards single, high-damage shots Sniper would see a lot more potential but for now it is quite bad.
  4. Pink bloon: it's fine, but can be out of control at times, I would say a damage of 80-90 would be fairer
  5. Bloon embiggen. Love this one but it doesn't see a lot of value imo. I have no idea how I would buff it but I think the team should be aware.
Now, onto some cards ideas. I have around 30 for you all. I suck at balancing so the metrics won't be the most balanced
  1. Spike bloon: 80 hp, 2 cost, 2 uses. When this is popped, all bloons on both sides receives 30 damage. Delay: 3.
  2. Flame bloon: immune to fire effect. When popped, set the closest opponent bloons on fire, dealing 30 damage per round to it. Uses: 3, cost: 6, hp: 100. Delay: 3.
  3. Frost bloon: On popped: Cause the monkey that popped it to not be able to attack next turn. If not popped by monkeys, freeze the one with the lowest reload. Cost: 5, use: 1, hp: 90. Delay: 3.
  4. Electro-bloon: On leak: deals 30 damage to 3 other enemy bloons. 6 cost. 90 power. 1 delay, 2 uses.
--more soon!--
submitted by legendwolfA to bloonscardstorm [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:56 Lily_Emily Adapting My Ergonomic Workspace for Remote Work: Lessons Learned ✍🏻

Hey everyone! 🌟
I wanted to share my journey of creating an ergonomic workspace for remote work. When I first started working from home, I just slapped my laptop on the kitchen table or even laid it on my lap while sitting on the bed, thinking it'd be fine. Big mistake! After a few weeks of backaches and feeling sluggish, I knew I needed a serious setup upgrade.
This post will cover (almost) everything I learned about building a comfortable and efficient remote work environment.

My Initial “Setup" 🤦‍♂️

My initial setup was basically non-existent 😖 My "desk" was wherever I landed (kitchen table, bed, you name it), my chair was a hand-me-down from the dining room gods, and my monitor was...well, just the laptop screen. After a few weeks, I started experiencing serious discomfort and inefficiency: my back was constantly achy, my neck felt like it was gonna break, and I found myself getting tired way faster than usual. I didn't think much about ergonomics at first, but the constant pain made me reconsider.

Furniture and Equipment: Investing in my Comfort 💺🖥️

Choosing the Right Chair: One of the first changes I made was getting a proper chair. Debated between a gaming chair or an ergonomic one, and after tons of research, I went for the ergonomic chair. During my research, I found out what features to look for in an ergonomic chair, like good lumbar support and adjustable armrests. My budget was a bit tight, so I bought a reused Herman Miller Aeron Chair from one of my friends. It was a good deal, and my back must have thanked me for the decision!
Desk Option: Next up was the desk. I was considering between a standing desk and a traditional one. I finally settled on an adjustable desk so I could switch between sitting and standing throughout the day. I decided to go with an Autonomous SmartDesk Core, and it's been a total game-changer. It's super sturdy and seems built to last. It shakes a bit at the highest setting, but it doesn't affect much since I don't use the highest setting often. Bonus points for fitting my dual monitors perfectly and being easy to clean (White top, for the ✨ aesthetic ✨)
Monitor Setup: For my monitor setup, I snagged an Amazon monitor stand to ensure my screen was at my eye level. This little tweak saved my neck from major strain and made multitasking so much easier.
Keyboard and Mouse: I switched to a mechanical keyboard and a Logitech Lift Vertical Ergonomic mouse. By positioning them correctly, at elbow height and close to my body, the strain on my wrists and shoulders has been reduced.
Additional Accessories: I also added a footrest to support my feet and a document holder to keep papers at eye level, reducing the need to look down frequently

Daily Routine Adjustments: Staying Active and Focused 🏃‍♂️

Incorporating Breaks and Movement:
I started using the Pomodoro Technique to ensure I took regular breaks. Every 25 minutes, I get up, adjust the desk height, stretch, or take a walk around the block. This helped me stay focused and reduced stiffness.
My beloved Posture Pal
Maintaining good posture was key. I use a Posture Pal (shoutout to my BF for this lovely gift 🙌) to remind myself to sit up straight and adjust my chair and desk regularly to stay comfy throughout the day.
Regular Reassessment and Adjustment of the Workspace:
I regularly reassessed my workspace setup. Sometimes all it takes is a small adjustment, like changing the chair height or moving my monitors a smidge, to make a big difference.

Lesson Learned: Sharing from my Experience 📝

Key takeaways
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
Tips for setting up an ergonomic space
I hope my experience helps some of you in creating a more ergonomic and comfortable workspace. Feel free to share your own tips or ask any questions!
Stay comfortable and productive, everyone. Love! 😊 💞
submitted by Lily_Emily to workfromhome [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:53 SnowBrilliant9068 Transforming New York's Cannabis Landscape: A Bold Policy Shift

In the groundbreaking move, Governor Hochul has set the stage for a transformative shift in New York's cannabis landscape. With the repeal of the potency tax on marijuana products and the introduction of a flat 9% excise tax, the state is poised to reshape the dynamics of its burgeoning adult-use cannabis market. Let's delve into the implication of this bold policy change and its potential impact on businesses, consumers, and the broader industry.

Empowering Businesses

One of the immediate effects of the tax overhaul is the newfound financial flexibility it affords to cannabis operators. Companies like Naturaw are seizing the opportunity to pass on saving to consumers, with plans to lower prices on a significant portion of their offerings. This move not only enhanced affordability for consumers but also enable operators to bolster their profitability and reinvent in growth initiatives, marking a pivotal turning point for the industry.

Fueling Economic Growth

The reverberations of this policy shift extend beyond individual business to the broader economic landscape of New York. By making adult-use cannabis more accessible and affordable, the state stands to stimulate demand, drive sales, and generate substantial tax revenues. Moreover, the reduction in barriers to entry for registered organization(RO's) underscores a commitment to fostering a competitive marketplace conductive to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Fostering Social Equity

Central to Governor Hochul's vision is the promotion of social equity and inclusivity within the cannabis industry. The removal of the potency tax not only levels the playing field for businesses but also addresses the disproportionate burden faced by marginalized communities. Brands like Silly Nice, a Black-and veteran-owned company, stand to benefit from reduced tax liabilities, enabling them to reinvent in their enterprises and contribute to community development initiatives.

Navigating Challenges

While the repeal of the potency tax has garnered widespread support, challenges remain on the horizon. The implementation of the flat 9% excise tax has already encountered hurdles, particularly in the realm of collection and unpaid invoices. As industry stakeholders grapple with thee operational complexities, proactive measures must be take to streamline tax administration and ensure financial sustainability across the supply chain.

Charting The Course Forward

As New York embarks on this new chapter in its cannabis journey, collaboration, innovation as well as adaptability will be paramount. By fostering a supportive regulatory environment, promoting responsible business practices, and prioritizing the needs of consumers, policy makers and industry leaders can collectively shape a vibrant and resilient cannabis ecosystem that serves the interest of all stakeholders.
In the end, the repeal of the potency tax and the introduction of a flat excise tax herald a momentous milestone in New York's cannabis evolutions. With visionary leadership and concerted efforts, the state is poised to unlock the full potential of its burgeoning cannabis industry, driving economic growth, fostering social equity, and charting a path towards a brighter, more inclusive future.
submitted by SnowBrilliant9068 to MedicalMarihuanaCard [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:50 Cephalomagus 2024 Season 3 Patch 1 Release Notes [2024.06.07.01]

Release Notes have been posted to the iRacing Forums for 2024 Season 3 Patch 1!
Read them below, or find them here:

2024 Season 3 Patch 1 Release Notes [2024.06.07.01]

This Patch Release contains a variety of updates and fixes for the 2024 Season 3 Initial Release. This Patch includes Barney, additional damage model tuning for several cars, fixing a handful of critical stability issues, and ensuring our competition is fair and top-notch. Get ready for Week 1 racing, starting at midnight UTC tonight!

