Sharp solar panels lifespan

Cover Electric Solar Panel Boxes on Exterior Wall

2024.05.29 04:17 Sunset_Lullaby Cover Electric Solar Panel Boxes on Exterior Wall

submitted by Sunset_Lullaby to ExteriorDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:05 scassim I Am Sam

I am Shaheer Cassim (pronounced Shuh-HER Kuh-SEEM), editor of Arctic News blogspot. I write on the threat of runaway global warming caused by methane hydrates. Some esteemed scientists I confer with are Peter Wadhams, world leading expect on Arctic Sea ice at the University of Cambridge and Guy McPherson, emeritus professor at the University of Arizona. In 2011 I founded the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, which included esteemed scientists John Nissen and Paul Beckwith, professor of climatology at the University of Ottawa.
In 2011 scientists discovered 100 methane seeping structures on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and estimated there may be many thousands of them. There are more than 1700 billion tonnes of hydrate in the ESAS. Methane hydrate has been liked to four of the five major extinctions in earth history. Scientists Natalia and Igor told that 50 billion tonnes of methane hydrate could be released at any time, which Peter Wadhams calculated would cause a 1.2 degrees Celsius rise in global temperatures in a matter of years. This would cause localized warming which would release more methane hydrate causing runaway global heating. In 2012 I applied an exponential best fit line to Arctic Sea ice and predicted that the sea ice would disappear around 2016. Peter Wadhams agreed with this conclusion.
Yet here we are, 12 years later and no news at all from the Arctic. I believe the government is secretly geoengineering the Arctic to prevent the collapse of the sea ice and catastrophic release of methane hydrates.
The ESAS contains 1700 Gt (Giga-tonne, billion tonnes) of methane hydrate. Since methane hydrate is about 10% pure methane, the ESAS has about 170 Gt methane. What would be the effect of a release of 1 Gt methane? Since methane has 105 times the warming effect over 10 years than CO2, that would be the equivalent of adding 105 Gt of CO2. Humans now emit about 36 Gt CO2 annually.
Methane is decomposed in the atmosphere by hydroxyl. The level of methane we have been emitting in the atmosphere has significantly reduced atmospheric hydroxyl. Large releases of methane will further decrease it until there is no more. Methane in the atmosphere will not decompose anymore.
The IPCC, the International Panel on Climate Change, a U.N. body, says we must at net-zero emissions in just a few decades. Net-zero is the carbon we can emit that will not increase the emissions. Net-zero is about 8 Gt, about 1 tonne of CO2 per person. This number may be too high.
The IPCC is lying to us when they say temperatures will only rise by 3 degrees Celsius by 2100. They are killing us.
There is more carbon in methane hydrate than in all the coal, oil, and gas in the world. In 2009 James Hansen, former director of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies, told if we burn all the coal, oil, and gas, we will cause runaway heating turning Earth into Venus. He told it is a certainty. Now when you add in methane hydrate, it is a dead certainty.
If we pass this tipping point in the next year, 2026, in a decade humankind will be extinct.
In 2012 I came up with the idea we should have not an Earth Hour or Earth Day, but an Earth Year. A year to solve our problems. This is the list of what we must do.
  1. Abandon the cities and return to the farmland, build yourselves homes and grow food.
Cities cause carbon emissions. They require enormous amounts concrete, which need coal. There is not enough land to grow food. Food grown outside must be trucked in.
  1. End all weapons and live in peace.
Weapons kill and cause carbon emissions. Killing creates hatred and a desire for revenge.
  1. Have only one child. After 200 years you may have two.
When Jesus Christ died 2000 years ago world population was 200 000 000. At the start of the industrial revolution population was 1 000 000 000. Today it is 8 000 000 000 and climbing by 80 000 000 a year. This is due to fossil fuels. Oil and gas will run out by 2050, coal later.
  1. Eat only plants. Fish is allowed on Fridays.
