Code promotionnel playstation network

PlayStation 3 - It Only Does Everything

2008.03.15 20:49 PlayStation 3 - It Only Does Everything

The PlayStation 3 Subreddit (PS3, PlayStation3, Sony PlayStation 3). From hardcore gamers, to, Nintendo fans, Xbox gamers, PS5 converts, and everything in between. All are welcome in /PS3. It Only Does Everything.

2016.01.09 17:16 mailjozo Tricky Towers

Tricky Towers is a multiplayer physics-based tower building game, available on PC via Steam, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. In a game of Tricky Towers you stack your bricks to create a stable tower and try to topple those of your opponents. To spice it up you can cast magic to support your structure and fend off the dark spells of your rivals in this frantic physics party game.

2015.01.20 08:23 NicholasCajun Fear The Walking Dead

Official subreddit of Fear The Walking Dead.

2024.06.10 14:35 JohnScutz Mastering the Art of Data Integration Testing

Mastering the Art of Data Integration Testing
Data integration testing is an integral part of business success, as it ensures the integrity, accuracy, and consistency of transferred and manipulated data. In the fast-paced technological world, this testing method plays a vital role in leveraging quality data for insightful business decisions. This blog post delves into the diverse aspects of data integration testing, including its types, components, testing methods, and pivotal challenges. Readers will garner an in-depth understanding of data integration testing, allowing them to effectively implement its strategies for optimal business performance.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Data Integration Testing
  • What is Data Integration Testing?
  • Importance of Data Integration Testing in Business
  • Types of Data Integration Testing
  • Key Components of Data Integration Testing
  • Data Integration Testing Methods
  • Challenges in Data Integration Testing
  • The Role of Data Integration Testing in Ensuring Quality Data
  • Future Trends in Data Integration Testing

Introduction to Data Integration Testing

Data-intensive industries have made strides in employing cutting-edge technology to manage, analyze, and make sense of their vast volumes of data. A crucial part of this process is data integration testing. This form of testing is an integral part of a company's quality assurance policies, checking for consistency, accuracy, and other quality metrics as the data is shifted and shaped to conform to business needs.

What is Data Integration Testing?

Brief Overview

Data integration testing is a form of systems testing dedicated to ensuring the integrity and accuracy of data as it travels between various systems and databases. In essence, it protects the fundamental asset of any data-based industry: the information. The process involves testing individual datasets (similar to unit testing), as well as how the data interacts and integrates with other data in the system (akin to system integration testing).

Importance of Data Integration Testing in Business

From a business perspective, data integration testing safeguards data quality, assuring that decision-making is founded on accurate and reliable data. Should invalid or inconsistent data slip through unchecked, the consequences could range from minor inaccuracies in reports to far-reaching ramifications impacting a company's bottom line and reputation. In fact, in data-heavy industries, such as marketing analytics or business intelligence, the importance of meticulous data integration testing cannot be overstressed.

Types of Data Integration Testing

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) Testing

Extract, Transform, Load or ETL testing is a significant facet of the data integration testing process. It revolved around the ETL data integration process, wherein data is extracted from source systems, transformed to meet the business requirements, and finally, loaded into the destination database or data warehouse. Utilizing ETL testing tools, testers verify that the data drawn from source systems remains accurate post-transformation and load. The main focus here is to certify that the ETL data integration process does not introduce any data losses or changes in meaning.

Vertical Integration Testing

Vertical integration testing equates to evaluating the interactions between software modules in a 'bottom-up' or 'top-down' manner, typical in software testing. In the context of ETL data integration, this could imply testing the flow of data from lower-level modules like database communication services up through the middleware and towards the user interface, or vice-versa. This method ensures that individual modules interact seamlessly, maintaining data integrity throughout.

Horizontal Integration Testing

Unlike vertical integration testing, horizontal integration testing refers to testing data at the same level of control flow. It concentrates on the functionality and interaction between related modules or subsystems in the environment. The tester executes integration testing using a test plan that outlines test cases based on interaction points, integration order, and exit criteria. The horizontal approach can help detect and correct faults in the interaction between integrated components without waiting for lower-level modules to be tested.

Key Components of Data Integration Testing

In the process of data integration testing, certain elements or components are essential to ensure a successful execution of the entire test plan

Staging Areas

The first key component of data integration testing is the staging area. This is the location where data is temporarily stored before it is processed further. In the realm of data integration testing, the staging area is significantly fundamental. It serves as a buffer zone where extracted data from different source systems is held pending review, cleansing, and transformation.
In the context of an ETL testing process, the staging area plays a crucial role. Here, the ETL testers validate the extraction of data from various sources and ensure it matches the data present in the staging area. Furthermore, the consistency and accuracy of transformed data are assessed in the staging area before loading it into the data warehouse.
Errors in staging areas could potentially derail the entire testing process. Therefore, strict monitoring and evaluation of these areas are critical to ensuring the reliability and correctness of the test data.


Another key component of data integration testing is middleware, also known as the software glue. Middleware is the software layer that lies between the operating system and the applications on each side of a distributed computer network. In data integration testing, it is responsible for facilitating seamless data flow from the source systems to the destination.
Middleware helps testers by ensuring that all related modules in the system share the same data structure, hence promoting data consistency. The software also improves the reliability of the system by providing fault localization, a process that identifies the location of any errors or faults. Test cases in data integration testing often focus on assessing the interaction between middleware and the lower-level modules it connects.
Therefore, in terms of execution of integration testing, middleware is undeniably a critical component. It plays a significant role in addressing issues like data loss, transmission errors, and system incompatibilities, which might obstruct the smooth process of data integration testing.

Data Warehousing

The third vital component of data integration testing is data warehousing. This is the final destination for the data being tested. In the ETL testing process, it is where the transformed and cleaned data is loaded.
Data warehouses offer a range of benefits for data integration testing. They provide a centralized system where test data is consolidated, stored, and managed efficiently. Furthermore, they facilitate business intelligence processes by providing a comprehensive view of corporate data, thereby enabling effective decision-making.
Due to its pivotal role, testing strategies for data warehouses include validating data completeness, consistency, conversion, and integrity to ensure data quality. Indeed, the successful functioning of a data warehouse is vital for the ace execution of data integration testing.

Data Integration Testing Methods

Knowing the important elements of data integration testing represents only half the picture. To complete this, it is imperative to understand the methods used to execute the testing process.

Transformation Rules Testing

A key method in data integration testing is transformation rules testing. This is crucial in an ETL testing process where the transformation of data is one of the major steps. Data is often extracted from various sources and may differ in format, quality, and structure. Therefore, it must be transformed to achieve consistency.
Transformation rules define how data is converted from its source format to the format required by the data warehouse. These rules could be as simple as changing data types or as complex as summarizing detailed data into summary information. During this testing phase, the transformation rules are assessed to ensure they work correctly and that they yield the expected outputs.
The importance of transformation rules testing is gaining heightened recognition. Any errors in the pace of transformation could compromise data reliability and veracity, making this method of testing exceptionally critical.

Data Mapping Testing

The final key method we will discuss is data mapping testing. This form of testing is crucial in ensuring that the right data is sent to the right place. The data mapping process defines how data from one information system maps to data from another. It is essential for maintaining data accuracy and consistency throughout the data integration process.
Data mapping testing includes verifying that the source data accurately maps to its corresponding destination fields. It also validates the correct transformation rules applied during this process. Any failures in data mapping can lead to misinterpretation of data, invalid test results, and poor decision-making.
Given the importance of data accuracy and consistency, data mapping testing undeniably stands as a powerful method in the data integration testing process. With a robust data mapping test plan, businesses can gain accurate insights, make informed decisions, and achieve desired outcomes.

Challenges in Data Integration Testing

As crucial as data integration testing is in the software and data warehousing world, it is not without its challenges. The process, though designed to ensure optimal functionality, quality, and reliability of integrated data systems, is often riddled with complexities that can thwart the realization of these objectives. These challenges can stem from various aspects such as problematic software modules, diversity in source data, and the need for stringent consistency and accuracy checks, among others.
Among the main difficulties faced by engineers in executing integration testing are ensuring data consistency and data accuracy. Both of these aspects are fundamentally significant in achieving reliable test results and building robust integrated data systems. However, they pose substantial challenges, as their success significantly hinges on the precision of test cases, the sound judgement of testers, and the robustness of the ETL testing process.

