Poems about bball

Poetry Slam

2010.11.05 17:36 ManiacMagee Poetry Slam

Come here to share slam poems, or talk about slam!

2017.03.23 18:51 Hasnep i lik the bred

Poems based on this one about a cow licking bread by Poem_for_your_sprog: my name is Cow, and wen its nite, or wen the moon is shiyning brite, and all the men haf gon to bed - i stay up late. i lik the bred.

2014.10.02 06:28 MLBStreams

Watch your favorite MLB games online with community provided streams.

2023.11.09 05:52 Ssolane Queer Disabled Kid Shoots His Shot At IR/Linguistics!!

Demographics: White male from large public high school in socal, queer and physically disabled (possible URM?)
Intended Major(s): Linguistics/International Relations, Culture & Politics @ Georgetown
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1330 (680 EBRW, 650 Math)
UW/W GPA and Rank: 4.0 UW/4.26 W, school doesn't rank but top 10% of class
Coursework: AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores, etc APUSH (4), AP Psych (5), Lang (4), APES (4), Currently taking Lit, Macro, and US Gov. Took one semester each of French and Mandarin at local CC
Awards: United Spirit Association All American (national cheer summer camp award), AP Scholar w/ Honor, Magna Cum Laude, some school awards
NSLI-Y Korean Summer 2022 - Traveled to South Korea with group of students from across the country to attend Korean language classes in host country, promoting cultural exchange (40 hrs/wk, 6 wks/yr)
Varsity Cheerleader - all 4 yrs of hs, cheered at fb + bball games, competed nationally (20 hrs/wk, 36 wks/yr)
Managing Editor and Host of School Publication's Podcast - Planned, wrote, and edited scripts to be recorded for my own podcast as part of school publication, oversaw content management of scripts for hosts (8 hrs/wk, 36 wks/yr)
President of School's Poetry Club - Created weekly presentations on historical, contemporary poets, discussing biographies + analyzing poems, led team to perform at local poetry comp. (4 hrs/wk, 36 wks/yr)
Competed in NACLO Linguistics Olympiad, didn't make past first round tho lol
Volunteered w/ local non-profit teaching abt civic engagement and personal agency to underserved youth
Senior Team Member at Chick Fil A, work 15 hrs/wk, started junior year
Essays/LORs/Other: Common App personal statement was strong, talked about how my disability affected my ability to connect socially w/ peers as a kid, used this to further my interest in interpersonal connection + communication as I got older, and how this relates to my future career goals of international service. Similar for Georgetown essays, talked about cultural development in Korea and how this affects political climate.
LOR from Lang teacher, hopefully strong, I was probably one of her favorite students.
LOR from Korean teacher, had her since I started taking Korean in middle school so hopefully strong.
Georgetown SFS (EA)
American U (RD)
George Washington U (RD)
Kenyon College (RD)
submitted by Ssolane to chanceme [link] [comments]

2022.05.09 13:21 Natural_End6469 18/m If anyone needs someone to talk to or to listen I'm down for it

Hi everyone! My name's Neo and I'm here to interact and talk random stuff with anyone. I like talking about basketball (the NBA) and debate which team is gonna win. I like reading and watching anime so y'all are welcome to ask for recommendations. I train in martial arts boxing and muai thai. I play multiple sports (Bball,Vball, badminton etc) I love genshin impact and I am trying to find more people to play with btw I main my gf Ayaka <3 My hidden hobby is I write poems and songs and only a few of my female friends know abt it
submitted by Natural_End6469 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2016.11.22 01:47 Pyrrolic_Victory /u/poem_for_your_sprog sent me

Well not quite, however a bunch of users replied to a comment I made about turning it around after a poem he wrote, and told me to come over here, so fuck it here I am.
I'm so pissed at myself, I went from 145kg to 111kg (age 29, now am 33) and since starting a PhD in the last 2 years I've put back 30kg. At the height of it all I was benching 110kg, squatting 130 and deadlifting 140, I'm 6'4 for reference and I could easily dunk a basketball at that stage. God damn it I was happy too! I know how to lose weight, I know how to eat right, but I have had huge issues staying on the wagon. It started with a string of injuries (I've since retired from Bball but was only playing1 day a week), Emotional eating, not making time for gym (and being exhausted after a day of PhD chemistry lab work, where my research is related to cardiac disease, chronic inflammation etc so I fucking know better than most what's up), I've had a low testosterone thing which hasn't been treated, ADHD (hence disorganisation, excuse making, putting things off) and sleep apnoea (currently treated). I've dealt with a lot of bullshit drama with housemates etc recently however that shouldn't be an excuse.
I feel so exhausted and just worn out as of late, in general I have more miserable days than I do happy ones. I look at old photos and wonder how can a supposedly smart person can fuck the show so badly. My biggest problem diet wise is that I'm so all over the place I will often resort to ordering takeaway food because the things I have bought to cook either go off or I don't have the day to day mental reserves to bring myself to actually cook (in turn causing things to go off). Adding to that, I'll come home with a very loud mind from all the things going on in the lab, and quieten it with some weed which adds to the lazy hungry thing. I'm not so much posting to ask reddit to do everything for me, in fact I don't really expect many will read this sad tale of self pity and sabotage...I kind of started writing this when I woke up and here I am.
I'm not sure if it's motivation I need, I think it might just be discipline
Tl;dr: Came here following a deluge of suggestions to do so, and all I've done so far is complain.
submitted by Pyrrolic_Victory to loseit [link] [comments]