When you hurt an animal, it feels as we do. Farming is suffering. For an egg, you need a male and female chicken. The baby boy chicken is killed. Milk needs a male, female, and baby cow. All are killed. Do not eat shrimp. Why kill 100 lives for one meal when you can kill one. Do not eat shellfish, for they are boiled alive. Wild fish offers B12, essential oils, and fulfills the human need for flesh.
  1. Technology is not allowed. Electric bicycles and phones powered by solar panels are allowed.
All technology breaks down and must be replaced. Electric cars use huge amounts of metals and oil, and the battery weighs 1000 lbs. Nuclear power plants use concrete, takes years to build, and uranium supplies are running low. Nuclear plants on tectonic zones must be shut down immediately. Wind turbines use concrete, metal, and oil, and must be torn down after forty years. Batteries are less energy dense than fossil fuels. Ships, planes, and freighters will never be electrified
  1. Timekeeping is not allowed. Live by the cycles of the sun and moon.
Humans cannot live by the clock. Timekeeping creates anxious behaviour and effects mood. Only students and professionals must live by the clock.
  1. Pay all an equal wage.
The labourer working in the field did not have opportunity and education growing, and deserves more than 12 cents an hour. The doctor had education, and the business owner had capital.
  1. Give all the right to a home, food, medicine, and education.
  2. Sit, eat, and sleep on the floor.
Too many trees are killed by furniture
  1. Grow hemp.
Hemp grows fast on marginal soil, the seeds provide protein and oil, the stalks textiles, and the residues can be burned for cooking.
  1. You may use the body of a deceased animal, but you must not eat it.
Meat is a drug. If you give drugs again, you will become addicted.
  1. Cats and dogs must be pescatarian.
  2. Plastic is not allowed.
By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean then fish. There are micro plastics in the rain and drinking water.
  1. Tobacco is not allowed.
Tobacco kills. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin. Butts destroy nature.
  1. Coffee is not allowed.
Coffee affects the sleep-wake cycle.
  1. Sugar is not allowed.
Sugar is the most damaging crop to nature. It's causing a dentistry, obesity, and diabetic crisis.
  1. A man and a lady must use their hands and mouths on their partners sensual organs, and avoid normal lovemaking to prevent the creation of new life.
Vaginal love making risks the creation of new life. Every year billions of condoms are thrown into landfills. Condoms must be kept for those with STDs.
What happens when you smoke?
Smoke is composed of tar, carbon, and chemicals, some which are cancerous. Tar clogs up the passageways of the lung and alveoli. These are microscopic sacs that exchange oxygen and carbon. Carbon cuts up the alveoli. Eventually they collapse, and respiration becomes impossible. Chemicals and small carbon pass into the bloodstream and are distributed through the body. Blood cells try to remove the carbon from the body, and are cut up and killed. Another blood cell tries to remove the carbon, and this continues. Small carbon enters the brain and becomes lodged in the brain cells. To be removed from the body, carbon needs to bond with oxygen. Carbon from smoke cannot bond so remains in your body
.Jesus Christ wants you to stop killing yourself. Jesus Christ ❤️
What does it mean to kill someone?
When you take land, and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you destroy nature, and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you pollute and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you deny knowledge, you kill.
When you deny food, water, shelter, or medicine, you kill.
Giving drugs, tobacco, and alcohol kills.
Buildings that collapse, catch fire, or are destroyed by rain.
Enabling weapons.
Why quit motion video?
Flashing lights affects the brain. Motion video is rapidly moving lights. Children viewing motion video become dramatic. Too much of certain wavelengths of light can affect the brain. Sunlight has the perfect light. Go out and enjoy sunlight.
Believe in Jesus Christ and you will Live Forever. See Jesus Christ. Love Jesus Christ. Forever Jesus Christ ❤️
submitted by scassim to NTHE [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:48 bunnywinkles Inverter wiring thought

