Blank board game template printable


2013.03.07 10:19 unicorneddonkeys Trueskate

The official Reddit community for the physics based skateboarding game True Skate. Available on iOS and Android devices!

2011.12.31 03:53 DaveQat A Subreddit About a Card Game for Horrible People.

Cards Against Humanity is the Apples to Apples for horrible people. Come share your depraved card combinations and additions to the game.

2013.12.25 02:12 ItsGotToMakeSense A place to find people to playtest your own game.

This subreddit is for designers of any type of game to find people to playtest their creations. It can be anything from a tabletop RPG to an indie video game; all games are welcome here!

2024.06.10 13:28 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:28 zonnipher117 Found this at a local Walmart.

Found this at a local Walmart.
Was surprised it was so cheap to, I'm excited to bust this out next time we have people over I looks fun. Has anyone played this before? What should I expect?
submitted by zonnipher117 to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:26 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:26 Shardaxx Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity (2015) by David M Jacobs - Summary and Commentary

The following is a summary of this interesting book. Obviously this is spoiler heavy, so if you are planning to read his book, you might want to skip this post and come back later to add your own thoughts.


The sources for the book are a handful of abductees Jacobs worked with. Sometimes their testimony comes from hypnosis sessions, other times the abductee remembers the details directly. Some abductees appear to have been chosen for ongoing contact with the aliens, and have been to and worked on rather worrying stuff.

Cast of Characters

Insectalins / Mantis Aliens
These guys look like a human sized preying Mantis, and seem to be the top of the alien hierarchy. If there's anything above them, its not mentioned here. They appear in the book only a handful of times, and are always in charge of the other aliens. They appear to have either created or enslaved the other alien races. Psionic Strength: Very High.
Classic Greys feature heavily, both the taller variety (about 5-6 feet tall) and the short ones (3-4 feet tall). The short ones do general work like cleaning up during abductions, the taller ones tend to do the physical examinations, implants etc.
Psionic Strength: High.
Human/Grey Hybrids (Hubrids)
Hybrids come in a few varieties, earlier versions are more Grey-like and couldn't pass for humans, big heads and big eyes etc. But the aliens appear to have gone through a couple of generations and now create hybrids which looks totally human, but still possess the alien psionic abilities like telepathy and mind control. Jacobs calls these human-looking hybrids 'Hubrids' and its these Hubrids which seem the key to the alien plans. Hybrids are created on board the larger UFOs and spend their lives on board, up until about the age of 20 when they are dispatched to live on Earth, more on that later.
They come across as 'weird' and are very logical and goal orientated. They are learning to simulate social skills. They communicate between themselves telepathically.
Psionic Strength: High.
Humans who have been abducted by aliens. This seem to start in childhood, and some abductees only have one experience then get left alone, whilst others are abducted repeatedly and, in the case of the people featured in this book, contacted by the aliens and given tasks. These abductees are also trained in Psionic abilities, and progress surprisingly rapidly with the help of groups of hybrids. One abductee mentions several times that she wonders if she is betraying the human race by helping the alien program, but is constantly assured by the aliens that this is all necessary for both species.
Psionic Strength: Low to Medium, depending on training.

Abductees Helping Hybrids

Abductees are contacted by small group of Hubrids and asked to assist with their plans. These groups are 4-6 individuals, and the abductees are asked to teach them skills and help them blend into human society. They live together in houses, its not clear how this is arranged or paid for. Each group includes an 'Enforcer' who oversees the group, keeps them out of trouble, and ensures the abductee is being helpful. Some things the abductees were asked to help with include:
The abductees often get frustrated with the hybrids, growing frustrated with all their questions about everything (they said they are like 5 year olds asking constant questions) and even at one point calling them 'thick' and wondering how they know so little about everything. One asked about instructional videos like you can find on YouTube, but giving them unfettered access to our internet is apparently off the table.
All of the help the abductees were asked to provide to the hybrids is around being able to blend into human society.
This all reminded me of the communist training camps the USSR operated during the Cold War, where Russian agents were taught to speak American with no trace of an accent, and taught about popular culture like music artists and politics so they could blend in seamlessly.
At once point, an abductee is taken on board a large UFO and enters a 'conference room' where hybrids are standing around dressed in business clothes, sipping water and chatting. She is asked if they look and act like humans, and admits they do. She meets several hybrids she has worked with over the past few years, and she is once again thanked for her efforts and told how important all this is. The meeting concludes with a speech from a Mantid who seems very proud of them all.

Hybrids Helping Abductees

Later in the book, abductees are brought more into the alien program and given instruction on:

The Change

An event called The Change is mentioned by the hybrids several times. There isn't a specific date given, but it appears to be the culmination of the alien plans, where UFOs will land openly and humanity will be 'managed'. One chilling exercise in preparation for The Change involved an abductee participating in a simulated exercise involving terrified humans running through city streets and using her psionic powers to guide the humans towards the waiting UFOs.
Reading between the lines, it sounds like large numbers of humans will be wiped out, and the rest enslaved using mind control to work for our new alien overlords, and eventually all replaced with hybrids.

What can we do?

Jacobs is thin on ideas here, so this is my own list of suggestions.
It's clear during the course of the book that UFOs are coming and going at will, even over cities. The Hubrids seem to be 'beaming' up and down from the UFOs fairly regularly. One aspect of this is the whole 'floating through walls and ceilings' reported in many abduction cases, is only possible when there is a UFO hovering overhead, its not an ability the aliens possess without a craft there.
Militaries of the World - its time to up your game in terms of detecting and bringing down these craft, if we stand any chance of halting these plans.
Hybrids carry alien DNA, this can presumably be detected with the right DNA testing kit. The military has recovered plenty of Grey bodies, I assume their DNA has already been sequenced, its a short step to development of a test.
Maybe we all need to be on the lookout for these groups of hybrids. They typically live in houses together, have no jobs, and will seem 'weird' when spoken to. They won't keep pets (they find our fascination with 'lower life forms' odd). They have no parents of families, but they will have a cover story in place for where they came from. Depending on how long they have been here, they might not have any ID either.
submitted by Shardaxx to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:25 sameed_a how to use visualization to improve memory?

