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2012.12.19 07:42 The Completionist

/TheCompletionist is temporarily privated. Thank you for understanding. A place for all your ThatOneVideoGamer content (The Completionist and all other satellite channels)!

2024.06.10 15:28 Wader-Of-Stories Borrowed Identities (1/2) [Chapter 0]

A fun little bit of a story I had the inspiration to chalk up while I was in a sleep-deprived state. I might decide to write it into a full story later on when I've wrapped up a few more
All the thanks goes to SpacePaladin for allowing us to play around in the sandbox of his creation. —-------------------------------------------------------------
[The Requested Audio File Is Accessible Only to Members of The Federation with Epsilon 9-0 Level Clearance, Anyone Attempting To Access This File That Lacks The Clearance Level Is To Submit To A Mandatory Predator Disease Screening Immediately.]
[Y]< [N]
[Epsilon 9-0 Clearance Confirmed! Glory To The Federation.]
 [Standardized Galactic Time: 8:PM] [Date of File's Creation 12/12/1010] 
[Initializing Audio Log: “The Last Transmission of The Sikeen”]
{The Audio Log begins with the frantic and repeated clicks and clacks of buttons being pressed by hard claws, accompanying the sounds of electronics comes an unidentified voice that lets out labored breathing occasionally.}
{The sustained anxious ambience of the Audio Log begins to shift as the repeated drum of fast, hard footfalls against metal that echoes in the soundscape of the Audio Log, finally culminating in the pressured hiss of a heavy metallic door opening, and the very harsh sound of a deep voice.}
”Tevra, Damn It! We needed the FTL Relay in permanent alignment yesterday!”
”Can't be done Captain, The variables from leaving the Primary Relay in deep space alone are already cutting it close.”
”And I'm telling you that we cannot afford to leave our species' history up to fate! Get the Relays in permanent alignment!”
{A loud bang rocks the soundscape of the Audio Log, followed by a loud droning buzz. A distant crash echoes through the soundscape as the sound of a wheeled implement being forced across metallic floor rips through the tense silence of voices. Finally, the female voice returns with a shrill fury}
”And I'm telling you it isn't going to work! The planet we are in orbit over right now doesn't want to cooperate! This hunk of dirt has an EM field way too strong to pass up on and a gravity too strong for the Main Transmitter to align permanently!”
”Is there nothing we can do!? Nothing you can do?! Tevra! You are the greatest engineer ever known to The Sikeen People, and you are telling me there is nothing to be done?”
”Unless you think sitting here and irreversibly altering the planet's [fucking] Polarity for this project is a good idea, while those unscientific backwater upstarts track us down and BURN US like they did the home system then yes, there isn't anything we can do!”
”So… All of our species' history in the main transmitter… all of it, is just useless!?”
”If calculations serve, then… every thousand of this planet's orbits around its star, and there is nothing that can be done.”
”...But our history, I… I cannot have my children not even know our history!”
”Drelin! We had to be out of this arm of the galaxy with what few people we have left… I'm sorry, but we have to leave. Now, while our location is still unknown to those brainwashed idiots.”
{There is a roughly 4 minute silence, broken only by the sound of the male voice sobbing and the occasional unidentifiable whispers of the female voice.}
”I… I will tell the crew to prepare the ships for departure..”
”Good… I'm sorry it had to come to this Drelin, but there is nothing to be done.”
”I know… I think… I think I knew that before I even walked in here… But by the Pyres if I wasn't hoping I was wrong…”
”Look at the bright side. At least we get to observe the life and times of these strange little mammalians”
”...In a kinder time I would have loved to come visit this system, its vast array of climes and abundance of life is a treasure to behold… Not to mention the strangeness of the inhabitants.”
”I concur Drelin… I pray to Gheris, that those brainwashed fools never find this place”
”As do I Tevra… as do I…”
”I wonder what they call themselves?
”From what we've been able to pick up so far, they seem to call themselves Humanity, and though they still war amongst themselves for foolish reasons, I believe they will grow to the stars someday.”
”Maybe one day we can see them again, Sikeen and Humanity. United amongst the stars…”
”We can only pray for such a kind future…”
{The sound of an alarm blares, then the two voices sigh before speaking a final time.}
”If I never wake up from the Frost-Sleep, I want you to know something, Tevra.”
”What is that Captain?”
”You were a better family to me for all these years than my brood-brothers and sisters ever were.”
”...Thank you Drelin…”
{The Audio Log ends as the two peoples footfalls get further and further away from the recording apparatus. Finally, the audio log goes silent and the recording ends.}
[Audio Log Archived]
[Confirmed, Changing Required Clearance of Viewing to Epsilon 10-0]
[Confirmed, Reclassification of Species X-01 From “Purged” To “Unconfirmed” Successful.]
[Thank You For Your Time Chief/Elder. Have a Wonderful Day!]
(Three Days after the initial opening of the now restricted file “Last Transmission of The Sikeen”)
[Enter Your Password and Proof of Epsilon 10-0 Clearance]
[Password and Clearance Accepted. You have 1(One) New Urgent Message From Prophet Giznel]
[Opening message]
{G: All across the Eastern Sector of Dominion Space I've seen reports of massive swathes of arxur gone with the wind, Cattle Farms razed to the ground with nobody in sight! I've attached below all we have on the perpetrators. Watch and Listen, Then tell me what leaf licking shit you've done!}
 [Standardized Galactic Time: 1 AM] [Date of File's Creation: 1/1/2135] [Initializing Video File “Unknown Species”] *[0:00/45:55]* 
{As the video starts the screen remains pitch black, save for the pinpricks of stars millions of light years away and the dusty orange surface of the planet which the camera faces. The camera maintains a ritual of slowly panning from left to right until it reaches the side of the satellite it is attached to, where it then begins to pan to the left once more.}
{The camera stops its slow pan, instead becoming eerily still before jerking quickly to the right and honing in on a particular section of space. Blocky arxur text appears that translates to ”New Signal Detected: Location, Edge of System and Rapidly Approaching”}
{The camera's zoom focuses on a subspace portal, from which a massive fleet of ships with strange silver sigils decorating their multi-colored array of flanks. While the designs, colors and construction of the ships are not-comformative across the fleet, usually varying wildly between vessels, one detail Is constant between all of the ships. The detail in question being that all the ships in the fleet sport the name of their ship and a large black and white decal of an alien skull sat over two swords emblazoned across the ship's flank, the most outstanding of which belongs to the massive battleship. Emblazoned across the flank of the colossal ship reads The Captain Drelin's Revenge.}
{As the fleet approaches it becomes apparent that there appears to be more than this new intruder's type of vessels amidst the fleet. Namely there appear to be vessels of Dominion and Federation make within. The surveillance equipment picks up stray radio transmissions coming from the rapidly approaching fleet}
”I thought I heard The Old Man say”
{The radio transmissions increase in both physical volume and widespread traffic from within the fleet as they all reply enthusiastically to the transmission coming from the helm of the large battleship.}
”Leave Her, Johnny, Leave her!”
”Tomorrow you will get your pay and it's time for us to leave her!”
”Leave her, Johnny, leave her! Oh, leave her, Johnny leave her!”
”For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow And it's time for us to leave her!”
{The fleetwide song continues, the variance of voices amidst the back and forth of radio transmissions in the song is wide, some belonging to the high pitched chirps of krakotl while others belong to the low hisses of arxur with many in between, even the bleats of venlil could be heard singing the song from some of the smaller Federation ships.}
{The song ends as the fleet stays in orbit above the dusty orange planet, the smaller crafts circling around the large battleship, periodically docking and undocking as an open radio transmission is heard coming from the Helm.}
”Well, well, well. What 'ave we stumbled upon 'ere? Heartwood's Core! start a full scan o' the planet!”
{The sleek and imposingly large body of a Venlil Space Corp Heavy Cruiser breaks away from the fleet and dives closer to the planet, over the radio the bleating of many venlil are heard coming from the now named Heartwood's Core.}
”Aye Aye, Captain!”
{A brief radio silence falls over the fleet as the traffic going to and fro from the main battleship's hangar increases twice fold.}
{the brief inaction period is broken as the main battleship positions its weapon's face toward the planet, the number of ships entering and exiting through the hangar drastically drops while the radio silence is broken once more with a transmission from the helm of the battleship.}
”We can't 'ave any pryin' eyes gettin' more on us than they already 'ave... Swamp Skimmer 3! begin a radial scan o' the system, discard all natural an' mundane info, if there's anyone's satellite around I want it out o' the equation soon as possible, snap to it, lads!”
”Yes, Captain!”
{A larger vessel of Krakotl origin breaks from the fleet and begins a 360 degree scan of the system, it is from here that the traffic from the main fleet into the battleship increases tenfold. Radio signals from this point become unimportant communications between smaller ships and are not noted.}
{The Krakotl vessel returns to the fleet while the Venlil ship begins to make its way back as well. The radio chatter that had been idle conversation between ships goes silent as the Krakotl ship begins its communications}
”We've finished the system scan, Captain!”
”That be just music to me ears, Kuva. What 'ave you got fer me?”
”We were able to deduce we are deep in arxur space, likely their eastern territories. Derelict equipment of arxur make dots the less habitable planets of the system indicating failed development and while we did find multiple surveillance satellites orbiting the planets of this system, none of them are in functioning order save for the one in orbit over the planet of interest.”
”Ah 'ell, if ye 'ad to say just 'ow long 'as this here satellite been surveyin' us?”
”It is likely that it's been doing so since we jumped into this system, and while arxur engineering is brutalist at best, every surveillance satellite has a death drop function. Should we destroy it, it will automatically relay every bit of information it has gathered in it's black box through priority channels back to their closest hub.”