I have a Jayco 184bs, just a small thing, but am looking at putting an inverter in (I know about the losses, battery requirements, etc.)
My question is more on wiring into the circuit breaker panel. Jayco claims it is inverter ready, and those that have looked at what that means know it's pretty much something for sales to use, as the readiness is pretty pointless.
To get to the point, is there any reason that taking a hardwire capable inverter, making a tt30 plug that I can have connected to the inverter and then plug into the port on the outside for shore power when I want to use the inverter? I'd need a way of cutting the power to the battery charger, or just keep my solar and battery bank for the inverter separate from the charging circuit for the 12v.
Am I being dumb? My other thought was a transfer switch, shore as the preference, inverter as the backup. That'd have the same loop issue though via the converter wouldn't it? It'd also cost more, and have the ats as a failure point.
There's got to be something I'm not thinking of that makes this a stupid idea.
submitted by bunnywinkles to RVLiving [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:42 Sleepless77D7 Don't give me that shit, metaslave. Your wifi runs on the kitchen stove connected to a solar panel that's half covered cuz you couldn't get your Christmas decorations off the damn roof in the middle of May.

Don't give me that shit, metaslave. Your wifi runs on the kitchen stove connected to a solar panel that's half covered cuz you couldn't get your Christmas decorations off the damn roof in the middle of May. submitted by Sleepless77D7 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:54 Interesting-Action37 P365 Sharps Bros

P365 Sharps Bros
Ok, so I diverted some of my ammo money to this Sharps bros grip module. It's a nice meld of geometry from the Icarus and Mischief Machine grips. Ambi gas pedals, removable grip panels, palm swell & double undercut. I have medium sized hands and this is almost a perfect shooter. Next up is an optic and possibly a new slide/barrel... ported vs non-ported. Still deciding
submitted by Interesting-Action37 to CAguns [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:51 platypus1107 Is it worth it?

My wife and I are looking at getting solar in the central valley of California (Fresno area). We have been quoted by two companies but sunpowers local dealer energy concepts gave us a better price for more power and a better battery. The battery is going to be a 13.5 kw Tesla power wall 3, and the 4.92 kW system is 12 panels on a south facing roof panels are module SPR-A410_G-A.
My main question is our quote says we used 7,000 kwh in a year and will make 8737 kwh with the system with an average bill of $259 down to $53 with the system is it worth it and is this a good system considering we will have to switch to PGE time of use pricing vs tiered pricing like we do now.
Out the door cash price is 26,700 and we plan to finance with a credit union at 7.5% for 15 years. We are both teachers and so most of our use is from 5pm-7am as we don't run the AC when we are not home.
If I can provide any additional information to help with your opinion please let me know. I appreciate any feedback
submitted by platypus1107 to solar [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:42 mxstone1 Different Solar Panels on the same MPPT charge controller

I had 2 Bluetti PV420 Solar Panels I use on my Overland Camper Van. Someone stole one of my panels and I am having issues sourcing a new one - they're all out of stock. I found another panel that is close to the stolen one but it has slightly different specs. I think I can run it in series with my surviving panel but wanted to check in here to see if anyone has experience running 2 similar, but not exactly the same panels through the same MPPT Charge Controller. Here are my system specs:
Charge Controller: Victron MPPT 100V 50 amp 12/24-Volt Solar Charge Controller
Surviving panel Bluetti PV420 panel Max Power: 420W VOC: 44.3V Current: 12.2A
Potential new panel: Renogy 400W Lightweight Portable Solar Suitcase VOC: 40V Current: 11A
Are these panel close enough in specs to run them in series into the Victron MPPT?
submitted by mxstone1 to SolarDIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:28 Lopsided_Fig6104 Why type of PhD programs should I be looking at for my research topic?

Hello All!
I am currently pursuing a Master of Urban Planning program focusing on Transportation and plan on graduating Spring 2025.
I am currently researching PhD programs and possible advisors, but I am running into a roadblock when it comes to subject discipline.
My topic of interest is looking at supply chain vulnerabilities (especially for semiconductors) in conflict areas and areas that will be heavily impacted by climate change-related disasters. I am also interested in studying environmental concerns by looking at the life cycle via the Social Life Cycle Assessment when it comes to "sustainable" goods like EVs, solar panels, wind turbines, etc.
Should I be looking into PhD programs in Urban Planning, Supply Chain/Logistics Operations/Management, Political Science/International Relations, or Economics?
submitted by Lopsided_Fig6104 to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:13 Artistic_Bag_7172 Sold Home During Mental Health Episode, Issues with Realtor and Solar Panels

