What to write in an immigration character reference

Immigration subreddit

2009.03.26 05:21 jppuerta Immigration subreddit

A place to discuss US and Worldwide immigration news, politics, visas, green cards, raids, deportations, etc. /immigration is protesting Reddit's API changes. The lack of notice from Reddit, exorbitant pricing and terrible official apps are unacceptable. More information at: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jun/11/reddit-communities-to-go-dark-in-protest-over-third-party-app-charges

2022.08.26 16:14 sinbad3140 Character.AI

Character.AI lets you create and talk to advanced AI - language tutors, text adventure games, life advice, brainstorming and much more.

2009.08.24 17:07 ohstrangeone I Want Out: Information for people who want to expatriate

Welcome to IWantOut: Reddit's expatriate community. Please take a look at the sidebar for some tips for getting the most out of it.

2024.06.10 05:32 melvin2898 Feels like the anime is a butchered adaptation(Removing lots of content)

No spoilers please, I'm anime only. Ranger Reject starts off quite strong in the anime but I think around episode 4 or 5, things felt a little weird. This was the fight with the blue ranger with the scythe. It seemed like things were just happening.
I saw in a comment that the anime was starting to skip content. Apparently the director asked the mangaka if he could do this so maybe the author saw the changes first? That being said, this kind of killed my interest in the anime. They're cutting out a lot. Jokes being cut, just getting to know the cadets, backstories, and cutting the action to be much shorter. Why?
I'm anime only but I know these days, a lot of anime don't cut content. They stick to the manga. This is almost a situation where this series would need to be remade years down to line to be more accurate or perhaps they won't cut content starting with a new season. I don't mind the length of the exam arc but I saw a writer complaining about it. I personally don't get that. Story arcs go on for many episodes, things don't get resolved in one or two episodes. That's the sign of good writing.
I started reading the manga after watching the anime episodes every week and I felt like a lot was cut. An anime only person might not notice it but the lack of detail is a problem. The characters that we see get short mentions to their backstory or things that relate to their backstory but the anime is just cutting some of the material out completely. I'd say it's best to read the manga at this point. It's really sad because I could see this becoming the next big thing. A parody of Super Sentai/Power Rangers is a genius idea and I've enjoyed what I read so far.
If this is 12 episodes and it ended in the middle of the exams with a to be continued, I'd be more satisfied with that then rushing to the end of an arc that I had to also read to get the full experience.
What do the manga readers think? What do the anime only people think? Please no spoilers.
submitted by melvin2898 to RangerReject [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 nighm あーーっす = Earth?? [Spoilers]

I did a quick to see if anyone else mentioned possible renderings of the theme song title, but did not see any, so... here we are.
Basically, I was watching some space anime, and I was imitating a character's voice and how he would say "Earth" and I realized that I said it the way they say "US" in the One Piece opening. So then I did a little digging, and indeed アース or あーす is a perfectly reasonable way to transliterate "Earth" into Japanese.
Source: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9
Then I remembered some theory videos on YouTube that used "Binks' Sake" as the basis for some extensive theory about the end of One Piece, and thought: "Is it possible there is a hidden meaning in this song?" Of course a song written for the anime, but it still caught my interest. (Even "Binks' Sake" some collaboration between Oda and Kohei Tanaka at the time Oda wrote the lyrics, so... who knows?)
Anyway, I decided to look at the lyrics to see what I could see. I am just taking them from the the fandom site: https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/UUUUUS!
"Earth! Earth! All of earth! The end of dreams, the end of the sea": A couple things to be gleaned here. We now know from recent chapters that the Earth was completely covered by floods, so that "all of Earth" is something that is hidden in mystery. Earth is also quite literally "the end of the sea".
"Our destinations differ for each of us But one thing shines After the legend is revealed Crackling with no limit, from here ONE PIECE!" Now, of course, we all await with joyful hope the revelation of exactly what the One Piece is, but is it perhaps the Earth that is hidden so? The phrase "ONE PIECE" just shows up in the lyrics here, but perhaps it is the treasure that is revealed. Indeed, it is without limit, for however far you go on the Earth, it is still there. Another foreshadowing of this would be from Skypiea, where the "Vearth" (pronounced "Vāsu"/"ヴァース") is held to be of greater value than all the gold they possess. (Not sure what you do with Fairy/Endless Vearth referring to the moon... what mysteries!)
"But still, all of Earth [is] in the midst of an adventure": "Earth" works just as well as "Us" here.
"Ore tachi to tomo ni sekai kawari tsuzuketeru": This next line doesn't use the "assu" but uses both possible meanings: "ore tachi" means "us" and "sekai" means "world" or basically "earth". Kind of fun that both are used in this line without the ambiguous word.
"The world is intertwined with legends that need to be destroyed. Even now, All of Earth, we are waiting": Not sure what legends could be referred to here. Probably whatever lies are propping up the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. But once these are uncovered, the mystery of "All of Earth" will at last lie open.
"If the dispersed contexts have connections somehow The threads of time will be rewoven": Obviously the remnants of the Earth are dispersed in the many islands throughout the world, but if they can be connected, the past will make sense again.
Anyway, to be clear, I am not the first person to make this connection. The fandom page cites Kohei Tanaka who says that the song intentionally has multiple meanings. To quote directly from his tweet (translated by Google in browser):
『Yesssssssssssssss!』[Original: 『あーーっす!』]This title was suggested by the lyricist, Fujibayashi. At first I wanted to call it "All of us," [Original is in English:『All of us』] but the lyricist strongly requested it, so it ended up like this. Right now, I think this is the only title I have! It can also be interpreted as the greeting "aasu," "Earth," or "tomorrow."
So "us" is certainly the first meaning, but Kohei Tanaka decided to make the meaning intentionally ambiguous. A further question: Who is Fujibayashi (藤林)??! On the fandom page, the artist is Hiroshi Kitadani and the composer is Kohei Tanaka. So who is this lyricist?
Thankfully, Oda knows: https://x.com/Eiichiro_Staff/status/1736307499190702110
Shoko Fujibayashi, who seems to be an industry lyricist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoko_Fujibayashi
Not sure why the English fandom page for "One Piece Music" only lists artists, but the Chinese one also lists composers and lyricists. It shows that, among the openings, "We Are" are "OVER THE TOP" are composed by Kohei Tanaka, and that Fujibayashi is the lyricist for these as well.
Source: https://onepiece.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E9%9F%B3%E6%A8%82%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8?variant=zh-hant
There is another tweet from Tanaka (retweeted by Fujibayashi) that suggests there is further meaning:
I've listened to it hundreds of times, and I still get excited every time. Kitadani-kun's powerful singing. Nakamura's flashy and intricate arrangement. Fujibayashi's lyrics are bizarre yet have deep meaning. And then, my song. I can't wait to let you hear it.
Not a whole lot of information here, but if Tanaka is working with Oda on music for the series, then it's not too far-fetched that his compositions have some significance in connection with the story, more so even than the other opening and ending tracks.
Anyway, thank you for humoring me. I'm sure there are bolder theorizers who can go further into possible connections and interpolations, but I just wanted to make sure this piece wasn't missing from the whole puzzle. It seems odd to make "Earth" a possible meaning for this song in a sea-faring anime unless it ends becoming a major part of the story. And with the most recent manga revelations, we see that "Earth" is much more important than we could have imagined.
(Also: I don't know how to add the Spoiler flair, so please add it if you can...)
submitted by nighm to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:32 AztyArt [PF2e][Online][High-effort] New Home-brew Progression fantasy sky-ship campaign starting June 28th

The endless skies of Pandora are home to many races who reside within the great Islands that drift through its winds, its gusted tides ridden by the great Shardships of the Skylords and the most daring of isolated crews that sail its skies in search of Recognition, reward and plenty. . . but this, this is not where your story begins.
Like the many who are in the favor of perhaps kinder Skylords, and the many more who are free beneath those that are not. you however are no longer among them, Whether guilty or not you and your fellows have been cast aside and Branded. . . Marked by the glyphs of the lost, Slaves to the free. Un-claimed slaves like yourself serve your sentences within the Aetheryte Mines of "The Sliver", A particularly inhospitable Sky-island. Its magically infused mines a prison for marked slaves to work their lives in harvesting the vital fuel of the Great ships of better men. but perhaps this too, this grim fate is not. . . the end of your story.
Hello and welcome everyone, its my great pleasure to announce the call to arms for my new homebrew game. I'm looking for 4-5 eager skyfarers itching to make a name for themselves in the dangerous skies of Pandora. If you're a player who is looking for a consistent and experienced gm, with a drive to create interesting content and weaving character stories into an over arching narrative while also yourself being just as willing to fully throw yourself into the role of your character you will find yourself more than welcome at my table.
Time: 5pm CDT Friday bi/weekly First session: June 28th
Session length: 4-5 hours
System: pathfinder 2e
VTT: Discord and Foundry
About me:
About the Game:
What is needed of players?
Safe practices:
Possible content warnings: This content has may/will occur in game and should be made aware of
submitted by AztyArt to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 Eeieeiope Exciting plot with authentic connections

I’ve had a lot of heavy stuff going on and find myself escaping more and more into novels again. I want to ask for suggestions here to avoid the algorithms or ‘booktok’/‘bookstagram’ culture; feels like a lot of WattPad taking the form of actual books (which, is just at least not for me).
I either look for a really compelling plot with a romantic storyline that can at least be saved by well constructed characters, or something that features an intimate relationship between two characters where they’re both just incredibly authentic, as is their connection. If I can get something with both, I’m in.
I’m going to list out some books I’ve enjoyed in the last few years to give an idea. I’m happy to go outside of things like what I list, and I want to make clear that I don’t think that any of them are perfect reads. I don’t know that I’ve ever really found something that just totally did it for me. But, that said, over the last few years these were books I was handed that just scratched whatever itch I have enough to feel immersive and even exciting or compelling for me; enough to hit pause on my present reality for a while.
MANY thanks to anyone who contributes; it is much appreciated!
‘The Shadow of The Wind’ (Carlos Ruiz Zafón) (And basically his entire bibliography) The Winter Trilogy by Katherine Arden ‘The Bedlam Stacks’ (Natasha Pulley) The Mirror Visitor Quartet by Christelle Dabos Most - but not all - Neil Gaiman books (controversially did not like ‘American Gods’) Both Madeline Miller novels (to be fair, each touch on subjects that were just Personal) Have enjoyed Leigh Bardugo (though ‘The Familiar’ was WattPad-y for me) For all of my issues with VE Schwab my God can she write a compelling storyline with some awesome detail
submitted by Eeieeiope to ReadingSuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:31 gingereno Lore breakdowns, one scene at a time - Emperor's Throne Room

Lore breakdowns, one scene at a time - Emperor's Throne Room
First off, I wanted to do more than one scene at a time, but for some reason Reddit isn't allowing me to input more than one image at a time at the moment. Perhaps its a new UI I'm not used to...either way, this is what I got so far...
In my first deep dive through the trailer, I found a bunch of story elements, and interesting shots. This first scene is at the start of the trailer, and it shows the player character kneeling to the Emperor, who is also narrating the shot.
In this shot we see several things:
  1. The "Emperor"
  2. Two-seated throne
  3. Multiple Sceptre-symbols
A little more detail on each...
"The Emperor" would actually be called the "fercönyng" (FAYR-cö-ning) meaning "first king". Typically the fercönyng is human.
"The Dual Throne" shows there is a king (fercönyng) and a queen, called the héamecwyn (hey-ah-may-kween), or mecwyn for short. Her title translates to "Illustrious Queen". The héamecwyn is typically Elven. The reason for a human ferconyng and an elven mecwyn has to do with the history of the Aedyran empires origins.
"Aedyran Sceptre Iconography". Behind the ferconyng is a large banner of a sceptre, there are also two smaller banners flanking this one. This is the symbol of Aedyr, and refers to a specific sceptre called the "Ine Gyrd"; which is a sceptre said to contain the souls of the previous rulers of Aedyr.
The fercönyng wants you to go to the Living Lands to eradicate the Dreamscourge. Perhaps there is concern of it spreading beyond the Living Lands to Aedyr; or it might be interfering with some of their projects within the Living Lands.
submitted by gingereno to avowed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:24 EzVox03 Annoyed by Liberals