Profile - Awards


iRacing Weather System

Race Control


Dirt Racing

Time Trial



Spotter - Foreign Language


NASCAR Cup Series Next Gen Series Car

NASCAR Truck Series Trucks

Street Stocks

Acura ARX-06 GTP

Aston Martin DBR9 GT1

Aston Martin Vantage GT4

Audi R18


Chevrolet Corvette Z06 GT3.R

Dirt Sprint Car

Dirt Sprint Car Non-Winged

Dirt Street Stock


Ford Mustang GT3

Global Mazda MX-5 Cup

Honda Civic Type R TCR

Ligier JS P320

Lucas Oil Off Road Pro Trucks

McLaren 570S GT4

McLaren MP4-12C GT3

Mercedes-AMG GT4

Modified - SK / NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified

NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry

Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR

Porsche Mission R


[Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet Impala COT - 2009


Circuit of the Americas

Circuito de Jerez - Ángel Nieto

Circuito de Navarra


Oswego Speedway
submitted by Cephalomagus to iRacing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:50 OtherBuy2133 ENGR 10301 Keys to Learning

I have been teaching at Purdue for 40 years. Most students, and instructors, do not know how to learn. Over a greater than 10-year period I researched what is known about learning and how best to prepare yourself for learning. I developed this into a book and general audience course that discusses the human brain; neuroplasticity; what is learning; best practices for learning; the important psychological aspects to learning of mindset, self-control, and grit; and the importance of sleep, exercise, relationships, nutrition, and meditation for learning.
It is a one-credit hour course, ENGR 10301, that has two sections this Fall 2024 semester, CRN 21736 (section 023), Mondays 1:30 – 2:20 or CRN 14930 (section 020) Mondays 2:30 – 3:20. I am using ENGR as a vehicle for offering this course, but any Purdue student could take it. There is no engineering in the course. I know this course may not fill any requirements towards a degree for some students, but it is an easy A (125 out of 127 students taking this course Fall 2023 received an A) and it might be the most important course you ever take.
What you learn will not only be important for the rest of your career at Purdue, but for the rest of your life. I am 71 and I use what is in this course all the time. So even if this is your last semester at Purdue this course will be beneficial.
Have a wonderful rest of the summer break and maybe I’ll see you in Keys to Learning this Fall!
Sampling of Student Comments from previous
offering of ENGR 10301 Keys to Learning
This is my favorite class I have ever taken. I find myself captivated during lecture! Never before have I seen someone get an ovation after the last lecture, but Professor Melloch did in this course. The content covered is interesting and more importantly, applies to anyone who takes the course, anonymous. (from course evaluation Spring 2024 semester)
Professor Melloch is amazing, this class shows you how to be successful, this class is absolutely amazing and honestly this should be a required class, anonymous. (from course evaluation Spring 2024 semester)
I have learned so much from this class, and it has really inspired me to change my mindset, as well as my behavior surrounding my habits. I think the examples, studies, experiments, and anecdotes you provided throughout the class helped to convince me that there are so many aspects of my life that I can improve. Some of the main things, I’m trying to change are sleep, nutrition, testing, studying, and mindset habits. Thank you for teaching this class, it was definitely a great hour of my week! anonymous. (from course evaluation Spring 2024 semester)
It's a very interesting book and an easy read. I'll likely be coming back to reread it in the future. If you're a student at Purdue I'd recommend taking the Keys to Learning course that Professor Melloch offers. It's one of the few classes where I've genuinely enjoyed going to each lecture; you'll learn something new and interesting each time, book review on Goodreads 4/15/2024.
I was in your ENGR 103 course last semester. I just wanted to reach out and thank you for the effort you put into creating a great learning experience this past semester. As a junior in ECE, I’m constantly being thrown many complex concepts and difficult academic situations (as you may know as an ECE professor), but I truly believe that your class helped me drastically improve my ECE performance by changing my bad habits into good ones. Not only did I have better grades, but my confidence in diving into hard-to-grasp concepts grew. I will definitely be carrying on what I learned in your course throughout the rest of my academic life, and I wish you the best of luck in continuing this course into the future! email from a student in the course Fall 2023 semester.
This book is incredibly insightful and has truly changed the way I approach learning and school. Especially as a college student, reading this book and learning about how the brain works has unlocked a multitude of skills and practices that I now utilize everyday, which has also dramatically improved my studying and success in school. Learning about incubation, interleaving, purposeful practice, memory, nutrition, sleep, relationships, senses, mindsets, and so much more, along with the connections between each of these topics, has made my studying more efficient and effective. I used to always cram my studying in the night before an exam, often just looking over the notes I've taken throughout the class. However, I now know that this isn't an effective way to study and learn the material. I now utilize skills I've learned throughout the course, such as alternating the classes I'm studying rather than focusing on a single one, varying up where I study, studying to learn the material rather than memorizing it, and much more, which has proved to be much more effective. I had the privilege of taking a class with Professor Melloch based on the contents of this book. Being able to learn from him and his approach to learning was truly amazing to experience. All of the topics we cover in class are expanded upon within the book, which gives readers a deeper dive into why each of these practices work and how people can use them to their advantage. Everybody has something to learn by reading this incredible book. And, I highly recommend that anybody at Purdue University take this amazing course! book review on Goodreads 12/7/2023
I would say that reading this book side by side with Professor Melloch's Keys to Learning course has been very beneficial to my education overall, as well as my general understanding of the learning process. Professor Melloch provides an extensive amount of evidence and research as a reason to change a habit. Even after this course ends, I will be sure to refer back to this book throughout my career. Thank you Professor Melloch! book review on Goodreads, 4/17/2024.
As the first semester comes to an end, I wanted to thank you for all you have done for me this semester! Thank you for providing me with fascinating content and a stress-free class. I enjoyed the topics you covered such as sleep, grit, and memory because they are applicable to my life and are far more interesting than calculus and chemistry. I always looked forward to your class because I knew that every week I would get to learn something new without the fear of being penalized by a bad test grade. Thank you for a great first semester! email from a student in the course Fall 2023 semester.
A key takeaway from this course, echoed consistently by Dr. Melloch, is the importance of studying not merely for grades but to grasp and comprehend the material. This shift in mindset has been transformative, steering me toward a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subjects I engage with—an invaluable lesson that extends far beyond the confines of this course, anonymous course reflection Spring 2024.
I found the course very helpful. From abolishing certain myths about music being bad for studying, to learning about why alcohol is bad for REM sleep and learning different strategies for studying. On my first calc midterm I only got a 52, and on my next one I got a 92. While I definitely studied more, some of the things I learned from the class also definitely made a positive impact on my score. While I'm still very inefficient with my time this class has helped me to start on the path of better time management and habits so I would strongly recommend it, anonymous course reflection Spring 2024. (You will learn what course reflections are if you take Keys to Learning.)
submitted by OtherBuy2133 to Purdue [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:46 Papfox Toob router ownership

I have an SPNMX42 router I got from Toob. I'm really not liking it. Linksys admit the firmware has been hobbled to make it unattractive and stop ISP models cutting into their retail profits. I intend to change it. I'm unable to tell which of the problems I have are things Linksys have hobbled and which are bugs that might be present in the retail version too. I'm not happy with Linksys' responses to my enquiries. I won't be buying their stuff again.
My questions are, who owns it? Is it Toob's or did they gift it to me? If I don't want it, am I free to give/sell it to someone or are Toob going to want it back at the end of my contract and going to charge me if I don't return it?
submitted by Papfox to ToobBroadband [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:41 RJMonga Why Do Small Businesses Need To Invest In Cloud Security Solutions?