Ensuring Data Consistency

Data consistency is a key pillar in data integration testing. However, ensuring data consistency can be a hard nut to crack due to multiple factors such as diverse source systems, rapidly changing business intelligence needs, and the evolving nature of big data. Maintaining consistency across various databases in an integrated system requires meticulous mapping and transformation rules testing, which can prove daunting for many.
Another related challenge is ensuring synchronization across all related modules while executing data integration tests. Any inconsistency, however minor, can skew the test results, leading to severe faults in the system integration testing process. A classic solution to these challenges is to conduct comprehensive lower-level modules testing before initiating the data integration testing process. Employing black box techniques during unit testing can also mitigate these challenges significantly.

Ensuring Data Accuracy

If data consistency forms one side of the coin, data accuracy forms the other. In reality, ensuring data accuracy whilst carrying out data integration testing can often be a more formidable task than ensuring consistency. The inherent complexity in verifying the accuracy of extracted data from multiple data sources under different transformation rules makes it a key challenge.
The data accuracy challenge is further exacerbated by the need for meticulous data mapping, precise execution of ETL tests, and fault localization within the system. For instance, a minor oversight during the ETL testing process or an error in the source data may fail to maintain data accuracy. Solutions to this could involve stringent test case design and employing hybrid testing approaches during the ETL testing process.


The aforementioned challenges in data integration testing underline the complexity and critical importance of this process in modern software and data systems. From validating the functionality of software modules to ensuring the quality of data in a data warehouse, the importance of data integration testing in the entire software testing phase cannot be overstated. However, overcoming these challenges necessitates methodical planning, proficient use of ETL testing tools, and the employment of best practices in extracting, transforming, and loading test data.

The Role of Data Integration Testing in Ensuring Quality Data

Data integration testing holds an essential role in the quest for quality data. The procedure, a branch of software testing, aims at validating the correctness, reliability, and efficiency of data after it's been integrated from various data sources. Through careful validation of ETL processes, data integration testing is instrumental in ensuring that integrated data across databases is accurate, consistent, and usable for business intelligence analysis.
The cornerstone of achieving these objectives lies in the proper execution of integration tests, carefully designed test scenarios, and incisive analysis of test reports. Furthermore, employing open-source frameworks for ETL testing, implementing structured test plans, and diligently following the test exit criteria can immensely optimize the testing process. By sidestepping potential pitfalls, enterprises can leverage data integration testing to boost their data quality, improve decision-making processes and enhance their overall business intelligence frameworks.
With the advent of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, the future trends in data integration testing suggest even more robust and automated testing processes capable of handling complex and voluminous data efficiently. Indeed, the transformative role of data integration testing in the data world is poised for even more significant value as big data analytics, cloud platforms, and AI continue to expand and evolve.

Future Trends in Data Integration Testing

With the digital universe constantly and rapidly evolving, data integration testing isn't an exception. As technologies such as big data, business intelligence, artificial intelligence, and ETL testing tools advance, they are likely to drive significant changes in the field of data integration testing. Let's delve into some of the probable future trends that could shape this critical aspect of quality assurance.
Firstly, the rise of AI-enabled data integration testing tools is a trend that cannot be ignored. AI, combined with machine learning algorithms, has the potential to revolutionize the way data is processed and tested. Experts forecast a future where AI will be able to detect and rectify errors in the data integration process, reducing the need for manual intervention - making the ETL testing process far more efficient and effective.
Take the case of ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) testers who spend copious amounts of time writing test scripts and conditions. AI can potentially automate this process, hence increasing accuracy and efficiency. Similarly, AI can aid in the process of fault localization, thus contributing to faster problem-solving.

AI in Data Integration Testing

As the integration of AI continues, testing tools are looking to incorporate these advancements. Furthermore, these tools will need to become more intelligent and capable of understanding complex data structures, transformation rules, business intelligence requirements, and more, making data integration testing more accurate than ever.
To illustrate, consider an open-source framework such as Apache Beam used for data processing. It could evolve with AI integration to automate comprehensive test scenarios, analyze test results, and provide a clear summary report, leading to reduced human error and increased productivity.
Current AI-driven tools like Datagaps ETL Validator and Informatica Data Validation already facilitate test data management for various source systems without writing a single line of code. They also generate test cases and provide a detailed test report which marks the initiation of AI in ETL testing.

Integration of IoT and Big Data

The increasing transition to IoT and big data technologies brings new opportunities and complexities to the data integration process. This trend is prompting developers to evolve ETL testing tools that can handle complex, vast volumes of structured and unstructured data from various sources and ensure data quality.
As the volume of data explodes, so does the need for stringent data testing to maintain accuracy and consistency. This influx of IoT and big data technologies is likely to induce hybrid testing modes, enhancing traditional integration testing methods. Instead of just focusing on the database testing unit, the tools will have to perform source data consistency and accuracy checks.
To illustrate this trend, consider high-volume data tools like Apache Hadoop, which allows the processing of big data across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It provides a comprehensive ecosystem, including MapReduce and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) that are utilized to execute integration testing for big data.

Cloud-based Data Integration Testing

As firms increasingly opt for cloud-based solutions, it is not surprising that we will see an upward trend in cloud-based data integration testing. These tools allow multiple users to access and explore vast amounts of data stored remotely, resolving issues related to space constraints and accessibility.
Cloud-based data integration solution is one such cloud-based service that aids in ETL testing. It orchestrates and automates the movement and transformation of data, interconnecting various data-driven workflows, ensuring data consistency, and accuracy across the organization. Therefore, cloud-based data integration testing is a trend that's emerging and promises scalability and accessibility.
These prospective trends indicate an evolution towards more efficient, effective data integration testing. By aligning testing strategies with these trends, businesses can significantly enhance their data processing efficiency, data accuracy, and ultimately, decision-making. Continuing with our blog, let’s shift focus to the role of data integration testing in ensuring quality data in the final section.
submitted by JohnScutz to u/JohnScutz [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:16 alibourji9 How To Speed Up WordPress Sites

In the digital age, the speed of your WordPress site can make or break your online presence. A slow-loading site is one of the leading causes of user abandonment, adversely affecting everything from user experience to revenue. As many businesses and developers have realized the critical impact of website speed, the question remains: how can you effectively speed up your WordPress site? This comprehensive guide offers vital insights into the importance of quick loading times and practical tips to enhance your WordPress site's performance.

1. Why Speed Up WordPress Sites?

WordPress is a dominant force on the internet, powering over 800 million websites. While the platform’s extensive themes, plugins, and tools offer enhanced functionality and user appeal, they can also lead to slower site performance. This can result in higher bounce rates, reduced user retention, and lower search engine rankings. Optimizing your WordPress site for speed is thus crucial for providing a seamless user experience and improving your site’s SEO.

2. Understanding the Importance of WordPress Site Speed

Today’s users expect lightning-fast web experiences. A significant 40% of users will abandon a website that takes longer than three seconds to load. For businesses, fast loading times are not just a convenience but a necessity, directly impacting traffic and revenue. With Google incorporating page speed into its ranking algorithms, particularly for mobile searches since July 2018, there has never been a more critical time to focus on speeding up your site.

Essential Tips for Mobile Optimization

Given the increasing reliance on mobile devices for internet access, optimizing your WordPress site for mobile is essential. Implementing responsive design principles and selecting mobile-optimized plugins can significantly enhance your site's mobile performance.

3. Strategies to Enhance WordPress Site Loading Time

Achieving optimal site loading times (under three seconds) is vital. Strategies such as caching, optimizing images, and managing resource loading priorities can drastically reduce loading times, keeping your users engaged and reducing bounce rates.