I shared this once before; it's notes from when I tried doing some youtube editorials which I never posted.
I never planned or expected to spend as much time writing about politics and cultural issues, but I guess about 10 years or so ago right around the time I was getting out of college. Where while I was decent at writing, I never particularly enjoyed it very much. I got out of school to enter the workforce right around the same time of the 2008 election, and that definitely had an impact on my resorting to writing more and more and more really just as an outlet to vent all of my frustrations with American culture and politics.
Back in those days, I really didn’t pay much attention even to whether or not I was a conservative, liberal, democrat, republican, or libertarian. I spent most of my 20’s so far removed from that stuff it was not a huge interest for me at all.
Funny thing is, I honestly still don’t think I really _want_ to be interested in politics. I’m pretty sure I’m like the most hung up on the escalating political & cultural tensions of most people I personally know.
And I really don’t think I would be, to be perfectly honest, if it weren’t for a segment of this country who I consider to be just absolutely whacked out, totally illogical and irrational crazy people. And I’m by no means basic, I’m so far from a ‘conformist’ it’s not even funny. Maybe that’s why liberals aggravate me so much.
I blame it all on liberals… If it weren’t for liberals being so out of their minds, I highly doubt I’d even care all that much about the political landscape in this country. It isn’t even that I can’t handle crazy people, actually… What really vexes me about liberals isn’t really that they’re nuts, although that certainly doesn’t make them any easier to deal with…. You know, if I had to put my finger on it, I think the thing that pisses me off the most about liberals is their propensity for unjustified smugness far beyond unacceptable.
I don’t know which part of that is the worst about them, the unjustified part, or the smug part. I’m not sure I’d have much of a tolerance for either if they stood by themselves, but the two things combined are so beyond frustrating, I find myself just writing about them all the time in absolute frustration. I always knew these people were around, but I was able to for the most part avoid them like the plague back before the election and social media. Obama got into office right around the same time social media started becoming a thing.
I guess I could have, looking back on it, just kept on avoiding liberals, but at this point, it’s near impossible to avoid them. They’re multiplying like crazy. I never in my life thought making fun of male feminists might actually start being considered _controversial_ but, that’s just the least of our concerns… The sad thing is, were it not for me disagreeing with, opposing, or differing from liberals on nearly every idealogical, cultural, physical, existential, philosophical, physiological, scientific, theologian, biological aspect of this life, I’d otherwise think a lot of liberals are pretty cool.… Just kidding. I do have liberal friends though, although writing about them (not the friends) but liberals in general in a general mocking, disdainful, satire I know hasn’t exactly been super conductive to keeping those friendships thriving.… I regret that.
But again, this is another problem with liberals that makes them particularly annoying to me. In all honesty, I’ve most of the time considered friendships with people totally independent of my particular political views. I’ve always had a really high tolerance for every type of weird there is, I really have never held someone’s politics against them before (but the past year of hate, of Trump hate and hate of all people Trump, I guess I’m probably a lot more on the defensive with the die hard ones), and for years, I’ve really tried to keep my writing and dialogue as amicable as possible so as to try maintaining decent relations with the various liberals I know - oddly, I think I know a lot more liberals than conservatives, especially conservatives who read or write about it or have an interest greater than watching Fox News or something a few nights a week. I know a lot more people who are similarly interested in politcs as me as liberals than I do like-minded conservatives. That’s kinda rough.
So over the years, and I’m sure a few people I know might end up watching this, probably to judge and make fun of me, but they might recall from the stuff I have written, that I do at least attempt to keep it pretty civil. But at the same time, liberal discourse is so NOT-civil, that I know sometimes I find myself sounding maybe a little more like a dick than I’ve wanted to be. It hasn’t helped that I’ve had some number of past acquaintances turn full-libtard along the way, a number of people blocking me, talking serious trash, going way beyond what you would hope political dialogue or debates would go with people with whom you’re acquainted.
People really have to make a choice at some point if they’re interested in talking politics & thinking independently all at once. It’s really impossible to do without upsetting some people along the way, if you’re going to be honest with yourself, think independently, & hold political debate or discussions together.
Liberals don’t ever seem to feel as if they have to think about that sort of thing, that’s another aggravating thing about liberals. They’re supposed to be the “counter-culture”, speaking for the marginalized against the “establishment” group-thinking types. But that’s just not the way it is anymore. It’s easy to be a liberal and to talk liberal politics. Most of it makes absolutely no logical or rational sense, so it certainly doesn’t take much exercise in intellect. And I’m aware of there being a lot of intellectual liberals, but even the so called “intellectuals” in, say, academia, seem to have become completely unhinged over the past few years, particularly in regards to race, maybe the most irresponsible & divisive issue of all among liberals; and one of the topics that bothers me the most about liberals.
Liberals have become unreasonable to even argue with to even try to make some kind of point, no matter how logical or reasonable you believe it to be, most often, liberals simply do not want to hear logic or reason.
This is the case in Climate Science, where indicating that you question the rather numerous sketchy details about the climate science narrative in today’s media, political, pop culture. To me and so many, there’s such an overwhelming number of logical problems with the whole thing, issues that aren’t by any means new, some of these are obvious problems & to try to talk about them, which I’ve done many times, I’m not sure how effectively, but I’ve given it my college try. And it’s exhausting. As you’re talking about it, you realize how many people are actually pissed off at you and unwilling to even hear one point that speaks against it. I’m not going to get into the details of why I have issues with it, but let’s just say, it’s pretty obvious there’s a problem with it when no other scientific theory has ever treated dissenters or people who are skeptical of it so aggressively, at least not in my memory or in anything I’ve ever read about. It’s insane. We have people masquerading as “scientists”, referred to in our rather ignorant pop-culture as scientists, they even have the words “the scientist” in their names sometimes.. and these people are giving speeches to colleges, and they’re so trendy and “cool” it’s so amazingly annoying. OH MAN.
And people like that, with “the scientist” in their names (while categorically not being a scientist) are actually speaking on national television saying people who question even a little of the authenticity or feel, rightly, that it definitely has not been proven - the climate is so ungodly complex that it’s ludacrous to imagine these people researched it and found carbon was driving factor of our climate, climate, which has fluctuated so massively so many times, well since the day the earth was born for crying out loud. It’s crazy. We’ve had ice ages, and just 800 years ago, a medieval warming period (mwp) age that science still really doesn’t have any idea what caused it. So it’s just ludicrous they can admit they don’t know things like that, but they know that if the world’s countries get together 50 TRILLION DOLLARS, they’ll be able to lower the global temperture in the next 30 years by like .7 degrees Celsius. It’s maniacal!!!! They’re maniacs!!!! Good lord.
Anyways… Liberal maniacs... I’ve been playing around with some different software just looking to try things other than just writing sometimes, and I started trying to learn how to do these videos just to have some fun, just to try something new aside from writing all the time. I work also so I’m not really able to spend as much time as I’d like on writing. I’ve also been noticing so many damned crazy liberals on the internet lately, that i simply don’t have the time to write about all of these people. I don’t know yet if this will be a quick process, but it seems like I’ll be able to much more efficiently target and mock liberals by just casually talking about them into my webcam as I point at them and laugh than I can with the written word. Although this requires a bit of writing too, but hopefully with a little practice, Ill be able to just make fun of them off the cuff without having to find the ones to make fun of only to return back after taking some notes on their insanity.
There’s no rhyme or reason to these videos right now, but instead of continuing to wait around until I have an exact idea for a theme - a theme of what exactly it is about liberals I want most to mock, ridicule, and call moronic. So I decided I’m just going to start taking a note every time a mainstream or pop-culture liberal says or does something worthy to mock, ridicule, and call moronic.
I happened across one today by chance, and even though I definitely had hoped for some grand liberal idiocy to kick off my video editorializing rookie attempt, this one is going to do for now just so I don’t keep saying I’ll do it next week. I’m just having some fun here, I’ll end up saying I’ll do it next week forever if I don’t just jump into a liberal already.
submitted by EzVox03 to IntellectualElk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:19 Ilovefrenchfries2 A question for all of yall

Hey, I don't usually post threads like this because they tend to get locked for causing drama or discourse in the community. Most people don't like these question threads because they see it as the OP trying to be snarky or looking down on them. But that's not why I'm here; I just want to get confirmation on something.
It seems like a lot of people are very upset about the changes being made to Character.AI. Namely, the bots' short memory, the censorship, and the repetition. Some of you say that the AI can't even remember the last message you sent. Essentially, the AI has the memory of a goldfish, maybe even worse.
Tbe Devs evidently dont do diddly squat to fix all of this, just adding a bunch of worthless features and patting themselves on the back.
So, my question is: why do you keep continuing at this point? What is the benefit of using this site?
I read that there are ways you can stop the AI from getting into these loops, but they take a lot of patience and hard work on the user's end. It seems like you're taking up the role of being a parent/teacher to this robot. You have to be extra patient and alter your way of writing to make sure it doesn't malfunction or forget its memory. It's like taking care of a pet or something. Some of you even panic because the site is on a waiting list right now or is down, saying that you're about to have a mental breakdown or go crazy. Honestly, I can't tell sometimes when people are just joking or being dead serious on here. The line is so blurred.
How is it not easier to just find a roleplaying partner? A good roleplaying partner who is knowledgeable about the character they're roleplaying and decent at writing could do a million times better than an AI can.
You wouldn't have to worry about them saying things out of character or repeating the same lines over and over. And they would remember what point in the story you're at. It wouldn't take but a couple of minutes to find a roleplaying partner here on Reddit or some other social media app.
Do you guys just not mind having to do all that to roleplay with AI, or is it just easier to access than, say, a real roleplaying partner?
submitted by Ilovefrenchfries2 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:14 CultureSelect6019 Conflicted About Cracking Egg-- Sunk Costs Fallacy?

I feel like it's taken my whole life to figure out how to get masculinity correct as someone who's always thought of themselves as hetero male. I feel like I've finally got the bearing right, the laugh, I've even figured out ways to dress myself that feel expressive and fun with actual color and texture. I'm 35 and overweight, so that's kind of a hard thing to do. Most men's XXL sizes assume that you are either a golfer or a khaki enthusiast, which I am neither. I've always struggled to feel adequate as a man, and I've put decades of effort into making a home of the house of my own body, so to speak. And other choices like being married and such.
I never thought I might be trans because I never experienced anything that I understood as gender dysphoria, I've always been mostly okay with it and although I've always daydreamed of being a girl sometimes I always kind of dismissed it as being a subset of being kind of hypersexual-- I thought it was just an extension of my enthusiasm.
So I got married, and my wife always joked that she was going to give up on men before she started dating me, and that I changed her mind but if I ever died she'd go back to women in a heartbeat, and that it felt kind of like splitting the difference to be with me anyway. Shoulda maybe clocked that as some kind of sign or portent.
A couple years back, we got into BDSM, and I experienced the closest thing to gender euphoria as a man I ever had getting my top energy out and having that sense of command. It made my masculinity make sense to me. And then I kept having these thoughts like "What if you were the good girl". And ever since, alone, I've been having these fantasies of being not only the submissive but a submissive in an explicitly feminine context.
I went to a drag performance, and I was encouraged to wear a little accessory, and my friend gave me these pink mesh gloves. And it just lit something up in me to wear this frilly neon pink thing. It made me so happy. And then I always listen to pop music, but the other day I was singing along to Reysha Rami's Daddy's Favorite and I asked myself-- who are you in that dynamic? And I wouldn't be making this post if I was the daddy in that situation.
I thought about fully crossdressing in my wife's clothes since we share some shirts between us anyway, but I became kind of terrified what it would mean if I liked it. Which was kind of the last tap on the egg before it began to crack and I started to kind of seriously ask questions, because it doesn't seem like the hetero answer is to be scared of liking it so much.
I'm scared of how much change is necessary to embrace this truth about myself. I love it when my wife calls me handsome, I even feel handsome in a masculine context much of the time, and I love who I am as a masculine dominant in my relationship with my wife. I don't feel like I want to reject that part of myself just as I finally found a way to find solace and comfort in it. I just also have this other, newer (or maybe older and just unrecognized?) part of myself that's compelling and fascinating and feels very vital.
I feel like I want to split the difference, somehow, or to be these two people alternately? I want to embrace all of who I am but these two parts seem so opposite that I wonder if they're mutually exclusive. I'm scared of being a new person at 35, I'm scared of taking away the husband my wife fell in love with. But I've been joking recently (since I started writing smut) that I'm in my slut era, and every time someone refers to me in the feminine that way it kind of makes my heart sing.
I'm not looking for anyone to tell me what to do, but if you relate to this in any way it would mean something to me to hear how you ended up resolving it.
submitted by CultureSelect6019 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:11 brod333 Responding to Exion’s response pt 4