Hi everyone,
I need some advice. I recently got out of the hospital after a mental health episode including psychosis. During my episode, I thought I wanted a divorce, so my wife and I put our house on the market. Our realtor asked for a letter from a lawyer to confirm I was stable enough to sign a real estate contract, but I never got this letter. She followed up with me asking for the letter, I let her know I wasn’t able to get it and the reason most likely being is because of my mental health and I’m too much of a risk to bring on (I have this in writing as a text message).
We decided to take the house off the market and relist in the spring at $1.65 million. I initialed this decision, but my wife hadn’t yet. However, just after that happened buyers from the last showing wanted a second viewing at our original price of $1.75 million. Despite our decision, our realtor told their agent about our intention to lower the price, and for how much, which outraged me.
In my state of psychosis, I wasn’t thinking clearly, and my psychiatrist advised against moving. My wife was also dealing with PTSD from the whole situation. The idea was to buy a more affordable home in case I couldn’t work. We ended up closing at $1.65 million.
Unfortunately, we missed communicating about the solar panel system, which were being installed at the time of sale. Now, Im being asked to pay $30K for the panels. It seems realtors are supposed to disclose all solar panel details before a sale, but this didn’t happen. If it had, we would have negotiated differently. I assumed I would continue making monthly payments over the 16 year financing plan. Since I can’t do this, I wouldn’t have agreed to accept the offer and we would have either come to some agreement or possible not.
The deal closed quickly, all on my iPhone, without clear communication or in-person meetings. There was no acceptance of the offer contingent on us finding a new place. We had 45 days to move out but couldn’t find anything in our neighborhood, so we moved to a new one, making me feel isolated and worsening my mental health. My wife also can't afford the new place on her own.
I’m considering filing a complaint with the real estate board and then seeking legal advice. Both realtors deny responsibility for the solar panels, but I read that they are supposed to disclose everything from Disclosure documents to informed consent.
The new owners want the solar panels in their name, but they can’t unless I pay off the $30K or they take over the payments, which they don't want to do.
At the end of the sale, the realtor oddly asked my wife to change the list price from $1.75 to $1.65 without explanation, which seemed suspicious like she was trying to cover her tracks on sharing our intended re-list price. Or am I just paranoid?
I regret selling our home. My wife and I are working things out, and I’m back at my job, but I feel our realtor didn’t handle this properly and pushed the sale through without proper care.
At the end of the day I now realize I wasn’t medically well and shouldn’t have been selling, even though at the time I thought I was. I feel I should have been protected by my realtor and she should have simply said without the letter from a lawyer I can’t do business with you.
I’m trying not to play victim here, I’m really wrestling with whether I should just pay it or if I really have a fair case here, pursue it.
I’m looking for advice on what to do next. I live in the lower mainland BC, Canada.
Any advice or help is appreciated.
submitted by Artistic_Bag_7172 to RealEstateCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:04 DaKevster RV Solar Panel Series String Orientation Questions

Am in process of installing eight 210W solar panels on our 40 ft RV. Will be in two banks of four, each with their own MPPT controller. Each group of four will be in series. A couple panels of each string will be right up next to a low-profile roof AC unit in front and rear, so they could get some shading with low sun angles. Four panels will be up front and four towards rear.
My conundrum is how to wire each group of four. Do I series wire the front four and rear four together or left side and right side together? Never knowing when camping what direction will be optimal, I'm stumped on what would be best grouping on average. It's either plan for front or back to potentially be partially shaded by a tree or plan for a little shade on a couple of the panels on each side in morning and afternoon if RV is oriented north/south. Or could get really crazy and wire diagonally, with front left and right rear pairs in series.
Curious if anyone else has thoughts.
submitted by DaKevster to RVLiving [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:04 mrdrsirmanguy Using a Solar charge controller to charge a battery with a generator?

Hi guys, I'm new to all of this but fairly handy. I purchased a van that has 2 100w solar panels that are connected to a Renogy 40 Amp MPPT solar charger. This is connected to a battleborn bb10012 100 ah LiFePO4 battery. So far the solar panels have kept up with my needs but I am going to be adding a starlink into the mix that draws about 70 watts of power. I am concerned that on cloudy days the panels will be insufficient.
So I am thinking about getting a small 500W gas DC generator and using it to charge my battery on off days. I am curious if anyone has any input if I will have to connect the generator to the circuit before the charge controller or just directly to the battery. I am afraid the generator will damage the battery if connected directly to it.
Any input is helpful, thank you!
submitted by mrdrsirmanguy to SolarDIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:41 Wynterremy89 Let's run away?