Remember that time when I had to give a speech for my sister's wedding? You know, the one where I blanked out in front of 200 people and mumbled through a mess of "uhhs" and "umms". Well, in that moment, I realized my memory needed a major upgrade. I mean, who could forget Nancy from third grade, clearly managing to suppress a smirk, as I stammered out my toast? Not me, that's for sure.
Fast forward a few months, and there I was, my hands trembling with a report for a board meeting. Not wanting a repeat of the wedding fiasco, I decided to use a little trick I read about: Visualization. Now stick with me here, it's not as woo-woo as it sounds.
Think about it this way: you can probably remember the layout of the house you grew up in, right? That's because our brains are wired to remember locations and images incredibly well. Visualization leverages this capability to help remember information.
So here's how I did it, folks. I created a "memory palace". I picked the house I grew up in - a place I knew like the back of my hand. Each room represented a different segment of my report and in each room, I imagined placing objects that symbolised key points I needed to remember. The kitchen, for instance, represented our company's financials. In my mind, I placed a giant piggy bank on the table to represent savings, and a leaking faucet to signify wasteful expenditures.
Come the day of the meeting, as I began my presentation, I mentally walked through my old house. Each room vividly brought back the points I needed to discuss. There were no "uhhs" or "umms". Just me, confidently presenting like a pro.
So the next time you find yourself forgetting your shopping list or blanking out during a presentation, try visualisation. Who knows, maybe you are just a memory palace away from becoming a memory champ?
P.S: Alright, alright….before you all start thinking I have a photographic memory or something, let me just clear the air. This is a hypothetical story. I mean, heck, I still forget where I left my glasses (most times they are on my head)! But hey, it’s a nifty way to show how mental models like visualization can work, right? Now, if only I could find a way for visualization to help me remember where I left my keys…
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:24 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:23 Steven-ape Luxury late game mall

Luxury late game mall
That's no moon! Well, actually it is a moon. But still.
I wrote recently about a late game PLS-based mall segment, and then started looking into recycling.
Recycling is a bit expensive; you basically need one additional ILS per five buildings that your mall is producing. In the midgame, this may not be worth the extra power requirements.
But I figure that if you are going to build a spiffy late game mall, then you have resources to spare anyway and recycling is a natural thing to add. So I decided to combine my last two posts into one. First, I updated the PLS-based mall segment to include recycling. I also cleaned up the recycling design a lot. I then used the mall segment to build a complete late game mall, as a proof of concept.
During the limited time I've experimented with it, I found it comfortable to use and set up, and fast.
  • Can export any produced item to anywhere in the cluster, and can also recycle any produced item from anywhere in the cluster.
  • Fully proliferated.
  • Can make up to 100 buildings and other items.
  • It is large, but not as large as designs that use one ILS per building. It's also tucked out of the way: it is built outside of the equatorial area. This means that you can include all production for the mall on the same planet, reducing off-world dependencies.
  • With three re-composing assemblers per building, using product speedup proliferation, the mall can build any building up to 18x the speed listed in their recipe. For example, it can build three ILSs per five seconds, 11.25 pile sorters per second, and 30/s mark 3 belts. If you should need even more speed, you can dedicate two columns to the same item.
  • You can easily start small and add to it as your game progresses. Whenever you need to make more buildings, you can add a mall segment (which clicks into place perfectly), adding space for ten buildings. The order in which you add buildings is unimportant.
  • Four materials can be imported per building, which is usually enough; it is also possible to share the middle belt between two adjacent assembler columns, which makes it easy to set up those few buildings that need five inputs.
  • It uses PLSs to import materials, which may be inconvenient if you want to produce all the input components off-world. (That said, I recommend producing the components for the mall on the same planet as the mall itself, to reduce off-planet dependencies.)
  • It is a lot larger than other full featured mall designs.
  • It buffers a lot of material, since for every building all inputs are imported separately and buffered in a PLS somewhere. For high throughput, these PLS buffers cannot be too small either, and the ideal buffer size depends on your production capabilities, usage patterns as well as logistics upgrades, so it may need to be hand-tweaked. For example, a complete mall makes 20 items that require iron ingots. If 1000 iron ingots are buffered for each, that means that when idle, the mall stores over 20000 iron ingots. Same for other common products.
  • A full mall contains 40 ILSs and 100 PLSs, so it is power hungry, especially during the start-up phase.
  • The mall bulges into the equatorial area slightly, meaning that you might not be able to place ILSs everywhere you like in the equatorial area. (Sorry!)

A mall segment

The updated mall segment looks like this:
Makes ten buildings
The segment should be placed one tropic line out from the equatorial area towards the pole, with the ILSs towards the pole. The blueprint is tileable, and the mall should be expanded by placing copies side by side as you unlock more technology and want to add buildings or other items.
The blueprint is 80 cells wide. This area of the planet has a circumference of 800 cells, so you can stamp it down exactly 10 times to complete a ring, allowing you to make 100 buildings in the mall. There are currently not nearly that many buildings in the game, meaning that there is plenty of room also if the game should be updated with more buildings. (Of course there's no requirement that you complete the ring; it's just pretty if you do.)
Setting up:
The ring of ILSs closest to the equator import all the buildings to recycle them; the ring of ILSs towards the pole exports all produced buildings. So, if you want to produce a new building, first add it to the inner ILS. Leave the storage capacity at maximum and set it to "local storage" and "global demand". Set the output filter on one of its outputs to that building.
Now add the same building to the outer ILS; leave this one at "local supply" and "global supply". Set the product limit to the amount you want to receive if you request that building from somewhere across the cluster. For me, this means I set most product limits to 100, except for the items I use most, like belts and sorters. Leave the "min load of vessels" setting of both ILS at 1% (or at most 10%), so that vessels will fly out even if the ILS contains only 100 buildings.
The next step is to find the column that corresponds to the output filter you just set on the ILS. Set the three assemblers in that column to the building you want to produce. Note: although it's not strictly required, I like to keep the buildings in the ILSs settings and the assembler columns in the same order.
Find the PLS for that column and import the materials that the building requires. Setting the perfect product limits in the PLS is tricky: the best number depends on many factors such as: how much of this material does your mall need, how far away is the production, how fast are your drones, and how much do you want to avoid overbuffering. If you don't really know, I recommend setting each product limit to 1000 initially. For low throughput building materials you could use an even smaller buffer, and for high throughput you might sometimes need to make it larger. Keep an eye on your mall after you've built it so you can detect if some materials are not supplied quickly enough, and increase the buffer size if that should be the case.
If your building requires more than four input materials, there is the option to share one input belt between two columns of assemblers, namely the middle belt out of the five in-between buildings. Since only relatively few buildings need this, in the blueprint only one column of assemblers grabs from the middle belt, but you can easily add sorters that supply the material on the middle belt to the assemblers in the other column.
If your building requires fewer than four input materials, then you can choose which of the four connected belts to use. If you like, you can delete the remaining belts, spray coaters and sorters that were attached to it.
Set the PLS output ports to the right materials. Production should now start.
Making a bunch of assemblers :) I forgot to set the ILS output filters in this pic.
The storage boxes buffer the produced buildings. In the blueprint, these boxes are set with a storage capacity of 5 slots, which should be okay for most use cases. However, again it's better to think it through in a bit more detail for every building you're making. In the early and midgame, fewer slots might suffice and save resources, but this mall is aimed at the end game, where you might often want substantial buffers. As a rule of thumb, you should set the number of slots such that the buffer contains somewhere between the same number of buildings as the ILS product limit, and twice as much. This means that you should usually give buildings with small stack sizes more buffer slots. For example, Ray receivers stack in groups of 20. If your ILS is set up to supply them in groups of 200, then your buffer box needs a capacity of at least 10 slots to buffer an appropriate number of them.
As a finishing touch, you can change the alarm icon on the traffic monitor to the building you just added; it's not necessary but it can be nice if you want to be told exactly which building is failing.