I wasn’t originally planning on making another response since my last response took so long to investigate the 382 occurrences of “of God” in the Old Testament. To be honest I didn’t fully read his latest post, I just skimmed for the parts on Haggai 2:15 and focused my response on that section. However, I had some more free time this weekend and decided to read is final reply in detail. It was so bad that I felt I had to reply to show how bad it is. Hopefully it’s the last one I’ll need thanks make and he finally stops making posts about his new Hebrew interpretations. It’s been a few days since his last post which is a good sign that he’s stopped.
This is the post I’m replying to, https://www.reddit.com/Quraniyoon/s/6UJKtnF4g1. For my previous posts see https://www.reddit.com/Quraniyoon/s/zxYJoQXG03.
I never denied this, so I don't know why he starts of with "Nope." He must be interpreting my texts in a very unique way, a way only he experiences.
The problem is he does deny this, at least by what I meant by consonant differences. He explicitly denies it in this very post. It’s just because he doesn’t really know Hebrew he doesn’t understand what I actually meant. He tries to explain the consonant differences but as we’ll see he’s talking about something completely different and actually makes another blunder in his Hebrew.
  • Polel form:
This form is characterized by an intensive or causative meaning and often includes the doubling of the middle consonant (second radical) through a dagesh.
Examplle: קִטֵּל (qittel) - "he slaughtered"
The middle consonant ט is doubled, which is a consonantal difference from the Qal form.
First thing to notice is no citation is given for people to validate themselves.
As for the content to clarify what he’s talking about in Hebrew a doubling of a consonant isn’t always written by writing the consonant twice. Instead they write it once and add a dagesh, the dot in the ט, to indicate the consonant is there twice. The idea of his argument is that while there is a consonant difference that’s only indicated by the diacritical marks. Without the diacritical marks the two verb forms would look identical. Unfortunately there is a problem for him.
The specific word in question is יְשׂוֹחֵ֑חַ. He correctly identifies the root as שִׂיחַ in the definition he cited. If you compare the root with the word in question with his description of the Polel form you’ll notice it doesn’t match. There is no dagesh in the second letter and the third letter, ח, is written twice. The reason for the mismatch is because he thinks the Polel and Piel are the same and is describing the Piel form. While they are related in that they cover the same scope of meaning and the form of the Polel is derived from the Piel they still have different forms.
“The Piel form is a verbal stem formation in Biblical Hebrew, usually indicated by a daghesh in the 2nd radical of the verb.” Stem Piel — unfoldingWord® Hebrew Grammar 1 documentation.
“The Polel stem is a variation of the Piel and has potential to express the same range of verbal action. The Polel stem is formed from the Piel stem by dropping the 2nd radical and repeating the 3rd radical (with a vowel change).” Stem Formation — unfoldingWord® Hebrew Grammar 1 documentation.
In the case of the Polel the doubling of the consonant isn’t done by adding a dagesh. Rather the consonant is actually written twice. This means even if the diacritical marks are removed there is still a difference in the written consonants of the two forms which would tell us it’s the Polel not the Qal. This mistake is bad for a few reasons. First it shows even after all the discussion about this mistake he still doesn’t understand the correct verb form for the verb in question. Second he doesn’t know the Piel and Polel are written differently. Third he didn’t double check that the verb form he was looking at actually matched the verb being examined. Fourth I even specifically said in the post he was replying to that we can know it’s the Polel from the doubling of the ח but he still got it completely wrong.
These same Jews were influenced by the Hellenistic period.
This whole section is still a text book case of the ad hoc fallacy. At first it was the Masoretes who got it wrong when they added the diacritical marks. When we test the theory by looking at earlier sources we see they actually agree with the Masoretes. Without any evidence more assumptions are added to his original theory about how these earlier sources also got it wrong and those assumptions are added for the sole purpose of having his theory avoid falsification by the evidence. He also still isn’t providing any evidence that anyone in history ever held to his interpretation. Somehow all our earliest sources agree with each other and disagree with Exion but they were all wrong and Exion has discovered the true original meaning.
There is also another problem his response overlooks. Exion supposedly can give us the original because he rejects the diacritical marks added by the Masoretes and reads the text without the diacritical marks. However, these pre Masorete sources show that Hebrew speakers reading the text without the diacritical marks read it the same what as the Masoretes did. It undermines the reason Exion gives for why he can find the original. If every Hebrew speaker without diacritical marks read it the same way as the Masoretes then it shows that’s probably how we should read it.
You should stop considering these ancient translations as divinely revealed criteria from God.
Once again he misrepresents me. Whether or not they’re divinely inspired they show us how Hebrew speakers read the Hebrew before diacritical marks were added. Their reading agrees with the Masoretes not Exion so Exion’s point that he is giving the original since he reads without the diacritical marks doesn’t work. If he can’t provide any positive evidence of Hebrew speakers reading the text without diacritical marks that agree with him and we have positive evidence they didn’t then we shouldn’t trust he’s reading it accurately.
He writes:
This is a textbook example of an ad hoc assumption. An ad hoc assumption is when an assumption is added without any evidence to modify a theory for the sole purpose of avoiding falsification of the theory by some evidence
Again, you are just assuming and claiming things without being fully honest about how much evidence I have presented so far in DebateReligion.
Once again he misrepresents me. My point about the ad hoc fallacy was about his response to pre Masorete sources disagreeing with him. However he acts here like it was about something else and goes on a tangent about a different topic. Also his evidence provided is about as good as the evidence I’ve debunked in my posts already. For example he mentions Pliny as a source that Haren was located in Mecca. However, in his original posts in debatereligion another user, u/LekuvidYisrool, did a more thorough analysis of Pliny’s writing to show how Exion misrepresented it. While Exion doesn’t link to the original post I will, https://www.reddit.com/DebateReligion/s/RFkdwx0kel. Despite being shown to be wrong, and not responding to that comment in the post before the one I’m responding to he again mentions Pliny as a source.
He writes:
It's also important to fully understand how Qal and Polel verb forms function in Biblical Hebrew before refuting people online, lest you want to be a laughingstock. These forms can have nuanced differences, but they often share overlapping meanings, especially for verbs like שִׂיחַ (siakh).
Note what he’s doing in this section. He’s acknowledging nuanced differences between the forms but is trying to dismiss the relevance of the nuance so make it sound like his given definition is the same regardless of whether the Qal or Polel was used. However, it’s his original post he’s the one that called out the nuance as being relevant. He explicitly states the nuanced difference between two meanings and noted the word he chose for his translation was chosen to reflect the nuance of one of the meanings. The problem is that nuance he refers to is part of the Qal meaning not the Polel so his attempt to now dismiss the relevance of the nuance fails. He’s trying thanks have his cake and eat it too. When making his translation he called attention to the nuance but when called out on the mistake he wants to dismiss the nuance.
And who laid down these breaks? The Masoretes! Whose translation/manuscript did they mimic? The Christian ones. You can't possibly see how fallacious your argumentation is in reality.
He’s still missing the point. Given all the mistakes Exion has made through his posts, even if we just look at the ones he’s acknowledged, the list is so long that he’s shown to be an unreliable source of info. He’s also been shown to not actually know Hebrew. He also has no evidence anyone ever read the text the same way as him before the diacritical makes were added but we have evidence of Hebrew speakers before the Masoretes reading it the same way. Given all that why should we trust him in this case over the Masoretes? If you are trying to cheat on a test do you copy from someone failing the class or someone who’s acing the class?
Their mission even 'coincidentally' started around the 7th century. I mean, nobody is stupid, man.
The implication is they were trying to cover prophecies about Mohammed and Islam. If that’s the case than why can’t he show earlier sources that agree with him but we have earlier sources which disagree with him and agree with the Masoretes?
The Old Testament agrees with the Quran when it is read in its original form, and I am here to expose it.
Yet everyone before the Masoretes reading the original form agree with the Masoretes and disagree with Exion. All he can do is provide as hoc assumptions to try and save his theory from being falsified by the counter evidence.
Surely, it can't just be the mere fact that there's a space between "ב" and the verse, because I remember providing him with the website where I copied the verses (Chabad.org), and the same formatting error happens regardless of how you do the copying (phone or PC). I clearly explained to him what had happened. So, he is either blatantly lying and pushing this "mistake" to try and make me look bad, or he is ignorant of either #1 or #2. But I think it is the latter, hence why he wrote:
This whole section is misleading. First he never explained where he was copying the verse from and I tested copying from a source with the verse number, it included the space. I made sure to check all the comments related to this issue and no where see him referencing the specific source for people to see it removing the space. If he had explained that before I would have made my accusation more modest. I’m fine to acknowledge I’m wrong about the space getting removed (see I can admit to being wrong when there is actual evidence). Unfortunately it doesn’t help enough as we’ll see.
Second since my very first comment on this mistake, https://www.reddit.com/DebateReligion/s/4ZXhhi1OmE, I explicitly acknowledge 1 & 2 points he’s made here. It misrepresents me to suggest I’m not aware of those things.
Third as most importantly his attempt to appeal thanks ב being a common preposition added to the beginning of words doesn’t reflect what actually happened. If you read my comment I just linked you’d see this. To illustrate the real problem I’ve thought of a better example than “bchicken”. Instead suppose he copied from an alphabetical list and due to technology issues it copied the beginning as “adeer”. The letter a is commonly added as a prefix to words, e.g abed means in bed, ashore means on the shore, amoral means not moral. It would be understandable if he split the word into “a” and “deer” and interpreted it as saying something like “in deer” or “not deer”.
Unfortunately that’s not what he did. Rather what he did is akin to splitting is into “ad” and “eer”, taking “ad” as having the meaning of the prefix “a” and taking “eer” as the body part one uses to hear from. Then he takes the meaning as something like “in ear” or “on ear” or “not ear”. The issue is he got the prefix wrong as he added an extra letter to it, and while “eer” is pronounced the same it’s not the correct spelling, the correct spelling is “ear”. This is what he did in his post. He took the prefix as בי not ב. He then took the next word as referring to the Shekinah Glory of God but while pronounced the same it’s not how you spell Shekinah in Hebrew.
His response in this post tried to make it seem like he just took ב as the preposition on the following word. He doesn’t tell the full story of how he took the next letter of the word as part of the preposition and then took the rest as a different word despite not being spelled correctly. Would anyone seriously take someone who sees “adeer” and takes it to mean something like “in ear” to actually know English even if the mistake of the a getting added was a tech issue? Sure the situation is slightly better for him since he finally showed how the verse number was added with a space and how the missing diacritical marks were missed. However, he still butchered the Hebrew and then failed to correct the verse when copying the post elsewhere. This is the kind of bad Hebrew and sloppy mistakes we see throughout his posts.
submitted by brod333 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:07 BattleMedic1918 Alan Wake-inspired build help

"My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer."
I know that there isn't much of an overlap (haha) with both fandoms, but I would like some help regarding my next playthrough.
For anyone that doesn't know, Alan Wake is the main character of the Alan Wake game series. He is a fiction writer that got entangled in various paranormal/extradimensional shenanigans, with him utilizing his writing capabilities in order to change reality and escape from his predicaments. Oh and there's a dark version of him that manifested itself and is actively malicious to him. There's a lot more that happens in the games, but the story itself is very convoluted.
Anyways, with all of that in mind, what build should I run based on this? I'm thinking DUrge Bard and multiclassing into Wizard and/or Sorcerer. Let me know what your thoughts are.
submitted by BattleMedic1918 to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:05 love_is_a_superpower What happened to Jephthah's daughter?

Jephthah's Daughter
"Can the blind lead the blind? Won't they both fall into the ditch?" Luke 6:39
I think human weakness is why the Bible encourages us to think like siblings, instead of rulers. (Deuteronomy 17:18-20, Matthew 23:8-10) More often than not, human leadership can't be trusted to represent us. How much more unqualified are we humans to represent G-d!
The Bible says we imitate our leaders. (Esther 1:13-18, Matthew 10:25) It even goes so far as to say G-d chooses our leaders, good or bad, to give us someone to learn from. (Proverbs 28:28) G-d removed Nebuchadnezzar from being king of Babylon because of his sin and pride. Once he understood that, "the heavens rule," G-d restored his mind and his kingdom.
But, what if we believe something bad about a leader that isn't true? Won't that make us believe G-d condones bad behavior? Won't that encourage us to emulate bad behavior? "As a man thinks in his heart, so he is." (Proverbs 23:7)
In the days after the people of Israel came into the Promised Land, they had no king. Their human "leaders" were priests and judges.
This brings us to Judges 11:30-40.
I've seen a few posts lately asking if Jephthah, Judge of Israel, sacrificed his child to the G-d of Israel. The historians who believe she was killed, do not provide any evidence of such an atrocity. (1 Timothy 6:3-5, Titus 1:9-11, Deuteronomy 12:30-31)
The Bible describes the entire event. The text shows that Jephthah's daughter lived out her days in service to the Priesthood. I provide as evidence the following:
Israel would have to abandon their religion to allow the sacrifice of an innocent human. (John 16:1-4) You might ask then, "Wasn't Jesus innocent of sin?" Jesus was innocent, but He was no mere human. He did for us what only G-d could do. The New Testament teaches us that Jesus is G-d, just as the Old Testament said He would be. (John 10:30, Isaiah 9:6). This mystery is spelled out in mankind. My words on this page are me, but not all of me. They would not be here without me, and they cannot be ascribed to another person. My words are my spirit outside my body, working to make my intentions a reality. In a more powerful way, Christ embodies G-d's Spirit. (John 1:1-18, Isaiah 55:10-11) We call Jesus, "Son of G-d and Son of Man," because He assumed human form for our sake. (Psalm 2:7, Psalm 110:1, Matthew 22:41-46, Mark 1:11, Hebrews 2:7-9, John 3:14-17) Our Heavenly Father can be known through Jesus' divine power, logic, and character. (John 14:8-11, Matthew 11:27, Isaiah 55:9)
When people sinned against innocent blood, G-d did not protect them, or receive their sacrifices. (Joshua 23:11-13, Jeremiah 19:1-5)
In the book of Ezekiel 18:2-4, G-d doesn't allow children to suffer for their parent's mistakes. He refuses to kill the righteous along with the wicked. G-d's love demands we also support justice this way. (Genesis 18:23-33, Genesis 20:4, Numbers 16:22, Exodus 23:7, Psalm 11:4-7)
Jephthah's daughter was not killed for her father's vow. We can know this for the following reasons:
Jephthah didn't sacrifice his daughter himself. That would require that he knew nothing of the G-d he'd made the vow to. (Deuteronomy 23:23) The G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob calls us to choose life. (Deuteronomy 30:14-20)
Judges 2:18, Judges 11:29, and Hebrews 11:32-34 tell us that G-d's Spirit was with Jephthah. His words in Judges 11:15-25 show Jephthah to be educated in the Mosaic accounts of Hebrew affairs. These are some of the things Jephthah would know as a Hebrew in his days:
Jephthah knew what was allowed or disallowed as a sacrifice under G-d's covenant. Hebrew males made at least three sacrifices every year. (Exodus 23:14-17, Exodus 34:23-24, Deuteronomy 16:16-17)
He said he knew the law well enough to know what kind of vow he had made and that he could not retract it. (Deuteronomy 23:23, Judges 11:35, Leviticus 5:4, Numbers 30:2)
No one outside the tribe or possession of Levi was to serve in the tabernacle or to officiate as priest. Only priests are allowed to actually perform sacrificial rites. Numbers 18:1-7 Jephthah was a Gileadite of the tribe of Manasseh. (Judges 11:1, Numbers 26:29)
Innocent humans are never killed under the Law of Moses. (Deuteronomy 24:16, 2 Kings 14:6, Ezekiel 18:20)
Human sacrifice is one of the worst things a person could do under the Law of Moses. It is strictly forbidden. Moses' law came long before Jephthah. (Deuteronomy 12:30-31, 2 Kings 17:17, Jeremiah 7:31, Jeremiah 32:35)
First-born males are, "holy to the L-rd," meaning they are His property. Under this directive, humans are always "redeemed." They are purchased back; a substitute is given for them. (Exodus 13:13-15, Numbers 18:15, Leviticus 27:1-5)
Neither they nor "unclean" animals are allowed in any type of blood sacrifice. This is emphasized in the case of humans with the word "surely." (Strongs H389, Numbers 18:15, Exodus 13:14-15, Leviticus 27:20, Exodus 34:20)
Only certain, "clean," animals and offerings of food are acceptable to be devoted to G-d. Anything that *is allowed to be devoted as a burnt offering, "shall not be redeemed, but shall surely be put to death." (Leviticus 22:18-19, Leviticus 27:28-29, Numbers 15:1-12*)
Humans and unclean animals are not ever allowed as sacrifices on the altar or anywhere else. (Leviticus 27:11-12, Leviticus 27:28)
"Devoted" fields and children permanently belonged to the priest. They could not be sold or redeemed under this extraordinary, "vow of devoted things." They weren't set on fire, they were put into service. (Leviticus 27:21, Numbers 18:8-14, Ezekiel 44:29) See Strong's H5411 and H5412 referring to the "nethinim." This is the name for those given into temple service. (Nehemiah 10:28-29, Ezra 7:24)
Any person making an acceptable sacrifice to G-d in an unacceptable way, also breaks the Law of Moses. Offerings made without the benefit of a Priest and a place chosen by G-d are in violation. Deuteronomy 12:2-8, Judges 2:2-5, King Saul was forsaken by G-d for officiating as priest at a sacrifice. (1 Samuel 13:5-14)
The atrocities committed by the, "sons of Hinnom" were well known in the time of Jephthah. (2 Kings 23:1-10, Jeremiah 32:30-35) To sacrifice a son or daughter was a crime punished by abandonment by G-d or death. (Leviticus 18:21, Deuteronomy 17:2-7, Deuteronomy 18:9-12, 2 Chronicles 28:1-15)
Any person in the same room with the dead or who touches a dead person, even in war, is "unclean for seven days." To resolve this requires ritual bathing on the third and seventh day. It also requires living, "outside the camp for seven days." (Numbers 5:2, Numbers 19:11-16, Numbers 31:19)
Jephthah didn't persuade a priest to sacrifice his daughter.
Priests made atonement for the "uncleanness" of others through acceptable sacrifices. They and the nation and became, "clean," by offering these sacrifices. Many verses attest to this. Here are a few of them. (Leviticus 14:1-14, Leviticus 15:13-15, Leviticus 15:31, Numbers 15:1-12)
When Israelis warred against others, it was because of their outrageous idolatrous practices. (Deuteronomy 13)
A priest cannot sacrifice a thing that would make himself and the people near him unclean. That would be contrary to the whole purpose of making an offering. (Leviticus 4:13-20, Leviticus 3:5).
Priests were not allowed to be near any dead body unless the person who died was an immediate family member. If a priest attended a funeral, his cleansing required ritual washings, seven days of separation, and a sin-offering. (Leviticus 21:1-6, Ezekiel 44:25-27)
G-d requires holiness. (Exodus 19:6, 1 Thessalonians 4:7, Leviticus 10:1-3, Leviticus 19:2, 1 Peter 1:16) Sacrificing anything unacceptable would have desecrated the man, the altar, and the tabernacle. To sacrifice one's child on G-d's altar was considered a profane act honoring a false, foreign god. (Leviticus 18:30, Leviticus 20:1-5) If a priest had sacrificed Jephthah's daughter, the priest and Jephthah would have been put to death for murder. Then, the altar would need ritual cleansing. The tabernacle would then need to be rededicated. Anyone present would have to remain outside the camp for seven days. This is evidenced by the history of Antiochus Epiphanes. He sacrificed a pig on the altar with the purpose of desecrating Solomon's temple. The temple had to be rededicated and cleansed before it could be used again. These events are recorded in 1 Macabees Chapter 1, and 2 Macabees Chapter 4. No such events surrounding Jephthah, or his daughter, exist.
G-d didn't change His mind and allow this one instance of human sacrifice on His altar. His character is unchanging. His law is love. (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Malachi 3:6, James 1:17, 2 Timothy 2:13)
Jeremiah 20:13 Abraham was tested by G-d and directed to sacrifice his son, Issac. As a prophet of G-d, Abraham represented G-d's message to us. (Genesis 20:7) He prophesied our Messiah's sacrificial death in Jerusalem to redeem mankind in Genesis 22:8 and Genesis 22:14. Supporting passages include: (Isaiah 8:18, 2 Chronicles 3:1, John 1:29, Luke 13:34, Luke 18:31, John 8:28, Luke 23:34-49)
Jonathan, son of King Saul was condemned to die under his father's rash vow and yet Jonathan was not put to death. He did not hear of the oath his father made before breaking it. The people restrained Saul from shedding Jonathan's innocent blood. (1 Samuel 14:26-30, 1 Samuel 14:36-45, Psalm 109:30-31)
If Jephthah's daughter had died, she would have been lamented at least seven days, not four. A longer memorial would have been normal, since she was the only child of the nation's ruler.
Jews today call the period of mourning the dead, "sitting Shiva." Shiva is the Hebrew word for "seven." It refers to the first seven days of mourning. (Genesis 50:10, 1 Samuel 31:13, 1 Chronicles 10:12, Sirach 22:12)
Important people were sometimes mourned 30 to 70 days after death. (Genesis 50:1-3, Numbers 20:29, Deuteronomy 34:8) Chabad Jews still mourn parents a full 30 days.
So, what became of Jephthah's daughter?
I think the greatest witness to answer this, is in what the nation did in response to her sacrifice. Instead of being mourned, she was remembered and emulated by the people. All the men and women went to Shiloh to commemorate her faithfulness once a year. The following scriptures document this.
The passage says she was subject to a vow of lifelong celibacy. (Judges 11:39)
Hebrews were familiar with this type of vow as evidenced by the young woman's response to it. She asked for two months to spend with her friends in the mountains to cry over her virginity. The word used here for "crying" is Strong's number H1058. It is a crying in sorrow. If she had been sentenced to death, she would have a lot more to mourn than just her virginity. (Judges 11:36-37)
The Bible says Jephthah was "brought very low," meaning he didn't want to go through with his vow. He granted his child her request to spend time with her friends. Her friends could have legally helped her escape. (Deuteronomy 23:15) This suggests she would be willingly leaving their home in Mizpeh to reside with the priests. (Leviticus 22:10-11) They were in Shiloh at the time, according to Joshua 18:1, and Joshua 21:1-4
Judges 11:39-40 tells us that Jephthah's daughter was honored by the women of Israel. They went up yearly to "commemorate," (Strong's H8567,) not lament, her obedience to her father, Jephthah, and her Father, G-d. *Judges 21:19-25** documents a yearly "feast of the L-rd," where women were gathered at Shiloh.
The Hebrew words for lamentation, mourning, and weeping are, Strong's H4553, H5594, and H1058, respectively. These are not the words used for the yearly memorial of the daughter of Jephthah.
Males made three sacrifices each year. 1 Samuel 1:1-7 documents Samuel's father, bringing his wives with him to Shiloh only once each year. At this time, he made a sacrifice and they held a feast. They also worshiped G-d before leaving Shiloh. (1 Samuel 1:19)
The greatest example of emulating Jephthah's daughter is in 1 Samuel 9:9. Samuel the Seer was dedicated to G-d at this feast by his mother, before his conception. (1 Samuel 1:11) She also made this extraordinary vow, upon Samuel, as well as a Nazarite vow. Though Samuel was born an Ephraimite, he was given to the tribe of Levi and offered in service to the priesthood for the rest of his life. (1 Samuel 1:21-22, 1 Samuel 1:27-28, 1 Samuel 2:18-19, Leviticus 27:2) Samuel became Judge of Israel when he was grown. (1 Samuel 7:9-15)
There are other instances in Biblical literature in which people made this type of vow:
Anna the Prophetess dedicated herself to G-d after living with a husband seven years from her virginity. She was in the temple day and night offering service to G-d. (Luke 2:36-37, 1 Timothy 5:5, Psalm 84:10)
The Apostle Paul speaks of the churches' service to confirmed widows: women who had vowed themselves in service to G-d. Only carefully chosen persons were allowed to make this vow. (1 Timothy 5:3-15, Numbers 30:9)
The Old Testament refers to the Levites as servants, "given," to the sons of Aaron. The "Nethinim," or, "given-ones," were servants to the Levites and the temple. Sometimes whole families would dedicate themselves to Temple service. (Ezra 2:43-54, Nehemiah 10:28-29)
Once, a league of countries shrewdly entered Israel's land, pretending to be from far away. They did this to save their lives and reap the benefits of becoming covenant servants. Joshua 9:3-26 records them as hewing wood and drawing water for the congregation as well as for the altar of the L-rd. (Joshua 11:19, 2 Samuel 21:1-9)
Author's Note: The words of Jesus can protect us from the sins that come from making vows. (Matthew 5:33-37, Matthew 6:13)
Related verses: (Exodus 32:32-33, Leviticus 18:30, Deuteronomy 17:6, Deuteronomy 18:1-8, Deuteronomy 23:21-22, 2 Kings 16:3, Ecclesiastes 5:5, Ezekiel 18:20, 1 Corinthians 10:13, James 5:12)
submitted by love_is_a_superpower to CovenantDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:56 lightninja776 Where is the love?