Let's find a cabin in the woods, but with solar panels & really good wifi. Grow our own food, maybe find work from home jobs. 🤔 Any volunteers?
submitted by Wynterremy89 to PsycheOrSike [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:38 pianoboy8 Solar Lease Question (Downstate NY)

Hey there, my family is currently looking into getting solar panels, and we got a quote regarding Trinity/Sunnova for Downstate NY. My father's been a bit hesitant when it comes to solar, but he was on board with this lease proposal which surprised me and my mom (we both thought he wouldn't immediately sign on). So we have this lease proposal that we need to determine if it's good or not. It's not exactly easy figuring out the exact info regarding solar companies online, since some companies list trinity as really good, others list it as having horrible customer service or similar, and/or specific cost aspects.
It's a 25y lease with a 2.9% escalation rate, starting at a $102.96 year one monthly payment and ending up at a $189.68 year 25 monthly payment (with a $15 discount per month if paid automatically or something like that, making it $87.96 and $174.68 respectively).
The installation is a 8.200-kW solar system estimated to produce 8,403 kilowatt hours in the first year of service.
After the 25y term it allows for 2 5 year extensions, which then it has to be taken off with no purchase option.
It's Qcells from SolarEdge Technologies Inc., and an estimate $42,482.40 cost for the full 25y lease.
The Guaranteed Annual kWh for credits when producing under the threshold starts out at 7,142.87 kWh year one and ends up at 6,333.25 kWh for year 25.
It comes with a full 25y warranty with the following wording:
(i) System Warranty During the entire Lease Term, under normal use and service conditions, the System will be free from defects in workmanship or defects in, or a breakdown of, materials or components (the “System Warranty”);
(ii) Roof Warranty When our contractors penetrate your roof during a System installation we will warrant roof damage caused by our contractors due to our roof penetrations. This roof warranty will run the longer of (A) ten (10) years following the completion of the System installation; and (B) the length of any existing installation warranty or new home builder performance standard for your roof (the “Roof Warranty Period”); and
(iii) System Repair Promise During the entire Lease Term, Sunnova will honor the System Warranty and will repair or replace any defective part, material or component or correct any defective workmanship, at no cost or expense to you (including all labor costs), when you submit a valid claim to us under this Limited Warranty. If our contractors damage your Home, your belongings or your Property we will cause our contractors to repair the damage they cause or pay you for the damage as described in Section 6. Sunnova may use new or reconditioned parts when making repairs or replacements. Sunnova may also, at no additional cost to you, upgrade or add to any part of the System as it deems advisable in its discretion. Cosmetic repairs that do not involve safety or performance shall be made at Sunnova’s discretion.
If there's anything else which I didn't list from the quote that might be important, let me know and I'll mention it in a reply. Or if there's any recommendations in what to purchase / what specific lines to look out for in a quote for the future so I can forward that information to my dad.
submitted by pianoboy8 to solar [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:21 VesuvianRocket2 Arrogant Doorknocker

Just had some Doorknocker that didn't even knock, he just stood on my porch staring at my hummingbird feeders until my dog noticed him, who then alerted me. I open the door, and the first thing out of this idiot's mouth is "do those actually work?" and then he started talking about "people who came before him" and he was "the clean up guy", but only ever spoke in short sentences and wouldn't answer questions.
Turns out he was representing some Solar Panel company or whatever. I only understood that much because he finally referenced a visit I got a month ago. When I said "Sorry I'm not interested" he got super pissy and started ranting about how it "was your loss" as he was walking away.
The whole thing just felt very bizarre and unusual. Anyone else have any weird interactions with Doorknockers lately?
submitted by VesuvianRocket2 to TalesFromTheCustomer [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:15 Career-Acceptable Help I’m new

Help I’m new
I just picked up a Jackery 880 and this “100w” kit from Harbor Freight. It comes a controller. Right now they’re charging the Jackery via an SAE to 8mm adapter.
If I wanted to go the 12v battery route… I’d need a battery of course. Questions are:
If I had several batteries, could I just connect them in parallel?
If I wanted to plug in a fan or something, would I need an inverter?
Is this a basic framework for me to upgrade panels or whatever down the line?
submitted by Career-Acceptable to SolarDIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:54 funky_kaleidoscope Solar panels or bathroom renovations?