The completed mall

I used the mall segment to set up a complete mall that produces every building, as well as all drones and ammo. In my experience, each segment with 10 buildings takes about 15 minutes to set up.
In the first mall segment, it is important to get the space warpers and proliferator going. I found the following convenient way to do this:
  • Set the first slot of the importing ILS to request proliferator, and set the first slot of the exporting ILS to REQUEST space warper. (It is the only ILS slot set to "demand".) Lead the space warper out of the correct output by setting the output filter.
  • Set the three assemblers in the corresponding column to producing space warpers out of graviton lenses. These will serve as a backup: if space warpers are unavailable but graviton lenses are still supplied, your mall can keep working.
  • Since the assembler column uses only one input, you can remove its other three inputs. That frees up space to run a belt of proliferator from the ILS to seed the proliferator belt.
In my blueprint I've also set up ammunitions, because there are so many unused slots that I figured I might as well. However, depending on your playstyle you may need a higher production rate than what can be delivered by a mall. So it is really up to you whether or not you feel that having ammo in the mall is useful.
Find the blueprint for the complete mall in the references below!

Comparing malls

To give an impression of how this mall compares to my tiny sushi mall, here's an image that shows both of them in a single picture:
Help! There's a mall in my mall!
... yeah. So, is this late game mall worth it?
In my personal experience, the sushi mall is fast enough until you start planting down planet sized blueprints, and even then, it's only a couple of items that aren't produced quickly enough. So you might prefer to just use the sushi mall or some other smaller mall, and scale up specific items using dedicated designs once you reach the very late game.
On the other hand, if you're in the late game anyway, and you have a good production and enough power, and you want to have a mall that's arguably a bit easier to understand, that can support more buildings, that offers far superior throughput and that has recycling built in from the start, then this new design might be your jam.


The mall segment: Dyson Sphere Blueprints - Recycling PLS mall segment
The full mall: Dyson Sphere Blueprints - Recycling PLS mall
My sushi mall: How to build an effective sushi mall in the early game : Dyson_Sphere_Program (
My bot mall: Bot mall (dark fog ready) : Dyson_Sphere_Program (
Bot mall segment: Dyson Sphere Blueprints - Optimall segment
submitted by Steven-ape to Dyson_Sphere_Program [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:22 muelwisdom Did anyone play You Know It! at UKGE?

I'm just curious if anyone in this sub had a chance to play Jon's new board game at the Uzk Gaming Expo, and what they thought of it.
submitted by muelwisdom to NoRollsBarred [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:22 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:20 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:20 aintbrokeDL Creating a BLE Central app

I've looked around and never found anything in the docs about the BLE capabilities when creating an app for the Zero.
Is there a template or good SDK documentation for making an app that can connect to BLE peripheral devices? Without additional hardware like a ESP32 board.
Seems a pretty standard use case for the flipper.
submitted by aintbrokeDL to flipperzero [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:18 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:18 fictionalbabygirls My first DND game was a nightmare and I had to desperately try and babysit my party members to stop them from getting themselves killed or in serious trouble. Then they got all my pets killed while I was absent, blaming me for it.