Hey you guys, this is the operator of the ss Champion of Truth here.
I am a huge fan of this game and watch a lot of yt vids during my commute. This was a response I started writing to a recent one of my fav content creators that support the game and it became my soap box piece. Let me know your thoughts because I really love this game. Plus I'm thinking about becoming a writer for video game magazines/making my own videos since I hate to see great games get so much hate since it's easy to criticize.
Good video like usual, but you know i admire your work so i have to give my constructive criticism. You have to admit it's a good problem to have when you're asking for more paid dlc. To me it is a reminder that the developers are hard focused on getting new cool content out as often as possible in the most accessible way. By making the new stuff cool new missions for everybody, new stratagems that are earned and added for everyone to unlock in free game currency, the fact that the premium war bonds also can be grinded out. If this was a 60-$70 game then yeah i could feel fine about complaining there isn't more in the superstore. But remember this is a $40 game with this level of variety and support. I'm still blown away by how varied and different each mission in the game is. They nail the experience so well I've had endless hours of fun meeting new players, which almost all of them are awesome and totally great with the rest only being pretty great. I know it's easy to be critical, I'm doing it right now, but too much is bad. This game is like a new young sapling breaking through layers of concrete and toxic waste to sprout. So let's not forget where that toxic waste and concrete came from. It's from the rest of the gaming industry that's forced artists to cut down or change their ideas and make us as consumers put up with hot garbage. So don't try to expect this sapling to produce all the shade and wood you need immediately. Because let's be honest, if this was a AAA game it probably would be in beta right now.
So remember that you can take your time to criticize because it's not like there's a danger of everyone forgetting to completion about something. But you do need to remember to slow down and appreciate all that this game is and what it stands for. A return to a games primary function, to have fun. All the fancy systems and technology is only in service of that purpose so let's not destroy this beautiful new thing before it has a chance to really grow and show us how big it can get.
What i really want people to focus on is the crazy meta game that people rarely talk about. I'm referring to the ongoing d&d like element of this game where you actually feel like a soldier in a giant galactic war. But the real thing that sells me on it is the tiny details. Like how during the mission to destroy the supercolony we accidentally created, there was a "bug" that caused bug breaches to spawn right on the drill. Now sad people would complain and get angry. But for people like me and the devs this was just an opportunity for more fun. Not only did i experience the true chaos of trying to beat such a mission in helldive, but it made sense. People... It's called a SUPERcolomy. So the mistake of the spawns became a lore accurate problem. Of course while playing i had to bump the difficulty down to 5-6 to actually pull a dub but i loved the challenge. Plus my own personal headcannon is that lower difficulty missions are just ones where other divers failed on the helldive leaving partially complete missions that are easier. So to me it's just going right back to where I just died. Of course they released a hot fix for this and instead of just a soulless patch to fix a problem, the seaf engineering team added sonic emitters to the drills so breaches didnt spawn on them. Totally unnecessary but literally the coolest thing to keep it lore accurate and make it a joke. But the best part that sells the experience is that if you don't talk to the randoms you're missing half the game. Because only by doing that do you really feel what it's like to go to war. Taking to your fellow divers, sharing war stories of battles past, and the best part.... Learning from each other. If it wasn't for others i would never know gas strikes close bug holes and destroy fabricators for instance. But again in this recent mission on the supercolony, it wasn't until someone told me the dark fluid was a jetpack that i knew it was a jetpack. And if you're thinking you read that wrong I'm sorry to say you missed it. Because if you do know the maps on the supercolony had these giant holes and around them ramp like dunes the bugs formed. Also, pause for how almost no one gives love to the cool unique maps. But you could use the dark fluid after you run up a ramp to jump way farther than ever before. It felt like this was different from the jump pack as it went higher but less forward. It also has a few other quirks like how it recharges super fast and if you use it more than 5-7 times.... It explodes killing you instantly. And i heard nothing about this from ah. But I'm happy they didn't say anything. Because like a super earth military they won't always tell you everything especially if it's not recommended or safe. But the other grunts on the ground will tell you what really works even if it's risky. Plus how once you succeeded in the mission the supercolony flooded the area with shriekers!?! I never knew i could have so much fun in this game on my back shooting a fire shotgun in the air. Because with that many shriekers it was like fish in a barrel, or shriekers on a supercolony which I'm officially calling to change the addage to. The point is there is so much that is cool, different and refreshing about this game. And if we treat it like the same old simple and stupid garbage we are used to getting well that's what it'll become. Or worse it'll die prematurely because we didn't realize what we had. So am i alone? Do i solely have the ability to marvel and appreciate this? Or perhaps it's that the people who can't get enough of this game barely have any extra time to tell you about it so that only the negative Nancy's log off and spend their time telling you what to be angry about? All i know for sure is that Super Earth needs me. It needs all of us, because there is a war our there. And I for damn sure don't want to lose it. And I'm not talking about any official major order. I'm talking about the war for good games that give us what we really want.
submitted by lightninja776 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:52 IseKai_MC A otaku spirit - DAL vol 13 cover + some illustrations