”So no matter what we do they be goin' to finally get a good grasp on what we be, shite.”
”It is regrettable, sir. Shall we destroy it?”
”No… keep the claws away from the missiles fer now. Kuva, 'ow long until the thin' sends info back if we don't destroy it?”
”With the death drop activated we have 30 minutes. Without that we have easily over 48 hours until the satellite compiles all of the information from the devices on its network and sends them off to the nearest communications hub.”
”That's great, if we be goin' to lose the cloak an' dagger we might as well make a show out o' it!”
{The venlil ship returns to the fleet and opens its radio channels, what can only be described as excited bleating comes from their transmissions until finally a voice prevails and order is brought to the ship.}
”Heartwood's Core, what 'ave you got fer me?”
”Fully completed scan of the planet of interest Captain! It's an arxur cattle world, scans show nearly twenty-five cattle farms world-wide, each of them armed with arxur guards and butchers.”
”Now, Velim, wouldja mind enlightenin’ me as to just 'ow many ships they 'ave on the planet?”
”Thirty, six two-man fighters and twenty-four transports.”
”Now doesn't that there just sound like 'eaven me lads? it does to me. Any word on potential planetary defenses?”
”Consider this your lucky day Captain! No planetary defense emplacements, no high speed relays, no armored divisions. Nothin but arxur and their slaves.”
”Oh, Velim, I could kiss you right now!”
{The radio conversation between ships stops as the captain begins a fleetwide broadcast.}
”Alright, all ye gentlemen o’ fortune! count yer lucky stars an' thank whatever yer deity o' choice be, because we've got a full cattle planet below us just ripe fer the picking! ye all know our motto, let me 'earrr it!”
{A cacophony of voices from all different sources ring out from the radios of every ship in the fleet, all of them incensed beyond anything ever seen before in The Federation or in The Dominion.}
”Take Everything!! Give Nothing Back!”
”That be what I be likin' to 'ear! now brace for a fight and get to killin’ them baby-eatin' bastards!”
{What can only be described as an explosion of excited laughter and vocalizations of a hundred different species breaks out as nearly every ship begins to descend on the planet, save for the battleship. One final transmission comes from the battleship's helm, this one, pointed directly at the satellite.}
”Watch real closely, ye ignorant bastards. I want ye to see just what yer in fer... Watch what just one son O' The Sikeen Empire can do.”
{Not more than a few seconds after the Captain finishes his statement does the massive weapon pieces mounted on the side of the battleship fire directly down onto an unsuspecting cattle hold. The munitions themselves look strange, more ovoid and ridged in appearance than any normal ammunition.}
{The view from the satellite shifts immediately in a sudden cut-off that leaves the feed blurry and ripped for several seconds. When the feed finally clears up the view shown is that of the dark insides of a Cattle Farm, murky crimson lights hanging from the ceiling are all that breaks the darkness’ hold on the horrid building. Two arxur armed with long rifles patrol the long lines of pens on either side of their route where the masses of people lie caged, many of the races of the Federation can be seen within them, many of them stare blankly at their surrounding with glassy eyes that have seen too much horror for one lifetime.}
”I can sense you have something to say sister, speak.”
”Brother, The Commander placed us here nearly five years ago, Zilax. He has yet to return as he said he would, all he's done is—”
”Send ration collectors, Yes Zelex, I know. We've been forgotten, get used to it. Better to be forgotten where there is food than to starve on the front.”
{The two arxur continue their slow patrol, occasionally checking their weapons and doing minor maintenance on the walls of the dilapidated building.}
{Without warning the roof of the building is blown wide open, two of the strangely geometric munitions fired from The battleship embed themselves into the concrete floor of the building. The shock wave causes the arxur guards to be thrown from where they were patrolling across the dreary interior of the building. The male guard is thrown directly into the hard steel of the wall while the female slides across the concrete until she comes to a stop, the weapon in the female arxur's hands is thrown across the room while the male just barely manages to hold onto his.}
{The arxur guards begin to slowly orient themselves on the ground. the male bursts into a bloody coughing fit as he struggles to sit upright against the wall he was thrown against, the female scrambles to her feet and lets out a loud roar while baring her teeth—despite her left arm hanging limply against her side and a trail of deep crimson blood staining the floor where she slid.}
”Zilax! To your feet! An assault is on us!”
{The only response from her brother is loud and harsh coughing, each wet hack leading to more of the deep crimson to fly from his maw. A deep scowl decorates her scaled face as she attempts to limp over to her rifle, she barely makes it halfway when the munitions half-buried in the concrete – still bright orange and sizzling from orbital entry, open up with a loud hiss that releases a light mist that blankets the ground.}
”What in the name of the Prophet…?”
{From the pod comes a new voice, one sounding of a familiar arxur baritone but holding more of a playful lilt.}
”Oh I wouldn't be invoking that bastards anytime soon if I were you. It'd bring some real rage from my friends here”
{From the mist comes the form of a female arxur, standing nearly a full head and shoulders taller than the injured arxur woman before her, covered head to toe in protective combat armor of an unknown make holding a large autogun; the kind usually mounted atop vehicles, in her hand.}
”Arxur…? You… Your a Traitor!”
{The cheshire grin on the arxur's mouth widens as she pulls the charging handle back on her gun and points the barrel at the wounded arxur}
”You're goddamn right I am, and I am proud to be! Ever since I got picked up by The Captain and his crew I've been having the time of my life. Feasting on exotic, non-sapient meats whenever I want! Working on things I love doing with people I'm proud to call my family, experiencing pleasure known only to the Prophet himself! Making fucking love all night long! Am I supposed to regret all of this?”
{The armored arxur woman lets out a loud bellowing laugh as five more figures come from the mist, each stepping from the strange munition's mist into plain view. All of them heavily armored arxur bearing large firearms except one, the outlier in question being a Venlil man with a sidearm in one hand and a longsword in the other.}
”You… Why attack here? Why not fight down the Chief Hunter's fleets, or raid their planets?”
{The injured arxur woman asks the crowd as she leans against the metallic wall, any hope of grabbing her displaced firearm gone from her features. The armored arxur woman begins to speak, but before she can get a word out the quiet and calm voice of the venlil next to her interjects.}
”The Captain needs more crew and more ships for the fleet until we can do as you say, by attacking unguarded or lightly guarded cattle worlds we accomplish both of our goals and deprive the Dominion of food, equipment and manpower.”
”Hmph… Killjoy. You know, I was going to tell her that, Jasmi.”
”Yes, but your word choices haven't been expedient, Kaaza. For that reason I commandeered the conversation. I apologize for any perceived insult.”
”Count yourself lucky that you're cute enough for me to let that slide, furball.”
{The armored arxur woman sighs before a light smile returns to her face, the Venlil closes his eyes and nods toward her as his tail lashes in the air behind them calmly, coming to rest wrapped around his stomach as he speaks once more to the injured combatant.}
”You and the other don't give me the air of dominion loyalists, surrender your weapons and I can promise medical attention, food and lodging for you and the other one over there.”
{The air is tense as the squad of commandos stare down the two injured arxur, the silence only broken by the bloodied hacks of the female arxur's brother.}
”I highly recommend you take my deal, the male over there needs immediate medical attention for his lungs, medical attention not provided to lower class arxur in The Dominion.”
{The male arxur tosses his firearm and collapses against the floor, loud wheezing coming from his throat. A grunt comes from the female as she sits down and holds her hand up.}
”I surrender, do as you wish.”
{The venlil's lips curl up gently as he holsters his pistol, his tail lashes in an energetic manner as his voice gains a happy bounce.}
”Good, welcome to your new family. Kaaza, Vrikla, please administer first aid to the injured male over there. Kaska, you're coming with me to secure the ship outside. The rest of you, would you kindly begin freeing the cattle and loading them in the transport? The injured male gets priority for his injuries.
{The camera cuts and changes to a multi source feed, many different cameras placed in facilities all across the planet pop up and begin playing in a large collection.}
{Only a few of the facilities are under attack, the forces attacking them are exclusively coming the as-yet-unnamed capsules that rain as munitions from the sky. They offer surrender to the wounded and to the defeated, often aiming for non-lethal attacks. Even still some of the defensive arxur refuse, they are either killed or taken prisoner.}
{Roughly half of the facilities are under attack, with the ships from the fleet breaking atmosphere and dispersing to their locations the sheer amount of chaos begins to increase, cattle farms that were raided earlier by the commandos have already been razed to the ground via explosives, but not before all of the former cattle within were freed from their bonds and taken back to orbit aboard large transports.}
{Only a sparse few of the cattle farms still stand occupied by dominion loyalists, all the rest have been thoroughly destroyed, leaving only concrete and scrap steel on the ground where they once stood, all else that could have been salvaged was hauled off planet in the stolen transports.}
{The only farm that is left standing is the personal farm of the Planetary Hunter. A sizeable arxur defense is mounted while the full weight of the fleet barrels down on the farm.}
{The arxur defense is strong but the offensive capabilities of the entire fleet force them into submission by threatening to level the entire farm from orbit. The last of the Planetary Hunter's forces run dry, taken into custody and flewn into the atmosphere aboard their own transports. The farm is taken control of by the remainder of the crew and the Planetary Hunter himself is pulled from his bunker by the crew of the fleet, directly in front of the colossal pitch black metal walls of The Drelin's Revenge.}
submitted by Wader-Of-Stories to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Family Hotels in West Virginia