My first experience with TTRPGs was when I joined the DND club in 8th grade. This was a while ago so I might have gaps in my memory, especially considering my mental health at the time. Middle school was a very bad time for me and I've always been very creative and imaginative, so I was looking forward to finding an escape in a fun fantasy world and becoming someone else. That did not happen. Instead I got a very stressful year long task to stop my party members from destroying themselves and everything around them, while trying to appease a very harsh DM that was there via nepotism.
TLDR: My first campaign was a mess because my party members were absolutely feral, our DM got away with everything because his mother was the teacher leading the club, and I spent the entire campaign miserably trying to keep everyone alive and together so I was unable to roleplay or develop my character. I missed one session and they blamed me for something they did while I was gone that was so horrible it killed all of our pets, including many of mine.
To start, I'll establish the characters. Obviously I will not be using any real names, and I will use the same names for both the player and their characters.
First, my friend Michael (who was a pleasant surprise, considering I didn't know he had also joined the club) made a rogue. He was either human or half-elf or something. He's chill, but a little neurotic. He obsesses over things and will focus on a task until it's completion.
A boy, Elliot, was a human paladin. His character was the tallest of the group by far, which was funny when considering his friend, Rory, was a gnome cleric and therefore the shortest. They were kind of a dynamic duo.
Then there was Kaya. Kaya was my "best friend" throughout all of middle school. I refused to believe it at the time, but she was terribly abusive to me. You'll see a glimpse into how that manifests later. She played an elven... rogue. I pointed out that having two rogues was probably going to unbalance the team a little, but Michael made his character first and Kaya was edge lord supreme so she refused to budge. She named her character after a Homestuck character, then declared her alignment to be chaotic evil. Elliot said that his paladin would never team up with a chaotic evil rogue, and the DM agreed that it wouldn't make much sense for them to be in a party together, so she begrudgingly agreed to change it to chaotic neutral. Her play-style did not reflect that change.
Then there was me. My character was a half elf who was either a wizard or a sorcerer, I can't recall. She was chaotic good, at first, but that quickly changed to neutral good. She was kind and empathetic and absolutely nothing else because I never got the opportunity to develop her, and you'll see why.
As for the DM, Aiden, he was... interesting. He was a high school student that came to DM for the middle school DND club because his mother was the teacher that ran it. More on him as we progress through the story.
I remember being a little disappointed because one of the DMs for the club was a teacher that I liked a lot, but he was already running a campaign.
Session zero was just character creation, really, there was no actual play that meeting, which was fine since we were all new to the game and needed help making character sheets. They made us roll for absolutely everything, including height, weight, and age. I found this amusing because I got fairly good rolls and my "best friend" Kaya got a middle aged short and stout character which she was deeply annoyed about. I teased her about it a little because she always made fun of my height (I'm 4'10", and was probably honestly an inch or two shorter back then). She did not take kindly to the teasing and got really upset and demanded to reroll, but we were short on time and those rolls weren't even that relevant so we just continued.
Aiden made me roll for what spells I got initially, but he let me choose one myself. I chose Charm Person because I thought it would be pretty helpful. Then I rolled and got Feather Fall (and I think I also got Shield? Though I might have gotten it later). I was disappointed because I didn't get any that would do damage. We all started at level 1. I didn't get any cantrips... I think I asked about them but he said to not worry about it so I listened to him.
The first real session, we were put in a charming little town with an undead problem. It was a good setup and a simple introduction for us as new players. All of the townsfolk in that village were named Hector, which I thought was delightful. So we'll call the starting village Hectorville. We decided to browse the shops while it was daylight and get equipped. Given freedom of choice for the first time in a game like this, Kaya and I instantly went and bought 30 live chickens between the two of us. I think 10 were mine and 20 were hers. We never really did anything with the chickens, we just thought it was funny to have 30 chickens trailing us at all times. That was the only chaotic thing I managed to do the entire game. I also bought a horse, which took a huge chunk of my funds but I loved her, I think I named her Eclipse. I might have also bought a dog, though I could've gotten him later I really don't remember. Either way I spent a LOT of my funds on animals. These animals are important later.
When we were in one of the shops, while we were having a lovely discussion with the shopkeeper, Artist Hector, Kaya was looking around for any particularly valuable items. There was an expensive enchanted necklace in a display case, and of course her first instinct was to steal it. I tried to tell her no, as we just started in this town and we should stay in good standing with the locals, but she waited a bit and went for it anyway. I think she failed and Artist Hector yelled at her.
After we did the initial quest of taking out a few of the undead, we were tasked by an elderly man to head to a windmill a little ways away from Hectorville to get rid of the wolves that had taken it over. I think the windmill also had something to do with the source of the undead. I managed to convince the old man to guide us to the windmill, though he waited a good distance away for us to avoid getting into any danger himself.
Long story short, we were absolutely no match for these wolves. We were torn to shreds and had a TPK. We were all really bummed out, and Aiden gave us mercy for the first and last time. We woke up in Hectorville, but at a cost. The old man had dragged us all back, and he had died from the strain of it all. I was super sad and I suggested that we go pay our respects at his grave. When we got there, I tried to do a little bit of roleplay and say a few words in honor of the old man, but Kaya immediately jumped in and asked if she could dig up his grave and rob his corpse. I was absolutely horrified and pleaded with her to reconsider and have some respect for him. She wouldn't listen and I told her that he probably wouldn't even have anything good on him anyways since he was just an old guy from a small town. The other players seemed kind of amused but stayed out of it, though they seemed to think it was slightly too disrespectful to do as well.
Obviously she didn't listen and she found a shovel and dug up his grave. All he had on his corpse was like a copper piece, a ring, and a picture of his wife or something. She was disappointed even though I'd warned her that would be the case. She wanted to dig up more graves but we voted to leave the graveyard to prevent her from getting us kicked out of the town.
The pattern begins.
Our journey continues, we travel, we go on little side quests, we get into combat, I'm basically useless in most combat scenarios since I have no damage spells and only have like, a dagger.
I started to notice that the DM is a little harsh. He'll make fights a little too difficult, enforce strange rules, etc. It's fine, it's nothing we can't work around (at first). We pretty much never did any actual roleplay, and when we did we were very awkward about it because we never got the chance to practice and get comfortable. Every time I went on for more than a sentence or two, Kaya would butt in and take control of the conversation or end the dialogue entirely with one of her antics. My character was not allowed to develop into a person, she was just the mediator trying desperately to hold onto four leashes.
I genuinely cannot remember if there was a main quest. I think he just kind of kept throwing various smaller quests at us, which was alright but I'm not sure if it ever felt like we were actually progressing. It was basically just us doing whatever we wanted, which actually meant everyone else in the party getting to do whatever they wanted and me trying to keep everyone from dying, or getting too separated and off track, or putting a comically high bounty on our heads, things like that.
At some point we meet an incredibly tall orange man. I'm talking comically tall, and not proportionally that wide, and he had like a little smiley face I think. His name was Orange. We loved him dearly. He essentially joined the party, and we could call him whenever we needed him.
At some point Elliot and Rory had an idea. Establish the Church of Orange. We all agreed, I was very on board since it was funny and harmless and could be a good side task to work on for the duration of the game. We built a little chapel and recruited some members and Orange was kind of just chilling, he didn't seem to mind.