A otaku spirit - DAL vol 13 cover + some illustrations
Hello guys, since I read Date a Live, I realized that the novel has a certain quality that even more popular and cult novels do not have and that seems to go unnoticed by the fandom, the covers. Yes, the covers are spectacular and break away from the standard of most LNs, there is not just fanservice, there is not just a character striking a cool pose, we actually have covers with a certain visual narrative, whether a connection with the highlighted spirit itself or with the story itself and I will be pleased to show this to you, here are the rules:
  • Due to the oriental reading sense being left -> right of the page, the details will be presented respecting this sense.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words, and DAL is a novel so the images are even more valuable, the idea here is to analyze the covers and relevant illustrations to understand hints, references, foreshadowing, and contexts.
  • Pure fanservice images will not be taken into consideration (at least most of them). No, I’m not the type of otaku who says things like: “fanservice is unnecessary, objectification of women, too gratuitous and empty, it only serves to “excite the viewer””, the last one is even plausible and I understand those who think like this, but all the others are nothing more than cheap demagoguery. They will not be taken into consideration because in addition to not actually adding to the plot most of them are posted to exhaustion on this reddit.
  • Major spoilers will be avoided, at least directly.
{LN 13 Cover}
  • Creation Nia.
6 volumes after being mentioned, finally, Nia is introduced to us and it’s only fair that the subtitle with her name is the first element of the cover.
As for the part of creation, well, obviously a mention to her Sephiroth as well as the most interesting power she has and much beyond that, later we will notice it is also a mention to her work.
  • Spirit Info
Nia is the bearer of the second Sephiroth, Chokhmach (creation). Her codename is ‘Sister’ (with this, there are 3 sisters for Shido, I think there’s a joke here), and her angel is Rasiel.
  • The title.
The title of the series repeats this interesting composition with the characters corresponding to ‘Date’ and ‘Live’ arranged vertically and respectively occupying the left and right ends of the cover, where have we seen this before? Ah yes, volume 5.
However, there is a difference, there the character corresponding to ‘A’ was arranged in a way to separate Kaguya and Yuzuru. In the current volume, this character is positioned at the height of Nia’s chest, I could be mean here and say it’s a joke about the modest size of her bra but I think the reason is much more interesting.
The design of the character allied to the girl’s pose naturally forms an ‘A’, all this is because she was the [material A], the spirit kept in prison by DEM.
  • The Highlighted Girl.
Nia is in her astral dress that resembles a nun’s outfit, with a calm expression and by her pose she appears to be in prayer. It’s what it looks like if you’re at a considerable distance because if you get closer you’ll soon realize that the dress is mostly transparent and a lot of skin is on display, and… a bow panties?
What kind of nun is this? As a Catholic, I find this a bit offensive, I confess, but even shitty astral dresses carry the visual narrative of the spirit in question, such lack of modesty obviously gives the image that Nia is ‘uninhibited’ but hides something, she is reclusive and pacifist (that’s why she’s praying), also notice that the pose conveniently covers her mouth (which can also be a reference to the angel Rasiel’s name).
And indeed, in the story we will learn that Nia is fun, sociable and high spirited but we will also learn that maybe she uses this to disguise her suffering. Moreover, on her veil there are two adornments that only in the anime I found out were pens for her to write in Rasiel’s book.
Lastly, the ‘cabalism moment’ of this review, the world of emanation is finally complete, the last stage before the divine, that is, the girls closest to God, Origami, Nia and Kurumi, do not underestimate this girl, her appearance, her backstory, the jokes she makes and other functions she has, or may come to have, are indeed important and relevant hints to the story.
  • Background
Finally, the background, in the format of a horizontal strip centered on the cover, no apparent duality.
In the scenario, we can notice tables, boxes, mangas and/or Light Novels for sale for 800 yen, there is no doubt it is an otaku scenario, a scenario relevant both for the spirit in question and for the plot of the volume itself. We’ve seen this before in volume 6, Miku was the highlight of the cover, nothing is by chance we will see many things similar to what happened in that volume.
{Illustration 3}
Completely deviating from the cover we have this illustration.
Here we see Nia wearing the most generic and bland combination possible, a pair of jeans, a heavy coat, scarf and backpack, seriously she even looks like a boy, however there is an interesting element here, the glasses.
The previous images were of Nia wearing an astral dress, which implies that she was using powers, it’s obvious, but in the first image of her in public and in human clothes she is wearing glasses, which is a very symbolic accessory and above all denotes humanity in the wearer.
Well, maybe you just found out that Superman’s disguise is actually very good, after all if a person wears glasses it’s because their eyes have some visual deficiency.
But Nia is not the only one in the picture, there’s also Shido and again he is framed next to a tree, okay, enough talking about that. This time the boy is well bundled up, smiling and carrying a travel bag.
Nia says: ‘Akiba, I’m back!’
Shido says: ‘What can I say, Nia came prepared.’
A date in Akiba, definitely interesting.
{Illustration 4}
The girls are obviously making a manga.
The image is very detailed and we can take a good look at the pages the girls are working on, starting with Kaguya who is filling in black on a page that has a girl who looks like Tohka, it seems to refer to the first volume…
Natsumi is focused and working very hard on the original sketch. To the right of Natsumi is Origami working on filling in a page with a girl who looks like herself wearing a yukata, which reminds me of the Yamai arc…
Before we get to the last girl there is a loose page with illustrations of Yoshinon and Yoshino, it looks like the scene where Shido returns Yoshinon in volume 2…
Finally, there is Yuzuru who stands up to clean the ruler stained with black ink, the page she is working on refers to volume 10, the scene where Origami kidnaps Shido…
Apparently, the manga they are working on is Date a Live itself.
{Illustration 5}
To leave no doubt, the girls who were not present in the previous image, Tohka, Yoshino, Kotori and Miku are here in very suggestive clothes, selling Date a Live (yes, it’s written there on the poster in the background) at Comiket for 500 yen.
The back cover of the manga is the silhouette of Shido striking the same pose as the cover of the previous volume, absolute cinema.
{Table of contents}
Well, well, we have a new girl but an old acquaintance here.
The mysterious mage who scared off Kurumi on Neryl Island, in this volume Artemisia B. Ashcroft makes her debut in the main story. And I said ‘in the main story’ for a simple reason, Artemisia was an important character in the spin-off Date A Strike where the plot is all based on realizers type Ashcroft Beta, equipment constantly mentioned in the main story.
I don’t intend to give spoilers so all I can say is that the twelfth bullet altered the ending of Date a AST Like, consequently making one of the most talented and prominent wizards in the world present here antagonizing Ratatoskr.
{Mono Illustration 1}
The time has come. Remember rule number 3? You Know that I made the exceptions thinking about this and the next illustration.
Contextualizing the image, Shido found Nia passed out on the street, there’s the whole scene of him preparing decent food for this girl and helping with the manuscript of her manga, when he finished there was Nia wearing a maid’s outfit, she intends to pay but preferred to use her small breasts instead of simply handing over the money, in fact I just noticed that it’s also a reference to Tohka in volume 3.
And I said also because this whole scene is a clear reference to Shido’s first visit to Origami’s house in volume 2, just look at the pattern, Shido goes to a girl’s house, there this girl dresses as a maid (although Origami’s maid outfit is normal) with a clear objective of doing a service for our protagonist.
{Mono Illustration 3}
Hey, this scene is familiar.
Contextualizing again, the day of the date in Akiba has arrived, obviously the fact that Nia is not visually appealing prevents Shido from making the standard compliment that should be made which forces our boy to say the phrase that is in illustration 3, after a brief moment of relaxation Nia decides to do another service and takes Shido to a cosplay store and asks him to choose between a nurse’s outfit, a maid’s outfit or an outfit of the final form of the midnight foggy valkyrie, before she finishes dressing she opens the fitting room curtain.
I’ve really seen this scene before, Shido is on a date with a girl, the two go to a clothing store, the girl opens the fitting room and reveals she is wearing a set of black lingerie. Where did I see it, was it in the anime? No, the current scene was disregarded in the anime version, it was in the anime but it definitely wasn’t with Nia.
That’s right, this time Nia decided to reference Kurumi and the famous scene from volume 3 or S1E08.
{Mono Illustration 4}
In order to increase Nia’s affection, the crew of Fraxinus decided that Shido would cosplay as Tokiya.
Tokiya is a character popular among women and previously referred to by Nia herself as her favorite ‘waifu’, and Ratatoskr bets on this to win over Nia.
Clearly, Tokiya is a joke about otaku and fujoshi stereotypes, as the character is edgy, has a dramatic past, only thinks about revenge, is rude. In other words, everything women like. But we will discover later that Tokiya is not just that.
Apparently everything was fine, it was just a matter of kissing Nia but it turns out that this spirit is a mangaka, despite being a fujoshi she knows that having a romantic moment with Tokiya would only be possible in poor quality fanfics.
{Mono Illustration 6}
We are already at the deadline and everyone was committed to delivering the manuscript on time especially Natsumi.
As the main artist, Natsumi was in charge of most of the work of making the draft and this is something we can notice in this image, she is doing the paneling, the characters and positioning the speech balloons, it is also noted that the scene of the manga refers to the Origami arc.
{Mono Illustration 9}
Nia is going through a process of inversion of the kingdom but we would only see the design of her inverse form (which has many similarities with Tokiya) in the anime.
Westcott erased Nia’s memory with the intention that she would interact with Shido and find some comfort with the boy, this done he unlocks Nia’s memories which were nothing more than the constant tortures she suffered at DEM.
{Mono Illustration 10}
Westcott managed to steal a big part of Nia’s Qliphoth crystal and absorbed it.
In the image, referring to the first illustration of Kotori, we see the hierarchy of DEM, Isaac is the leader and has Ellen as his right hand and Artemisia as the new Adeptus 2.
And speaking of Artemisia, Origami recognizes her and knows that she shouldn’t be there.
  • Mini review of the Volume.
This is a special volume for me because it was from it that I started reading the LN of DAL, back in 2019, besides everything the covers have this practicality.
This volume is an ode to the classic formula, new spirit, dating, beginning, middle and end, but this is the other phase we have a space for the other girls to shine (especially Natsumi), great highlight to the villains (DEM) and some information about the main story.
Much of what happens in this volume is similar to the Miku arc, including the form of dispute that involves defeating the spirit in question in her area of expertise. As in volume 6 Shido and the girls do not achieve victory but the tie is enough for Nia to at least give a chance to the doujin. The part of Nia reading the doujin seems to me to be a kind of veiled criticism of the author to the anime adaptation, just look at the scene Nia reads and says that, "due to lack of time, they could not demonstrate the charm of the protagonist and that Shido Itsuka seemed unreal" it was only after Nia used Rasiel that she understood that that Shido was very real and that Origami, Natsumi, Miku, Kaguya, Yuzuru, Kotori, Yoshino and Tohka only changed thanks to the boy.
Basically, in the scene, Rasiel was a metaphor for the Light Novel and the doujin a metaphor for the anime adaptation, maybe I’m exaggerating.
As for Nia, she is a very likable girl, besides her otaku side, this girl is charismatic and sociable, during the story we learn that she has no difficulty at all to relate to other people, but she isolated herself due to the power of Rasiel but it was never because she used the power and was disappointed with someone but because she feared just do that.
The scene of Nia with Takajou-sensei is great, we see Nia get out of character and act like Yoshino, in the end Takajou says: ‘You can hate me but I will continue loving your manga.’ It’s a pity that the phrase was disregarded in the anime.
Speaking about the anime adaptation, it is even good but there are these disregarded scenes that have their importance, but just having brought the visual of Nia inverse is enough for me to turn a blind eye to this.
Nia brought relevant information, in the epilogue she said that she had been with the power of Rasiel for more than 28 years and said that all spirits were human it is really a pity that from now on she will be on scene only to make fourth wall jokes and comic relief in general but finally, as I did with Origami, I want to bring the iconic phrase of Nia, I don’t even need to say that the phrase says a lot about DAL:
"Don’t tell me, that you really thought that our meeting had been a real coincidence? You meet a girl fallen on the street by chance and then you support her, and on top of that she is a Spirit. Do you think such a thing is possible? No-no, usually thinking about something like that is impossible, right? I myself would not create such a prologue for a story."
Previous Reviews.
-volume 1 - The color of the Night.
- volume 2 - Yoshinon and the Rain.
- volume 3 - The smile of Kurumi.
- volume 4 - Sister or Girlfriend?
- volume 5 - Yamais
- volume 6 - Lilies, she likes
- volume 7 - The Dark of the Night.
- volume 8 - What do people do on Halloween?
- volume 9 - Natsumi Without Costume
- volume 10 - Origami above (almost) everyone.
- volume 11 - The smile of the Widow.
- volume 12 - Shido is (alone) in the cover.
submitted by IseKai_MC to datealive [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:47 Savv1998_ F for M: Dive into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Lifestyle! Best Friend’s Brother ** early 2010s type alt band [ since nobody got the vision] I'm posting again

Hey there, rock enthusiasts and creative writers!
I'm a female roleplayer seeking a male partner for an exciting roleplay involving a thrilling rock band scenario. Here's the setup:
Setting & Plot: - Your Character (Y/C): The older brother of her best friend and the charismatic frontman of a rising rock band. Talented, confident, and living the rockstar lifestyle. - Her Character (H/C): His sister’s best friend who secretly admires his band. Unlike his sister, who thinks the whole rock scene is lame, H/C is genuinely fascinated by the music and the lifestyle. - Dynamic: H/C starts taking a serious interest in the band, attending gigs and rehearsals, which catches Y/C's attention. H/C slowly becomes a groupie, always around the band, and an intriguing relationship starts to form. Y/C feels protective over H/C, especially from the more unsavory members of the band.
This roleplay will explore the excitement and challenges of the rock ‘n’ roll world, where passion and danger often go hand-in-hand. Will their relationship survive the chaos of the band’s rise to fame? Can Y/C keep H/C safe amidst the turbulent lifestyle?
What I’m Looking For: - A partner who’s 18+ - Someone who can bring depth and personality to Y/C. - Enthusiastic and creative, ready to contribute to a rich, dynamic plot. - Skilled in descriptive writing, with a focus on character development and story progression. - Open to brainstorming and flexible with the storyline’s direction.
Let’s create a gripping, heart-pounding story filled with music, passion, and drama. If this sounds like your kind of roleplay, shoot me a message and let’s get started!
Last ditch effort for this RP 🙃 I’m beginning to think it’s cursed
submitted by Savv1998_ to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:42 GhoulGriin Best Flower Soap Dispensers

Best Flower Soap Dispensers

Discover the delightful world of Flower Soap Dispensers! In this roundup, we'll be showcasing a stunning array of scented floral soaps dispensed through delicate, intricately designed dispensers. From the most fragrant lavender to the refreshing scent of citrus, explore the wide range of options to enliven your senses and elevate your daily bathing routine. Let us take you on an aromatic journey – read on for the ultimate selection of Flower Soap Dispensers that will transform your shower experience.

The Top 12 Best Flower Soap Dispensers

  1. Stylish Debossed Flower Soap Dispenser with Crackle Glaze - Bring the farmhouse charm indoors with this multicolor debossed floral soap dispenser, featuring a reactive crackle glaze finish and a neutral stoneware design.
  2. Natural Stoneware Holland Floral Soap Dispenser - Elevate your soap storage with the beautiful, natural glazed stoneware SKL Home Holland Floral Soap Dispenser, featuring an intricate watercolor floral design and perfect for holding your favorite lotion or liquid soap.
  3. Floral Stoneware Soap Dispenser with Hand-Stamped Design - Elevate your décor with this multicolor floral hand-stamped stoneware soap dispenser, perfect for any bathroom or kitchen.
  4. Stylish Ceramic Sunflower Hand-Painted Soap Dispenser with 550ml/18oz Capacity - Beautify your bathroom with the enchanting Ceramic Sunflower Hand Painted Soap Dispenser, combining traditional hand-painted techniques and unique floral décor, all within a spacious 18oz capacity.
  5. Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder with Resin Base - Introducing the Bath & Body Works Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder - a stunning blend of natural beauty and sparkle, specifically designed for use with Bath & Body Works Gentle Foaming Hand Soaps.
  6. Clear Glass Flower Soap Dispenser Bottle with Plastic Pump - Brighten your space with the Topadorn 17oz Flower Glass Soap Dispenser Bottle, featuring a practical plastic pump perfect for liquid soap, lotion, and more.
  7. Floral 17oz Glass Soap Dispenser for Modern Bathroom Accessories - Add a touch of romance to your home with these stylish 17oz flower theme glass soap dispensers, boasting a wide opening for refills and practical design to accommodate liquid soaps.
  8. Vintage Blush Pink Floral Hedge Soap Lotion Pump - Introducing the captivating Floral Hedge Lotion Pump in blush pink, a vintage-inspired bathroom essential adorned with charming floral motifs and reminiscent of classic elegance, perfect for elevating your luxurious spa experience.
  9. Vintage-Inspired Distressed Floral Soap Dispenser with Blue/White Pastel Accents - Elevate your bath time with this vintage-inspired, carve flower madeleine soap dispenser, featuring a unique distressed floral design and smooth pump action to dispense lotion or soap, creating a distinctive rustic touch to any bathroom decor.
  10. Turquoise Floral Resin Soap Pump with Silver Edge Detail - Enhance your rustic home with the Tough 1 Turquoise Floral Soap Pump, featuring a 7 3/8" height and a stylish silver edge detail on a 2 3/4" wide leather-look design. Perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your daily soap routine.
  11. Floral Foam Soap Dispenser for Multiple Daily Necessities - The versatile and eco-friendly Flower Liquid Soap Dispenser boasts a stunning floral design, suitable for a wide range of daily necessities and perfect for both bathrooms and kitchens.
  12. Vern Yip London Floral Lotion/Soap Dispenser - Add a touch of elegance to your bathroom with the SKL Home Vern Yip London Floral Soap/Lotion Dispenser, featuring a stunning glazed ceramic design and versatile function for any liquid soap or lotion.
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🔗Stylish Debossed Flower Soap Dispenser with Crackle Glaze

I recently added this Creative Co-op debossed stoneware floral soap dispenser to my bathroom, and I must say, it's been a game changer. The multicolor debossed floral design adds a touch of soft nature to my space, while the reactive crackle glaze finish gives it a rustic farmhouse feel. Standing at seven inches tall, it definitely makes a statement.
One thing I noticed about this dispenser is that it's made from 100% stoneware. While it's undeniably sturdy, it's also quite heavy. I had to be careful when positioning it on the countertop. Another minor downside is that the soap dispenser itself doesn't include a stone riser, which I think would've added a nice, cohesive touch to the overall design.
Despite these minor issues, I'm really happy with this purchase. It's unique, stylish, and adds character to my bathroom. It's a great way to curate a space that reflects my personal style, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a statement piece for their bathroom or kitchen.