Best Family Hotels in West Virginia
Best Family Hotels in West Virginia Are you searching for the perfect family-friendly hotels in West Virginia? Look no further! We've got you covered with our comprehensive guide.As travel enthusiasts and parents ourselves, we know how important it is to find accommodations that cater to everyone's needs. From action-packed vacations to baby-friendly accommodations and kid-friendly retreats, we have handpicked the best options for you.Join us as we explore the top-rated hotels that offer convenience, satisfaction, and a memorable family getaway.Key TakeawaysThe best family hotels in West Virginia cater to families of all ages and offer a variety of activities.These hotels provide baby-friendly accommodations and kid-friendly vacation retreats.They are conveniently located near attractions and amenities, making it easy for families to explore the city.These hotels offer spacious rooms, budget-friendly options, and improved continental breakfasts for ultimate guest satisfaction.Top-Rated Family-Friendly HotelsWe have compiled a list of the top-rated family-friendly hotels in West Virginia that cater to families of all ages and provide a variety of activities for kids to enjoy. West Virginia is known for its natural beauty and outdoor adventures, and these family resorts in West Virginia offer the perfect accommodations for a memorable family vacation.One of the top-rated family-friendly hotels in West Virginia is the XYZ Resort. This all-inclusive family resort offers a wide range of activities for kids, including a kids' club, swimming pools, and outdoor adventures like hiking and biking. The resort also has spacious family suites with all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay.Another great option is the ABC Hotel, which is located near popular attractions such as Burning Rock and New River Gorge National River. This hotel offers family-friendly amenities like an on-site playground, indoor/outdoor pool, and a selection of board games and puzzles.If you're looking for an all-inclusive family resort, the DEF Resort is a great choice. This resort offers a variety of activities for kids, including a kids' club, a nearby lake and hiking trails, and excellent kids TV channels in the room. The resort also offers spacious family suites and convenient access to attractions and amenities.Hotels With Action-Packed VacationsThere are several family-friendly hotels in West Virginia that offer action-packed vacations with a variety of activities for all ages. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or a little bit of both, these hotels have something for everyone.Here are five reasons why you should consider booking a stay at one of these hotels:Exciting Outdoor Activities: From hiking and biking to fishing and kayaking, these hotels offer a range of outdoor activities that will keep the whole family entertained.Indoor Fun: In addition to outdoor adventures, these hotels also have indoor facilities such as game rooms, swimming pools, and fitness centers, ensuring that there's always something to do, rain or shine.Kid-Friendly Amenities: These hotels understand the needs of families and offer amenities such as children's play areas, kids' TV channels in the rooms, and even babysitting services, so parents can relax and enjoy their vacation.Convenient Location: Located near popular attractions and amenities, these hotels make it easy to explore the surrounding area and take advantage of all that West Virginia has to offer.Comfortable Accommodations: With spacious rooms, comfortable beds, and all the necessary amenities, these hotels provide a home away from home for families, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay.Baby-Friendly Accommodations for FamiliesWhen it comes to traveling with a baby, finding accommodations that prioritize their safety and comfort is essential. Baby-friendly hotels go the extra mile to ensure a worry-free stay for families with infants.From implementing safety measures such as outlet covers and corner guards to providing amenities like cribs, high chairs, and baby bathtubs, these hotels prioritize infant needs.Additionally, childproofing in hotel rooms, such as securing furniture and covering sharp edges, adds an extra layer of safety for curious little ones.Safety Measures for BabiesOur knowledge of family-friendly accommodations in West Virginia includes important safety measures for babies, ensuring a secure and comfortable stay for families. When it comes to the safety of your little ones, here are some measures that these hotels take:Childproof electrical outlets and cabinet locks to prevent accidentsBaby gates on staircases and balconies to keep curious explorers safeCribs and toddler beds with firm mattresses and fitted sheets for a comfortable sleepNon-slip mats in the bathtub to prevent slips and falls during bath time24/7 security surveillance and well-trained staff to ensure a safe environmentThese safety measures provide parents with peace of mind, knowing that their babies are well-protected during their stay.Speaking of babies, let's now explore the amenities that these hotels offer to cater to the needs of our little ones.Amenities for Infant NeedsWe have found that many of the family-friendly hotels in West Virginia offer a wide range of amenities for infant needs, including cribs, high chairs, and baby-friendly bath products. These hotels understand the importance of providing a comfortable and convenient stay for families with young children. To help you visualize the benefits of these amenities, we have created a table that showcases the emotional impact they can have on your family vacation:AmenityDescriptionEmotional ResponseCribsSafe and comfortable sleeping spacePeace of mind knowing baby is secureHigh ChairsConvenient dining for your little oneEnjoying meals together as a familyBaby-Friendly BathGentle products for sensitive skinRelaxing bath time bonding with babyProductsHaving these amenities readily available at your chosen hotel can make a big difference in the comfort and convenience of your stay. However, it's not just about the amenities for infants. Childproofing in hotel rooms is also an important consideration to ensure the safety of your little ones.Childproofing in Hotel RoomsSome hotels provide childproofing measures in their rooms, such as outlet covers and cabinet locks, to ensure the safety of our little ones. When we travel with our children, it's important to find accommodations that prioritize their well-being. Childproofing in hotel rooms offers peace of mind and allows us to relax and enjoy our stay.Here are five key aspects of childproofing in hotel rooms:Outlet covers to protect curious little fingersCabinet locks to prevent access to potentially harmful itemsCorner guards to cushion sharp edgesBed rails to keep children from falling off the bedWindow locks or safety bars to prevent accidentsThese childproofing measures create a safe environment where children can explore and play without unnecessary risks.Now, let's explore the topic of kid-friendly vacation retreats.Kid-Friendly Vacation RetreatsOne of the best kid-friendly vacation retreats in West Virginia is the hotel with an on-site playground and indoor/outdoor pool. This hotel is perfect for families looking to have a fun-filled getaway with activities for kids of all ages. The on-site playground provides a safe and entertaining space for children to run, jump, and play. And the indoor/outdoor pool offers a refreshing way to cool off and have some splashing fun.Not only does this hotel have great amenities for kids, but it also offers convenient access to nearby attractions and amenities. Families can easily explore the area and visit popular tourist spots without having to travel far. Plus, the hotel is located within walking distance to various activities and sites, making it easy for families to enjoy their vacation without worrying about transportation.When it comes to accommodations, this hotel provides ultimate guest satisfaction and extra privacy. The rooms are spacious and comfortable, ensuring that families have a relaxing and enjoyable stay. And the hotel offers a variety of baby-friendly accommodations, including cribs and high chairs, to make traveling with little ones a breeze.In conclusion, the hotel with an on-site playground and indoor/outdoor pool is a top choice for families looking for a kid-friendly vacation retreat in West Virginia. With its convenient access to attractions and amenities, comfortable accommodations, and fun-filled amenities for kids, this hotel is sure to provide an unforgettable family vacation experience.Speaking of convenient hotels near attractions...Convenient Hotels Near AttractionsLooking for hotels that offer convenience and easy access to attractions?Our selection of convenient hotels near popular sites allows you to explore the best of West Virginia without any hassle.From being in close proximity to popular attractions to providing easy access to nearby activities, these hotels ensure that your family getaway is both enjoyable and stress-free.Proximity to Popular SitesWe found several hotels with convenient walking distance to popular sites and attractions in West Virginia. These hotels offer the perfect location for families looking to explore the state's top destinations.Here are five reasons why staying in a hotel near popular sites is a great choice:Easy access: You won't have to worry about transportation or long commutes. Simply step out of your hotel and start exploring.Time-saving: With everything within walking distance, you can make the most of your vacation time and visit multiple attractions in a day.Flexibility: Being close to popular sites gives you the freedom to plan your day according to your preferences. You can easily modify your itinerary without worrying about long travel times.Convenience: Forgot something at the hotel? No problem! You can easily return to your room and retrieve whatever you need.Immersive experience: Staying near popular sites allows you to fully immerse yourself in the local culture and atmosphere, enhancing your overall travel experience.Choose a hotel near popular sites in West Virginia and make the most of your family vacation.Easy Access to AttractionsWe can easily visit multiple attractions in a day with the convenient access to attractions provided by the hotels near popular sites in West Virginia. These hotels are strategically located, allowing us to explore the beauty and charm of this wonderful state without wasting time on long commutes.Whether we want to visit historic sites, enjoy outdoor activities, or immerse ourselves in nature, these hotels make it all possible. With their prime locations, we can easily walk to nearby attractions or take advantage of shuttle services to explore further. This means more time to enjoy the attractions and less time spent on transportation logistics.The hotels near popular sites in West Virginia truly enhance our experience and make our trip more enjoyable and convenient.Convenient Location for ExploringWith the convenient location of these hotels near attractions, we can easily explore all the wonderful sights and activities West Virginia has to offer. Whether you're interested in outdoor adventures, historical landmarks, or family-friendly attractions, these hotels provide the perfect base for your explorations.Here are five reasons why these hotels are the best choice for your family vacation in West Virginia:Close proximity to popular attractions such as Burning Rock and New River Gorge National RiverEasy access to activities and sites within walking distanceBudget-friendly options with lovely rooms and continental breakfastSpacious accommodations for families of all sizesShuttle service available for convenient exploration of the cityWith these features, you can have a hassle-free and enjoyable experience while discovering all that West Virginia has to offer.Now, let's delve into the next section about ultimate guest satisfaction and privacy.Ultimate Guest Satisfaction and PrivacyOur goal is to provide hotels with ultimate guest satisfaction and privacy to ensure a memorable and comfortable stay for families. We understand that when families go on vacation, they want a hotel that caters to their specific needs and preferences. That's why we've carefully selected the best family hotels in West Virginia that offer a range of amenities and services to ensure a fantastic experience for all. From hotels with action-packed vacations and a variety of activities, to hotels with baby-friendly accommodations and kid-friendly vacation retreats, we've something for everyone.One of the key factors we consider when choosing these hotels is their commitment to guest satisfaction and privacy. We believe that families deserve a space where they can relax and enjoy their time together without any interruptions. That's why we prioritize hotels that offer spacious rooms, excellent soundproofing, and extra privacy options such as private patios or balconies.In addition, we understand that families value convenience and easy access to attractions and amenities. That's why we select hotels that are located within easy walking distance to activities and sites, or offer shuttle services for easy exploration of the city. We also consider budget-friendly options that offer lovely rooms and continental breakfast to ensure a comfortable and affordable stay for families.Overall, our aim is to provide families with the best possible hotel options that prioritize guest satisfaction, privacy, and convenience. We want to ensure that every family has a memorable and comfortable stay in West Virginia.Hotels With Easy Access to Activities and SitesLet's explore the hotels that offer convenient access to nearby activities and sites for a fun-filled family vacation in West Virginia.Hotels located near popular attractions and amenities, making it easy for families to explore the area.Accommodations that cater to families with a variety of activities and amenities for guests of all ages.Hotels with easy walking distance to activities and sites, allowing families to save time and transportation costs.Budget-friendly hotels with lovely rooms and continental breakfast, providing value for families on a budget.Hotels with spaciousness and improved continental breakfast, ensuring a comfortable and satisfying stay for families.When planning a family vacation in West Virginia, it's important to choose a hotel that offers convenient access to nearby activities and sites. Whether you're interested in exploring the natural beauty of the state or enjoying the various attractions and amenities, these hotels provide the perfect base for your family adventure.From budget-friendly options to accommodations with extra space and privacy, there's a hotel that will meet the needs of your family. So pack your bags and get ready for a memorable vacation in West Virginia!Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Prices of the Hotels Mentioned in the Article?The prices of the hotels mentioned in the article vary depending on factors such as location, amenities, and room size.Some hotels offer budget-friendly options with lovely rooms and continental breakfast, while others provide deluxe 2- or 3-bedroom condos for extra space and privacy.It's important to check with each hotel individually for their current rates and any special offers they may have.Are Pets Allowed in Any of the Family-Friendly Hotels?Yes, pets are allowed in some of the family-friendly hotels. They understand that pets are part of the family too. These hotels offer accommodations that cater to your furry friends, ensuring a comfortable stay for everyone.They provide amenities like pet-friendly rooms, designated pet areas, and even pet-friendly activities. So, you can bring your beloved pets along and enjoy a wonderful family vacation in West Virginia.Do Any of the Hotels Offer Babysitting Services?Yes, some of the hotels in West Virginia offer babysitting services. It's a great convenience for families who want to enjoy some adult time while knowing their children are well taken care of.With these services, parents can relax and have peace of mind, knowing that their little ones are in safe hands. Babysitting services provide an added level of comfort and make family vacations even more enjoyable.Are There Any Hotels That Provide Complimentary Cribs or High Chairs for Infants?Yes, some of the hotels in West Virginia do provide complimentary cribs or high chairs for infants.It's great to see that these hotels understand the needs of families with young children and strive to make their stay as comfortable as possible.Having access to these amenities can make traveling with an infant much easier and more convenient.It's always a relief to know that the hotel has you covered when it comes to providing essential items for your little one.Are There Any Restrictions on the Age of Children That Can Stay for Free at Select Hotels?There are no restrictions on the age of children that can stay for free at select hotels. At these hotels, children under 18 can stay for free, making it a great option for families looking to save on accommodation costs.This allows families with children of all ages to enjoy a comfortable and budget-friendly stay. So, you can bring your little ones along without any worries about additional charges for their stay.ConclusionGet ready to embark on an unforgettable family adventure in West Virginia! From action-packed vacations and baby-friendly accommodations to kid-friendly vacation retreats and convenient hotels near attractions, we've got you covered.With our insider knowledge and expert tips, you'll find the perfect hotel that caters to the needs of your whole family.So, pack your bags and get ready to create lasting memories in the beautiful state of West Virginia. Your family getaway awaits!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:44 AutoModerator Here's Where To Watch ' Bad Boys: Ride Or Die' (2024) Free Online Streaming On Reddit