Elliot and Rory decided that their characters should get married at the chapel. This was a spur of the moment decision and was one of the better roleplaying moments. Kaya surprisingly didn't butt in at all but honestly I think it was just because she was a fujoshi and weirdly obsessed with gay men. After they got married, they asked if they could adopt Orange as their strange son. They did so, and doted on him a lot. They were very proud of their boy.
After a little, though, they adopted me too for some reason. It was fine for a second before it quickly devolved into them berating me and praising Orange for no reason at all. They were incredibly harsh to my character and I asked if I could disown them but Aiden said no. Eventually they must've not found it that funny anymore so they stopped and essentially dropped that plotline.
Whenever someone missed a session, Aiden would make one of the remaining players take over and play both characters throughout the session. This included making important decisions on behalf of the player, with absolutely no restrictions. I thought this was a very bad idea and suggested we just have the character follow behind quietly or be off doing something else for the session, but Aiden doubled down and I quickly relented. I made it a point to never miss a session if I could help it.
One time, a few months in, Elliot missed a session and I was assigned his character. We got to a point where we had to all jump over a river of lava, and we had to roll to succeed. I rolled too little for Elliot's character. I begged Aiden to let me reroll or just let Elliot's character live because it wouldn't be fair to kill his character off when he wasn't there. He said absolutely not and Elliot's character fell in the lava and died.
I was very upset about this, and after the session I went to the club leader. I told her what happened and how he was frequently very harsh in his rulings, making it more stressful than fun. He was her son, so she defended him and brushed it off entirely. She also said he was autistic, so I should just let him do whatever. I am also autistic, but I didn't know it at the time. I did, however, know that my older sister had autism, and I'd known several other autistic people in my life. I empathized and understood that autism can make it very hard to understand tone and social cues and such, I struggle with that myself, but that didn't mean that she should baby him and never correct him on his mistakes. While my sister and others treat it as an explanation, he treated it as an excuse.
I mentioned his DMing style seeming odd or ruining the fun to her several times but she always took his side, so eventually I gave up.
Thankfully, when Elliot returned, he wasn't upset with me. I apologized profusely but he was very chill about it. He was a little bummed but he was content with making a new character. I don't remember what character he made after that, honestly.
At some point Michael's character also died, but Michael is the kind of guy who takes that in stride and moves on no problem. His character wasn't really developed anyways so I'm not sure he was even that attached to him. His new character was pretty similar. He was honestly the person who gave me the least amount of headaches and he is still my friend to this day. Shoutout to Michael!
We had a portal arc where we keep finding portals and going in without thinking it through, much to my protest.
Antics ensue, things happen, we go to a sandwich dimension where everything is made of sandwiches, there's a sandwich version of Michael's dead character, I find a breaded chicken (alive) and I adopt it, it's delightful. Kaya is still a constant headache and getting us into trouble, the other three are no help and honestly Elliot and Rory get into an equal amount of antics but they make it less of my problem.
We go on a quest in the ocean in a Bioshock-like underwater structure, Kaya is Kaya and upsets a large squid and we spend the rest of the session in squid-court for squid harassment.
There's a point where we're about to have a TPK, we're all on low HP and there's seemingly no hope. I feel useless, magic fire is closing in on us, and I suddenly have an idea. I ask if I can use my magic shield around us to protect us from the flames. He says yes. FINALLY! I'm useful! It's a really good day for me!
Then the absolute worst thing happens. I miss one session. Just one.
I come back mid siege. We're the ones sieging the town. I'm very confused and starting to panic and the first thing I ask is "which town and why?"
They answer with 'Hectorville. I dunno, we felt like it.'
I am absolutely appalled. I'm gone for one session and they're laying siege to our starting town filled with helpless Hectors? It's been going on for a while apparently and the Hectors had started getting desperate. A few fight back, but Kaya is way too happy to kill them (very violently). I'm still reeling and trying to catch up with whatever is going on. I'm asking a bunch of questions and not liking the answers one bit. They said my character agreed to it, which is so incredibly far out of character that I'm mad at the DM for even allowing it. They could probably have done it even without my vote so why'd they have to add insult to injury? Finally I ask, "Hey, where's Orange? And please tell me you left our chickens and pets in a safe place."
Aiden says the party left them inside one of the buildings. I asked, "in town?" and he said yes. The rest of the party was still smiling and were confused as to why I was asking about this until I slowly clarified, "you left our favorite NPC, and all our pets, in a town that you decided to siege. You left our 30 chickens in a town that you are purposefully starving?"
The entire mood of the table shifted from amused joy to shock and upset. Rory and Elliot were worried about Orange. Kaya was upset about her chickens, mildly concerned about Orange, and very upset about her dog. Michael was still mildly amused, actually. Probably enjoying their karma.
It was the end of the siege and so we rush in to the town full of Hector corpses and stepping over the few that are alive but too weak and hungry to move or attack us, and we head straight for where they left Orange and the pets.
Orange is alive and well, but all the pets are dead. I'm absolutely crushed. I beg Aiden to tell me that at least my horse is outside. He says no, Eclipse was in the building with the rest of them. All the pets had been eaten by the Hectors and by Orange, and he mentioned that Orange even ate a few of the Hectors when the pets ran out. Suddenly Elliot and Rory are appalled by Orange and they hate him. The complete 180 was baffling to me. It wasn't Orange's fault they left him in there and then sieged the place. It was entirely their fault.
Kaya is incredibly upset and she turns to me at the table and she starts yelling at me. "This is all your fault! You should've stopped us!"
I yelled back, "how? I was sick at home! You shouldn't have done this, you can't blame me for it! I wasn't even there!"
But for some reason she kept insisting that it was my fault that they decided to lay siege and she kept saying very insulting words towards me, calling me a b**** among other things, and I started crying.
Kaya and I didn't talk for a few days after that. This was relatively common, actually. She would get into an argument with me on purpose, then blame me for it, and then she would refuse to apologize and not talk to me for days. She sometimes started talking to me again out of the blue like nothing had happened, but usually she would actually start talking again if I had something she wanted, like food. She would only ever apologize when I refused to give her food until she said sorry. It was really childish, even for middle school.
I was so incredibly upset with all of them, especially Kaya, and I was absolutely baffled as to how Aiden let them do any of this to my character and her property without my consent. I reiterated how unfair it was to let huge character decisions be made when the player isn't present. He absolutely did not care and he seemed to find it funny.
In the final session, Aiden allowed us to do pretty much whatever we wanted, even manipulate reality. Like a sort of non-canon sandbox. That was nice, I suppose, but it couldn't make up for how absolutely exhausting the whole campaign was for me. In the end, I'm fairly certain we were all only level 2. Basically nothing was accomplished over the year-long campaign except giving me more things to talk about at therapy after I graduated middle school.
Thankfully, this first experience with DND didn't turn me off of the game forever. I've played in a few mini campaigns since, DMed for a campaign, and I'm working on preparing to DM again. I would love to be a player at some point again for a proper campaign, though. I feel like I need to replace that awful player experience with a much better one.
Also Kaya and I cut each other off the second we got to High School. At first I would honestly have mild panic attacks every time I saw her in the halls, but I got therapy and eventually I was able to ignore her. Haven't spoken to her in over 5 years at this point and I do not plan to ever again.
Thanks for reading this far, I know it was a long one!
submitted by fictionalbabygirls to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:17 aniki-in-the-UK Whizbang's Heroes Achievement Hunting Guide