🔗Natural Stoneware Holland Floral Soap Dispenser

I recently tried the SKL Home Holland Floral Soap Dispenser, and I must say, it's quite a statement piece for any bathroom. The glazed ivory finish, adorned with a watercolor-like floral design and accentuated by antique bronze trim, exudes elegance and a touch of nature.
However, while I appreciated the sturdiness of the stone and its size, I encountered a minor issue: the dispenser seemed to chip slightly after a few weeks of use. Despite this setback, the overall design and appeal of the product made it a visually appealing and functional addition to my bathroom.
With a diverse range of products, from bath accessories to home decor, SKL Home successfully caters to a variety of styles and preferences. Whether you're looking to add a pop of color or a touch of tranquility, their products are sure to elevate the atmosphere of your living space.

🔗Floral Stoneware Soap Dispenser with Hand-Stamped Design

Last week, I stumbled upon the floral stoneware soap dispenser and I couldn't resist adding it to my bathroom décor. The hand-stamped floral design truly stands out, bringing a playful touch to the space. I appreciate that it's made of 100% stoneware, which gives it a pleasant weight and feel.
One concern was its dimensions, as it turned out to be larger than I anticipated. While it's not a major issue, it's something to consider if you have limited counter space. Nevertheless, I'm pleased with how it adds character to my bathroom. This little gem is a great conversation starter and serves its function well.
Incorporating this floral stoneware soap dispenser into my home décor has been a delightful experience. The unique design and high-quality construction have made it a valuable addition to my kitchen and bathroom.

🔗Stylish Ceramic Sunflower Hand-Painted Soap Dispenser with 550ml/18oz Capacity

I recently tried the Ceramic Sunflower Hand Painted Soap Dispenser in my bathroom, and it instantly added a touch of charm. The 550ml/18oz capacity is perfect for daily use and keeps bathroom essentials neat and organized. The soap bottle has a pump head and a plastic tube, providing easy dispensing.
The only downside is that it's not entirely hand-painted, but the combination of decals and hand-painted techniques makes it unique in my eyes. I'd certainly recommend adding this dispenser to your sunny morning ritual.

🔗Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder with Resin Base

I've been using the Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder at my kitchen sink and I must say, it adds a touch of elegance to the room. The resin base and brushed nickel finish make it look like a fancy accessory, while the glitter and faux gemstone accents sparkle like a dazzling gemstone necklace.
One of the things I appreciate most about this soap holder is its stability. Unlike other soap holders I've tried, it doesn't tip over or slide around, even when you fill it with soap. The flat base and the design keep it securely in place, which is a huge plus for me since I'm always in a rush to wash my hands.
However, there is one downside to using this product. It seems to rust quite easily. Not just the base, but the inside metal parts as well. I wish the manufacturer would've used a rust-resistant material for the base and the soap dispenser part. This would've made this product even better.
Despite the rusting issue, the Dogwood Flower Gentle Foaming Soap Holder still makes a strong impression. It's a great addition to any bathroom or kitchen and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to my friends. It adds a hint of luxury and sophistication, turning an everyday task into a little ritual of self-care.

🔗Clear Glass Flower Soap Dispenser Bottle with Plastic Pump

As a reviewer, I must admit that the first time I used the Topadorn 17oz Flower Glass Soap Dispenser, I was absolutely delighted by its whimsical design. The colorful, handcrafted flower patterns brought a touch of elegance to my daily routine.
One of the main features that stood out to me was the versatility of the product. Not only could it be used for liquid soaps, but it also worked with lotions, dish soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and even hand sanitizer. I loved how convenient it was to use daily, without any hassle.
However, there was a slight downside to the product - the pump, while beautifully plated, was a bit delicate and required more precision when refilling the bottle. Additionally, the small size meant that it wasn't the most suitable option for larger families or environments.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I found that the Topadorn Flower Glass Soap Dispenser was a perfect addition to any bathroom or kitchen setting, and its unique design made it an ideal gift for someone special. All in all, I highly recommend this bottle for those seeking a touch of romance and practicality in their everyday routine.

🔗Floral 17oz Glass Soap Dispenser for Modern Bathroom Accessories

Imagine walking into your bathroom, greeted by the sight of two stunning flower-adorned glass soap dispensers. Each one holds 17 ounces of your favorite liquid soap, lotion, dish soap, shampoo, conditioner, or hand sanitizer. The ABS plastic pump is designed to sit securely in the liquid, while its plating coating adds an extra touch of elegance.
Refilling these sleek dispensers is a breeze, thanks to their wide opening and easy-to-use design. And don't worry about their versatility - they're perfect for your bathroom, kitchen, or office toilet. The 3.1-inch diameter and 8.2-inch height make them the ideal size for any countertop.
In terms of aesthetics, these flower-themed dispensers will instantly elevate the romantic atmosphere of your home, transforming ordinary soap into a luxurious treat. They're a fantastic choice for any bathroom, guest room, or kitchen. You'll love the unique yellow accessory that adds a pop of color to your space while providing a functional, modern touch. Simply rinse with water or a neutral wash, and dry with a cloth for optimal results.
This set of two makes a perfect gift for close friends or relatives, showcasing your thoughtfulness and attention to detail. Plus, they're a great choice for those looking to elevate their bathroom or kitchen experience with a touch of sophistication.

🔗Vintage Blush Pink Floral Hedge Soap Lotion Pump

Last week, I decided to revamp my bathroom decor and stumbled upon the Floral Hedge Lotion Pump by Allure Home Creation. The first thing I fell in love with was the blush pink color, which added a touch of elegance to my countertop. As I started to use it, I couldn't help but appreciate the intricate floral patterns surrounding the beaded edges of the glass dispenser.
To give credit where it's due, the glass dispenser was sturdy and had weight to it—a plus in my book. But, as much as I loved it, I couldn't shake off the concern that the plastic pump would break down faster than I would like it to. I hope, for the sake of the product, that the plastic issue is a one-off problem, as I wouldn't want to see it break down prematurely.
Overall, the Floral Hedge Lotion Pump is truly a work of art and a lovely addition to my bathroom. However, addressing the concerns with the plastic pump would definitely enhance the product and keep it running smoothly for a longer time.

🔗Vintage-Inspired Distressed Floral Soap Dispenser with Blue/White Pastel Accents

Imagine a cozy morning routine with the warm embrace of a vintage-inspired countertop soap dispenser. The Madeleine, featuring a distressed floral carving, adds a touch of charm to your rustic decor. Its blue/white pastel hue complements any bathroom or kitchen design, while the cold cast ceramic construction ensures durability.
During my daily use, I appreciated the Madeleine's easy-to-use pump mechanism that dispensed liquid soap with a simple press. The pump head didn't leak, making for a clean and mess-free experience. Its versatility allowed me to use it not only for soap but also as a lotion dispenser.
One drawback I encountered was the difficulty in cleaning the pump mechanism, as its narrow neck made it a bit challenging to reach inside. However, this minor inconvenience wasn't enough to overshadow the overall aesthetic and functionality of the Madeleine.
Now, whenever I reach for my favorite hand soap, the Madeleine adds a touch of vintage charm to my morning routine. Its sturdy construction and effortless dispensing make it a valuable addition to any home.

🔗Turquoise Floral Resin Soap Pump with Silver Edge Detail

I've had the pleasure of using the Tough 1 Turquoise Floral Soap Pump in my daily life, and it certainly has added a touch of elegance to my home decor. The silver edge detail really stands out, making it the perfect accent for a rustic-themed space. At 7 3/8 inches tall and 2 3/4 inches wide, it's a statement piece that will definitely draw attention.
The resin construction feels sturdy and well-made, ensuring that the soap pump will last for a long time. However, I did notice that the soap dispenser can be a bit finicky when it comes to releasing the soap. It took a bit of trial and error to get the right amount of pressure for a smooth soap flow.
Overall, the Tough 1 Turquoise Floral Soap Pump is a beautiful addition to any home, especially if you're looking to incorporate a bit of western charm. Despite the minor issue with the soap dispensing, I would definitely recommend this product for its unique design and quality construction.

🔗Floral Foam Soap Dispenser for Multiple Daily Necessities

I've been using the Flower Soap Dispenser for a few weeks now, and it's become a staple in my bathroom. The floral design definitely adds a touch of elegance and I love its functionality. The leak-proof pump has made my morning routine a bit more convenient as I no longer have to worry about drippy hands.
One downside is the plastic material, which feels a bit cheap compared to the price. However, the 300ml capacity has been quite sufficient for my daily needs.
Overall, this Flower Soap dispenser is a cute addition to any bathroom set-up and has made my soap application a little more enjoyable. Given the eco-friendly nature of the product, it's definitely got a thumbs up from me.

🔗Vern Yip London Floral Lotion/Soap Dispenser

I recently tried the London Floral Dispenser from the Vern Yip by SKL Home Collection, and I must say, it's a beautiful addition to my bathroom. The dispenser is made of glazed ceramic with a charming floral leaf design, giving it a unique and eye-catching look. It's perfect for holding liquid soap or lotion, making it super convenient for daily use.
One of the best things about it is that it's 100% stoneware, which means it's durable and can withstand everyday wear and tear. Plus, the metal pump ensures smooth and easy dispensing of your favorite products. The only downside is that it's quite heavy, so it might not be the best choice if you're looking for something that's easy to move around.
Overall, I'm thrilled with this London Floral Dispenser. It adds a touch of elegance to my bathroom while serving its purpose efficiently. If you're looking for a stylish and functional dispenser to upgrade your bathroom, this one's definitely worth checking out.

Buyer's Guide

A flower soap dispenser, also known as a soap pump, adds a touch of elegance to any bathroom or kitchen. Not only do they look great, but they also make refilling your soap simple and easy. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. This guide will help you understand the important features to consider when purchasing a flower soap dispenser, as well as provide advice for choosing the perfect product.


One of the first things to consider is the material of the soap dispenser. Common materials include plastic, glass, and metal. Glass dispensers can be quite attractive, but they may be more delicate than plastic and require more careful handling. Metal dispensers, on the other hand, can be durable but may be more expensive.

Flow Control

An essential feature of any flower soap dispenser is the flow control mechanism. This allows you to control the rate at which the soap flows out, helping you use the correct amount for each wash. Look for dispensers with adjustable flow control settings so you can easily customize the amount of soap you use.


Consider the capacity of the flower soap dispenser as well. Smaller dispensers are more compact and may be suitable for smaller spaces or infrequent use. Larger dispensers, on the other hand, can accommodate more soap and are ideal for high-traffic areas or frequent use.


Cleaning and Maintenance

Choose a dispenser that is easy to clean and maintain. Dispensers with removable parts or those that are easy to disassemble can be cleaned more effectively. It's also a good idea to choose a dispenser with materials that are resistant to mold and mildew to ensure its longevity.

Design and Aesthetics

Aesthetic is an important factor when choosing a flower soap dispenser. Consider the style and look of the dispenser to ensure it fits well with your décor. Some dispensers feature designs that resemble flowers, while others have a more minimalist look. Choose the one that best suits your space and personal taste.

Price and Value for Money

Finally, consider your budget and the value for money you're looking for. Flower soap dispensers come in a range of prices, so there are options available to suit most budgets. It's essential to find a balance between quality, features, and price so you can get the best possible value for your money.
Remember, a flower soap dispenser is both functional and decorative. By taking the time to consider the features that are most important to you, you can find the perfect dispenser for your needs. Happy shopping!


What are Flower Soap Dispensers?

Flower Soap Dispensers are decorative containers used to hold soap and dispense it, typically by squeezing or pumping the bottle. These dispensers often have a floral design and are used to add a touch of style to bathrooms or kitchens.


What are the benefits of using a Flower Soap Dispenser?

  • They are convenient and hygienic, as the user doesn't need to directly touch the soap.
  • Flower Soap Dispensers add an aesthetic appeal to the room.
  • They help to conserve soap, as they dispense only the amount needed.
  • They can also enhance the scent of the room, as many flower soap dispensers come with built-in scent diffusers.

What types of materials are Flower Soap Dispensers made from?

Flower Soap Dispensers can be made from various materials such as plastic, glass, ceramic, or metal, depending on the design and function desired.

Are Flower Soap Dispensers easy to clean?

Yes, they are generally easy to clean. To clean a Flower Soap Dispenser, you can remove the soap and wash it with warm soapy water, then rinse it thoroughly. Some designs may be more difficult to clean, so it's best to refer to the manufacturer's instructions for proper cleaning.

Can I get Flower Soap Dispensers in different colors and styles?

Yes, there are many different colors and styles available in the market, catering to various preferences and bathroom decor themes. Some Flower Soap Dispensers even come with matching accessories such as taps and decorative elements.

How do I choose the right Flower Soap Dispenser for my bathroom or kitchen?

  • Consider the design and color that will match your bathroom or kitchen decor.
  • Evaluate the size of the dispenser, ensuring it will fit on your counter or sink space.
  • Look for features such as a pump action or a push dispenser, depending on your preference.
  • Determine the type of soap you will be using with the dispenser, as some are designed for specific soap types.
  • Check the overall durability and quality of the dispenser to ensure it will last for a long period.
  • Consider the cost, as there are many options available at various price points.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:40 RPGSearchlight 🦇 Curse of Strahd 🦇


Curse of Strahd is a horror campaign with a lot of scenarios that will push players to make hard decisions, and a setting where actions carry consequences. It leans into the horror aspect, mystery, intrigue, and moral dilemmas. You may find yourself face to face with enemies much higher level than you, so not every encounter can be won by strength alone. Sometimes, the heroes will lose. Sometimes they will win and those wins feel exhilaratingly earned. Vanilla/RAW, it is written to be a levels 1-10 adventure. However, we will be using a modified version from Reddit that will be levels 1-15. (Please do not go to CurseofStrahd. Please.)
The module will bring characters into a cursed land called Barovia, and they will come face to face with Barovia’s oppressor, the Count Strahd von Zarovich. Will they be able to free the land and bring sunlight back to old Barovia? Or will they fail, like so many others before them, and fall at the hands of the Devil himself?