4. Methods to Improve WordPress Site Performance

Here are several effective methods to speed up your WordPress site:

5. Boosting WordPress Performance with WP Engine

WP Engine provides an optimal hosting environment specifically tailored for WordPress sites, enhancing speed through advanced caching, sophisticated infrastructure, and exclusive access to premium themes and speed optimization tools. By hosting with WP Engine, sites have seen an average speed improvement of 68%, proving the effectiveness of their managed WordPress hosting solutions.
Speeding up your WordPress site is imperative in today’s competitive online landscape. By implementing the strategies discussed in this guide, you can improve your site’s performance, enhance user experience, and boost your SEO. Remember, a faster site not only retains visitors but also converts them, driving your online success.
For more detailed guidance on each strategy mentioned, visit WP Engine for comprehensive support and tools tailored to WordPress performance optimization.
submitted by alibourji9 to speedupwp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:16 Both-Nail-9096 Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue (SSR) Vice President Jennifer Aufdenberg Voted Out Of Rescue, Now Operates As Blue Echo Foundation

[original post 5/27/2024. requested repost for historical data]

The saga of craziness around Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue / Jennifer Aufdenberg / Blue Echo Foundation continues.

Over two months ago, the former Vice President of SSR was exposed for her unethical, immoral, and allegedly illegal actions while she was in charge of finances and operations of the organization. Since that time, an incredible amount of information has been shared publicly - largely by Jennifer herself. It is the intention of this post to establish a series of events that bring us to where we are now.
After the aforementioned activities were exposed, Jennifer went on a tirade of public attacks against any individual - donor, volunteer, or otherwise - who questioned her. She began sowing discord, creating chaos, and using aggressive deflection tactics to keep the heat off her. You can read the original post and along with a timeline of events here. For new post content: (updated 6/10/2024, you can find the original post content here). During the time from when she was first exposed until now we’ve read more contradictions than we can count and record in this post.
While Jennifer was doing everything she could to discredit claims on Reddit by publicly blasting those she believed to be behind them, she was ignoring calls for a Board of Directors meeting by SSR President Kaitlin Vazquez.
There have been multiple assertions by Jennifer and others that the President "appeared out of nowhere" only once she found out there were hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank. Based on the series of events and publicly made posts/comments from many individuals, we believe this to be factually false. It is important to consider that officers and directors must act in a manner which they believe to be in the best interests of the nonprofit, including reasonable inquiry. Once Kaitlin was made aware of claims of misappropriation of funds and general maleficence, she was compelled by her duty of care as President to take action. In this case, her action was to call a board meeting in an attempt to get clarity on the accusations.
Note: While it has been stated that Kaitlin “resigned” from SSR, it has become evident - based on screenshots shared and the absence of a board meeting and accompanying minutes declaring the resignation - that no such official resignation occurred. This is additionally evidenced by Kaitlin Vazquez continuing to be listed as President on tax filings as of the most recently available 990.
Jennifer’s choice to ignore notifications about the board meeting being called by the SSR President is an excellent example of her arrogance and belief that she answers to no one. On May 13th, 2024, Jennifer was voted off as Vice President of SSR. She was then notified that she had been voted off the SSR board, and only then did she respond asserting she did not agree with the board meeting nor its decisions, but it was too late. Perhaps had Jennifer’s ego not gotten the best of her, she would not be in this situation.
At the point of Jennifer being voted off as Vice President, the new Board of Directors moved to obtain control of SSR assets and accounts. It was at this point we see a very toxic shift in Jennifer’s behavior. While weaving her “woe is me” narrative, she shifts into attack mode by aggressively disparaging the new Board of Directors and the organization she claims to love, Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue itself.
ETA 5/30/2024: The defense being widely shared is that "only Jennifer can call meetings because she's Chairman of the Board," and thus as the President called the meeting and not Jennifer, that the entire meeting is voided. Virginia law sees it differently.
Code of Virginia
Table of Contents » Title 13.1. Corporations » Chapter 10. Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act » Chapter 10. Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act » Article 7. Members and Meetings
See specifically:
§ 13.1-839. Special meeting.
A. A corporation shall hold a special meeting of members:
  1. In the absence of a provision in the articles of incorporation or bylaws stating who may call a special meeting of members, a special meeting of members may be called by members having one-twentieth of the votes entitled to be cast at such meeting.
Virginia law is clear that the Chairman, the President, the Board of Directors, or any person(s) additionally mentioned within the articles of incorporation or bylaws may call the meeting. Therefor, the assertion that the meeting was unallowed is not likely to hold up under legal scrutiny.
The SSR articles of incorporation are available online on Virginia's State Corporation Commission Clerk's Information System. We have not been able to locate SSR's bylaws online to share publicly.

What has Jennifer done to further harm the dogs of Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue?

In a desperate attempt to retain control, Jennifer first renamed the Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue Facebook page to a variation of Blue Echo. She made similar name changes to the large Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue Community group and the SSR Volunteers group. After a while, she paused/deactivated these groups/pages to prevent the new Board from utilizing them to run the organization. Especially damaging was Jennifer's refusal to turn over the SSR Volunteers group, which was SSR's primary method of management and communication with its volunteer base. Through withholding access to this group (and using it to post mistruths and sow distrust), she directly caused the ensuing chaos and disorganization that the new board is now forced to work through.
The name change and refusal to turn over control of the social media assets caused massive confusion to both the volunteer base and overall supporter base. Throughout this chaos, Jennifer continued feeding the beast with cryptic and disparaging posts with no purpose other than to cause direct harm to the organization and the volunteers running it. Most of these posts and comments are littered across this subreddit.
These were the first in a series of many disappointing - yet unsurprising - actions taken by Jennifer that continues to cause harm to the dogs of SSR. It was at this point it became even more clear that Jennifer was not in it for the wellbeing of SSR’s dogs. Anyone who has a heartfelt focus on the wellbeing of dogs in their organization would not go out of their way to hinder efforts to care for them. Her response to being removed from authority is tantamount to a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Subsequent destructive and spiteful actions by Jennifer include: actively encouraging SSR fosters not to release information to the new BoD about their SSR foster dog(s), encouraging boarding facilities to refuse release of SSR dogs for veterinary care and transport, encouraging veterinary practices to refuse record release or to care for SSR dogs, actively encouraging SSR volunteers to withhold supplies, actively encouraging SSR volunteers not to visit SSR dogs in boarding facilities for walks/play time (this one is especially absurd as it's a very direct attack on the poor dogs themselves), actively encouraging supporters not to donate towards the care of SSR’s dogs, refusing to release funds in several SSR financial accounts, stating the Board is made up of dangerous individuals which caused her to flee from Virginia to Arizona out of fear, and intentionally locking the board out of financial accounts after she was removed from SSR.
Additionally, Jennifer continues spinning a confusing and nonsensical web of lies and deceit about the "legalities" and "details" in a flagrant attempt to deflect attention from her abhorrent actions. If questioned, you're told you "simply cannot know" or a litany of other excuses that never actually address the question or concern. If Jennifer has shown us anything over the last two months, it's that she is incapable of taking ownership for anything and is incapable of answering a question directly. She'd give most politicians a run for their money - though she'd no doubt be voted out of there, too.

If Jennifer is so concerned that SSR dogs are not getting vet care, why would she go out of her way to prevent funding and volunteer support from reaching them? Her words do not match her actions, and it's clear for all to see.

Over the last two weeks, Jennifer has continued doing everything within her power to sow discord and damage the organization she claims to love. However, her actions are not consistent with her words. She continues on her rampage of spreading half truths and complete untruths (proven by her inability to keep her own lies straight).
It is clear that many people - for whatever reason - can not or will not see what she's doing for what it is - harmful and malicious. So we ask you to consider these questions: as you see Jennifer going out of her way to prevent SSR dogs from receiving the care she claims she's "so afraid they aren't receiving," what keeps you believing she is justified in these actions?
In what way is it justifiable for Jennifer to intentionally sabotage an entire organization's ability to provide care and networking for dogs that rely on it? Keep in mind that an organization is not one person, nor is it the four Directors now sitting on the board. It is dozens and dozens of volunteers and fosters working hard every day for the dogs, and every act Jennifer takes is directly harming that hard work. No one should be supporting intentionally spiteful behavior like this - no one.
Based on her actions, it is clear that Jennifer would rather see Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue burn to the ground than have anyone else at the helm. These are not the actions of someone who cares a lick for the dogs of SSR - these are the actions of someone who cares only for themselves.