1 secs ago - Still Now watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die online is free, Here Option’s to Downloading or watching Bad Boys: Ride or Die streaming the Full Movie online for free on 124movies, Reddit, Amazon Prime, Peacock, HBO Max or Netflix!. Do you like movies? If so, then you’ll love New Romance Movie: Bad Boys: Ride or Die Fury of the Gods. This movie is one of the best in its genre. #Bad Boys: Ride or Die will be available to watch online on Netflix's very soon!


Watchᐅ Bad Boys: Ride Or Die 2024 & Fullmovie Free Online:
💥Watch Full Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024💥
Download link
Overview: After their late former Captain is framed, Lowrey and Burnett try to clear his name, only to end up on the run themselves.
Genres : Action, Thriller, Crime, Abenteuer
Released : 2024-06-05
Runtime : 115 Minutes
Title : Bad Boys: Ride or Die
Production : Westbrook Studios, Columbia Pictures, Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Minor Realm Stars : Will Smith (Mike Lowrey), Martin Lawrence (Marcus Burnett), Vanessa Hudgens (Kelly), Alexander Ludwig (Dorn), Paola Nuñez (Rita), Eric Dane ()
Now Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024available to ? Is Watching Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Disney Plus HBO Max Netflix or Amazon Prime? Yes we have found an authentic option/service A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company could be hiding disturbing secrets
Showcase Cinema Warwick you’ll want to make sure you’re one of the first people to see it! So mark your calendars and get ready for a Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 movie experience like never before of our other Marvel movies available to Watch online We’re sure you’ll find something to your liking Thanks for reading and we’ll see you soon! Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is available on our website for free Details on how you can Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024for free throughout the year are described
If you’re a fan of the comics you won’t want to miss this one! The storyline follows Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024as he tries to find his way home after being stranded on an alien Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024t Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is definitely a Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024movie you don’t want to miss with stunning visuals and an action-packed plot! Plus Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online is available on our website Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online is free which includes options such as 123movies Reddit or TV shows from HBO Max or Netflix!
How to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024for Free?release on a platform that offers a free trial Our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume online and refrain from using illegal means
Where to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024?
There are currently no platforms that have the rights to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Movie Online MAPPA has decided to air the movie only in theaters because it has been a huge successThe studio on the other hand does not wish to divert revenue the movie would only slash the profits not increase them
As a result no services are authorized to offer Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Movie for free The film would however very definitely be acquired by services like Funimation Netflix and Crunchyroll As a last consideration which of these outlets will likely distribute the film worldwide?
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Netflix?
The giant has a massive catalog of television shows and movies but it does not include ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ We recommend our readers Watch other dark fantasy films like ‘The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Crunchyroll?
Crunchyroll along with Funimation has acquired the rights to the film and will be responsible for its distribution in North AmericaTherefore we recommend our readers to look for the movie on the er in the coming months subscribers can also Watch dark fantasy shows like ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Hulu?
No ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ is unavailable on Hulu People who have a subscription to the platform can enjoy ‘Afro Samurai Resurrection’ or ‘Ninja Scroll’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime’s current catalog does not include ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ However the film may eventually release on the platform as video-on-demand in the coming monthsfantasy movies on Amazon Prime’s official website Viewers who are looking for something similar can Watch the original show ‘Dororo’
When Will Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Be on Disney+?
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 the latest installment in the Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024franchise is coming to Disney+ on July 8th! This new movie promises to be just as exciting as the previous ones with plenty of action and adventure to keep viewers entertained you’re looking forward to Watching it you may be wondering when it will be available for your Disney+ subscription Here’s an answer to that question!
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 on Funimation?
Crunchyroll its official website may include the movie in its catalog in the near future Meanwhile people who wish to Watch something similar can ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — The Movie: Mugen Train’
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Online In The US?
Most Viewed Most Favorite Top Rating Top IMDb movies online Here we can download and Watch 123movies movies offline 123Movies website is the best alternative to Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’s free online We will recommend 123Movies as the best Solarmovie alternative There are a
few ways to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online in the US You can use a service such as Netflix Hulu or Amazon Prime Video You can also rent or buy the movie on iTunes or Google Play Watch it on-demand or on a app available on your TV or device if you have cable
What is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 About?
It features an ensemble cast that includes Florence Pugh Harry Styles Wilde Gemma Chan KiKi Layne Nick Kroll and Chris Pine In the film a young wife living in a 2250s company town begins to believe there is a sinister secret being kept from her by the man who runs it
What is the story of Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024?
In the 2250s Alice and Jack live in the idealized community of Victory an experimental company town that houses the men who work on a top- While the husbands toil away the wives get to enjoy the beauty luxury and debauchery of their seemingly perfect paradise However when cracks in her idyllic life begin to appear exposing flashes of something sinister lurking below the surface Alice can’t help but question exactly what she’s doing in Victory
In ancient Kahndaq Teth Adam bestowed the almighty powers of the gods After using these powers for vengeance he was imprisoned becoming Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Nearly 5 000 years have passed and Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024has gone from man to myth to legend Now free his unique form of justice born out of rage is challenged by modern-day heroes who form the Justice Society: Hawkman Dr Fate Atom Smasher and Cyclone
Production companies: Warner Bros Pictures
At San Diego Comic-Con in July Dwayne The Rock Johnson had other people raising eyebrows when he said that his long-awaited superhero debut in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024would be the beginning of a new era for the DC Extended Universe naturally followed: What did he mean? And what would that kind of reset mean for the remainder of DCEU’s roster including Superman Batman Wonder Woman the rest of the Justice League Suicide Squad Shazam and so on As
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 neared theaters though Johnson clarified that statement in a recent sit-down with Yahoo Entertainment (Watch above)
I feel like this is our opportunity now to expand the DC Universe and what we have in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 which I think is really cool just as a fan is we introduce five new superheroes to the world Johnson tells us Aldis Hodge’s Hawkman Noah Centineo’s Atom Smasher Quintessa Swindell’s Cyclone and Pierce Brosnan’s Doctor Fate who together comprise the Justice Society) One anti-hero (That would be DJ’s Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024)
And what an opportunity The Justice Society pre-dated the Justice League So opportunity expand out the universe in my mind… all these characters interact That’s why you see in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 we acknowledge everyone: Batman Superman Wonder Woman Flash we acknowledge everybody There’s also some Easter eggs in there too So that’s what I meant by the resetting Maybe resetting’ wasn’t a good termonly
In addition to being Johnson’s DC Universe debut Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 is also notable for marking the return of Henry Cavill’s Superman The cameo is likely to set up future showdowns between the two characters but Hodge was completely unaware of it until he saw the film
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Available On Hulu?
Viewers are saying that they want to view the new TV show Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Hulu Unfortunately this is not possible since Hulu currently does not offer any of the free episodes of this series at this time the MTV channel which you get by subscribing to cable or satellite TV services You will not be able to Watch it on Hulu or any other free service
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 on Disney Plus?
Unfortunately Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is not currently available to on Disney Plus and it’s not expected that the film will release on Disney Plus until late December at the absolute earliest
While Disney eventually releases its various studios’ films on Disney Plus for subscribers to Watch via its platform most major releases don’t arrive on Disney Plus until at least 45–60 days after the film’s theatrical release 1 secs ago - Still Now watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die online is free, Here Option’s to Downloading or watching Bad Boys: Ride or Die streaming the Full Movie online for free on 124movies, Reddit, Amazon Prime, Peacock, HBO Max or Netflix!. Do you like movies? If so, then you’ll love New Romance Movie: Bad Boys: Ride or Die Fury of the Gods. This movie is one of the best in its genre. #Bad Boys: Ride or Die will be available to watch online on Netflix's very soon! HOW TO BAD BOYS: RIDE OR DIE? Watchᐅ Bad Boys: Ride Or Die 2024 & Fullmovie Free Online:
💥Watch Full Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024💥
Download link
Overview: After their late former Captain is framed, Lowrey and Burnett try to clear his name, only to end up on the run themselves.
Genres : Action, Thriller, Crime, Abenteuer
Released : 2024-06-05
Runtime : 115 Minutes
Title : Bad Boys: Ride or Die
Production : Westbrook Studios, Columbia Pictures, Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Minor Realm Stars : Will Smith (Mike Lowrey), Martin Lawrence (Marcus Burnett), Vanessa Hudgens (Kelly), Alexander Ludwig (Dorn), Paola Nuñez (Rita), Eric Dane ()
Now Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024available to ? Is Watching Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Disney Plus HBO Max Netflix or Amazon Prime? Yes we have found an authentic option/service A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company could be hiding disturbing secrets
Showcase Cinema Warwick you’ll want to make sure you’re one of the first people to see it! So mark your calendars and get ready for a Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 movie experience like never before of our other Marvel movies available to Watch online We’re sure you’ll find something to your liking Thanks for reading and we’ll see you soon! Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is available on our website for free Details on how you can Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024for free throughout the year are described
If you’re a fan of the comics you won’t want to miss this one! The storyline follows Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024as he tries to find his way home after being stranded on an alien Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024t Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is definitely a Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024movie you don’t want to miss with stunning visuals and an action-packed plot! Plus Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online is available on our website Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online is free which includes options such as 123movies Reddit or TV shows from HBO Max or Netflix!
How to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024for Free?release on a platform that offers a free trial Our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume online and refrain from using illegal means
Where to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024?
There are currently no platforms that have the rights to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Movie Online MAPPA has decided to air the movie only in theaters because it has been a huge successThe studio on the other hand does not wish to divert revenue the movie would only slash the profits not increase them
As a result no services are authorized to offer Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Movie for free The film would however very definitely be acquired by services like Funimation Netflix and Crunchyroll As a last consideration which of these outlets will likely distribute the film worldwide?
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Netflix?
The giant has a massive catalog of television shows and movies but it does not include ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ We recommend our readers Watch other dark fantasy films like ‘The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Crunchyroll?
Crunchyroll along with Funimation has acquired the rights to the film and will be responsible for its distribution in North AmericaTherefore we recommend our readers to look for the movie on the er in the coming months subscribers can also Watch dark fantasy shows like ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Hulu?
No ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ is unavailable on Hulu People who have a subscription to the platform can enjoy ‘Afro Samurai Resurrection’ or ‘Ninja Scroll’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime’s current catalog does not include ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ However the film may eventually release on the platform as video-on-demand in the coming monthsfantasy movies on Amazon Prime’s official website Viewers who are looking for something similar can Watch the original show ‘Dororo’
When Will Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Be on Disney+?
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 the latest installment in the Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024franchise is coming to Disney+ on July 8th! This new movie promises to be just as exciting as the previous ones with plenty of action and adventure to keep viewers entertained you’re looking forward to Watching it you may be wondering when it will be available for your Disney+ subscription Here’s an answer to that question!
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 on Funimation?
Crunchyroll its official website may include the movie in its catalog in the near future Meanwhile people who wish to Watch something similar can ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — The Movie: Mugen Train’
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Online In The US?
Most Viewed Most Favorite Top Rating Top IMDb movies online Here we can download and Watch 123movies movies offline 123Movies website is the best alternative to Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’s free online We will recommend 123Movies as the best Solarmovie alternative There are a
few ways to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online in the US You can use a service such as Netflix Hulu or Amazon Prime Video You can also rent or buy the movie on iTunes or Google Play Watch it on-demand or on a app available on your TV or device if you have cable
What is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 About?
It features an ensemble cast that includes Florence Pugh Harry Styles Wilde Gemma Chan KiKi Layne Nick Kroll and Chris Pine In the film a young wife living in a 2250s company town begins to believe there is a sinister secret being kept from her by the man who runs it
What is the story of Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024?
In the 2250s Alice and Jack live in the idealized community of Victory an experimental company town that houses the men who work on a top- While the husbands toil away the wives get to enjoy the beauty luxury and debauchery of their seemingly perfect paradise However when cracks in her idyllic life begin to appear exposing flashes of something sinister lurking below the surface Alice can’t help but question exactly what she’s doing in Victory
In ancient Kahndaq Teth Adam bestowed the almighty powers of the gods After using these powers for vengeance he was imprisoned becoming Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Nearly 5 000 years have passed and Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024has gone from man to myth to legend Now free his unique form of justice born out of rage is challenged by modern-day heroes who form the Justice Society: Hawkman Dr Fate Atom Smasher and Cyclone
Production companies: Warner Bros Pictures
At San Diego Comic-Con in July Dwayne The Rock Johnson had other people raising eyebrows when he said that his long-awaited superhero debut in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024would be the beginning of a new era for the DC Extended Universe naturally followed: What did he mean? And what would that kind of reset mean for the remainder of DCEU’s roster including Superman Batman Wonder Woman the rest of the Justice League Suicide Squad Shazam and so on As
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 neared theaters though Johnson clarified that statement in a recent sit-down with Yahoo Entertainment (Watch above)
I feel like this is our opportunity now to expand the DC Universe and what we have in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 which I think is really cool just as a fan is we introduce five new superheroes to the world Johnson tells us Aldis Hodge’s Hawkman Noah Centineo’s Atom Smasher Quintessa Swindell’s Cyclone and Pierce Brosnan’s Doctor Fate who together comprise the Justice Society) One anti-hero (That would be DJ’s Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024)
And what an opportunity The Justice Society pre-dated the Justice League So opportunity expand out the universe in my mind… all these characters interact That’s why you see in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 we acknowledge everyone: Batman Superman Wonder Woman Flash we acknowledge everybody There’s also some Easter eggs in there too So that’s what I meant by the resetting Maybe resetting’ wasn’t a good termonly
In addition to being Johnson’s DC Universe debut Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 is also notable for marking the return of Henry Cavill’s Superman The cameo is likely to set up future showdowns between the two characters but Hodge was completely unaware of it until he saw the film
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Available On Hulu?
Viewers are saying that they want to view the new TV show Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Hulu Unfortunately this is not possible since Hulu currently does not offer any of the free episodes of this series at this time the MTV channel which you get by subscribing to cable or satellite TV services You will not be able to Watch it on Hulu or any other free service
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 on Disney Plus?
Unfortunately Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is not currently available to on Disney Plus and it’s not expected that the film will release on Disney Plus until late December at the absolute earliest
While Disney eventually releases its various studios’ films on Disney Plus for subscribers to Watch via its platform most major releases don’t arrive on Disney Plus until at least 45–60 days after the film’s theatrical release
submitted by AutoModerator to TheBookofClarencefe [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:42 AutoModerator ~HERE'S Where To WATCH Bad Boys: Ride or Die OnLine For Free ON ReddiT