Barovia is a land unlikely to be found on any map, or to have ever been heard of. It has been isolated by mysterious means for centuries now, perhaps even longer. It is a land inhabited by humans, with a small and isolated population of elves. The races seen as commonplace and expected in places like Faerun, Khorvaire, Tal’Dorei, or even Ravnica are all but unheard of in the misted Barovian lands. Any race outside of humans and a few elves will be met with either wonder, or distrust. It is a setting where the dead roam, the ghosts speak, and the vampires come out to play.

Content Warning

You may encounter the following themes. If any of these make you uncomfortable, it may not be the game for you.
Child & animal endangerment Blood Violence Descriptions of gore Depictions of abuse and neglect Starvation Racism Sexism Torture Alcoholism Body horror Mental illness Drug addiction Suicide Mind control Cannibalism Gaslighting Murder
Note: Rape is off the table. There will be no ERP. No explicit sexual encounters.


Discord Bots
Character Death
AI Art


Here is a full write-up that goes into the details. Expectations, how I will do character creation, and general admin talking points.
If you're still interested after all of that, then here is a form to fill out.
submitted by RPGSearchlight to pbp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:39 Necessary_Candy_6792 Theory on Tamar (Spoliers 4x03)

So, I just saw episode three of season four -very sad ending - but it got me thinking.
What happened to Remah was tragic, but in a way, it also makes sense in part as an explanation as to why Remah is not mentioned among the women disciples who supported the ministry and witnessed Jesus's death.
That also made me worried for Tamar, since she is not mentioned in the Bible either and could also be killed off or sent away. Then I remembered her conversation with Mathew in the previous episode where Jesus gives Mathew a nod and she gets excited because she thought it might be the nod meaning Mathew should write down their conversation and she was really disappointed when it wasn't. That made me sad since Tamar would never get her moment of being name-dropped in the Bible, but then I wondered if that might not be the case.
Temar and Remah are not mentioned in the gospels as the female disciples who supported the ministry while Mary and Joanna are. But, there was a third woman, not yet seen in the show who was reported as such a disciple: Susanna.
Now Remah's passing is set in stone, but Temar, we don't know what will happen to her yet.
It seems kind of shitty for her to spearhead Zebedee's oil business to support the ministry only to get randomly killed off and replaced by some new character named Susanna who takes all the credit, but what if that is not the case?
From the get-go, we are presented with Temar as a gentile, one who is not of the Jewish faith, yet she believes in Jesus and believes his spirituality and so believes in god too, even though she is not "one of them."
We also know that Jesus has made it clear that the kingdom of God is for all, Jew and Gentile alike and that in his ministry, it doesn't matter what linage you come from so long as you have god in your heart and faith. Even though she is not Jewish (scratch that, ESPECIALLY since she is not Jewish) Jesus called Tamar's faith in him beautiful, because she didn't have thousands of years of culture and linage devoted to Adonai behind her.
In the years after the crufixion, the ministry preaches to all people, not just jews but gentiles too. Peter was recorded as baptizing the first roman to convert to christ.
I think Tamar is going to officially pledge herself and her faith to god and Jesus in a formal capacity and then Jesus will show his ministry the ritual of spiritual rebrith by which they will bring gentiles into their faith.
Jesus will then baptize Tamar and give her a new Hebrew name. When we first meet Tamar, she is a flower saleswoman and so Jesus will name her for a flower and calls her Susanna which comes from shoshan the Hebrew word for Lily.
submitted by Necessary_Candy_6792 to TheChosenSeries [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:36 throwaway14354574578 Advice Needed on Sensitive Issue

Hi Everybody,
I am posting this from a throwaway account. I wanted to ask people their opinion on a sensitive question, and if I am overreacting. This will also be very long, and sound insane (because it is), so I will put a tl;dr at the end. I recently finished up my MA in a humanities field at a US institution. I did very well professionally, but socially/politically the experience was a disaster. I was sexually harrassed, and also experienced what I have heard called colloquially as "mobbing" because other graduate students as well as faculty viewed me as a "superstar." Their words, never mine.
I moved across the country to do my MA, and did not know anyone at the school. Did not meet with anyone before hand. Just showed up. It was a disaster from the start. On the first day of the program (orientation), one professor made an idle side remark that he thought I was "really smart." Not meant to be heard, but it was loud enough that I, in the back of the classroom, heard it, and I realized soon that other students had as well. This was obvious because, the day after, we all met up to get to know each other, and one guy was very obviously trying to talk down to me. I realized very early on that I was in a bad situation and set out to keep this person at arm's length. I also realized very early on that the guy who tried to talk down to me, as well as a woman in the cohort, were attracted to me. Easy to tell by the way they looked at me as well as some initial idle flirting. I tried to be polite but also tried to give off what I thought were subtle but nevertheless clear signals that I was not interested.
For the first couple of weeks, I tried to ingratiate myself into the department as best I could while still assessing the situation/trying to not rock the boat. Still more flirting, still more competition over grades. This same guy would constantly text me asking what grades I was getting in our cohort's class; he tried to be nonchalant but it was extremely obvious what he was doing. The woman in our cohort was still being flirty. Then came the fun. This guy started going around to other people in the cohort behind my back, telling people that I was lying about various parts of my life, which I was not. To make a long story short, I realized that, while being jealous of my reputation of being "smart," he was also growing jealous of the attention I was getting from this woman. And was still attracted to me.
Anyway, things kept going and I kept feigning interest in this woman and trying to get the guy to get the fuck off my case. Things went from idle flirting to her insinuating that she would like to have sex with my mom (who she did not know nor had seen, not that it matters), and well as rope me into a threesome. And the guy kept trying to put me down, making remarks such as "I don't listen to anything you say." Which I knew was not true, but at any rate felt revealed his character.
Things went on like this for most of the first semester, and these two charmers actually started dating. I figured this was to my advantage, maybe they'd leave me alone. Wrong. To make another long story short, they tried to initiate a threesome with me. I politely told them to fuck off. Also, I heard them discussing with each other, right before a class was set to begin, how "hot" they thought I was (they thought I was out of earshot).
I had not told anyone in the department, faculty or other grad student, about my actual feelings. I did not trust any of them. The guy leading this charge was close friends with a very popular, influential professor. I felt, possibly incorrectly but who knows, that, being new in town, I would not be believed.
At the end of the first semester, I lost patience, and finally blew up at one of them, telling them exactly, in colorful language, what I thought of them. I'm not proud of it, but I was fed up, and that effectively ended all contact between me and the other students. None of this had reached any of the faculty.
I kept to myself during the second semester, which I was fine with, and was doing very well with my classes and research. But still, I heard this guy going after me behind my back. Once, I heard him remark (again, thinking I could not hear) that he had "put me in my place." I noted it, and did not say anything.
Cut to summer break. I had just finished with research, things are going well. I get called into meet with the department chair and DGS. They had heard about my blowup and wanted to hear my side of the story. The woman had construed me as jealous that I was not dating her. I laid out, in careful detail with verbatim quotes, as I am doing here, what the actual situation was. They nodded along and, to my surprise, actually took me pretty seriously.
Except one of them - this was the professor close with the guy in the story. I told them that I was extremely uncomfortable being around them for obvious reasons. This guy responded with something I will never forget or forgive. When I said "I am very uncomfortable around these two," he responded: "Why don't you just show them that you're not uncomfortable?"
I did not confront him, and the meeting otherwise ended agreeably - I got moved to a private space and we agreed that no contact would be best. The next two semesters were largely without incident (one other student, not one of the two mentioned, started stalking me, but that's a story for another day). I finished up, graduated, and am set to publish some of my work (!), and am already much happier being out of that environment.
Now for the actual advice part. I am convinced that the guy in this story is just a flat-out narcissist, just an awful person. Aside from my many problems with him, I had undergrad students (who had no clue about my situation) complain to me that he would talk down to/yell at students for no reason. The woman in this story also had some narcissistic traits, in my view. I got out largely unscathed (concerning mental health) because I was able to, in a manner of speaking, see the chess moves before they were made - I knew that I, outside of my outburst, had done very little wrong.
I am more concerned about people who will encounter these two in the future. Both are going on to PhD programs, different schools. I understand that there is plenty of narcissism in academia, but this seemed extreme even in that context. But I am worried for the talented student who may encounter either of them and not have the benefit that I had.
I am considering writing to the heads of the departments they are enrolling in to warn them about their behavior. Something to the effect of "don't revoke enrollment, but put out the word to your students." I genuinely feel that it could make a difference to somebody, somewhere - I would have a hard time believing that this kind of behavior would suddenly never resurface.
First: if you are a faculty member with grad students, would you welcome this kind of letter? Would you take it seriously and take it under advisement? Would you want to be aware of this kind of behavior?
Second: Do you think a warning letter is even a good idea? I have no plans to continue in academia, so I am not worried about repercussions and am more than happy to put my name on the letters I would send. But even then, part of me feels that it might be a step too far. I just don't know.
Anyway, if you actually read all of that, thanks. Any advice would be welcome, especially if you have been in a comparable situation.
TL;DR: I was sexually/academically harassed by/put up with extremely narcissistic behavior from colleagues. They are going on to PhD programs. Should I reach out to their departments to warn them?
submitted by throwaway14354574578 to academia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:35 CoyotePinot [QCrit] 82K Adult Contemporary Fiction COYOTES IN THE CANYON (1st Post)

Hello all, I've only recently discovered this site and am looking forward to spending some time here. Please let me know what you think of the query and the first 300 words.
COYOTES IN THE CANYON is a 82,000 word contemporary fiction novel with elements of mystery and dark humor that will appeal to fans of The Last Songbird by Daniel Weizmann, the Booking Agent series by Cherie Priest, and Finley Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano.
Professor Joseph West watches a lot of old movies on TCM, but he’s never seen the 1964 horror film Blood on the Moon. In fact, nobody has because it was never released. A 35mm print of the film has been posted on eBay which is generating passionate debate amongst the cult film fans that Joseph hangs out with. Curious to know more, he digs up a file on the unsolved murder of the film’s star, Nina Moreau. She reminds Joseph of a former student whose death greatly affected him. Both were wildly talented and yet deeply insecure. As a long-time fan of true-crime books and podcasts, he suspects that the police may have missed a few details. He can’t change the past, but solving Nina’s murder might bring him a sense of closure.
The studio refused to release Blood on the Moon due to its controversial scenes of occult rituals. Nina’s death was rumored to be linked to those rituals. To learn more, Joseph infiltrates an underground group where art, film, and black magic collide. At a private party thrown by one its members, he discovers a snapshot of Nina posing with three men. The photo was taken a few days before she died. One of them may be Nina’s killer and 60 years later, he may still be alive.
What started out as an arm-chair investigation soon becomes deadly serious. One of the men in the snapshot is following him and a member of the underground group turns up dead. Without any real evidence for the police, Joseph knows he’s on his own and that’s fine with him. He made a commitment to see this through to the end. For Nina, for his former student, and for himself.

I’m an art director and writer who’s had short stories published in The Nassau Review and Lovers & Other Strangers. Angel City Press recently published my book Bar Keeps: A Collection of California’s Best Cocktail Napkins which was named the Indie Publishing Silver Winner for Popular Culture by Forward Reviews.
Joseph’s suitcase sat by the front door like a pet dog waiting to be taken for a walk. A print-out of his boarding pass was on the hall table. It was an morning flight so he ate dinner early while watching one of his favorite films, In a Lonely Place. Humphry Bogart plays an over-the-hill screenwriter who is dating Gloria Graham, a struggling actress. He was working on a new script and Gloria has offered to type up his hand-written pages. Joseph tried to figure out what brand of typewriter she was using. Possibly an Underwood or a Smith-Corona. As she typed, the rhythmic clatter of the keys reminded him of a sculptor’s chisel or a painter’s brush strokes. It was the sound of something being created.
Joseph glanced at his MacBook. Unlike a Smith-Corona, it operated in silence. Could that be the problem? Should he have been using a typewriter all this time? Perhaps his struggles with plot and dialogue weren’t the issue. Perhaps he was simply using the wrong writing tool.
Bogart’s character wrote everything by hand on legal pads. It reminded Joseph that he hadn’t written anything in his journal today. He’d misplaced it earlier as he was packing. Adriana had been the one who kept things neat and organized. Since she’d moved out, Joseph had fallen into some lazy habits. One of them was stacking books on the floor rather than putting them back on the shelves. What was once an organized study now resembled a scruffy used bookstore. He found the journal under a collection of James Joyce stories he’d been given by his father. As far as Joseph was concerned, the Irish author was quite unreadable. When he had returned the favor with a copy of Naked Lunch, his father made it clear that he felt the same way about William Burroughs.

submitted by CoyotePinot to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:29 diarichan Chinese GF but I got deported from China, what to do?