Small businesses are a vital part of global frugality, contributing significantly to job creation and profitable growth. Still, small businesses frequently face unique challenges when it comes to cybersecurity. With limited finances and budgets, numerous small businesses struggle to apply effective security measures to cover their data from cyber pitfalls. This is where cyber security solutions come in. In this blog post, we’ll explore why small businesses need to invest in cybersecurity solutions.

Significance Of Cyber Security For Small Businesses

Cybersecurity is a critical concern for small businesses, as they’re decreasingly targeted by cybercriminals who see them as easy targets. Small businesses frequently have limited resources and may warrant the moxie demanded to cover themselves against cyber pitfalls, making them vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches.
Investing in cyber security solutions is pivotal for small businesses looking to cover their data and their character in moment’s digital age. With the rise of cyber pitfalls, small businesses cannot neglect cybersecurity and the threat of losing their guests’ trust. By partnering with a trusted provider similar to Kepler Safe, small businesses can have peace of mind knowing that their data is secure and their operations are defended against cyber pitfalls.
Kepler Safe offers a range of cyber security solutions designed specifically for small businesses, including data encryption, access controls, disaster recovery, and 24/7 monitoring. Our platoon of experts is devoted to furnishing the loftiest position of protection and support for our guests, so they can concentrate on growing their businesses.
Do not let cyber pitfalls put your small business at threat. Contact Kepler Safe to learn further about our cyber security benefits and how we can help you cover your business.
submitted by RJMonga to CyberSecurityAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:40 Fit-Bit2907 VIZ Media Upcoming Releases & Recent Licenses

VIZ Media Upcoming Releases & Recent Licenses
(Updated June 10, 2024)
Even my mum knows VIZ, no need for an introduction.
(She doesn't...)
Please Note- this post does not include all upcoming releases, it only includes new starting manga with volume 1 or one shots that are yet to come out.

Kasumi Yasuda - Fool Night 1 - June 18, 2024 (Ongoing)
In a distant future where the sun no longer shines, Toshiro Kamiya gives up his body to a sinister floral metamorphosis for a payday.
The earth of the distant future is covered in thick clouds, and the sun no longer shines. Plants wither, and oxygen is thin. To fight extinction, humankind has developed a technology that turns humans into plants, providing a small amount of oxygen. Is this process sustainable? Is it ethical? Toshiro Kamiya must consider these questions as he’s faced with a difficult choice—save his family or save himself.
Kamiya is at the end of his rope. His mother is ill, and his job barely pays for her medication, much less food. With few options left, he considers the life-changing process of transfloration. Ready to give his body up for a payday, Kamiya is about to explore the limits of society’s waning humanity.

Natsuo Sai - Naruto: Konoha's Story—The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The Manga 1 - July 9, 2024 (Total 2 Volumes)
A comedic story set in the universe of Naruto that features Kakashi, Guy, and Mirai Sarutobi, along with the rest of the new generation!
Sarutobi Mirai has a lot to live up to as the granddaughter of Konoha’s Third Hokage and the daughter of Sarutobi Asuma, the hero who gave up his life during the Great Ninja War. But as everyone continues to expect great things from her, she struggles to separate herself from her family’s legacy and find her own way.
When Mirai is assigned a supersecret mission to protect Kakashi and Guy on their journey to the Land of Steam, she expects to fend off assassins around every corner. Instead, she finds herself babysitting two grown shinobi who are acting like an old married couple on a hot springs vacation! What’s a girl trying to prove herself to do?

Koushun Takami and Yukai Asada - Battle Royale: Enforcers 1 - July 16, 2024 (Ongoing)
High school students battle each other to the death in the original survival game!
Decades ago, the fascist government of the Republic of Greater East Asia seized control of Japan. In order to terrorize the citizens and crush any possibility of rebellion, the government established Program 68—a savage military program where teenage students were sent to a remote island and forced to kill each other—also known as the Battle Royale.
After being banned 20 years ago, Program 68 is back, this time under the direction of a sinister government artificial intelligence. The troubled and misbehaving kids of Daitoa Academy’s Class F have been chosen, divided into squads, given weapons, and commanded to fight to the death. Now friendships and loyalties will be tested, and only the strongest will survive.

Haruichi Furudate - Haikyu!! (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - July 16, 2024 (Total 15 Volumes)
Shoyo Hinata is out to prove that in volleyball you don’t need to be tall to fly!
Ever since he saw the legendary player known as “the Little Giant” compete at the national volleyball finals, Shoyo Hinata has been aiming to be the best volleyball player ever! Who says you need to be tall to play volleyball when you can jump higher than anyone else?
After losing his first—and last—middle school volleyball match against Tobio Kageyama, “the King of the Court,” Shoyo Hinata swears to become his rival. But the guy he wants to defeat ends up becoming his teammate at Karasuno High School! The two will have to prove themselves capable of playing together if they want to have a future playing volleyball.

Junji Ito - Alley: Junji Ito Story Collection - July 23, 2024
A collection full of grotesque imagination and surreal urban legends.
Every night, a young man hears children playing outside his boarding house—but the alley below his window is fenced off from the world. Then, when a young woman’s family starts acting strangely at the same time she begins having bizarre dreams, she decides to stay with her aunt, but the town she heads for has neither addresses nor roads… Also, an all-you-can-eat ice cream bus that’s more sinister than sweet!
Legendary horror author Junji Ito presents ten bloodcurdling short stories.

Taiyo Matsumoto - GoGo Monster 2nd Edition - July 23, 2024
A haunting and poetic vision of one boy’s imagination.
Third grader Yuki Tachibana lives in two worlds. In one, he is a loner ridiculed by his classmates and reprimanded by his teachers for telling stories of supernatural beings that only he can see. In the other, those supernatural beings vie for power with malevolent spirits who bring chaos into the school, the students’ lives, and nature itself.

Tatsuya Endo - Spy x Family: The Official Anime Guide—Mission Report: 220409-0625 - August 27, 2024
The official companion guide to the first twelve episodes of the smash-hit anime series Spy x Family**.**
Discover the secrets behind the Forger family in Spy x Family: The Official Anime Guide—Mission Report: 220409-0625.
This companion guide to the first 12 episodes of the hugely popular anime based on the manga series by Tatsuya Endo provides readers with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creation of this comedic and action-packed anime series. Sketches, storyboards, and special interviews with the production team show how the world of Loid, Anya, and Yor was carefully crafted by the animators. Tatsuya Endo also provides commentary about his experience with the anime’s production.

Jun Hioki and Yana Toboso - Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant The Novel - August 27, 2024
A tie-in novel based on the Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile video game and inspired by Alice in Wonderland**.**
Meet the curiouser and curiouser students of Night Raven College in Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant. When Yuya Kuroki is transported to the mysterious academy for the magically gifted, he must navigate a colorful cast of characters as he searches for a way home.
There’s just one problem: no one knows where his home is. Yuya quickly realizes he’s in over his head, stranded in a magical world filled with ghosts, monsters, fire-breathing cats, and bickering classmates. Without any magical ability of his own, Yuya must struggle to find his place in this Twisted Wonderland.
Inspired by the classic Disney movie Alice in Wonderland and based on the popular mobile game, Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant features an original concept by famed manga artist Yana Toboso, creator of Black Butler.