1 secs ago - Still Now watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die online is free, Here Option’s to Downloading or watching Bad Boys: Ride or Die streaming the Full Movie online for free on 124movies, Reddit, Amazon Prime, Peacock, HBO Max or Netflix!. Do you like movies? If so, then you’ll love New Romance Movie: Bad Boys: Ride or Die Fury of the Gods. This movie is one of the best in its genre. #Bad Boys: Ride or Die will be available to watch online on Netflix's very soon!


Watchᐅ Bad Boys: Ride Or Die 2024 & Fullmovie Free Online:
💥Watch Full Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024💥
Download link
Overview: After their late former Captain is framed, Lowrey and Burnett try to clear his name, only to end up on the run themselves.
Genres : Action, Thriller, Crime, Abenteuer
Released : 2024-06-05
Runtime : 115 Minutes
Title : Bad Boys: Ride or Die
Production : Westbrook Studios, Columbia Pictures, Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Minor Realm Stars : Will Smith (Mike Lowrey), Martin Lawrence (Marcus Burnett), Vanessa Hudgens (Kelly), Alexander Ludwig (Dorn), Paola Nuñez (Rita), Eric Dane ()
Now Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024available to ? Is Watching Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Disney Plus HBO Max Netflix or Amazon Prime? Yes we have found an authentic option/service A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company could be hiding disturbing secrets
Showcase Cinema Warwick you’ll want to make sure you’re one of the first people to see it! So mark your calendars and get ready for a Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 movie experience like never before of our other Marvel movies available to Watch online We’re sure you’ll find something to your liking Thanks for reading and we’ll see you soon! Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is available on our website for free Details on how you can Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024for free throughout the year are described
If you’re a fan of the comics you won’t want to miss this one! The storyline follows Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024as he tries to find his way home after being stranded on an alien Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024t Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is definitely a Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024movie you don’t want to miss with stunning visuals and an action-packed plot! Plus Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online is available on our website Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online is free which includes options such as 123movies Reddit or TV shows from HBO Max or Netflix!
How to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024for Free?release on a platform that offers a free trial Our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume online and refrain from using illegal means
Where to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024?
There are currently no platforms that have the rights to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Movie Online MAPPA has decided to air the movie only in theaters because it has been a huge successThe studio on the other hand does not wish to divert revenue the movie would only slash the profits not increase them
As a result no services are authorized to offer Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Movie for free The film would however very definitely be acquired by services like Funimation Netflix and Crunchyroll As a last consideration which of these outlets will likely distribute the film worldwide?
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Netflix?
The giant has a massive catalog of television shows and movies but it does not include ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ We recommend our readers Watch other dark fantasy films like ‘The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Crunchyroll?
Crunchyroll along with Funimation has acquired the rights to the film and will be responsible for its distribution in North AmericaTherefore we recommend our readers to look for the movie on the er in the coming months subscribers can also Watch dark fantasy shows like ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Hulu?
No ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ is unavailable on Hulu People who have a subscription to the platform can enjoy ‘Afro Samurai Resurrection’ or ‘Ninja Scroll’
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime’s current catalog does not include ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’ However the film may eventually release on the platform as video-on-demand in the coming monthsfantasy movies on Amazon Prime’s official website Viewers who are looking for something similar can Watch the original show ‘Dororo’
When Will Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Be on Disney+?
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 the latest installment in the Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024franchise is coming to Disney+ on July 8th! This new movie promises to be just as exciting as the previous ones with plenty of action and adventure to keep viewers entertained you’re looking forward to Watching it you may be wondering when it will be available for your Disney+ subscription Here’s an answer to that question!
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 on Funimation?
Crunchyroll its official website may include the movie in its catalog in the near future Meanwhile people who wish to Watch something similar can ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — The Movie: Mugen Train’
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024Online In The US?
Most Viewed Most Favorite Top Rating Top IMDb movies online Here we can download and Watch 123movies movies offline 123Movies website is the best alternative to Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024’s free online We will recommend 123Movies as the best Solarmovie alternative There are a
few ways to Watch Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024online in the US You can use a service such as Netflix Hulu or Amazon Prime Video You can also rent or buy the movie on iTunes or Google Play Watch it on-demand or on a app available on your TV or device if you have cable
What is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 About?
It features an ensemble cast that includes Florence Pugh Harry Styles Wilde Gemma Chan KiKi Layne Nick Kroll and Chris Pine In the film a young wife living in a 2250s company town begins to believe there is a sinister secret being kept from her by the man who runs it
What is the story of Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024?
In the 2250s Alice and Jack live in the idealized community of Victory an experimental company town that houses the men who work on a top- While the husbands toil away the wives get to enjoy the beauty luxury and debauchery of their seemingly perfect paradise However when cracks in her idyllic life begin to appear exposing flashes of something sinister lurking below the surface Alice can’t help but question exactly what she’s doing in Victory
In ancient Kahndaq Teth Adam bestowed the almighty powers of the gods After using these powers for vengeance he was imprisoned becoming Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Nearly 5 000 years have passed and Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024has gone from man to myth to legend Now free his unique form of justice born out of rage is challenged by modern-day heroes who form the Justice Society: Hawkman Dr Fate Atom Smasher and Cyclone
Production companies: Warner Bros Pictures
At San Diego Comic-Con in July Dwayne The Rock Johnson had other people raising eyebrows when he said that his long-awaited superhero debut in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024would be the beginning of a new era for the DC Extended Universe naturally followed: What did he mean? And what would that kind of reset mean for the remainder of DCEU’s roster including Superman Batman Wonder Woman the rest of the Justice League Suicide Squad Shazam and so on As
Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 neared theaters though Johnson clarified that statement in a recent sit-down with Yahoo Entertainment (Watch above)
I feel like this is our opportunity now to expand the DC Universe and what we have in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 which I think is really cool just as a fan is we introduce five new superheroes to the world Johnson tells us Aldis Hodge’s Hawkman Noah Centineo’s Atom Smasher Quintessa Swindell’s Cyclone and Pierce Brosnan’s Doctor Fate who together comprise the Justice Society) One anti-hero (That would be DJ’s Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024)
And what an opportunity The Justice Society pre-dated the Justice League So opportunity expand out the universe in my mind… all these characters interact That’s why you see in Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 we acknowledge everyone: Batman Superman Wonder Woman Flash we acknowledge everybody There’s also some Easter eggs in there too So that’s what I meant by the resetting Maybe resetting’ wasn’t a good termonly
In addition to being Johnson’s DC Universe debut Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 is also notable for marking the return of Henry Cavill’s Superman The cameo is likely to set up future showdowns between the two characters but Hodge was completely unaware of it until he saw the film
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 Available On Hulu?
Viewers are saying that they want to view the new TV show Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024on Hulu Unfortunately this is not possible since Hulu currently does not offer any of the free episodes of this series at this time the MTV channel which you get by subscribing to cable or satellite TV services You will not be able to Watch it on Hulu or any other free service
Is Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024 on Disney Plus?
Unfortunately Bad Boys: Ride or Die 2024is not currently available to on Disney Plus and it’s not expected that the film will release on Disney Plus until late December at the absolute earliest
While Disney eventually releases its various studios’ films on Disney Plus for subscribers to Watch via its platform most major releases don’t arrive on Disney Plus until at least 45–60 days after the film’s theatrical release dgsdfg dfgdsf
submitted by AutoModerator to TheBookofClarencefe [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:36 pg_throwaway Red pillers see women as dishonest / out to get them / subhuman / only good for sex, because due to RPers own behavior / attitudes, they only attract bottom-tier, psychologically damaged women, which then reinforces their attitudes and causes them to attract even more of the same in an endless loop.

I also notice the same phenomenon when red pillers go overseas, but refuse to learn the language or the culture, and just attract broken women who are "foriegn men chasers", then from that experience say "see women are horrible everywhere".
Most red pillers live in a self-fulfilling prophecy of their own making, which keeps them endlessly in a bubble where the almost never meet or interact with normal, psychologically healthy, mentally stable, adult women. Even if you look at the biggest red pill grift YouTube channels (like Fresh & Fit), it's obvious the women they are selecting are the most crazy and broken ones they can find for drama and click (who else would agree to be on a show with those hosts, anyways.)
That's why my personal experience and that of most socially adept men with women is radically different from what red pillers claim their experiences are, to the point where red pillers seem like they live on another planet with some of the crazy delusions they have about how women and relationships should be.
That's also why when red pillers meet normal women, who say normal things that a healthy human would, they immediately assume she's making it up, lying, putting on a front, or a "special exception". If they ever manage a relationship with a decent, normal women, they immediately do their best to psychologically mess her up ASAP so that she will match their blackpill stereotypes of how they think the world is.
This isn't to say that everything red pill theory says is false or that many of their generalizations aren't useful or accurate to some degree, but the problem is red pillers themselves. The bitterness, hate, and perpetually doomer / conspiratard attitudes of red pillers attracts only the worst kind of women to them, who are equally broken, hateful, and miserable as they are.
submitted by pg_throwaway to PurplePillDebate [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:34 Secret-Lack1118 Sony Bravia Theater Quad + SA-SW5 Subwoofer (with A95L 77") REVIEW

Sony Bravia Theater Quad + SA-SW5 Subwoofer (with A95L 77
I recently upgraded my living room setup with a Bravia Theater Quad, SA-SW5 Subwoofer, and a Bravia A95L 77" TV to replace my 5-year-old Sony setup (X95G 65" TV + an older Sony DVD/Home Theater combo). I moved the old setup to my bedroom, as we're expecting a new baby boy in a month and I want my wife to enjoy her favorite shows while resting and taking care of our newborn.