To Jennifer:

It’s time to stop your out of control destruction. It’s time to accept that you were removed from authority. It’s time to release all assets (tangible and intangible) back to the organization that rightfully owns them. It’s time to stop spreading poison against the organization you keep claiming means so much to you. It’s time to stop letting your ego get in the way of doing right by the dogs, which is to let SSR do its job without willfully hindering it at every turn. We're all quite tired of you and your never ending nonsense.
By the way, if you believe you have a legal case - which you've been using as a defense against answering questions - then it would behoove you to stop discussing the details of your case publicly. Especially since you can’t seem to stop contradicting yourself and losing further credibility. Perhaps it's around this point you can take a page from the new Board’s book and keep your dirty laundry off social media.
It's time to look past your ego and do what’s right for the dogs, because what you've been doing is not it.
Disclaimer: All information shared within this post was obtained through many hours of reviewing screenshots and comments shared publicly by all parties involved (JQA, Volunteers, Fosters, new BoD). No information contained within this post was obtained through private conversations with expectations of privacy. The individuals compiling this information are not affiliated with Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue’s new Board of Directors.
submitted by Both-Nail-9096 to SSRandBlueEcho [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:02 Willson1_ The wait is over! Our groundbreaking Argus 4 Pro is now officially available!

The wait is over! Our groundbreaking Argus 4 Pro is now officially available!
Hi all,
We've seen all your discussion and excitement about the price and features of the Argus 4 Pro. Today, we are thrilled to officially release the camera and unveil all the answers!
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What do you think of the Argus 4 Pro?
submitted by Willson1_ to reolinkcam [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 14:00 codingwoman_ [Weekly Discussion] NeRF - Neural Radiance Fields June 10 - 16, 2024

Thanks a lot for contributing to our paper discussion! Our next weekly paper reading and discussion starts today!
Please use this post to share your notes, highlights and summaries. Feel free to ask questions and engage in discussions regarding the paper.

NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis

We present a method that achieves state-of-the-art results for synthesizing novel views of complex scenes by optimizing an underlying continuous volumetric scene function using a sparse set of input views. Our algorithm represents a scene using a fully-connected (non-convolutional) deep network, whose input is a single continuous 5D coordinate (spatial location (x,y,z) and viewing direction (θ,ϕ)) and whose output is the volume density and view-dependent emitted radiance at that spatial location. We synthesize views by querying 5D coordinates along camera rays and use classic volume rendering techniques to project the output colors and densities into an image. Because volume rendering is naturally differentiable, the only input required to optimize our representation is a set of images with known camera poses. We describe how to effectively optimize neural radiance fields to render photorealistic novel views of scenes with complicated geometry and appearance, and demonstrate results that outperform prior work on neural rendering and view synthesis. View synthesis results are best viewed as videos, so we urge readers to view our supplementary video for convincing comparisons.
Project page:
submitted by codingwoman_ to CVPaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:28 ForwardTechnician341 Starting/early career advice after screwing up uni prospects (UK) (Some practical experience). What is out there for me?

Hello everyone! I hope this is the right place to post. Very long rambling ahead so if you have literally anything better to do and just want to support feel free to vote and go. I'm in a rough spot and in need of advice and probably a punch in the face to set me right.
I'm failing out of uni foundation this year (yes that's right) and will be unceremoniously kicked out (no more mercy nor mulligans). I am currently working on the medical+mental health aspect but I won’t get any meaningful help for many months. For info I'm in the UK as a citizen but only moved in Aug 2022.
I did 2 years in the Singapore army. Training and working as a maintenance technician & section commander. I did well and I will be able to get positive references and I might be able to get certificates for my training standards. But that was 2 years ago. I cannot imagine explaining to employers how I fumbled two damn years in between. I could get some advice on how to talk around that?
My iGCSE/International Baccalaureate grades were good/average but I don't want applications to rely on these. I clearly cannot substantiate them 4 years on.
My plan was uni (Foundation→BEng automotive) or apprenticeships at BAE, Rolls Royce, MOD DE&S, Aston Martin, etc. Judging by how well ““uni”” went, I'm clearly too prefrontal-dysfunctional or dumb for studies.
The question is, what's out there? With practical experience (I guess) what paths are available? I can turn a spanner, solder, 3D print/model, code, and work with computer hardware but have no official way of showing it.
I have browsed some trade schools, courses, work-apprenticeships in the motorsport/maintenance/IT equipment fields but it would be too damn awkward to go back to a college with GCSE level students (Wayyy too old to be a new student and far too young to be a “coming back to studies to update existing skillset mature student” lol).
Any suggestions of job markets I could break into or any interesting postings/fields I have overlooked would be wonderful. Oddball or “out of left field” suggestions are more than welcome too lol.
Searching around this subreddit and online I found some maint/tech/mech suggestions in areas like data centres, IT, networking, medical equipment (would require med school?) or fleet vehicles. Along with generic vehicles/aircraft/industry, robotics, commercial drones, theatrical/props/FX or ordinance. I have read about “do nothing” and “lost in the bureaucracy” type jobs in various subreddits but I'm uncertain and unconvinced. I could apprentice with someone in trades but that opens up even more questions. Any advice on how to break into the aforementioned job markets would be wonderful.
I do not have and refuse to propose any salary requirements because I absolutely do not want this post to read “I neeeed baby easy +6 figures with no degree no requirements now right now!!!”. I have made my bed by being a wasteful idiot and now I sleep in it. I just want to give back to my parents.
I have an account on Indeed but my resume is still in the works (looking for the exact certification/standard I was trained to). I don’t have a linkedin yet, don’t want my friends finding it, would be embarrassing.
I guess I could also take some advice on breaking the news to my parents and family? That I wasted their money and got jack shit out of it. Ideally I don’t want to waste any more and want to go fully independent, giving back whenever possible. They might be open to trade courses. It would be preferable to have plans in place before I discuss anything because I am absolutely not ready for that kind of discussion with nothing to offer. I don’t want to bring any more shame to the family by mauling the hand that feeds me.
Thank you very very much for your time, insights and suggestions. Have a great week ahead :)
submitted by ForwardTechnician341 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:28 ForwardTechnician341 Starting/early career advice after screwing up uni prospects (UK) (Some practical experience). What is out there for me?