I’ve recently come into some money that I’ve decided to use towards improving our home. $13K to be exact. Not a huge amount, but enough to get a few projects done. My plan was to price out a few different things on materials and labor we can’t do ourselves and then decide from there what looks like the best use for the money.
I really think that our bathrooms need work. Our house was built in 1979 and the bathrooms are so old, I personally hate them so much, I’m embarrassed when we have company over. No matter how hard I clean the floors, it still looks grimy and the vanities look like they are ready to fall apart any moment.
My husband doesn’t agree with me. He sees the bathroom as just “old looking” but functional. Nothing is broken. He thinks we should buy solar panels for our house, but initial estimates point to about $15K-$20K for a 5kW system and the ROI seems to be 10-15 years. We say this will be our forever home, but there’s no guarantee, and I’m skeptical on how much value they really add to the property if we were to sell.
I feel like I can upgrade the 1.5 baths and possibly also redo the floor in our front entryway without having to go into our savings, as opposed to the solar panels.
What does this community think?
submitted by funky_kaleidoscope to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:46 algtrader Solar System with 208V power from Utility company

While trying to get HOA approval for my solar system, I discovered from our HOA Architectural Review committee that our community power from the utility company was 208V, not the standard 220/240V. Because of this, the quote from the vendor I selected became useless since the REC panels and Tesla inverter and battery was only compatible with 240V.
So.... the vendor countered with another quote for Longi panels and SolarEdge battery and inverters, which had around 80% performance compared to the 90+% performance of the REC and Tesla equipment. The price was a few $$$ lower.
Just based on financials arithmetic, the project still shows good savings even from the mid-level equipment. Anyone here have experience or feedback on the Longi and SolarEdge equipment? I am also curious to know what is incompatible? Is it the inverter or the battery or both? Can I not rig the configuration so that I can be disconnected from the grid when I am using a battery for full backup?
submitted by algtrader to u/algtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:44 Ironstonesx Question about add on?

So I bought a house with solar panels in the least contract (we know we know we messed up). However now sunrun is saying that we have to do an add-on because the panels
  1. Are not entirely offsetting our electric usage. We bought the house from a single resident in a four bedroom house, with our four in our household for the four bedroom house.
    1. They also stated that with the new rates they're not going to be able to compete against PG&e here for us.
    My question is this, do I have to do an add-on? What happens if they can't compete with pg&e's rates? We're new to all this, any insight?
submitted by Ironstonesx to sunrun [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:43 Business-Heart2931 How much Kilowatts per month can a 3600w solar hybrid system with 8 x450w panels cover?

My household is about 270 kwh per month… Will this solar system cover my household? And what does 3600w mean?
submitted by Business-Heart2931 to solar [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:27 Mileida186 Electricity company haarlem

Electricity company haarlem
Hi yall My head is spiralling with all the available energy companies. Moving to haarlem just me no solar panels gas& electric. Ik doubting between Energie direct and Essent. Do you have any other recommendations?? Thank you for the responses ^
submitted by Mileida186 to Haarlem [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:19 Little-Swan4931 For those of you against solar panels, why?

Question is simple: why the hate for solar panels? They are efficient, pollution free, no moving parts, no noise. Just free energy inputs from the sky. They were never designed to work at night, so save explaining to me that they don’t work at night. That’s what the batteries are for.
submitted by Little-Swan4931 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:12 wantdj Is this a good deal

Is this a good deal
So i found this on fb marketplace and just wanted some opinions if i should do this or not. Guy says he just doesnt need it anymore when i asked about why hes getting rid of it.
submitted by wantdj to vandwellers [link] [comments]