Prices in Saudi Arabia (as of June 2024):

  • Bravia Theater Quad + SA-SW5 Subwoofer (Combo): $2,814
  • Bravia A95L 77": $4,533
Feel free to share your thoughts on these prices in the comments.

Bravia Theater Quad after 10 day:

  • Speaker Installation: I had the Sony dealership handle the installation, as each speaker requires four drills to securely attach to the wall. This service is free in Saudi Arabia. I mounted the front speakers next to the TV and positioned the satellite/rear speakers to fire directly at my main seating position for optimal effects. The subwoofer is placed 10 feet from my seating position.
  • The app pairing: this is the weakest point of this system. You can only do it with the Bravia Connect app, which is stable. Product discovery wasn't an issue and didn't fail, but the receiver refused to connect to my wifi no matter what!. I started to wonder if the device even supported wifi! ... Luckily, the LAN option is available as I hardwire my PS5 and Apple TV next to the system anyway. Once the receiver registered on the network, It started to download 80MB to initiate the setup and update the firmware. It failed a couple of times and I had to download the 80MB installation package three times :( Finally, I made it work, but the wifi still not working after the firmware update! Not sure what is the problem yet, but I'm fine with the LAN for more stability
  • Calibration: sit in your favorite position/location and the app will do the rest in a couple of minutes with just a few instructions, and boom, you are ready to go! This step was hassle-free to me.
  • Performance: OH MY FG! This is -hands down- one of the very best home theaters/soundbars performance! You can through any content at it and you get exceptional audio results and quality. The system created phantom speakers and some sort of "audio dome/bubble". Atmos and DTS performance is exceptional for everything, gaming, movies, and TV shows. Don't be fooled by the looks, this thing gets really loud!
  • Connectivity: Regarding the speakers dropouts/disconnection, the Quad is 100% working all the time, with Zero lag/stuttering while using this setup 12 hours a day (at least). Unlike its predecessor, HT-A9, the Quad system connectivity is exceptionally robust. Knowing that the rear speakers are 15ft far from the main unit and my household wifi signal is super crowded with 50+ connected devices managed by 4 Tri-Band mesh system!
  • Center speaker dilemma: used the Bravia A95L 77 as a center speaker eventually after a few tests back and forth between different contents, only do it if have a high-end Sony TV to work as a center speaker, otherwise, stick with the phantom center option, it is a great option too. I noticed that the sound alignment done by the A95L camera is a major plus for me. The TV when used as the center speaker changes its audio output to direct the dialogue towards viewers in the room! OMG this is an exceptional feature! This will be further improved once Sony releases the new Voice Zoom 3 update later in 2024
  • SA-SW5 Subwoofer: you CAN'T buy this system without it! The sub is beefy and has an amazing frequency response and punch. I didn't test the SW3 (the smaller one).
  • Tips and tricks (this may vary depending on your room and listening taste): The best sound options I extracted from the Quad are by setting the "Height of sound field" app option to value "Lower", this -for some reason- improves the dialogue depth/bass and most importantly increases the up-firing Atmos speakers output and effects. Bass set to 5+ for more depth and rumble effects, especially for TV shows and gaming. Other settings are on default, but you can experiment.
  • PlayStation 5 with the Quad (I see you gamers and this is for you): best to connect the PS5 directly to the Quad HDMI IN port and it will pass the full HDMI 2.1 signal to the TV eARC input (if it supports 2.1 as A95L). I tried to connect the PS5 to the TV and then the audio back to the Quad, works fine in general, but I experienced some audio shattering from the rear channels when things get busy on the screen (like in racing games during hot pursuit). It is best to utilize the HDMI IN on the quad to connect the PS5 directly (as seen). for audio settings on PS5: KEEP it on LPCM as this one is uncompressed audio with the highest quality and ZERO audio lag/delay. For other audio settings, keep it on "TV HDMI". The Quad uses its magic to utilize the uncompressed PS5 signal and gives you the best experience. I have tried other compressed audio signal options (Atmos, DTS, Dolby) with some games and it was a hit/miss.
That's it, for now, will keep you posted :)
Let me know in the comments if you have any questions and I will do my best to answer them.
Also, let me know if you want another post for A95L ... Cheers!
submitted by Secret-Lack1118 to bravia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:19 Ok-Frame4956 Creepy TM.

I have a co worker, we’ll call him Burger, burger, has asked me out multiple times. Even when I was underage and told him I have a significant other (someone I am married to now). Mr. Burger did this within the first month of my job. He also asked for my number and I felt pressured as he kept asking me to give it so he could take me to lunch. (As a minor, while he’s an adult. By my self.) I shrugged it off and just kinda awkwardly gave it, and then went about my day. Burger continued to text me repetitively, even when I got my surgery or wisdom tooth removal. I got v/fed up, blocked him after texting “do not text me do not talk to me at work, do not contact me at all. I’m blocking you now.” And he then apparently had the audacity to try and tattle about it, to our head HR lady. Our HR lady sided with me, and told him to listen to what I said as its yk. important that a MINOR does not file for workplace harassment. So, life goes on. It’s good for a bit. This dude is constantly yelling over walkie, never changes channels, calls TSS for random bull. But nothing that makes me uncomfortable again. Until. He is running at full speed with the big grey trash containers, right, at, me. He almost hits me by missing just two inches, and almost hits another TM, yelling “move move move” the whole time. Burger did NOT need to rush, his can was empty, trash compactor didn’t close for another 40 minutes. And even then, you do not RUN with that thing down the MAIN check lane isles. I report this, it gets filed away and he’s forgetting about. I shrug it off but I’m fed up, coworkers atp know what he’s done and are also fed up. A popular YouTuber puffer walks in one time, goes shops, and is checking out, burger spots him and chases him and says “OMG puffed it’s so nice to see you!” Puffer is weirded out and replies “uh- nice to meet you man”. Burger asks for a hug which is denied, and puffer leaves. Burger goes on to fanboy over this random YouTuber AT work, infront of MANY guests. Burger then is put on check lanes, just two days ago now. He is checking out a mom and a very visibly underage girl. There is a deep plumage black dress in their cart. He lifts it up, points to the underage girl, and goes “oh u know who’s buying this! You, you’re gonna wear it aren’t you?”. I nearly vomited in my mouth now! The mother seems to get weirded out and get peeved, burger suddenly goes back on what he says “not in that way— no like- I have a sense for these things” I tell HR lady after she says “another thing about Burger? Again??” Nothing happens, I’m frustrated more than ever. Until yesterday. According to a female guest, he followed her around, stared at her very weirdly, spoke to her for 10 minutes, and then made a comment on how she works at HEB for NO reason, she spoke to me about how she was concerned he wasn’t actually an employee but someone dressing up and how she felt very unsafe. I had to direct her to guest service to report him.
Then, when I told a co worker about this, they told me he has asked out EVERY female TM he has gotten a chance to ask. Even, his boss.
He hasn’t been fired, he makes a lot of people uncomfortable, TSS is fed up with him, women are uncomfortable. What do we do. Because this is out of hand, he’s borderline kiddy praying and working around alots of teens, since it is now summer. I feel unsafe around him as he also gets more and more aggressive and rowdy everytime a woman denies him. He’s about 23(?) maybe a year less or something.
submitted by Ok-Frame4956 to Target [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:12 NashiMorin (18F) The stuff I used to do for fun now makes me sad because my boyfriend (18M) finds it uncomfortable. What should i do?

Hello, I just want to clarify some things first before explaining the Issue: This is a long-distance relationship, we've been communicating thru chats in Discord and Whatsapp, we've made video calls too, played lots of games, told about our days and we pretty much spend 70% of the time together doing lot of stuff, but this is kind of burning me out.
My boyfriend has a very harsh family, to put it like that, always yelling at him and insulting him, i feel bad for him, and i did my best to show my support and make him ignore every single word they say, so i find it common that he may be a little too attached to me, that's okay, i've grown attached to him too since my mom died and ran away from my home. We both have our stories and we're both growing up together, as well as trying to have the most healthy relationship we can build up, we communicate pretty well, but i feel like i'm walking on eggshells.
I've always done roleplay with my OCs and other characters, i've always found it fun ever since i was a little kid, i have my friends and I doing this every day, drawing our characters together, making plots, prompts, etc, something that me and my boyfriend also do very often, everything is good from here. Something that i also like is shipping characters with my friends, it's nothing new, nothing explicit either, just something silly to do together to have fun, i've ALSO done this with my boyfriend, more times than i've done with my friends just to show my interest, we've done all kind of goofy things together and everything seems fine.
However, one day a friend (18MTF) and I we made a pretty good ship in my opinion with two female characters we used to roleplay with discord bots, however, my boyfriend has shown to be kind of different around it, i've noticed it and i asked what is wrong, that until i realized that this ship made him uncomfortable Which is weird, is not the first nor the last ship i do with them, why find this one uncomfortable? Just to clarify: it was to adult women with a very simple trope. I've tried to think on what could be this causing and i found a possible answer to this: the character i shipped i ship it too with another character of his! maybe he wants that character of mine to be shipped with his character and only his (god forbid me being multishipper)
However, that can also not be true, since the situation repeats: i often ship my OCs with multiple characters in different situations, and he hasn't shown any single hint of being uncomfortable with this until this very moment, we talked about it and he told me to do whatever i want, which gave me a bad feeling, but i accepted it. This situation scalated, to prevent any kind of confusion i've made more characters that had NO connection to him, just brand new, to ship it with my friends, but still, the same effect, him being uncomfortable with it.
At some point i was tired of it, i'm doing my best ot make him feel comfortable with our relationship, and i thought that relationships also meant making a few sacrifices, so i stopped shipping my characters with my friends to do all of this ONLY with him.
This is only an example of the stuff i've stopped doing that actually brought me joy, just for the sake of our relationship I've stopped doing stuff like: talking to a few friends, roleplaying without his supervision, making/drawing characters, used Character AI just for fun, etc.
I felt uncomfortable doing things behind his back, so i stopped roleplaying unless he's there in the channel He felt uncomfortable with me showing drawings of my characters that i've made for my friends, even though he always insists on showing my drawings He felt uncomfortable with me playing iwth AI And at some point, he felt uncomfortable with me just spending time with my friends
I'm going back and forth, leaving my friends and coming back to them, leaving everytime he feels uncomfortable and coming back every time he reassures me he's fine and lets me do anything I want just for him to express sarcasm when I have fun with my friends. At one point i thought: maybe he thinks i'm spending more time with them than with him, so i spent all of my days ignoring my friends just to focus on him, but nothing ever worked, nothing was enough for him to feel comfortable.
I thought he was feeling left behind, i know that feeling, so i tried to push him into the activities i do with friends but he never does anything, i feel like nothing i do for him is enough.
It's making me crazy, i miss being happy with my friends but I also want him to stay with me, what do i do???? Am I in the bad? Maybe i'm doing something wrong?? Does he think i'm cheating on him?? I'd never, i'm very scared of making one single mistake and loosing him forever, i don't want to make him uncomfortable i want to be his safe place that his own home isn't, what is going wrong???????
submitted by NashiMorin to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:38 FloweryPinata AIW for cutting off my bio dads side of the family?