Hayao Miyazaki - My Neighbor Totoro Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - August 27, 2024
Revisit one of Studio Ghibli’s most beloved classics with the My Neighbor Totoro film comics, collected for the first time into one large deluxe hardcover edition!
Eleven-year-old Satsuki and her sassy little sister Mei have moved to the country to be closer to their ailing mother. Soon, in the woods behind their spooky old house, Satsuki and Mei discover a forest spirit named Totoro. When Mei goes missing, it’s up to Satsuki to find her sister, and she’ll need help from some new—and magical—friends.
Revisit one of Studio Ghibli’s most beloved classics with the My Neighbor Totoro film comics, collected into a deluxe hardcover edition!

Ai Yazawa - Last Quarter - September 3, 2024 - September 3, 2024 (Total 3 Volumes)
A supernatural mystery of two star-crossed lovers from the creator of Nana**!**
Two star-crossed lovers transcend time in this supernatural mystery from the creator of Nana!
Struggling to adapt to life with a new mother and sister after her father’s remarriage, Mizuki meets a blue-eyed man playing guitar on the street in Shibuya and is powerfully drawn to him. How far will she go to see him again?
After a brush with death, young Hotaru meets Mizuki for the first time in a dream. The next day, Hotaru wanders into an abandoned mansion and comes face-to-face with the girl she met in her dream…

Various Artists - Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga – Anthology 1- September 10, 2024 (Total 2 Volumes)
An anthology of manga shorts featuring all your favorite characters from the Disney mobile game.
Short stories set in the world of Twisted Wonderland, based on the hit mobile game from Disney!
The first installment in a collection of small but mighty adventures, featuring the characters and world of Twisted Wonderland. Each tale is written and drawn by a different manga creator!

GRAVEWEAVER - I'm the Grim Reaper 1 - September 10, 2024 (Ongoing)
It’s a hell of a job…
When Scarlet finds herself doomed to eternal punishment in Hell for a sinful life she can’t even remember, Satan himself offers her a deal: return to earth and kill one marked sinner per day…as his grim reaper!
Using the power of Hell, Scarlet quickly learns the ropes of being a reaper: bring in one sinner per day, regardless of their sins, and avoid the ninth circle herself. This work brings her into the path of Chase, a disgraced former detective trying to solve a high-level case that seems wrapped up in Scarlet’s former life. Scarlet decides to partner with Chase to find the answers to her locked memories—as long as Chase doesn’t discover Scarlet’s bloodstained bargain with Satan first.
This volume collects episodes 1–16 of the popular WEBTOON, exclusive never-before-seen content, and a bonus short story!

Ryoichi Ikegami and Riichiro Inagaki - Trillion Game 1 - September 17, 2024 (Ongoing)
A charming sweet-talker and a timid computer programmer team up with hopes of making a trillion dollars and getting everything they’ve ever wanted in this world!
Self-proclaimed “world’s greediest man” Haru and timid computer whiz Gaku set out to make a trillion dollars. They start the company Trillion Game to accomplish this task and hope to iron out the details as they go. With charm, technical skills, and no business plan, can these unlikely friends reach their lofty goal?
After Haru and Gaku become the first Japanese people in the 21st century to be listed among the world’s top-ten billionaires, Gaku reflects on when he and Haru met and the events that led to the founding of their company. What started as a middle school acquaintanceship builds to a fruitful and unorthodox partnership as the two progress on their ruthless path to success.

Hayao Miyazaki - Kiki's Delivery Service Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - September 24, 2024

A young witch named Kiki sets off on a journey to become a witch—what does she find at the seaside city where she settles?
Now that she’s 13 years old, it’s time for young Kiki to start thinking about her future. One night, under the shine of a full moon, she grabs her black cat Jiji, hops on her mother’s broom and heads off into the night. The next day she arrives at a friendly seaside city, and this, she tells her loyal and furry companion, is where she’ll spend the next year learning how to become a real, honest-to-goodness witch.

Akira Himekawa - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Complete Box Set - September 24, 2024

The manga adaptation of the hit Twilight Princess video game, now available in a box set! Become part of the Legend—The Legend of Zelda!
Once upon a time, wizards tried to conquer the Sacred Realm of Hyrule. The Spirits of Light sealed the wizards’ power within the Shadow Crystal and banished them to the Twilight Realm beyond the Mirror of Twilight. Now, an evil menace is trying to find Midna, Princess of the Twilight Realm, and the fragments of the Shadow Crystal to gain the power to rule over both the Twilight Realm and the World of Light.
This box set contains all 11 volumes of the smash-hit manga series The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and a collectible, double-sided poster!

Pokémon: The Complete Pokémon Pocket Guide Box Set - September 24, 2024
A slipcased, two-volume set of full-color databooks with stats on 898 Pokémon!
Each book in this two-volume set is filled with descriptions and stats, including Abilities, Moves, and Evolutions. Includes 898 Pokémon!

Julietta Suzuki - Otaku Vampire's Love Bite 1 - October 1, 2024 (Ongoing)
Some vampires live to feast on the blood of their victims. Others just want to score super limited edition anime merch!
Hina Arukado is a modern vampire who drinks blood from bags instead of from humans. But she’s also a complete shut-in who hasn’t left the house in 30 years. In an effort to reach her, Hina’s dad does something that changes her life—he gives her the complete box set of the Vampire Cross anime! Hina is instantly obsessed, especially with the character Mao. But it’s difficult to fangirl as hard as she wants from her bedroom in Romania, so now Hina is out of the house and off to Japan to live her otaku dream!
Hina’s so busy collecting Mao merch that she almost doesn’t feel bad about missing out on the Vampire Cross cafes. If only she had a human friend who could eat all the themed food for her! But connecting with humans isn’t easy until Hina literally bumps into her neighbor Kyuta, a prickly boy who looks just like Mao. Having her best friend live next door will be so convenient! Now if she can just convince him to actually be her friend…

Tatsuya Endo - Spy x Family: The Official Coloring Book - October 8, 2024
Color over 70 images from Tatsuya Endo's best-selling manga series Spy x Family**!**
Join the mission to color in over 70 images featuring Loid, Anya, and Yor Forger from the hit manga series Spy x Family.
This 80-page coloring book showcases the art of Tatsuya Endo and is filled with action-packed line art from the Spy x Family manga series. Starring the unlikely family composed of a spy, a telepath, and an assassin, these exciting images are printed on thick, high-quality paper. The book also includes a flexible binding for easy coloring. Spy x Family: The Official Coloring Book will provide hours of fun for all fans of the series.

Koyoharu Gotouge - Koyoharu Gotouge Before Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - October 8, 2024
A collection of manga stories from the brilliant creator of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba**!**
See how best-selling creator Koyoharu Gotouge, creator of the worldwide sensation Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, got started. This collection features four short stories packed with supernatural action—including a deadly vampire hunt starring Tamayo and Muzan that would serve as the direct inspiration for Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

Katsura Ise and Takuma Yokota - Destroy All Humans. They Can't Be Regenerated. A Magic: The Gathering Manga 1 - October 8, 2024 (Ongoing)
Travel back in time to the early days of Magic: The Gathering**!**
It’s the nineties at Tokiwaga Middle School. And for gamers like Hajime Kano, the release of Magic: The Gathering means nothing will ever be the same again!
In everything he does, it seems like geeky Tokigawa Middle School student Hajime Kano always comes in second place behind popular honor student Emi Sawatari. But when Hajime takes a trip to a new game store he’s been hearing about, their rivalry takes an unexpected turn. Welcome to the early years of Magic: The Gathering! When a trading card game shaped a generation forever!

Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court - Spider-Man: Octo-Girl 1 - October 8, 2024 (Ongoing)
A new Spider-Man manga from the creators of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes**!**
Spider-Man rogue Doctor Octopus faces his biggest challenge yet—living life as a middle school girl in Japan!
After a battle with Spider-Man, the evil genius scientist Doctor Octopus falls into a coma. When he wakes up, his consciousness is in the body of Otoha Okutamiya, a middle school girl in Tokyo! Thus begins the strange school life of Spider-Man’s biggest a normal Japanese girl!

Junji Ito - Uncanny: The Origins of Fear - October 15, 2024
For the first time since his debut 35 years ago, horror master Junji Ito reveals exactly how he creates his unique worlds.
Why are we drawn to fear?
Horror manga legend Junji Ito has fascinated the world with his beautiful and strange tales, starting with his debut story “Tomie,” and followed by Uzumaki, Gyo, and many other famous works.
In this memoihorror manga analysis, he tells all and digs into dark recesses—reflections on influences from his childhood, thoughts on manga, next-level idea generation techniques, character design, craftmanship, and more. Chock-full of never-before-told insider anecdotes and behind-the-scenes stories, this is a must-have book for fans to immerse themselves completely in the world of Junji Ito.

Chie Shinohara - Red River (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - October 15, 2024 (Total 9 or 10 Volumes)

A 3-in-1 edition of the classic romance fantasy series where a modern girl is whisked to ancient times and must navigate a scheming court and warring factions while trying to find her way home.
Yuri, a modern teenager, is transported to ancient Anatolia as part of a scheme by the evil Nakia, queen of the Hittites. Only the intervention of Nakia’s stepson, Prince Kail, saves Yuri from the queen’s bloodthirsty intentions. As an unintended consequence of the prince’s actions, the people of Anatolia embrace Yuri as the incarnation of the great war goddess Ishtar.
Finding herself entangled in the social and political drama of a fractured royal family, Yuri begins to maneuver through their manipulations and learn how to survive while stuck deep in the past.

Hirohiko Araki - JoJo A-Go!Go! - October 15, 2024
Let***’***s JoJo A-Go!Go!
Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a beloved epic with dedicated fans everywhere under the sun. The art book JoJo A-Go!Go! collects exclusive illustrations and color pages as it dances through Stardust Crusaders, Diamond Is Unbreakable, and *Golden Wind—*and it even includes a peek at Stone Ocean!
Available for the first time as a standalone hardcover, this collection of Araki*’*s beautifully bizarre artwork is a truly deluxe package, a funky look at the all-star characters and good vibes that made JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure a success!

Matsuri Hino - Vampire Knight Complete Box Set - October 22, 2024

Meet your knights in shining darkness in this fan-favorite series about eternal love.
Cross Academy is attended by two groups of students: the Day Class and the Night Class. At twilight, when the students of the Day Class return to their dorm, they cross paths with the Night Class on their way to school. Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu are the Guardians of the school, protecting the Day Class from the Academy’s dark secret: the Night Class is full of vampires!
A new collector’s box set of the entire Vampire Knight series! Includes the Day Class planner and an exclusive art book!

Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Official Art Book - October 22, 2024
Discover the world of Night Raven College with Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Official Art Book**.**
The Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile game features an original concept inspired by classic Disney Villains and reimagined by renowned manga artist Yana Toboso, creator of the series Black Butler. This deluxe book features gorgeous character and card art from the hit game, including stunning Groovy card images. A section featuring sketches and handwritten notes provides fans of the series with a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the striking character designs for every character in the series, including Malleus Draconia, Azul Ashengrotto, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, and more.

Studio Ghibli - Studio Ghibli: Architecture in Animation - October 22, 2024
A deluxe art book featuring exclusive commentary, sketches, concept art, and paintings detailing the unique architecture in Studio Ghibli’s films.
Explore the dazzling animated worlds of Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, and more with Studio Ghibli: Architecture in Animation!
Learn how the visionary animation studio brings its vibrant worlds to life through hundreds of pieces of concept art, sketches, and background paintings that illuminate the architectural inspirations of Studio Ghibli’s animated classics. Distinctive interiors, imaginative exteriors, breathtaking landscapes, and the interplay between the three are all examined in detail through collected remarks from acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki, exclusive commentary from renowned architect Terunobu Fujimori, and quotes from the artists and art directors of Studio Ghibli’s beloved films.
Readers will learn of the historical, architectural, and personal inspirations behind such iconic and inventive buildings and structures as the bathhouse from Spirited Away, Howl’s moving castle, and Satsuki and Mei’s country home from My Neighbor Totoro. This book is the perfect gift for all fans of Studio Ghibli’s timeless movies.
This book is the translated reprint edition of the catalog for the exhibition Studio Ghibli’s Architecture in Animation.

Alto Yukimura - Colette Decides to Die 1 - November 5, 2024 (Total 20 Volumes in Japan)

Colette, an overworked apothecary, finds romance and a new lease on life—in the underworld!!
When exhausted workaholic apothecary Colette jumps into a well, instead of dying she finds herself caring for a new patient: Hades, Lord of the Dead. As Colette goes back and forth between her world and the underworld, new patients of every kind arrive daily!
Colette meets Hades, a fellow workaholic, while he is ill in bed with a rash and fever. After treating his condition, she learns about the work he does and what drives him, which renews her sense of purpose as an apothecary. When Colette is sent back to her own world, is it the last she will see of Hades?

Takeru Hokazono - Kagurabachi 1 - November 5, 2024 (Ongoing)
Chihiro's cursed past sends him down a quest of bloody vengeance!
Chihiro Rokuhira's father, Kunishige is the most famous swordsmith in the land. Thanks to his six enchanted blades, the war that had been gripping the nation ended and peaceful days followed. After the war, he retrieved all six blades and hid them in the cellar of his workshop. However, sorcerers raided his home, stole the legendary swords, and left Kunishige dead in front of Chihiro. Now Chihiro wields Kunishige’s seventh and final enchanted blade on a mission to exact revenge and retrieve the swords his father forged.
As a young boy, Chihiro trained every day under his father to become a swordsmith. The two, although different in temperament, spent endless peaceful days laughing and working, but one day, tragedy struck… Now Chihiro burns with hatred and is determined to exact revenge on those who killed his father!

Eiichiro Oda - Wanted! Eiichiro Oda Before One Piece - November 12, 2024

A series of original works by the mastermind behind the worldwide hit One Piece.
See another version of Luffy in the original short story that launched a legend. The creator of One Piecepresents this unique collection of his earliest works. From western to fantasy to ghost hunting, this special volume has it all—including “Romance Dawn”—the one-shot that would become the international mega-hit One Piece!

Hiroshi Higuchi - X-Men: The Manga: Remastered 1 - November 12, 2024 (Original X-Men: The Manga is 12 Volumes)

A deluxe manga take on your favorite X-Men stories!
Jubilation Lee is a teenager with a secret: she’s a mutant, the next level of human evolution, and has fantastic powers. All she wants is a normal life with trips to the mall to get away from her parents, but when the mutant-hunting robots known as Sentinels come after her, that normal life is pushed out of her reach! Discover the X-Men—mutant heroes hated and feared by a world they’re sworn to protect—alongside Jubilee in this classic manga series!
X-Men: The Animated Series was a global sensation and the perfect introduction to Marvel's mutants! The classic manga adaptation, unavailable for years, now finally returns to print! Newly remastered and presented in a deluxe edition, this is the ultimate X-Men collector’s item!