Hello everyone! I hope this is the right place to post. Very long rambling ahead so if you have literally anything better to do and just want to support feel free to vote and go. I'm in a rough spot and in need of advice and probably a punch in the face to set me right.
I'm failing out of uni foundation this year (yes that's right) and will be unceremoniously kicked out (no more mercy nor mulligans). I am currently working on the medical+mental health aspect but I won’t get any meaningful help for many months. For info I'm in the UK as a citizen but only moved in Aug 2022.
I did 2 years in the Singapore army. Training and working as a maintenance technician & section commander. I did well and I will be able to get positive references and I might be able to get certificates for my training standards. But that was 2 years ago. I cannot imagine explaining to employers how I fumbled two damn years in between. I could get some advice on how to talk around that?
My iGCSE/International Baccalaureate grades were good/average but I don't want applications to rely on these. I clearly cannot substantiate them 4 years on.
My plan was uni (Foundation→BEng automotive) or apprenticeships at BAE, Rolls Royce, MOD DE&S, Aston Martin, etc. Judging by how well ““uni”” went, I'm clearly too prefrontal-dysfunctional or dumb for studies.
The question is, what's out there? With practical experience (I guess) what paths are available? I can turn a spanner, solder, 3D print/model, code, and work with computer hardware but have no official way of showing it.
I have browsed some trade schools, courses, work-apprenticeships in the motorsport/maintenance/IT equipment fields but it would be too damn awkward to go back to a college with GCSE level students (Wayyy too old to be a new student and far too young to be a “coming back to studies to update existing skillset mature student” lol).
Any suggestions of job markets I could break into or any interesting postings/fields I have overlooked would be wonderful. Oddball or “out of left field” suggestions are more than welcome too lol.
Searching around this subreddit and online I found some maint/tech/mech suggestions in areas like data centres, IT, networking, medical equipment (would require med school?) or fleet vehicles. Along with generic vehicles/aircraft/industry, robotics, commercial drones, theatrical/props/FX or ordinance. I have read about “do nothing” and “lost in the bureaucracy” type jobs in various subreddits but I'm uncertain and unconvinced. I could apprentice with someone in trades but that opens up even more questions. Any advice on how to break into the aforementioned job markets would be wonderful.
I do not have and refuse to propose any salary requirements because I absolutely do not want this post to read “I neeeed baby easy +6 figures with no degree no requirements now right now!!!”. I have made my bed by being a wasteful idiot and now I sleep in it. I just want to give back to my parents.
I have an account on Indeed but my resume is still in the works (looking for the exact certification/standard I was trained to). I don’t have a linkedin yet, don’t want my friends finding it, would be embarrassing.
I guess I could also take some advice on breaking the news to my parents and family? That I wasted their money and got jack shit out of it. Ideally I don’t want to waste any more and want to go fully independent, giving back whenever possible. They might be open to trade courses. It would be preferable to have plans in place before I discuss anything because I am absolutely not ready for that kind of discussion with nothing to offer. I don’t want to bring any more shame to the family by mauling the hand that feeds me.
Thank you very very much for your time, insights and suggestions. Have a great week ahead :)
submitted by ForwardTechnician341 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:28 ForwardTechnician341 Starting/early career advice after screwing up uni prospects (Some practical experience).

Hello everyone! I hope this is the right place to post. Very long rambling ahead so if you have literally anything better to do and just want to support feel free to vote and go. I'm in a rough spot and in need of advice and probably a punch in the face to set me right.
I'm failing out of uni foundation this year (yes that's right) and will be unceremoniously kicked out (no more mercy nor mulligans). I am currently working on the medical+mental health aspect but I won’t get any meaningful help for many months. For info I'm in the UK as a citizen but only moved in Aug 2022.
I did 2 years in the Singapore army. Training and working as a maintenance technician & section commander. I did well and I will be able to get positive references and I might be able to get certificates for my training standards. But that was 2 years ago. I cannot imagine explaining to employers how I fumbled two damn years in between. I could get some advice on how to talk around that?
My iGCSE/International Baccalaureate grades were good/average but I don't want applications to rely on these. I clearly cannot substantiate them 4 years on.
My plan was uni (Foundation→BEng automotive) or apprenticeships at BAE, Rolls Royce, MOD DE&S, Aston Martin, etc. Judging by how well ““uni”” went, I'm clearly too prefrontal-dysfunctional or dumb for studies.
The question is, what's out there? With practical experience (I guess) what paths are available? I can turn a spanner, solder, 3D print/model, code, and work with computer hardware but have no official way of showing it.
I have browsed some trade schools, courses, work-apprenticeships in the motorsport/maintenance/IT equipment fields but it would be too damn awkward to go back to a college with GCSE level students (Wayyy too old to be a new student and far too young to be a “coming back to studies to update existing skillset mature student” lol).
Any suggestions of job markets I could break into or any interesting postings/fields I have overlooked would be wonderful. Oddball or “out of left field” suggestions are more than welcome too lol.
Searching around this subreddit and online I found some maint/tech/mech suggestions in areas like data centres, IT, networking, medical equipment (would require med school?) or fleet vehicles. Along with generic vehicles/aircraft/industry, robotics, commercial drones, theatrical/props/FX or ordinance. I have read about “do nothing” and “lost in the bureaucracy” type jobs in various subreddits but I'm uncertain and unconvinced. I could apprentice with someone in trades but that opens up even more questions. Any advice on how to break into the aforementioned job markets would be wonderful.
I do not have and refuse to propose any salary requirements because I absolutely do not want this post to read “I neeeed baby easy +6 figures with no degree no requirements now right now!!!”. I have made my bed by being a wasteful idiot and now I sleep in it. I just want to give back to my parents.
I have an account on Indeed but my resume is still in the works (looking for the exact certification/standard I was trained to). I don’t have a linkedin yet, don’t want my friends finding it, would be embarrassing.
I guess I could also take some advice on breaking the news to my parents and family? That I wasted their money and got jack shit out of it. Ideally I don’t want to waste any more and want to go fully independent, giving back whenever possible. They might be open to trade courses. It would be preferable to have plans in place before I discuss anything because I am absolutely not ready for that kind of discussion with nothing to offer. I don’t want to bring any more shame to the family by mauling the hand that feeds me.
Thank you very very much for your time, insights and suggestions. Have a great week ahead :)
submitted by ForwardTechnician341 to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:27 ArmyOfMemories The ADL is an anti-Palestinian hate group that promotes 'replacement theory' in Israel while condemning it in America.




The ADL promotes 'replacement theory' in Israel, while condemning it in America.
Awhile back, the ADL put out a hasbara handbook - a guide to advocating for Israel.
In the handbook, on pages 59-60, the ADL espouses views that are word-for-word taken from 'replacement theory'.
A bi-national state, in principle and in practice, would mean the ideological end of the Jewish State of Israel and lead to the forsaking of Jewish nationalism and identity, along with its special status as a refuge for Jews fleeing persecution.
Furthermore, bi-nationalism is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities. With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable.
It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.
  • Alarmism about 'birth rates' = ✅
  • Alarmism about immigration = ✅
  • Alarmism about the demographic majority becoming a minority and losing its privileged status = ✅
  • Equating the privilege of being a demographic majority with 'sovereign existence' (which in-turn negates the existence and/or concerns, agency, progress, etc. of the Out-group) = ✅
All of this is typical 'replacement theory' talking-points.
A commentator on Twitter points out that the ADL uses the same rhetoric as American and European ultra-nationalists, who fear-monger about PoC and immigrants.

The interplay between right-wing nationalism & support for Israel

The ADL's primary purpose now is to defend Israel's apartheid regime.
Note how Rep. Stefanik is pictured in the ADL tweet. She is the one leading the charge right now with these public antisemitism inquisitions of college administrators.
Right-wing nationalists support Israel because they want to emulate Israel's policies towards Palestinians (as a stand-in for immigrants, PoC, leftists, etc.).
A study on European antisemitism found that xenophobes (who rated higher in antisemitism) tend to support Israel due to its immigration policies. Whereas those critical of Israeli policy were less xenophobic & less antisemitic.
Since Zionism is a form of cult-like nationalism, it's no surprise that the ADL would adopt 'replacement theory' talking-points when discussing their concerns about the political agency of the Jewish demographic majority in Israel.
In order to maintain that demographic majority, Israel uses discriminatory legislation & enormous State violence.
A lot of Zionists obfuscate what Zionism means now (for all practical purposes) by signaling some support/empathy for Palestinians. So the primary question one must ask, is whether you support a Jewish demographic majority in Israel.
If the answer is 'yes' - then you're justifying massive discrimination & violence against the Palestinian out-group. It no longer matters what games one plays with the 'definition' of 'Zionist'.
Get straight to the functional point. Are you morally consistent?