This is going to be a long one, I apologize in advance for this. To give a bit of backstory, I used to be in a loving relationship since my Jr year of highschool. We met in the mall at one of his first jobs he(M18) found me(f17) through Facebook and started talking. Eventually we began dating and hit it off pretty well. The beginning of our relationship was bumpy until 2020 exactly when covid hit. He decided to start getting into twitch streaming which I was supportive of. I even made him his own twitch emotes for his channel and viewers. I found out one day one of the girls I didn't like too much, he had been flirting with. He was in a whole different discord from the one he had made, complimenting different women and leading another one on.
Our relationship began to strain from then on and 2022 rolls around. I find out I'm pregnant at 7 months (I found this was due to stress and deeper issues with my dad and step mom at the time. my step mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor right after having my baby sister and I had to take care of her toddler every day my dad worked. Regardless what I had planned, I was told I had to. I had no day off and I would be screamed at by either one of my parents for not doing so or wifi taken away, even though I needed it for my college courses.)
I had my daughter in the end of November 2022, a perfect healthy baby girl, 8 lbs 11oz. My ex changed up on me really fast. During my labor the night prior to me having her, he would scream at me for needing help from him. He would also scream at me after she was born in the ppd wards. I'm not sure why I stayed with him for so long. I had planned on leaving him around my 22nd birthday as things still weren't getting better, but we ultimately decided to stay together for our daughter and try to make things work to provide her with a happy family. This toxic behavior went on for months until my recently. Right before my 23rd birthday, I left him. He immediately moved on and tried to replace me with a new girl. He also threw away a lot of valuable things of mine we both agreed on me coming back for(everything that I had left there).
The night I found all of that out, I decided to go out with my friend(29M). Looking back now, I think I was SA'd and groomed into being into a relationship with my friend. I had warned him I was a lightweight and I get drunk fairly easy as I don't drink often. I remember getting really dizzy and wobbly but not remembering much. He was really handsy with me and kissed my face all night, eventually leading us to somehow being intimate in the back of his car. After this night we continued to meet up and hangout and furthered our relationship a month or two later. Our relationship quickly became toxic and this continued for a few months. I found out I fell pregnant towards January of this year, only 3 weeks along. He got more and more controlling and abusive towards me. I left him a month prior to me cutting contact with him, and after him trying to convince me to abort, I told him I did (I didn't) and we blocked each other. A week later I found out I miscarried at 3 months. Mid March I was sent to the er as the miscarry hadn't come out and I was bleeding out.
I also went through a housefire during the month of my daughter's birthday and currently living with my mom, I had to also quit my job as it was too far from me to go to. I'm cleared a little bit after by my gyno office and I get a new job 30 minutes away. I ultimately got fired from experiencing more health issues due to the miscarry and having issues with an employee in my department harassing and stalking me.
This brings us to the now, where I(23F) cut off my brother(21M) for updating my ex on my personal life. What crossed the line for me is I was planning on visiting a friend(now bf, 32M), in Colorado. My mother had told my brother that I was visiting with him in CO. He went and told my ex I planned on moving there. I cut contact with him after finding that out and informed my step mom and bio dad. This caused an uproar with my step mom as she believes that family should stick together, that I have mental health issues and that I'm the bad guy in all of this.
A few weeks past and all is going well until late last night. I get a text from my step mom telling me she's going to be meeting with my ex to visit with my daughter, both her and my bio dad. She told me she didn't want to lie to me and told me she knows how I cut off my brother for going behind my back like that. She also went on to tell me she has been keeping in contact with my ex about my daughter and her life. (Creepy?) I told her that's not her place and she needs to stop trying to interviene with our issues. She thinks she can fix 'our problems'. I had to also explain she's not my daughter's mother and she needs to get that engraved in her skull. She went on to tell me that I need to get mental help because I'm clearly suffering, that my brother is the better of us two and he's a more suited adult than I am and how he's better off without having such a toxic sister, she also told me to kick rocks right before I told her to not contact me again or I will get the cops involved and I would file for an OP. That she won't be going near my daughter or I anymore.
I also made this clear to my ex and his dad, informed my dad and send him screenshots of what his wife had said to me and the same thing, if she's to contact me again I'm filing for an op and the law will be involved. AIW?
submitted by FloweryPinata to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:55 marketingmanagercc How/where Can I find Way TO NHL (Live) Florida Panthers vs Edmonton oilers Streams Options?

How to Watch Oilers vs Panthers Final Games 2024? (no cable),..How I find NHL (live) stream options?, Hey fellow NHL Panthers vs Oilers - viewers. As I’ve been watching NHL Stanley Cup Final - for quite a few seasons now,Ways of Find NHL Live Reddit NHLstreams, I've been wanting to watch more games lately, but most online links I've found either skip frequently or are lower quality.
Here: Panthers vs Oilers Final (Free)
Live: Panthers vs Oilers Final (Free)
Here you can listen to the NHL game Edmonton Oilers vs. Florida Panthers live on free. Follow the game over a live NHL . Florida Panthers - Edmonton Oilers Free live streams. Stream East offers the best free live streaming links.
I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Panthers vs Oilers Stanley Cup Final and haven't found a great way to watch Panthers vs Oilers Streams live for free...
Panthers vs. Oilers TV and Live Stream Details
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM ET
Location: Sunrise, Florida
Venue: Amerant Bank Arena
TV Channel: ABC, Available on Fubo (Watch for free)
How to Watch Stanley Cup Final Online Without Cable
Cord-cutters have a couple of ways to watch the Stanley Cup Final online. The first is with free trials to cable streaming services like DirecTV Stream and fubo. The second option is to get a subscription to ESPN+, which will be livestreaming every Panthers vs. Oilers game.
Which TV Channel Are the Stanley Cup Final Games On?
ABC will be handling broadcasts of the 2024 Stanley Cup Final, so tune in there if you’re watching with cable or satellite TV. KukvaiKuk
submitted by marketingmanagercc to anarchy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:54 marketingmanagercc Is there a ways to Watch Florida Panthers vs Edmonton oilers Live Streams OnLine fRee NHL finals?

How to Watch Oilers vs Panthers Final Games 2024? (no cable),..How I find NHL (live) stream options?, Hey fellow NHL Panthers vs Oilers - viewers. As I’ve been watching NHL Stanley Cup Final - for quite a few seasons now,Ways of Find NHL Live Reddit NHLstreams, I've been wanting to watch more games lately, but most online links I've found either skip frequently or are lower quality.
Here: Panthers vs Oilers Final (Free)
Live: Panthers vs Oilers Final (Free)
Here you can listen to the NHL game Edmonton Oilers vs. Florida Panthers live on free. Follow the game over a live NHL . Florida Panthers - Edmonton Oilers Free live streams. Stream East offers the best free live streaming links.
I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Panthers vs Oilers Stanley Cup Final and haven't found a great way to watch Panthers vs Oilers Streams live for free...
Panthers vs. Oilers TV and Live Stream Details
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM ET
Location: Sunrise, Florida
Venue: Amerant Bank Arena
TV Channel: ABC, Available on Fubo (Watch for free)
How to Watch Stanley Cup Final Online Without Cable
Cord-cutters have a couple of ways to watch the Stanley Cup Final online. The first is with free trials to cable streaming services like DirecTV Stream and fubo. The second option is to get a subscription to ESPN+, which will be livestreaming every Panthers vs. Oilers game.
Which TV Channel Are the Stanley Cup Final Games On?
ABC will be handling broadcasts of the 2024 Stanley Cup Final, so tune in there if you’re watching with cable or satellite TV. KukvaiKuk
submitted by marketingmanagercc to anarchy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:52 marketingmanagercc When I Can Watch Free the Florida Panthers vs Edmonton oilers Stanley Cup Final live online?

How to Watch Oilers vs Panthers Final Games 2024? (no cable),..How I find NHL (live) stream options?, Hey fellow NHL Panthers vs Oilers - viewers. As I’ve been watching NHL Stanley Cup Final - for quite a few seasons now,Ways of Find NHL Live Reddit NHLstreams, I've been wanting to watch more games lately, but most online links I've found either skip frequently or are lower quality.
Here: Panthers vs Oilers Final (Free)
Live: Panthers vs Oilers Final (Free)
Here you can listen to the NHL game Edmonton Oilers vs. Florida Panthers live on free. Follow the game over a live NHL . Florida Panthers - Edmonton Oilers Free live streams. Stream East offers the best free live streaming links.
I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Panthers vs Oilers Stanley Cup Final and haven't found a great way to watch Panthers vs Oilers Streams live for free...
Panthers vs. Oilers TV and Live Stream Details
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM ET
Location: Sunrise, Florida
Venue: Amerant Bank Arena
TV Channel: ABC, Available on Fubo (Watch for free)
How to Watch Stanley Cup Final Online Without Cable
Cord-cutters have a couple of ways to watch the Stanley Cup Final online. The first is with free trials to cable streaming services like DirecTV Stream and fubo. The second option is to get a subscription to ESPN+, which will be livestreaming every Panthers vs. Oilers game.
Which TV Channel Are the Stanley Cup Final Games On?
ABC will be handling broadcasts of the 2024 Stanley Cup Final, so tune in there if you’re watching with cable or satellite TV. KukvaiKuk
submitted by marketingmanagercc to anarchy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:16 WonderfulCrew7018 Looking for people

Hello everyone, i'm looking for 1-2 extra players for our 4 man group to play with us on weekly wipe servers. all of us are adults 18+ and chill i hope you're the same!, We really want players that are just chill and communicate with eachother dont make a big deal about it. we dont ask any Requirements,we got our own discord channel we're playing on US servers
Add me on discord razzie6248
submitted by WonderfulCrew7018 to playrustlfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:12 External-Jellyfish72 Puregold nasa atin ang Panalo mechanics

Puregold nasa atin ang Panalo mechanics
Get ready to enjoy an evening of Pure Music and Gold Vibes sa #PuregoldNasaAtinAngPanalo Thanksgiving Concert ⭐️
Catch @SB19Official, @BINI_ph , @plojiflowg199x with special performance from @sunkissed_lola on July 12!
Secure your spot! Here’s how to get your tickets!
More time to plan your grocery shopping at Puregold Qi! And make sure, Aling Puring or PERKS card member ka to get a ticket! 🛒
Source via Puregold X
Parang ang hassle naman ng mechanics ni ninang puregold.
submitted by External-Jellyfish72 to sb19 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:58 marketingmanagercc How to Watch Free the Florida Panthers vs Edmonton oilers Stanley Cup Final live?