Sumi Eno - After God 1 - November 19, 2024 (Ongoing)

Thirty years after the gods reduced Tokyo to rubble, survivors set out to answer a seemingly impossible question—how do you kill a god?
Japan has been invaded by gods—and they’ve left nothing but death and destruction in their wake. With entire cities now classified as uninhabitable danger zones, Anti-God researcher Sachiyuki Tokinaga is determined to find a way to take down the gods and save humanity. When chance leads him to high schooler Waka Kamikura, the two may just end up changing the fate of the world forever.
Desperate for answers about her friend’s disappearance, Waka breaches the Tokyo danger zone in search of clues. Instead, she finds Tokinaga, a researcher with the Anti-God Science Institute. While Waka tries to decide if she should trust Tokinaga, he quickly realizes Waka is hiding a dangerous secret of her own—one that may just be the key to killing off the gods once and for all.

Naoya Matsumoto and Keiji Ando - Kaiju No. 8: Exclusive on the Third Division - December 3, 2024

Kaiju No. 8’s Third Division takes center stage in this tell-all novel!
Extra! Extra! Read all about the Third Division! After all, who wouldn’t want to memorize every little tidbit about the talented folks saving Japan from the threat of monstrous kaiju? In this exposé, you’ll get an exclusive sneak peek into the lives of the heroes, including new recruits Kafka and Reno and their brutal training, star soldier Kikoru Shinomiya and the story behind her weapon, and Vice-Captain Hoshina and his secret worries! Want to know more about the Third Division? Read on!

Kohei Kadono and Tasuku Karasuma - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak 1 - December 3, 2024 (Total 3 Volumes)

The first manga spinoff of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure!
Ten years have passed since Dio’s death in Stardust Crusaders, but his presence lingers among his former followers, including Hol Horse. When Hol Horse accepts a request from an elderly woman to find her lost parrot that was trained by the owner of Pet Shop, he finds himself trekking across half the globe to the Japanese city of Morioh.
Hol Horse is entrusted with finding a missing parrot and takes Boingo to Morioh, S City. In the unfamiliar town, Hol Horse hears words that DIO once spoke in another time: “Look how wide the sidewalk is.” He turns to look and sees a car barreling toward him, but he’s saved from danger by another Stand user—a young man with a pompadour and a school uniform...

Luka Kobachi - Rainbows After Storms 1 - December 10, 2024 (Total of 13 Volumes)

Are high-school girls Nanoha and Chidori ready to face the storms in their new romantic relationship together?
Nanoha and Chidori are best friends who attend the same all-girls high school—and also share a heart-pounding secret: they’re lovers. Through sunny days and tumultuous storms, they’re always ready for new adventures together.
For Nanoha and Chidori, best friends turned lovers, normal situations for close friends turn into electrifying moments through the lens of love. Between sharing furtive looks and promise bracelets, the pair spend their hectic school days flirting in secret and hiding their relationship from their friends.

Masaoki Shindo - RuriDragon 1 - January 7, 2025 (Ongoing)

Ruri faces the usual high school issues: pushy classmates, annoying teachers, and…waking up with dragon horns?!
Ruri Aoki awakens one morning to find a pair of horns growing from her head! It’s already hard enough trying to be a normal high school girl, so how the heck is she gonna figure out this crazy dragon stuff?
Just after starting high school, Ruri gets hit with the biggest reveal of her life—she’s a dragon! Well, a half dragon. Her mom admits Ruri inherited her draconic traits from her father, who, yes, is actually a dragon. As if dealing with curious classmates wasn’t already challenging enough, Ruri and her dragon genes literally turn up the heat in the middle of a lecture. Her ordinary life is about to be anything but!

Oreco Tachibana - Firefly Wedding 1 - January 14, 2025 (Ongoing)

Satoko is bound by duty to marry a noble, but can’t escape the assassin who has her in his sights.
Afflicted with a heart condition, Meiji-era noblewoman Satoko is determined to secure a marriage that will benefit her family before she dies. But before she can realize her goal, she’s targeted by a mysterious assassin named Shinpei. In a last-ditch effort to save her life, she asks her would-be murderer to marry her. Her proposal isn’t sincere, but unfortunately for her, Shinpei loves as intensely as he kills. Can Satoko find a way to break the engagement without losing her life?
On the surface, Satoko has it all—she’s beautiful, the daughter of a nobleman, and at a prime age for marriage. Unfortunately, she is also quite ill and only has a short time left to live. Before she can secure a marriage that will redeem her worth in her family’s eyes, she finds herself the target of the mysterious assassin Shinpei, and her plans are put in jeopardy. In order to save herself, she makes a desperate proposal—of marriage! When it comes to love, however, Shinpei takes “until death do we part” seriously.

Homura Kawamoto, Hikaru Muno and Posuka Demizu - Beyblade X 1 - January 14, 2025 (Ongoing)

Who will rise to the top of X Tower in the ultimate Beyblade showdown?!
Bladers are ready to battle it out! They’ve set their sights on the top of X Tower and prepare to fight their way to victory. With new technology and powerful opponents entering the arena, Beyblades are pushed to their extremes as they race through a new era.
Amateur Blader Robin Kazami is left without a team after a crushing defeat. Things start to look up when he runs into former Beyblade champion Jaxon Cross, who is on his own journey to fight back to the top of X Tower under the alias “Blader X.” This unlikely duo teams up and vows to rise to the top of Beyblade!

Takehiko Inoue - Vagabond Definitive Edition 1 - January 21, 2025 (Total of 12 Volumes)

This large-trim definitive edition with gorgeous textured design collects three volumes of the phenomenal samurai story by manga legend Takehiko Inoue!
Striving for enlightenment by way of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi is prepared to cut down anyone who stands in his way. Vagabond is an action-packed portrayal of the life and times of the quintessential warrior-philosopher—the most celebrated samurai of all time!
At 17 years of age, Miyamoto Musashi—still known by his childhood name, Shinmen Takezō— is a wild young brute just setting out along the way of the sword. In the aftermath of the epic Battle of Sekigahara, Takezō finds himself a fugitive survivor on the losing side of the war. Takezō’s vicious nature has made him an outcast even in his own village, and he is hunted down like an animal. At this crucial crossroads in Takezō’s life, an eccentric monk and a childhood friend are the only ones who can help him find his way.

Keigo Shinzo - Tokyo Alien Bros 1 - January 21, 2025 (Total 3 Volumes)

Aliens walk among us—but they’re just two bros hanging out in Tokyo. Oh, and they’re on a mission to colonize Earth
Fuyunosuke Tanaka is a perfectly ordinary college student, except for one thing—he’s secretly an alien. He and his brother Natsutaro are on a mission to study the people of Earth and evaluate the planet’s resources, but adapting to fit in with life on this new world might be a bit harder than they bargained for.
Fuyunosuke’s been living the good life in Tokyo. In fact, he’s almost got the whole “being human” thing down. His brother Natsutaro, on the other hand, can’t figure out the first thing about blending in on this strange planet. There’s still a lot they don’t know about humans, but with any luck, Fuyunosuke might just be able to show his bro that life on this little blue ball isn’t so bad after all.

Hayao Miyazaki - Spirited Away Film Comic: All-in-One Edition - January 28, 2025

Fantasy and adventure await in this book based on the winner of the 2002 Academy Award® for Best Animated Feature!
Chihiro’s family is moving to a new house, but when they stop on the way to explore an abandoned village, her parents undergo a mysterious transformation and Chihiro is whisked into a world of fantastic spirits ruled over by the sorceress Yubaba. Put to work in a magical bathhouse for spirits and demons, Chihiro must use all her wits to survive in this strange new place, find a way to free her parents and return to the normal world.
Experience one of Hayao Miyazaki’s most critically acclaimed animated films in a deluxe hardcover volume!

Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto - Boruto: Two Blue Vortex 1 - February 4, 2025 (Ongoing)

The ninja adventures continue in this second series featuring Naruto’s son, Boruto!
Naruto was a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He achieved his dream to become the greatest ninja in his village, and now his face sits atop the Hokage monument. But this is not his story... A new generation of ninja stands in the swirling vortex of a new ninja age, with Naruto’s own son, Boruto, at the center!
In a cruel twist of fate, Boruto’s and Kawaki’s lives have been switched due to a powerful jutsu. Now branded a traitor, Boruto is on the run from his village as he trains with Sasuke. But when Code attacks Konoha, it’s time for a grown-up Boruto to return home and show how powerful he’s become!

Yoshihiro Togashi - Hunter x Hunter (3-in-1 Edition) 1 - February 18, 2025 (Ongoing, 12 Omnibus/ 37 Singles)

Plucky Gon’s quest to find his dad leads him into a whole world of crazy adventure.
Hunters dedicate their lives to tracking down treasures, magical beasts, and even other people. But such pursuits require a license, and less than one in a hundred thousand can pass the grueling qualification exam. Those who do pass earn the right to call themselves Hunters.
When country boy Gon decides to follow in his father’s footsteps to become a legendary Hunter, he embarks across the perilous sea to take the Hunter Exam. After he finally finds the elusive Exam Hall, the other Hunter hopefuls prove deadly serious, and the tests are wild and wicked. Will Gon’s plucky spirit and courageous heart be enough to carry him closer to his dream?

Inio Asano - Mujina into the Deep 1 - February 18, 2025 (Ongoing)

No life but the one you make, no rights but the ones you take!
In the near future, human rights aren’t guaranteed, but they are for sale. Without your rights, you’re nothing—a mujina. There are no laws to protect the rightless. But if the laws don’t apply to you, you can do anything you want. You just need the skills to back it up. And if you’re really good, you can become an elite assassin!
Terumi Morgan bitterly accepts that he shouldn’t expect a lot from life. He just wants to meet his deadlines at work and watch his porn in peace. But then a bout of new Covid sends him on a collision course with two people who will change his world forever—a runaway kid and a thirtysomething mujina. Suddenly life is expecting a lot from him.

Kazune Kawahara - A Star Brighter than the Sun 1 - March 4, 2025 (Ongoing)

You don’t have to be a star to shine
Sae has always been taller and stronger than the average girl. Koki used to be smaller and weaker than the average boy. But now that he’s in high school, he’s tall and super popular! Will their childhood friendship rekindle…and possibly develop into something more?
Sae and Koki have been friends since childhood. One fateful day at the end of middle school, she has a revelation: Koki is hot! Now they’re in high school, and Sae has another revelation: she has feelings for Koki! But Sae isn’t the only girl who does... The question is, who does Koki have feelings for?!

Tatsuya Endo - Four Lives Remain: Tatsuya Endo Before Spy x Family - March 4, 2025

A dark and gritty collection of short stories from Tatsuya Endo before Spy x Family
A young girl fighting her way through bounty hunter school. A princess forced to flee her moon empire after a coup. Witch hunters hell-bent on killing with bloodsucking swords. And a group of ragtag musketeers tracking down armed robbers.
In these early works by Tatsuya Endo, creator of the hit series Spy x Family, follow the adventures of four resourceful and unexpected heroes as they discover that true strength, power, and beauty can be found in walking the path one believes in.
submitted by Fit-Bit2907 to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:38 jonokimono LINERLYMPICS - 9th Preliminary Match: CP's EMPRESS OF BRITAIN vs. Sud-Atlantique's L'ATLANTIQUE

LINERLYMPICS - 9th Preliminary Match: CP's EMPRESS OF BRITAIN vs. Sud-Atlantique's L'ATLANTIQUE
In the eighth preliminary match CGT's ÎLE DE FRANCE (1927) defeated Europa (1928): by just one vote: 19 to 18. An incredibly tight race between two legendary ships. This means Europa/Liberté is out, and the ÎLE DE moves on to the Round of 16.
Now at the half way point for the preliminaries: it’s Canadian Pacific’s EMPRESS OF BRITAIN (1930) vs. Sud-Atlantique’s L’ATLANTIQUE (1931).

Canadian Pacific Line’s EMPRESS OF BRITAIN (1930)

In my opinion, Canadian Pacific is one of the most interesting and impressive transport companies to have ever existed. Their transatlantic and transpacific network of ocean liners, coupled with their transcontinental railway, literally linked the world via Canada.
Previously their ships on the Europe-Quebec run were never at the scale of those serving ports like New York, however one ship would change that: EMPRESS OF BRITAIN (1930). When launched into the River Clyde, she was the largest British built ship since White Star’s Britannic (1914), and would signal a new era for British shipbuilding (especially at a time when Olympic and Aquitania were becoming dated against the likes of German and French ships).
While a Canadian Pacific ship, as John Brown built she bore some remarkable similarities to past and future Cunard ships in her interiors and exterior (her Renaissance style first class lounge looks like a scaled up Lusitania lounge, and her profile foreshadowed Queen Mary). I also love her playful Chinese themed Cathay Smoking Room. At around 43,000 GRT she was one of the largest ships on the Atlantic and the largest ever to sail up the Saint Lawrence to Quebec City.
She was also the first purpose built dual ocean liner / cruise ship: designed to run transatlantic only from April-November (and cruise whist Saint Lawrence is frozen in winter), she headed for the southern seas at other times of the year, including services to South Africa and Australia and all first class round-the-world journeys. All her first class cabins (referred to as ‘apartments’) were outside cabins with portholes.
By the outbreak of WW2, she was posing profitability issues for Canadian Pacific, raising issues for her ongoing viability.
Requisitioned for war service as a troopship, EMPRESS OF BRITAIN would sadly meet her demise only months later when she was bombed and torpedoed off the coast of Ireland before burning and and capsizing - becoming the largest tonnage loss of WW2.

Sud-Atlantique’s L’ATLANTIQUE (1931)

Built at Saint Nazaire for CGT subsidiary Sud-Atlantique L’ATLANTIQUE was launched in 1930. Built for the Europe-South America run, she came in at 42,000 GRT, the largest vessel on the route. Her interior design was Art Deco based and designed by Pierre Patout (interior designer for Île de France), although a lighter touch than what appears on his CGT ships. Like Empress of Britain was a precursor to the Queen Mary, it could be argued that L'Atlantique was a precursor to Normandie.
Externally, she sported an unusual appearance due to her lack of sheer and deck camber.
While initially a popular ship on her run, she was struck by the curse of the French liner: at barely 18 months of age L’ATLANTIQUE caught fire and was written off. She would be scrapped in Scotland. Claiming insurance, Sud-Atlantique would eventually replace her with Pasteur (1938).

General notes...