The ADL, Mike Pompeo, and the Jewish National Fund

Peter Beinart, in a discussion with FMEP's Lara Friedman & political strategist Rania Batrice, talks about how the ADL supports discriminatory policies in Israel that it would never support in America.
Peter notes that Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the ADL, has to 'code-switch' when advocating for Israel, for this very reason. Whereas, someone like Mike Pompeo, who is also a cultish nationalist, is more forthcoming in what he wants for America (a Christian nationalist State).
For Pompeo, it's perfectly fine to support an analog to the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in America (ie a hypothetical Christian National Fund; an organization that would support land access/development for Christians only). Greenblatt would lose his mind if a CNF existed in America - but he won't propose abolishing the JNF in Israel.
In Israel, the government controls 93 percent of the land¹ - directly or indirectly through quasi-governmental bodies like the Development Authority (DA) or the JNF. But all of it is administered by a governmental body, the Israel Land Administration (ILA).
The JNF's mandate is to develop land folease land to Israeli Jews, so 13% of the land in Israel excludes Palestinian citizens of Israel & everyone else. Thus, when the ILA tenders a lease owned by the JNF, they are directly complicit in "outright discrimination".²
  1. The Israel Land Administration
  2. Human Rights Watch - Off the Map: Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s Unrecognized Bedouin Villages
  3. Human Rights Watch - Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians
Israeli historian at Tel Aviv University, Prof. Gadi Algazi, explains how the Ben-Gurion utilized the 1949 Absentee Property Law to facilitate the JNF acquiring stolen Palestinian land.
Ben-Gurion circumvented any future international legal intervention by 'selling' (absolutely illegally) the land entrusted to the custodians (Ben-Gurion appointed Israel the custodians of the stolen Palestinian land following the 48' War) to the JNF so that Israel, in the case of an international debate, could say 'sorry, it's not in my hands anymore'. Within days, about a million dunams (1M dunams = about 250K acres) of land were sold for a price well below their value to the JNF. Another million would be sold later on.
Then-Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion appointed the Israeli government as custodian of the land and then sold 250,000 acres to the Jewish National Fund. The problem of the Arab refugees was forgotten in the main despite the United Nations trying to resolve it. Ben-Gurion thought that time would eventually solve the problem. The abandoned village land and houses were given to Israeli soldiers so Arabs couldn’t return.
Some speculate the JNF never even paid for the land. Instead, the Israeli government agreed to subsidize the purchase in exchange for assurances the land would be set aside for Jewish settlement.
But the Israeli cabinet ordered the JNF to stop all efforts at buying land from Palestinians directly, and the men returned to Israel.144 Ben Gurion told Weitz and Danin in December 1948 that “The JNF would buy land only from the State. There was no need to buy land from Arabs.”145
[...]One month after Ben Gurion told Weitz that the JNF should buy land only from the state, the two sides finally concluded a major deal by which the JNF would purchase a huge amount of refugee land in January 1949. Despite his mistrust of sharing power with the JNF, Ben Gurion had long wanted to sell captured Palestinian land to the JNF. In fact as early as May 13, 1948, the day before he publicly read Israel’s declaration of independence, Ben Gurion offered to sell a massive 2 million dunums of land to the JNF for £P0.5/dunum. He was trying to sell land he did not yet control to raise money for arms.
  • Fischbach, Michael. Records of Dispossession (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) (pp. 61-63). Columbia University Press. Kindle Edition.
The deal involving the so-called “second million” dunums was finalized on October 4, 1950, and involved the transfer of an additional 1,271,734 dunums by the Custodian of Absentee Property on behalf of the Development Authority to the JNF, 99.8 percent of which (1,271,480 dunums) was rural land. Granott later placed the amount at 1,278,200 dunums. The amount of £I66 million was to be paid to the government over a ten year period. Some sources indicate that the JNF was actually to turn the money over to the Jewish Agency on the government’s behalf; the amount then would be considered a loan by the government to the JA. Others claim that the JNF never actually paid the amounts it owed under the two deals.163
  • Fischbach, Michael. Records of Dispossession (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) (pp. 65-66). Columbia University Press. Kindle Edition.
Thus, Israel confiscated Palestinian land and held it in trust - only to sell it to an organization that would only allow the land to be used (sold/leased/etc.) by Jewish people only.
The JNF faced no such obstacles and was free to discriminate against Arabs in favor of Jews. Its charter mandated that all land that it purchased thereafter would be inalienable, to be held by the JNF on behalf of the Jewish people in perpetuity. Because the JNF could not sell land it acquired, it leased land to Jewish settlements and individual Jews on the condition that it not be re-let to non-Jews and that only Jewish labor be used on the land—the policy of “Hebrew labor” [Heb.: ‘avoda ‘ivrit]. Thus as a nongovernmental organization free to manage its own land on an exclusivist basis within the new state, the JNF argued for its control of refugee land on this ideological base: if the JNF obtains the land, it will be the best way to guarantee that it is used for Jewish settlement only. This attitude was expressed by a JNF official at the 23rd congress of the World Zionist Organization held in 1951, the fiftieth anniversary of the JNF’s establishment, who stated that the JNF “will redeem the lands and will turn them over to the Jewish people—to the people and not the state, which in the current composition of population cannot be an adequate guarantor of Jewish ownership” [emphases in the original].
  • Fischbach, Michael. Records of Dispossession (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) (pp. 59-60). Columbia University Press. Kindle Edition.
It's important to note that all throughout the history of the JNF, its officials openly talked about dispossessing the Palestinian people and taking their land.
In Records of Dispossession, Michael Fischback writes about the culpability of Zionist organizations in the expulsion of the Palestinian people - and singles out one important figure, Yosef Weitz of the JNF.
The question of to what degree Jewish authorities deliberately expelled Palestinians is a hotly contested one.13 For many historians of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the issue comes down to whether Zionist authorities ordered the deliberate expulsion of the Palestinians according to a master plan of ethnic cleansing. It is beyond dispute that some expulsions occurred as it is that, even before the fighting began, various figures in the Zionist movement were actively investigating the idea of what they euphemistically called “transferring” the Palestinians out of the country. One such person was Yosef Weitz of the Jewish National Fund [Heb.: Keren Kayemet le-Yisra’el]. Weitz was born in Russia in 1890 and immigrated to Ottoman Palestine in 1908. He began working for the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in 1918. The JNF was established by the World Zionist Organization [Heb.: ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit; later, ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit ha-‘Olamit] in December 1901 to acquire land in Ottoman Syria for the establishment of a Jewish state. It acquired its first land in Palestine in 1904. In 1907, the JNF was incorporated in London as the Jewish National Fund, Ltd., although its offices were located on the continent and moved several times over the decades. Starting in 1932, Weitz had risen to serve as the director of the JNF’s Land Development Division. He was also involved in the establishment of the Histadrut, the all-encompassing Zionist labor federation.
  • Fischbach, Michael. Records of Dispossession (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) (pp. 4-5). Columbia University Press. Kindle Edition.
Weitz countered with a hard-line vision of transferring the Palestinians completely out of the country. He detailed his ideas in his diary:
It should be clear to us that there is no room in Palestine for these two peoples. No “development” will bring us to our goal of independent nationhood in this small country. Without the Arabs, the land will become wide and spacious for us; with the Arabs, the land will remain sparse and cramped . . . . The only solution is Palestine, at least Western Palestine [i.e., Palestine without Transjordan], without Arabs. There is no room here for compromises!14
Weitz and Lifshits agreed to try to work toward this goal. In fact, in 1948 they served together on a committee that investigated transfer (see below). When the fighting broke out in 1948, Weitz believed that it provided a golden opportunity to effect such a transfer. By the spring of that year, thousands of Palestinians were already in flight and leaving behind large stretches of land. For Weitz, the proper course of action was simple: prevent their return and take over their land. On May 20, 1948, Weitz noted in his diary that the refugee flight would create “a complete territorial revolution . . . . The State is destined to expropriate . . . their land.” 15 Once the fighting was underway, he would move to realize this.
  • Fischbach, Michael. Records of Dispossession (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) (pp. 6-7). Columbia University Press. Kindle Edition.