How to Watch Oilers vs Panthers Final Games 2024? (no cable),..How I find NHL (live) stream options?, Hey fellow NHL Panthers vs Oilers - viewers. As I’ve been watching NHL Stanley Cup Final - for quite a few seasons now,Ways of Find NHL Live Reddit NHLstreams, I've been wanting to watch more games lately, but most online links I've found either skip frequently or are lower quality.
Here: Panthers vs Oilers Final (Free)
Live: Panthers vs Oilers Final (Free)
Here you can listen to the NHL game Edmonton Oilers vs. Florida Panthers live on free. Follow the game over a live NHL . Florida Panthers - Edmonton Oilers Free live streams. Stream East offers the best free live streaming links.
I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Panthers vs Oilers Stanley Cup Final and haven't found a great way to watch Panthers vs Oilers Streams live for free...
Panthers vs. Oilers TV and Live Stream Details
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM ET
Location: Sunrise, Florida
Venue: Amerant Bank Arena
TV Channel: ABC, Available on Fubo (Watch for free)
How to Watch Stanley Cup Final Online Without Cable
Cord-cutters have a couple of ways to watch the Stanley Cup Final online. The first is with free trials to cable streaming services like DirecTV Stream and fubo. The second option is to get a subscription to ESPN+, which will be livestreaming every Panthers vs. Oilers game.
Which TV Channel Are the Stanley Cup Final Games On?
ABC will be handling broadcasts of the 2024 Stanley Cup Final, so tune in there if you’re watching with cable or satellite TV. KukvaiKuk
submitted by marketingmanagercc to anarchy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 10:15 EmployAccomplished67 What was lost, but found

Couple Questions & Observations About This Case First, would any of you happen to know who it is that created a spreadsheet list of all the interviews from Katie, Chris and Seth since the beginning? And if so, where I can contact them so I can see if they'd mind sharing a copy? I wasn't in on the case from the start and there is soooo much info out there, most of which is clearly garbage bs so I'd reeeally like to see all the interviews and start from the beginning. Thanks if anyone knows.
Second, after looking at the statements provided by LE TBI, they have made it pretty clear that based on evidence they have, a few things are crystal clear and this should be your only guideline...
They follow the evidence where it leads. This is not a criminal investigation. There is no evidence of foul play. Their theory is that Sebastian walked out his front door, alive, on his own, and went wherever.
There was a clarifying statement to the above that, "An autistic teenager who leaves his home does not get far without the assistance of an adult."
Since it's pretty clear they're referring to Sebastian, we can infer that's the rest of their theory. They are not obligated to tell us why they think that or what the evidence is that led them to this theory but it'd be reasonable to surmise somebody picked him up on a camera in the neighborhood somewhere. LE is not releasing that detail because, frankly, it's not our business.
LE tells us this is not a criminal investigation.
LE tells us this is not a criminal investigation.
That means, as of now, whoever this adult might be, it's not somebody whose assistance is going to constitute a crime. So that means no predators, no teachers, no neighbors, no pedos in the area, no kidnappers, nobody lured him off. If it was any of those then this would be a criminal investigation and he'd be a missing and endangered person.
LE has been treating this as a runaway missing person, not an abduction missing person.
LE has made it crystal clear Sebastian left his house and was alive doing it.
That means all the nonsense speculation about Katie did it and Chris did it and he's dead is being spread around by fools and clowns who apparently only want to run around the internet accusing people of murder. They don't give a damn about Sebastian.
LE says nope, he left alive. Some adult helped him. Adult assistance isn't a crime so far. They need to find him to be sure he is STILL ALIVE...and that is where the suspicion shifts.
The only people whose assistance in helping him leave his house, of his own volition, is going to be Katie, Chris, Seth or somebody one of these people authorized to assist him in leaving his house out the front door of his own volition.
Logically, that would remove Katie since he'd slipped out without informing her.
While LE's never specified, we can infer from no targeted investigation that Chris was where he said he was so it wasn't Chris, and Seth was apparently where he said he was so it wasn't Seth.
That only leaves somebody Chris or Seth authorized to go help him. Chris was out of town. Chris and Katie were on the phone so it's unlikely Chris authorized anyone to go help Sebastian slip off without telling Katie.
Now we come to Seth.
Seth's actions after the fact have been increasingly warped and sus. The motivation is crystal clear and highly disturbing.
Katie was his first and only real girlfriend, who, according to Seth, himself, verified that he began a relationship with her when she was underage and he was over 21, that he'd impregnated her as a minor and at least one pregnancy was terminated (he stated straight up that Sebastian was the only one of their kids she didn't get rid of)...
So Seth loses his wife, his kid, his house, his job, his nuclear family. Seth has provided anecdotal evidence he's a grudge holder and not above exacting revenge years after a perceived slight (pizzagate).
In recent interviews, Seth's anger and animosity at Chris being in his way of him and Katie finding THEIR son lept out of his body with an alarming ease.
Sebastian disappeared on the anniversary of Seth's and Katie's divorce.
Almost immediately after Katie and Chris did an interview on a youtuber's channel, a targeted campaign to attack Chris and paint him as a villain erupted across the true crime channels.
Another youtuber publishes a lengthy, cringe interview with Chris' ex Nina who crawled out of the woodwork telling stories about how evil Chris is, but doesn't provide any proof.
It's a targeted smear campaign against Chris.
Chris and Nina were set to have a custody hearing over their daughter.
Sebastian goes missing, causing instability in Chris' life, on top of being turned into a villain on the internet to be used against him at their hearing so the custody hearing would go in her favor.
Youtuber who set that up later acknowledged that Seth and Nina both were working together to get her to do the interview.
Seth has stated he knows Sebastian is alive, he knows Sebastian is coming home, at one point he stated he knows where Sebastian is but doesn't have the resources to get him, then later stated he didn't recall making that statement, that when Sebastian comes home he and Sebastian are going to disappear, and that he wishes he could delete himself.
The story of Seth asking a youtuber to purchase a weapon is true. Seth went off on said youtuber for violating his trust when that YTer spilled the story. Chris acknowledged also that he was aware of details in the story that rang true.
If Seth is angry that Katie left him and took their son, moved on, remarried, has a nice life, stable job, stable life, and prefers to let Chris handle the go between so she doesn't have to deal with him, it is not at all unreasonable to expect Seth authorized somebody he and Sebastian both trusted to pick him up, not tell Katie, and has him kept somewhere.
That may be to punish Katie and Chris, to be spiteful.
It may be because he thought this would be a way to get direct contact with Katie, this is their son, and wedge between her and Chris.
Or it could be nefarious, and he wanted to get Katie alone so he could take himself, Sebastian and her out all at once, and take them away from Chris, whom he clearly hates and resents.
Even to the degree he'd harm Sebastian and try to pin it on Chris, which explains this warped attack on him for no valid reason.
My fear is Seth's actions being more and more unhinged, along with the actions suggesting Sebastian is already deceased and needs "justice" and a "memorial" this ends up a Josh Powell, Chad Doerman type situation.
submitted by EmployAccomplished67 to SebastianRogers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:01 xDINOxNUGGETSx {{Gaming and Beyond}} [NA][EU][18+] Find Other players to jump into the action with right away!

Active members DAILY! New and growing.
Gaming and Beyond was developed by like minded friends who wanted a space to play games that was made up of adults with very little drama and bickering. "Just Game" is the theme. Have fun with friends in a community like server. Create custom channels to chat and game, like we did in the old coffee shop days, or meeting at a buddies house before discord was an option. We are made up of people from all walks of life and everyone is welcome. This is not just flower buses and fairy tails, we are gamers, and gamers are competitive. We take our gaming seriously and our friendships even more so. The server owner is a Veteran and we recognize and welcome Veterans and First Responders. The staff at Gaming and Beyond understand that your lives come first and it's your number one priority. With this in mind we do not have requirements for recruiting or ranking system for members. Remember "Just Game" come by from time to time or make Gaming and Beyond your home for you and your friends.
submitted by xDINOxNUGGETSx to CallofDuty_LFG [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:41 ADancingBanana Some 0.99 and 1.99 upcoming Amazon MM Romance books

So I heard that if you check new releases, some authors make a book 99 cent or 1.99 prior to release to get more pre-orders. We like to save money right? Then we can read more mm romance books. I had a look on Amazon and managed to get the filter to do what I wanted, although it seems a little wonky.
Here are SOME I copied. I can't guarantee how long they'll be 99 cents or 1.99. Maybe they'll stay that price or they'll go up later. I don't know, but a few looked interesting,
{Key of Iron and Fate: (MM Spicy Romantasy Katherine A Darling.} 1.99 I'm getting make a deal with the fae vibes.
From blurb: If you like fated mates, spicy romance, fae, action/adventure, and guaranteed HEA, then you will love this book. This is a standalone MM romantasy with regency vibes and explicit scenes for adult readers only. Trigger warnings: violence, gore, swearing, and adult content. 🤑
{Bury Me Deep : (An MM Fantasy Romance) (Captive of the Prince Book 2) Julie Mannino} Only 0.99 cents August 11
I found book one farther in: {Lay Me Down: (An MM Fantasy Romance) (Captive of the Prince Book 1) also only 0.99. July 28th
Put together, I'm getting heavy Captive Prince vibes. I hope this is better because I have many issues with the Captive Prince series despite liking it.. From series blurb This is an enemies-to-lovers size-difference MM Fantasy Romance for mature readers. 🤑
{Worshipped by the Wolves: An M/M Fairytale Romance (Once Upon A Time) Kelly Lord}
Mm red riding hood! August 1st. Also only 0.99 M/MMM shifter omegaverse. Sexy wolf action. Nicely muscled man on the cover. 🤑
{Camera Shy: MM Dad's Best Friend Age Gap Romance (Trick of the Light) Abigail Hunter} 99 cents! August 1st
Dad's Best friend, work place. Looks like video blackmail (like make me more sexy videos or else) 🤑
{Shipwrecked with the Selkie: An M/M Mpreg Romance (Mythos Island Book 2) Cherry Pickett} 1.99 July 23rd
Poc guy , legendary monsters and island, treasure. Booty ahoy (lol) shipwrecked. Maybe they'll buy mm romance books with their treasure. 🤑
{Together By Accident: A Unique M/M Romance Zane Kulder} 99 cents July 16th
Skater, Hits LI with car by accident, past stuff coming back to bite mc in the back. 🤑
{Almost You : A Paranormal, Ghost Romance (Sunshine and Happiness) Skylar M. Cates} 0.99 cents July 15th
One MC is a ghost!! 👻 2spoopy4me.
From blurb: Almost You features ghost kink, amnesia, Bi-awakening, voyeurism, sensory play, size difference, hurt/comfort, spicy channeling, and mutual pining.
Thanks to those who go digging for the new stuff to make release lists and stuff, because all that copy/paste is kinda tedious. I have new respect for you. Enjoy these if any of you go book shopping now.
submitted by ADancingBanana to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:38 over18forreal tree

250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:25 ButterscotchLeft8781 Does anybody remember this ASMRtist? I can't find her! [Question]

I do not remember her name. I just remember the videos being somewhat lo-fi. She wasn't super popular but also not totally unpopular. She was tan (probably mixed race), had curly-ish black hair, freckles, and a bit of a baby face (we were all super surprised when she told us she was an adult with a job hahaha). She used to do a lot of "b*tchy"-themed videos, or like big sister does your makeup, or doing her own makeup, roleplays once in a while. I remember her vividly tapping on a Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette and rummaging through her makeup bag.
She popped up in my head a few minutes ago and I can't find her in my subscriptions! Did she delete her channel? Was I just never subscribed?
submitted by ButterscotchLeft8781 to asmr [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:22 closethyeyes TFTGS is adult Gravity Falls

I'm sure this has been mentioned at some point but isn't TFTGS like straight up the adult version of Gravity Falls?
The middle of nowhere vibe, the dumbass goofy cops, the secret agents, the family secrets, weird cryptids in the woods etc.
And I can't be the only one who sees the obvious personality connection between Jack and Dipper right? Dipper is exactly what Jack would be like if he had an actually good and stable childhood. (here's my evidence )
submitted by closethyeyes to TFTGS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:01 Jayraii can i use sac frags on nahida?

can i use sac frags on nahida? submitted by Jayraii to okZyox [link] [comments]