Hello again! You may remember that I made an effortpost about the previous Twist format and now I'm doing one for this one too, but it'll be slightly different this time. I like achievement hunting, and one of my biggest annoyances in the game is achievements that are locked behind specific expensive cards that don't even see play normally. However, now that we have a format that lets you play with all sorts of cards without actually crafting them (and where achievements will actually count, unlike Tavern Brawl), I decided to make a list of all the achievements that each Twist hero can get. I left out most achievements that don't require either very specific cards or for you to play as a specific class (e.g. the ones that just say "play X cards with Y keyword"), as you will probably get those in ordinary gameplay without really trying. I also left out any achievements that require specific cards which can technically be generated randomly but aren't in any of the heroes' starting decks, as if I didn't I would need to include practically all of them. If the decklists of the heroes are changed in the future I will update this resource accordingly, so I'm posting it here and not the main sub to make sure it won't get buried. If this sub considers it particulary useful a mod could pin it, but I don't mind either way.
Ambidextrous (Kill 2 minions with your Hero in a single turn 30 times as Demon Hunter) - Illidan's deck has two copies of Multi-Strike which can be recast by Jace and Jotun, so he can progress this achievement quite quickly.
It Cost Me...Nothing (Play 30/60/100 spells after their Mana cost is reduced to 0 as Demon Hunter) - Illidan's passive can reduce the cost of spells to 0, so this one is fairly easy if rather slow.
Express Order Argunite (Draw 40/80/120 Cast When Drawn spells as Demon Hunter) - Jotun will help you with this, but unfortunately it'll be very slow.
Hammer Spammer (Destroy 6 enemies with a single Fan the Hammer) - This one requires a bit of luck, but if you play against a token deck like C'Thun it's possible to get it.
Treasures Once Lost (Play all 4 of Queen Azshara's Ancient Relics) - This one is fairly self-explanatory, just keep track of which ones you've played.
VENGEANCE...Next Turn (Trigger 20/60/200 Sigils) - Illidan runs two copies of Sigil of Time so you can get this one in theory, but it'll take so long that it probably isn't worth the effort.
Dreading This One (Summon 50/100/200 Dread Imps) - Again, you can technically get this one as Illidan has two copies of Impfestation, but it's such a bad and slow card that you're better off doing it another way.
Of course, you should play this deck if you want to get any of the achievements just for playing Elementals.
Call of the Stonemother (play 25/50 Elementals that have their stats doubled by Therazane) - This one is straightforward. Remember, if you can get multiple Therazane buffs off, each minion you play will count multiple times!
1-800-ELE-MENT (Call upon the Elements 100 times with Bru'kan and his Hero Power) - Perhaps surprisingly, Al'Akir's passive actually progresses this achievement, as his Invocations are the same as Bru'kan's.
Winter Vacation (Freeze 150/300/600 characters as Shaman) - Al'Akir has exactly one Freeze effect in his deck, so while this one is technically possible I would not recommend it.
Blue Participation Ribbon (Destroy 15/30 minions with Baking Soda Volcano) - Thankfully the numbers on this one are quite low, so you can get it naturally just from playing with this hero for a while.
Slime Time (Deal 100/200 damage with Tainted Remnant) - Self-explanatory. Note that it's not specified that the damage has to come from Tainted Remnant's Battlecry, so the achievement progresses from Tainted Remnant dealing damage by attacking or being attacked as well.
Sneed's New Shredder (Destroy 50/100 minions with Goliath's rockets) - Fairly simple. Naturally, running into a lot of token decks like Omu and C'Thun will make this easier for you.
No Layover (Spend 50 turns on Dungar's flightpaths) - To get this one faster you should always pick the 5 turns option, as even if the game ends before Dungar awakens it'll still count towards the achievement (as far as I know).
Can't Touch This (Have Moonfang survive damage 10/30 times) - Rafaam's deck doesn't have many ways to buff Moonfang's health, so this one can take a while.
The Trees Speak For Themselves (Play a 12/12 or bigger Ivus, the Forest Lord) - Rafaam's passive makes Ivus cost 0, so if you play him with 9 or 10 mana remaining he is guaranteed to get six +2/+2 buffs.
Killamari (Destroy 3/6 enemies at once with Ozumat's effect) - You will need to get very lucky with this one as Rafaam's deck has no way of triggering Ozumat's effect on your turn, unless you discover something from your Hero Power.
A Brighter Future (Play 40 minions that have had their stats doubled by Lor'themar Theron) - Lor'themar is one of the strongest cards in your deck, so you will want to be playing it as early and often as you can. The biggest obstacle to completing this achievement will be your opponents conceding before you can drop multiple massive minions, as few other heroes have a way to deal with that.
Hungry Hungry Murloc (Eat 7/20 minions with Mutanus the Devourer that are 4/4 or larger) - Thankfully, most decks in this mode have at least some big minions, so this achievement isn't too difficult.
The Everliving (Summon Korrak the Bloodrager 10/25/50 times) - Your opponents will often go out of their way to kill Korrak permanently as soon as you play it, so it can be hard to progress this one.
Has Anyone Seen Mankrik's Wife? (Find Mankrik's Wife/Destroy your opponent with Mankrik, Consumed by Hatred) - The first stage is easy but the second is very hard. You can make it somewhat easier by using Sir Finley to get Mankrik's spell in your hand without triggering it and then playing it to finish off your opponent, but this requires both good luck and for your opponent not to concede.
You Can Run, But You Can't Thak (Buff 10/30/100 minions with Overlord Runthak) - Self-explanatory.
Rock, Paper, BLADE! (Counter a minion and a spell that cost 5 or more with Blademaster Okani) - Decks have fewer ways to play around Okani in this mode, so you have a fairly good chance of getting this if you keep at it.
Out of Your League (Play 75/150 members of the League of Explorers from the Year of the Hydra) - Rafaam has the OG Brann in his deck, so he can progress this achievement (slowly).
Sharp Observation (Draw 30 cards with Magnifying Glaive) - The biggest obstacle to getting this achievement is actually that Leeroy has so many other ways of drawing cards that getting full value from Magnifying Glaive is not always possible.
Test Your Strength (Destroy 5/10 minions with a single Keeper's Strength) - It's easy to fill up your board as Leeroy, so by blowing up all of your own minions and a few of your opponent's you can get the second stage of this achievement without much effort.
Quick Rommaths (Recast 15 spells with one Grand Magister Rommath) - If you can survive long enough to play Rommath, you're almost guaranteed to get this one.
The Grind Never Stops (Play three minions from a single Training Session 15/30 times) - Kael'Thas's passive makes this one much easier than it would be otherwise.
Ready...Aim... (Play 50/100/200 Quickdraw cards the turn you get them) - While other heroes also have Flint Firearm in their decks, Kael'Thas is the best for this as his passive makes all the Quickdraw cards you get 1 mana cheaper.
Mary Had A Little Ram (Summon 100 of Ram Commander's Battle Rams) - This one may take a while but the Rams cost 0 mana, so at least you won't lose any tempo by playing them.
Arcane Bolt! Arcane Bolt! (Deal 100/200/300 damage with Arcane Bolt) - I believe Rommath recasting the Bolts counts towards this achievement, so it shouldn't take too long to finish it.