The ADL's history of anti-Palestine activism: the spying case

Historically, the ADL surveilled Arab-American and Jewish-American activists who were sympathetic to the Palestinian struggle.
Excerpt, from a JTA (2002) article on the ADL spying on anti-Zionist Jewish-Americans:
Both sides had filed appeals in July when a San Francisco Superior Court judge dismissed the cases of plaintiffs Anne Poirier and Steven Zeltzer, but not that of Jefferey Blankfort, who claimed the ADL obtained his Social Security number "for nonjournalistic purposes." Because the settlement took place before the appeals came though, the ADL agreed to compensate all three.
Blankfort explains the court case:
In earlier decades, the ADL put out dossiers on pro-Palestine activism with titles like, 'Target U.S.A: The Arab Propaganda Offensive' (1975).
News article coverage from that time, reporting on then-director of the ADL Jerome Bakst's speaking engagement in town.
In the present, the ADL still keeps tabs on pro-Palestine activism & activists like Mohammed El-Kurd.
With so many more Zionist groups now, the ADL no longer has to be a one-stop-shop for all things Israel advocacy. They no longer need to spy on Americans when plenty of other organizations do. They no longer have to profile people, because other Zionist groups like Canary Mission do.
So while the ADL isn't outright spying people as it did years ago, it's not out of some moral shift. It's because they no longer have to.
submitted by ArmyOfMemories to socialism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:25 XLR890DEGREES 404 message

404 message
Hey guys so I was just in the process of buying my haul, and in the app and website, I seem to keep getting this request fail network error message. I can assure you there is nothing wrong with my network i can load absolutely everything else but just not able to "go to pay" in sugargoo. And on the app it says 404 request failed with status code (error). what do I do, am I cooked?
submitted by XLR890DEGREES to Sugargoo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:24 AnunakiGold uHive the future of web3 Social media

Create. Engage. Earn. Repeat. Building a new era of social networking, where freedom of speech meets with democracy, you will have a safe social network to surf on. Download Uhive today, and live a social networking experience like never before. Link Code: N0U1FN
submitted by AnunakiGold to GetCrypto4free [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:10 not_kanye_east System Software Issue - Please Help! (UK)

My PS5 is unable to download system software updates. This started when I tried to update the system and it came back with the error code SU-101314-0 and said that it couldn't perform the update.
I have since tried every solution I could find online:
Nothing has worked, I've just tried to do a repair request via and there isn't an appropriate option in the drop down that I can select.
Is there a phone number somewhere that I can call? Or should I select a different issue in the drop down menu and try and tell them the actual problem further down the line when they have it?
Or if anyone has a new solution that worked for them I would really appreciate any help! :)
submitted by not_kanye_east to PS5HelpSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:06 RJMonga Thousands of Qlik Sense Servers at Risk from Cactus Ransomware Intrusion

Thousands of Qlik Sense Servers at Risk from Cactus Ransomware Intrusion
The vulnerabilities within the business intelligence servers were addressed by Qlik last year, yet Cactus actors have been exploiting them since November. A large number of organizations remain unpatched.
Almost five months following the cautionary notice from security researchers regarding the exploitation of three vulnerabilities in the Qlik Sense data analytics and business intelligence (BI) platform by the Cactus ransomware group, numerous organizations remain alarmingly susceptible to this threat.
Qlik revealed these vulnerabilities in August and September. The disclosure in August concerned two glitches present in various versions of Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows, identified as CVE-2023-41266 and CVE-2023-41265. When exploited together, these vulnerabilities grant remote, unauthenticated attackers the ability to execute arbitrary code on compromised systems. Subsequently, in September, Qlik disclosed CVE-2023-48365, which was discovered to be a workaround to Qlik’s patch for the preceding two vulnerabilities from August.
Gartner recognizes Qlik as one of the foremost vendors in the data visualization and BI market.

Ongoing Exploitation of Qlik Security Vulnerabilities

Two months later, Arctic Wolf reported the detection of Cactus ransomware operators exploiting the three vulnerabilities to establish initial access in targeted environments. At that time, the security vendor noted multiple instances of customers falling victim to attacks through the Qlik Sense vulnerabilities and cautioned about the rapidly evolving nature of the Cactus group campaign.
Despite these warnings, it appears that many organizations remained unaware. A scan conducted by researchers at Fox-IT on April 17 revealed a total of 5,205 Internet-accessible Qlik Sense servers, out of which 3,143 servers remained vulnerable to exploits by the Cactus group. Among these, 396 servers were identified in the US, with other countries such as Italy (280), Brazil (244), Netherlands (241), and Germany (175) also showing relatively high numbers of vulnerable servers.
Fox-IT, collaborating with other security organizations in the Netherlands including the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure (DIVD), is actively involved in Project Melissa, aimed at disrupting the operations of the Cactus group.
Upon identifying the vulnerable servers, Fox-IT shared its findings and scan data with DIVD, which then initiated communication with administrators of the vulnerable Qlik Sense servers regarding their organization’s exposure to potential Cactus ransomware attacks. DIVD directly notified potential victims in some cases, while in others, the organization attempted to convey the information through respective country computer emergency response teams.

Security Organizations Issuing Alerts to Potential Victims of Cactus Ransomware

The ShadowServer Foundation is actively engaging with vulnerable organizations. In a recent critical alert, the nonprofit threat intelligence service emphasized the urgent need for remediation, warning that failure to do so could significantly increase the likelihood of compromise for affected organizations.
“If you receive an alert from us regarding a vulnerable instance detected within your network or constituency, it’s essential to consider the possibility of compromise not only for the instance but potentially for your entire network,” stated ShadowServer. “Instances suspected of compromise are identified remotely by examining files with .ttf or .woff extensions.”
Fox-IT reported detecting approximately 122 Qlik Sense instances likely compromised through the exploitation of the three vulnerabilities. Among these instances, 49 were located in the US, 13 in Spain, and 11 in Italy, with the remainder distributed across 17 other countries. “The presence of indicators of compromise artifacts on a remote Qlik Sense server can imply various scenarios,” noted Fox-IT. This could indicate remote code execution by attackers or may simply be remnants from a previous security incident.
“It’s vital to recognize that ‘already compromised’ could indicate either the deployment of ransomware with residual artifacts or an ongoing compromise that might lead to a future ransomware attack,” cautioned Fox-IT.
submitted by RJMonga to cybersecurity_news [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:00 AutoModerator PS5 Help and Questions Megathread Game Recommendations, Simple Questions, and Tech Support

Looking for info about M.2 SSD expansion drives? See the megathread.
Sometimes you just need help. But often times making a new post isn't needed. For the time being, around launch and perhaps in the future. We will use a single thread for helping each other out.
Before asking, we ask you to look at a few links. Some question can't be answered and only official PlayStation support can help you.
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Google and Reddit Search is also a great way to find an answer or get help. View all past help and questions threads here.
For all future help, tech support and more, we ask that you create new threads on PlayStation instead of here on PS5.
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Share (and request) your recommendations here!
submitted by AutoModerator to PS5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:52 Lindayz Simulated Annealing vs Reinforcement Learning

This question comes up when Heuristic Competitive Programming tasks are considered. Let's consider a very basic example, the Travelling Salesman Problem (or more recently this competition, with loads of people discussing the possibility of RL but most not being experts (myself included, that ended up using Simulated Annealing too, with a bitter afterstate because I would have loved doing something different)).
Almost all these competitions are won using Simulated Annealing or other variants. For the people that are not familiar, all these variants start with some solution and iteratively improve it with some mutation process to escape local minima. For the travelling salesman problem you could come up with an initial random list of cities to travel and swap some randomly until it improves your solution and then keep this new solution as your best and so on. Plus some mutations to escape local minimas (meaning shuffling a small part of your list for example - i'm simplifying obviously).
What would prevent one from using Reinforcement Learning on those problems (no one actually, this has been done in this article for the Travelling Salesman Problem: - the author even mentions Simulated Annealing but doesn't compare the results to it if I read it correctly). The reward function is typically not hard to come up with (the one in the competition I mentioned is even easier than for the TSP because at each 'monster' death you get 'gold', which you try to maximise (the cumulative amount of it)).
My assumptions on why Reinforcement Learning is not used are:
Am I missing something? What are your thoughts, you RL experts? What would Rich. Sutton say?
submitted by Lindayz to reinforcementlearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:52 racing_red92 [Recruiting] Jammu Stars #2QCJYJ808 Part of Human Dynasty Active, Social & International TH7+ Discord Required

*˜”°•.˜”°• Human Dynasty •°”˜.•°”˜ *
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We are a Clan Family Alliance that is an international clash network, we welcome all members young & old. No matter your skill level you will find a place with us
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💥 Discord is Required for Clan
Check Us Out & Apply in Game - Use Code Human
submitted by racing_red92 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:47 krume300 A Programmer's Perspective on the Clash of Claims: Proposal for an Open Source and Transparent Event Chess Platform for 1v1 Matches