  • Olympic, Normandie and United States are not in the running, as they are the winners three previous editions of the Linerlympics.
  • Titanic will not be competing (her PR manager said she was too busy, besides Olympic has already won for the Olympic class!)
  • I've NOT randomly allocated the pairings. I've instead broadly allocated them based on era, so a fairer comparison can be made that takes into account of their relative design, speed, size, luxury, legacy, and infamy. The clash of eras, etc... will happen in the later rounds.
  • Each poll will be live for at least 36 hours (up to 48). I will screenshot the results, then delete the post (I am mindful of not clogging up the subreddit with closed polls)
  • In the event of a tie in the first round, the length of the ship's career (in months) will be the tie breaker (... I had to think of something!). After the first round, a tie breaker will be votes accrued in previous rounds.
  • Your vote is based on whatever you want it to be (its so subjective!), however if you don't know much about a ship take a moment to Google her and you might be surprised about how legendary some of the lesser known ships stories are.
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submitted by jonokimono to Oceanlinerporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:30 LanesGrandma Mr Baker's Dozen

Luther knew exactly when zero number twelve gave up the chase.
Thirteen people had signed the agreement. The “Lucky Thirteen”, as they were known around the world, agreed to remain in the sphere for six months. It was completely voluntary, of course, and the only penalty for ending participation early was losing out on the chance to win one trillion dollars.
A trillion. The one, being chased by a dozen zeroes.
That’s exactly how Luther pictured himself. He was the one, the others were zeroes labeled one through twelve.
Noisy, irritating zeroes.
So he wasn’t surprised when Gruman, last of the zeroes, screamed while flying headfirst into the glass interior wall of the sphere.
Gruman kept screaming as his head bashed repeatedly into the same spot on the wall. Initially a small spiderweb crack, the spot grew into a blood-covered basketball-sized hole, surrounded by dangerously jagged edging.
Gruman didn’t die alone. Luther didn’t leave his side.
Gruman screamed as the jagged edging sliced his neck, causing blood to spray both inside and outside the interior wall. Atmospheric abstract, Luther noted with a self-satisfied grin.
Gruman stopped screaming when his head fell into the zone between the interior and metallic exterior wall.
If anyone asked, Luther would of course downplay any involvement. He would deny any heroic actions, “please, no more talk of awards, it’s the human thing to do.”
Podcasts eat that stuff up. He knew it. He was counting on it.
He left Gruman’s grisly remains untouched. The same was true of Herpend’s and Maffan’s remains, both of which were fresh, an hour old at best, and both were ‘obvious' self-removals. The other nine were in different areas of the sphere, and in varying states of rigor mortis.
Come to think of it, rigor mortis might have disappeared for Raimon and Green, the first of the zeroes to go. Two days ago, in a fit of boredom, Luther had asked Raimon what the letters “AG” stood for on the panel by the now-sealed entry/exit door. Raimon shrugged. Green walked past and said “Attorney General, of course. Couldn’t be anything as obvious as Auto-Gravity, am I right?” Raimon and Green laughed while looking directly at Luther. That’s why he started with them. They started it. They were the beginning and Luther was their end.
He chuckled at the memory as he incinerated his old clothes and washed his hands thoroughly. That was the process, to incinerate clothes rendered unwearable or unrecoverable after too many days of use. He spread the ashes over the small vegetable garden the “Lucky Thirteen" had set up in the early days of sphere life. Back when the others believed they stood a chance at winning.
Back when the others thought they might be the one to win.
Before it became clear Luther was the one.
And now, it was time for Luther to contact the outside, affectionately known as Ground Control. That’s what procedures required. Should an emergency arise that isn’t covered in the procedures, contact Ground Control using the sphere’s wall screen.
He put his hand on the corner of the wall screen to request communication. Which Ground Control employee would be the first to offer condolences?
A young woman appeared, her eyes slightly puffy as if she’d been napping when he called. She adjusted her headset and inhaled deeply before speaking.
“Ground Control, Nikki here.” She glanced off-screen and nodded before continuing. “Luther, err, Mr Baker, good day, how are you, sir?”
He nodded, making sure she could see the exhaustion and horror on his face. “Nikki, I, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say…” and with perfection that only comes from practice, he turned, stepped back, and swung his arm out to make sure Nikki didn’t miss the headless body that used to be Gruman.
He didn’t take his eyes off Nikki, whose face paled as she hit what he assumed was a panic button just out of the camera’s view. “Mr Baker, are you alone?”
He turned his head slightly towards her. She sounded unsteady, but not shocked. He’d hoped for fainting or at the very least, retching and puking. He wanted a deeper reaction. He’d worked for it. He deserved it.
Still, he maintained a vocal range halfway between panic and resigned to fate. “Everyone else is here, Nikki, but they’re all…” He sniffed and pretended to wipe tears from his eyes.
“They’re all what, Mr Baker?” The deep growling voice surprised him but he didn’t break his stride. That was “Commander” De Vries, whose face matched his voice — gruff, sun-weathered and difficult to read.
“Uh, dead, Commander.” He again gestured towards Gruman’s bloody remains. “They’re all dead. Contest over. I want to breathe Earth air again. Please let me out.”
De Vries stared downwards for several seconds, his head bobbing slightly as if he was writing or texting. “I see. Standby.”
The screen went dark.
Luther was furious. All that work, all the time and planning that went into producing the most foolproof crime scene in the least likely crime scene on Earth, and this was the thanks he got? Not even a “how are you holding up” or “my god, grab your things, we’ll be there in a second”. Just ‘standby’ as if he was a low level employee awaiting further orders.
He looked away from the screen and inhaled deeply. He couldn’t afford to show anger. Sadness, fear, horror, perhaps even agitation, but not anger. Any other human in this position would not be angry. He put his hand over his mouth and blinked slowly, the way he’d watched people blink when they cried but didn’t want to acknowledge it.
The screen brightened and De Vries finished a sentence with, “... yes, sir, our link is back.”
De Vries stepped back and a shorter, aristocratic man stared at Luther before speaking.
“Mr Baker, who I am isn’t important. What you’re facing is the only thing that’s important for you to know at this time.”
Luther had also practiced for this possibility. He’d rated it somewhat less likely than sympathy, revulsion and utter confusion, but it was always in the back of his mind. Of course Ground Control would first want to assure him he’d won, to calm his panic. Then they would whisk him from this terrible situation. He was very, very ready for this.
He made sure his voice was almost a whisper yet loud enough to be heard. “Y-yes?”
“Your only jobs are to sit, put on your seat belt and remain there until authorities extract you. Do you understand?”
Luther did not understand. He banged on the screen. “There must be a problem with the system. I didn’t hear how long this would take.”
The aristocratic man nodded. “We’ve reviewed the videos from within the sphere since the spree started.”
“The what?” Luther hit the screen again, harder than before.
“We’ve passed them on to authorities on Mars. They await your arrival.”
The screen went dark. Luther snorted. Mars, what a lot of shit. These people lacked creativity. His own vision was far superior to whatever they were trying to set up. He had readied himself to recoil with pretend fear as Ground Control employees jumped out from under their desks. They would scream, “Surprise, you won!” He knew how to put his hand to his heart and begin crying with joy. Tears would leave him unable to express his profound euphoria at not only surviving the massacre but at becoming a trillionaire as a result.
“Come on,” he muttered, running his hand through his hair. This delay was unacceptable.
His personal comm unit buzzed.
Why contact him privately? He sighed and waited for the wall screen to reactivate. His comm unit buzzed again, as they were programmed to alert every 15 seconds until a message was acknowledged.
The wall screen didn’t reactivate. He craved the global audience but would settle for interviews with the press and podcasts later. Yes, it would be better when he’d had a chance to breathe air that wasn’t recycled for the last five months.
He glanced at the text on his comm unit before it could buzz again.
The message didn’t make sense.
He read it again.
He restarted the unit, thinking the message must be garbled or only the first half of a much longer joke.
The message didn’t change.
Luther made his way to the seat he’d been assigned five months ago, when the team first boarded the sphere. He buckled up and looked at his comm unit one last time.
Didn't you read the contract?
The sphere is on a one-way trip to Mars.
Our viewing audience was set to vote for Mars’ first resident trillionaire.
Then you murdered Raimon and Green.
Our show moved from boring social science to Earth’s most viewed reality this month.
Congratulations. You’re the first Earthling who will serve a life sentence on Mars.
submitted by LanesGrandma to LGwrites [link] [comments]