Take a Mana, Leave a Mana (Cast 200 spells for less than their original cost as Mage) - This one is trivially easy. Note that they don't even have to be Mage spells!
Itsy Bitsy Spiny Tiny (Discover 16 different minions with Cactus Construct) - When this is one of the least grindy achievements C'Thun has, you know you're in for the long haul.
Waste Not Want Not (Save 75/15/300 excess ingredients in 1-cost Bottles) - Swarm of Lightbugs is quite a bad card and is the only card C'Thun has that progresses this achievement, so I would advise completing it another way.
Trust Fall (Give +200/+200 to Val'kyr with Trial by Fire) - Trading off four of the five Val'kyr on the turn you play the card will progress this achievement by +10/+10, so this isn't as hard as it looks but is still a bit of a grind.
Who Ordered Imps?! (Summon 5/7 Imps with a single Wicked Shipment) - C'Thun has very little draw, so you will be trading this card a lot anyway.
PUPPIES!!! (Summon 30/60/120 Frostwolf Cubs) - Extremely slow, not much else to say.
Job Whelp Done (Attack with Onyxian Whelps 100/200 times) - Nozdormu's deck has both Onyxian Warder and Raid Boss Onyxia, so he is the best hero to do this one with.
Lost in Time (After playing Anachronos, destroy the enemy hero before the minions return) - You can cheese this one by playing Anachronos and then immediately killing your opponent with a direct damage spell on the same turn. Remember, if your opponent concedes it won't count!
The Adorable Aspect (Play a 0-mana Legendary Dragon) - Fye makes this one extremely easy.
So Judgey... (Restore 60/180 Health using Lifesteal weapons) - Nozdormu has one 3/2 weapon with Lifesteal in his deck, so this one can be done although it will take a while.
The Lich King:
The Minion with No Health (Deal 10/15/20 damage with a single Fistful of Corpses) - This one is certainly doable, but because the Lich King's ordinary playstyle incentivises spending your Corpses almost as soon as you get them it can be difficult to amass enough at once.
Armed and Dangerous (Give minions +9 Attack in one game with Arms Dealer) - This one isn't too hard to get in ordinary gameplay, but if you want to be sure of it you can pair Arms Dealer with Crop Rotation for a guaranteed +4 attack buff (you have two copies of each in the deck, so you can do it twice if you have to).
Parting Gifts (Draw 10 cards with Acolyte of Death in one game) - Similarly to the previous achievement, this one is easiest to get using a combination of Crop Rotation, Mining Casualties, and your hero power.
Expired Goods (Draw 4 Grain Crates from Plagued Grain in one turn) - You'll have to get quite lucky here, although you can increase your odds by playing both copies of Plagued Grain on the same turn. If you're also going for the Acolyte of Death achievement, drawing a lot of cards in one turn can help you with this one too.
Poor Social Distancing (Destroy 25/50 minions with Poisonous Undead) - The Lich King has Sickly Grimewalker in his deck to help with this, but unfortunately only a single copy. Thankfully, the numbers on this are quite low.
What We Heal in the Shadows (Deal 100/200 damage with the effect of Shadowtouched Kvaldir) - You have relatively few healing effects that can target enemies, so this one is annoyingly slow unless you're okay with purposefully damaging yourself.
SPF 300 (Deal 100/200/300 damage with The Light! It Burns!) - There are some pretty big minions you can kill with TLIB in this mode, so you should get this one just from playing naturally.
Healing Crystal (Restore 6/12 Health with a single Hidden Gem) - Just leave Hidden Gem stealthed, it's rare that your opponent will have a way to get rid of it immediately. The effect does apply to your minions and not just your hero, so be sure to get heals in on those if you can.
Scare Tactics (Play 30/60/120 cards haunted by Haunting Nightmare) - This one is very slow but otherwise not too hard.
Jealous Much? (Destroy 20/40/60 minions with Fight Over Me) - Just be sure to always choose two minions that will kill each other and you'll get this eventually. Even if your hand is too full to fit them it'll still count, so long as the minions die.
Highfather Problems (Play 15/30/60 Legendary minions created by Aman'Thul) - This one is straightforward, but remember that your opponents will very justifiably try to kill Aman'Thul as soon as he comes into play, and if they can't they may just concede instantly.
Catfished (Restore 50/100/200 Health with Blackwater Behemoth) - Xyrella is really good for this as your hero has to be well below maximum health for the Behemoth to get full healing value.
Two Health Bars (Restore 40 Health to heroes in one game as Priest) - You probably will need to heal yourself by this much every game in order to win.
Put the Money in the Bag! (Plunder the enemy 25 times with Pirate Admiral Hooktusk) - Patches doesn't have a way to play Hooktusk more than once per game, so this one may take a while.
On the Shoulders of Giants (Play 10/20 Gigantic Minions) - I believe this is the only deck in the mode that has a Gigantify minion (Murloc Growfin).
Murlocalypse Now (Give 6 minions a Deathrattle with one Rotgill) - Fairly simple, filling your board with a Murloc deck isn't hard.
Should Have Gone for the Head (Summon 12 Hydralodon Heads in one game) - This one is a bit difficult, but remember that you can use spells to kill your own Hydralodon Heads if necessary.
Reign of Arrows (Deal 100/200/300 damage with Arcane spells as Hunter) - Krush only has one Arcane spell in his deck, so while this is possible it's inadvisable.
An Acquired Taste (Destroy 15/30/60 minions with Poisonous spells) - Urchin Spines will help you with this, although it'll be quite slow.
Three for One Sale (Destroy 20/60 minions with Bola Shots) - This one is easier against token decks, although Urchin Spines can help you to kill larger minions.
There are achievements just for summoning generic Treants which I won't list here.
Magic Bean Stonks (Draw 4/7 cards with a single Overgrown Beanstalk) - This one is fairly easy to set up, but remember that you only have one copy of the card in your deck!
Reforestation (Cast Soul of the Forest on 30/100 Treants) - Almost all of your minions are Treants, so this one is quite simple.
Forest Fights Back (Summon 40/120 Darkmoon Treants) - Only the Treants from Arbor Up count towards this achievement, even though they have the same name as all other Treants.
For the Fel Of It (Summon 30/60/90 Felfiends with Deal with a Devil) - The buff to this card made it easier, although it may still take a while to do.
Baby's First Scourge (Resurrect 7 minions with one Unending Swarm) - Very easy, just make sure you don't play it too early.
Dr. Boom:
Ulduar Holiday Light Show (Play 4/8 unique Sparkbots) - This one involves some RNG, but you should get it eventually.
Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty (Play all 6 of Mimiron's Gadgets) - Your deck doesn't have that many cheap mechs to play alongside Mimiron, so this is harder than it sounds.
He's Just a Lil' Guy (Destroy 25/50 minions with Tiny Worldbreaker) - Very slow, but not hard.
All Your Mechs Are Belong To Us (Summon 75 Mechs with Mothership) - Same as the above.
Release the Kraken! (Play 5/10 Colossal minions from other classes as Warrior) - Dr. Boom is perfect for this as he has both The Leviathan and Gaia, the Techtonic in his deck.
Explosive Experiments (Of Fun!) (Shuffle 25/50 Bombs into your opponent's deck as Warrior) - Dr. Boom's passive makes this one very easy. In fact, it's probably the fastest way to get it in any game mode!
Shark Bait Hoo Ha Ha (Deal 20 damage in one game with Mecha-Sharks) - This one is technically possible but Dr. Boom's deck is really not well-suited for setting up a massive Mecha-Shark combo, so it's better to do it another way.
Opposites Attract (play 100/200 Magnetic minions) - The only reason I'm listing this one is because Dr. Boom is the only hero with Magnetic minions in his deck.