Sorry for the long introduction post. I am autistic and have no friends, I always suffered from intense loneliness, however, after downloading a multitude of language exchange apps, many Chinese women texted me, over 7 a day, before COV19 started I went to China they would only talk to me if I posted sexual content, we met and after sex there was no topic to talk about and they bored of me and I was lonely again.
During COV19 many looked out for me for many years I was lying down while talking to them, and slowly every single one of them left while harassing me, the people in the app became more demanding (as if they already had met many men and are now numb) so it became impossible to find a partner.
Not knowing what to do I started a cov19 journal, like, self-therapy, making videos of what happened, exposing chat records while keeping their privacy hidden, because I was lonely and everyone was gone. Like 'on this date, she texted me, and then she said this to me, and she cheated on me, then left', with over hundreds of chat records exposed of Chinese girls.
However, after 4 years alone, there was a glimmer of hope, it was winter vacation and I noticed I wasn't banned in hellotalk, every day 7 women chatted me up, and my depression lifted and I was very happy and not lonely at all!
Then SHE came. A random Chinesr woman said to me, what does the BIG mean in your profile? I say it means my penis is big. She said do you like BDSM? She gave me gifts and love bombed me, and we became a couple nearly immediately.
We started chatting up to 17 hours a day, because when I don't respond she sends me up to 20 messsges a day, but because she sends so many messages I do not get bored and we start to expose or deepest memories, philosophies, sexual fantasies, and opened up to each other. 99% of the women I met only chatted up to 1 hour a day but she can chat 17 hours which is very interesting.
After a month I went to China to meet her. My channel has only negative stuff about being used as a sexual toy then dumped so I asked my girlfriend if we could make a simple vlog of half a minute and upload and she said sure, I just wanted to show my fans that I made it back to China after 4 years and that I am the happiest ever because I really love this woman.
We can get along really well, mostly hugging in bed, talking, kissing, holding hands, eating and we are smiling and laughing all the time. Then comes a red flag; several old Chinese friends (female) greet me over several days and she sees their notifications; I didn't chat with those for 2 years or more they just noticed I am back in China and were curious. My girlfriend starts to cry for several hours and scream and say 'do not abandon me', 'do not abandon me', do not abandon me' which makes me think she has Borderline Personality Disorder. We make clear boundaries of what is possible or not and she says never hide chats from me, you can not talk to other women! I say this is extreme, I can have friends, I will not cheat.
After 2 weeks my Visa expires and suddenly the police catches on to me. Many Chinese friends scold me and say "I heard rumors that you have aids, slept with 7000 women, and are here to revenge them and transfer your illness, go back to your country, die!' I notice that, there suddenly are 100s of videos about me on Chinese websites slandering me and I cannot report them! The police interrogates me, and I prove them that they are all lies, and they let me to HIV test and I come off clean.
I rest in my country as the police says wait until you are no longer hot topic then come back.
Me and my girlfriend keep talking for 17 hours a day and it is a roller coaster, she scolds me one half of the day, breaking up, and love bombs me the other, sexual and loving, eventually she has to got to Xinjiang province, and has a small vacation, she invites me and we met again, she doesn't come pick me up at the station and I have to ask her for over an hour. As time progresses we kiss hug and smile again, (2 days) but her total vacation is a week and I am like, what do I do? I make a plans with another Chinese friends to travel around and when I tell my girlfriend this, she breaks down and goes in absolutely crazy rage! She packs her bags and leaves hotel and I chase her and she finally calms down and forgives me, and we eat, shower, make out, sleep. All is normal.
THEN THE MOST EXTREME STUFF HAPPENS. Over 20 police officers open the door and I scold them, I said I did nothing wrong! The girlfriend hugs me and cries and says control yourself, control yourself baby, they give me a deportation order for 5 years without giving any reason, only giving hints like 'Xinjiang is a sensitive place...' During this time my girlfriend and I are separated and I get treated like a sewer dog, they let me make a false statement otherwise I have to enter prison and pay full for a business class ticket home. They give me 60 days to appeal. My girlfriend meanwhile makes medicine for me (I caught a horrible flu in plane, took me 1 month of amoxilin to cure) and hugs me. I get deported, two police ride plane with me to Shanghai. I beg them to let me go to another Asian country and after 1 day they accepted.
Then I felt like everything was finished. I have no friends anymore nor can I use their apps because of the slandering, and I cant meet my girlfriend anymore.
Slowly, as hope fades, my girlfriend says I can go see you. I can ask for 3 day vacations several day a month and ride the plane for you. This costs me thousands of dollar but we go to many places and beaches with clear water, swim together, every time we meet at airport we cry, we chat 17 hours a day, mostly quarreling.
Meanwhile she is extremely sexual, and during times we are together we do it for 5 hours a day, but when she leaves we cannot meet so I send her porn at her request so she can get off (all porn sites are banned in China). She says stuff like she wants me to fuck a whore and take a video, she wants to meet other foreigners with big cocks, but then another Chinese girl (platonic, pure relationship) comes to see me, we know each other 5 years, my girlfriend says you cannot meet, so the other girl is my responsibility. I said to my girlfriend you want me to do crazy sexual stuff with whores but won't let me normally travel with my friend? We quarrel so hard she scolds me 2929292102039392039 in a single day to the point I tremble in fear, I say whats wrong? You can only meet me few days every month, the other days I travel with my friend.
Also important note; I cheated 0 times or touched any other person 0 times in during our relationship.
After some time, my girlfriend comes again, and when I am in the toilet she unlocks my phone (I never told her password) and she screams hard, for 6 hours throwing stuff at me, going absolutely crazy. She says why do you talk about me to other people? Which makes me slowly think she is narcisstistic. I say you are my life the past months, what else is there to talk about? She lets me delete all female friends (but I backup so if gf leaves I can restore).
She goes back to China and the other friend says help me you made me go to your country, i have no money, help. My girlfriend says dont help her or response, let her die. But i secretly help and we meet during day time chatting at the beach and she finds boyfriend and they live together and all is good.
I finished writing my appeal, and went to Hong kong, my gf says she will never ride plane again, and stopped sexual stuff, and also refuses sex completely, and I say you wont let me meet other girls, wont let me sleep with prostitutes also wont let me sleep with you, what to do? She says none of my business. Meanwhile the appeal arrives too late (dont know if Chinese immigration will accept it). In hong kong our relationship restores and she accepts to do it once. We hug once again, we kiss again, the intense bliss is back. However i am running out of money so i ask her next time meet in my country again (another country in SE) because in hk i spent 1000 euro for a week, but in se country I spent like 1000 in a month. She says no plane for me.
Then suddenly she says hurtful things like, you wanted to see me, so you gotta pay for it. As if she never wanted to see me, she saw me just to satisfy my needs, so I should pay cash for it, cause she feels like meeting me is like a job. She wants her own freedom, after that she went to china and one week just lying down complaining about insomnia. I have insomnia too. However when we are together she sleeps 11 hrs a day and i can sleep 7 hrs too. I say when you were horny and only 3 days off you would see me but now you got weeks off and you dont want to see me? Then she says she will go working to buy a new mobile phone and I say do not wish you to work, Chinese salary is low I can pay you (couple hundred of bucks) for a month. She refuses. So practically a year is 365 days and she can only spent 5 to 7% with me, and the rest of the days I rot in bed, cant meet other people, cant have sex, cant do nothing. Then after a big intense fight she proposed: you can sleep with whores but I will not sleep with you again or marry you. I said you are patriotic you wont marry a foreigner and I am banned from your country + you already reject sex. I really miss her because I literally have nobody, no family, one friend she scared away, really nobody. But in SE country prostitutes constantly chat up with me, they will sleep overnight for money, I wont be lonely anymore. But I dont want to end this relationship because decided to pursue masters (she just graduated) and abandon me for 3 years. I dont know what to do.
submitted by diarichan to LDR [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:29 Ecstatic_Comb_1592 Confused sperm baby finds biological sister

I’ve always known that my “father” was a sperm donor, as my mother had undergone IVF. She always told me how wanted I was growing up and how much she loved me. For context: my family family moved to Canada from Italy after WWII for a better life. My mother grew up and was raised in a small town by two loving, but lived-through-the-war, and all it’s atrocities, parents. As a war torn immigrant family, life was mainly about survival and rebuilding for a better future (hence the move to Canada). I can’t even imagine what they went through and I’m forever grateful for my life here, cause of them.
My mother grew up fairly sheltered, anxious, didn’t have many friends, and was quite introverted. She is a loving and giving person who will always put the needs of others, above her own. Looking back now, her childhood needs for love and affection were likely not met, and so now, she doesn’t handle criticism or conflict well, as it feels like a personal attack and brings out deep rooted insecurities. She got wrapped up with work at a young age and never found the right time or person to have a child with. In her early 30s, she decided to go through with IVF. She lost some friends throughout this, as it was still somewhat of a taboo topic in the 90s. Her parents supported her and she was successful with the process - as I write this here today.
She raised me all on her own. I don’t know how she did it, but her determination to provide for me was incredible. She bought her house in full, doesn’t have any car payments, always put food on the table, and gave me a quiet and secure life in that same small town. I might not have had the coolest toys or newest clothes growing up, but I had a roof over my head and food on the table. And for my mother to do all this, by herself, and still make it, is incredible.
Fast forward about 25 years, I decide that I’d like to know some info about my bio dad. Typical things like his hair colour, age, any illnesses in his line, etc etc. I ask my mom if she knows and she says no, she opted not to receive that information. Now I should mention, that I am one hard-headed and stubborn girl… not one of my best attributes. So naturally, when she said no, I became a tad inquisitive. I stated that whether she wanted to or not, the facility/organization ethically, has to keep SOME documentation. She quickly responded ‘no, it was a different time back then, etc etc, and because she requested to not know any information, that information would be destroyed’. Being as stubborn as I am, I took matters into my own hands and told her I’d call the hospital myself and ask for the records. She laughed in a defensive tone, and said “fine”.
The hospital had nothing. There was never any name given as my father on my birth certificate. I knew this, as it was IVF, but they had no documentation. When I called my mother again to tell her the news and that I felt a bit off and disjointed, as I didn’t understand how there could be nothing, she was quickly defensive and irritated by my will to know. Things like “well why does it matter anyway? “ or “I’m your mother, haven’t I done a good enough job?” Or “oh so I’m a bad mom, that’s why you want to know”. We had a huge fight, an absolutely massive blow up.
I went home a few days later and asked her why she was defensive. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t ask any questions and why it was causing such a response from her. We ended up in a yelling match, with me on the driveway asking “tell me the truth”, and her yelling back “I am telling you the truth! How could you believe that your mother would lie about such a thing!” Her responses somehow morphed into, get off the driveway and come inside so we can talk about this. I can’t quite remember, as my memory of the event is foggy in some places, but she was saying both “I’m telling you the truth” and “come in so we can talk about it” at the same time.
I came inside and she let me read a letter without saying anything. It was written by a man, one I did not know, professing his love to my mother. This man was my father. It turns out that my mother had an affair with a married man and got pregnant. He wanted to marry her after he found out she was pregnant, but feeling ashamed/confused/embarrassed for falling into such a predicament in a small town from a VERY traditional, hardcore morals, type of family, she declined and decided it was better to tell everyone she got pregnant via IVF. She didn’t want him apart of my life and refused his presence. She wanted to raise me all on her own.
In that moment, my entire world seemed like a fever dream and my perception of myself, felt shattered. For my entire life I’ve thought that I was a sperm baby and it was just “my mom and I”. Only to find out 25 years later that she did in fact, know my father. They actually kept in touch all these years. She would send him photos of me and I even recall a conversation she was having with a “coworker” when I was younger, where she made me talk to them and say hello. I talked to them about my day and told them what shoes I liked. It wasn’t a coworker.
Immediately after revealing the truth to me, she was crying (obviously) and made me vow to never contact him or tell anyone. She didn’t want to make a big deal of the matter, and I don’t blame her. She carries a lot of hurt and pain within her and she only did what she thought was best for me, as a child.
… I don’t think I can adequately describe the shock and emotions I felt that went through me. I felt numb for approx 8 months and didn’t feel real. It felt like a movie. I finally worked up the courage one night to google his name and try to find some information about him, and about me. It was late at night after a long day. The first google hit that came up with my search, was his obituary, from 3 weeks prior.
  1. Weeks. Prior.
I felt like I finally ‘started’ to maybe believe that this information was true, only to find that I was 3 weeks too late, cause he had just passed away. Can you grieve someone you never met? Someone you never knew you even had? Maybe it was the fact that the opportunity I didn’t even know I had earlier in the year, was now gone. I called my mom the next day and asked if she knew. I was delicate with it, cause this was still the man she had a child with and loved at some point. She knew. She found out the next day. Thought it was best not to tell me as it would upset me. Turns out it was his daughter that sent out a notice. A daughter from the first marriage.
I have a half sister?
If you’ve read this far, I thank you for listening to my story. Not many people know this and apart of me felt like it would be empowering to finally say it out loud. Even if it’s to a bunch of strangers on the internet. I don’t want to draw a bad light on my mother - with the resources she had and the life she was given, she did the very best she could. I whole heartedly believe and know that she loves me. But I think part of me, and I don’t know how big, will never fully trust her again with this matter. Our relationship hasn’t been the same since. After I found out that my bio dad had passed, I couldn’t cope with it and needed space from my mother. I took probably 4 months of no contact with family. When I did re-engage in family events, all I heard was how much I was ‘hurting my mother’ and ‘causing her pain for not talking to her’. Cutting off family, especially in a traditional Italian family culture dynamic, is not easy. It is and was not received well. I faced a lot of backlash for it from them.
So now I’m sitting here, writing to you, asking for advice:
How does one message another individual and tell them that their deceased father had an affair on their mother, had a secret child, and that we’re half sisters? Genuinely don’t know where to start lol.
I thank you again for making it this far. I don’t know how I’ll feel after I post this, but im hoping a bit lighter by finally saying it out loud. Thank you for listening.
submitted by Ecstatic_Comb_1592 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:19 Errkin Messages and Synchronicities in Music

Hello all!
For context: I've been hesitant to share this for a hot minute, initially uncertain of it's relevance to this sub. A sort of introspective meditative method came to me, following the conclusion of my Saturn Return, and during what seemed to be the climax of a "Dark Night of the Soul". Having just recently joined this community at the time, and little confidence, I decided to put it on the back-burner instead.
A recent post referring that our guides communicate with us through song reminded me. Also, having seen vaguely similar posts in the past, it seems that the concept is relatable to some so I'd like to share my experience with this method (for lack of a better word). I'll do my best to keep this post as cohesive as possible.
One of my 2023 New Year's Resolutions was to create a new playlist with the sole intent of it being able to provide some guidance in my journey; healing deep-seated traumas and reshaping my outlook in general. I picked three songs to start with, then the algorithm took off and added just what I unknowingly wanted/needed to hear. Ended up rediscovering songs I'd forgotten as well as discovering new songs that made me think, "Where have you been all my life?"
(I didn't really get into music until I was about 11. Spanish was my first language and it was difficult for me to make out most lyrics, English or otherwise. For the longest time, I couldn't empathize with anyone who'd say that music changed/saved their life.)
(Worth noting, I've been listening more to music that I honestly wouldn't have earnestly given a chance in previous years—a complete 180 from the heavy and melancholic.)
From late 2022 to early 2023, listening to music, reminiscing and daydreaming, even engaging in movement all the while at times were the stimuli that triggered the most life-changing epiphanies.
I'd gotten back into journaling and at one point felt compelled to write while listening to music—this was new to me, since I usually prefer silence when writing. Now, this may be where I lose some of you, if you haven't already moved on to something else... I was really into angel numbers at the time and they have a big part to play in this process.
Granted, I've only done this less than a handful of times because I didn't want to obsess over it but the results were surprising. I'd spent about 40 minutes to an hour each session, making note of the time (not timestamp of the song), and a word or two, or phrase that stuck out to me, and what it made me think of. Each entry spanned about a couple of minutes or so from one to the next. Once I had a full or nearly filled page, I looked up the meaning of the corresponding angel number and wrote in a brief summary of it with each entry.
I was surprised to find that (almost) every word or phrase I took from each song—sometimes including the song title and/or group/artist's name—matched the theme and overall message of the angel number attached to it. I say almost because there were some entries where I had only written one word or omitted the song title, group/artist, etc. (That is, not enough detail to make a connection).
Wish I could share an example but finding it hard to pinpoint which notebook these pages might be in. Anyway, just wanted to share one of the methodical practices that have helped bring alternative perspectives to focus—for entertainment purposes, at the very least.
submitted by Errkin to starseeds [link] [comments]