I wanted to share an idea that could potentially address the controversies surrounding the recent Clash of Claims event and Kramnik's complaints. Personally, I doubt there was any foul play involved. It seems more like Kramnik is being a sore loser who can't handle defeat. To prevent such issues in the future, I propose the creation of an open-source and transparent event chess platform specifically for 1v1 matches. Here's how it could work:
The platform's entire codebase would be open source and available for anyone to inspect. This ensures transparency and builds trust among players and the community. The focus would be on replicating the look and feel of popular chess sites, but with no hidden engines, databases, or AI behind the scenes. Just a basic HTML interface with the clock and move-allowing functionalities. Even Kramnik himself could install this software, and everyone would be able to see the code, ensuring there are no hidden elements or unfair advantages.
During matches, an independent camera would capture the moves from the players' screens. This camera would be connected to a third computer that is the only one linked to the outside world. This third computer would be responsible for updating the live server, while the two computers used by the players would be entirely basic and devoid of any external connections or advanced capabilities. In fact, these computers could be connected in the most basic way possible, even using a simple cable through the communication port without creating a network, just to keep it simple and foolproof.
The players' computers would have no means of communicating with the outside world, eliminating the possibility of external assistance or unfair play. The third computer updating the server would ensure real-time broadcasting and record-keeping, maintaining the integrity of the game. should have anticipated that such issues could arise and taken preventive measures. The solution is straightforward and would have avoided all this drama.
By making everything open source and ensuring that all components are visible and auditable by the community, we can eliminate any doubts regarding the fairness and legitimacy of the matches. This approach not only addresses current concerns but also sets a new standard for transparency in event chess matches. Encouraging the community to contribute to the development and maintenance of the platform can lead to continuous improvements and innovations. Open discussions and feedback from players and enthusiasts will help refine and perfect the system.
In summary, this open-source approach would ensure that 1v1 chess matches are conducted fairly and transparently. By removing any hidden elements and allowing full community oversight, we can create a trusted environment for players and fans alike. I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this idea. Let's work together to make event chess matches better for everyone!
TL;DR: Proposing an open-source, transparent platform for 1v1 chess matches to address controversies like the Clash of Claims. Basic, isolated computers with no external communication, an independent camera system, and a third computer updating the live server. Everything open source to ensure transparency and fairness.
submitted by krume300 to chess [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:39 Proud-Release-8609 PS5 - struggling to invite friend to guild

When I go to the guild invite option on the main menu no friends appear there, even though I have a bunch of PlayStation network friends online and playing SoT.
When I decide to sail the high seas on my guild ship, and invite my friend to join the crew, there’s no issue but I still can’t invite him to my guild. Even when we’re both stood on my guild-pledged ship the guild invite emote doesn’t appear.
submitted by Proud-Release-8609 to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:10 Logan_475 Help needed to embed youtube videos

Hi, I am trying to embed a youtube video into my card, specifically this one
It shows the thumbnail correctly, but when I click it it tells me that it failed and shows me an error code (that doesn't give much information)
This embed however works perfectly fine
And I have no idea why, I have tried a few other public videos, some work some don't, older videos seem more likely to work, which just is weird.
Btw, if I just add the iframes directly to an html document and load that into the browser, they all work, no issues, it's just in anki that some of them fail. Can anyone help me with this?
Oh and I don't intend to have a full video like that, I intend to cut it into small bits that I can practice individually, if anyone was wondering.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, I am using AnkiWebView Inspector to debug my code, however the console isn't throwing any errors and looking at the network tab I don't see any errors/issues either
EDIT2: I just tried syncing my changes, and it works perfectly well in mobile, it just doesn't work in desktop.
submitted by Logan_475 to Anki [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:03 theguyfromkepler22b Working and Free Playstation Store Codes

submitted by theguyfromkepler22b to u/theguyfromkepler22b [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:00 Alone-Capital-7866 For Multiplayer Campaign Players: Solution for the desyncs

Hi everyone. I primarily play TW:WH 2 & 3 in multiplayer campaigns, and as you all know, it's working quite horribly with constant desyncs and crashes, which made MP experience a huge pain. But I believe, after literal years of suffering, I've found a solution.
Recently, thanks to some streamers (Okoii and others) I learned that when you use VPN software (Radmin VPN, Hamachi) and play via Local Network it mystically solves all the issues. Since I've started using this approach, I haven't got a single desync or crash.
I haven't found any such topics in this subreddit yet, so figured out I'd try to help a community and share about this. It's still a hacky solution and ideally CA should solve their net code, but I doubt it's ever going to happen, so I'm glad there is at least such workaround. Hope this would bring some people back to the Multiplayer Campaigns, which are actually awesome when you don't crash every 30 minutes.
submitted by Alone-Capital-7866 to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:41 thesnoofle my code isn't working

heres my code, Its meant to get the date from an API, but its outputting random question marks in serial monitor and nothing on the LCD, I just need to see if its getting the right stuff from all of the variables and why it doesn't enjoy working, nothing connected to esp aside from basic LCD display connection.
#include  #include  #include  #include  LiquidCrystal lcd(19, 23, 18, 17, 16, 15); //Put your WiFi Credentials here const char* ssid = "Eerowifi"; const char* password = "Eerowifi"; String URL = ""; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // We start by connecting to a WiFi network WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected."); Serial.println("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } void loop() { // wait for WiFi connection while (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { HTTPClient http; http.begin(URL); int httpCode = http.GET(); String JSON_Data = http.getString(); Serial.println(JSON_Data); //Retrieve some information about the weather from the JSON format DynamicJsonDocument doc(2048); deserializeJson(doc, JSON_Data); JsonObject obj =; //Display the Current Weather Info long unixtime = obj["unixtime"].as(); long month = ((unixtime / 2629743) - 647); long year = (unixtime / 31536000) + 1970; long daysSince = unixtime / 86400; long day = 0; switch (month) { case 1: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince); break; case 2: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince)-31; // 31 because 31 days in jan break; case 3: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince)-59; // 59 because 31 (jan) + 28(feb) break; case 4: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 90; // 59 + 31(march) break; case 5: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 120; // 90 + 30 ( april) break; case 6: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 151; break; case 7: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 181; break; case 8: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 212; break; case 9: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 243; break; case 10: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince)-273; break; case 11: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 304; break; case 12: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince)- 334; break; } lcd.clear(); lcd.print(day); Serial.println(day); http.end(); delay(2000); } // if wifi is working } #include  #include  #include  #include  LiquidCrystal lcd(19, 23, 18, 17, 16, 15); //Put your WiFi Credentials here const char* ssid = "Eerowifi"; const char* password = "Eerowifi"; String URL = ""; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // We start by connecting to a WiFi network WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected."); Serial.println("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } void loop() { // wait for WiFi connection while (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { HTTPClient http; http.begin(URL); int httpCode = http.GET(); String JSON_Data = http.getString(); Serial.println(JSON_Data); //Retrieve some information about the weather from the JSON format DynamicJsonDocument doc(2048); deserializeJson(doc, JSON_Data); JsonObject obj =; //Display the Current Weather Info long unixtime = obj["unixtime"].as(); long month = ((unixtime / 2629743) - 647); long year = (unixtime / 31536000) + 1970; long daysSince = unixtime / 86400; long day = 0; switch (month) { case 1: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince); break; case 2: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince)-31; // 31 because 31 days in jan break; case 3: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince)-59; // 59 because 31 (jan) + 28(feb) break; case 4: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 90; // 59 + 31(march) break; case 5: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 120; // 90 + 30 ( april) break; case 6: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 151; break; case 7: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 181; break; case 8: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 212; break; case 9: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 243; break; case 10: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince)-273; break; case 11: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince) - 304; break; case 12: day = ((unixtime/86400)-daysSince)- 334; break; } lcd.clear(); lcd.print(day); Serial.println(day); http.end(); delay(2000); } // if wifi is working } 
submitted by thesnoofle to esp32 [link] [comments]