Boom Goes the Bot (Deal 50/100 damage with Boom Bots) - Again, playing Dr. Boom in Twist is probably the fastest method in the game for getting this.
Pretty much any achievement relating to Secrets can be done using Zul'jin (there are some that specify Rogue or Paladin Secrets that can't, however, as Zul'jin has no way to generate those). As usual, I won't bother listing the ones that don't require specific cards.
Good Arm (Destroy 5 minions in a single turn with Throw Glaive) - Against a token deck this is quite easy. If you don't face any of these you can kill your own 2/2s that you get from your passive instead.
Your Future is Clouded (Draw 5/20/50 cards with Sayge) - Self-explanatory.
Clever Girl (Recast 30/60 Secrets with Product 9) - This achievement progresses once for every secret in Product 9's pool even if there isn't enough room to recast all of them, so it's easier than it may seem.
Magical Mansion Mystery Tour (Cast 40 Mage Secrets from Orion, Mansion Manager) - Thankfully Orion always casts Mage Secrets and not Secrets from your class, so this achievement is possible.
Miserable Pile of Secrets (Play 75/150 0-cost Hunter Secrets) - You will need Cloaked Huntress in play to progress this, as Zul'jin doesn't have any other way of discounting Secrets to 0.
Tonk Commander (Deal 50/150/500 damage with Darkmoon Tonk) - N'Zoth's passive and Hero Power both help enormously with this achievement, although 500 damage is still a lot.
Stone Legion, Assemble! (Deal 160 damage with Stoneborn General) - Remember that the General itself needs to deal damage for this achievement to progress, damage from the token it summons won't count.
Feeding Frenzy (Deal 75/150/300 damage with Piranha Swarmers) - N'Zoth has a Reefwalker in his deck so you can technically progress this achievement with him, although it'll be quite slow.
Adventure is Out There (Summon 30/100 Adventurers) - Devouring Ectoplasm can help you with this, although it may take a while.
DIE, DIE, DIE! (Destroy 150/300 minions with Defile) - Again, token decks are the best opponents for this one, but even blowing up your own minions will still progress it.
The Usual Suspects (Summon a Legendary minion from Stubborn Suspect) - Not much to say about this one other than that you'll need to get lucky. N'Zoth's Hero Power can give you more chances at rolling a Legendary, but it's still unlikely.
Need a Map? (Summon 30 minions with Maze Guide) - Self-explanatory.
Draw It, Use It, Break It, Fix It (Destroy 3/5 minions with a single Dyn-o-matic's Battlecry) - You can double the Dyn-o-matic's Battlecry with your Hero Power to make this one easier.
75 Course Meal (Permanently destroy 75 minions in Gigafin) - I believe this one will still progress when you destroy Gigafin's Maw even if Gigafin's main body has left the battlefield without dying (it gets immediately transformed by Brann's passive), but I will have to check it at some point.
All Eyes On Me (Trigger the Battlecry effects of 70/140 Soloists) - Brann has a Harmonica Soloist in his deck (no idea why, as it has no synergy with his other cards) so you can complete this one with him. Obviously, I wouldn't recommend it though.
All achievements related solely to gaining Attack or attacking with your hero are probably best done with Guff (or Illidan if you prefer to play as him), but there are some that require specific cards that I will list here.
Tag 'em and Bag 'em (Destroy 20 minions with your hero and Keeneye Spotter's help) - Use Multi-Strike or Going Down Swinging to get this one done faster.
Divine Intervention (Attack and destroy 25/50/100 enemy minions with Khaz'goroth) - Simple, but quite slow.
Am I a Naga, or Am I a Puppet? (Attack with a 6/12-Attack Sock Puppet Slitherspear) - This one relies on your opponent not being able to clear the Slitherspear, as Guff's deck has no way to give it Rush or Charge.
Ride Together, Die Together (End your turn with 3 identical Deathrattle minions in play) - Guff's deck has Toxic Reinforcements, so this achievement is easy.
Something that Burns (Give your hero Attack with Burning Heart 30/60 times) - You can target your own minions with Burning Heart if you have to.
Claws Out (Gain 150/300/600 Attack with your Hero as Druid) - Self-explanatory.
All achievements solely related to Excavating are trivially easy to do with Arfus.
All Werked Up (Destroy 50/100 minions with Patchwerk) - Patchwerk is no longer in Standard and isn't played much in Wild, so this may be the best way to get this achievement now.
It's All Runes to Me (Play 25 cards created by The Primus) - Like Aman'Thul, The Primus being such a priority target for your opponents makes this one a bit harder.
From One Legend to Another (Take control of a Legendary minion with Reska, the Pit Boss) - Many decks in this mode have a lot of Legendary minions, so this one shouldn't be too hard. Rafaam is a particularly good opponent to get for this one, naturally.
Jack of All Runes (Cast Climactic Necrotic Explosion with every number at 7 or more) - Your Hero Power lets you spend Corpses basically whenever you want, so this shouldn't be difficult unless you're extremely unlucky.
Questionable Ethics (Summon 100 Piles of Bones) - Mulligan for Pile of Bones if you want to grind this one, as you can resummon it many times in one game if you play it early.
Blight Widow (Summon 20/40/80 Zombies with Blightfang) - This achievement used to progress for you after your opponent played Blightfang, but I'm not sure if it still does.
Why Are You Hitting Yourself? (Take 75 damage from Obliterate) - Obliterate's buff made this achievement much harder.
Multiple heroes:
Shale University (Teach Nagalings 16 different spells) - Both Kael'Thas and Xyrella have School Teacher in their decks, so between them this achievement is easy.
Reno Saves the Day (Win 100 games with decks that have no duplicates) - All heroes except the Lich King and Illidan have no duplicates in their decks, so this achievement becomes very easy provided you play heroes that can actually win. If you hate Reno as much as I do, you will be very thankful for an alternate way to complete this one!
Twilight of the Aspects (Play 10/30/100 legendary Dragons from the Year of the Gryphon) - Multiple heroes have at least one of these legendary Dragons (Nozdormu has two).
What's Better than Two Imps? (Summon 25/100/250 Imps) - Multiple heroes have cards that can summon Imps. It's a good idea to look on the wiki to check precisely which cards summon Imps, as it's not always indicated on the card itself.
Garden of Life (Play 25/50/100 spells that Blossomed from Seedlings) - Both C'Thun and Omu have such spells, but this achievement is still very slow.
submitted by aniki-in-the-UK to twisthearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:16 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:14 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:12 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:10 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:08 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:06 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:04 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] I want to buy a board game for my friend because it’s his birthday.He really like souls like video games and his favourite board game is dead of winter.He doesn’t like simple games.He likes board games as difficult in rules as dead of winter even a little more than that.So,any re

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:04 competitiveleader7 22m looking to join hiking/gaming/gym groups

Does anyone know of any hiking, board game, gym, or gaming groups in brisbane? It doesn’t have to be a group, i’m also looking for friends who want to go hiking, to the gym, or game together :)
submitted by competitiveleader7 to BrisbaneSocial [link] [comments]